The Brussels Post, 1902-3-13, Page 8T 11 1C
U08.141..0 PQbT
UY .L O V i�..
F. B. Hursley (Sc Co.
000TDEBN EaTENmION w. G. & 9,
Trains leave Brussels Sbation, North
aad South, as follows:
GoINe SonTH Goma 10011T0.
Express 7:18 a.m I Mail 2:10 p.m
Mixed 0:45 a.m Express 8:17 p.m
1 stem �m .
A ohiel'e among ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prank it.
Museum market ieade.
ST. PATnmK's day next Monday.
ScaooL Board will meet Friday evening
of the week,
Masonic At Home in St. John's Lodge
room next Monday evening.
LLOYD JAoEe0N received by express a
thorn' bred Scotch collie pap from Bur-
ford this week.
A. Cooney fa already into the bicycle
bncineee for 1902 and has a new stook of
wheels in his show room.
To Mieeee Little, of Windham, will
open a millinery store in the Holmes
block, Brussels, eo it ie said.
JNo. WALxmn diepoeed of a fine Domin•
ion piano to James Duncan, 4th line,
Morrie. It was delivered last week.
G. T. R. ENaxammn DEAD.—J. Bugg, for
many years an engineer on the G. 1'. R.
between Palmerston and Kincardine, ie
FOOT BALL.—A meeting of all interested
in the re -organization of Brussels Foot
Ball team for 1902 will be held in the
Oonnoil chamber at 8 o'alook, Tuesday
evening, March 18th.
A&OHITEOT BINNING, of Listowel, la pre-
paring plane for a briok hotel barn, 100x
38 feet, with oement floor, iron roof, eta,
for George Brown, of Gorrie, who recent-
ly pnrohoeed the Sentral hotel property
from 0. Zitltax, at Brussels.
Grace, if yon want work write to the
'Forbes Knitting Mills, of Heepeler, Oat.
They are advertising for girls, or families
with boys and girls from thirteen years
old up. Nice work, good wages, your pay
every week, eto. Write them.
W. A. Lowes, of London, formerly of
Brussels', was the anooeseful tenderer for
the privileges of milling refreabmente, &o.
at Springbaok Park, the fashionable and
popular resort of that oily for the aiming
season. He will do the catering in No. 1
style Tam Pon will guarantee. He and
Mrs. Lowry will live at Springbank dur-
ing the Sommer months.
Bownallo.—Wedneeday evening the re-
organization of Brussels Bowling Club
took plana at R. Leatherdale's store.
The officers for the current year are as
follows :—Han. -President, J. H. Camer-
on ; President, Dr. MaNangbton ; vice.
President, G. F. Blair ; Sea.-Treas., Jas.
Irwin ; Committee, Pres., viae -Peen.,
Seo..Treae., D. 0. Roes and A. Ooueley.
The membership fee is to be $2.00 this
FOLLOWING are the freight abipments
from the Grand Trunk yards, Brussels ;—
oar of wheat by Alf. Beaker ; 2 cars of
wheat by R. Graham ; 2 care salt ; oar
peas and a oar of oats by Alf. Beaker ;
oar oats by R. Graham ; oar of potatoes
by W. H. McCracken ; oar of hogs by
Geo. Beat ; oar hogs by A. 0. Dames.
Inward :—aar of coal for Cober & Son's ;
oar of hardware for N. F. Gerry ; oar of
household goods for Misses Little. Abad
.washout was reported on the Sontbamp.
ton branch, ( mile from Southampton
all morning trains being blocked.
OaxT.—The Bt. Mary's Journal of last
week gives the following obituary referring
to Kra. B. Fraleigh, of that town, who
is wain to Mrs. Hannah Ballantyne, of
Brussels :—Mrs. Sidney Fraleigh died at
the family residence, Queen street, east,
on Monday evening, March 3rd, aged 52
years. The deceased lady was one of the
most highly esteemed residents of St.
Marye. She was a native of Downie
township, but had lived in St. Marys
nearly all ber life, and was widely known
in town and aoanty for her sterling quoit.
ties of true womanhood. For several
years past Mrs. Fraleigh has been failing
in health. She returned home from a
visit to her son, Howard Fraleigh, at
Thedford, several weeks ago and shortly
after was taken ill. The phyeioiane who
attended her held oat very little hope
for her recovery, and after an Nene of
some three weeks ebe died. Mrs. Fraleigh
was a daughter of the late William Weir,
one of the pioneer settlers of this dietriot,
The family first Battled in Downie town-
ship, near St. Marys, and a few years
later moved to town. William and John
Weir, of St. Marys and Denman Weir, of
Thedford, are brothers of the deoeaeed
lady, and Mre. H. E. Wilson, Ohnroh
street, is a sister. Besides her husband
she leaves a family of one son, Howard
Fraleigh, of Thedford, and two daughters
Misses Mend and Emma who are at home
to mourn the lose of their dearest friend
on earth. Mra. Fraleigh was an earnest
Christian woman, one who took an motive
interest in oharob work. She was a
member of the Ftret Presbyterian church.
The bereaved hothead end family will
have sympathy in their great sorrow for
Mra. Fraleigh will be oilseed by a great
Many frfende with deep regret. The tan.
real took place to St. Marys aemetery
Wednesday afternoon,betvioes being eon-
ducted by the AO, T. A. Cosgrove,
Wasrmaa Star lodge, I. 0. 0, F., Bra-
nds, will hold their annual At Home on
Tuesday evening, April 82b, when a mar.
ieal and literary program will be present.
ed. The membership roll is being
Tam Horse Fair Thursday of last week
attraoted a large number of people to
town. A large number of buyers were in
attendance, both looal and outside. The
ubiquitoae patent medicine vendor was
also on deck. Next aad last Fair for the
seaeoo on April 8.
Tan Wroxeter Star says :—John Ma.
Dermott, of Bruesele was in town for a
few days this week. We understand he
has been looking at some premises with
a view of renting or baying and locating
here. We will be always ready to wee.
some good oitzens to town.
The following item ie clipped from the
Shoshone (Idaho) Journal, of Feb. 19th
and refers to a former resident of this
locality :—D. A. McMillan, of Gooding,
had the misfortune to run a reeky nail in
his foot, blood poison set in and Dr.
Emerson found it necessary to lanae it
last Monday.
A vrax alarm was rang Thursday even•
ing of last week owing to sparks from the
ohimney setting fire to partitions and to
some clothing hung there upstairs at Jno.
Simmons', John street, taking fire. For
a time it looked serious owing to the dense
smoke but no water was required although
the fire engine was taken to the river in a
hurry by the aid of a team. A exit of
clothes belonging to Mr. Simmons and
several dresses of Mrs. Simmons and
daughters were destroyed.
Ham MEDmoe.—The Huron Medioai
Association held a regular meeting in the
connoil chamber Clinton on Tuesday
afternoon of last week, and a good number
were present. Dr. Densmore, of Strat-
ford, presided and gave an address on the
"Progress of medicine" ; Dr. Bethune, of
Seaforth, on "Olinioai casae" ; Dr. Gunn,
on "cases in praatioe" ; Dr. Robertson, of
Stratford, on "Burgin; rules to be obeery
ed in praotioe. After the meeting some
of the dootore visited the hospital and
examined several oonvalesaeot surgioal
oases inoludiog oases for a gall stone, a
rupture and appendicitis.
Tam Sir Knights and Lady Maccabees
intend holding their "At Home" on the
21st of Marob, at 8 o'nlook p. m. in the
Maaoabee Hall. An excellent program
ie being prepared mutilating of games,
musical selections (instrumental and
vooal) and a debate, on the eabjeot,
"Resolved that Oity Life is preferable to
Country Life." All the ladies attending
are requested to bring baskets. A very
enjoyable evening be expeoted and none of
either lodges should fail in being present.
Lana J. RITOHIn.
Darn.—Last Saturday, Margaret Hab•
kirk, beloved wife of Frank Scott,
a well known Seaforth resident,
departed this life at the advanced
age of 81 years. Deceased was born in
Scotland and was united in marriage to
her now bereft and aged partner some 66
years ago. A paralytic stroke, whish
Dame 5 or 6 weeks ago, was the cause of
death. The fnneral book plane on Mon-
day. Mrs. Scott was an aunt to Ooanoil•
for R. Henderson, of Brussels, being a
sister to Mrs. Wm. Henderson, of Mo.
Kalop, and was most highly esteemed.
She is survived by four daughters (Mre.
Thynne, Mra. McDonald, Mrs. John
Beattie and Mrs. Jas. Hogg) and 5 sone
(George, Robert, Dr. Soott, Frank and
Andrew.) Mr. Saott is in very poor
health and as be is considerably older
than Mrs, Batt they will not likely be
parted long.
BIFLs 8oOlzxr.—The following 1a the
report of the contributions for Bruseele
Branch of the Upper Canada Bible
Booiety for thio year :—
Collection at annual meeting....$ 10 51
Brussels, Emit, Mrs. Donaldson
and Mies Maggie Beattie.... 8 10
" West, Misses Crooks and
Jewitt 11 00
„ North, Missre es Mooand
Manatee 11 25
Morrie, 7th line, Miens MoOall
and Hunter 3 05
6th Ise, Mieeee MoLanbh
lin and MoNabb 4 80
" 5th line, Misses Keys and
Sharp .. 2 95
' 4th line, Misses Black and
Carrie 2 60
" 3rd line, Mina Ireland and
" 2nd line, Misses Bryans
and Eakmier
Grey, oons.1 & 2, Misses Simpson
and MoKelvey
" 8 & 4, Mines Straohan and
" 5 & 6, Misses MoArter and
7 & 8, Misses Smith and
• 9 & 10, Misses Ferguson and
Lamont 4 45
' 11 & 12, Mrs. and Miss
Davidson 26 85
" 18 & 14, No raturne received
Ethel, Minn Spann and Mem-
mon 19 00
Depository sales for peat year51
Victoria Hall, Jamestown, oolleo
tion at meeting .. 3 00
$186 05
The money was equally divided between
the Upper Canada and Qaebea Booietiee
and was remitted to the Treasurer, at
4 15
4 40
5 87
5 11
5 60
4 85
TOrOnte, last Saturday. Last year the
total amount contributed was #127,06,
()fell ;011 Qlt>Iall.�.
There rdlll be High Mase and sermon
for the season of bent in the Qathelio
ohurob Brussels, next Sunday at 11 a, no.
The annual examinations for probe•
tioners, candidates and local preaebere of
London 0onferenoe will be held in Col-
borne Street Methodist (Morph, London,
on A pj ril 22 2 3 and 24.
"Rejoice waith them that do rejoins and
weep with them that weep" was themorn.
ing theme last Sabbath by Rev, J Holmen
in the Methodist oharoh. In the evening
the "Gulden Rule" was the subjeab.
Next Sabbath evening a report of the
London Conference Epworth League
Convention, held last Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, will be given in the League here.
Ira Gerry, President, was the delegate,
Last Sabbath morning Rev, R. Paul
preaphed in Melville church and Rev. D.
B, MoRae, of Oranbrook, took charge at
the evening servioe owing to Rev, Mr.
Ross being unable to attend to his duties
on amount of to hoarseness.
Geo. Howe has been on the sink list,
Alex. Thomson, of Guelph, Bandayed in
Mire May Blithe, of Blyth, ie visiting
in town.
J. F. MoOrae, of Toronto, was visiting
in Brussels.
Mire Mary Forsyth, of Blyth, spent
Bonday in town.
Robt. J. MoOraoken is home from St.
Oatharinee Ona visit.
Pare. Robt, McNaughton, John street,
has been quits poorly this week,
Mr. and Mrs. MoQaaig, of Team -ter,
Sundayed at Thos, Friendehip'e.
Miss Florence Buchanan was home
from Seaforth Collegiate for a few days.
Barrister Sinclair was in Walkerton
for a few doya this week on legal business.
Rev. John Holmes was in London at
the Epworth League Convention thie
Mrs. J. A.Oreighton has returned home
after an extended vlait in Hamilton with
Frank Roobe, Milton MoArter, Ed.
Bryans and Garf. Beaker spent Bonday
last at Blyth,
Mies Ethel Sparling, of Ethel, spent
several days with ber aunt, Mrs. Watson
Ainlay, last week.
Chas, Davies, of Ethel, was in town
Tuesday nigh. He returned home Wed•
needay morning.
Chas. Howlett was called to Harrieton
on Monday last, owing to the eerioos ill-
ness of his brother.
James Scott, barrister, of Clinton, is
likely to summed the late Robert Porter
as postmaster there.
H. and Mrs. Allan, of Wingham, spent
Bnoday with T. and Mrs. Friendship.
Mrs. Allan ie a daughter.
Misses Kidd, Hay and Sutherland, of
Listowel, spent a few days with Mrs.
Leckie dnriog the past week.
N. B. Gerry, of Blyth, was in town on
Saturday returning from Listowel, where
he had one on a horse purchasing quest.
H. Grainger and wife, of the Boundary
of Grey and Howiok, were visiting Jno.
Grainger and eistere in Brussels this
W. J. Goodwin, of Palmerston, was in
Braeeele last Thursday. He will be book
before long to resume operations ea cheese
P. MoQaarrie has been under the Dr.
oars during the pant week. The K. 0. T.
M. brethren have been Bitting up with
Fred. Lowiok, of Tiverton, formerly
of Brassie, is again able to be around
after spending two weeks in the hoose
having an attack of toneilitie.•
Miasma Habkirk, Roche and Hoyoroft
are bank from the millinery openings at
Toronto and are busy, with their assist.
ants in preparing for the Spring displays.
Mee. J. W. Bbiol and Advid, formerly
of Brussels, are now residing at Phoenix,
Arizona, II. B. The latter bas been quite
ill but we hope will soon be convalescent.
Mrs. Thomas Holmes, wife of T. Holmes
a pioneer of Huron county, died suddenly
at Wingham Saturday night. This
highly esteemed lady was Dr. Holmes'
mother, of Bruaeels.
The Olioton New Era Saye :--We under•
stand that Dr. Graham has rented J.
Tedford's house, on Huron street, and
will move into it at the end of the present
month. Hie office will be at the residence
also, for a while.
It is reported that Jno. Shaw and wife
will locate in Clinton whets Mr. Shaw's
term as Principal of Blyth Public School
oloeee at Easter. Mr. and Mee, Shaw
would be heartily weloomed book as
residents of Brassie.
D. A. Lowry and Jno, Pagh will go to
the "Sad' next week where they will put
in a month at their trade as brioktayere
before work opens up in this locality.
They are both good tradesmen and along
with Alex. McNeil will make a lively trio.
Chas. Sager and Will. James, of Sea -
forth. formerly reaideote of Brussels, have
taken positions with the London Fire
Engine Co. They are both experienced
meobanios, especially io fire engine work
ea they were years in the employ of J. D.
Ronald. THE POST wishes them a00ae5a
in London.
Olive, daughter of B. H. and Mrs. Jack -
005 who has been suffering from a severe
attaok of diphtheria and whose life was
despaired of for a tow days, has through
skilful treatment, so far recovered aa to
be able to nit up for a few hours snob
day. Mies McNair, of Oranbrook, sestet -
ed in nursing the little patient.
Business Locals.
CLovmn and Timothy Beed at Mo.
Gam wanted, at ono¢. Apply to Mrs,
G. F. Blair, Bruseele.
Fos cheap millinery go to the Misses
Habkirk. Everything away down,
W. F. Estella et Sole have received a
o ar of No. 1 bard Manitoba wheat for
their Spring trade.
A LOT of seeond•band organs for sale
cheap, or to rent. Some of them almost
new. R. LEATamiDALE.
Hon make no mistake in having saws
gummed and filed by McGregor. Oen
eaohange saws. Have a large number of
saws for sale and ready for flrst.olaee
work. Yours, for fast and easy eutting,
T. McGraw/a, Brussels Saw and Tool
Go,, Mill street Last,
Dr, George W. Jaokeon, one of the beet
known of the 'Toronto enbnrban praobi.
2fonere, died suddenly at Eglinton, He
was oat in the morning making hie usual
Palls, and had igsb reaobed borne, ailortly
after 50 o'elook, when be was strigke n
with apoplexy, and died In a very Raw
'Phe following is the report of Brussels
Public hohool for the month of February,
noose 1 d; 2,
Po, II, 3010108 L8371110.—Examined in
Go„ Euo„ Comp„ Aa, Lat. ; 6001—
m Rene 425 L Holmes , ..288
F Armstrong .,890 G Riohardson ,.258
JBtraahan 895 Billies ,..,,.178
0 Walker. 292
San. Po. I, Jun. LEAv1No—Examined in
same Bubjeots ; 500
A Ross 460 11 Telfer 809
H Gooding ...,414 L Roes • 668
B McKelvey ..402 Si McNair ., 844
R Zimmer , ..401 F Hafn .828
E Funston ...,400 B McNair • 211
B Howe 876 B Soott 199
W Wright......874 M Wilson .168
JUN, PT I, JON, LEAynNG•—Examined
in Alg., Lab., Euo„ Ar, ; 600
N Irwin ..... ,..000 A Moldilian....870
B Bone 462 H Ainlay 870
L MoArihur ,457 V Danford ,344
B Henderson ..444 B Beattie 818
E Wilbon .......442 E Pugh 314
0 Modraoken ..426 5 Scott 270
W Zilliax 420 G Thomson,. ..276
M Thompson 419 A Lott 264
A Smith 419 55 McKinnon ..176
E Barker 896 W MoGoire..,.168
G Roes 398 M Booth 148
R McKenzie,, ,.3135
Masa E. 80000,
J. H. Carom, Principal.
B001t 8.
ENTaANOE.—Examined in Hist., Ar•,
Dr., Lit., Pity, Gram., Geo. ; total 625 :
B Roes 556 M Rosa 416
A Rose 487 J Armstrong ..408
0 Ham 477 J Mooney 399
R Deadman....470 A McMillan.. 375
L Turnbull .,..470 E Currie 369
L Dunford ....442 J Thomson :348
F Thomson ....484 A Sootb 340
JoNlon IV.—Examined in Hist., Arith.,
Dr., Lit., Phy., Gram., Geo. ; total 825:
R Sinclair 337 M Ament 286
L Edwards ....828 H Richards 263
N Forbes 316 R Lowry 288
E Cameron ....913 W Roobe 283
Roy Pugh 808 W Williamson -210
G Zillfax 300
SEN. III.—Examined in Hist., Comp„
Spell., Gram. ; total 500
E Adams 465 H Avery 856
GEwan 451.E Harbottle....852
E Colvin 451 0 Wilbee 845
J Doll 450 W MoQaarrie ..835
L Leatberdale449 J Bloomfield , ... 320
TZimmer ...,,418 S Lindsay 283
H Brothers ....858 H Lowry 246
G Ross 856 J Wilton 245
L Sinclair 355 J Moore 225
Jun. III. --Examined in Spell., Arith.,
Gram., Geo. ; total 600 :
F Stratton ..,,475 A Thomson., —405
W Turnball....470 A MoMillan,400
L Straohan ,...470 J Herr 860
W Straohan.... 465 W Scott 205
0 Scott 445 F Scott 160
V Wilbee 480
Mose M. L. Bxoog, Teaober.
Jo. IIL—Examined in Arith., Spell„
Gram., Geo. ; total 600 :
F MoHenzie472 K Harbottle....871
B Dark 488 A nt akson 348
K Deadman... .487 L MoArter 810
P Baekor 480 0 Holmes 279
C Bell 419 F Campbell ....275
M Brothers 414 V MoKenzis....266
G Armstrong ,887 J Ament 238
W Henderson ..380 0 Gerry 218
5 Oampbell ....376
So. II.—
T Armstrong ..386 E Wilton 818
5 Walker 877 0 Denbow 806
TFriendship .,377 W Wilton 297
H Barratt 877 J Wilton 280
H Moore ......867 J Lott 280
E Good 860 A Bartliff 273
J Leckie 356 B Leckie 270
E Colvin 337 A Biehop 266
J Wilber 317 P Speiran......250
P Ament 817 W MoOraoken..242
F Mainprize315 E Ewan 240
W Bell 814
Ju, II.—
M Jones 870 0 Ament 314
A Ross 368 B Currie 310
F Scott 837 E Wilbee 806
V Walker 329 V Cavauagh....304
W Adams 327 0 MoMillan....293
S Ament 320 0 Oavanagh....296
Mose M. T. DowNEY, Teacher.
110011 1.
CLA65 N. Total 220
Z Lindsay 210 W Ainlay 168
N Ewan 209 O Jackson 119
A Robb 192 R McCracken .. 63
J Henderson 184. R Roohe 84
F Gerry 182
Crass IV.—Examined fn Read., Writ.,
Diot., Draw. and Arith. ; total 300 ;-
3 Armstrong 209 V Ainlay 249
E Deadman.. ,.299 W Long 229
E Gilpin 294 R Heist 225
E Plum 269 E Somers 214
S Fox 260 W Long 178
S Speiran 256 0 Lowry 162
E MoFadzean ..255 F Friendship .,152
H Oampbell....251 L Davey 148
Omits III. Examined in same sub -
jade ; total 300 :-
0 Leckie 289 5 Gerry.. 239
B Harris 279 B Burgess 215
G Wilber 264 J McNichol ....212
M Burgess . , , 257 H Good 188
HMooney 246 W Sperling ....162
CLAss II,—Exoellent :—H Armstrong,
G Ooueley, G Kerr, F Robb, I Straohan,
B Warwick, K Wilton, M Edwards.
Good :—H Ament, E Cooper, 11 Davey,
G Jamieson, H Lowry, H MoFadzean, F
Stratton. Fair :—W Kerr, M Thomson.
Cues L—Excellent :—J Jackson, 0
Shaw, H Burgess, R Fox. Good :—E
Barkley H Lowry, P Reid.
Masa JEAN RIToi on, Teacher.
CooPEn.—On Mark 12th, to Mr. and Mrs.
A, T. Oooper, of Olioton, a son.
ZILLIAx.—I❑ Lietowel, on the 27th Mat; to
Mr. and Mrs. George Militia, Jr., e
14 ,6.RRS3-7S),
CEAIO--LEno Enwoon — At the residence
of Thos. Bernard, Morris, on Maroh
121h, by Rev. R. Pan', Mo. William
Craig to Miss Elizabeth Ledgerwood,
all of Morris township.
MPs, 18, 1902
,ST4.Y.D4.ED ,84.X&'O1 ° C4.7U,D4,
ass¢ S'.4,essmage:i30IT.'t 1627E..
QAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) 51,090,000
REST 5149,000
494bac ea ire all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United Stater d•Lrngland.
I10(1W"dsv1,JsS MUd6'C11.
A General Banking Bneines@. Tranoaoted. Farmers' Noted Dispounted.
Pratte Issued and, Colfeptione made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards and compounded kali yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distanoe,
N payable at any bank issued Under .... 8a. $20 to $80.,..12o
Qfl Grates 910at the following rates:— $10 to $20..,.10o, 30 to 40,,..14o
A-rrE¢'SON 77 .1, •
TnEsDAr, MAnaa 114. --Farm, farm stook,
implements, &o., at Lot 14, Oon. 4, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'alook, John
Smith, prop. ; F. S. Boort, area.
WEDN0saAB, MAnon 19. -Farm Stook,
implements. &o., North boundary Mo-
Killop. Bale, without reserve, at 1 p. m.
Robert Holland, prop. t F. S. Beott,'ano,
TUr15nAO, MANCE 2603.—Farm stook,
implements, &c,, at lot 6, con, 7, Grey.
Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock, John Her.
nay, prop. ; F. B Soott, an
aumenes, MAaoa 27.—Farm stook,
Implements, &o., at B} Lot 24, Con. 6,
Morris. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook,
S. J. MoNab, proprietress ; F, S. Soott,
03R L7'SSa,,S
Fall Wheat..... 70 71
Barley ......... 45 48
Peas 70 71
Oats 87 • 88
Batter, tube and rolls ,16 17
Lggs per dozen .,. 12 13
Flour per cwt. 4 00 5 00
Potatoes (per bus.) 30 80
Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 3 00
Hay per ton 8 00 9 00.
Sheep skine,eaah ,26 25
Lamb skins earth 25 30
Balt per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hides trimmed 6
Hideo rough 6
Hogs, Live 5 60 5 60
Wool 18 18
Gunnar. servant wanted. Apply to
M115. W. M. 813013IR,
ConnwooD wanted. Oober Carriage
Factory, Brussels.
Futea oLase Beed Peas for sale. JAS.
BERRIE, Lot 17, Oon.15, Grey, or Oran -
brook P.O. 88-4
Goon working horses for sale, North 4
Lot 19, Con. 8, Morrie, or Brussels P. 0.
31.6 G. 13. BRADMAN.
ONE hundred ogres of timber land for
male. Might exchange for other property if
suitable. Apply to JOHN HANBIILD,
02.4 Ethel.
Fox SALE on ro RENT.—Two comfortable'
dwelling houses, also three good building
lots. For further particulars apply to
82.4 JOHN HANB0LD, Ethel.
Wanted, suitable for ranch purposes.
Apply to GEO. BEST, Brussels.
Horn Bulls for eale,from 9 to 20 months
old. Alec cows in calf to imported "Red
Dake" and a few heifers.
D, MILNE, Ethel.
about 100 of ;them, formerly used by
Union Sabbath School meeting in Button's
School House, Morris. Apply to JAMES
EVANB, Mortis, or HUGH ELLIOTT, Brus-
befog south hall Lot 00 in theRESat
con. ofTurnberry, Ou the premises are a
good frame house, bank barn and always
plenty of water. For further partiouiare
apply to MBB, MARY R. MOFFATT, Brun -
sale P. 0. 05.2
months old, for Bale. Registered ped-
igree ; dark roan 10 color. bred from good
mincing strain • good individual qualities.
Apply to A. GAiRDINER Lot 22, Oon. 14, Mo-
Sillop, or LeadburyP. (1. 80.20
1 nio 9 end 1 year old, sired by "Dexter
Revenge" and -"Costumer" reeportively.
Brussels B. 0. Let 9, Con- 10, Grey.
010, Springs, Platform &o., capable- of
drawing from 14 to 15 hundred o1 milk, for
time at a bargain. For ;further particulars
apply on Lot 0, Con, B, Grey, JOHN Ma KIN -
NON, Brussels P. O, 84.1
pE15I0NED wishes to 00no0nee to
the ladies of Brunetti and vicinity that ebe
is prepared to melte switehee out of comb•
ings,and oat bair, at ber •home, 11111 street
West, Brussels. MRS. 12122G8TON,
$16.00 to $18.00 a Week
salary for an intelligent man or woman in
each town. Permanent position, 80 Dents
per hour for spare time. Manufacturer,
ox 78, Philadelphia. 10
$20,000 to Loan.
The above sum has been placed with mo
for immediate investment 012 farm proper-
ty at 5 per cent. If ,titlee are eatisfaetory
loans may be completed in 8' days, Liberal
terms as to repayment. Apply at loner to
W, M. SINCL IR, Barrister, &o., Brussels.
Will Make
You Well
Theres no better Spring Medicine
made. If you are thinking of trying
anything in this line, try a bottle of
ours, We guarantee it to bo ea good
ae the beet, What's more, If you
are not perfectly satiated after using
a bottle oome and get your dollar
bank. The other kinds Poet the same
bub we cannot guarantee them. We
know what is in ones and what it
will do. Same old plane
acre of land for sale, Graham's Sur-
vey, d mile South. of Bruseele. The house
eentaine 7 rooms ;good stable ; well; fruit
trees and small fruts. Possession gleen at
once. Terms reasonable. If property id not
Bold soon, will be rented. For prioe, terms,
Ece., apply to WM. BANDS, Brueeele P. 0,
Notice to Debtors.
A11 persona indebted to Mrs. Rogers, late
of the Village of Brueeele milliner, dearer
ed, are hereby 0otided that her book ac-
counts bane all been banded over for collec-
tion to G. F, Blair, of the Village of Bras -
eels, Solicitor for her estate, to whom all
payments must be made at once in order to
close up the estate. A.' PAa8'I00, - ..
O1Boe over 'Burnley's Ding. Store,
Feb, 5th, 1909. 80•0m Brussels.
Dry Shoa.
0 a 0
When you wear a pair
of our rubbers you know
you have a good thing—
because theykeep the feet
dry and they wear well.
IS a We sell only brands
that have stood the test.
They are made of pure rubber.
'Will fit any shoe.
'Will stand rough usage.
We buy the best and sell at money -saving prices.
Men's, women's and children's—all kinds, all prices.
Those that are dry and those that are both dry and
Some prices:—
Men's Fine Rubbers, first quality, sizes 8 & 9 only, regular $1, redooed to....85o
Ladies' Fine Rubbers from 260 to 85a
Children's Rubbers at 80o
—Harness, Trunks and Satchels at lowest prices.
—Repairs iu Harness, Collars, Boots and Shoes done promptly.
C. Wit voniikians.
WHILE thanking our numerous customers for their liberal patronage while in the Carriage
Yy Business at Ethel for the past 80 years we would say that we are now in full; operation
in Brussels Factory, and are well on with our first lot of 110 BUGGIES. A. number of these
will be ready in a very few days and we will be able to supply our customers either wholesale
OL retail.
We are manufacturing Farm Wagons, either common sized wheels or half truck with 2 or
8 inch tires.
We also maks Field Rollers, and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels.
All kinds of Repairing and Re -painting done Promptly.
Kindly give us a gall at the former Ronald Fire Engine Works, now the
Joh, Cobor Sous' Carriage Factory.