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The Brussels Post, 1902-3-13, Page 6
7c zxr42Taxv7,, arznx,7(r.s.,,, Trouble Sorrletiznee O.enres to the ne,n, With a Laugh, "Laugh and the Wericl laughs with Yong' except autocretie ruler's Who canno+', sea themselves in es indierous light. Several anoridotes taken from as 1':n; liah paper show how a sone of hunter, usuttUy w wholesome pos- session, has brought trouble to tate malt With a ready laugh. The TSitr, returning once from a long jourrr's', was weary and in no Mood to be trilled with, As he was Passing through his apartments one day, ho, slipped on a wort kin mat that lay .on the polished floor. Clutching at one of his attendants, he nearly brought himself and his support to the floor. Doran 1':nidoff, his confidential adviser, could not Cheek a grin, Which his monarch turned around just in time to see, The next dry 7 nidofT was dismissed from his position, and lost the Inxty thousand dollar; a, year which was attached to it. The kaiser is an equally dangerous potentate to laugh at. lIr. (lough Mi1b'anko, a clever but bluff Scots- man who was an expert in colonial administration, was' taken up by the Kaiser, who wanted his advice � 1c+ on Eastern affairs, and had derided to give him an important position to guard German interests in China. At one of their conferences the Kaiser made an absurd suggestion as to Eastern diplomacy. lllilbanlce laugh- ed. The Kaiser wished him a frigid good night, and never received him again. Another Scottish odmitlistrater, Mr, Duncan MCVea, was advising the pleasant but touchy Icing of Portu- gal, who had planned to pelt the shaky Government of the Cape Verde Islands in the hands of this skilful mannget. The King became very much excited, and made an ab- surd botch of his 1englieh, which is usually excellent. MoVea smiled aud- ibly and was promptly ordered away. He was never appointed to tho gov- ernorship, which carried a salary of twenty -fire thousand dollars, SHE ENJOYED TUE OPERA, Ih"Well, did you enjoy the even- ing?" "She -"Indeed 1 did. We went to the opera." Ile -"Of course, you enjoyed it?" She -"Immensely." ITe-'What did you hear?" • She -"What did I hear? Well, what didn't I hear? L heard Nell Vanderdyke is engaged to Tom Browning and that Jack Rentsarelow and Edith Singleton have quarrelled and are not going to ho married af- ter all. Then I heard that Mrs. Teo - broke is going to get a divorce from her husband. Mtw. Thorndyke has been sued by her dressmaker, The Livingstons have a baby. Count Cantulcount is not a count at all, Tho Thompson boys—" Ile -"lint—" She -"Well, don't interrupt me. I thougnt.you wanted to know what I heard?" IIe-"So I did, hut—" She -"Well, keep still, then. I—" He -"What I meant was, what op- era slid you hear?" Shp -"Oh -well, I'm sure I can't remember, but I saw the Warne on the programme." DOING A GOOD BUSINESS. A woman, while shopping the oth- er day, thoughtlessly picked up an umbrella belonging to another wo- man and started to walk off with it. The owner stopped her. and the ab- sent-minded woman, wil.hmany apol- ogies, returned the article. The in- cident' served to remind her that they needed some umbrellas in her own family, so she bought two for her daughters and one for herself. Later in the day, when she was on her way home, armed with the three umbrellas, she happened to glance up and saw, directly opposite her in the car, the very woman with whom she had had the unfortunate experience in the morning. The second woman stared at the three "games" 'very hard for several minutes, and then, with a significant smile, eke leaned forward and said, in an icy tone, "I see you have had a very successful morning." POINTED PARAGRAPIIS. Ridicule never Kills unless the death is deserved. Many an embalmed thought has been buried fn the waste basket. A business man takes no note of time -if he can get spot cash, Charity is but ono of the many things that should begin at tome. Domestic quarrels are the coupons torn from the bonds of matrimony. Opportunities that have passed sel- dom come hack to the man who waits. It is not so much what a man knows as what he does not tell that counts. If Cupid can only puncture a man's brain with the first shot the rest is easy. Nothing takes the conceit out. of a coquette like bumping up against a masculine heart that is unbreakable. It does not harm you any to Listen to people who tell you things for your own good -and it affords them a lot of pleasure. When two young men are suitors for a girl's hand the one who thinks he gets the worst of it lives to real- ize that the got the best of it. 4 POR CANADIAN BRPEDWRS, The breeders of dairy cattle in the United States, aro already beginning to prepare Inc the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition to be held in St. Louis in 1008. At the rorent meet- ing ,f the American Ayrshire Breed- ers Association, hetet at Providence, R. 1., It was voted to appropriate money from. the treasury to pay the expense of placing a herrn of Ayr- shire cows in the breed test at that Exposition, and a committee was appointed to take charge of the tante, Canadians breeders who in- tent' to exhibit at St. Louis, should 'at ones begin to prepare their stock, so that they Will not be taken at a illeadvnntage, when the time for this • great international contort arrives. ROPE FOR OONSU FTITES, HOW THE 7IAVAGES OP THIS SCOURGE MAX BE STAX'D, Statistics Prove That Hose Deaths Occur Prom Consumption Than Prom All Other Contagious ,Diseases Combined -110W Best to Combat the Disease. The ravages of consumption throughout Canada Is something ap- palling, In the province of Ontario, where statistics of deaths from all diseases ere carefully kept, it is shown that 2,280 of the deaths oc- curring during the year 1001 were due to consumption, of about 40 per scut. more than the number of deaths occurring from all other contagious diseases combined. These figures are startling and show the urgent neces- sity for taking every available means for combating' a disease that yearly claims so many victims. The time to cure co]snlnption is not after the lungs are hopelessly involved and the doctors havegiven up hope Taken in its early stages, consumption is curable. Consumption is a wasting disease of the lungs and at the earli- est symptom of lung trouble steps should be taken to arrest the waste and thus stop the disease. Coisump- lion treys upon weakness. Strength is the best measure of safety. lir. Williams' fink Pills are the best tonic and strength builder known to medical science. The record of this medicine speaks for Itself and proves conclusively that taken when the symptoms of consumption develop they build up, strengthen and invig- orate the patient to a point where disease disappears, In proof of this take 1110 case of lldege til. George, of St. Jerome, Ouc., who says: - "About a year ago I became great- ly run down. 2 lost color, suffered constantly front headaches and pains in the sides; my appetite left me. and I became very weak. `('hen I was at- e •ed byrough. was c to 1. a 1Rh. and t t told that I was in consumption. Tho doctor ordered me to the Laurentian Mountains in the hope that the cluinge of air would benefit um. I remained there for some time, but did not improve, and returned home feel- ing that I bad not much longer to live. 1 then decided to use Pc. Wil- liams' rink I'ills. Alter using sever al bottles my appetite began to re- turn, and this seemed to mark the change which brought about my re- covery, for with the improved appe- tite ppytite came gradual but surely increas- ing strength. I continued the use of the pills, and daily felt the weakness that. had threatened to end my life disappear, until finally I was again enjoying good health, and now, as those who know me can see. I show no trace of the illness I passed through. I believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved my life, and I hope my at will induce sinular suf- ferers to try them. These pills are also a certain cure for the after effects of la grippe and pneumonia. which frequently devel- ops into consumption. Through their bloofi-renewing, strengthening quali- ties they also cure anaemia. heart troubles, neuralgia. rheumatism, stomach troubles kidney and liver ailments and the functional weak - nooses that make the lives or so many women a source of constant misery. There are many imitations of this medicine and the health seek- er should protect himself by seeing that the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink- Pills for Pale People," is on every box. Sold by all dealers in medicine or sent post paid at ri0 cents n box or six boxes Inc 52.50 by addressing the. Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PIONEER EXPLORER DEAD. Mr. Eyre Made a Famous Journey in the Australian Desert. The name of John Edward Eyre will always be connected with the history of Australian exploration. it was sixty years ago that he push- ed into the unknown southern part of Australia; the work he did gained the highest recognition from geo- graphers. One of the largest lakes in Australia bears his name. ife has passed away in England at an ad- vanced ago after serving his country in various important positions in the colonies for many years. Eyre went o to Australia in 1832, when only 17 years old. to seek his fortune in sheep fanning. Poor years after his arrival the colony of South Australia was founded, and a little settlement that busev d . ale ed into o the large city of Adelaide, began to nourish. The discovery of lands along the lower courses of the great Australian rivers and of the new re- gion gic ,n a n and the Gulfs of St. Vincent and Spencer had revealed much land well adapted for gruzing: so sheep herders began to flock in and Eyre was among them. It was not long before the colon- ists began to talk of the possibility that there rnight be wide tracts of pastoral lands beyond 1.110 inhospita- ble zone that hounds the Adelaide district on the north and west. Young Eyre decided to ascertain if this were so, for if such grazing lands existed tile prospects of the colonists would be notch improved. lie went first to the north, in 11489, believing that the best re- sults would probably be found (.here. On this expedition he discoverer] the FLINDI;RS MOUNTAIN RANGE and the long, narrow '1'arrens Lake which extended further to tIio North than he. could see. His search for the wished -for pasture lands in this direction was unsuccessful and so he returned to the south coast. A great deal of the dry area he saw has since been made available for graz- ing by irrigation. In the following year he started from Adelaide on his great expedi- tion to the west in order to discover the extent of the pastoral lands that it was thought, might exist along the shores of the Groat Australian Bight south of the interior closest, On this journey he nacre the discov- ery that the desert extends to the sea, He travelled along the coast to Two washings entail less cost for the same RE ii IJCES result than one washing with impure soap. E? PENSYr~ $5.00 0 will be paid by LEPER IIROTI?ERS T7biITEl1, Toronto, ss.7 l� to any person who can prove that tllie soap' contain any form of adulteration, pr any injnrioue ohemioalo. Ass roe Tna oe1'Ae9e1 540 53 TALKING 13US1N17SS. A good advertisement ie a good salesman. It takes the Subject in hand and presents it to a large au- clionee, explaining the merits of a given article to many people over a given territory. If the advertisement is web prepared, it will bo logical, consecutive, c+omplote, and will not only attract the attention of the prospective customer, but hold that attention through the entire reading of the advertisement and in the end convince the reader of the merit of the article ofiered, 11 the sale is lost for to -day, no doubt the results will be good for some future purchases, The best way to make these adver- tisements dvertisements talk business is to put 4 i n ideas into what is said arid bnS ! C,.s ea the manner of saying it. 281 million quarters -that is, one- third of the whole surplus of the world's wheat. -is required by Great Britain and ''Ireland, A TRYING SEASON. Little Ones Are Subject to Colas and the Result is Dangerous Unless Prompt Remedial Steps Are Taken. The little 01108 are apt to take cold, no matter how carefully a mother may try to prevent it. While colds may affect children in different ways, the ninin symptoms usually aro that the child grows dross, the skin hot, the appetite fickle nncl the child quite feverish. Unless some- thiug'is done at once to relieve a simple cold, the result is often vory serious -so serious that many iV child's life bas been lost. There is no remedy that can equal Baby's Own Tablets in cases of this hind. These tablets promptly break up colds and carry off the poisonous matter that has been retained to the system. fly doing that they reduce the fever; the pulse becomes normal; the appetite is restored, and the child is again well and r,uppv. Mrs. O. 17. Earle, Brockville, Ont„ says :-"I always use Baby's Own Tablets for both my children, aged three and five years, when they are at all unwell. When my little girl was a few months old, she had a bad attack of whooping cough, and I found the • tablets very beneficial, Since that time 7 always keep them in the house ready for use. When the children are troubled with bili- ousness, any derangement of the stomach, are peevish or fretful, or when they have a cold, I always use the tablets, and tun always pleased with the results," These tablets are a certain cure for such troubles as colic, sour stomach, indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation, simple fever and colds. They pre- vent croup and allay the irritation accompanying the cutting of teeth. They are sold under an absolute guarantee to contain no opiate or other harmful drug. May had from druggists or will be sent post- paid at 25 cents a box, by address- ing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. EUROPEAN OSTRICH FARMS. A new industry has made its MP- pearance on the Riviera. It consists in establishing ostrich farms at suit- able shots along the Littoral. where birds imported from California and Africa are to be reared. There are at present in Nice two experienced ostrich farmers, both of whom are convinced that the Riviera, with its usually dry, equable climate, is the place of all others to bring the os- trich to early maturity and perfect Plumage. In Paris at the present moment, the first consignment of fea- thers from Nice is in the hands of a leading firm of dyers and dressers. rho west for nearly 1,200 miles with- out seeing an acro of grass land, though ho found plenty or scrub and 803)0 animals that were now to science. No part of this region had previously been seen by a. white mal). When Lyre had advanced 000 miles through this desert two of the black men killed his only white companion and fled, leaving Lyre and three oth- er natives to struggle on almost without supplies for 000 miles to Icing George Sound, where, after in- credible hardships, the little party arrived in the spring of 1841, hav- ing crossed the entire southern part of the Aust.lirn desert. Ieio re was picked up by a French whaler that was cruising along the coast and taken back to Adelaide, Tho published account of Eyre's great journey, which revealed to the world the nature of the larger part of tho south const of the continent, elicited world-wide interest, and ilia explorer received the Founders' Mod- al of the Royal Geographical Society in 1843. TRE LAND OF TIPS. Switzerland Has the Lead, and No Other Country is a Gond Second. "As to the tip system abroad," says a gentleman who has travelled all over Europe, "It isn't so bad out- side of Switzerland. There every out- sider is expected to come (Iowa with a tip to everybody connected wi th the hotel, and sometimes to the town officials as well, I was passed along the lines as a soft mark, unci aC Cha - mount, when I got ready to leave the territory, a last grab was made at me. I bad feed the chambermaid, the waiter, the porter, the hoot - black, the cook, the enmities driver, the mail carrier and all the bell -toys when the landlord approached and in- timated that he had been left out in the cold. 'But I was your guest,' I pro- tested. 'That is true,' be replied. 'but, if you will remember, I received you with three distinct bows, where only one is required by custom. It is two bows extra, monsieur.' "I paid 10 cents apiece for the ex- tra bows, and was stopped by a lit- tle old man who introduced himself as the coroner of the canton. " 'But where do you come in?' I asked, 'Had monsieur met with a fatal fall on the mountain, I should have held the inquest,' he replied. "I gave hint a franc for not hold- ing an inquest on me, and his clerk then stepped forward and said: " 'And had there been an inquest I should have had the pleasure of writing to monsieur's relatives that he was dead.' "I handed him the same ainount for his loss of pleasure," continued the tourist, "and then asked if there was anybody else in Chamouni who had a claim on me. "'The Police have not arrested you,' suggested the landlord, " 'All right -here's a tip for them. Anyerfe else?' 'My nightwatehman did not let the hotel take fire.' " 'All right, again.' " 'And my wife, monsieur.' "'Well, what of your wife?' "'She has presented me with a son during your stay in my house.' " 'And what have I got to do with that?' 'Why monsieur, is it not worth a little fee that she did not present mo with two sons at the same i.ime?' "I thought it was and left n franc for her, and then, as they could think of nothing else, I went down and tipped all the railway officials an:I finally,got out of the country." OSI-IAWA MIRACLE 15 EXPLAINS e How a Remarkable Ouse of .Paralysis has Cured, THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN CANADA. Joseph Brown Attracts Attention. of Physicians, Soiemtists ana Sick People, ;from the Mail and Empire. Oshawa, Ont., Feb. 17. -Joseph Brown, whose case was fully report- ed in The Mail and Empire some days ago, seems to be the most talked -of and written -about man in Canada. He is in receipt daily of many letters from all over the Do- minion. Physicians and scientists, as wellns sick people, write him, and many and oftenamusing ques- tions are asked. To all Mr. 13t'own answers :--"I have giver ay sworn statement, add it tete: toy story. Dodd's Itidney Pills cured me, and that triter I had been partially para- lyzed and unable to move for over four months, and given up by many doctors." Many people have been puzzled as to how a kidney medicine can euro paralysis. This is easily understood when it is remembered that the kid- ney poison, which is the direct result of kidney weakness, is most destruc- tive to ,U healthy tissues and 11131vo, JOSEPH BROWN, Severity -five per cent. of all ner- vous diseases, paralysis and brain troubles is directly caused by Tweak kidneys, allowing violent poisons to escape through the system to de- range and destroy. Dodd's Kidne Pills bycorrectin Y , B the suction of the kidneys, encourage these natural filters of the blood to extract and expel the poisons, thus removing the cause of many of these dangerous ailments, which tiro not generally spoken ofas Weeps dis- eases, BABES 1.b1' THE WOOD. Prem Sweden eenles a story of two little girls, who, returning 1emo during a violent snowstorm, became boat ]n a wood, E of three weol<e in- defatigable search by the entire pop- ulation of their 'eningo failed to trace them; but at tho end of that tinge the ohildren were found, frozen fast to the ground, but still alive. After wandering in the storm they had fallen exhausted under a big lir tree, and awoke to ilea their foot so frost-bitten they eould not stand, Life was sustained by the extra clothing they wore and a basket' of provisions they carried, but when taken to the hospital it woe found necessary to amputate their feet. Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, aIvui is sola only hi lead packets. Black, ISAixed and Graben. span tea drinkers try "Salado." Green tea. "Tl.cy tell me, Boomly, that Rai - ;My is a friend in need; You aro to he congratulated." "Yes, he's al- ways in need, and he never Inas any hesitancy in telling me so." CALIFORNIA - OR7! GON EXCUR- SIONS. Every day in the year. The Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern 'Line runs through drst-class Pullman and tourist sleeping cars to points In Cal- ifornia and Oregon daily, Personally conducted excursions from Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland, leaving Chicago on Tues - Jays t and Thursdays. s. Lowest rates. Shortest time on the road. Finest scenery, Inquire of your nearest ticket agent, or write B. 3-I. Bennett, 2 King street east, Toronto, Ont. Married constables of the London police force. receive 40 pounds of coal a week all the year round. Step+ the, Cnuga and Wvol'kS air the Stals. Laxative 8romo-Quinlno'l'ab'els cure a note In one day. No t.ure, No Pay. Price 26 cents, To 3821, 32 of every 100 Britons were Irish. To -day the proportion is less than 11 per cent. Mlnard's Linimrni tures ColCs) etc •1t The new motor fire -engines used in Paris weigh 2S, tons each, and travel 25 miles an hour. The pumps deliv- er 200 gallons a minute. llfonkey Brand cleans and brightens everything, but trot't wash clothes. 4' Before becoming a policeman in Vi- enna a man must be able to swim, row, and send a telegraphic message. .inardts tinimem CUES Garnet in Cows. Ho -"I've got 810,000 a year, and you can surely live on that ?" She - 'Oh, yes -I can. But I shouldn't ike to see you starve." Temasameumeasorsmansanamcal The Publisher of the Best Parmer's paper in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: I would sae' that I do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of time like MINAE,D'S LINIMENT. If has been an unfailing remedy in mt. household over since I can remember, and has outlived dozens of would be cabpetitors and imitations. Mistress -"I am not quite satisfied with your references." Applicant- "Nnyther am I mum ; but they's the best I could get." LO SETTLERS RATES. `V During Match and April, 1002 the Nurthern 1'aullc twill sell ONII WAY SECOND CLASS SETTLERS' tick- ts from eastern terminal points—St. Paul, ill inn/repot is, Ashland, Duluth, and the Superiors -at greatly reduced rates to nearly all points on its main Ilse, branches and connecting lines, nest of North Dakota. Those tick- ets to Northern Pacific points will be good for stopover west of hope, Tduho, For example the rale to Portland and North Pacific coast 001111rion" points will be 825, 1'or further de- tailed information about those rates call upon or width Lo Win, G. Mason, D.P.A, Nov. 1 ac, .IL ,y, 215 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y., or address Cams, S. Pee, Gen. Puss tC Pict. Agent, Nor. Pas, It'y, St. Paul, Ming For those who have, not yet ar. ranged to buy hones in t110 North- west this is a rare opportunity to go out to Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon and look over the coun- try. The good lands are being ra- pidly solei and the country and towns aro prosperous and growing Ranch lands, farm lands, fruit lands, timber lands aro all to be found, .71 yon want to go where irrigation ren. dors you independent of rainfall 01 drouth come along and we can rix. you out. Seine of the important valleys reached by the Northern Nellie are the Yellowstone, Gallatin, 4Tadison, Deer Lodge, Bitter Root, and Clark Pork, In .Montana, the Palouse, 131g Bend, Colville, Clearwater, Walla Walla, and Yakima valleys in Idaho, and Washington, the Puget Sound end British Columbia regions and the Oregon country,, it is a vast. empire where ;ulnarsoil and other advantages mala o it a favored land. IF YOU WANT 0000 P810E8 FOR YOUR Rutter EggsPouttrY, Apples Otfter Produce CONSIGN TIIIOM TO Tag DAWSON COMMISSION 000, Limited, TORONTO Cerrespoadonce Solicited. 11eastwitaSMILINO vrortiesomeatas. ilii(. nowsersgrzomp601111111MMINI1 a e.y,}U+a�USS{,•�.W%'°'.r+yGrYYi.9wWall a'.•WlSi,4+.c�\'w�.Sn},,(i'n• .i�+1eRRerFn 1„ rM't✓.'srf•1. , -"'d Mefeifh,., its eeies ti^o rpraXiDBareetefe"[9CiE°Atse THE OST STEEL ��� �� a+` is the s congest and lightest known, Good agents cats nandlo a large number of them yearly. If we are not represented in your district, write us abet t. the agency. Ono agent in each locality. .* Write far Ca ate:. THE FROST WIRE FEN.= CO.: LTD., WELLAND, ONT• il'1 u'3r �s4 �C'3+�Ilr�ctir'tr'fr' '4�f +,t 4•+4, iF•�4'�^ 4.1 i"f"1•'1r4•4•3 4'�ir?r'i 1 fr dr t 9 ° ` TELEGRAPH LAS �k r� TELEPHONE Every Glick— .ta i Match' t, •< i •.t Y 4t r Every atch— X• iA "Lighter" y=NS t,,IZI1E29. C snestassiesseeseassawn 7^c ©TcL 5.18.X.M7 an -w -i7 ise-m-wirm"s7F1wzIE1. 440144÷2414-14.14,44444-14++ 4-14-14+0144-344444014++4•14 PARLOR S LESMENPDR 11AUTOSPIAY'y WANTED Bost compreosed•air sprayer made. 8amplo machine free.—CAVEXS 11508., Dalt, Ont, Nearly half—to be exact, 1,000 out, of 9:,016 --of the students in Swiss Universities"are foreigners. [lard's Liniment Cures Olstemper With a population of 4,780,000, the Argentine Republic possesses 5,- 081,000 horses. She is the only country with marc horses than peo- ple. For Over Sixty Years Max. Wrsstoma Soorsiso Srnur has been end by millions of mothers for their children while teething. le soothes the child, rotkaa the gums. :drays pain, cures ,rlud collo regulates Um stomach and bowels, and is the beesrome(iy for Diorama. Twenty -fire cents a bottle. Sold br druggists throughout talo world. lie cure and ask for hiss. Manure ure a So mousy snot r." Susie -"Papa, what makes a man always give a woman a diamond en- gagement ring ?" Her Pather-"The woman." Mluardls Liniment Cures Olphfherla May -"Charley Stubtoo is a good dancer in his way"• Sue -"Yes, and in everybody else's way." Beware of Ointments for Catarrb that contain Mercury as mercury will rarely destroy the sense 01 s.noll sndconpletely derange the whole system when entering 11 through the mucous surfacos. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as (he damage they will do is ton tcid to the good you ant possibly derive from them. Ha 1's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by S\J. Cheney. to Co,. To- ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and le taken in. ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of rho system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you got rho gone Ina. Itis tikon Internal y and made in Toledo Ohio,. by F. J. Ohcuey 84.Co. Tosttmonials tree. ab Druggists, price Peeper obottle.ABd by yllls aro 1110 bat. South Africa has ostrich farms containing over 300,000 birds, MANY ADVANTAGES OVER OTHER LINES. That. Central New York Ce t ' athee h �N Possesses great advantages over other lines cannot be gainsaid and they are too numerous to enumerate, but a few of the principal features are: the great train service (twelve express trains each way between Buffalo and New York), four tracks and the Grand Central Station the on- ly station in the city of New York. .Chia is the route of the famous Umpire State Ex- press. Pensions --The silver lining of war clouds. TIP cit > RE A COLO Il OSE IeAY. Take ld.o reLaxative 1311,1, Quinine 12 1 Tablbls. 0*, dreg/date refund rho money if it falls to ouro, 81, W, grove's signature ie on each box. Bed,. For every 100 deaths in rural dis- tricts of England there are 118 in town districts. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL OOMFORTING, COCOA. BREAKFAST -,SUPPER, W P /7 1118 THE MOST POPULAR 005710RIOE. Ct .Ltsi.} R,21 "S •Ce 3L. Jr. 7E° ecb Prism -von rho tooth. swootone rho breath. Strongtheuo the gums. Dass a��f a and ins! •umontu, Drums, Uniformly. Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Invest prices ever quoted, Fire catalogue, ur00i11nstrstioas,mailed free. Write us for any.. thing In Houle or ((naleal Inetruucng.. WHALEY ROYCE & 00., Limited, Toronto, Ont., and Winnipeg, Man FEATHER DYEING 0l -net gbaedOubpnnKedr oOal.ovha sennpas. Th s• BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, Dominion Line Stoamsbips Montego' to LherpooL Boston to Lire,. pool. Portland to LlrerpooL Via Queens. town. Large an dames 04 p (wager . Balpoerioron, a d Stateroom. tat room. for al ldpof vpedal tto ion has and 1'no to 11,1 ppe amidships. o and Third -Oboe he° hear dinen to t0, rants Saloon and i parts ala aocpp y to any Fop etrates Upoamaup2 a and alt DartlouLn, apply to m� aganh pt she aempael, er $iahvdh, MIW t 00, ". Terrane,, L -0n., 77 States SL, Dodos Montroalrcd Pcrt(and,. CHAPPED HANDS. Rub with Cileadine before retic.. Ing. Two or three appiloationo will cure the worst case. Largo Coxes 25o. Druggists, or CILEADINE CO., Toronto. •I••I..I-1.+.A.I•.1-i-i4•1++.1; I•d-I••3 ++.1•.ii' •I, SsT'Tic AVING • SAFE S AVING SCCESSFOL AVING .,. Advantageous faeilitioe for the as emulation of spare Hume of 51.00 and ,o prards, w,th the regular addition of a profhp producing interest ere afibrd- • • ed'by rho Savings Department of •`• THE CANADA PERMANENT .1 and WESTERN CANADA MORTGAGE CORPORATION Toronto Street, TORONTO • •i••1•1•i••Ari+•i•-H+++1•I•d+-I•+ ++.1.1•A•Ial• 1150 Kinds for, 20c. It le 0. race that Saber's vegetable and (Iowa. e0ode ars ffoum1 in Moto gardens r x land 611 tutors terms than any other Americo. o. Thera le Maden for thio, we Own und °orate overt000 er1xeefe4r the production 01 aur (131130sende, In ordtr tc ltlduee you to try them A.• . tv6 ala 0lb6fonowing uoprew . 43 odOnlM oaet: Fon2Ib CenlfaPoaipald 114 90 Shots errand Imams radishes, 19np0otae0atgs0lle,e YpGen., 10 Leee. I rrtI n. tCnO(.6i, 10 pmt4e ahamorld, le., 11 a (003(0 heel eor d n e6 grri,.sastr dsadnfN flower Hods, h1allu1s klnde potm'el 1.W bushels et dtlenhiee� 0(10560 nod (0te aatt lata 6l ehslee, 0egefatl07,' (t(eeoaeppthre5l,,'11(11ool1i�oar g6eat oatale to oat end Income 1108 810101 matins abed as 006 8 0Onud NO., all Or 506, In Canadian stamps, �1) �' 10HN A. Sateee SEED c0.. ,,JJ . . La Crosse,: 6.