HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-3-13, Page 4THS BA0B8,11L8 ROOT
MAIL. 18 1002
the wansuls Most
TI,IURSDAY, ¥4RRR, 13, 1902,
r LI ERs,
Prof, I. P. 3 berte, of Cornell Delver.
laity says:—"Cover orope may in a meas.
oro, take the name of fertilizers and man•
urea. They are not, however, a universal
panacea for all eoil deficienoiee, neither
are they a full eubotitute in all oases for
fertilizere. There ie always a wide field
for tbe profitable use of one or all on the
concentrated forme of fertilizers, named,
and in many oases there is also a special
please for the nee of fertilizers,
therefore the more need for honest
goods. Oommerotal fertilizere furnish
available plant food, but no humus. The
cover orop furnishes both, but it is only
fair to Bey that the plant foods in the
former are more available than the latter.
Cover orope improve the phyeioaily, Con-
dition of the soil, loosening the met of
tillage, Physically, fertilizere benefit the
coil a little or none. The humus furnished
by the clover orope increases the evailalit-
ity of the plant food already in the Boil :
fertilizers do not. Cover °rope shade the
land and conserve moisture.
It ie impossible to aoouretely compere
the oost of fertilizere with the Dost of
seeds for the Geyer orope and the prep•
oration of the soil for them. The coat
of inoreasing productively by extra tillage
by tbe use of fertilizere, by Dover orope or
by all three means, oen only be determiu•
ed in eaoh ease by the farmer interested.
I give below a single illuetration of what
a cover orop oontaine, knowing that
another cover orop ander other eonditione
might eitber be more or lees valuable.
Second growth of olover, furniehed in roots
and tope per acre the following :—Nitro-
gen 138,86 Ibe : phoepherio acid 67 35 Ibe,
potash 109 90 Ibe. There ie removed by
25 bush. wheat aid e000mpanying etraw,
Nitrogen, 43 Ibe., phosphene acid, 20 Ibe.
and potash 27 Ibe. It is believed tbat
most of the nitrogen taken up by legumes
ie secured from the unoombioed nitrogen
in the atmoephere. The clover did not
add to eitber tbe store of phoepherio acid
or potash. The plant took them from
the Boil and made them available.
F. W. HonS0N,
Live Stook Commissioner.
dining room where a tasteful and dainty
luncheon was served. A most enjoyable
bout Was spent. The bride WAS made
the rooipient of many handsome and use•
fol presents, Daring the evening quite
a number of the bride's Mende milled to
offer oougratulatione and beet wiehee.
The happy floc ple left Wingham Thure•
day morning by 0. P. R. train for Tor.
onto, whore they will remain for a few
deye when they will leave for Chicago
and Milwaukee, From tbere they go to
San Francium, California, their future
home, Mr, Gray having received a promi-
nent position in that plane. The beet
towhee of a large oirale of frlende go with
them on their long journey and hope
they may summed in all their gndertalt.
ings through life,
Though the Grand Track Railway
system carried over 30,000 tourists and
eportemen into one dietriot of Oanada'e
summer playgrounds last year, the oom•
pang le starting out this year with a vig-
oroae policy of advertising to still farther
inoreaee the toflnx of pleasure -seekers who
annually travel over tbie eyetem.
The company has now decided to give
the populace of some of the larger cities
in the States of Obio, Miobigan,Indinana,
Kentucky and Pennsylvania an opport•
unity of seeing the series of photographic
views it bed on exhibition at the Pan-
American Exposition at Buffalo. Tbere
will be over 100 piotaree io the collection,
each meaenring 3 feet 6 ioobee by 4 feet
2 inches, in addition to one of tbe finest
collection of mounted flab that has ever
been shown. The fieh include specimens
of black bear from the ."Highlands of
Ontario," dore and maekinonge from the
St. Lawrence, land•looked salmon from
their native watere, and other epecimeoe
of rare value. A representative of the
Grand Trunk will accompany the exhibit,
and the art gallery will be inetalled in the
business portion of the oitiee vieited.
Thousands of oopiee of literature, deeorib•
ing the eeveral regions to be advertised,
will be distributed. Tbe exbit opened
at Saginaw, Mich., March 10, and goes
from there to Grand Rapids, thence
South to several points in the otheriStotes.
The tour will weepy ten weeks, two
dap being allowed in each any,
Li at towel.
The Town Connell has decided to par•
obese a road grader,
The new Chair factory started up Wed•
ueeday morning of last week,
P. J. Livingstone will operate the Lis.
towel flax mill again tbie season.
Listowel driving park was offered for
sale by auction on the 15th inst.
The Listowel Gas and Electric Light
Co. have fitted up an ofiioe in the Banner
block. R. Mofillan is in charge.
Robert Martin, of town, who has been
at the Guelph General Hospital for the
past few weeks, being treated for stomach
trouble, is still quite poorly.
The last of the Star Course Concert
eeriee was 51090 in MaDonald'e mesio
hall on Taeeday evening by the Maodoa•
aid Male fQuurtette, of Toronto.
Fletober Lawraeon, who has been 'cartel
agent for the Cookebutt Plow Uo. for the
past eleven months, bee been promoted
to general agent for Ontario West and
Miss Happier is giving op her drama
making bueineee in town and has taken
a position as manager of the dreeemaking
department of Ryan & Co.'s dry goods
store iu Berlin, at a large salary.
The suooeeefol tenderers for the new
school at Carthage were Horn & Calder,
town, carpenter work, painting and glaz
ing and tiuemitb work, $907.50 , Geo.
Fritz, town, all mason work, $862 50.
These figures inolade all materials, ex•
cant field atone and sand, and are eon-
eidered very reasonable.
Charles Helyar has been appointed
caretaker of the new Wesley church.
W. T. O'Neil was confined to the house
for some days by having a call run into
hie right knee.
The last monthly horse fair of the
season will be held in Clinton, on Wed.
needay of next week.
0. H. Jay, formerly of tbe Molson'e
bank here but who bac been relieving at
Ridgetown, is now planed in the Lon-
don branob.
D. J. Oautelon, of town, who was an
applioant for the Chief of Police of Wood -
stook, has been appointed assistant at a
salary of $450 a year.
The I.O. U.F. Lodge is booming having
received a somber of members. It is their
intention to give a swell concert some-
time daring the latter part of April.
The services were withdrawn in Ontar-
io street oburoh last Sunday in order that
the congregation might take part in the
opening services in Wesley church.
be need in repairing the tarot fence,,
The poet wag pot faetened to the trio's,
and ala It Moved with the ooglpo, it le
peedlees to say the train lives gmnjgred.
SitD loi•tis
}lie Lordebip the IBlehop of Huron }tae
arranged to vieit at Seafortb, Sunday
May 4th,
J, W, Seattle has pnrobaoed the interest
of Robert Winter in the meat Mantuan of
Winter & Stewart.
J. Archie Scott, the young eon of Jamee
Scott, fell from a tree which he was climb-
ing, and was considerably hurt.
Soott Brotbere, who have been in boat
nee6 here for 80 years, hove diepoeed of
their meekest instrument bueineee to Geo.
Baldwin, who will conduct it in 0000801.
ion with hie bioyole'bueinee8,
Mr. and Mre. Oonnon lett for Cypress
River, Man. where he will reside.
Albert Williams left for Stratford
wbere be will learn the hareem' making.
Wm. Doig, C. 0. F. organizer left Mon.
day of last week for British Colombia
where he will work in the interest of hie
David Sanderson, of the 6tham., has
rented hie farm for a term of years to
Bert Sing who will move to it in the near
Stature. Mr. Sanderson iotenda moving to
J. H. Bennet medival atndeot,of Torou•
to, oame home last week to attend the
wedding of his brother Rich. to Miee
Wright, near Jemeetown, whish took
plane Wednesday.
Accmzxr.—The following item from
the Toronto Daily G.obe of Monday of
last week refere to a brother of Wm.
More, of the City Harness shop, and with
wbom a Dumber in town are acquaint.
ed, he having visited his brother here for
a couple of weeks last summer. --"Martin
Meee,l engineer, 200 Bellwood avenue,
fell from a ladder at the factory of Sea.
man, Kent & Go., King street west, near
the subway, on Batoday morning, and re-
ceived iojariee whish proved fatal a few
hours later. The ladder had been placed
on a projection at the first story and it
reached from there to the roof. Moe°
had goats to the top of the building to
attend to some repairs to an exhaust pipe,
Wbeo coming down he turned as he
reaobed the last rang bat one of the lad-
der, and ewaog it around with him. He
and it went over and fell to the ground, a
distance of 12 feet. The ambulance wan
called and Mose was taken to the Western
Hoepital. There it was found that he
had received serious internal injures, and
that an arm and leg were broken. He
died at 2.30 o'oloak in the afternoon.
Moro was a married man, and leaves a
widow and two eons. CoronerT.. B. Orr
issued a warrant for an inquest, bat
later on withdrew it." W. Mace attend•
ed the funeral
George Mulholland, of Seaforth, is
visiting friends here just now.
Mr. and Mies Peacock, of Morrie, visit•
ed their uncle, Mr. Owens, this week, for
a few days.
Rev, J. J. Haetie was called to Mount
Forest lain week owing to the death of
hie father.
James Owens had an auction eale of
hie obattlee on Taeeday. He intends
moving into Mr. Tnft'e hoaee.
Mr. and Miss Farrell, of Kincardine,
were the image of William McCrea, Sat.
nrday and Sunday of teat week.
Walter Scott and W. Wray have been
appointed liquidatore for the Belgrave
Cheese and Butter faotory and will offer
the baildinge, land and chattels for sale.
John Owens and hie worthy wife have
moved into their beautiful new home.
May they be spared to enjoy it for many
yeare. Rumor is afloat that Robert will
shortly mono' tbe old home. We ex.
tend aongratoletione.
M anitsoxrab.—A very quiet bob happy
event oaonrred on Wednesday, 5th inet,,
at the residence of William McCrea, one
of Belgrave'e most reepeated oitizene, it
being the marriage of hie youngest daugh-
ter, Mise Kate, to Richard Gray, of Mor,
rie township, The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. A. H. Brown, of the
Methodist Charob, in the parlor of the
bride's home, at 4 °'stook p. m„ in pree.
once of the immediate home cantle. The
bride was unattended. She wore a band.
come travelling costume of navy blue
ladies' sloth, with bodice of eiik trimmed
with satin and chiffon. Directly after
the marriage the company retired to the
Perth County,
Dairy batter is scarce in 8t. Marya.
St, Marys curlers defeated Fergie by
seven ehote at Preeton.
Eleven horeee were shipped to South
Africa from St. Mary's reoently.
Mrs. Robert Smith, halt resigned as
organist of St. Jamee' March, Stratford.
A Jew epootaole peddler wan fined $25
and ooeteunder the County By-law at
The Baohelore of St, Marys will give au
"At Hume" in the town on Wednesday,
April and.
South Perth Agricultural Booiety'e
Beed fair will be held at 8t. Marys on
Saturday, Iltarab 15.
A. J. Ford, formerly of Woodham,
leaves shortly for New York Oity to take
a business college emirs°.
Jag, Gillis, mace of St, Marys, but now
of Stratford, ie' negotiating for the par-
ohase of a hotel in Owen Sound.
The vital etatietiae of tbe town of Bt.
Marys for the month of February were
as follows : Births 2 ; meninges 4 ;
deaths 2.
Hon. Thomas Ballengee and Mrs.
Ballantyne, of Stratford, have gone to
spend some time at Atlantic Oity and
New Jersey.
John Monteith, son of lex mayor J. C.
Monteith, Stratford, was eeriouely oat
over the eye by being hit by the puck at a
Mackey match.
The Motherwell and Avondale Presby.
terian congregations will extend a call to
Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Melbourne, Middle-
sex County,
Tbe Mitchell eleotione have resulted in
the return of the animated Mayor and
ooueoillore, Hugh Campbell. P. R. Stuart
and A. J. Blower, by good majorities.
John Dillabongh, of Downie, has a
white Plymouth Rook hen making a
record by big egg laying. One measured
io ciroomferenoe 8 iaallee by 6 inches.
- The following are the customs statistics
for the port of Stratford, for the month
of February :—Free goods, $47,221 ;
dutiable goods, 551,380 ; duty oolteoted,
John Rennie, of North Eaethope, while
°bopping wood in the bneh the other day
had the miefortane to have a limb fall on
hie bead, inflicting a gash about five in•
ohee long, laying the scalp hare.
Jobe Martin, of Tralee, died after an
Meese of two weeks. He had been ill of
scarlet fever, and bad oleo contrasted
pneumonia. He leaves to mourn his toes
a widow and four small children.
At the service preparatory to commun-
ion, held in Knox Church, oonduoted by
the pastor, nineteen new members were
admitted into fall communion.
It ie rumored that a well known resi-
dent of Colborne, Mine Host J. J. Wright,
of the Point Farm, will open the
Park House for Summer visitors as soon
as the season begins.
J. H. Millan of town, has some hone
whioh he thinks can beat the record.
There are 18 of them, principally brown
and white legborue, and during January
and February they laid 19 dozen and five
e 1 Downing has parahoeed the boot
and shoe atm* and bueineee oondaoted
for some time by P. T. Halle. After
stocktaking the store will be thoroughly
overheated, remodeled, refitted aid placed
on more modern principles.
The wood shed in the rear of St, An.
Brew's Ward school was noticed to be on
fire early the other morning, the whole
building being ablaze, making the town
almost as bright as day. Wben the fire
brigade reached the spot the building fell
in, and it was an eaey job to drown the fire.
William McDougall, who wee engaged
getting empty coal oil barrels out of G.
N. Davie' sellar, Blipped while at work,
getting caught on a hook which initiated
a eerioue flesh wound neer the hip• A
doctor was called and had to put in 7
e tl tabes.
A Savoie oorreepondent writes:—With
mush regret we bear of the removal of
Rev. E, A. Hall, of Bartle, to the parish
of Gorrie, to whish be has been appointed
by the Biehop of Huron. Mr. Hall bac
endeared himself to all by hie large good•
heartedness, hie untiring energy and zeal
for the welfare of the ohurab and people
of hie perish. He has done good and bard
work for many years in a heavy parish
and is well entitled to the rest and pro.
motion offered him in this new sphere of
work. We wish him every encoeee,
As the 7,30 train Friday evening, Feb.
28th, was slowing up between Polley'e
farm and MoLean'e cattle byres, it
otruok something on the track, but the
obstacle giving way there was very little
jolting, and but few of the passengers
knew there was anything wrong. The
train was quickly stopped and Conductor
Ansebrook and train hands found the
obetruation, a cedar post, that bad been
moved from a pile near by that were to
A dairy convention wider the aneploee
of the Dairymen'e Aeeoeietiep of Wes.
tern Ontario was held in the town hall,
St, Marys, on Monday,
J, L. Bradshaw, of Stratford, was a
paeeenger 0n the SS. Dtrurie wbivb had
been drifting in the mid•Atlttutio for some
days baying dropped her propeller. The
vessel was towed to port,
Inepeotor Rowe of the Eire Under.
writers' Aeeooiation, paid a visit to 8t,
Meryl for the purpose of making a test of
the waterworks system ae a defouge
against the fire fiend. Ile was satisfied.
There was is suicide near St. Mary's
Ont„ Tuesday afternoon of last week,
Mica Gartie Foreman, the 18 year.old
daughter of Joseph H. Foreman, who
amndoote a tile yard about two miles south
of the town, took poison and died before
medical aid could reaob her.
While playing a game of Rugby in the
gymnasium of the Collegiate Institute,
St. Marys, Norman Fletcher was serious-
ly injured by the rupturing of a small
blood vessel on the brain and internal
injuries wbioh he reoeived during the play.
He ie now on a fair way to recovery.
Thetrustees of St. Marys Methodist
(Morph received $700 in eettlement of
the damaged deoorated walla of the in-
terior of the oherab by smoke from the
repent incipient blaze from the beating
furnaoe. An ineuranoe item on the
ahuroh organa still remains uneettled,but
is ander Consideration.
Four 0anvaee•oovered wagons passed
through Stratford on Monday of last week.
The owners were a party of Russian gyp•
eiee who etated that they were en route
to Toronto, from where the Ontario Gov-
overment would assist them on their way to
New Ontario. They purpose tatting up
land in that dietriot. Tbie party has
been causing some excitement in different
parte of the country.
L. H. Dingman. formerly of Strathroy
and Stratford, who for the past two years
has been business manager of the St.
Thomas Journal has scoured en interest
in the St. Thomas Timer, with the posi-
tion of managing director, in consequence
of the retirmeut of J. W. Eedy who bac
aooepted the position of manager of the
Atlas Loan Go., of Bt. Thomas. It is no,
deretood tbat Mr. Dingman will take
charge in a few weeks.
The C. P. R. is now accepting ship.
menta of western wheat for Duluth.
The writ for a new election in Beata
barnoie has been issued, Polling takes
plane on the 26th inst.
The bylaw to grant a bonne of $10,000
to the Dominion Harlem Company was
oarried at Port Elgin.
George Mann, of Blandford, felt through
a hole in hie barn floor and is reported to
be fatally injured.
The Toronto board of control has a•
warded contrasts for the new main build.
of thelndnetrial Exhibition, which will
poet 699,000, exclusive of the interior dec-
There was a gathering of Coneervativee
at the Belleville Opera House on Friday
night, when Henry Corby, ex.M. P. for
Weet Haetine.s, woe preeented with hie
portrait as a mark of esteem on his retir•
ing from parliament. J, J. Foy, M. P. P,
and Mr. Wbitney, who were among the
speakers, predicted a Conservative victory
in the Ontario elections.
. ac sxdebxxs^ x' rrY :7 xxxxxxdbdeb r1'e
n7ansgoxan hoe several good Farms f or
sale and to rout, espy tonna,in TowneltiPe
of es orris and Grey, 8' 8. e70TT,nruseole
T'b01l,-88000.00 will buy the Moosu-
(,bey Block in the Village of eruseule, Those
4wu ane 910180 moot be sold to eloee out the
lno0augb'y Esti. to, Intending purebusere
should investigate at ones: apply to E. 8,
800 T1' or G, 0, BLOB, Brussels, Out,
5 0
A good 50 sere farm for sale, all
cleared, clay loam, no in being Weeb
Half Lot 29, 00%11:Grey, Good house and
kitchen; bank: barn 40x50 foot ; driying
shed, hog pen and sheep pen 18x55 fent with
hayloft above, Good orchard and 2 good
wells Well fenced with etralght•rall 580088,
Poesoesion gleno to suit purchaser. For
particulars apply on the promisee, W, A,
011011e1L, Oraubrook P, 0, 02.tf
Pratt's Poultry Food
Used and commended by the most successful Poultry Breeders
and Exhibitors in Canada and the United States. A trial package
will convince you of its merits.
Pratt's Animal Regulator
wan, — The undersigned will keep
"Roan Duke" .---05781= on Lot a (Jon. 9, Grey,
'terms, 50.00, with the privilege of return-
ing as often us neoeeoary. Durham sow e,
$4 00. A good young bull,11 months old, for
sale, roan in color. P. ROBERTSON
09.2 Brussels P. 0.
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Dairy Cows, etc. Awarded
medal and diploma at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. A. trial
package will prove the value of this, the greatest of Animal
The undersigned will keen for service
on Lot 21. Oou.12, Grey, the thoro' bred
largo breed Yorkshire hog. "810 James;'
from imported stook. Pedigree may be semi
on application, Terme, $1,00, to, be paid at
time of service with privilege of returning
if necessary. Have a young pedigreed 'hog
and cow from same stook for sale,
J, P. MMINTOSH, Proprietor,
39.4 Oraubrook P. 0,
We are agents for the `Beaver" Brand of Portland Cement.
This brand of Cement has given entire satisfaction wherever used.
Circulars showing Cut, Cost and Construction of Cement Silos may
be had at our store. Orders for Cement solicited and prices guar-
If you wieh the Best Twine in the market give us your
for "Plymouth."
The London Fence Machine
One -Way
To Manitoba and Canadian North-Weet
will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during
MA11010 and APRIL, 1902.
Passengers travelling without Live Stook
should take the train leaving Toronto at
1,45 p. m.
Passengers travelling with Live Stook
should take the train leaving Toronto at
9.00 p. m, --'
Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each
For full particulars and copy of "Settlers'
Guide," apply to your nearest Canadian
Pacific Agent, or to
A. H. NOTMAN, Aeet. Gent. Poser. Agent,
1 King Street East, Toronto.
The sawmill, elave factory and engine
heading at Marphy'e Siding, a few milee
from Owen Sound, owned by. J. E. Mur-
phy, of Hepworth, were bathed Friday
nignt. Lose about $8,000, insured for
The colonial secretary bac asked Lord
Minto to engage forty qualified lady
teaobere in Canada for service in the Boor
concentration camps in South Africa.
The salary will be £100, with free trans-
portation and maintenance, and the term
of engagement is one year, with the op.
tion of re•engagement or return paeeege
to Canada at the expiration of the year.
Twenty of lheee teachers will be engaged
in Ontario.
With this Machine you can build your own fence, save money
and be independent. See this machine work. Price $9.00.
Myers' "Stayon" Flexible Door Hanger
Steel Roller Bearings. Unequalled on the globe. Your barn
or shed door is incomplete without this hanger.
Nails and No. 9 Coiled Spring Wire
At special prices. Having purchased Nails and Wire at a
special price and at special freight rates we can assure you of close
Orders for "Beaver" Cement, "Plymouth" Twine, No. 9
Coiled Spring Wire and Wire Nails will receive our best
McKAY & Co.
Township of Grey
FOR 1901.
Yt Business!
late MRS, E. ROGERS Bros-
TLES, &c., belonging to the at ,
will be
eels has been purchased by the. undersigned and w 1 b
Carried on in the game store.
We clo not intend continuing the Mantle Department so for -the
next 30 days will give SPECIAL BARGAINS in Mantles,
Trimmed Hats, Babys' Hats and Caps, to clear out stock.
Prices at and below cost, so don't miss this opportunity.
A Call will be appreciated.
Cash on band at last audit, local ac,...$ 877 77
Cash from Collectors 18089 70
Cash from Standard Bank loans 21622 00
Legislative grant
Refund of loin to drain no, in 1900 752 51
Refund from other Townships 118 25
Renta Township Hall and Silver Cor- 118 68
ners Drain 67 75
License fund 67 75
Rebate on the
Refund from School Section No. 12150 22
Cash on hand for Mun. drains at audit 5708 87
Cash for debentures sold 14248 09
Interest 141 65
Refund from Fraser Drain In 1900 112 21
Total $08412 80
Expended on Municipal drains $ 7797 66
Refunded from Fraser Drain surplus 112 21
to parties
Roads and bridges 1851 08
Gravel 475 09
Drains and ditches 209 02
Township Hall
Board of Health 84 00
Printing, postage and stationery 95 08
Charity 00 00
Aid to wire fences 40 50
Salaries, &c. 824 80
Loans and interest to Standard Bank 2100 92
P. 8z CO_
New Goods for
Early Spring Selling !
Thousands of Dollars worth of Staple Goods passed
into stock during the last ten days, all to be sold at
Closest Prices to induce Customers to buy early.
Election expenses - 46 00
Miscellaneous 866 10
Debentures and coupons 2261 20
Schools 5000 14
Atu ttttio balance being cash on hand18544 62
Total $88419 86
Cash on hand, local account $ 1000 48
Cosh on hand to Hall Mun. Drain 2403 74
Cash on hand, 14th Con. Mun. Drain 6811 97
Cash on land, Fraser Mun. Drain 88 28
Cash on hand, Beauchamp Creek
Mun. Drain and Extension.. 8411 28
Casio on hand, McTaggart Mun. Drain 258 97
Uncollected taxes 1781 75
T iwnship Hall 1000 00
Grader 240 00
Owing by Elton , 1097 91
Amount to balance 17827 92
February is a Profitable Month for
Buying Staple Dry Goods.
J. Ferguson & Co.
Total 566482 20
Balance of Connty rate,1991 $ 418 75
Collectors' eateries 80 00
Deb. Silver Corners Drain, 11 yrs 2120 50
Fraser Mun. Drain debentures, 18 yrs 1401 68
Deb. McTaggart Mun. Drain, 20 yrs2864 06
Deb. Hall Mun, Drain, 20 yrs,.....,.,,4772 26
Deb. Beauchamp Creek & Ext, No. 2,
17 vim 17102 00
Dob. Lith Con. Mtm, Drain, 20 yrs.,6710 06
Total 886482 20
Amount of liabilities over aaeeta ..,,,17827 02
We, the nndersfened Auditors of the Town-
shtt of Grey for the audit of the accounts of
A. MolOoir, To•eaonrer for 1001,50 certify that
we have dons eo end examined the vouchers
and find them correct with a balance of Dash
on hand or in bank of 18644.62.
Dated at Grey this 18110 of Feb„ 1002.
WILLIAM Wonx, } Auditore.
Jouat M. DAvrk4,
Spring Goods
THE SUITINGS that have arrived for Ladies' Spring Suits are
beautiful. Something very special in Costume Venetian.
SPRING DRESS GOODS—The finest selection in the market.
THE PRINT DEPARTMENT is full of the Lathst Deeigns.
NEW HATS & CAPS FOR SPRING•—Having just received a
large consignment of them, direct importation, places us in
a position to give you the beet value •that is in the market.
BOOTS & SHOES—This department is well assorted but it is
needless to say anything about prices as it is a standing
fact that our prices are the lowest.
MILLINERY OPENING will be announced later, Mies Morrison
who ie again in charge of that department, is.at present vie-
ing the business centres in our interests, and will, as she has
always done, supply the buying public with the very best
that can be had for the money.
Slaughter Sale
For the Next 30 Lays
We will offer special Bargains in order to make room
for New Spring Goods. Great reductions in
Ca 1 and see our snaps in Men's Rubbers, Leggings, Men's
Heavy Shirts, Horse Blankets, Dinner Sets,.Tea Sets,
and Fancy Dishes.
All Farm Produce taken at highest trade or cash price.