HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-27, Page 8It'
By ogling x: 1
I>:1 j 1away „fir � �J/♦;t0
whenever you require 11I'e8b Medicines, or
have a Prescription to be made, We are
just in receipt of shipment of
Go\,J,1/1.? l NEW l7TOo1✓1.7.
The Right Place to get the Right Medicines
at the Right Price.
F. B. Hursle & Go.
Trains leave Brussels Station,North
and South, as follows ;
• Express 7:16 a.m I Mall .. 2;10 p.m
Mixed 0:46 aExpresses 8:17 p.m
goad rC.etU: bins,
A ohiel'e amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
BEAUTIPM weather.
BenseeLe market leads.
Horten Fair next Thursday.
WOOD ie l80600e commodity in town.
HORSE Fair on Thnreday of next week.
Comm, meeting next Monday evening.
SATURDAY will usher in the month of
CLEAN the snow off your share of the
AWNINGS have already made their ap•
Tao first delivery of harvesting maoh-
leery was made this week.
W. F. STEWART & Son ship a O&0 Of
flour Eastward this week.
W. H. MoOneoxnN chipped a oar of
potatoes to Toronto on Thursday.
EXCURSIONS to Manitoba will commence
next week running emote Taeeday during
Meath and April,
Some pitch holes North and South of
Brneeele were fixed daring the past week
but are onttiog out again owing to soft
a shipment of heavy horses to Robert
Reid, of Brandon, Manitoba, on Thursday
of this week. Othere may follow.
UPWARDS of 150 tone of ice of very good
quality have been housed for next
Summer's use. It was cat above the
'dam. W. and R. Denbow superintended
the work and are good hands at the busi-
Doet'T forget about the emotion sale of
the McCaughey brick block at the Ameri-
can Hotel, Brussels, on Saturday after-
noon of this week at 2 o'olook. F. S.
Boort will be the auotioneer. It ie a well
built, eligible block and will be Bold on
reasonable terms.
Soley NG•—Dnring this week the ship-
ments have been ae follows :-3 oars of
salt ; A. C. Dames, 2 oars cattle and a
ear of hogs ; W. Jewitt, oar of hogs ; G.
Beet, car of hogs and oar of cattle ; Wm.
Hislop, a oar of live Stook and settlers'
effects to Arcola, Man. A oar of Mani-
toba wheat was received by W.F. Stewart
& Son and a oar of B. 0. shingles for P.
LEoruoo.—A lecture will be given in
Melville ebaroh on Monday evening, Mar.
3rd, at a quarter to 8, by Rev. R. S. G.
Anderson, M. A., B. D., Wroxeter, on
"The Kingdom of Fife." Tide leoture
will bo very interesting in itself and will
be illustrated by about 70 lantern views,
which will include Some of the finest
Scottish eoenery. A small fee of 10o.
will be oharged for admission.
Toe Bowling Club have arranged with
the highly reoommended Caledonian
Concert Co. to give a Concert in the
Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday even-
ing of next week. Talent consists of
Mies Ella Walker, soprano ; A. D. Stur-
rook, baritone ; 0. Wallace, violinist and
pianist ; and Pipe Major McLean in
piping and Highland dancing. Plan of
Hall at Fox's drug store.
short time ago W. H. Kerr, Secretary of
East Enron Agricultural Society, made
application to Hon. John Dryden, Minis-
ter of Agrioniture, to have an experiment.
al plot, at or near Brunets, for testing
the growth, &o., of the engem beat. Mr.
Dryden'e affirmative reply was received
last Monday and the neoeaoary arrange -
menta will be made forthwith. Further
information as to location and other par.
Oculars will be given later.
BU0INEee NOT SOLD.—We wish to in.
form our many friends and onetomers
that we have not Bold out our business,
although a report to that effect had been
in airoulation, but will be found at the
old stand pleased to do business with all
who may favor tie with their patronage.
We are opening up our Spring stook and
will be pleased to show yon the new
designs in shoes. Oar harness depart.
went 11 also well stocked with hareems,
both, heavy and light, onr own make,
whioh we offer at prioes that shoal
interest you. I, 0. RICHARDS, Brussels.
CHARGED HEBeorr The Goderioh Star
of last week eels :—On Saturday Alice
Barton, of Brneeele, a married woman,
appeared before Polido Magiatrate Seeger,
ohatged herself with being insane and
flaked to be committed to the jail go that
ebe might be Bent in the near future to
one of the Provinoial Aeylame for safe
keeping. It was one of the moat novel
names ever presented in the Goderioh
police court, and Mr. Seager closely
scanned hie vieitor, bat after learning
that she had been oonlne ate
e d fn an violate
for 10 months, and hearing evidence of
Dr, Monter, he oommitted Mrs. Button
to jail on her own information. The de.
fondant, it appeare, is the wife of a la-
borer at Brussels and left that village On
foot for Seaforth and then to Goderiob,
walkileg moot of the dietanoe,
Tacna hove been 15 interments made
in Brussels cemetery during the month
of February.
ORO. Baer lost 16 bogs lash Wednesday
by overcrowding in the oar while journey
ing to their destination.
Tan non jury assizes will open at Gode-
rich on Monday,8rd prox„ before Justice
Roberteon. There will probably not be
much business before the court.
EAST Huron Farmers' Institute has
over€00.membere now, the largest in the
history of the Inetitnte. The small an-
nual fee of 25 Dente oonetitntee the mem-
A nom wedding was solemnized in
town by Rev, John Holmes the other day
when Thos. Barrows and Mise Ella How-
lett, both of MoIiillop, were united in
wedlook. May their joys bemany.
EAST Huron License Board met at the
Queen'e Hotel, Brussels, on Wednesday.
George Fortune was re-elected chairman.
Next meeting will be held on April 18th
to ooneider applications for hotel liceneee.
THERE was a contest at the Show given
in the Town Mall lest week for the most
popular ohild, the record being taken by
votes of those attending and purebaeing
remedies offered. After a very lively.
beetle the lamp was awarded' to Eleie,
daughter of John Stelae, 9th oon., Grey.
This popular little lady had over 6,000
votes polled for her-
TEX Bus U sze.—Ae the Rattenbnry
hotel bee was retarning from the station
at Clinton with 5asseagere from the late
train one night last week it got off the
beaten track and unset. John Raoeford
was thrown violently on hie book againet
the glees window, which broke, and two
other pasaengere fell upon him. Al.
though taken np insensible be sustained
only a few alight outs and bruises. The
other passengers were only shaken up.
DIED.—The sad intelligence was re-
ceived fast Monday by Mre. Thnell,
Alexander street, Brussels, formerly of
Morrie, that her daughter, Minnie, who
was married last June to D. F. Brennan,
of New York, had died at the hospital
that morning. She had fallen on the
street a weak previous, courting premature
childbirthfrom which ebe died, Mrs.
Brennan was 26 years, 6 months and 19
days old and was a obeerful woman with
a large circle of friends. The funeral
was announced for Thursday but that
was cancelled ae the remains did not ar.
rive in time. Interment will be made in
Brussels cemetery.
8voLPATHETI0 WoRne.—Mrs. W. Spence
and family,—We, the members of West-
ern Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. F., at
this our first meeting since we depoeited
all that remained of our late Brother in
the oold, cold, tomb, from whiob we fatly
realize that there is no return, cannot
allow it to aloes without putting on reoord
eome token of the reepeot we had for our
late brother and of words of sympathy
for you in this your hour of eau affliction.
In him we lost a highly esteemed veteran
in our ranks, having passed that mile-
stone in our Order, and during all that
long time he was esteemed by all hot we
realize that your lose is far greater than
owe, ae yon have loot a loving husband
and kind father, a lose that can never be
filled unless in fond memory of him that
is gone. The country and commnuity
have loet a kind neighbor anda good
citizen, and one and all join together in
sympathy with yon in this your greatest
[nes. We all realized that our departed
brother was a firm believer in the teach-
ing of the Golden Rale and which we
make the basis of the teaching of one of
our degrees, as it is the basis of the moral
node that should guide all mankind, thus
preempting a common basis of worship
and morals for the millions of our world.
He also realized the teaohinge of the fol-
lowing emblems of our Order which also
flow from this grand fountain, viz, the
scales and sword ; the soytbe and the
coffin. The first teaches ns that the rioh
and the poor, the high end the low, the
young and the old, the learned and the
unlearned should meet on one common
level and do good to their fellow men [
and the eeoond reminds us that we muet
meet on that same common level when
we are mown down by that grim monster
we pall death ; while the last shows that
human life is abort, that we must go
down to the grave and be numbered with
the shrouded millions of the past, realiz•
ing that the sleep that is soundest and
eweeteet of all is the Bleep when our ooeoh
is the bier and our night robe the pall,
the sleep of the grave leaving nothing bet
our oharaoter and good nations as an ie•
finance to ckerisb for those wehave left
behind. Our Order commands n0 to
comfort and enpport the widow and or.
pban and all true Oddfellowe are ever
desirous of doing this grand tenet of our
Order, remembering that while we buried
all that was mortal of our late brother,
hie good actions, and they were many,
will live after him and always be green
in our memory and live in hope that
when we follow him' across that bourne
from which no traveller ever returns that
he will be there to welcome ns in Friend-
ship, Love and Troth, as was hie ouetom
here, and that you and he and all of 0S
may meet in that happyh
y a oma we are,
told of beyond the ekiee. Such is the
fond hope of his tr,iplo•linked brothers
here who join with yen to mourn his leas.
Signed on behalf of Western Star Lodge,
No. 149, I. 0.0. F., Brunetti,
SAXES Jong, Noble Grand,
W. H, MoOUAalcEN, Reo.•Ste.
A/ ,r,i.41 bit N / ,In hM PO
Cion or Tu.tuke,TTo Western Star
Lodge, l` Io, 149, I, 0. Q. b'., 13rttaeete 1--
GnNTLstleltb —3 1poly 'aopept my 81165810
thanks for the kindness and sympathy
Yea have all shown daring the lllusee of
My fate haeband. I have also to thank
o the is
anti h n t
S k d a e
a k poor aofit
and for the ,lowly neral wreath, $e Ajay
your noble Order gontinne 4e fiouria
and prosper in your worke of rneroy and
love, Xoure sincerely,
MAn'rloo 56$750, 7albel.
Tpn Brendan Titnee pays :.,••''77148100
Shewan are arranging fpr the transfer of
their baelneoe to the limited liability
company whiob they have 1)304 formed,
The transfer l
an Will take Isco on Maroh1,.
T fiat ire t
Tho a oars of she
d G 1101/ oom n
Will be : F. Nation, A. Sbewan, Geo. Ay.
Halliday, A, G. Nation and 0.R, Shewao,
The ofiacers are—President, A, Showan ;
leo..treae., F. Nation. The name of the
new eempapy is "Nation & Shewap,
Limited." Mr. Halliday referred CO ie a
former well known Braseelite, being the
sen of J. 0, •Halliday, of town,
Bavetano PUaLIg LIneeue,— 'showing
ie a list of bpoke on the shelves of the
Public Library well worthy of peroeal :—
History 277, Biography 294, Voyage and
Travel 355, Bamboo 885, Literature 878,
Poetry 80, Religion 138, notion 864, Mie.
oellaneous 308, Works of Referaupe $2,
Magazinee 43, total 2,699. Books Mimed
during the peat year :— Rioter', 564,
Biography 49, Voyage and Travel 434,
Seieooe 92, Literature 1734, Poetry 27,
Religiose 80, Fiction 1291, Miscellaneous
66, Works of Referenoe—, Magazines
829,•totai 6,111.
WEDDING BELoa,—A quiet wedding was
solemoiged at the residence of Peter
Delay, of Seaforth, on Thursday afternoon
of last week, when hie seemed daughter,
Mise Bertha, became the wife of Norman
Hill, of Marysville, British Colombia, end
formerly of this locality. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. I, B. Walwin,
pastor of the Methodist church, at 5
&clank and was witnessed only by the
immediate relatives, After the ceremony
a sumptuous wedding supper was served
and the evening pleaeantly spent. After
a short vieit Mr. and Mrs. Hill left for
their home in the West where Mr. Hill
is engaged in the dry goods and gets'
furnishing business. The many friends
of the young couple here will unite with
no in wishing them all possible happiness
in their Western home. The groom is
the youngest eon of JohuHill, of Bras.
Business Locals.
Foe oheap millinery go to the Misses
Habkirk. Everything away down.
W. F. STEWART & SON_ have received a
oar of No, 1 hard Manitoba wheat for
their Spring trade.
Fosgauntlet mit found. Owner may
have it looseby paying for thio looa
THE Pon, Brussels.
Mixm fur muff loot between 4th line,
Morrie, and Brussels. Finder will kind.
ly leave it at TUE Pon.
WANTED. Chaise Roll Better 18 cents,
No. 1. Mink or Fox skins $8.50. Oar
slaughter sale of Drees Goode during Jan-
uary and February ie worth Doming miles
to les. G. E. Klee, Wingham.
SAW Furore.—The undersigned is pre.
pared to attend to all saw filing in a
workmanlike manner, after long exper-
ience. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Henn Wmr,utle,
Livery Barn, Brussels.
In response to a °all, issued by Ohasley
Board of Trade, a publics meeting was
held in Palmerston Town Hall on Tues-
day forenoon of this week. There was a
large and representative tnrn•ont and an
earnestnees exbibited that Should go a
good distance in Bemiring the objece of
the meeting, viz., marked improvements
in the at present very unsatisfactory
train service on the W. G. & B. flees
running out of Palmeretoo.
Warden Donnelly, of Brice Oo., was
elected Chairman ; Lawyer Miokle, of
Cheeley, Secretary, with Mr. Telford, of
Owen Sound, as aeeietaot.
Sbort epeeohee were made hy Reeve
Allan, Arran township ; Reeve- Brockle•
back, Brant ;' Ooneoillor McGillivray,
Brune; Reeve Pilleinger, Carrick; Reeve
Clement, Elderelie ; Warden Donnelly,
Greenock ; Reeve Crowe, Cheeley ;
Councillor Hargreaves and Mr. Stark,'
Paisley ; Reeve Geddes, Port Elgin ;
Counoillor McLeod, Southampton; Ooun•
oillor McPhail, Tiverton ; Councillor
Wright, J. W. Bundy and S. W. Vogan,
Walkerton ; Councillor Hinter and
Meeere. Crawford and Wamsley, Wier -
ton ; Reeve Rose and W. H. herr, Brus-
sels ; Mr. Telford, Owen Sound ; Mr,
Cargill, Mr. Bowman, M. P. P., Mr.
Malcolm, M. P. P., Mr. Bell, Mr. Miokle
and others. Communications were read
from Messrs. Halliday and Tolmie, M.
P.'s, expressing their willingness to do all
they mould in the matter.
The following resolutions were present.
ed and after dieousoion were carried
Whereae general dieaatiafaation
exists in the County of Bruce with
the present G. T. R. 6800100 on the
branoh lines,
And whereas the County of Bruce
line, contributed in county and sea -
Moine bonuses the sum of 9499,000
towards the branoh lines which
traverse it ;
And whereas the development of
rho reaoareee of the Chanty of Bruce
and adjoining district in lob, salt,
lumber, cattle, cement and mandato.
tared goode has very largely inoreas•
ed the volume of freight truffle on the
branoh lines during recent yeare so
as to put these linea oa a good paying
Aod whereat the mail and passim.
ger eeryiee on these linea i9 chara0.
terized hy mixed trains, slow travel,
inferior coaches, late mail delivery
and iosnffioient train service,
Therefore the representatives of
the municipalities of the Oounty of
Brune and adjoining oonntiee in eon.
vention aoeembled to hereby resolve ;
1. That at'
a ion ooneistfDg
0. N. P Bowman P J
Stewart, Dr. McM, Donald,
DP,, Henry
Cargill, M. P„ Jas. Halliday, M. P.,
John Tolmie, M. P., Dr, Horsey, M.
P,, Edwin Tolton, 141. Pe 0. J. Mottle
and enoh others no may be appointed
by any municipality interested inter.
view Gbe Ctooerai Maosgof 80 PM,
pose the following muoii needed im,
pr vemen80 t•—' (a) No freight ore
with mail trains' (b) A mall train
in the afternoon eoupeotind with
evening liaise for Toronto and .Ham,
Pilon; (a) Mixed train going' North
in the warping on the Kincardine
and Southampton branches and're•
taming to Palmerston same day ;.(q)
Better elan of eoaobeo ; (e) ,el. mini.
mum rate of travel an daily mail and
express train of twenty miles an
hour 1 (1) Cattleggarda made im.
passable 101 e10011,
2. That there be appended to this
resolution the epeoifio request of any
local munioi alit n im o e.
moot which It desires the delegation
to lay before the General Manager.
3, That copies of this resolution be
forwarded by the Soarotary to the
General, Manager and the eommee.
Dial Travellers' Aeeooiation.and fur.
niched to the prase,
4. That a permanent Railway
Opmmitteo for the branch lines of
Bruce County be formed to be oom.
posed of the delegatee appointed to
iutervi w e
e the General Manager, ag , and
snob Committee, in the event of the
G. T. R. management failing to give
enbetentlal relief to the present
grievapcee, ehall endeavor to secure
the appointment of a Railway Com•
mission to settle and adjust the roe•
prative rigbte of the people and the
corporation or take such other steps
ae they may deem neoeeeary to pro-
mote the ascertained objects of this
0anvention ae expressed in elle
former reeolntion.
Votes of thanks were passed to Palmer•
atop Couooil for pee of Hall, to the
Chairman and Secretary, after whioh the
meeting adjourned felly resolved to path
thie matter of train service to a success-
ful ieeue. -
Cans.—Io Mullett, on Feb. 8, to Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Cade, a son (still born).
POTTER.—Io Blyth, on Feb, 17, to Mr,
and hers. Potter, a daughter.
RORRRTeON,—In Blyth, nen February 611,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robertson, a
Ttoute.—Io Blyth, on Feb. 13, to Mr, and
Mre, J. E. Taman, a eon.
AnrtousR—WETTLAUFER.— At Methodist
parsonage, Blyth, on Feb. 1911, by
Rev. Wm. Penhall, Mr. Henry W.
Amaoher, of Berlin, to Miee Clara,
eldest daughter of /Ire and Mrs. A.
Wettlaufer, of Blyth.
Brews—VANeroNE.— In Wingbam, on
Feb. 19, by Rev, D. Perrie, Mr. 0. A.
Birge, of Hamilton, to Mies Margaret
anetone of
V 'n
WI ha
BENNETT—BTAAt1G8AN —At St. Andrew's
manse, Blyth, on Feb.18, by Rev. A.
MoLeao. Mr. A. 0. Bennett, of Look•
now, to Miee Annie, third daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Thee. Straugbao, of
East Wawenosh.
LONao1AN—JAOEeoN.—At the reeidenoe of
Mr. and Mrs. Ieaao Cowan,. Blyth, nn
Feb. 19, by Rev. Wm. Penhall, Mr.
Frank Longman, of Mullett, to Miee
Belle Jackson, of Blyth.
BRENNAN,—In New York city, on Feb.24,
Minnie Thnell, beloved wife of D, F.
Brennan, aged 26 yeare, 5 months
and 19 days.
DARE.—Io Morrie, on Feb. 24, Margaret
Ann Carter, beloved wife of William
Dark, aged 46 yeare, 1 month and 13
Hoarore—Io Goderiob, on Feb. 18, Mar.
ase Horton, aged 79 yeare.
RATOLIoPE.—In Elam, on Feb. 22, Ann
Atkinson, relict of the late Thomas
Ratcliffe, aged 77 yeare and 6 menthe.
8010Pso0.—In Ethel, on Feb. 22, William
Simpson, aged 74 yeare, 3 months
and 7 days.
FRIDAY, FEB. 28,—Farm stook, imple-
meats, household furniture, &o., at Lot
24, Con. 12, Grey. Sale, onreeerved, at 1
p. m. John Oarnoohan, prop.; F. B.
Scott, aao.
TUESDAY, MARCH 4.—Farm stook, imple.
menta, &o., lot 8, oon. 17, Grey. Sale
unreserved at 1 o'olock. David Camp.
bell, prop ; F. S. Soott, aao.
FRIDAY, MOON 7, 1902.—Farm stook,
imalmente, &a, Lot 4, Con. 8, Grey.
Sale, unreserved a proprietor hae Bold
his farm, at 1 o'olook. Jno. Cunningham,
Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Ana.
Fall Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per cwt.
Potatoes (per bus.)
Apples (per bbl.)
Hay per ton
Sheep skins, eaoh , ....
Lamb Ekins each
Salt per bbl., retail
Hides trimmed
Hides rough
Hoge, Live
4 00
2 00
8 00
1 00
5 75
5 00
8 00
9 00
5 75
CORDWOOD wanted. Oober Carriage
Factory, Brunets.
F0000•ootee Seed Peas for eale. JAS.
PERRIli, Lot 17, Con, 15, Grey, or Oran -
brook P.O. 88.4
Goon working horses for sale, North
100 10, 000, 8, Morris, or Brussels P. 0,
81.5 G. E, READMAN.
ONE hundred sores of timber land for
sale. Might exchange for other property if
. Apply to JOHN HANSULD'Ethel,
Fan SALE on To RENT,—Two comfortable
dwelling houeoe, also three good building
lots. For further p.tioulare apply to
.82.4 JOHN IIAN01300, Ethe1,
IIu118 ter Salo, all regiaterdd. One le 2
years old and the ethers 0000008 from 9 to
M mon the, . SPE/R, Lot 30, Con. 0,
Morrie, 130686616ssu16 tn PP. 0. 2o•tt
i� Horn lluile for sale, from 0 to 20 months
old, Also cows in calf to Imported "Red
Duke" and a tow heifore.
D, 11111107, nthel.
7, 1902
8T4X,D4 D ,B4X..J" adXr4.,D4,
belerP,A,x07.4ssa9svio 1a 1472.
CAPITAL PAID UP (One 341111008 Doliare). 91,00.0,000
iRA ST 9760,004
dyeneieg in all yrineipal jawfntc In Ontario, aaebewa Slanitwba, United States tdEftptan4.
A General j3apkingg Bieinees Transacted, Farmere' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Lamed and Oolleetiond made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00upwarde a acid and compounded hall yearly.
$moil ATTNNTro$ afvaN TO run Oonniterlo9 00 FAnneena' Sans 77orEe,
370001' faoility afforded Customers living ata dietanoe,
Molloy Grdsra apaytbefoatoanybarntkesla:eaed
Under $10 ,,. 8o, $20 to $80.,.,120
910 to $20 „ foe. . 80 to 40.,,.ldo
17 Wanted, aultabie 1orranoh purpooee,.
Apply 'groat?, BE6T, Brneeele,
mG 3 and 1 year old, aired by "Dexter
Revenge" and "Costumer" reoportlyely.
Brooeele P.O. Lot 0, Con 10, Grey,.
=ROMPED 1V1011ee to announce to
the ladies of Brussels sad vicinity that she
is prepared to make switches out of comb -
togs and out hair, at her home Mill street
Weet,Bruaeele, MRs. BIN G8T0N,
$15 00 to $18,.00 n Week
minty for anintelligent man or women in
eaoh town, Permanent position. 80 cents
per hour for spare time. Manufacturer,
Box 78, Philadelphia. 20
$20,000 to Loan.
The above sum has been plaoed with me
for immediate investment on farm proper-
ty at 0 per Deal. If [titles are satisfactory
loans may be oompleted 1n 3 days, Liberal
terms as to repayment. Apply at once to
W. M, 8I 00LAIR, Barrister, &e , Brussels.
O81ce over Horsley's Ding Store,
Feb. 6th, 1903. 00.3m Brussels,
Notice to Debtors.
All persons indebted to' Sirs, Rogers, late
of the Village,of Brussels, milliner, deceas-
ed, are hereby' notified that leer book ac-
counts have all been handeel over for oolleo-
tlon to G. F,Blair, ofthe
GVillage la a of Brne-
pay,Schellefor 'ma estate, do whom all
paymentspayments meet be made at onto in order to
close up the estate. A. PARFITT,
E O, Thomas Br II
IO0PLE be000 e—oMo, Thomas Brown Le-,
strong to se lruotione from Mrauction
cn t Art 0,
con, 7 to sell ,bye publics auction 00 Lott,
con, 7, 1 o'ett, on Tm., the fol MAR po 4th,
1000, et e.;o'clock—/ br ed following proper•
tY vie. ;-Horses-1 breed mare, in foal to
Mldlothiap ; 1 aged mare, 1 mare rising 5
yoare old, 1 gelding rising 2 Pears old, 2 5lly
rleing2 yeare old. Cattle -8 milo11 oowa, an
about to calve or wltb calve ; 8 two•year•o1d
steers, 880: wo•yg heifers
heifers, sheep, dung
steers, 1 yrling heifers. Piga, 011808, &c —
1 brood bred
to be fu pig, 7 afore
pigs, 20 well styes, and about 40 harm.
Implements—1 Massey -Harris binder, 1 fan-
ning mill nearly new, number wagop,1
double carriage, 1 mower, 1 set new bob-
sleighs, 1 new top buggy, 1 hay fork with
ropes and pulleys all complete, and other
em all articles ; also a quantity of Sensation
and New Century seed oats. Everything
must be eold as the proprietor meet give up
nonunion of the farm at once, Terme—All
sums of $6,00 and under, clash ; over that
amount 7 months' credit 'will be given on
furnishing approved Mut notes; a discount
of 5 per cent. per annum will be allowed for
cash on credit amounts,
Auctioneer. - Proprietor,
wen..-The undersigned will keep
"Roan Duke" =86788= on Lot 8, Don. 0, Grey,
Terme, $2.00, with the privilege of return.
ins RS often as necessary. Durham cows.
$6 00. A good young bull. 11 months old, for
sale, roan In color. P. ROBERTSON, Bruosele P, 0.
...a. The undersigned will keep ifer eervioe
011 Lot 21, Con.12, Grey, the Moro' bred
largebreed Yorkshire bog, "Sir James,"
from imported stook. Pedigree may be seen
on application. - Terms, $1,00, to be paid at
tine of service with privilege y vile a d returning
ad sow ramRas a ok for ale. pedigreed
and sow from cams stook for eats.
J. P. Mc1:NT03H, Proprietor,
88.4 Oranbrook P. 0,
.'Thele is a Oougb 'Cure 'tile(
will cure a (lough .orY
oix et .our
y �
money back, . Nothing harmful
in it, It i$1 sant to take.
The children like it (but don't
cry for it.) We have Bold it icor
several Winters, last Winter
twice as =eh as any previous
one. The price is 25o. per
bottle at
Drug Store.
-Glasses Perfect
for near
and far,
' The ineoneenionce of
separate Iowae for
diod bris avoided our
vislen glasses,
which afford perfect
eight forwortk,.
and forseeinear afar.
le- ps, T. Fletcher
Hnlnoo.tdfii r, aaOrl
7. C,rrrr3:sr.te Omtsc0aoa
30 DAY,: 7
Clearing Sale
E will offer for the next 30 Days our ENTIRE
ably Low Prices in order to make room for our
Shipments of Spring Goods which arrive Next
Below is a Sample of the many Bargains to be found in our Stock.
Men's and Youths'
Ready-made Clothing
Regular $5.00 and $5.25 Suite, Sale price $4 00
Regular 5.75 'i " 4 25
Regular 6.50, 6.75, 7.00 ri i, - 5 00•.
Regular 7.50 8.00. " 6 00
Regular 8.50 9.00 rr it 7 00
Regular 10.00 4 t 4 8 00
Regular 12.00 ,r " 9 50
Regular 15.00 If " 12 00,
Ordered Clothing
$14 00 Tweed Suits made to order
15 00 it to
16 00 if
18 00
20 00
$12 00
12 50
17 50
$0 50 quality for $0 40
65 " 50
ft 55
rr 75,
1 00
1 25
• CC,
Persian Lamb Caps, regular $4, $5, 86.50, $7,
$7,50 and $8 quality at $3, $4, $5.25,
$5.50, $6.50 and $7.50.
Manitoba Beaver Caps, regular.' $2.25, $2.50,
82.75 and $3.00, Sale Price $1.50, $1.75, •
$2.00 and $2.25.
Only 81"ur Coats left which we will sell at a
E. C.
Tailors, Clothiers & Furnishers.