HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-27, Page 5it ,
7, 1202.
ONi T ¶J O LOAN AT 5 B133B
�tlt�1�Y1^ ,1. .
cent. P. H. eUO,ll, l3ressols,
1 tr a fewer of Marriage Lleenoes, 01,
dao at 0100ory,Turnberry street, Bruooele,
ii) N. BARRETT— "_"
.1.%). Woelterlalartist. Shop—Next door
North of the Stondard 13aub, Ladies' and
Children's stair Cutting a epooialty,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Sy2y'L7'oS223T B., Qx7"7C'.
' Wellington Mutual
Pico hlanraneo Co.,
nsPAnprnn0n 1640
Insnrenoe tabun on bile cash and premium
pubo system atom•rant rates. IS sieve 'flour-
ing elsewhere call on the on dersigned Agent
of the Company.
GM)180111 ROGERS, Brussels.
L.. O. M.,
Aondemto graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Allude, aloe Member of the Ae000i ated
Musioiane of Ontario, ie preparedt0 receive
a limited number of pupils for instruction
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupil for
the Prinoipol's Form in the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Pobllo,
Laud, Loan, andd0suran00 Agent 1, 4-otlau-
ear, Funds invested and to loan. Oolleo•
tions made. OMee it, praham'0'Blook,l3rus-
EBB. will sell for better prices, to
better myen in lees time and lose charnel;
Huron or
charge Auctioneer
r in anti orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.:
of domesticated animals in a compet-
entmanner, Rartionlar attention paid to
Veterinary DentistryCalle promptly at-
tended to. Cgiooand Iuermary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnbeaxy et., Brunele.
• Barrioter, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Cillos -8 tawart'a Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
Vf . Solicitor, &c. 08100 over Stand-
to Loao at lowest rates. Brussels:.
GA .
D. n", C. M.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinityy. Medical
College, Member College of Pbyeioiane and
Surgeons Out. Licentiate of tho Royal OM -
lege of i'hysioiane and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edlnbnrgh..-tt:Telepbone No.14,
Resi`deuoe—Mill street, Brussels,
Graduate of !the Royal College of Dental
Burgeonaof Ontario and Pir0t•olass Honor
Graduate . of Toronto University. 001oe
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
J •nn/
ie moving forward. Winter term bagful;
San. 8,1002, Our rates aro reasonable—oar
Courson of Study thorough and praotioal.
Send for our Journal to see what we teach.
Students may enter nt any time. Two
Commis of Study—Oommorcial and Short-
Owen Sound.
British -Columbi:a
.RedCedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Tills
Also DoorO and Sash of all Pat
kerne on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
ATTEND THE BESTIT PAYS py Company epjayed a 1aet11y.propared
f tinobeoii, The af.0rboott train Imre
CENTRAL, away the peppy Conn 0 on a tour, whioh
r ryl will iltolude glued tf ih Bnhtiloro States,
d d
Ct l Y
1, Y young
d d 0 whDr d•
mil Ind wl ho will f llo to her H m
e sae nine of • Yip g as ie
i aria ano w 4 7 ,i m
Ma'A' t
1 i gill •e.toeme la ing an } main
%$'im i Ord
A sehnol well ltnown from ano 004 of flan,
ado, to the otnor for its superior work, 'Phis
College gives the right kind ,f education
and plaoog: many of its stud rite it, good
positions, Now le the time to enter. Pro•
300 ourtbeautifulaoatalosnoiil g q ib, wl"!ko
W, 4• ELLIOTT, Principal.
xdCJ� !t tot Itttos,.
• G,zrr ie,.
Dr. Sperling, of Winnipeg, Map„ was
in town calling on friends,
1b. Onnningham was in Toronto .last
week attending; the Grand Lodge of the
A. 0 U. W.
Wm, Mose, or., who has been the guest
of his eon, Will, for the past two months,
left for his home in Amberley.
Oboster MoLeughlio, who has been re•
Hewing old atgoainbanoes in town for the
pasttwo,monthe, Ise returned to Winni•
The Missionary Anniversary washeld
in the Methodist choral) last Sabbath.
Rev. Walter Rigsby, of Kinoard•ne, was
the preaoher,
Misses; Mae James end Flo. Harvey
have gone to Toronto, where they have
secured situations in the Mantle Depart-
ment of T. Eaton's departmental store.
H. W. Carter diepoeed of his stook of
dry goods and groceries to Andrews &
Son, of Rippon, who will take possession
on April let. Mr. Carter intends moo.
ing to Clifford where he will go into the
general store buoinees,
Peter Doig shipped s,carload of horses
to Molite, Man.
The printing of Howiok township ,for
the year 1002 was given to A. W. Moote
proprietorof the Reoord.p
3 veinal meeting of the shareholders
of the Springbuuk Cheese' Company was
held on Monday, Feb. 24th, to ooneider
the advisability of making butter instead
of cheese.
W. G. Ward and wife; of Belwood, ar-
rived in the village on Tueeday with their
boneehold effeote. Mr. Ward has bought
out J. S. Nieholi's butoher's toolo and
refrigerator and will start a batoher
shop in the Arlington Block.
Ezra 'Mehra, who has been in the par.
neea buaiuess here for six years, has dis-
posal of his profitablebusiness to.
Louie Cast, of Lietowel. At utepecial
meeting of the Epworth League held on
Tuesday evening, Feb. 18th, an address
and presentation of an easy Chair, was
made to Mr. Riehm, the .retiiins Preei.
dent of the Epworth League. After that
part was performed a lnnab wasagreed
thebaeement of the church to which.
ample juoLioe was done by those present.
Mr. Riehm left for London, where he has
a situation in a wholesale store.
Goon Smoox—Amos Bmith. the well
known Short Baru breeder of Grey town-
ship, has made another high priced and
valued argaisition to hie herd. He per•
chased the roan heifer, "Clara, F. 5th,"
imported by H. Cargill & Son, of Cargill,
Brace County ; oalved Sept. 9, 1900, and
brad by Sylvester Campbell, Rioelar,
Aberdeenshire,Scotland. The Clara
o 11 one.am
tribe is a good old Santo It o e
to Uppermill, Turves Aberdeenshire,
many years ago from the tide old herd
belonging to the late Mr. Sheppard, Shet.
hin. Clara F. 5th's sire wan Waterloo
(75861) whose grandsire was the oelebrat.
ed Earl of'Netberdale (66427), belonging
to the well knpwn'Blytheeome or Butter
fly tribe. He was got by First Conical
(57814) a Oruiokehank Cicely by Com.
modore (64118), out of Butterfly,' by the
great William of Orange (60694), who
proved enoh a enooeeefnl stook bull that
hie blood is probably more in demand
than that of any bull in Sontland or
America" Oo the mother's side Clara F.
bth'e pedigree rune book tothe origin of
the Clara tribe, With his recent per -
obese of the imparted bull, Golden Con.
queror, from Cargill & Bon, Mr. Smith
has undoubtedly the finest pair or Short
Horns yet brought into thio neighborhood,
and hie reputation as breeder will oon-
tinue to grow in proportion tohie enter.
W tis&rlistin-
Wingbam Driving Park Aseoeiation
purpose holding a Matinee on May 24th.
John MoOraoken and family, of the
Bluevale road, have moved into their new
home on Franoesetreet.
On Wednesday evening of last week,
Mrs. Vanaielyne, sen., fell, and, nofor•
tunately broke one of her arms.
Dr. A. J. Irwin has purchased Mr.
Peasant's Comfortable residence on eor-
mer of Patrick and Oontro streets.
Dr. J. E. Tamlyn was in Toronto Iaet
week attending the 0raud Lodge meeting
of the A. 0. U. W. ae representative from
Wingbam Lodge.
Mre. D. Lookridge and Mise McCurdy
have returned to their home in Brandon,
lvlau,, after several weeks visit with relit.
•tivee and Mende in Wingllam and vioin•
Jag. A. Cline hae deoided to leave Wing.
barn aud will move to O wen Sound, whore
:he has accepted the position of Secretary.
Treasurer of the Bun- Portland Clement
Mrs. Kingsley, of town, is in a critical
state as the result of a psrelytia stroke on
Tueeday of last week. Bbe had Ind re-
turned from the entertainment given by
the Children in the Methodist ohorob,and
was taking off her rubbers, when she was
taken ill.
After fifteen monthe0 charge of Wood-
stook Grand Trunk Railway elation, J.
A. Gordon, formerly of Wingham, has
been promoted to Loudon, is pleas where
competition is Strong, as the Wabash,
Michigan Central, Canadian Paoi fio, Lake
Erie & Detroit, are all striving for bud.
H0ttoNr84,,--A pleasing event graced
the residence of Mre. Vanetone on -Wed.
beeday, 19th inst., when her daughter,
Miss Margaret, became the bride of 0.
A. Dirge, a prominent bneiaeoe man of
Hamilton, The ceremony was performed
by Rev. 0, Peale, to the presence of the
P. AME J f1Ti j 00101fves of the brid0. Tbo ooremony and
C�..L�� LJ J:�! .L r Customary oobgrabtllation0 over, the bats.
toll home. Numeroue valuable tangible,
rnementnee of friendship's tine Indicated
the 0eteem 00 whioh the bride is held in
Ail T Ott.
Mre, MoKinngn is magi, bolter but ie
OW unable 40 10800 bar bed.
A. Wottlaufer 'has gold Rainton Broe,
the n0oee0ary Wok for their new tannery,
0. Idamilton wag in Toronto loot week
attending the Grand Lodge of the A. 0,
Reeve Sim went to Brantford and
suoneeded in 0elliug the near mill deben-.
tares amounting to 60000 to the C. 0, F.
T'be debentures soil at par.
The annual meeting of the County
goand black chapter of Huron and Perth,
Black Knights of Ireland, will be held in
the Orange hall Blyth on Friday, Feb
J. 13 `o Bray and Fronk lletoalf, PrfO, eideebowe and merry go rouude, $5 per
I;obt. Tholupson, of Tb0lnp00n Bros,
dry goods,nerghanto, who has bent, suf.
for lug for pig weans or over with ,t time
his n t, 0a'ust
elbow, camped by striking I wr 1 x i
Store, in
a ,a'I I the N print to
Vail while la b r
Toronto to oopenik.a apeci4lioo, the injury
having affected tbo bone,
The little daughter of pare, R. Jena'',
of Moose Jaw, who 0000mpanied her
Mother on her rook visit to Lietowel,
had a narrow escape from instant death
while on her homeward journey, At
Sault &to, Maria, in helping the ltttlo
girl on the train, the brakeman slipped
lotting hie charge fall beneath 010 0200.
lag train. Fortunately ehe was instant-
ly rpecaed from her poriloue poeibiou.
Her iunoh basket woo out in two by the
oar wheels.
43y•law No. 41.1, for lfooneing, govern.
ing and regulating exhibitions held or
kept for hire or profit, and pieces of
amusement, and not being exhibitione of
wax works, monageriee, elroneee oo snob
like ohOwe, usually exhibited by ebow.
men, roller skating rinks and other
places of like amusement, was introduced
read and passed at the last Oouuoil meet.
28, t 17 ' ing The fees are fixed ae follows •—Far
Lind Trees of the Morrie Branob Agi, day for not less than thtae days, end 910
were in Toronto last week ab. per day it Ivo than three days; for
balding the amused meeting' of the theatres, entertaipmeots end eimilar es-
Caoodfan. Aeeogfatioh of Faire and hibitiops, $2 per day foreaobday exbib
it -
Exhibitions, frig. Amateur performaucee, not for
Largo shipments of horses have been personal gain, aro exempt from payment
made from Blyth to Manitoba during the lioenee. The penalty attached for fm
Net monLb. John Denholm shipped two :motion of this Bylaw io not leo than 92
oars, R. J. and J. A. Brown and Fred.
Toll a oar esoh, T. W. Sloan and Wm.
Bell a oar between them,,•
Mies I]dith Penhall went tToronto a
while ago and wrote on the junior•eaam-
ination et the .Conservatory of music.
Oa Saturday ehe reoeived official notili
cation that she had passed with honors
in piano and lirat•olase bonen in theory.
Saooaeepoz.—A very eooaeeetol and in.
etruotire meeting of the Farmere'.Ltati-
tute was held in the Orange' Hall Wed.
neoday afternoon and evening. Addressee
were given on the different lines of
ngrioalture, followed by Belated dieone•
eione. In the evening the meeting took
more the form of an entertainment, and
some local talent took part in the pro
gram. 0 er forty members were enrolled
and it is expect, d we will have aaneeting
every year in the future.
Omm.-The village of Molesworth has
b eo nailed upon again to mourn, by the
death of Mre.. Robert Stewart, nee Mies
Jemima Mitchell, daughter of 0. and
Mre, Milahell of this plana, Deoeaeed
was married a little over a year ago to
Robert Stewart, also of this place,and
went at once to live at Pinkerton, where
they have resided singe, living happily to.
gather as the days and menthe went by,
but some time ago ehe wag attacked by
Bright's disease, and despite all that kind
friends and loved 0000 could do ehe pass-
ed peaoefally away an Thursday 13th
in,t., at -3 p. m. The remains were
brought to Liotowel•on the morning train
S,tnrday and brought direst- to Moles
worth, where feminist services were con-
ducted hy Rev. G. Ballantyne, after whioh
interment"took place in the cemetery
West of this pleas, The long procession
that followedthe remains to their last
resting plane was expressive of the gym•.
pathy felt by all the friende of the
bereaved families. An infant Child and
a loving boeband are left to mourn the
loes of a wife and mother, but there is
hope beyond the grave and we hope to
meet our loved ones where there will be
no parting and where all tears shell be
wiped away.
"ARCO vv el.
A. W. Featherstone was appointed
town Asseeor, salary $65.
Major Gore and party were in town on
Wednesday and Thursday of last week
Bedewing army horses.
George Smith, M. W , represented
Lietowel lodge at the annual meeting of
the Grand Lodge held last week in Tor-
H. Hemsworth, President of the Lie.
towel and South Wallace Agrinniturai
Society, was in Toronto last week attend•
ing the annual meeting of the Coterie
Faire' Aseooiation.
Bert. Hatobieon, eon of R. Hntohison,
who has been in Manitoba for the past
few years, is spending a few weeks with
his parents to town. .He pnrpoees taking
up hie residence at Sault Ste. Marie,
where he will open a jewelry bneineee.
Christopher Weis died rather suddenly
on Wednesday evening of last week' at
his home on Bismarok street: He bad
been in poor health all Winter, suffering.
from dropey, but had been able to go
around the houee. He took suddenly
worse -on Wednesday .afternoon and ea
pired about 5 o'clook. Deceased was a
native of Germany, and previous to re-
Fnoving to town about 12 years ago had
resided in Wallace, where be farmed for
a number of years. Ile lost hie first wife
in Wallets, and on miming to town -mar-
ried again. His second wife survives
or more than 950 forreaoh offenoe.
Luokno w.
Mrs. W. IL Smith is spending a couple
of weeke in Loudon and Bidgetown.
W. 0. Treleaven had one of his fingers
badly Crushed in the machinery at the
A meeting of the South Brace Farmers'
Iugtitute will be held in the Town Hall,
Lnoknow, ou Tueeday, Maroh 4th.
Dr. J. S. Tennant was badly hurt
by falling upon the slippery side-
walk near the Bank of Hamilton, and has
Binge been confined to the house.
P. H. MoKenzie and D. R. Molntoeh,
attended the Grand Lodge meeting of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen in.
Toronto. The former was re elected
Diotriot Deputy.
R. J. Cameron, of thin town, is the
possessor of a ben with rather unusual
enterprise. - Tbeother day she Dame
proudly to the front with a pretty fiook
of ohiokene that she bad hatched in a loft,
where ehe bad made a nest and layed
eggs unnoticed.
One of the most pleasant "At Homes"
of the season was given by the members
of Old Light A. F. and A.. M„ in their
hall, Havelock' street, whioh has lately
been renovated and refurnished. The
.guests of the evening were the wives and
Mende of the Mason's and visiting breth.
ren and the local clergymen.
Thos. Handford shipped a oarload of
horses to Winnipeg.
The Epworth League of the Main
street Methodist (March intend holding
an oyster 000001 00 March 4th. ,
T. H. McCallum and alias Burma Pen•
bale were attending the Royal Tempters
convention at Guelph lent week.
D. Wynn has disposed of his fifty acre
farm in Ueboroe, being part of lot 9, eon.
11, to Frank Brook, for the sum of 93500.
Mr. Wynn will move to Exeter.
Jae, Beverley left for Brantford where
he has pnrohased• a furniture business.
Mr. Beverley carries with him the good
wishes of a large number of friends, for
his future prosperity.
Mies' Greenway, who has been the guest
of her aunt, Mre. (Dr) Rollins, left Wed•
ns odaY morniog of last week.. She in-
tends r
teadse audio a:few days in G avenha at
with her sister, before returning to her
home in Crystal City, Man.
John Cann, hostler at the Commeroial
House stables, had a narrow eeaape from
serious injury. Hewes engaged in throw.
ing down hay and in getting toe near the
hole slipped through, falling to the floor
below, a distance of some 10 feet, enetaio-
log a bad shaking up and ininting his
arm somewhat.
George Bentley has a parrot which i0
47 yenta old and a good talker.
Preparatione are 10 progreee to have an
addition made to. the Clinton Hoepitol.
R. Goatee hae improved oonoiderably,
although he hae nob been down to the
store for several woke.
The annual meeting of the South
Huron Liberal Association will be held
at Henson, on Marob 4.
W. Newoombe, merobant, informs the
Era he paid out 9700 in advertising dur-
ing the past year. Although be thought
this was quite a large enm he ooneiders
he was well repaid in returns.
Wesley ohurub is receiving the finish.
ing tonnhee. It will be dedicated on Bab.
bath, Maroh 9th. It will be avary pretty
plane of worship and a Credit to both con-
gregation and town. There are 170
electric lights installed.
Downing Bros.
n' mwu° 411,
�rYN ui a B�mnnu%:uv,uumanm` nintmie.dk'n_a..�
that is, a short story about
Shoes, not a story about short
Shoes solely— because we sell
Shoes short and Shoos long
Shoes fine and Shoes strong—
but all the Shoes we sell last
long. Write it clear and bright :
"All kinds of Boots and Shoes,"
mid pass the word along.
A gents for the Slater Shoes.
Downing Bros.
The New Model
°a0 pp pp
The Beet and most Eoonotnio Seeder
00 lbs market, wail sow all kinds
of email eeede. It savee one half In
time and labor ;sows better in windy
weather i will sow four ,.Mea per
hour. Any person wanting ope of
these Benders 'env be eupplied by
calling on
AG1INT, B1iV5801Le.
Prlol+, 91.00 enoh.
System Renovator
—Aon owes --
For Impure, Weak and Impoveriehed
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleseneee, Pelpfta
tion of the Heart, Liver Compialnt, Neur-
algia, Leee of Memory, Brouchitie, Con.
gumption, Gall Stonee, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularitiee and General De.
Prop. and M,nnfaotarer.
Sold by •sae. Pox. Bruggiet Brussels
All kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on
band from 910 op.
British Columbia, home oat Shingles
and Lath kept on hand.
A good farm on 11th oon. of Grey for
f All parties indebted to me are
requeeted to Doll and settle op before
March let. or 10%8 will be added after
that date from Jan. 1st till paid.
A quantity of green oedar poste for
sale on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey.
Rev, and Mrs. E. B. Smith and a few
others recently had a narrow escape from
exphyxiation by oriel gas bat stomped
without Injury.
While one of the teametert of W. B.
Forster, of Colborne, was delivering wood
in the yard of John Hand000k of town,
be drive over an old well, loosely cover-
ed, into which the horses fell" A obaio
was hitched about their necke, and out
they wdre drawn by another team, not
much the worse for their tumble.
t o te.
Thos, E, Gibson bought 100 agree from
Andrew Alexander, of Britton, for 95,900,
and will take possession about Maroh
The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Presbyterian
Church have deoided to raise 9100 to.
warde the supp.irt of a missionary in the
North wee t.
Edward Denyer has purchased the
farm of John Gilbert, lot 30, Coo. 17,
Elmo, consisting of 50 sores. The price
paid was 92,900.
OBIT.—There died in Elma on the 13th
inst., Hugh Wilson, aged 67 years, 1
month and 19 days. The funeral left his
late residence, lot 22, con. 9, Rime, on
Sunday at 2 p. m. Interment in the
Donegal cemetery. Rev. E. A. Fear, of
Atwood, conducted the funeral service.
The subject of this notice was one of the
early pioneers of Elmn, coming from the
Eastern provinces about 10 years ago,
Fettling oo the above mentioned lot,
where by pereeveranoa he made for him-
self and family one of the most beaatifal
homes to be found in tbie locality. Be-
sides his aged partner, be leaves behind,
to mourn the loss of s loving husband and
affectionate father four eons and three
daughters t Mre, Wiioott and John, of
Manitoba ; Thomas, of Owen Sound ,
Wm., 6th oon., Elms ; Mrs. Wm. Wood,
Atwood, and IIugll and Lanny on the
homestead. Deoeaeed was a life long
Conservative and a eonaietent member
of the Metbodiet `eburoh. The family
have the sympathy of the oommanity in
their bereavement.
The annual meeting of the Elma Far.
mere' Mutual Fire Iueursnoe Company.
watt held in Atwood on Tuesday, Jan.
21x0, 1902. There was a fair attendance.
John Dickson was called to the chair and
after a few introdootory remarks Called
an the Seoretary to read the auditor,' re-
port on the previone year ; Polioiee in
force on 31st Deo., 92,279,518 ; receipts
for the year, 90,323.31 ; expenditure,
94,506 44, leaving abalamie on hand of
$7,810 87, with 9(88 99 to °oileot. After
acme friendly discussion and expl anatione
it was moved, seconded, and parried un-
animously that the auditors' report as
now read be ndoptod. The retiring direo.
tore were J. R. Hammond, Samuel Mc-
Allister and B. S, Rothwell. Moved by
John A. Turnbull, seconded by John Mo.
Naught, tbat the retiring direatore be re•
elected and the Seoretary be instrnoted to
make a ballot in their favor. Carried
tinenimouely. The anditore, John A.
Turnbull and John R. Oode were also re.
appointed. The bueineoeof the Company
has been managed so satisfactorily that
the meeting was thoroughlypleased, and
after tendering a hearty vote of thanks
10 the Chairman for his admirable eon.
duot in the ohair, terminated the most
harmonious meeting ever held by .the.
Company, The board elect then met for
organization, when the following oiibers
were re,oleoted, viz.: J. R. Hammond,
Preis,:; James Donaldson, sr., Vioo•Preei•
dent, and R. Cleland, Sony -trees. Appli-
cations for insurance were reoeived end
romepted amounting to $71,800. Meeting
adjourned until 4811 of March next.
. :...• mon rTURa,
March is slweye ooneidered a dull month for boeinoeo, but it is
never dull in Lhie store, Wo inako it a point to have 00100 special enape
for tide eeason which helpe to snake trade brisk here, while others are
Below we mention a few lines wbiob we secured last week
at reduoed prloee and we give our easterners the benefit of our olooe haying.
New Prints, it, fast oolore, good width, worth 7o, for Go. New
Pante, feat o.loro, wide width, regular 1290, for 10o, New Linea
Towels, 38 by 16 inches, fanny borders, 15p per poll, New Linen
Huck Towele, 40 by 20 inches, fancy oohs. bordoro,bemetitohed, good
value at 40c for 20o per pair. Ladles' .Wrappers, made of fancy wrap
perette, with trimming on waist, and frill on el;irt, worth 91 60, for
01,25. Sateen Pante, iu blaok and Colored groonde, in fauoy floral.
110eig00, regular 15u, for 129o, Plain Pink Flannelette, full yard wide,.
fast oolore, soft finish, good value at 1290 for ilio, American Grey
00000, 87 inoliee wide, floe even thread, good weight,., very epeoisl,
worth 8o, for 6o" Canadian GreyOotton, regular 5o, for 590. Blank
Brocaded Dress Goods, 40'Mims ,wide, suitable for eltfrta or armies,
regular 25o, for 129o. Bergs Drees Goode in -Bolden Brown, 40 inches
wide, regular pride 3110, for 192. Ladies'.Clatb Jaohete, a few we have
left over, which we will sail at one quarter of the regular prioe. This
le a great enap,
We will allow a special dieoouob of 20 per oeut. on all Aetraohan
Jackets now on band.
t�rc n �r1 «5�'a & C? 5�2r v` �nr2; s> 2 ? 7 'e_-
"?S-'' rY Gam•
NEW Spring Goods in all lines now
daily coming forward. We an-
ticipate an extensive business and are
making preparations accordingly. Large
assortments, up-to-date styles, good values
and No Fancy Prices. New Dress
Goods, new Prints, Zephyrs and Ging-
hams. Ready-made Clothing, Mats and
Caps, Boots and Shoes and Groceries.
March Standard Fashion Sheets and
Patterns to hand, We keep the Standard
Patterns in stock. They are the best.
The Bigil Spu1l
You will bit the nail on the head
if you insist that ours is the
Best Establishment
in town when you are in need of
anything in the Hardware line
from a Tack to a Crowbar.
We have a quantity of good Lance Tooth Cross -cut $2.25
Saws, at each
Sale Price to clear out stock
Our Prices on All Goods are Right
We not only invite a continuance of our present patronage but an
acquaintance with new customers.
e t ''IMRE.
Upper Ten, Authors,
Shu•fiiette, Lacrosse,
Home Tennis, Whirlpool,
Snaps, Crokinole,
Over the Garden Wall,
Peter Coddle's Trip to New York,
Checker Boards, &e,, &c.
Will be Cleared Out at Cut. Prices,
See our Boy's Hand -sleigh, it is Sure to Please