HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-27, Page 1Vol, SQ. No, 33
W. Ii. KE" RR.t ,Prop.
sem n.�s:
fid.ve t" l .. �
Bood eve —Jae. Petrie
Loalp tewart & Son,
Toloan—W. Sinclair.
Speoiale—.MoNinon & Go,
Spring geode—A. ✓3traohan.
Glwsaea perfect—Mrs, Fletcher,
Bull for servioo—P. Robertson.
White Pine and Tar—Jas, Vox.
Auction sale— Rnbp. Atmotrong.
Loot -Cobs' Carnage Factory.
Boar for eervioe—J. P, MoIotoeh.
l t1"�C ,. 4 ,
� x� J t�z4,
Jranee rose It.
The auction sale of, farm stook, &e., at
John Carnoohen'o, Beet of Oranbrook,
• will tato plane Friday afternoon of thio
Mise Lib. MoLaohlan is away to Tor-
onto attending the Spring millinery
opouinge and from there will go on to
Sault Ste. Mario to her position as mil.
liner. Mise Mae. le a competent hand.
Leet Saturday a spoonful operation
wee performed oo Mrs. Fox, of this
locality, at London hoepital, in the re.
moval of a canner in her breast. We
hope the will eoon be restored to good
Teeadll ,try.
Mies Wilteie, of Clinton, is visiting
Mende in this part and Grey this week.
Finlay McIntosh, of the 12th line,
treated some friends to en oyster supper
e "few nights ago.
P. Haokwell boo been Molt with in:
flammation of.the rouge but io able to be
out of bed agaip.
Mrs, B, MoPhereon bad entwine needle
run into her band a few days ago when
washing clothes. It is quite a aerione
et Thos. Barrows and Mieo •Ella Howlett
were married on Tbaraday of last week.
Their manyfriends unite in wishing
them long life and prosperity.
ig& number of farmers around are now
buoy harveetiog ice. It is a No. 1 article
to bave in store 5or Bummer and for all
it costa every one ehonld put in a supply.
'A. Party of young people livened n the
reeldence ofonr genial pang beobelor,
Arch. Megalit m last week. °
A number of young !elk from the 14sh
drove to Jae, lEarrie', Grey, 000 evening
mod enjoyed thomoelves to 4 finish,
Jamestown store le betty Bettina in new
Spring goode. They are beautiful In
design and reasonable in Otte.
All the different industries that um ice
are now buoy storing theb article and
consequently idle men are ooaroe.
There will be a debate held in Victoria
Hal/ In the near future by ladies of this
neighborhood when a good time is ex•
The commodious house of Geo, Lok -
rater is just about completed ,and the
neighbors look for an old time house
Weddings algo
g i the bare, one on
Wednesday and another next week.
Surely our friend Mr. Brydon will get
omitten one of these days.
Rev. Mr. West, of Bluevale, preaobed
1n Vittoria Hell last Sunday night to a
lull house, The people turn out well to
these meetings. , They are beginning to
think of getting a regular ,apply.
W a,I Con.
R. H, Fergoeon is on the siok Het. -
Rev. Mr. Dever is improving gradually.
Jura Hall, of Morris, spent Sunday
with J. Reston.
Mies Ida Ryan, of Loan, is visiting
friends in town.
Anotion sale at David Campbell's 015
Tuesday afternoon of next week.
Mise Blair, who has been visiting with
Mre. (Rev.) Dever, returned home last
neo. and Mre. Christopher entertained
a number of young people on Monday
A number from Walton attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Dark on
Among those who talk of going Weet
are Rich. Pollard and eon Roy. Mr.
Pollard was out last Snmmer and invest.
ed in lends and will take two teams to
break op the sod. We would rather see
biro remain here as we dislike parting
with old residents.
Walking in Shoes.
Good solid wear, and
real comfort in our men's
heavy street shoes..
Built to wear and stand
the walking which you
will certainly feel like
doing when you wear
All the best makes,
i• ��'' "`~ in all shapes, sizes and
widths are here. Easy
to get a fit—easy shoes
to wear, and hard to wear .Olt,.
If you buy from us you carry home money which
you expectedto spend.
How do these prices strikeyou p ---
Men's Heavy Walking Elbow $ 1.26 to $1.50
Men's Firm Drees Shoes 1,75 to 6.00
—We have all kip4e of Saone suitable for either sex at the Lowest Prices.
—Ali Felt Goode and Heavy Winter Bubbliest and Box' len than eon to clear,
—Agents for the Inviotne Shoee made by George A. Slater.
—Repairs in Rubbers and Shoes done neat and promptly.
rL C t eleri RD .
EW Spring Goods in all lines now
MI daily coming forward. We
ticipate an extensive business and are
making preparations accordingly. Large
assortments, up-to-date styles, good values
and No Fancy Prices. New Dress
Goods, new Prints, Zephyrs and Ging.,
hams. Ready-made Clothing, Hats and
Caps, Boots and Shoes and Groceries.
March Standard Fashion Sheets and
Patterns to hand. W e keep the Standard'
Patterns in BThey"tock, are thebest.
.. .T A C H A r
(Olin Mettle Pollard bee gone to Page,
North Dakota, to visit bar sister, We
wish her e, pleasant etay.
Mles Mamie Cardiff, . whobaa bean.
visiting friende in Walton aad vicinity,
returned Ilomo en Tpeeday.
Miss Kelly, eater to our loose dress.
maker, has been quite ill but we hope a
Obange for tbe boner will set in.
There is a little hint ,that the Meths.
diet churn' may be removed into the
allege from its present site;'1 muee
Booth, It certainly would be to the
iotereste of the cause.
GOOD Rnzopns,— Wm. Pollard & Son
delivered on Monday of lot week to
Wateon & Amy, at lleaforth, 6 export
sleeve that tilted the beam at 6,980
pounds, an average of 1,896 lbs. The
pries received was $5,25, amounting to
$866 45, They also delivered to Winters
& Stewart on Thursday of the same wens
8 dreeeed pigs wbioh weigbed 1,566 lbs.,
averaging 1946 pounds, 70, per lb, was
received amounting to 6108 92. Piga
were not quite 6 months old. Two of
the same brood were kept for home use
and nue was disposed of for a brood sow.
ES lute yule.
John Aobton, of the let line of Morrie,
is sick.
Mise Nellie Biokle visited friende in
Wingham lob week.
Mrs. Robert Duncan has been quite ill
during the past week.
Mre. Alex: Roes, of Wingham, visited,
Mrs. Collie last week.
Mre. James Aitohieon and Mise Annie
visited in Brueeele on Monday.
Mise Mabel Coultas was vieiting Mise
Ethel Knight, at Ripley, last week.
Joseph Leech has returned from De-
troit where he lie been vieiting relatives.
Mise Jessie Fraser, of Turnberry, was
visitingMre. Geo. McDonald a fewdays
last week.
M. N. and Mre. Elliott end ohildren, of
Wingham, visited at R. N. Duff's last
Miss Maggie MoDonegh, of Wingham,
visited her friend, Mise. Aggie Herbert,
this week. -
William Smith in on the siok list this
week. Hie many friende hope . for a
speedy recovery.
Quite a number of young people spent
a very enjoyable time at Hugh Rosa' last
Thureday evening.
Misses May and Maggie Rose, of
Brucefield, were visiting their uncle,
Hugh Roes, last week. - I
Wm. and Mre. Gemmill, of Crystal'
City, Manitoba, visited friende in and
about Bluevale last week,
The Willing Workers were At Home
to about eixty of their friende on Friday
evening, in the .Lecture Room of the
.Methodist church. Rage, flowers and a i
daintily set table made the plaoe quite
pretty and homelike. After the company
had partaken of a bountiful supper, a
bright program was introduced by Bev.
Frank Swann, pasta.,, wbo aoted ae
chairman. A. base solo by Leonard Rut
tan ; instrumental, by B. J. dantlon,
Mr. Mitten and Mise Hughes; reoitatione
by Mies Mary Peacock, Mrs, Swann and
Harold Swann ; impromptu speeches by
Edward Leech, A. Hughes, Thos. Stewart
and the Chairman were all well received.
Mrs. Rnttan and Mre. Gannet anted as
Grey township Council will meet next
Last Sabbath morning Rev. MraBrietol
was the preaoher at Roe'e church.
Richard Go, llth oon., will enlarge
and improve hie barn next season.
Daring the past week the mild weather
has settled the enow banks ooneiderably.
Mies Smith and Iver. Boort, of Morrie,
Sandayed with Robt. Mechem, 17th oon.
Tuesday R. E, and Mrs. Coates and
daughter went to Bervie' to attend a
Wm, and' James Manta non. 16, are
visiting tbeir mole at Brampton who is
seriously ill. .
Bev. Mr. MOOree held a prayer
meeting; at Bethel oheroh - Wednesday
evening of thie week,
Geo. E. Sperian, oon. 16, entertained a
number of hie ftiende'Iaen Friday evening
to an oyater supper.
!Glias Bray, 16th.00n., ie home from a
visit With relatives Wroxeter.- Her
aunt has been eerionely'ill.
Mise Belle Smith 10 home from an ex-
tended and enjoyable visit with Rev. W.
A. and Mre. Smith at Oil Sprioga.
F. S. Stott oondnoted an auction stale
at Michael Mullin', on Taeeday afternoon.
Mr. Mullin and family will likely remove
to Seaforth.
John A. MoSay, who recently sold hie
farm on con:' 18 to John MoNaoght, has
leased the store at Monarieff from hie
uncle; Geo. MoKay, for a numberof
"Ream! Turnbull has nob been any too
well of late but we hope be will wonn
regain hie old time vigor. He expects to
be op his plane next Monday at the Town-
ebip Connafl.
Om of Tnanxe,—I desire to return my
very sincere thanks - to, the many kind
friende fob their and sympathy
daring the fllneee and after the 'donee'
of my husband. It will never be for-
gotten. - Dine. H. MoKmm ma
Jno, P. McIntosh, lot 21, eon. 12, hue
purchased the thorn' bred .Yorkshire hog
"Sir James." - The animal was bred by
Jno. Cousins & Bon, of Harrieton, and is
a flue one, He took two let prises and a
eeeond at the Agricultural-Shorre Iasi
Mre, he, Armstrong, 10th oon., who
went to visit her mother in Hellen who
wee on ,tie siok list, took ill with lagripppe,
quinsy, and toneilitie while there and for
a time her condition was quite dangerede.
We are pleased to state that ehe le some.
what improved but unable to get home
An emotion Bale baa been announced by
lobe Ounningham, lot 4, eon, 8, for
Friday afternoon of next week, • 48 he
has sold hip farm the Bale will be without
reeerve, . He hoe a lot of good stook, &e.
Mr, Ounningbam will probably move hie
I,amily to Brueeele in the meantime Until
he seonree another farm. We hope he
will finally settle near by,,
Mrs. L A. Siamont, wbo has bean
dapgerooeely i11 at .the home of her father,
John MoTaggert,16th eon„ is ipeprovina
quite nioeiy we are pleased to state, and
liar many friends hope the will soon be
Alex, I. aloTaggert Iron been enjoying
a brief holiday visit under tbe parental
root, 16th eon. ills. McTaggart le in
Chicago where he holds a good poslbion
in eeuneotion with .One Of the large peek-
ing bonen, Hie brother 3, W. is oleo in
the earns oity beving gone there atter a
sojourn in Manitoba iaet eeasco. -
Last week William Taylor, 10th ton,,
pnrobaeed a 100 aore farm 8 muss South
of Clinton, in Stanley tcwnebip, trona
Mre. W, Stott. He will remove, ' with
hie family, to bie new home about the
middle of March. Owing to the injury
received last Summer Mr. Taylor will
not orop the farm very heavily but will
go in for stook grazing so ea to lighten
his work, The many old friends of the
family here will be a unit in wishing
them many happy, prosperous years in
Stanley, John R• Oliver, 9th non„ has
bought Mr. Taylor's farm.
FRATERNAL. N.Mex.—About 30 members
of Rose thereto Epworth Leaguedrove
over to Trowbridge last Monday evening
and paid a visit to the Epwortb League
of that plane. A splendid time wee en.
joyed and the visitors were royally en-
tertained. A mgeloal and literary pro•
gram was rendered by the visitors as
follows ;—Mies Peareon, President, thort
address on "Obedience;" Mise Aggie
Miller read a r paper on "Obedience to
Commands ;" recitation, Mies Clara
MoQuarrie Mre. L. Frain, paper on
"Obedienoe through- Observance and
Judgment ;" recitation, -Mies Mary Pear-
son ; Mies Annie Bryan, read a paper on
"Obedience and its Rewards;" thorns
by the choir; addressee delivered by R.
G. Code and Mr. Collide, of Trowbridge ;
lunch of eandwiehee, make, toffee, &o.
votee of thanks ; and "National Anthem,"
The night was floe, the sleighing good go
all were unanimous' in their expression of
pleasure and eatiefaotion over the trip
and hope it won't be the last.
IH tit o1.
H. F. MoAllieter made a business trip
to Palmerston on Tuesday.
D. and Noble Milne attended the Bale
of Short Horne at Guelph ,bie week.
Next Monday the township Commit
will meet here for tbe traneaotion of
Rev. J. G. Yelland, formerly of Ethel,
ban been invited beak to Bayfield -for the
3,d year.
We ere glad to see in our midst an old
and popular resident of this looality in
the person of Auntie Lake, of Winnipeg.
+••Last Sabbath eveniog Rev. 0. Bristol,
of Trowbridge, preached in the Metbo•
diet oburob, giving a very interesting
dieoonrae. Rev. Mr. Carry was at Trow-
A move is on hand for better railway
accommodation in railway trains on this
line. It cannot onto too eoon as the
present style of carving the public ie
abominable. We can't go to Brussels, 6
or 7 miles, and get home the same day by
It will be no small pleaeore to the
people of thio community to state that
Dr. MoDonald, M. P., has reoommended
the eppotntmeut of Mise Robson Spenoe
ae Poetmietraee at Ethel and the same
will be gazetted ehortly. Mine Spence
will fill the office competently and eatie•
faotorily and we wish her encomia.
CARR of Tannts.—To the officers and
members of Court Ethel, No. 261, 0. O.
F.:— GENTLEumN,— Pteaee accept my
einoere thanks for your kind letter of
condolence, tendered me by your Court,
in thie, the hoer of my wore distress and
bereavement ; for the sympathy shown
me during the ilineee of my late husband
and for the kind attention given him by
the brethren. I also thank you for the
Sink and Funeral beneate and for the
beautiful floral wreath. May God con•
firma to bless year Order with emcees
and prosperity that it may be the means
of relieving the dietreaeed and sniping
the widows and orphans tbrooghont the.
country. Sincerely yours,
Goon HOR0RFLEslo.—Tbe Exeter Advo.
nate of last week gives the following
interesting item :—Mesere. Bowden &
MoDonell last week disposed of two of
their excellent stallions, Robt. McKelvey,
of Ethel, having purchased "Ohildwiok
Hathortou" and Charles Schultz, of
Clifford, "Singlaham II." "Ohildwiok
Hatherton" is a bay shire with white
fate, and ie one of the beet colts import•
ed from England. If properly
and he continues to have good health he
will make a horse of immense weight and
will yetlilreaah 2100 pounds. He is of
magnificent proportions, rangy end swell
built. Mr. MoKelvey deservee credit for
hie good judgment and choke and the
people le of Ethel may congratulaterata1ata them-
selves on having an animal of such good
qualities to breed from. "Singlaham
II" ie a Clyde of splendid, shapely pro-
portions and ae a progenitor no better
borne could be desired. The price re-
oeived for the former was $1500 and the
letter $1600.
A Wonoar RESIDENT Drxe.—The stern
messenger death galled away the spirit
of a well known Ethetite last Saturdey in
the person of William Simpson. Some
20 odd years ago he came here with hie
wife and son from Varna and opened a
store at Ethel etntion afterward moving
over to the village. He continued in
bueineee for a good many years and was
highly esteemed for big integrity and
aboveboard dealing with all be had to
do with. On the death of his eon Thomas
he diepaeed el hie stook and lived retired.
Mr. Simpson was quite an enterprieing
man and owned oonsiderable property in
Ethel. He was aconsistent official mem-
bar of the Methodist church and had been
a faithful worker in the Sabbath eohool.
Hie death was not a surprise as ho had
been in poor benith for several months..
Pneumonia wag the first nose followed
by other eomplioatioae. There was a
teetfel confldenoe all through hie illneee
in the risen Lord and a glorious hope of
the "Well done" .bye•and•bye. Mr.
Simpson wag 74 years, 8 months and 7
dayeeeld. The funeral took elute on
Monday afternoon, Rev. 13, D. Curry
sonduat g the e ervloe, Widespread
sympathy le felt for Mre. Simpeon and
her owe grand daughters, who live with
her, Mre. Simpeon will 00001000 t0
reside bete, we nudorstend• She deelree
to return her einoere tbanke to all who
we kindly gave their sympathy and ae•
eietanae daring the weekp of her bora
band's illness, and hopes they may be
richly rewarded.
MAnnzuovrar. —A, quiet wedding took
plane on Wednesday, Feb. 19th,, at 12
o'clock n000, at toe residence of David
Tyermen, Granton, brother•in law of the
bride, when Mies Zither r naioP luar
yo0Ogeodaughter of Wm. Reiard, of
Grey, wee united in marriage to Newton
Moanley, a fernier of Blanchard, by Rev,
Mr, Hennes, of Granton. The bride was
Prettily attired in dream oaehmere, trim.
mea with cream satin andribboq, Her
travelling snit was of brown ladies' olotb
trimmed with gray Aetraohan, and hat
to match. The happy couple left on the
afternoon train 04 a wedding trip to
Ethel to visit the bride's brotber, G. W,
Pollard, and other friende.
carr.—Mre. Ratcliffe, whose maiden
name was Ann Atkinson, commenced bet
earthly pilgrimage in England in the year
1824 and three years later name with her
parents to Canada, the land of her adop-
tion and where her body has found its
Anal ratting place. At the, age of 18, in
1842, shewas united in marriage to now.
Ratcliffe, who pre deoeaeed her on Meath
9th, 1885, As the fruit of their union 8
ohildren were born to them, 5 of whom
are still living and doing wall in the
world and looking forward to a re -union
with tboee who bave passed on to their
heavenly bonne. The family lived for a
long time at Thornhill, in the County of
York, and there°all their children were
born. The last plaoe of residence and
where Mr. Retolilie died, seventeen years
ago, was Ethel During her widowhood
Mre. Ratoliffe lived with: her obildren,
the last 8 yore being with her son, Thos.,
in the township of Elma. Oor departed
friend was for many years a member of
the Methodist ahuroh. She possessed a
true, warm affectionate heart and had
great love for her ohildren. Her life was
upright and consistent, and one that may
be followed. Though she had lived the
atoned time of man on tbe earth, the end
Dame when not expected.-- On the Man.
day before her death ehe was working
round the house, but not feeling very
well. On Thursday danger appeared,
and on Saturday, Feb. 22nd, ehe yielded
ap her soul to God who gave it. oo the
following Tuesday her mortal remaioe
were laid away to rest by the aide of her
haebiod in the Brussels cemetery.
There was a eervioe at the home of her
eon; and at her own regneet Rev. R, Panl,
of Brussels, performed the service at the
Iso. Gibson, 9th line, is i11.
Township Council will meet on Mon-
day, 17th.
A few Morrieitee talk of going Weet
this Spring.
D. Hamilton, of Wingham, °pent Sum
day on the 2nd,
Mies Clara Dayment, of Clinton, is tbe
guest of Mise May Tnrvey this week.
Some of the roads were plowed out
this week. The field made are a little
bare in planes.
Ward Outbiek ie nursing a felon on his
thumb at preeent. His many friends
hope he may soon be better.
Mre. Thuell, of Brussels, got word on
Monday of this week that her daughter,
Minnie, had died in New York.
Mre. A. Laughlin, who visited at St.
Thomas for a few days, oame bank home
on Taeeday evening of this week.
Mise Martha Beeman, of Wingham,
and Mies Cohoe, of Sydney, Australia,
were vieiting at H. M. Beemanai this
Mre. Will. A. 'Purvey entertained the
members of Browotown oboir one even.
log int week. A very pleasant time wall
spent by all.
Mary, daughter of A. G. Eason, 5th
line, has been dangerously ill with. pneu-
monia. Tbie family has been sorely
tried but we hope Min Easom will eoon
be better.
The boyo of :S. S. No. 8 had arranged
to playa foot ball game with the pupils
of S. S. No. 5, -last Friday, but tbe latter
failed to show up for some reason eo the
match did not -materialize. Braoe op
This week R. B. Al000k, 8th line,
purchased the 100 acme opposite hie
farm, being N} lot 15, con. 7, from Jae.
Bale of Minton. The rice aid a
S 0 p- p was
$2,800. The purobaeer will get posses-
sion at once and will no doubt do welt
with it as he now has 200 scree in a
block, and is a faithful worker.
OBIT.—Last Monday forenoon Mre,
William Dark, 1} miles South of Bros
eels wag .o celled awayto her reward,aged
46 years, 1 month nd 13 days. een•
monia was the oauee of her donee, Her
maiden name was Maggie A. Garter.
She was very highly eeteemed by all who
knew her and was a faithfnl wife, a loving
mother and a good neighbor. Mr. Dark
and family are deeply eympatbized with
in their bereavement. The funeral took
plaoe on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Mr,
Roes conducting the eervioe. Interment
was made in Broeeels cemetery, Mr.
Dark and family moved to Morris about.
a year ago from neat Oranbrook.
of tbie week Wm, Miohie and Robert
Oraig had eaoh a horse and otter in the
shed when the roof oollapeed owing to
°now on roof. The honest don't seem to
be any worse bob the nutters, both new
ones, were ,meshed to atoms, Any dna
wishing to see a complete wreak tango
to Mr. Since' shop in Blyth. Mr. Miobie
brought home a new Matter. It wag a
good job that no oleo was oh their way
into tbe shed at the time ae they would
have been killed. John Cook, jr., had a
very narrow escape as he bad just' got hie
horse and antter out mato the shed fell.
The horse jumped to one side just in
time to save itself. The snow should
have been shovelled off tbe roof then no
aooideet would have taken pleas, We do
not know what will tette plane in Blytb
neat bet itis pant the time of day for
all eaoh old Inane buildioge to be stand-
Writing trawls/edam, Man„ a former
reeident Paye —"We are having tbe
ni9eet Winter that Menitobaites have
eon for years, Net enough" snow for
sleighing yet. Horne and cattle are
living on the preirica and doing well,
We are looking forward to another heavy
harvest and farmers are getting their
barrows ebarpened 'ready for Spring.
Quite ii lot of oar young men went to the
Daet to'visit friende thio Winter and are
beginning t0 return, some of them not
alone. Geo. Patterson, of Madera, wee
in Grey on a visit to his old home. He
nye Ontario le not to be compared to
Manitoba, "Give me the clear air to
breathe,' he eaye. !leen are going to be
ecaroe and wages' high this Summer,
Some of oar farmers are offering as high
ae $28 per month for 8 months. Sur-
prise partiee and dances are In full blast
now to the evenings are so fine, John
McArthur, formerly of Morris, now of
Merlon, hue rented hie farm for a term
of years and will move to town to live.
We wieh him soon.
R. N. Duff, of Bluevale, wasin ton 0 on
Misaye Rae and Mies Tena Smith spent
Sunday with friende in Liatowei,
R. Dongleg,teeeber in senior depart -
meet of Gerrie Publio eohool, galled on
friende in town on Saturday.
Robert Miller attended ' Heron Old'
Boys' "At Home" in Toronto laet week
and reports an enjoyable time.
The Minn Elliott, who have been
vieiting in town for the pest few weeks,
returned to their home in Chesley on
The Quarterly Board of the Methodiet
ahuroh met at Salem. Considerable
business was done and the Board invited
Rev. Mr. McKelvey for another year,
wbioh be aapted.
Mre. Bray tontines very poorly we
are sorry to state but we hope for speedy
improvement, Mr. Bray has been both-
ered for
oth-eredfor weeks with a felon on hie right
band but he will eoon be all right again.
COaNOm MEETING,— Contrail met on
Tuesday, Feb. 18. Members present
Alex. Monro, Reeve, Jas. Paulin, John
Davidson end Wm. Wilson. Monies of
fast meeting were rend and confirmed.
Communioation read from Auditors re.
oommeoding Treasurer to keep a ledger,
and from E. L. Diokeneon re oematery.
The following accounts were presented
and on motion of Wm. Wile= and John
Davidson were passed and debeubaree
ordered for the same, viz :-Geo. Paulin,
breaking road $2.75 ; Municipal World,
Assessment Rolle, $2.67 ; J. Brethaner,
oolleotiog Statute Labor tax 1901, $8; 0.
Reis, eleotrio.lioht for January, $21.00 ;
Clerk, postage, $1 ; J. Ballantyne, shovel
ling snow, 82.50 ; E. L, Diokeneon, By
law, $2. A. Willete presented a petition
to get out .of Sohoot Section ; left over,
The Auditors' report was taken all and
examined and on motion of W. Wileon
and J. Paulin was paned. Oa motion of
Jae. Paolin and John Davidson the Board
adjourned to meet on third Tuesday of
March or at the tall of the Reeve.
not meeting of the Rewiok Union San•
day Sohool Aeeooiation was held in the
Preebyteriau ohoroh hare on Wednesday
of thie week. There was a large atten-
dance, splendid singing, good addresses
and interesting and profitable dieoaseions.
Rev. Mr. Anderson, President, performed
hie duties most aooeptably. Program was
ae follows :—Tbe teacher's obligation to
the class and the school, Misses David-
son and Sanderson ; How to promote
Temperance sentiment in the 5, 8„ Jno.
Brethaner; President's addreee ; Primary
obese work, Mise Annie Sperling ; Moto
in the 8. S., Dr. Spence ; Open Parlia-
ment, eondocted by Rev, A. L Mo.Belvey;
How to retain the young people io the S.
S. John Stewart ; Tbe true aim of B. B.
effort, Rev. D. Rogue ; Our royal Com-
rade, W. H. Kerr. The next Convention
will be held at Gorrie. The forenoon
session will be dropped. Mr. Gregg, of
Gerrie, is the new President ; and Mr.
Hartley, of Wroxeter, the Seoretary.
Cordial and well deserved votes of thanks
were passed to the Wroxeter people for
their royal hospitality ; to the choir for
fine service rendered ; and to those tak-
ing part in the program. The reception
Committee did their work moat Betiefaa-
torily. Mica Mary Miller rendered
efficient eerviee as organist.
Maitland Presbytery will meet at
Wingham on Teenday nexb.
"The Martyrdom of Stephen" will be
the topic of next Sabbath'e Internatioual
Sunday school lesson.
The annual Miseio ar
a Anniverear
nervines will be held nest Sabbath in the
Methodist ohuroh. Evening oubjeot will
be "Should the heathen have the Gospel?"
Rev. Jno. Ross continued his diaoouree
on Romans last Sabbath morning and at
the evening service Eph. 5bh chapter and
Sth verse was the text dealing with
"Death and Life."
Last Sunday evening Rev. Jno. Holmes
preaohed from St, Mark 1:85, hie topic
being "Prayer." In the evening the text
was St. John 17:15, "Kept from Evil"
VMS the theme.
The quarterly board of the Dungannon
oirouit at its February meeting extended
a hearty and unanimoue invitation to the
pastor, Rev. T. R. Mohair, to return for
the third year.
At the evening session of the Howick
Township Sabbath School Convention,
held at Wroxeter on Wednesday of this
week, W. E. Kerr, of Ton PooT, had the
topic "Oar Royal Comrade."
Last Friday evening the pepiie of
Melville Sabbath School enjoyed a very
ptoamanb time at their annual tem party.
After eupper a well rendered program
was presented with Rev. Jno. Roes, B.A.,
pastor, in the' chair, as follows :—Ohoras,
"Little Oen," by Mine Forbes' olaee ;
"Missionary Band," by Misses Habkirk
and Moore's °laeees ; recitation, "My
Kitty," by tiaroe little girls ; 'peach by
Superintendent Blair ; oborne, "Dodo
Mal fruit," by Primery cease ; eborgs,,
"fife ordoreth ell things well;" reoitatfon
by Olive Jackson; ohorue by a number
of Nye 1 chorus, "The old, church hall,"
by T. A, Iliawklna' elan'
reoltabien by
Nellie Irwin ; ohorue, "Work for little
eervaute i" ohorue, "Love for Christ," by
a number of girls 1 acltlreoe by Rev. 11. S.
G. Anderson, on Wroxeter, 0n "The days
of the week," -During the evening Gen-
eral Assembly Diplomas for memorizing
Soripbure were peeeonted to the follow.
roe. Dara.
S hors Annier1.' gTurn
Tarn -
bull, Illeio Good, Ada Rose, Argo Rose
mud Bertha Roeo, Collection wee taken
for Sabbath School fatale.
Mies Annie Grieve ie home from Paris
on a visit.
Thee. Bielby n
y sad wife a enh Sunda .• I
town. P y
S. B. Smale, of Listowel,was in town
on Tuesday.
Mise Luella Holmes spent Bentley and
Monday in Wingham.
Mre. John Burgess visited Mrs. M
Riohardeon this week.
Miss Cora Sperain spent severe! days
at her brother's' in Brussels.
Miss Mabel Oliver, of Bluevale, ie
visiting Mise Belle Riohardeon.
Obas. Dulmage and wife, of Seaforth,
Sondayel at Watson Alnley's.
Will, Good has been on the siok list
this week with an abtaok of quiney.
John Wilbee, who has been on the dolt
list, ie able to get about a little now.
Mise Lena McIntosh, of DfoRillop, was
visiting Mies Ella Ainlay last week.
Miss Annie Riohardeon is on the sick
list but we hope she will eoon be better.
W. G. Shaw, of Great Fall, Mon., and
a eon of Jae. Shaw, of town, ie visiting
R. Leatherdale wag laid up with some•
thing like lagrippe but is out again all
Wm. Grainger and wife were visitors
at Jno. Grainger's, William etreet, one
day last week.
Alex. Wales, of Toronto, was in Brno.
eels and locality this week canvassing for
the Mail Empire.
Mr. McPhail, of Tiverton, was in town
on Tuesday of this week while returning
from Palmerston.
Mies Winnie McGuire end Norman
have been used up this week with inflam•
motion of the eyes.
Mre. Oavanagh and son, of Sohrieber,
are visiting Mre. 0, Zflliax. She is a
sister to Mr. Zilliax.
Mre. I. 0. Richards has been real poor-
ly but we hope the coming of Spring will
greatly benefit her health.
Mrs. A. Bruce, of Bluevale, was in
town for 2 or 8 days. She leaves for
Manitoba on the llth of March.
Mise Franois has returned from a visit
to Port Dover. She will probably make
her home in the Lake Erie town..
A. and Mre. Wilson, of Whitby, are
visitors at Station Agent Ham's. hire.
Wilson and Mrs. Ham are sisters.
J. Ferguson, merchant, has a partially
disabled hand owing to a barn in an
attempt to save a lamp chimney from
John and Joe Habltirk, of Exeter and
Dungannon, reepeosively, were visiton!
with Mre. and the Mieeee Eabkirk for a
day or so this week.
Jno. Stratton came near choking last
Saturday by a pieoe of candy lodging in
big throat. A good thump on his back
relieved the difficulty,
W. Clark was palled to London on
Saturday owing to the eerione illness of
hie father. We are pleased to state Mr.
Clark has improved considerably since.
Mre, Ed. Sperain received a telegram
Wednesday stating her sister, Mrs. Mo•
Ainrtoey, of Cadillac, lviioh„ was danger-
ously ill. Mrs- Sperain left on the 7 a.
in. train Thursday for Cadillac.
James and Mre. Cline, of Wingham,
were visitors at P. Scott's on Wednesday.
Mr. Cline will remove to Owen Sound on
the near future where he will be Secretary-
ecretaryTreasurer of the Sun Cement Co.
We are pleased to state that Moe.
Thomson mad family will move baok to
Brussels from Listowel. Mr. Thomson
will assist his brother, the well known
Robe„ of Brussels Egg and Batter Em-
porium. Their many old friende will
give them a hearty welcome.
Leslie Kerr took a run down to London
last Friday evening from Stratford and
spent Sunday at Rev. S. J. Alien's, for-
merly of Brussels. Tuesday's London
Free Press nye 0-3. Leslie Kerr, of
Brussels, sang "In the Shadow of the
Cross" at the avenin eervioe onSunday
in the Hamilton Road Methodist thereto.
On oxa.tiia,n IN e vvta.
Thomas Parke was found dead in bed
at Maxwell, -
Six new oases of smallpox were report.
ed at Ottawa.
The new Ontario four new membere,
making seven in all.
The Bank of Hamilton bee decided to
open a branch at Brantford.
Wm, Haut was committed for trial at
Niagara Falls for conduoting a lottery.
The death is annoanoed at Westport
of Mre. Allan Doiway at the age of 104.
The remains of a man were found on
the railway at at. Marys battered beyond
r eoognibion,
John Holmes, a well known citizen, .
without polios experience, bee been am
pointed Chief of Pollee at Chatham.
Mr. Toombs, the defeated Conservative
candidate, Bayo the election of Mr. Stew.
art. Liberal, in Liegaar will be proteeted.
The Grand Trunk Railway Company
went, Brantford to pay $58,000 towards
the coot of bringing the main line through
that city.
The Ontario Government has deoided
to give liquor ant referendum bill passed
its second reading in the -Manitoba Legit
glisters without a divieion.
Premier Roes bee decided to grant the
request of the Prohibitionists to bave the
vote toke plata! on the day of the menial-
pee electiooe, No other ohaoge in the
law will likely take plane,