HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-20, Page 6r - �....-„.w-- . 1 --IT w.�,rota.yw___. wwrmw.ww..,M,+m^R.'ww wo+'wmnanx+iW *`^.t iv ua�y,"°°„"".�mmnw�„n7m-mx^T'"°"°n Y.,�w. i 1 i'i�j L' 9 DXTS O XXIVOlEtNATION. NOT ORAIa OND ?1' LICIT: V RO I. �lr,i^8 FOR TH MY IR i III am glad,” he Solid pleasantly, ,� A Few Items which will Me �fl,vInd.50" "`that you havo taken up thin ,Now Ii{IgN'p SxiAItJA 1�If TxxA xr"AlE- worth xteadin Woman' idea." 'xxi's S7xtTTCFxr. Of tile seven ]'residents France has One ounce of ',Sunlight SAas WOitll more tlldlii $iia'1.5` "Really ?" slxe itskad, dou1rtfully, hada only one lies served a full form.P» I was afraid you Wouldn't 11ka it, to a Na tan ) 4 a sewll as If u 0 ounces F f Ott tbt i s iW ROSQ11llUt?$_, l 4 P ` Individual, Cost to ilia Dritisll, Asa- r C gr•0tttlst distanan that. a allot aught to take a Indra Important Ile at the South .Atzio%n. I'll I has bade Elrod 1s a few 711POR ever As far rho pstagon Jl,sr, n your gr(a?er Cannot supply, waits to pa In ilio att'afrs of lifq." War, ilika0n milds, &E'. SR01"$�I16, LIHTITTAr x4rento, goulting llis.namo and address, ")cls, indeed,'' 110 replied, "It will Tile war Is being' paid for partly In Nat'way the average length of and a tr ell• sample• of SuaUght Soap will' ho sant .y.ont free of "'It,� take her mind all hor clothes, and out of tile revenue of Cho year, part- life is greator then Ell any other / �, that will be a groat Stride forward, ly'out of ale prouecds of loans. UI Country oil alto globo. . ,.o�,-r..®.nw She will caro less for ltppoarauces i courso, the taxpttyor will havq to It. The number of anon who died ofIlailia RillIII_ _ • and more for the realities of life." ,quldat0 talo loans, or go on f0rover consumption Is 140 Vol, 1,000, but �- - " knees, MUC SOVG [T AFTER "Of course,," she said, proudly; Paying hhteroaG on tllani, :Wiligiz only 115 pat 1,000 yvortl0n, `ilio Suitor IIOre, on my I ees, l:-,$,.,, "Wlth our olilargod sphere of. useful- amounts La filo sante thing au tar,as To keep the world's cables ,iii work- place this diamond ring upon Your 6 Irl Candikron galls far the Constant dnggr. Aiy. levo goes Out to YOU-" Hess. we naturally taws a br sell. Ilia poolcot Is coneorned, says London g what the Royal Invitation Cards view of things and bocolua more salt- 4. Anatygt•a., - employt'i'lont: of forty edible Ships. The Tloquette^'"But )low do l 15now .ArO Like, - reliant, Trifles cease'to ahln4y US^" The ttlx fa ore being the snlokors, Ilio tzavelilns, expenses of Italian it is gonuine ?" „Aly love is as tons o "Exactly,'"' Ito raturnod, "NQW, It r y rgi Iueomtr M:I',`s tire pull ;by Government. genuine as the blush on Your cheek, Highly Prized as are invitations t oil worn nota °Now Woman' you top-olllnlce s, bio} d itkols, tax payers, &c., It is ultay to Not, Theiq averaged $13,000 a hoad' ]est "Ilotltor the levo f I mean the total ttuictions, the magic pisco o[ would be dreadfully' mortified to , wheat uttch will contrlbuto towards year, diamond, pasteboard itself is eat, lie a rule, tl)jnlc that Your hat was, not on In Munich tiro malt fat• not 1111- '--11 of veiy magnificent al pgnranee, It a ` the oast of the, war. i Ing a Jacor- •}asst Y staai ht, but being a--' Suppolsu that, by the thlio,'tl g b to th0 1in11t is $125 RESTLESS LITTLE ONES,. is saan0tiznos distinguished Stam „John i" Cho,eriod, "I must look wholo buslnosa is galled, it uosts auQ and two weeks Imprisonment;' . .. those issued ,by loss august entertain' like a [right.,, AS' ) UQ than tho man w'llo ILM.S. Nilo hu,s the thickest ar Peevishness and Sleeplessness a era by its superior size. Tile private We^ � � 2fi0,UC U,0 l invitation cards of her late Majesty pays the 1arg0st Built' 1p 1,110 bear and anent of any l3riClsh ship on active ,Sure Signa That Zaby is s i •l 1 kap Alcor finds tint drink- service. It is ill places .,0 Inches in Unwell, Queen Victoria. were about 7 inelies p t t c ria 1 long by a inches broad ; but, other- a Drs wilt alae abutq 071i.;5nit-d0ak tfdhe I-Is.r' dr cora '.t'Ixa klirglish z•ailNays [lost an an When baUias aro'restloss, Dross, or wise, like rho everyday attire olase lire also rho whin lel t 2ilo V00 er mile ; the Cc,- peevish it is tlesurest possiblesign Xing,,, Queens, and Princesses, dis- will conl,llbutl 0 to the wren Wa, avn, $ p'• 0 •initc+1,•s will .roan, $1U0,OU0; and'tlne Amorieau of illness. IVsll babies slasp soundly appointing'ly urirsgal to Indic at, • will iiad,OUu, e,0, Dr thorofure is nearly one-t.hlyd of the ;$55,000, and aro cllaelful and playful when says London fit -lilts, pay v Prisoners whon nrrosted it, Moroe- awake. SVhen baby is cross too many Tho 'open adenine" to Westminster . cost of the tutu•, or, u;s tburu aro r policeman mothers give so-called "soothing" Abbey int the occasion of Queen Vie- twenty-tvvo nfillfoa drInkors in the cc, tire requited to pay the g g lthhgdtiln, about til 13s, each, for his trouble in tilting 'them to medicines, which contain oPlates that toria's coronation was of plain card Ceylon Tea is the ' freest Blr:do to aha drinkers culnq Jho in- gaol. deaden, but do not romov!• the bearing the royal arms and the Seal ,. , 'l'lto Salta" of ATo)•aaco, who ),as trouble. _What Is wanted is a, mecii- of the Earl Marshal of England, and Tell the world produces,. soon tax payors. Ihc-i will tonin -1 $10 000 on a chimera, One that will go right to the root of inscribed as follows buto X52,500,000, But allhuttgit 1 ,ecou spent,r the trouble and make baby sloop well r a1610� is S®ieq oBUil9 SBU i®fdGl tlwy tau allorti It, Ilio burden seems Irucuntly ptild $1,,100 for a sot of Y lleatmfnstor Abbey: thl-mouthed bagpipes, era[ well and bachCmfulinanatural (coronation of I7er-Most Sacred t�aWiLG$Fa. rather heavy on cnch incl{vidual.'B 'l'weztly-live of the bast -known thea- vvny, arh a medicine so 1s oder s Own Majesty There101)aro t -Lax five and n half iti]- n - Tablets which ata sold under an ab Black, Mixed 51694 Greens, i c u*•tax tzt•c�s }u tlw lAtitud,tres in London will scat wi?,000 Peo CZTIEEN VICTORIA. 1 lion ill illi 1 J ) eseri ing a nightly earning Solute "guarantee that they. o-ontttln I+.in *dont so eurit of L110111 will give life, 1 al l t t b g y Admit One Porsou span tea drinkers try °fSalada" Gyeeri tea, [0„11 toward the g }j0 $:]0,000, nolWnet optaies reel otter harnlftil To the Gallery fn the North Aisle, -� 1' 9.' f ,• ='7 1 11 Lt, ible of the Buenos Ayres netts- drugs. All mothers who have used .On Thursday, tie 2Sti :)'tine, 1888. _ . CO.'t l l 111 A I ,„s has cousultatfon-room in them for their little ones spoalc of � - As they use, rho liberty ltrnuteci W .pn}ti a I Norfolk, I'dtr•1Marshnl. 50,000 loiters passed through the Il ire. 'llrltaais of smoking tnbneCu,,which the poor can dally got inodleal thein in terms of warmest Praise Tile programmes of the ceremony English Post Oliice daily in 5801. a b Airs. AlhurL Young, Stratford, says: l g drinking ten„ eating Currents ami Jaid and ntedie3no true. g' infant printed o alit letters, on tt9ifte rl'bo nuiubor is now 8,800,000. raisins, and NO of, this fi2I is only l Ili a week an 1'inglishman eats 81b old, baby, a,ys a now Ave months satin m• on royal blue strips. 4--�— r1 frnelinn of their Ila}mcnl, lot bread and 50or. of meat, while an old, has ahcays been vet ;y crows and Those"hono•ad b invitations to the ]frac clavi era the next ]mat cnrttrC- Itatlitin guts but Slb. of brand [tad Peevish. Site ryas very constpal.nd I Y U0 ¢'e ne: A awhn r aiYrs n.qY, and sleepless. S1ta was a thin, deli- lata Sovereign's evening parties gen- Take Lix,rlve Brenta Quiniuo Tablets, A'1 butors. In the wny ul ,,state duty, I1° o•[.. ret inen:t. f orally received a big white card, with Erne iGro refund sign o re ismoneomf 1,t h is . Dura. and legacy duty. Ili,, l,t, suit or a;:,",- l The c•heclucs which pass through I cute looking child and cried nanny gilt edges, the copperplate E. fl noun's signature ie on enoh hos, 250. f like I,obduln Claarin Tlouse in sax all the tittle. I did not know what ;� g pPerplate form of 100,000 w^Ill be parid. A. calcula- g invitation being :- Japan t ell ret lust yens v death dut'es i l,'reks note, lnor•e than equal An amount to do will' Ler, I tried several med- The Lord Chamberlain has rte now produces. 19,000,0001hol)... shows that iltc Share of the people' io till tine coin In tire. world. [cines but. they did her no good. v n ceived the Queen's Commands to ' sn ar. yearly and 90,000,UOOIb., , of who tilt, and Irnve o:itates will be,? Tht, longest measured drift of a rt -lend who had used Baby's O g inlets....on....,....,, to an 1''venzng r butl.le was in the Pncilic, from 4deg, 1'nblet, advised since to try theist. I 1. X20',1 yin r- Part o ............the .,...oi .. �t t. clot ,iluh U1use lou 4 u ! I Y, t ar 'nc a in -them baby o. r n • did so td w e s a v9r hit cough u s , u fila Ia unlet to the lriit gp ,nth f 1 .o' o'clock, ? • ;.idol bly at.,....... c oc , tit it,il u o n•rty wdl ,1,v ton a Ie,+, } I 1 Islalttls, a distance of 6,700 utiles, in has been quite well, her bowels are and marks oar Lite ec regular, and she has grown Plump _ Frock Dress I none da Bremo-arc, No TabletsPrice 2 n. ootd. fha [; burro amol.rt and sindTar Cal- >5 tl,tvs• g g The renins of the nest, together in one day. No t too, No Pay. l ride saoantw lnlr, with at rnnuibutlon of 3',; j T11L Oman used to be considered and good-natured, I am delighted 6' 6' about its dee at its deepest ns Shu with the Tablets and .]ceaP them on with date and hour, were of course -` 0 lftlp.11VU. ^1'hcl I'lly c'xetctly nut: tenth' A jliHed in with ret the rx,rudiunc at the country. It hC hast zununtains are high. It has hand nil the time, and wheueva•.baby pon and role fn the In 1510 France had 203,000 more } n'eis cross and feverish I ire her a usual fashion. In the case of tato births yearly than deaths. This is Oi,tituated tlz;tt the !c}n};dum con-lnnti' been proved to be half as deep g r rivets operatic tains eleven million smokers, thorn ,age:in-that is, 46,236 feet. Tablet and silo is all right." rP performances with number has now fallen to about fore eateb of these will pay Is 3s. far I • It is affirmed that no nation is These Tablets are the best medi- which Icer Majosty in recent years 80,000. iIre wai, increasing so rapidly in height and cine in the world for sintinle fevar.a sometimes entertained select au- nr,.,.. s,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, �,,,,,i:.,,.,, ,t,,,�weit=ht as the British. Sn fifty ,yo colic, dinrrhooa, all stomach trmtbles �dienees at Windsor, dainty books of CALIFORNIA - OREGON E%CUR . 4;700,000 tons of Spa)itsh Area ore a)'e imported into Great Britain, in the course of a year, AIRM'S URIM60I IN D68111011 ROOM "Mary, did anyone call while I was out ?” "yes, Mr. Snooks. "ATP, Snooks -Snooks ? I don't know anyone of that name." "Probably not, mum ; he called to see me." For Over Sixty Yours . Man, WxnBLOW'- Seorlirlre 0lot cot has been used by millions of mutborn for their children while tauthing. It.00tbas elle child, vofte.. th" gem$..1,nya it""d or*' renal cotta, rogulaees the vtom,eh nod bowel., .red i. meh., hc.tremedyfor niorrhaea. Twontydlr. cenu a Whitt. 6o1d by drugarsto throughout 'the world. rfu aur..hid ayk for"Mas. wen -Lew eh00TaI9s HrltUP," Clilcntta, Bombay,!" Madras have a combined population of just over 2,000,000. Wriard's Liolunt Cures LaGdppe There are -14 million farins in the United States, most of them between GOO�and 500 acres. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. 9 . P � �9 GRATEFUI_-COMFORTiNG, - EREAKFAS'P-SUPPER, SID WAS ALARMED. The 13 railway Companies of Eng" land and Wales employ between diem 313,000 moil, The Scotch and 'Irish companies 40,000 men between theme y,A.7110 FOR ItlllATI A19TA,TTO.• VP'1C W and town ropartT in.nil AN'[ farm, alt. p,rbs of Canada. t?yell d do"nrlpai - scash pr as, BDwermun and UD„ ed IfAmiltwal Uta. EALEU"it EFl telt 1'`�lUTOSPRA,Y" Bost cornproosod-oar sprn or made, • t?a[npls ,machine free. 011Vlae On S., Sell,_Ont, Dyeing I Cleaning I Far the racy boot.o.l y our work to rho 1e BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CC-" Look for *goat In your tows, .,,.ad etre". Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebso , Dominion Linn Steamahips Montreal to Liverpool. Bo.W. to Li,er- pool. Portl..d to Li ... pool. Via Quoea.- tow, . Larbeand Faat 9toauub,[o•aupe""ao'o 41,t�,, fa"" alwvI rel pv aarroro, aolaoae and 11W.'oe loto aa.id.bip� peclai aCteatlon hue been `Ire. to eepod lnloon dud Thlyd•alw 'aceoma,olotho.. utas.p...Ha reedallphioloulan,applyto anyag retrho.... a,,or atotard., 14111. to Co. n. Torrenoe&0n 7T ataLo at.,➢oatos Montreal and 2orthoab '' 4� .11, 1 0111 i W removed or healed by one or two apptlir ^,allone of Oileadlne. It keeps the akin soft and clear. Large Boxes 250. Druggists or Nisadina Co., Toronto ".,r , d ' ss Ha S nd inwrumenta, Drums, Uniforms, Ctc, EVEiya7 TOWN GAH HAVE A BAND Lowest prices ever qquotod, Fire rntaloguo, "u00itlustrations,mailed free. Wrttea,lferanTa thing In Music or AlluMenl lastranernV. WHALEY ROYCE & 00., Limited, Toronto, Oat., and Winnipeg, ]]San - - AN Siunip - duty. 'Those who give I5 feet 7} Inches to a eet- noes. .very ay m e year.e i a r that Jack cares for me baud:+ and rrct,i cls, write vhrc acs anal The Bedouur Aruba are small eat- children of nil ages, and dissolved in The cards giving the privileges of Union Pacific & Northwestorn Line Old Stdger-"T'ut sure of it. His i 1 water, or crushed to a powder may Iattendin b,•tttkers' notes, instn•e titc•ir lives, .ors.' Six: or smen dates snaked in g the funerals of members of runs through first class Pullman and eyes Yellowed .your Decry movement H "" PHA 0 T IS I alt},s cu• their curruc•s, play netted buffet servo it men a w'hela be given with absolute safety to elle the rovat family, in addition to be- tourist sleeping cars to points in Cal last night." -M I Weald ou achieve business an cacti , take! pnicnt mettirines, or bo .d.ty, with a very small quantity of youngest intent. Mothers who once Ing daeply black -edged, are oiLeiz die- iforilia and Oregon daily. Personally society Rosebud (slarued"Gra, 7 al cornu r•1, net's in cont tailfes will my enarsa hoer or a little ball of rice, try them will never afterwards use ,tinguislied by a touch of ,pu rplo, as -conducted excursions from Chicago y l �� soctnlsuccur him rtions; cure diol, pit 1 l 1 g cions ! Do you really think he saw gratify. your atagitions; cure dta atunng theta L5,U0u,0t1U towards the, Tlta fipnnish ere mm�ng the most any other medicine for their little being the royal mourning color. to San Francisco, Los Angeles and nil I ate at supper ?" cases andbadhabits; and wield wonderful expenses of the war. 'charitable people on edrth. Without ones. Sold by all dealers 1n tneclt- The special copies of the burial ser- Portland, loaving Chicago on Tues- f d Aueacooyer others? I. a writs 1. cinC or Rent est o for book -by thirty cm{ nentsppeciallsts, I TI A-PIUM"n'[:4 n poor -tux, Spanish conununitics of p paid at: 25 cents a vice issued to those present at Queen says and Thursdays. Lowest rates, HOW HE C$_ARGED• thoroughly ex tains all the blddep eeeret-o will c lntributu the large Sum of I 'tt•1100 seli-suppnrtors feed a pauper box by antdressing ilia Dr. W1111ams 3 ictorla s obsequies were bound In Shortest time on the road. Finest 7P fi-m, i�eraonai 11iaCnettam ltiaeneA 4 g x+xlltlliou of 5,000 at, mora. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. cloth of the same shade, scenery. Inquire of your nearest Dr, A, "Wliy do you always make iloaling,$tc. It is the most remarkablewarlTTTkkgggd i:I'::,pUp,000: but, rev ell bob e1, fe,v 1 1 b q of tho century. Positively nothing like it even 11 zuilliou bubit,s drink [!•,a, the pay- I A?[ nctnQ•Unnrfnu whet,lwright n1, f"-- ticket regent, or write ll. H. Dennett, such particular• inquiries its to what before published, It has brought success ta: Cfhsev, l.,incolnshire, England, who LONDON'S IMMENSITY. ry 2 King street east, Toronto, Ont. your patients eat ? Does that assist thousands. We guarantee success to you o Ineut of each person will not Litt uture : ` P. I you in your diagnosis ?" forfeit $1,000.00 in gold. The book 1s free. A is, ,atilt hale and hearty, ]ilia been a y y JUU LDlI T WALK postal card from you to -day brings the book to than six ur .,ON en shilltn,u_s. The Immensity of London can onI Dr. 13. -"Not much ; but it enables morrow. Address, tin att enters will hays, to putt 011,: n:cntl,t,r of a choir for seventy-three be understood when we come to deal �I jf� Fifty-six different authorities oxer .mo to ascertain their social position 77L,u0U, and canrsuutrt:. of eui,;.r, co- 1:'enrs and has never missed a single with the man sides of the FOR YEARS, �mgtrlGEin �IOIIO�o Of Sciences�1. i heir practice. Y people's 1 cise control over the Port of Lou -Lon -'and arrange my fees accordingly." papt. . S. 11, 420 Valnut6t,.Pb11zt-.r* can [Ind chotolatu will ctwtrilnite _+ lives. Every year about 130,000 bet- _ don. _ 0;ait unit, hies are burn in London, solve 5,000 -_ 'rhos Ili,, bra d l t t. and tt,a tattle of whom are not wanted and are�no't AN ARNPRIOR MAN IS TBAISSi- �Y , iso �r will contrAwto i '::,: ,:,,000 to the RHEUMATIC PAINS, welcomed. There are always more FUL TAAT NOW HE IS ABLE � � �! �� ®il�v�ic Fresh ���� ®� 6•tt�9 III east tit tilt, will-. Or nNitit 11s. for boys born than girls, says the Lon- TO WORK. 3r,�lta3 earls �©-• L -)grad Ciao. ir-Sa:aS.f 1slies, ac,,rara. , rvmy nuut. woun in and child An the — don Express. — THE D>>WSON CdDA;i3r ISSION CO., Limited, 9 €bili®i T�. ratttt ry• pCAUSED BY AN IMPURE CON- Mate than "100 out of :every 1,000 Often Found Sirlrself Unable to ATessrs. 0., C. Richards & Co, shipments of Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Honey, Beane, Apple@, Potatoes, Souoncd. 13te t,apl0 who write lepers, send DITION OF TAE BLOOD. never lire to be two years old, over Lie Down Without the Greatest Gentlemen, -Last winter I received - p0,;Lal and nuuht,y ardcrs, des}attch 30,000 little Collins being used every Pain. -Cured by Dodd's Kidney great benefit from the use of ALIN- not• 4 tcicf;rauus, and .end n,wspap rs, Liniments and Other Old Fashion- year to bury their remains. Mora Pills. A1tD'S LINIMENT ie, a severe at ' "��" `t444,H41t.�"' _11++ "+4'''i"i+...4-17 t"1•'f"1"j� bnuks and par is throe, ?[ 1,h.• putt' than 20,DOD people die every Year in tack of LaGrippe, and I have ire- + will Pay d:7,_ ti t+t1a toward, the war ed Remedies Will Not Cur! Arn rotor, Ont„ Feb. 3. -(Special)- DY�S��"�� y PTile Rheumatic Taint Must Be London wrorkhouses and iniirnxarfes; Avory remarkable clue of Backache quenty proved it to be verg effective gb wp t•xl+eases, not .t [,1,l. pat h ;ill of pelt i Removed From the Blood. but, in spite of Sha fact that about in cases of Inpalmnation. i��sa�®p. Illation. This takes ua uta only of 82,000 Londoners go to their last and Kidney Trouble has just been yours, .faUSEED f"y �,an the pro:its of [ht, Post -O!".4.", I The Ihtgering tgrturus of rhaumat- account, titre are G0,000 more per- brought to notice at Basin Depot ;, 'Chen there is tho la„•r of land- Itislat gyre tool well known toneed.des- W. A. 3JiJTCITINSON. � ���g„ sons Hilus in London each New near here. .p �,+$ «' tax find house duty, The whole tmil,tion, but It is not so well known leer's illy than there were on iho Mr. J. Ii- Martin suffered for over group of these tax pavtrs will givelthui metrical science now recoignizes previous occasion. There tiro more eighteen years with Lame Back so tit sunt tit A: 1.$ 1:!.000 towards }',1ying't that the primary cause of rhettma- than 40,1100 weddings ouch twolve- that he actually couldn't walk or lie _ t $ ,a�� �^ Ever S_iviC— MA'I for the war, tism is iu,pnru or intpuceri'shed blood. nsanth, 80,000 of which are celebrat- dawn without ertdttring the malty, i��atoll '"CHES dreadful pain. IIs tried many meth-} The papulation of the Channel Is 1':vvn the, eaters of Pluto and Other Thu result is that hundreds of sUffOr- ed In the chinches of the establish 44 'L puddings will Ilei by payin;• the ors apply external rinladies which cines without getting relief, and was 5, has altered less than that of .1,,a } f : P ! 1 mune. Strange as it may seem, see very much discouraged. arhv other part of the United King ��®r i#lat�Lii— Customs duty on t:[rraut and rats cannot possibly cure the trouble. The ing that we have had compulsory ed. y ins. Their share of the oq rause will ' only thin* that will really cure rhea. Dodd's Kidney Pills were recom dour in the pastt50 veers. It was p� 61, r1 p } r Oration now for over thirty yeas, tnendcd to him, and he commenced 0180,7303 in 185`1, 2,^^_34 ire 1881. t ghter 11 l,r s,,OV,000. n 1,t}Ser 1: un iritrrnul medicine that • there are every year more than treatment, and improved vert fast? --- I-a:sozs. :5.®,0.-,0 Tcl'�Z7ar.'X'•BP�F23M3E3. "•I, The total tit tht t Contributions will enrich tiny blood and tree it from 1000 persons married zu London who i 11,, p 1 1 F :�F T`. $'fid ltY I :$ it c xi 4_14+ i l $ i II l�! 4.44++04-14,411 amounts to _1'2311,,t`,50.000•Ieav;ng n rhet.n:tacit taint. The surest, Quirk- cnn neither read nor write . from the first. As the treatment) l riiardI LfiilCl�l:t i$ tll� DGS[ w.i J• dellcii of ten and a batt wiTlion est rend mast effective way to da this It is a coumhmi nifistal:e to sup -continued the improvement increased^ i '.this will be Met. bJ the rent tit f. to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, until he was able to go about his. _ pose that everybody who can comes work as well as ever. Crown lauds, the £ntere.t on Suez whirls ,are proved to have cured tllot- to London, and that the. population The theory so often advanced that ” in IE4,D British sailing ships em- t'anal shares, tilt, pro is u: the \lint, sands of cases of 14,c+umatism manv is increatud almost entirely by this loved 144.165 men. Last year the f - the duty, tin figs, },1uu , rhivory and' of them after till other medicines had the Kidneys are,the most imaortank' process. As a matter of fact class organs of the body and zh-t a i..r,- n bad tall=n to 5'•600• ,� ct railway tickets, and i u.y small rt fulled. The case of Air. Philip For- upon 40,000 Londoners leave the me- i I ,. I evipt +ugh ars cwt vienve rnt nay.:_ ris, eel: at the: planters of -Smith Fs- 1. tropglis hely year for the country percentage of the sickaesc ,and yatr - B�g�s C2aIIttL De CtL+^e�d ]lank of lSugkurd }+actin rete, tilt, t- cox. Ont., is l!rnof of this. Althau *h or for places abroad. which hivaanity se,, etc �� d e :t i>i vel Prize Fund, and the cont 1bu \fr. Ferris is 711 years of age he is o perfect Kidney action s�--_s s t .-adv .s c� a they, saaaotreachthe s1, amply proren in this ar•1:r a„ ce .3fs xrd=asaaozr. 3b, reisood dna liens from Iutlfa luui l"atpa t'gia,ny. ab mark as a:s;tnv men of aif. But he air ar - a :'ter. a s s'1, sb7�z dna- __ HIS M.1;TIIOD. for els soon n< Dodd's ,;;-_ .;u,e:, .-=,urs B -Ifo.-. 1,x saute as I - , t*- -- Ituc rot at;w,z s on o; ed melt good 171, , s regulated and ze_ t' ed :Lb ...,a., :.:rae5;:4+3r.,&L' _,=Vf *ascoasu.azo Da THE LIGSTF'ING ROD. health 311. Ferris ti ss the following The little girl wild was visiting at action of deet Shinn.; - . a: T,1- . w,W � mr„a,utism xma 'r i = tl::s tuba is fn - to say about his Illness and care: v. neighbor's house had galla out to _ ::aa,rd,7,pi; a �. r+a d�Imper j It Does No Good. Nor Does It Do' ••Farr flitLen years I suR<red greatly loop at the homes. t:n's troubles left s' .:t W_z • ;Aer• a= _2 xmIt La al -"IT -cased ? k 511 An Aurin, iro;a r*e[:u1t s _ t lot times 1 wo,tl4l "Finn's one of them," she said, i Manv renrarkal e c t s z;nusr is late' mv, t. art :ra:a- are altar-. Any y, 5 r1Ils hate bei T ., &,err:.'; 1 ^,s,= _!a6,+t-rtsaas_,3::>r,_,e a e'.cured -• ,, '}, y.. . The rt}icacv ai the ii'lrttz3r ^ read is have severe s 1,•,e' weals. while r"that has watery eyes, and tour hs 9 r : _=-_tL: amht.itz. www: _g Walla d-- I 5-�,y a ;, s his head hast the way tainly none ass trc+aner,:_ u- ....lc ,-.,,Tu, ,s,•,,,: a:,wa ,taw:•z C-1, w. tecare at o l,or ,1,e pain would spot ed to {and han a y Still to dt,hutat+ie eluesti,t L -}'e rt>; I =aL,-s 'Mr. 3U,rtin. I- t •t` r•:.::.:•m.. &_'-A,s.d-wll;zrb-_zsata- _ .+"`. nal and -hk,tzl. I tricit sev-1 papa's horse did last at Miller." 1Lr,, t ne:.t:.%dM-Cttal!,=1x:rta7r;Lx: tWmua; tit,- farmers, In t•ecant } _`,: his i Ee has vi-t:.?r- a =••-ccs r;,,-n:r '�, „av< 'e Grim E%A-i:.a3 R=t ` ,74ia sal "0 •,r . _ .,... _ there has b •• ort re:..':'1- w ._, xctil 1 "What did your .pawn do far - _:-' a"_. ...,._ .• - , Lan tan iatclt, •1; r.1, -aster -T„`` r a. t c, ? mak, facts of his ma -a,, L3;-� -LR. vete-t,l,t .a,six,':.,_aLftrw •rxiar�'c3r .+`.0 _....-:cs:-,A; �6��"� � Imo: un - : S ;.sn ^� t Eft *ret. hor.L asked the owner of the of fatalities tifrou} h inIt;nit: n I zr,.1 ..:, . F tt ei e L nhent the lit, wt = T , w t 2 : .v1, an -ma ix ra-i __.71. ;1,l_ ?fie. efttt p "• l'axe3 ;maLIN. .qt•'-1,'pLan3 :.R'. Outuria, and we are nut stn;rsLd ane they Le. a;^e z .•L3 t?_e ,•lie cold him."' was the in:ocent itrtab`c once neer r .n nu^r t.) /- T. S. r, ':„Fpy&,-or e r Go, I U the uquipme/1t 0f llarn- and .eta: I r+•d -tar ad ti t1 ter tett .l:r: 4 aarl�r ,yr�lta gpl�gp �] �ppp�p�a ��1pt �7 inti I r._rot - t as anew r, ar ;•emir. ,^x;pl.a,;:u !i � a.ffi Lim1�m �tl.!r'la LD'ia►'�sk s houses with drt ices for s1, < t rb r eI a,4 ey.l tc�ztu+.z« t i1� :a rci• Aute pr .Agri 'use: s hu 6eaE 1 lightning stroke is a ilovurtshn.l, le, rrtat f' 1,l o t m ' L I i case n. Lam liter .'uutmhu rm ,r dttntrv. 1Fhether the li} fetaihie rill z::, y teal other !aa' e. w r l e , .r .`u,thwe - 'f'rnubis :.urs, rarlrt' a hes tiny merit for doing lite wont' ra'w a :1,l.:,.. .f a 1•rr -,:r was not A lame back Means that dull Achi, , been i4lualiv us auk:,.* ---..1 -' µ i.� :not+;:• - ..: v ..: silt: i vinetrurr sirautn he OV13r t r a g ,1)A�11 expected of It is about as dehatdbit,;ruhtte." "{ FC?€r. TfiiAC ?C;:3vg'•• -- - t r 9 1+' ni at f 7 . , a point as whether ilia draining rod !ale - - Z'oL .:: L .,c: _-,s s -,sl., R,.4hutes �}rit,;• 1-011111 auin 1' :,r ;n.1,,. v•..nr,su c[rr Deer and ? O Cate . , he small of the b r the I r, Williams'' ran„ Pills make row I - y vror :tga.:1 the wortf:r, "It strikes which takes you as you arise FP >til St00p 11, really instrumental in "+ratting ; rich, red blood and strengthen ti:.; alt `_� .f :L1 acd t ,_cL,t ..., x. i!:^ :,.a. -•r.' y j' G1,. ling. wntlt beneath the surince n1, the p .-t l by th 1 �- trle." There' aa.uu: a time when the . t nerves with eyery dose. It is in th:= Zs`. ""'• i hat and all tiles m tOrns 0f et§CI'A1 ei 'Alii ground. People ala divided on both,,,,, that they cur c ,c F°'•^aritut,aE of ala `+e : Y,:" hit sit pnusrd franx h]m, and this was y i these trustions, but we think as fart cure such tronbfe, i s 7 aiii imul-'i alta = zfni,:ragiii haat' it urine about. if sin, to speak alltj IOSt Vl$aiit WlllCil LI6(1 it O -I h it 1 ' n rheumatism, ,,eiatica, neuralgia, kid- 3trle,tilt chi Bins four 'race,- .r,a .-:,;r,•,r i,.a;; T,:+rt;u"i. nuihmloltact } fill, hfaa client, he said: '"'U"ludP it y y '-' as the lightning rod Is conaatuud 1 contains a fund v. rt cure with my new appliance. 1!:f"f" ' '6 $cis ney and liver trouble, partial 7'nrat' tcre.St;a : "� ':-_ ;r, 3,urnrain tau i atr•ikes ane,. in reviewing the evi 'Ic ..r r g and instructive reaai- t - 1. that the oyriltanco tends to the cult• lysis. St. V Itrl9' dance alut erysipelas, in , ---+, N { Ciente " atica, Rheumatism -1 conquer therri >�i� Iii as vl0tion that it is practically useless ' f r:iatter, tad, lfka all nth- a. seal ir.,tn= I'I'Ioy res their action toilo the binud Tlr� uac s "' T I1}7h,ltortgn as a protagtion against lightning. A rot features, ai this popular i ' I few days, teebnieitl dac]siuu open the'gfllettry off Shay resters the cur to pals nrut w•ats b".z,l't rot w:,, e, was 11 "t ret; Whir, qqp Sallow checks and Curr the ailments lisle' Is thoroughly up-ttr :, date. Five cents per co and displayed a i i;1 a from 1.-.08 1,..k i6 Dn>A3 u6n-atr:Iule¢prdto7ourBelt for back, T oPn M . :-I the li9htrting rod appears in The Shat: retake. the t}yes at au SnaifY flftv cents 1" PY or ,-�a`6.7 aY1liISt1'ep: f0T,. 200. 3tsve tjnet yanreUteasnigli to, ..oadKlitt}eUat NOV. 1755„ when ft was be, ret down. it tai�gy Electrical Review of New York. The women miserable. Thego'nuint,alwals a your from GOO. it Is. feeta,nt aalrl.Togmsbteanddawar a'a�no> IW"17YCQXSat426,taarttihet�iinb>~ I have b4 a lDO Opinion was given An response to a Imve l.he hill nanta 'Tir. 1\`illtatua' )L ifnnllrin, C3en'l Pass, Ag't g tackeiirceIwae277e-raotaSo,aadam7e6 Tour rt ar.tta ere viand 1n Moro gardeaa ;'}.'!.� ?«' 1' •• . New Vollt, andcn,nnmfanuath.nat oft, alt ^^^ eavllle t3ytw question from a United States fan i1 InAtA1=10l. Tk,,, torc.onrortaia a -r T ]nk ]';lis for I eta noel?le" an uvi!ry110a1d $ L�ilj�r� lir Stl�uratis0a wan a„Aoyan.taerrrb oaaeafer An man or'irvorrtan vrho'yr111 sooure me ol}n havelmy vier, yvha hall jest installed n light- boa, p Y nibd ret t'id by all dealers or ar'ri' est t1ulpe r; 1.o 'doro you o u 6 t«�°, dtppl once anti p66y when's ireEl, f iLskrlo pliyln'44 v'%a'noo. i sing rod but who doubted its ofllcttey 17 GU cents A. I,c'x or six hoses r trait ate,+ ?"et. thel ,t, wnU 201, oto v r 7rt tiie CrIMettn War those were w in s .iouowlnauaproo. . P for $. ,0, by addrosatnit the ilr. Wil- ------+ - aaitnr �: wetly elbowInsulated. "ltho .lighti it strikes linins' ACrdicine 1,'o.. liruckvltle, Out,. 'Pint a.vnralfo tenni lrerna rale pull a X44,400 ftdtnlRslans irttu hnspitaCrs, pe 0 L°obrdaolkaaipaid r�! �s Ari. flap a cruel ttluyvat aha lightning rod barge of '2rr t:nrllt Ili. 2i tnflt)ti an 46,0011 runro than the total strength aelrae,.fru,"t..e.e.r.o.k„ ®r■ C l �1��i1 S Ll'®Vi,!"RV ®�B+ regent by statttg „lorlae.yaw.ati u:"Canon., that th0 whole hour. OUr foteta a..'Al ie. • ., matter of lightning rads w*ns can A unuutrytnnn walking atmig flu' YonDaToD 11 df"t, r !T iti -. y y l.�w .tlrkeb � nti.it OMOAt1 lid resrd my 4tt�To' e}�f . reltlg�py}bgaoyttdue lbpf� 7o Ike".. ,1,e f: _. .:�._. ........,.:... w........... „_,,.: J i rf bre,VT m . rd A p 1aY5ad '4 EIK crt Md' caved in i lrotaytco:t�t lies becn.,atruris of L,a#edgn found hisprngtrss - (1}%CyWenrA`tL'E1C 1,g°• >i•,:urra.w+kpe/w gb�e� t es o ns G-ao6tlra y.qo axpIoRcd In Folly, It 9009 orf to stopped lay a bturicade of wood. w, • $ nal to a po.tHrnl .tan • thin rod "What's 'this for ? said hit to n „ iJwlti1t la hb WizrlpllDun af, alta C,q ed18n IIs0n1 r, aahn a �a gnu i 1r a ««� 'i,,:1. 44 p Iw t. p slog #p>s� o' Baolt and iia o od I; say that trio i tdivary lightning O ;, nunnhlarnirlaattawaneawabbC baTnncaia li rauatw mot at �at aP aubfe. re vlatrr,, FFiE� T 9T.' floes eat ,do any goad, nor, att Ito person Standing by. Oh, that. s att fDraatltraotaalafrdargralul ),1vi11!! PIA 401 fl' t r anSt «°>Yiw 'ttml a IYno, Oreondtermy ee 1rJt�°; ,,111} 1,11 1i(Y11 Fr f �w,t ltbi n . , I x i.. �; .� ] 1 1 p M�1 .F1r Mlf, , , FREE Q . Dain dagd 1' OgntPtary,'ttoas it tie any harm. The stop tine level, from spreading'," re- t .Ih[ntytalra annr+uttaai'vlaa�itn sir etl11tx1a 1,y at , a n, . It N1,atalYlan ilulannp an 'a i) coq lttlavrr rl . l�tatM ei ren apse e" n„rel4f4i "•' '"''_ .. editor informs the farmer in gnestlnn Iplied the other, bot the waxy ret betn}T lheaontinuous(101 ,m 1,h a n xis fb vtaneta olid na 'aaulnblp.. Cat 0 "ll, ” l a. to iJwnaiian at.p DFD. 11i�t ®i M4� A;: ILIO �M �Si�%Xgtl !! tkl `ioronte. i' that ii 110 vara living in'tiio ]nt.tst's ncoaa, "Ali," asrid.th0 c0unttyrnntr. lylral'an etamM n f''pnne'+ lrn,w+tla� 4wlDanastrCtl nlrrd�n "iVre+ l!rin xe 101NflAtltNtzsp aNEo�in., bti"�i'O1?it4t0ifi'fh=1'w,9ri, 1,+i"6'�o"s1p. kous0 he mould rather not Katyn the "I"ve alien heard at n- Ilea yd of �1nrUuulnrn I ipnhn r rep ran, r r Ni 1,I" atCtt hantiu u u , 1` erne e. r too Hll p " fthti.illg rod oil Its , It aftro.' ? , t? a r t , a a Iia ;' ' ''t a T7t ntth but I navCr sen V„ , :. hye���ue __ .. . .... .. ��.. te .w�w��u-�-M----