HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-20, Page 5Wen 20; 1002 RUSiNESS CADS, 0 t ON X l" AA IF L T A. a �Ji-. ant, 5',S Ood Bxu s p, , El, MOW1tATEBN,,.. 06 Issuer of 7,tarrlage Llooneee, Of - lice at tlrocal•y,Turnherry street. Brussels, ;E4• N.DABBETT-. '.Poneorial Artist. Shop—Next, doer North of the Standard Bank, J,adles anti Ohtldreu'a hair oettiug o pootaltyr M. MORRISON, IR8ner of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, NIISS JEAN M'LAII.CHLIN! TEA0f31.1E PiANO - AND - ORGAN, ROBERT CUNNiNQH nie00AM4044, FIRE AND MARIN ., GUELPH' Wellington Mutual .Fire Insurance CO., P,0TAIILra110D 1849' Insurance taken on tbn Dash and premium note oyotem utourrent rates, B.fore 1000'• ing eleowhere oall on theuedoreigned Agent of the Company, 1tOGERS, Brussels. MI498 SARAH LQUiSE MOORE, c . 0.• M.. Academia gradunto of London Conserve. toryyof !Allele, also Memlierof the Asene'ated Diueminus of Qntario, is prepared to receive a liinited number of pupils for instruction on titaniuno, Qualified to prepare pupils -foe the P•riooipal'0 Forte la the Ooneervatory of Mueio. Brussels, Ontario. AMI ALEX. AUNTER— Clerk or the Penal' Division Oourt, Co. Huron; Conveyancer. Notary Public, Laud, Loau and Insurance Agent; Auction- eer. Funds invested and to lope. Collect - tion made. OIIfoa in Graham's Blook,13rae- eels. AUCTIONEERS. 120 S. SOOTT AS AN AUCTION - d • ..slue. WI11 sell tor- bettor 1010a8, to better men in loss time ' and less enemas then anor he tron't charge nything. Datesher Auctioneinariduron orders can always he arranged at this Ogee or by personal app>toation,.. _VETERINARY.. D. WARWICK— el • Honor (bedtime of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all Mo- wer] of-domesileatod animate in a onmpet- ent manner. Parti'ular attention -paid to Veterinary Deutiotry, Calle promptlyat- tended to. Oflioo and Innrmary—Fou doore ,,North of bridge, Tnrnhorry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, ,\V U' BINOLAILi— r Banterer, Solicitor •00000y08000, Notary Public; die. Ulnae --Stewart's Block 1 dcor.North of Central Hotel Solicitor for the Standard Bank. yy!�-•vv• F. `BLAIR, `BARRISTER, s • Solicitor, &o. Ogles over Stand- a'd. Bunk. Solicitor for Village of Brueeele. Money to Loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS, DS, Q DR. 0. AMBROSE TOOLE. RESIDENCE Alin OFFICE— . • MILL ST,.EAST, BRUSSELS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON. D.s tl. M., Trinity Univerelty, bellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons. Out. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wilery Edinburgh. i:3'Telepbone No.14, ltooitlonoo-Diil1 street, Brussels. - DENTISTRY DR. R. P..FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of 'the Royal College of Dental 6ui•geonaof Ontario and Ftrat•clase H6uor Granuete pf Toronto Uoiveroity. OBloo next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. 1902, LJ STOWEL 1 is mr,viug forward. winter term . bogies' Job .0, 10442, Our rates are reasonable—our Ooursee of study tboruugll and pi -notion!. Saud for our Journal to sec what we tenon.. Students may enter at any time. Two Courses of Study—Commercial and Short- hand. C. A. F LEMING,, A. L. McINTY1tE, Preeidont, Secretary, Owen Round. -Listowel. SHINCLES British Columbia* lied Cedar Shingles AND North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR ALE AT Tdot Brussels Planing -Mills Alio Boma and Sash of all Pat' terns on hand or made to order at Short Notion, Betimates Furnished for all kind's of Buildings. Workman• ohip, and Material Guaranteed. . AMENT ATTEND THE REST, IT PAYS CENTRAValt•.. %.X��� J LL. A settee}well known from ono end of can- tide to the other for 110 ouporlor worn, Title ilollogo aivee the right kind of edueatiou and I1luoee many of Its etudeots 1a sand positioue, NtIW 10 the rima to outer, 1.00. are for sueoese and you will get it, Write for our biennial catalovue W. J. EI.b1UT'r, I'rluelpalr iotrl'Ct'' e o 4 Tim -mangy 000N010,—Minutes of meet. inn; of Ouutaoll held in the Olork'a offioe, Bluev le on Monday I+e b. 10. Members of Connell all present except J.Ooepland, The Reeve in the chair. The Minniea p4 loot melting were read and approved on motion of Mooers. Musgrove and Lovell, Moved by Mosgrove, wounded by Lovell, that if any change of Pathmaetere is wanted by the ratspayere they must notify some member of the Council or the Reeve before next meeting of Couo. oil.—Ootried, The Auditors' annual re. port was laid befure the Oounoil for floal audit. Moved by Lovell, eeoonded by Mosgrove, that the Auditors' report be received and adopted —Carried. The following Recounts were passed and ohrqueg on the Bank of H'milton Wetted I A. Mal' wen, auditing, $10 ; D. Fraser, $10 ; W. H. Ornickshanke, auditing, $2 ; T. Hall, printing, $1 ; H. B. Elliott, $4, Moved by Mitobell, eeoonded by (kaiak. shank, that thie Connell do nowadjourn to meet in the Olerk'e office, Btuevale, on March 3I, et 10 R. M. JOAN BIIaogee, Clerk. I.iestow HI Rev. J. 13 Mundy, M. A., spoke on "St me American evils'' on Snuday even ing, in the U, B. abnreh. The Y P. 0. U of the U. B. Church porpoise holding a bazaar at the home of Wm Osborne on Thursday night, Feb. 20th, J. H. and Mrs. Stuart were in Toronto, attending the wedding of Alias 0 ivia Barthe, Mr. Stuarl'e niece. Mrs. Stuart al -o spent a fewdays in Hamilton. The U. B. ooegregation intend moving their church from its present Bite on William street to the lot whioh they have reoeutly purohaeed on Main street test. Il is there intention to have the edtfioe brick veneered end given a more modern appearance. The contemplated improve• moots will coat in the neighborhood of $1,000 A number of bones which were being shipped by Maj•ir Gore, for service i0 South Africa, ee0sped from the G. T. R. stock yards, and ran down the railway track to the bridge near the tannery. Two of the home oroeoed the bridge in enfety, but a third became fast near the centre, and was extrionted by the help of employees of the tannery, just fo time to escape the 2 p. m. train for Stratford. Miss Maud DeLion left for Durham where she holds a position with Mies Disk. Oudmore & Sone, of liippen, have shipped 700 tons of hay du, ing the poet mon h. The oattle abiPPr d from here on Tuea• day of last week brought their owners • over $4,000. At the oonoluoion of the reenter prayer meeting in the Presbyterian church, Wm. Bell was invited to the front when an address, beautifully engrossed'and fram- ed, was read, and an exceedingly hand, some gold beaded cane was presented to Mr. Bell, who hae been a faithful servant of the church for 45 years. Wednesday morning of last we, k a very diotreeeing accident took piece in the engine room of Oook'e grist mill. About 8 o'olook in the morning it was noticed that the speed of the mill machin- ery was beginning to Weaken and the miller went into the engine roomto die. mover the cause. On looking around' he was horrified to find the body of Simon Swartz, a young mac who was learuiog to run the engine, lying under the pulley which drives the dump.' Medical aid was at once celled in but examination reveal- ed Ibat the nook was broken and the back of the bead out. The young moo had been putting the belt over the pulley and was dragged between a board protection about two feet high and the pulley was found under the latter. The body was at once taken to T. Palmer'e, his boarding place. [3lv th. Sirs. MoK.innon was stricken with a partial paralytic, stroke and hae since been very ill.' John S. McKinnon was called home from Toronto owing to the eerlons illuese of his mother. ' Rev. A. McLean caught a severe cold whioh oonfioed him to his bed foreoveral days. He was too ill on Sunday, 9th, to conduct the usual services in St. Andrew's church and the evening service was die. primed with. Mr. MoLean is feeling muoh better and hi able to be up. Samuel Crittenden, of Amherethurg, is at preterit visiting hie brother,-Isoao Crittenden. The two brothers had not seen or heard anything of ono another for 30 yeate until Samuel arrived from Tara tubera be bad 'been visiting another broth er whom he had not seen for the same length of time. Bpyru Spoor, Bonn.—The regular monthly meeting of Blyth eohool board was held fn the Industry Hail, on Friday dveniug, 71h inet. All the members pre- sent except'rrustee Ranee. Minntee .of last meeting read and passed. Principal Shaw presented the following report for January :—Room No. 8—Average attend• cede, 27 ; number on roll, 30 ; aggregate attendauoe, 630, :Room No. 2—Average a4toudan0e, 48 ; number on roll, 61 •- aggregate attendauoe, 804. Room No. 1 —Average attendance, 44 ; number on - roll, 60 ; aggregate attendance, 797. Trustee Cowan moved, seconded by True - tee Paler, that the tender of Wm. Deer for 80 cords of 40' inch bodywood at $8 pot oord be aooeptod.—Curried. True. .tee '71loltlaufer•moved, eeoonded by Trus- tee Cowan, that the a000unt for $1.10 for printing tenders for wood be paid.—Oar. rind. 'Trustee ,ll' oeommins moved; seo• ended by Truett° Cowan, that the Boor vinery bo ipetr0o4ed lu n airy Principal Shaw to hand in bis rest .alien, as lice ern views will not be r gllited after Marob 2d r ' next, n that t, M r td lex , and h a S c eta y adver, tlwe in the Globe ar, l lad ani ilm ire fora Prinoipal bolding n flr..t open pro• (eeeiopal osrtl8oa4e capable of toeobtng Frebgb and Latin, duties 40 commence Al'rii 7rrt next,—Oarried, The board then adjourned to meet again on the evening of February 28th. LoIsolate o " 4ainei Bryan was le eleet,d ohairmon, and D. 1t, 44olnosh, Secretary, of the School Board, The Lurknow tutelars went to 84. Marys, on Thursday morniog of last wools and played for the Weeterp Qntario. Tankard. They did not win hewevpr, The Luoknow Public Library Board met on the 8th inet„ in R.D. Oameron't offioe for the tranoa0tlon Of the.present year's buslnese. • R D. Oamerou gave a full statement of the library'e prooeedings 04800 its organization in Luoknow, whioh was maob appreciated by the newly elect• ed members 01 4310 hoard. The following offiaere were eleoted for the current year ; John Mu,ohleon, chairman ; Jos, Stalker, Secretary ; R ). Cameron, Treasurer ; R•, Graham, librarian; Dr. Elliott, Geo ' Siddall and John Sproat, Committee, on books. The board adjourned to meet at art esrty date to make the first selection of books for the pr.wnt year. t1/2w1.'wU4at.. Our former townsman, R, B. Eatonten, hes b, en dented Prentdont of the Wellesleytownehip 8.•S. Union.. Rev, R. I. Warner, Priooipal of rho Aima Ladies' College, St. Thoma•, preach ed Eduoatioual Fermone hi the Methodist church last Sunday. The North Perth Farmers' • Institute last year bad a.memberohip of 882. Thio year thus far the memberebip is 164. Over 60 members were added at the At• wood meetings. Dr Kidd has bought a bnilding lot of Donald Gordon, opposite Robert Ander- son's residence. The Dr. will move 'hie present house on the new lot and build a handsome brick residence on hie Main etre01 property. T. G. Rotoliffe hae purehaeed John Graham's reeideeoe, opposite the plan- ing mills, for 5000 The primo is race. Doable enough oonaidering the property oompriaes three Iota,a large bones, a bearing orchard, and one of the finest lawns in town. EMIL OODNccL.—The Connell of Elms met in the Hall, Atwood, on Monday,. Feb. 10th,. Members all present. Min- utes of last meeting were read and signed. A communication was read from Angus Smith, 0. E. asking for the oMoe of Eoglueer for the township ; no action ; and a a•,mronnioation from R. 8. Pelton offering his hall to rent for Oounoil meet- in4e ; no -action. Moved by Mr. Curry, seconded by Mr.. Coates, that a grant of $15 be given in aid of the Atwood Pablie: Library.-0arried. Moved by Mr. Curry, seconded by Mr. Wherry, that the ()Jerk be authorized to,notify the trneteee of S. 8. No. 1 and U. S. S. No. 4 that appaoa• tion has been made to detaoh lot 6, oon. 6, from 8..8. No. 1 and annex eeme to 8. 8. No. 4, and to attend next meeting of Ouunoil and state objeatione, if any. Carried. Moved by Mr. Coates, seconded by Mr. B tyle, that the Auditors' report as now read be adopted and that 300. oopiee ot the ab -tract report be printed.— Carried. Moved by Mr. Curry, seconded by Mr. Wherry, that By law Na. 425 as now read be finally 'passed. -parried. Moved by Mr Wherry, eeoonded by Mr, Boyle, that orders be issued on the Treasurer for payment of the following accounts :—D. 14. Marshall 7.76 $7 ' tile fur oulverts ; J. L. Turnbull $810,bim• self and men breaking road Corporation of Listowel 53, for enowplowio„ Mitobell gravel road, 1901 ; I. A.. Broe. 510, tile T. L. E. & M. ; Hart & Riddell $6 73, ae- eeeement collo, 00000000'a gnide and ex- nreoe ; Dr. D A. Kidd $2 50, visit to R. C Forrest, who was killed in 1901 ; S. Bassett $3.88, tile ; J. Sanders $.7, to pay himself and men breaking road ;. A. M. Sweeten 5610, express on debentures, disoonut en ohegoee, postage and station• ery and trip to Kinkors to pay drain money ;0'; Boger 59 27, hardware, $20. 50, tile, and 525, (aneral ' expenses of Mrs, Montgomery ; 7• MorrlsniTreaau r of A,rlt ral iniety, rent o( hal , $26 , , 4 , 'r ' gravel ^ J ,hits, t Gel 8.0 rvl d o $7 9 J A g$ , , , to pxy himself cud men breaking road A, Quipp $5 80, 4o pay himaelf nod Dieu breading road 10, Breufthton $8 00, breaking road and fixing pitch Polio ; I, Laugfard $1.30, baja ioe on gravel ; 17d. Fisher 514 66, gravel ; J. Barton $7 80, T. G. Ratcliffe and T. E. Bammopd $12 each, salary tie Auditors ; N. 005hlfni poppdkeeper, $9 26, ode re Mann v goghun ; G. Gordon $2.20, team breaking road; J. Donaldson 11650, amount paid by him to peen breaking road ; Wm. Bweeto0, shovelling snow, $2.—Oarried. Moved by, Mr. 0. a4eo, 9eronded by 113r, query, that the Connell do now adjourn to melt on March 10 next to appoint pothmoetere, porindlteepero and Woe. viewers,—Carried, <>rrotlerieto. beiT'he big popiare aropod the town are ng oqt down freely, Fiebing through the ice hae been start- ed, but returns so far are not heavy, Mies Keturah Brown want to Toronto to panne her mediae in vocal music. A hitch has occurred in the negotiations to close up the suit between the town and Elevator Oo, The Oonnty of South Perth decided unanimoa0ly to Dome to Goderich on the 12411 of July 0. Blackstone, hae recovered from his recent attaok of pneumonia and is again attending to business. Manager Doty of the Engine Works, bas bought R. W. Moller zie's residential property on. Brook street. Nineteen tuouseod rounds of bell am• munition have been received and stored at the Armory Net week. The deep euow has stopped the Gun Olub.hoots, and kept moot of our sports" from following the foxes lately, Horace Horton, though atilt confined to his bed, hi not only holding his own but showing signs of improvement. Ed. Campion, jr., hoe taken a position at the G. T. R' station office, 0noeeeding Geo. Morgan who hae returned to Tor. onto. The Orangemen of West Bruce at their annual meeting reeolved to join in the mouster 12th of July oelebration in Goderioh this year. J.Hamilton V. S and J. Halliday. have opened livery, eale and feed stables on the corner of Hamilton and Newgate streets, and are ready for bnaineee: During the past year through the agen• oy of the King's Daoghtere, seven familia* were relieved, being supplied with sloth• ing and other neoeesariea; and other good work was done, The sum of $79.59 was raised during the year of whioh 561.13 was spent 10 oharities. A unanimous invitation was extended by Vlotoria Street Methodist Ohnroh to Rev. W. F. Oompbell, M. A., Ph, D., of the Weetmorelaud avenue oburob, Tor- onto, to become the pastor for the oom• ing year. Rev. Mr. Robinson, the pre. sent pastor, has received a unanimous invitation from the Westmoreland ohuroh, Toronto. Saturday the death occurred of Chris tens wife of Dr. H. Adams, Embro, at the age of fifty five years. The deceased was a reeidentof Goderiob, and was a sister of D. 0. Makay, high constable. Mr. Mackay attended the funeral, whioh took place at. Embro on Tuesday of last week. COUNTS TuaAeURRa'o STATEMENT.—The report of Treaswer Holmes showed the following for 1901 ;—Receipts—Balance from 1900, 212646 65 ; Comity rates, 536611 69 ; land tax, 5152 61 ; registry of. floes, $674.58 ; redemption aoo ant, $17• 68. 1$ •.m crest $30109 ,sin sinking fence 1, $3780.55 ; Division Court Jury fund. 27.• ; administration of juetio$24947 jail account, $579 95 ; !Menses, 51414 ; schools, 56146 ; roads and bridges, $30 ; miscellaneous, 51 ; Industrial House, $386 53 ; Bills Paable, $6000 ; total, $71141 62 Expenditures — Land tax, $465.85'; Registry office, 5226 10 ; retinue. tion amount. $8.25 ; interest, 533.65 debentures, $18062.98 ; Division Court Jury fund, 5171 ; administration of jug Hoe, $7111.88 ; jail account, $2218.08 ; ?Ivy"- �! ` ;,i. r.:,"�$fir; r 44e rv1y shoes now. 0. When your feet are cold you feel cold all over—"shivery." Cold feet are good for the doctor's busi— ness. The man whose work is more or less out of doors must keep his feet warm. It is important. Don't take chances with light shoes when you ought to wear good - • heavy ones. Some we have here will keep the feet warm and snug and protect therm from the wet and snow, Keep the feet dry in sloppy weather. They are made to wear and our prices are made to make it easy to buy them. Here are a few •- Men's Long Felt Boots, regular $2 25, reduced to $1 90 —lsien'e Felt Bouts, loose Sox, regular $9,60, reduced to $2,10, -Htavy Rubbers and Sox reduoedin prima. HARNESS DEPARTMENT Robes and Blankets away down in prfoea. Also Bells, Wool Rugs and all Winter Goode to clear them ant. I. C RIC'HARDS. I The New Model rasa Seeder The Beet and meet Rootlet/lie Seeder on the market. .Will sow all kinds of small coeds, I4 eaves one half In time and labor; sows better in windy weather ; will sow (our sores per hour, Any person wanting' one of these Seeders can be 8094110 by calling on' SIMON GRANT, AGENT, 1311V58ELS. Prick, 31.00 each. ETHEL SAW MILLS All kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on band from 310 up. Britieh Columbia, home out bhinglee and Lath kept on hand. A good farm on 13th oon. of Grey for gale. C-rAll parties iodsbted to me are rrquested to call and settle up before Marek tat or 10% will be added after that date from Jan, 1st till psld. A quantity of -green cedar poste for sale on Lot 7, Cori. 4, Grey, S S. DOLE, PROPII61 TOR, F.TBEL. eohool management, $2085 79 ; eohoola, $12058 63 ; miscellaneous grants, 51265 ; municipal government, $4382.28 ; station- ery, 3673 44 ; miseellanenns, 551 16 • lunatice and charities, $684 66 ; oo0nty property, $3097.61 ; Industrial Home,_ $4181 31 ; Bills paable, $8000 ; total, 560565 58. Aesete—Investments, 226736.- 80 ; Liabilities — Sterling debentures, about $78,000. Exe Per. Mise Edith Sanders, late of Strathroy, has accepted the position of bead milli• Der at J. A. Stewart's. About thirty friends gathered at the home of John Ondmore on Tuesday night of last week, to epeud a sooial evening with him prior to hie leaving for Mani- toba. Wm. Dew and daughter, Fannie, wbo have been spending the past two monthe with friends and relatives, in and arouod Exeter, left for their home iu Wales, Dakota. The firm of H. Bishop & Soo have die - posed of their hardware inkiness to Thoe. Hawkins & Son, of Uebnroe. Mr. Bishop has been in business here slime Sr ptem bar, 1894. The 160 sore farm of Tbos. Harvey on the 2nd oonoeseion of Hay, has been per• charted by John Rowe, of Stephen, for $9,600, and Mr. Rowe in torn bee die posed of his farm in Stephen, to Albert Brown, of the same township. Miss Hall, of Brantford, who ie the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Amoe, mat with a rather unplea00Dt experience while being driven down from thet e d n the Dr. n b y onSaturday evening. g The horse came e in eo•,tact with a heavy snow drift on William street, and stopping suddenly, Mies Hall was burled from the seat of the oottr into the snow. Lookily, how- ever, ,,he sustained no injury. A Brussels Mother Tells noir she Helped Icor Baby Through A Trying Teething Period. Every mother has cause to dread the time when baby is cutting his teeth. The poor little one suffers greatly and there are oomplioations such as oonetipation or diarrhoea, oolio, oink stomach or perhaps oonvalsiona which threaten baby's life. Every prudent mother will help bar little one all she on at thio period and to snob Mrs. H. R. Brewer, of Brosgele, points out bow thio can beet be done. 8be says —"I have been using Baby's Own Tablets in my home for about three mouths. I first got them when my baby was teeth• ing. His gums were hard and inflamed, he was feverish and arose and restless. His tongue was coated, his breath bad, his stomach sour and he vomited fre- quently. He also had diarrbme. We tried several medicines but they did him no good, in hot nothing helped him until we gave him Baby's Owo Tablete, whioh I procured at Mr. Jae. Fox's drug store. After giving him a few doses of these the offeat was wouderful. They strengthened and sweetened his etomoob, his howtle becameregular, the fever wail reduced and the pain in hie game allayed, with the result that he aleepe naturally and well. We always had trouble giving him other medicine, but he is always willing to take the Tablets as they are sweet and pleasant. I think them the beet of medioinee for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets oore all the minor ailments of little ones, snob as constipa- tion, sour stomach, indigestion, collo, diarrhma end simple fever. They break up ooldo, prevent croup and allay the irritation agaompauying the cutting of teeth, Dissolved in water they oon be given with obaohtte safety to the young• est infant. ?doe 26e. a box. A GUARANTEEI—"I Hereby certify that I have made a careful chemical analysis of Baby's Own Tablets, whioh I personally pnrohased in a drng more in Montreal. My analysis has proved that the Tablets containabeolntely no opiate or narcotic that they can be given with per. foot safety to the youngest infant; that they are a safe and efficient medicine for the troubles they are indicated to relieve and mire.", (Signed) 13111.108 L. Runny, M. A. So., Provinoial Analyst for Quebec. Montreal, Deo. 28, 1901. The oarpentere of Winnipeg have de. mantled as inereaae of 2,i mints an hour for the corning season, V. 3 Somtnervilie an ex sergeant of the 7th Rogintent of Loudon Ont„ committed suicide by orating his throat, 3 3 a 1 a 144 McKinnon's a New Prints and, It may seem like forcing the season to show New Prints at thio tirne of the year, but a number of our on -tamer'.. like to buy' their Prints, Shirtinge and Outto nadoo early and set their sewing dune during the clack sermon before the Spring work commences, by getting our Prieto, 17to., early we get a better aefeotion of patterns than we eels la'er on. We are local agents for Walter Oram & Uo'a. oelebrated I'', tgliell Prints—every piece ie guaranteed fast oolora. We show an elegant stook of Feints at prl000 like these ;—Good wide Prints, in a great range of patterns, feet colo e, regular prioe lo per yard, for 5o, Extra heavy Prints,, wide width, o'.dt•s eing, in all the newest designs, regular prioe 12jo, for 10o, 0^ urn's oelebrated Beglish Prince, wide width, sett fiuieh, new patterns, gear0u. teed fast oolore, the name stamped on every piece, worth 150, for 127Jc. Heavy Oottonadve, in stripes and cheeks, at 20o. Heavy Moleskin, in new patterns, they wear like leather, at 15e, 20u and 25o, Beet Shirtinge,' in stripes and checks, feet colors, regular 140, for 121e. WINTER GOOD$. - , Any Win4erGooda nowonband will be cold at wholesale Priem and iu 80000 cases at half prioe, On Ladise' Aotraobaa Jaokete you can Dave from $8 to $7 by buying now. Terrific reduotiono will be made in Drees Goods, Ladies Cloth Jackets, Men's Beaver Over. fv ooats and Uletere. Ask to 000 our Buys' Overcoats at $4, reduced `B to $1.50^ BARGAINS Ii IN Wi' GOODS. IDIEDNILEEMETZEIMSESSZ Only a few Caperines left that will be cleared out 'Furs. very cheap^ The $12 00 line for $9.50 ; the 1 1, O f r $ Q o 8.50 •the 8.5 O for 'C1.50 •and th $5.00 for $4.00. Also a few Men's Fur Caps that are bound to go at the Clearing Prices. All Sizes for Men or Boys This is your opportunity to get an up-to-date Overcoat at a great deal less than their real (! value. The best $10.00 Coat in the trade now Shits going for $8 25 and down as low as $4.25 for a ' very fair and Dressy Overcoat. In order to make room for Spring goods we will allow all our Ready-made Suits to go at the same Reductions. Ail Heavy Underclothing now going at Clearing Frices. Bargains in Felt Boots, Overshoes, Heavy Rub- bers and Socks. Overcoats AND Everything Goes. THI8 IS YOUR 0HAN010. DON'T MISS IT. STA!HAN. Wilton & Turnbull RE OFALL KINDS WITH THIS °• ' @EXCEPTION. ▪ . Tile i:!ht Sjjol! You will hit the nail on the head if you insist that ours is the Best Establishment in town when you are in need of anything in the Hardware line from a Tack to a Crowbar. We have a quantity of good Lance Tooth Cross -cut Saws, at each .................................... ...... Sale Price to clear out stock. Our Prices on All Goods are Right We not only invite a continuance of our present patronage but an acquaintance with new customers. WE ARE CERTAIN TO PLEASE. $2.25 WILTON 8c TUENBULL. AT,,.,,. TBE PAST 1[1OKSTOREI Upper Ten, Authors, Shuilette, Lacrosse, Home Tennis, Whirlpool, 1 Snaps, Crokinole, Over the Garden Wall, Peter Coddle's Trip to New York, Checker Boards, &o„ &c. -41,80n---Will be Cleared Out at Cut Prices, See our Boy's Hand -sleigh, it is Bure to Please