HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-20, Page 1rit Vo1.:30, • No, 32 r...marat.v, t BRUSSELS, QNTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1902 New Advertisements, 1 week more—D. Q. Ross. Ran for sale—Tait Team, Ethel taw mills—S. 0• Qols, Farm for sale -.W, A. Mena Land for sale—John Heneald, Hair dressing—Aire, Hingelon, Anditore' report—School Board. New goods—F, B. Horsley & Co. For eale or to rent—John Henseld, Speotaalee straightened—Mre. Fletcher: x r c ,etc . WalGUrA- Mise Hattie Downing, beadier in the Uniou Suhool, Etet of Walton, was off duty Iasi week owing to a bad gold. George Grigg has disposed of part of bis Manitoba property to his Bonen law Dennison, and may not remove fromtttis looality, et present at least. The 100 sore farm of David Campbell, peer Walton, les been pnrcbasrd by Mr, Oampbell'e 8011404aw, John Reds, at the sum of $6,000, He takes, possession nest month, moving from the farm 2 milee East. Mr. and Mre. Campbell, who have been residents of this looality for about 30 years will reside here for a while nt•lea.t and will probably visit their children in Mauitobn next Summer. An attrition sale will be held by Mr. Oatiap bell ou Tuesday, March 4th, when F. 0. Boost will dispose of farm stook, imp'e meets, &o. We welcome Mr: Rorie into thio neighborhood and wieb him success. la eta/stave. George Prootor had Lite misfortune to got bio band into the gear of a machine smashing hie bend and cutting off three of the flagere. Rev. W. T. Heil, of St. Andrew's oburoh, Arthnr (formerly of Be grave) has been in poor bealib for some time and hag arranged with the session to take two months' rest. Ile and Mre, Hall will apend moet of the time with friende in Toronto. The services of Rev. J. L. Small have been neared, who will Barry on the work in Mr. Hall's abnenoe. MATnnsona..—A verypretty wedding took plane at the home of J. L. Stone- house, "Sannydale Farm,' Beet Wawa nosh, when hie eieter, Mies Nellie, was united in marriage to Thos. O. Wilkinson, of Eeoanaba, Mich. The ceremony was performed by Rev, Mr. Brown, pastor of the Methodist oburoh Belgrave, in the presence of about eighty invited guests from different parte. .The bride looked charming, dressed in white silk trimmed with applique.and carryigg a bugnet•ot calla tildes, and entered the parlor lean• iog on the arm of her brother, to. the strains of tbe- Wedding Marob, played by Mise Tillie Wilkinson, sister of the groom. After the ceremony the guests repaired to the dining room where a well laden table awaited them. When all had par. taken of the good things the evening was t}Xf Spectacles t a./ Straightened Free Sasobapon apectacics pre net only a.;dia- Oduroment, hot fro. geently destroy the beneficial effects of the leases - Wo find p'ensure to atraightoe inti spoctae cies. -We inalte no charge. Mesa. T. lii•lieitrter Ocicettiff.-. sexed Ata ,:.:.bilabe d.a:pticiaxa.BRISM (51:. spent in armful abet, eiugiog and maeio, after wbiob ell returned to their bowed W0114804 when they would get anetber pall. The preterite were numerous end gpetly, showing the high esteem in whioh bride and groom are held. After a two weeks' visit they intend to take up the. datiee of life in their beautiful home wbiob Mr, Willtlneon hae furnished in Eseenaba. Their numerous friends ex. tend to thew hearty oongratulatione and wish them a happy and proeperone life. The bride and groom will pall on friende at Exeter and Saginaw op the way home ward. Toe PORT throws an editorial slipper after them. IBluevale. Little Mies Helen Blaok bas been quite Doff &Stewart shipped two ear loads of rollers Isee week. Mr. and Mre. Knight, of Ripley, visit• ed at Tbomae Coultee' this week. Joeeph Pugh hae purahaeed the wagon ebop formerly owned by A, Craig. Lorne Paterson, of Clinton, is visiting his uncle, Joseph Pugh, this week. Mies Lily Rogers wee a welcome visitor among Bluevale friends last week, A carload of bogs wee shipped from this station to Palmerston last Friday morning. Mrs. Oeborne and dabghter, Mise Mar. the, of Ethel, vieited friende near Bins• vale beet week. Dr. Bobcats and wife, of Bt, Clair, Mich ,are visiting the former'e sister, Mrs. John King, in the village. Frank Scott went to Beeforth oc Setor• day owing Co the illness of both bio father end mother who are very old. The ennead meeting- of the Blnevalo Flax Maunlaoturing Oompany will be held in Foresters' Hall on Feb. 22nd.' Organizer Thomas A. Duff will addrees an open meeting of the L. 0 L. in Binevaleon the evening of March let. Mise Agaie Washington, who lute been spending some time with Mrs. Robert Musgrove, has gone beak to ber home in Goderioh. The Bishop of Huron has appointo I Rev. J C. MoOraoken, of ()Insley, rector of Thorndale. The reverend gentleman is a eon of John Moaraoken, of the Bine. vale road. The many lrieude of Mre. A. Brune are delighted to have her sojourning for a short time in her old home in this .place. She is planning to rejoiu her - brother in Swann Lake, Mao., at an early ante. What mip,bb have proved a serious fire was discovered and put ant at Mre Bailey's about six o'clock on Monday evening. The chimney had to be pulled down before the fire could be gotten under control, Mrs. Bailey is just recovering from a -tedious tunes. VirrAXr)ter. Mies Mary Miller visited friends in Teeswater this week. Prinofpal Hartley was at Bassets last Saturday on Teachers' Inetitate Commit- tee business. Gavin Davidson attended the wedding of John Mulvey and Miss Murray, of London, Wednesday. Mr. and Mre. MoKerober and R. Miller attended' the Tea meeting in Fordwiob on Monday evening, Mrs. (Dr,) Brawn left for Toronto Wednesday morning, nailed by the Budden ilineae of her father, Mr. Godbolt. .-•".e. number of young people from town spent a very pleoeent evening at the home of Mee Lillie McLaughlin, Salem, on Friday iaet. John Gibson, of town, was married to Mies Rachel Willie, of Luoan, on Wed- nesday. The happy couple 'returned to their home this week. Chester McLaughlin, -wbo hae been visiting friende in this vicinity far the past two months, returned to hie home in Winnipeg on Tuesday last. SABBATH SaeooL OonvEurtnN.—The lIth annual Convention of the Howiok Union Sabbath Sobool Organisation will be held in the_Presbyterien oharoh, Wroxeter, on Wedneaday.next, Feb. 20th, oommenoing at 10.80 a. m. - All officers of Sabbath Soboole and minittere having oliarge of congregations in and adjoining the town ship are members of the donvenbion and are earnestly solicited- t 'take an active Interest therein. The annual meeting of the Wroxeter Presbyterian church was held on Tues day afternoon. The meeting was fairly well attended. The usual reports from the different working branches were re• oeived. The Treasurer's report showed a marked inoreaae .in receipts over the past few years. .The Building Fund ao' Downing Bros. iNri t IJr;uy °Pmrs Ifl I 1 >Zli n r 1 , r �(.I✓Ffi"1� �4.r'i.i. rpr4 hi. til ellareisset 'p i1 nvnu, >ti 11.40110.4.11&..k• i ,!'• dl rn t . n l•. Agents for Aye SHORT SHOE STORY that is, a short ' story about Shoes, not a story about short Shoes solely- because We sell Shoes short and Shoes long; Shoes fine and Shoes strong— but all the Shoes we' sell last long. Write it clear and bright : ',All kinds of Boots and Shoes," and pass the word along. the Slater Shoes. Bros. oonnb is just abeut oloeed whioh leaves the finances of the oburab In a very satis' factory oondition. The lien, end Trete. of the congregation were re•eleobed, The Board of Management was re arrngerl, attrreeeoto W n • Keep your eyeop n for another er wed. h ding, Leet Sabbath evening G, F. Blair, of Breeds, took ebnrge of the eervioe in, Vittoria Hall Sod gave a hood addreee, Weare pleaeed to tee the name of D. Strachan in the Honor roll of suooesefnl students at the Ontario Agricultural' College. We wieb him continued suooese. 13vtiesrgAn,—A very pretty home wed• ding took plane at 6 o'alook Wodnseday evening of last week, Feb, 12th, at the home of Alex. and Mrs. Forrest, on the let eon„ Morrie, when their oldest daagh ter, Mies Agnes, joined heart and hand with George Wheeler, a prosperousyonog farmer in Grey. Rev. F. Swann, ' of Bluevale, officiated. The bride, eeoorted by her father, entered the parlor to the attains of Mendelssohu'e Wedding Marob, played by the well known Leonard But. tau. The bride was aseioted by her sister, Mise Babeooe, while Stephen Taylor, foe tilled the datiee of"groometnan. - The bride wee beautittilly attired in cream cashmere, trimmed with satin ribbon and a lace drape. The bridesmaid was gown ed its'Swim muslin, trimmed with lane and insertion. After the hearty oou• gratulatione were all given the bridal party proceeded to 'the dining roam where the tables fairly groaned under the weight of good things prepared by the amiable hostage. The house was prettily decor. ated with evergteene' and roast, The• evening wait spent in games, moist -chat, music and dancing. The - bridal couple were the recipients of many ueefnl and handsome presents allowing the esteem in whioh the bride waa held, as she was a member of the choir in Johnston'schurch for , a number, years. Mr. and Mre. Wheeler will take up their future home on the let con. of Grey, where their many friends, Tun POST in the number, wish them many happy and prosperous years. • Ellett eI. The house and lot owned by Mr.. Fischer bae been purchased by John Mc- Callum at 0700, so it is said. David Milne will move shortly to the D. Eokmier farm here, which the former recently purchased. A. MoAllieter.opens up the way by removing to his new par. obese -the Savage farm. We welcome A. P. McKee, of the B.undary, as a resident of .tufa locality. He bought the ()ober farm. Mr. MoKee is a eon in.Iaw of David Milne and ao gaainted with a good many in this looality. Jobe MoDonald, merchant, has leased the oomfortable residence of Jute. bribee, recently vacated by Mr. Oober'a removal to Brussels. John Fraser hae moved in• to the bonze Mr. MoDouald left, near the flour mill. A magistrate and a constable are among the neoeseariee as a good many of our oitizene see it just- now. There is little pay and leas thanks in either office yet a source of convenience and some. times necessity. Last' Sabbath evening Rev. B. Peal, of Braeaele, preached in the Methodist oburob in this place. He is a former paetor and widely and favorably known. Rev. 111r. Garry was at Walton on Sun- day ereaohing Missionary sermons. The Dominion Government has been tusked, by a largely signed petition, to appoint Mies Rebecca Spence as Post. mistress of the oftoe here as suooeseor to her deoeased father. Her appointment would be a popular one with the cora. =pity. Several names are suggested as likely candidates for the Township Clerkehip among the number being Geo. ,Dobson, A. Reymann, Jno. MoIntosh, J. Kreuter and J. M. Davies, No notion has been' taken yet by the Connell. It will no easy matter to supply Mr. Bpenos'e place. WORDS OF SYowommr.—The following is a copy of aletter of ooudolenoe presented by the Ethel Division Sons of Temper• aooe' to- the family of the late Wm. Spence :— DEAR Fntorns,—We, the officers and members of Ethel Division Sone of Tem. pomace, Ho. 149, take thio opportunity of expressing our sympatby with you in the sed bereavement you have sustained in the removal by death of a wise, kind and provident husband and father. Hie genial oountenanoe, his sensible advice in all matters and hie willing help for all pbilanthropio enterprises will be missed by all, But we trust that He who has promieed to be a father to the fatherless and a husband to the widow may be your stay and comfort in this your time of loneliness and sorrow. May we - each have the Faith which will enable ue to meet the departed in our Father's House of many meneione, Signed on behalf of the Division, Bono, MoKAv, D. G. W. P., Geo, Donsoo, W. P. Ethel, Feb. 14th, 1902. Ooenbtaude —The following letter of oondolotcit was t a presented to lb e family of the late Bro, Spectre, by Court Ltbel, No. 261, 0. 0 F., `le lie's, lftrt. Spence and Family. On behalf of the officers and members ot Court Ethel, No. 261, 0. 0. F,, we beg to tender you our heartfelt sympathy in the sad and eorrowfulbereavement that .has recently .(den .npou you, in the death of your husband and father. We mingle our 'emote with yours 'and abed, as a tribute to hie memory, a tear of eympetby with those he has left behind, We oda• not tell you how muoh we feel the lose of this—one of Our oldest members—who,' when able, was regularly at his ,post of duty Re F. S. of Opr Court, and always ready to alleviate the heeds and advance the welfare of brother Foresters, Bot while we sorrow, yet we sorrow not as those without hope, but retread)/ pray that tOod in lite ;infinite wisdom may lead ue, that we may jau in the gloriode re union above, RnBT. MoD No n, U. R„ Gxonem °M eotl, IL S. Ethel, Fob, 18th, 100a. Epp, Oober and family have moved to Breseele thisweek where they purpose malting their home, May they span many iiappy proeperope years there in the wish of old friends, BALs or Sane floated,—D,: Mlane 84 Son, when reputation le Proviooial e6 breeders of Chord bred cattle, sold last week no lees thee nine brad of pure Short Horn females, to J. A. Gerlaugb, of Barsbman, Iowa, TJ. S, Four of lbs animals average ,under 12 menthe and the balance from that to 3 years. They will probably be shipped to their Western home next week, Menai. Milne received $1,900 for the lot whioh was certainly a. good sale and at the same time not by any mettle onnomplimeutary to Messrs. Milne's herd. Mr. Gerlaagb bas bad stools of the same family before and is a big breeder. A good herd is still main. Stifled in numbers by addition of oalvee notwitlrsteeding numerous sales made by Meade. Milne, 11orr•era. A large number of bogs were sent away again this week. Morrie township Council minutes may be found on page 4 of this issue. Mre. A, G. 0. Mason; of Stratford, is visiting at her father's, George Jnhneton'e. Mies Bella Oarene, of Reston, Manitoba, was visiting at George Pea000k's, letoon., this week. Your correspondent doffs hie hat to the young Miss Shaw arrived et Councillor Shaw's home. A wedding on the 6th line on Wednes. day of this week. The young 000ple will go West in March. Foot ball match between S, EL Nos. 3 and 6 on Friday of this week. We hope a good gauze will be played. Mre. J. Mines, of Calgary, is spending a fewedaye with her brother in-law and sister -in law, W. A. Mines and wife. John Taylor, of Bullett, hae engaged with T. Martin, of Sunshine, for 6 months oommenoing ,,bout the 20th of Marob. Mre. George Johnston and her sister, Mrs. Hamilton, of Hamio•a, Man., were visiting at Orangeville for a few days last week. Quite a few Morrieites were at the Ohnreh services of the new Methodist church, Wingttam, last Sunday and Monday. Jno. Evans is here on a visit under the parental roof. He les been employed in Oxford Co. where it is hinted his "treas• ure" le located. Edward Armstrong, 6th line, has a big pile of wood again tbie Winter. He has also a good number of saw loge. Measre,. Stevenson and Lamont have the job of cutting the wood and loge. A goodly number of Morrieitee attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. William' G. Moon- ey, Brussels, on Monday afternoon. De. ceased was a daughter of Hugh Hanna, 6th Hue, and was an estimable perste. This week A. MoOalium left for his home at Elva, Man., where be has spent a number of years. It was thought that be would take a housekeeper back with him but he disappointed ue in wilfully stinking to hie-batobelordom. Me. was viaitiog relatives and friends here for the past six- weeks. Wm. Coobrane, 8rd line, arrived home last Saturday from a pleasant holiday visit with relatives and friende ab Ham. burg, Hayeville, New Dandee, Roseville and Galt. He was away three weeks. Mr. Ooobrane says bis eon, Allen, is etill bothered with rbeumatism although he pluckily etfokn to work. Last Monday Wm. Michie Bold two pigs, 6 months .old, to Wm. Jewitt that weighed 260 pounds each. They were shipped from Brussels last Monday and were a pair of nice ones. Yorkshire and Berkshire crate was the breeding and the. pride was $5.60 per owe bringing the seller the neat sum of 026.76. For the pest 6 or 6 years Christopher Miobie, eon of Wm. Miobie, Sunshine, has been engaged as assistant in farming and stook oaring near Hespeler, Waterloo Co, Thinking that a obange would be as good as a rest be bee taken a situation in the Forbes woollen factory in .that town and ie well pleased with his work so far. There is little doubt of his moons as be is faithful, industrious and a student so we will look for kis early promotion. Who knows but that be may soon nom• mance housekeeping on his own account alio. C;rrfDf'. Rev. R. Paul, of Brunie, preaohed in Rue's oburoh last Sabbath, By resolution at the last (toenail meet- ing a By law will be passed aboliebing dog tax in Grey township. Thee. Savage, who recently moved to Bruce Co., was here this week on a Mei nese trip. He ie well pleased with his new borne. Auditors Work and Davies have nom. plated their work and their report will be presented at next Council meeting, which will be held on Monday, Marob 8rd. Don't forget the auction stale of A. Mo. Zones, 13th poo., on Thursday afternoon of next week. Sale unreserved es Mr. Moleties has sold his tarsi to Mr. Mo• Nair. W Enua B L s, Tuesday evening, g. Feb. llth, about fifty invited guests es. gambled at the residence of W. Mines, let eon., Grey, to witness the marriage of Mr. Mines' estimable daughter, Mies May, to Themes Johnston, a proeperone and highly reepeoted farmer of Hamiota, Manitoba. As the hour arrived nt which time thole two were to be united in mar nage, Mies Vittoria Holt, of Listowel, took her plane at the organ and es the sweet stratus of Lohengrin'e Wedding Marob pealed through the house, Mise Mines onme down stairs leaning on the arm of her father. The mistreating partite baying taken their places the oeremony wee perforriled by Rev. H. E. Curry, ofEthel. After the ceremony the gueete were conducted to the dining hall where they eat down to iti elegant and enmptnnns dinner gotten up in first. Glees style, The bride wag elaborately and. tent fully attired in white organdie with. duce, ribbon and chiffon trimming, also wore white hyaoteths, Her little flower girl, Mies Myrtle Marion, of Stratford, niece of the groom, looked beautiful, dressed in imam cashmere and lane and parried in her baud a lovely boquet Of pink roast and white , hyaointhe, Wed• ding presents were useful and well assort. ed, The evening wee pleaesutly spent in muslo,snoiai ghat and denotesand everything went merry ae It marriage bell, About &clock the company die parsed all wiebing Mr, acid Mre. John. eton a pleaeant and proeperone voyage through life. A di.infeoting generator bee been put, Awed by the Townebip Coattail and will be on Dail at the office of the Mediae.' Health Ofioer, Ethel, for the use of the ratepayers where diseases of an infentlona character are or have been in axle °nee. Lot 12, don. 6, containing 100 aotee, was bought this week by W. Reid from Robert Dilworth, of Ethel logality, at $8,100. The farm is a very geed one bot boa been run down and Mr. Reid should in a little time reap e. good profit on his investment. The 100 sore farm of Jno. Oarnoohats, lot 24, don: 12, hae been sold to George Sperian, who reoently sold his own farm. Mr, Oarnaohan reosived 04,850. Se has been a resident of Grey, for nearly 26 years. )3e will bold an ,,notion Bale of farm stook, implemehte, &o., on Friday afternoon of next week to make room for hie saoonsor. F. S. Soots, will be the auctioneer. We hope Mr. Oaruoohan will not remove from Grey. Bette Reams OAoans —On Tuesday of last week A Oole captured a huge - blaok Eagle that wee feeding ou a' dead borne fn the bueb ou lot 24, don. 13. He shot it on the wing rendering the bird helpless ae to dight, 7 feet from tip to tip: ie the measurement of this bird and it is said to be a rare specimen of the feathered tribe. Mr. Odle, bee the eagle in captivi- ty. A smaller eagle escaped. 01Sr.—There died at the residence of hie son, Thos. 0. Stevenson, lot 27, con. 10, Grey, on Thursday, Fab. l8th Wm, 0. Stevenson, 'aged 80 years, 4 months and 8 days. About three years ago be took a paralytic stroke on hie left aide, which wee followed three weeks ago by another stroke, from the effects of which be never rallied. Hie aged partner is very feeble with her 90 years and infirmities. Deceased was boon in Toronto in 1821, where he subse• meetly learned the cabinet making. He wee married in 1848 to Mise Jane worth, of England, and ase result of this union three daughters and two eons were born, viz Mrs. Burrows, of Detroit • Mrs. Campbell, of Manitoba ; Mr. Collis, of Grey township; Theo C., of Grey, and George, of California. All were present at the death bed with the exception of George who could not get here. Deoeae• ed was a life long and consistent Christian, a member of the Methodist obnrob and a teacher in the Sabbath school. He at• tended' obnrob regularly until about 8 years ago, when be tookthe stroke re• furred to. He was a Methodist of the old school, earnest, fervent, accompanied with open banded generosity. The travelling preachers of the early days were always sure of a welcome at bis fire side, and invariably availed themselves of it. It is but natural that be should be a kind, indulgent buebeod and father, and was highly esteemed by the whole neighborhood. The funeral service was 000dnoted on Saturday afternoon by Rev. Mn. Fear, of Atwood. Interment was made in Dime Centre cemetery. &russets Scheel Board. The regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board waa held in the Board roam on Friday evening. All members present. The minutes of the last regular and Statutory meetings were read -acid passed. The following accounts were preeeoted: L. R. Harvey, supplies 0 5 25 Jas. Fox 22 14 Moved by J G. Skase, seconded by D. 0. Rose, that the a000uot of L. R. Her. vey be paid and that Jae. Fox be paid 922 14, leas 60 cents, error in amount.— Carried. Moved by D. 0. Roes, emended by J. G. Skene, that the Auditors' report be published in Tin Pose end Herald, one insertion eeoh: Oarried. The Board then adjourned, Creno,s.dlien N e stet. . Chief Constable Young, of Chatham, is dead. D. A. Stewart, Liberal was elected in Lisgar by about 950 majority, The manufacture of Bessemer steel was begun at Clergue's works at Sault Ste. Merle. About $800 has been raised to se care the presence of the Toronto Highlanders in Windsor on May 24. The 6.year•old daughter of J. Klingman 0 P. R, oonduotor, died in Portage is Prairie on her way to church. Two men were killed and two seriously injured by a boiler explosion in MoLsode pump shop at Portage•la•Prairie. Quebec shoe manafaatnrere are sending a deputation to Ottawa to ask for an in- crease of duty on their goods. A friend of the Hamilton Pobilo Libary Board has made an anonymous gilt of 3100 to help cover the librarian's defal- cati0n. It is pretty well settled that Charles 8. Hyman, M. P. for London, is to be Chairman of the Railway Committed at Ottawa P, W. 0teversley, a000utanb for the Hendrie Cartage Company bae left Ham ilton, and is said to be about $2000 abort in his tocounts. The Dominion Government is making an agreement with the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company Saab will, it ie hoped, peeve of great advantage to Canada The Coroner's inquest ab Portage la' Prairie disclosed that the boiler wbiob ex• plodel and killed two men had never been inspected and was tun without a safety' valve. Another chartered bank to be known es the Metropolitan Bank of Canada ie tieing organized to enter the Canadian Heid. Notice has been given that appli• cation for au not of inoorporation will be made at the premed session of the Do. minion parliament. VV. H. KERR, Prop, 13, and afro. Gerry, a000mpanied by Mre. Worth, of Edmpnton, N. W. B. ere away this ween on 11 holiday visit with relatives nt Blyth, Beeforth and Mitotic'', The family of Eph. Caber Moved from Ethel to town this week and have taken up house on Prinoeea street in the resi• deice vented by. C. H. Bartliff, The latter hoe moved to the atone hones, Turnberry street, formerly owned by the late Robert Burne. It is ravened that Role, Watt has re. Biped hie position as traveller for the Weterone Co„ Brantford, end will be installed as manager of the Fire Engine Werke. at Loudon. Air, Watt is a. oom. patent band at the bre engine bnsinee6 having been acquainted with it foe years. Feed, Perrin, a briokluyers' helper at 'Teterboro', fell down 00 feet and wee killed, A. E. Brunet, broker, of Montreal, hats been arrested in oonneabion wibh the re. Dent helot frauds in Be James' dtvtsion, The Gue'pb City Connell has voted down a proposal to redoes' the number of liquor neaten in the oily from 15, the present number, Win, E. Hunt was arrested ae Fort Erie, oburged with oouduoting a lottery ootupany wader the title of the Royal Canadian Art'Union, and rising .Cana dine mails for fraudulent porposes. Fire broke out is the Alma Pottage Se. Thoreau, about two o'clock Sunday eater noon, the building at one time being threatened with total dretruotiou. The fire started upstairs in the east wing of the building and before the brigade could get the flames under control, five or six rooms were gutted, Several of the stn. dente lost their entire wardrobe. The Lose will be about 91,000. Origin of the fire ie anknown, Prof, Loobead inspeotor of fumigation appliances for the government bee Bent in a report on fumigation mattere. 138 eaye 'In view of the fact tbat the Ban Jose stale instead of being stamped out, has actually iuoreased the past year, nar- sery men mmnnet, for some time to oome expect that the regulations for the proper performance of fumigation of nursery stook will be leas abrtetly enforced than formerly. As a matter of promotion, I would urge that even greater preeantion than ever be taken to have fumigating done properly at all the nurseries, for the nue- eery trade of 11fe province is at stake." hilURBil CiliMEM . Berrieter Blair gave an Mclean at Jamestown last What'll evening. Next Sabbath evening the Epworth League will bold its monthly ooneeuration meeting. _. Melville Sabbath School annual enter. tainment will be held Friday evening of this week. Rev, R. Paul preaohed at Roe's obnrob last Sabbetk morning and at Ethel in the evening. A box of clothing and other artiolea is being sent to the Rama Indian Mission by the Ladies' Missionary Booiety of Broeeele Methodist Obueoh. Romans 8:10 and 10 was the textseleot, ed by Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A„ in Melville Church last Sabbath morning, and at the evening service St. John 17 and 15 was the choke. II Oor 8 and 9.wae the that oboeen by Rev. Jar). Holmes fast Sabbath morning, "Tho riohness of Grace" being the theme. The evening sermon was on the subject "Should we have Prohibition 2" and the Scripture used as a fonudation was Gen. 4 and 7 "Stu beth et the door." The two points dwelt upon principally were (1) Prohibition ehouid be enacted as a matter of neoeesity based upon the nom mon intereete of Booiety ; (2) It cannot fail to advance the beet interests of the people. People We Know. Joe Ardell Snndayed in Gorrie. Miss Maggie Seeker was visiting at Gerrie. Watson Ainlay is away to Sprnoedale on a baeinese trip. Fred. MoOraokeo end Will. Griffith spent Sunday in Wingham. Mise May Sparlint, of MoKillop, is visiting relatives in Broeeele. Gas- MoLaooblin, of Wingbam, is holi- daying with relatives in town. Oeunaillor Donaldson was at Harriston on Monday ou a busineae trip. R H. and Mre. Green, of Trowbridge, are visiting relatives is Brussels. Mrs. A, E. Treleaven, of Dungannon, was visiting in town on Thursday. Mre. (Dr.) Holmes was visiting in Wingbam on Sunday and Monday. Ed. Bryans is now ott the staff of assistants at Jas. FOx's drug store. Miss Olara Tbompeoa, of Toronto, is the guest of ber sister, Mrs. James Jones. Barrister Sinclair was at Goderiah on legal business for a day or two this week. Misses Habkirk and Lizzie Moore are attending the Millinery Openings at Tor- onto this week. Wyman, eon of Fletober Sperling, is laid up with indammatioa of the lunge we are sorry to state, Alex. MoNeil was need up loot week with an abscess in hie left ear and cans. iog a good deal of annoyance. Mrs. J. J. Gilpin spent a law days it Wingbam taking in the opening eervioee of the new Methodist Obaroh, Dr. McKelvey is in town this week from Mount Forest. He may resume' preotioe in Brueesle it is reported. G. L, and Mre. Walker were kt Wing. ham last Sunday and attended the open- ing eervioee of the new Methodist Obarob. Mies Allis, daughter of Thos. Corry, Queen street, wee on the siok diet during the pest week, but is recovering nicely now. Bias Minnie Moore returned to her position at St• Thome on Tbnraday of this week after a holiday of a few weeks home, W. A 0rioh was away at Toronto this week representing Brussels A. 0. U. W, Lodge at the Grand Lodge held in that city. Mise Bella Walker, Tarnberry street, is bete from an enjoyable visit of several weeks to her sister at Caro, Mich. She says the sugar industry of dint plane is aometttina very tuterestieg. Mrs. Will. Backer, who was palled to Bruaeele owing to the decease of her slater, left for her home at Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, last Saturday. She made a brief stay with relatives in Stretired at mete. William, eldest eon of Philip Amont, left on Monday for Ypsllateti, Mtob., where he will take te course at a Bueinnoee College. He is a smart likely youth and will do well we trust, Several relatives live in Ypsilanti. anode Lake, of Portage la • Prairie, Manitoba, is here an a visit, He is a son ot Wtn Lake, It is 11 'game stupe Mr. Lake went West. He has been bothered with a oataraot on hie eye bet is improv- ing mproving gdite nicely pose. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. • Tan juniors play hockey on the Malt. land with a vigor that sbonld be thorough- ly enjoyed by the butchers and bakers, with the services of an M. D. occasional. ly thrown in. Tat, quarantine at George MoKay's is removed, toe bowie being thoroughly dieinteoted by Dr, Toole, Medical Health OMeer and J. G. Beene, on Thursday. morning, the new generator being. used. Toe new plate ghee doable window in A. &radian's store, wreoked by the fire a few months ago, was replaced tbie week and when the painters get tbrongb it will look very well and will be quite an improvement. Dzan.—We ere sorry to report that inflammatory croup ceased the deatb, in 36 hours, of Elsie Motley, the 2 year old daughter of Andrew and Mrs. Brown, of Ailsa Craig, formerly of this place, on Monday of last week. Mre. Brown is a daughter of Mre. George MoXay, Queen street, Brunets. Mrs. Brown was on the teaching staff of our public school at one time. - She will share in the sympathy of many old friends in the loss of her little gfri, Tousenoa' Assn. EXECUTIVE —The ea• ecutive of the East Huron Tambora' Association met at the Public School, Brussels, Saturday last, 15th Met. The members present were the President, Mr. Watters; Seo.•Treas., Mc. Hartleyy; Mies Brook and Messrs'. Cameron and Bryane. After due consideration it wee decided to hold the next convention in Broesele on the 15th and 16th of May. No outside aaaietanoe will be asked for, the teachers of the Ice peotorate taking practical papers on the eubjeobe of the school carriauium, The evening entertainment will be in charge of the Brunetti teachers end those in the immediate viuiuity. A very suo- oessfnl meeting is anticipated, ONTASta RAcnNo DATER.—A. meeting wee held at Stratford Toeeday afternoon of representatives of the different turf aeeoo. iatioos for the purpose of fixing dates for the Canadian Raping ()Inuit. Those present were :--James Johnabon, Guelph ; 13. Puddioomb and W. R. Plum, New Hamburg ; W. Shultz, Ed Layette and Mr. Attrell, Goderiob ; M. Broderick, Seafortb ; W. Kidd, Listowel ; T. S. Tobin end M. J. Dillon, Stratford; G. E. King, Wingl:am. The dates were fixed as follows :—Guelph, Jane, 8, 4 and 5 ; New Hamburg, June 11, 12 and 1.3 ; Seafortb, June 17, 18 and 19 1 Listowel, Sane 26, 26 and 27 ; Stratford, July 1, 2 8 ; Goderich, July 11. and 12 ; Winebam, July 16 and 17; London, July 22, 28 and 24. The report of the Grand Recorder of the A, 0.11. W. was received with sat- isfaction cit the Grand Lodge, the year I901 bolding ibe teoord for growtb, as 4,848 new members were admitted to the order. Twenty new lodges were organ- izsd;making 49 lodges in Ontario in good etanding ; 42,552 oertiboatee in good standing ; 846 members died in 1901 at en average arse of 51 years, 8 monde and 1. we.k ; $682,000 were paid out but year for death Maims ; balance to the credit of benebaary fond, 971,686,23. Receipts of general fond. $49.110,82 ; expenditure $48 913,85 ; amottut of reserve food $226,845 69 ; total claims paid stupe organization $6,889,108 64 The death rate has been 8.18 per 1,000. There were 5,180 appliostione anoepted and 800 re• jetted. Mns. moon= DEoaaezn.—The mermen. per Death beckoned the spirit of Mrs. Wm. G. Mooney away from earth on Saturday morning, after a brief illness. Deceased gave birth to a baby daughter a week previous eo was not physically in good condition to withstand an attuok of pneumonia, Her maiden name was Maggie Hanna and she was a daughter of Hugh Hanna, lira line, Morris. She was 37 years of age and bad been married to her now bereft husband a little over a year. The large attendance of old neigh. bora and friends at the funeral bore evidence of the high esteem in whioh the wee held. Rev. Jno. Holmes oouduoted a suitable service at the home, Frederick street, ou Monday afternoon after whioh the interment was made at Brussels cemetery. The pall bearers were Gordon and H. Mooney, R, Gibson and three Smith Bros. Mt. Mooney is deserving of speoial sympathy as hie mother waa buried from the same hones only a few weDnepsaoago.xoN •—Tea God a•oh tar of amart 8 lest week says :—Lieut,•Colonel J. A. S. Varoos, commanding the 88rd Regiment, hes been recommended "t0 have center. red on bin the colonial auxiliary forces officers' deoorabiun." All liuronitee will be pleased to see the gallant colonel, who bas done so much for the volunteers in Huron, decorated Inc leis -services, but it seems to ue that the Ottawa despatch that meottions Colonel Verona selection for the honor is remarkably incomplete. We have earn Majors Bask and Jordon wearing Fenian madels,and else Surgeon L ient.:0olonel W. J. R. Holmes, and tradition tolls as that one or more of these officers seated nude, the flag at Sarnia and other points over thirty 'five years since. The decoration ptesentsd by the Homo Government is a handsome one, and we believe there is not a mad in Enron bit would be pleased to eee rt On the breast ot Majors Jordon and Beek and Surgeon Holmes, Oertainly if long and efficient Aervioe is the baste for its award, lbws officers are fully entitled to such reolgnitton,