HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-13, Page 8When there is illness in your home, and the critical
period approaches, you will find yourself wondering
if the Medicine is really the best that can be had.
So much depends upon the Medicine ! Bring your
orders to us and you can be sure that none but the
Highest Standard Drugs and Chemicals will be sold,
and that every Prescription will be filled with the
greatest care and accuracy.
We would like an opportunity to demonstrate
these facts to you.
F. B. Hursley de, Co.,
BCCC018Olt8 TO L. R. iIABYE1t, 1tirtGaBLS, Ont,
sounn RN EXTENSION W. 0. & B.
Trains leave Brueeele Station, North
and South, as follows:
GOfNG Q01rTn GoINa Nonni.
Bxnreaa 7:18 a.m If Mail 2:10 p.m
Mixed 9;98 a.m 1 Express _.... 8:17 p.m
Total :eta Items.
A ahiel'e among ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it,
8onooL Board Friday evening.
ANOTHER business change mooted,
Tag Post for wedding invitations.
ANODIZE wedding is on the program.
Piroa holes galore are on the program.
Tuts Rom aubeoription list aontinaes to
Moerura Horse Fair will be held on
Thareday, March 6th.
Ammon Commas tae started work so
keep your dog in the ostler.
TIME initiation in Court Princess
Alexandria, 0. 0. F., Brussels, on Tues-
day evening.
A. GALT anbeariber in remitting for TEM
P051 for 1902 says "It is well worth the
amount I pay for it "
A WANT advt. in Tag POST brought 10
applicants inside of a weak. Try our
colonies and prove the matter for your.
eel!. "-"-
Lam Friday's storm detained several
in this locality from attending the annual
meeting of the Howiok Insurance Co. It
was held at Gorrie.
GEORGE ROBB has purchased a fine
thoro' bred Jersey aow from Geo. Thom•
eon, paying 675 for ber. This gives him
two Jerseys ha hie dairy herd.
Tax Magee did not get to Seafortb or
Wroxeter on Saturday owing to the badly
drifted state of the mode, le. Williams
was 6 hours on the home trip from Sea.
forth on Friday.
Tagwith two en.
G, T. R. snow plow,
gines attached, was up and down our
railway line last Sunday. It also took a
whirl at the snow on the London, Huron
& Bruoe branob the same day.
Mali= PALMER, the palmietry expert,
left for greener pastures as her right to
practice her art was goeetioned by some
of our townspeople. By a hasty exit a
number of oitizene, both ladies and gen.
tlemen, were saved the necessity of at.
tending Court as witnesses.
Samna, HirmutG.—A special meeting of
Brussels Orange Lodge will be held in
the Hall on Saturday evening of this
week at 8 o'olook. All are invited to at-
tend ae preliminary arrangements in
oonoection with the celebration of the
12th of July will be dismissed.
0. 0. F. Musical and Literary Enter.
tainment Thursday evening of this week
in the Town Hall. The programs have
been disbribnted and certainly offer good
valve for a dime. Proceeds go to the
Public Library treasury. High Chief
Ranger Elliott and High Seoretery White
are able and pleasing speakers. An in
teresting time is anticipated and all in.
tereeted either in Canadian I'oreetry or
the Pobtlo Library ebonld make an effort
to be present.
OotitaG.—The Wonder Herb Ooneert
Company will open e. week's engagement
in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Monday,
Feb. 171b. The Walkerton paper says :—
"The Oomp toy is composed of a lot of
gentlemanly fellowe who give a good,
Wean and laughable performance and the
hall was crowded with the elite of the
town who thoroughly enjoyed the enter
tainment " The Company carry all their
own scenery and a trtok donkey sixty.
three years old. If you want to enjoy a
good laugh go to the Town Hall next
week. The oonaerte are free.
question waked by Mr. Eilber (South
Huron), Hon. Mr. Gibson said :—"A
regietrar has not yet been appointed for
the County of Heron, which has been
• vacant since January, 1899. In large
oountiee divided into two or three non.
atituaniiee thereis frequently experienced
a dimoalty in deciding as to the loaality
from wbiob appointments shell from
time to time be made. The duties of the
position have however, been efficiently die -
charged during the vaoanoy by a compe.
tent ex.OdlCo registrar, and it le not ex-
pected that there will be ninth further
delay in making a permanent appoint.
meet." Can you piok the winner out of.
bandit of probably a round dozen ap-
plioantt 7
grate to state that Fred., the eldest eon
of Oboe. and Ida McKay, Tornberry
street, Brnesels, euoaumbed to an attack
of Dipbtherie. last Monday evening. He
was 12 yeare of age and was a lively,
hearty lad. Different membere of ,the
family had been complaining of sore
throats but nothing serious was thought
of it and the what household remedies
ware being used, The patient took
dangerotiely ill and when R phyeioian was
hailed it was boo late to stay the dietrno.
tive progress:of the disease. Funeral was
private on Monday evening. The Imam
i1 quarantined, There are no other
families troubled with Diphtheria in town
we are pleased to etate,. Mr. and Mrs,
MOIL/ are deeply sympathised with in
their trouble.
Gro. Bost whipped a oar of hogs East-
ward on Wednesday,
Tan town foe houses are being loaded
for next Summer's ooueamption.
12ra of July will be celebrated in Bruin
eels this year by the Orangemen. They
wilt be accorded a hearty weloome.
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 26th, will be the date
of J. P. Smith's next visit to Brossele in
the Optioal line. See him at Fox's drug
store on the 261b.
EAST annex Teaobere' Exeoative will
meet in Brunets on Saturday forenoon of
this week to arrange program, &o., for
the neat Convention.
Trio Dairy Salt department atBruseels
Salt Werke ie being pat in excellent shape
for turning out an A 1 article. From 12
to 15 bands are employed at the Salt
Two sleigh loads of Odd Fellows from
Brnesele went to Ethel last Batorday
forenoon to attend the funeral of Wm
Spenoe, an old and worthy member of
Western Star Lodge. It took them over
two hours to make the ea- miles owing to
the heavy route from the snow storms
and then the trip was only possible
through road•breaking by farmers' teame
and snow plows.
Bug= Fon SALE —By advertisement in
this issue of TBE POW and posters it will
be seen that the nue, well built, brick
block on Tornberry street, Brussels, be
longing to the estate of the late Barrister
Moeaagbey, will be offered for sale by
public auotion, to be held at the Ameri
can Hotel on Saturday, March let, at 2
o'clook. F, 8. Soott will wield the ham-
mer, Sale is made to wind up estate.
Ilpwlett MnTUAl+--The anneal Meeting
Oe the liowtek Mutual lusuratme 00M -
pent' wag held at Gorrie on Friday after•
poen of last week, Attepdanee wee Pot
nearly es large as usual owing to tba had
oonditiou of the Made. Report for the
Past year was dimmed. and parsed. It
wee a very favorable one glowing $18,000
Of a egrploe, The retiring Direotore,
Meaers, Soott and McRviober, wars re•
elected without opposition. Last year's
Officiary was ale° maintained vial -3. R,
Millar, President ; Hdseam) Bryan¢, Viola.
Free.. W. Mglierobee, Seeretary•Treae.
neer ; R. Miller and Jae, Foster, Audi,
'bowing 58 aha HOwi°kti Mtegood
endit is
a compliment to the meitallement,
week the millinery and miotic bpainees
of the late Mre, E. Rogers wee purgbaeod
by Miens Mary Rothe and Mabel Hey -
croft, young iodise well versed in the
millinery art and favorably known to ebe
people of Broessle attd lgoalily, As they
de pot intend continuing the mantle
business they will hold a Clearing Bale
for the next 80 days` when goods will be
sold, far deb, at and below met 50 olesr.
The ladies have leased the mune store
and opened up baeineee on Tbnreday of
this week. tidies Hayoroft is in Tormtit°
at the present looking up novelties and
etndying the Spring styles, but will ba
baok shortly. Toe Post wishes Misses
Roche & Hayoroft cameo in their new
venture and believes they will do well ae
they understand the wants of the fair era
in this iooality by praotioal experience.
Co. ORANGE Loam—The prmtponed
meeting of North Huron 00, Orange
Lodge was held in Wiogbatn on Tuesday
of this Week. In addition to the reoeiv
inn of reports the following offiners were
chosen for the enening year :—
W. J. Greer, County Master ;
M. Maine, Deputy Master
0• R. Clark, Reoordiug Secretary ;
W. R. Mooney, Financial Secretary ;
W. Bryan¢, Treaeurer
Rev. W. Lowe, Chaplain;
R. Hueter, Dir. of Ceremonies ;
I. I. McManus) Leotorere,
A. Letahmeo J
A delegation was in attendaaoe from
Goderioh relative to the celebration of
July 12th and made a atroog bid for sup
port, tont as Brussels gave way to Luck
now laeb year it was earried tbal tbie
year's oelebration be held here. Brewer
lodge was repreeented by B. Gerry, Jno.
Mooney and W. R. Mooney. Every effort
will be pot forth to make the doming 12th
a day of pleasure to all participating,
ClIR Itlat
01 Reverend Rieke your weather tricks
Have been really very trying,
If von don't atop your blizzard derma
You'll have the public crying.
We took your probe. with a barrel of salt,
The same as all the rest,
But the wind it hlew and the snow it anew
And it stormed like one possessed.
If you'll coil off all the ones foretold
We'll forgive you for the past,
But for Goodness, sake, Dear Mr. Rieke,
Let Saturday's be the last.
Coxnonsxot.—The following is a copy
of a note of sympathy forwarded• from
Broeaele A. 0. U. W.Ledge to the family
of the late Wm. Spence, of Ethel :—
To Mrs. Spence and Family :
'Ws, the officers and members of Bras,
sole A. 0. U. W. Lodge, No. 138, take
tbie early opportunity of expressing our
sincere sympathy with you in the heavy
bereavement you have Buffered in the de-
cease of husband and father. As a brotb.
er Workman we foaud him loyal, genet..
one hearted and worthy of oar highest
confidence and we duly regret hie demise.
May our lives be eo epent in obedience to
the Master's will that we may meet where
partioga are no more.
W. A. Ontox, M. W.,
W. H. KERR, Elec.
Edward and Mrs. Garvin are holiday.
Ips with relatives and frieuda at Gaelph
and lousllty,
T. A, Hawking was in Toronto title
week in connection wittt the magical
0oarae be ie pureulpg,
Mrs. Worth, of Qbigago, arrived oa
Thursday on ti vielt to her (deter, hare.
13. perry, of Brunels, Bib ie a we it
IR00, iaha Rose, B. A., hoe been fairly
well used up with the prevailintt, hold, but
will likely be able to take his Waal work
en Sabbath.
We are sorry to hear that James Broad.
foot, of Antsgonish, Nova Anotia, wbo
spent a few weeks reoenbly in this locality,
was taken down with typhoid fever on
hie arrival home. }Ile many friends
hope be will pull through the stege all
right. The aloe man is a eon of JIM,
Brosdfoot, of /intents.
A Winghamitem says The Misses
Moore, music benchers, of town, have
rsoeived sotioe'from England ¢bat theta
is a valuable astute to their credit there.
Legal amps bave been taken for the male
of the property whish ie valued at pearly
fifty tboneand dollars. In the Doors° of a
few months tbey sagest the sale to be
completed and the money in their bands.
They are oongratulabed on their good for-
Business Locals.
MoNax to loan on farm ssourity.
Apply at Tae POST.
Fon cheap millinery go to rho Misses
Habkirk, Everything away down.
Fen gauntlet mit found. Owner may
have it by paying for this local
Tug Pi sr, Brussels,
Wsnrun.—ObcioeRoll Butter 18 cents.
No. 1 Niok or Fox skins $3.50. Our
slaughter sale of Drees Goode during Jan -
eery and February in worth coming miles
to see. G. E. Km, W iogham•
SAw Emma —The undersigned is pre.
pared to attend to all saw filing in a
workmanlike manner, after long exper.
lanae. Satiefaotion guaranteed.
Livery Barn, Brussels.
Easter Sunday comes on March 30.
Lent began on Wednesday, Feb. 12.
"The 2ed Persecution" ie the title of
next Sunday's Interoatiooal Sabbath
School lesson.
The regular monthly service will be
held next Sabbath morning in the R 0.
church, Brunets.
Commencing with Wednesday evening
of this week service will be bald each
week during Lent is St. Johns church.
"Should we have Prohibition 7 " will
be Rev. John Holmes' theme in the
Metbodiet thumb aril Sabbath evening.
Bev. G. F. Salton, Ph. B., of Hamilton,
will preach anoivereary sermone in the
Central Methodist aharob, Stratford, on
Sunday, Feb. 16.
Sabbath morning last Rev. Mr. Holmes
preached from the text ..The Lova of
Christ oonstraineth ns." Quarterly
eaorament service followed the preaching.
P g
"The New Birth" was the evening topic.
At the Iaet regular beard meeting of
the Hamilton Road Methodist church,
London, Rev. S. J. Allan, formerly pastor
of the Methodist oburab, Brussels, was
unanimously invited to remain as pastor
for the third year.
The Official Board of Brampton Metho-
diet oharob bas extended a ananimoue
invitation to Rev, E. Irvine, of Listowel,
to become their pastor for the next Oon•
lerenoe year, and be bas aaoeptsd enbject
to the actiou of the Transfer and Station-
ing Committees.
Mernutotzr&L:—The following is taken
from the Victoria (B. 04 Oolouiat of Jan,
16tb :—"A very pretty wedding took
place at the residence of W. A. Franklin
last evening, when bis eeoond son, Albert
G. Franklin, was united in marriage to
Mies Minerva E. Bailie, of Godetiah,
Ont., by the Rev. Bishop Oridge, The
ceremony was witnessed by a large num•
ber of their friends, and after the Dere.
moray a eampl00ne repast was partaken
of. The residence was very prettily
deootated end the nuptial knot was tied
beneath a large floral bell. The bride
was attired in wbite silk and wore the
ouetomary veil and blossoms. Her little
maid of bonor, Mies Zelma Greer, looked
sweetly pretty in Dream nums:eiling and
carried a basket of pink oaraatione and
ferns, and wore, as the gift of the groom,
a pretty enamel and pearl broach. The
happy couple were the reoipients of a
large number of handsome presents. The
bride arrived from the East on Monday
and has sines been the gneet of W. A.
and Mrs. Franklin, 86 Kingston et. The
happy couple left by the Charmer for
Vanso0ver, wbete they will in future re
aide." The bride ie an aunt to Mies Ada
Mainprize, of Tao Pon staff.
NEW GOiPOrAT1oN.—The Chatham Ben-
ner News, of Feb. 4, speaks as follows of
a former Broeeelibo t—A, I. McCall & Go ,
Ltd., is the name of it new chartered
corporation launched in Chatham yeeber•
day, capitalized for $80,000.00. As the
name would indicate, A. I, MoOall is at
the head and is the promoter of this new
oorporation. About live years ago he
reacted baeineen hare in a very modest
way, bis oomplote knowledge of the drug
business, indefatigable energy and affable
Manner very goon gave an impalas to the
bneiness, wbith has inoreaeed very rapid•
ly, and to keep pace wibb this growth Mr.
MoOall bite found it oeoseary to aeeooi-
ate himself with more capital, The
company will Continue to carry on the
business of A. I. McCall and in addition
intend to euter the wholesale field. The
great enemies of many of Mr. MoOall'e
formulas warrant tbeir goieg into the
extensive mannfadturo 01 these popular
remedies, and it is their intention to jamb
throughout the province, the Bale of three
leading patent medicines. The first an.
anal meeting of Shia new oorporabion will
be held in a few days, after wbioh further
anoonnoement will be made, The eor-
potation bas been gszetbed and the
charter arrived.
Meooxasr.L.-At 120 Abbott et., E. E.
Pittsburg, Pen., on Jan 80 h, to Mr.
and Mrs. Joe. B. MoOennell (nee
Mies Martha Laing) a slaughter.
Mohan .—In Braeaele, on Feb. 7th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mooney, a daugh•
FEB. 13, 1902
ST4XD,41W,2) A/X E OF C4r/r4D4.
CAPITAL PAID 1YP (One Mlilioa Dollars) 1}3,000,000
REST $700,000
Agenda in alt prinoipai ysinte in Ontario, Quabea,Manitoba, United 41tatett Atigianti.
A °General Banking Busiueee Traneaetod, Farman' Notes Dlaognnted,
Drafts Issued and Collections made mo all points.
lntgrest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards and ootnponnded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Cnstomgre living at a distance,
payable at any bank issued Under $10. „ So, 920 to $80., ..120
0408 W11I 1S ab the following rates 0— $10 to 920,,.¢100, 30 to 40.,.,14o
F. H, GRA+, Ammo Amon.,
BaVies —In Morrie, on Feb. 111b, Wil.
tiara F., eon of William.Bryans, aged
21. yeare and 4 menthe
McKay —In Brunets, on Feb. 10, Fred.,
eldest sou of Ohas. and Ida MoKay,
need 12 years.
MoL z tt,—IO Grey, on Feb.18th, Hugh
McKinnon, aged 65 years and 6
People We Talk About.
Co. Councillor Miller, of Wroxeter, was
in town on Wednesday.
Druggist Deadman was at Chatham
this week on a bneinese trip.
The baby son of R bait and lite, An•
dereon has been on the Pick list.
Mise Mabel Hayornft is at Toronto
looking np new styles in millinery.
Mrs. Fuseton and Mies Ella were visit -
ins Mrs A. Bruce et Blaevale, last week.
Mrs R. H Green, of Trowbridge, is
visiting her Mother, Mrs. Hartle, Thomas
Miss Clara Simmons has been a prie•
oner to the house with a sore toe, caused
by a tumor.
Will. Leatherdale, of Seafortb, was
here for a few days vieibing ander the
parental roof.
Mies 011ie Monsey has been ill with
congestion of the lunge. We hope ebs
will soon•be oonvalesoent,
Mrs, John Walker bas been laid tip
with pleurisy but is somewhat improved
now we are pleased to report.
1V11ws Louise Davey hag been on the
sick list witb pneumonia but is improv
ing now we are pleased to state.
Mise Annie Beattie, who bag been visit-
ing relatives berg for a few week-, re•
tamed to Toronto on Wednesday.
Mre Frank Scott, of Seafortb, bas
been dangerously ill with a peralytio
stroke. ate is an aunt of Conneillor
Henderson's, Brueeele, and fe well op in
A. and Mre. Baoelangh, of Winnipeg.
former roidents of this plane, oelebrated
their china wedding lest week. A
number of old time Brneselites were
among the mete,
Mre. R. L. Taylor bad the misfortune
to fall some time ago and injure her knee
from which Floe is etill a prisoner to the
house. We hope she will soon be all
Albert Oakley and family will move to
Brussels. Mr. Oakley tante of going to
Idaho for a trip. Trios. Bloomfield has
leased Mr, Oakley's farm, near Paisley,
and will move there in the Spring..
Mrs, Clyde 0 Phillipe and son Leland,
of Olay Centre, Kansas, are visitors et
John Tait's, Queen street. Mrs. Phillips
is a neige of Mre. Tait and a daughter of
Dr. John Nott, formerly a well known
rseident of Brussels,
Inspector Robb was at Wingbam {net
week and is at Clinton' this week on bis
regular visit to the pnblio eoboale. Few
Ittepeotore are as' highly esteemed by the
teachers, pupils and trueteee as Inepeotor
gelds. HO geniality weighs a full 10
ounoee to the pound.
undersigned wishes to glve notice that
tetanus owing book aaog5l.nte to Min are
asked to square them off -by March 16th or
they will be passed Into other bands for
ocitoattcn, W.111t.smITH, Walton. 2
Dines over Rursley's Ding Store,
Feb. 6th, 1909. . 80.8m Brussels,
Factory .
Cheese Meetirlo>,
A meeting of the eltarelloldere 100 Welton
'Union Cheese and Rutter Co will be bald at
M°Rim's Hotel, on Thursday, Feb 00111,
3900, at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of eel ion
the obeeee factory and all the apparatus
belonging thereto, provided the eberebold•
ereare satisfied. A large attendance asked
Secretary, ' President,
avCTIQEO sax.7r.
TUESDAY, FED. 25tH.—Farm stock, im•
plements, &o., at Lot 21, Ooo. 18, Grey.
Rale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Andrew
McInnes, prop, • F. 8 Scott, apo.
WEDNESDAY, FRB. 26th, Farm etook,
implemexta.aod household furniture, at
Lot 10, Con. 14, MoKiltop. Sate, mare
served, at 1. O'olook. Jae. Campbell,
prop.,p. D 8.1Scott, 4 -Farm stook, imple.
menta, &o., lot 8, con. 17, Grey. Sale
unreserved at 1 o'olook. David Camp-
bell, prop, ; F. S. Scott, atm.
In order to wind up the estate of the late
S. G. MoQaugbey there will be offered for
sale .by public auction at tb0 American
on Saturday. Murch' let, 1902,
at0 p.m„ the following valuable Village
Property, viz. 1—Lot number 98 irunutna
Gonatyoie. uron except a portions in
of heretofore sold to Robert Marble ; and,
John A. Hutobinpon. On these lands are
solid brielt
business substantial,
too t,, cont two-story,
one ei.dgle and.
two double stores. The 1 property le a most
desirable ono, well situated on the corner of
Tornberry and 11111 .etreebe. with a frontage
Of about 0.1 feet an Turoberry street, and. lu
substantially good repair. The property
will be put tip subject to a reserved bid.
Terms or Salo—Ten per cent of the put•
obese money must be paid at time of sale
and the balance -within 80 days thereafter.
It purchaser desires it arrangements nay
be made for part o1 the purchase money to
remain On mortgage.
Further particulars and eonditions of sale
will be made known at time of sale and on
application to the undersigned or to B. H.
SMART, Bs . Manager of the Traders'
Bank, Grand Valley Ont.
Dated February 'Oth,1902. -
11. B. SCOTT, Auctioneer.
•r:rSSF`.., T CAat7C'!-'t'.r•B.
Fall Wheat 70 70
Barley ... 48 50
Peas 74 76
Oats 87 38
Batter, tithe and rolls .. 15 3.6
Eggs per doyen ........ 17 17
Flour per cwt. - ...,. 4 00 5 00
Potatoes (per bus.) 80 80
Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 8 00
Hay per ton ...., 7 00 8 00
Sheep skins ea'ob 2525 25
Lamb skins mob.—
Salt per Wit., retail 1 00 707
Hides trimmed6 5 5
Hides tough
Bogs, Live ........ 5 50 6 60
Wool 18 18
CEDAR fence poets for sale. Apply at
THE POST Pnbtlebingiloaee.
PAIR choice beat:), draught 2 year old
Mlles for Bale, THOS. MOLA'UOHLIN,.
81.2 Btueeels.
GOOD working horses for sale, North $
Lot 19, con. 8, Morris, orGBrussel s 1 0..AN.
A e.,-Mr.F,6, Scott, Auetlopeer hue been
inetruoted by the uedersigned to ,ell by
Public sday,oFnebt 28,Loll 1002,atn1lo'Matinee
wtlswto ay,
T g ber a gte, ole 1-1 I large dyly,
Ing horse 7 yrs, old, l drying bored 7 yrs,
old,] heavy draught Filly rising 2 yeare, 1
farrow row Mylesmilk, l cow in calf, l steer
iria99beevs1dd0e1bndeperlynew goomr,, broad
seed drill, 1 die° harrow nearly pew, 1
fanning mill new, Toronto make with bag^
gor,1 ton buggy; 1 cutter, 1 turnip alioar,
set whtiilatrees andneck yoke, 1 Fleury
plew,1 eat double beefless, 1 got single bar -
nese 1 water tank with tap, 1 anger kettle,
1 Daley nhurn,ltotsebuld furniture including
stoves, tables, ohaire, •bedsteads, &c., and
grain handle, barrels and other articles too
numerous to mention. Sale unreserved as
proprietor is giving tip farming,+ Teams--
All sums -of 0840 and. under oaa• oyer that
amouut10 menthe credit will be given on
furnishing - Approved Joint. Notes.. S Per
cent, off for cash on credit, amounts.
F. S. BOo1'T, , JAMB8 0AMPB1)LL,
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Heron„in the matter of the estate of
Emma RoKere, late of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron,
widow, deceased.
Coming ! \ Corning !
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and
Toroute Optioal Oollegee, wilt be at
Fox's Drug Store
Notioeis hereby given pursuant to the
Revised Statutes 0f Ontario, 1897, Chapter
129, Sentton a8, that all creditors or others
having anyclaim satinet the estate of Em.
ma Rogers, late of the Village of Brussels,
in the ¢only of Huron, widow, deceased,
who died on or about the 081b day of Janu-
aryy, A. D.--1902, at the Raid Ylllege of Brus-
sels, are bereby required to send' by poet,
prepaid, Orto deliver to G. F. Blatt, of the
Village of Braeaele. Selieitor for A. Parfitt,
of the Oily of London, in the Comity of Mid -
Meade, the Admtnistratet O1 the estate, on
or before the 8th day o1 February, A.1) 1902,
tboir full nomee, addresseeand deeoriptione
and full particul urs of their claims and the
i attire ofthe securities (if any) held by
them, A • d notioe is hereby given that after
bbe raid last mentioned 'date, the said Ad-
ministrator will proceed to distribute the
assets of the doused moven the persons
entitled thereto, having regard only to
Malmo of which notiue shall have been given
as above required, and the acid Administra-
tor will not be responsible for the assets, or
any part thereof, so distributed to any per,
son of whose claim notice Shan not have
been received at the time of such distribu-
tion. G. P. BLA1R, Brnesels, Ont.,
Solleitor for Administrator.
Dated at Brussels Feb.4111,1902•
'Wednesday, Feb. 26th
Cell early and avail yourself of
hie valuable services,
AeasIONoD has several good Parma for
sale and to rent, may terms, in 'Townships
of Morels and Grey, F S. 80OTT,Bruseele
4 ARl' �n FOR aS2o iii tLbe i9$h 0000 o
alio•¢ of the !Powtiahtp o0 Gray, ooutetniug 64
aortia, There is about 18 agree clear 01 utim•
ber. The reel in bush, For further infer-
motion apply to G. F. Blair, Solicitor,. Brus-
•mss. In Brussels, Eltgiblyoitnated, l sore
of land, stable, well, cellar and other con-
veniences. For price and terms apply to
M1S8 DARK, Oraubrook P.O„Parr
Tan .r
Publishing House,Srueaela, 19.01
One -Way
To Manitoba and Canadian North -Went
will leave Toronto every T17E8DAY :during
MARCH and APILIL, 1902.
Paeseogera travelling without Live Stook
should take the train leaving Toronto at
1.911 , m
Paesongp. ere travelling with Live .Stock
should take the train leaving Toronto at
9.90 p. m.
,t Sleeper wilt be attached to each
For frill porticolars and copy of "Settlors'
Guide,” apply, to your nearest Oauadian
I' twine Agent, or to
A. H NOTMAN, Asst. Gent. Passe. Age tit,
1 Ring Street Bag, Toronto.
'OJ Wanted, imitable forraaoh pu130nee,
Apply to GEO. BEST, Brussel& _
Horses 8 years old, Calves and a Irmo -
her of pigs, Apply on Lot O, Concession 7,
rT1Wo COLTS FtOlt, SALE, 1815.
DM 2 and 1 year old, sired by "Dexter
Revenge” and 'Ooetnmor'resp""ttyely,
L 1801,1111GER,
Brueeele P.O. Lot 0.; Oon 10, Grey,
lighted and conveOtSSbTenme to let in
the Leede bleak over G. A. Dondmau'e and
Mrs. Bogen' atones, Apply to F. 8, SCOTT,
kJ Born Bulls for sale, from 9 to 20 months
010, Also oows in half to imported"Red
Duke" and a few heifersD, MILNB, Ethel.- . OUtR Scram aRle, HOB dYOOUNG
id 2
years old and the others average from 9 to
12 mouths. 3AB. seErlt, Lot 80, 00e.
e. 0,.
Morxie, Brueeels. P. 0.
i$155 00 to $18.00 a Week
ealaty for an Iutslligonb elan or woman in
each town, Permanent position, 99 OMnAR
nor hour for spare time. Manufacturer,
BOX 78, Philadelphia,
Notice to Debtors.
A11 pera0ne indebted to Mre, Bowe, late
of the Village odIltu5es1s, mttliuee decoae-
ed,'arehereiy notified that neo both no.
collets helm a11 been banded over ler pollee•
Mon to G. E. Blair, of the Vtllage of ltruo'
eels, Sofelter for bar estnto, to whom alt
paytnente must be made tit once in order to
alone up the oetate. A, PAAb3t atratoa
For 2
M 4�
eeks Only
Stocktaking Sale
Having completed one of the best season's trade we have ever had we
find we have still some Winter goods that must be cleared out in the next two
weeks. In order to do so we are Making. Prices so Low that if you come
and see the goods you will buy.
In Ordered Suits, Overcoats and Pants, Men's, Youths and Boy's Suits, Over-
coats, Pea Jackets, Odd Coats, Odd Vests, Odd Pants, Boys' Pants, Top Shirts, Un-
derwear, Sox, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Overalls, Shocks of all kinds, Braces, Collars, Ties,
Etc,, we will give a discount of 25 per cent. for cash only. As in the past
when we make a Sale we make it right.
Zero are a Few Prices that will Interest you unless
you are Bargain Proof,.
Men's blue and black all wool
Beaver Overcoats, silk velvet col-
lar, extra fine lining, raised seams,
box back or seam in centre, prop-
erly tailored, $10 and $11, all u1 01 7.00
yours at
Men's Oxford Grey Raglans and
Raglanett Overcoats, loose fitting,
cuffs on sleeves, the height of
fashion, $12, $18 and $14, all OAU
go at
Men's extra fine Raglanetts, silk
velvet collar, cuffs on sleeves, extra
fine lining, fit and workmanship'
perfect, $15, $16 and $18, any
of these for y� 00
Men's blue and black Beaver
Overcoats, velvet collar, good,
strong lining, well constructed,,Q1 � t
$7.50 and $8-, your choice w U
Boys' Oxford Grey Cheviot, blue
and blaek Beaver Overcoats, sizes
28 to 84, regular prices $5, •.$6 Qlr1,
L175and $7, now _
Men's 4 -buttoned double-breast-
ed all wool Tweed Suits, $7.50 and
$8,50, all one price now
Men's extra fine Tweed Suits,
three and four buttoned, double-
breasted, $10,.' $11 and $12, all
one prise at.... ........... :
Be on Time for Your share.
Remember only Two Weeks.
Leading G � C lOTih.16Y'l