HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-13, Page 5cR, 18
1.7,1, Dent. F, S. SOQTT, 13runell,
t. 1aener of Marriage Licenses. Of -
doe atGrocory,Teriborry street, Brussels,
1.4 e Tonsorial Artist, Shop—'Next door
Nortlrof the Standard Bask, Ladies' and
Children's hair cutting a Specialty,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Wellington Mutual
Firs insurance Co,,
. Insurance taken on the earthand premium
note system at current rates, B rfore insur-
ing elsewhere pall on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
L. O. .M..
'Acgdemta graduate of London Conserve,
i; tory. of Musks, oleo Member of the Associated
• Mneiciana of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited 'number of mile for .instruction
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupil 8for
the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of
Brgesele; Ontario,.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co, Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land;Loartq and Insurance Agent; Auction-
eer. Funds invested and to 'loam Oollec-
tions made. Office in Graham'e•Blook,Brue-
• • aim. will sell for better prices, to
better men in lees time and Less °bargee
than any other Auctioneer in East. Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always he arranged at this office or by
personal application,
cr • Honor Or names of the Ontario Vet-
erinary Collette, is prepared to treat all die
eases of domeeticated animals in a compet-
ent manner. Partinular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry Calls promptly at
tended to. Office and infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Tnrnberry at., Brussels,
Barrlster, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Office—S tewart'e Block
1 door North of Central Hotel
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates•
M. 0., C. M.,
Trinity University, Follow Trinity Medical
Coilege,Membor College of Phyelolans and
Burgeons Out. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege . of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
No.14,RooldncbMistreet, 1St-Telephone
Graduate: of Rho Royal College of Dental.
Surgeons of Ontario and Flret•oln0s Honor,
Graduate of Toronto University. Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
is moving forward. Whiter term begins
Jan. 0„1000, Our rates are reasonable—our
Courrtes of Study thorough and practical,
Bud for our Journal to see what we teach.
Students may enter at any time. Two
Courses of Study—Commercial and Short-
0, A, FLEMING, A. L. MARTYRS,,•President Suntory,Owen
British Columbia
Ited Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sarah of all Pat
*erne on hand or made to order
at Short Notice,
•• Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildinge. Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed.
A OALAIIIIT'y PRE VENTED. The election or a board of Direetere for.
Mealy to tate Western bnrdi
The Ethel youth, and the iilthol 114i8s,
Should r80117 08 taught the right way to 1dae;
To se crying i9diy In tills this
8hou douse less etteugth Walton the e010re JOY;
For most *hinge, in thee modern due,
1. Are managed lit soiontleo wee's,
The Jameetelvn lags and the Jamestown4ad,
With their methods poor make Cupid end, i
And unless they mend before Its to late,
He'll withdraw his aid, just as sure as Pato,
Tho Crn
nbro ]t eau an
o b
I Oran r
U ookbglle,
the trines are true hide'so it poets tell,
Should run away and bids troth Moe
Till they learn to Ivies with artistic grace,
The Morrie swain and the Morris maid
Disturb the peace, wo are sore afraid,
And should be told tint an empty tin,
When knocked about, mains the loudest din,'
Tho outoome looped so very blue;
They all wailed aloud, "What shall we do4” '
But lite Brussels young lady and the Brussole
young man
Cried, "C I hasten here, we have a plan."
"To help mankind and carve a name •
For Brussels in the 110118 of fame,
We'll found a school and teach Cupid's snares
And thea 0110411 the lovers' cares."
11pistrict geiu$r
W ixigittarn.
John Leslie, of Winnipeg, was In town.
Thomas, sou of G. E. Bing, has had a
painful arm, as a result of vaccination.
The young peop'e of the Preebyterlan
ohnroh bald a Scotch Social. Monday
evening, Feb. 10. A Scotch program and
refreshments were. given.
Court Maitland, 0 O.F., has 'a treat
in store for toe public io the concert sr.
ranged 'for Feb. 2fet. Among the talent
secured are—Ruthven Macdonald, bars•
tone soloist ; Miert LaDell, elooutioniet ;
H. M. Bennett, humorist ; afro. Meedon.
aid,, a0a0mpaniet; and J. M. Maitland,
The following are the offioere eleot fcr
Wingham Council of Chosen Friends :—
Piet Cuanoillor, Dr. A, J. Irwin vice
Councillor, A. Cook ; Recorder, J. B.
Ferguson ; Treasurer, A. Rose ; Marshal,
S. Gilchrist I Warden, Mre. A. Ries ;
Chsplein, Robt. Mason ; Guard, M. Beck.
with ; Sentinel, F. Roderne ; Auditors,
A J. Irwin, J. E Davis.
Following 'are the town offroiale for
1902 :—J. B. Ferguson, Clerk and Treas.
nrer ; V. Vannorman, Chief Oonetable,
Ohief`Fire Co. and Caretaker of W. W. ;
Wm. Clegg, Assessor ; Wm. Rob•rteon,
Collector ; 0, J. Reading to the Beard of
Health for 3. years ; D. Stewart, Ponnd•
steeper; Wm. Roborteon, P. Deane, Wm.
Moore, Fe00eviewers ; Dr. J. R. Mao-
douald, Medical HealtOfficer ; Mre. A.
Coed, bell ringer.
Atest.l(sr Cgs.
The•Seaforth orchestra played in Gods.
rich Monday night.
• 0. Mason is leaving this month for
•Indian Head with three thoroughbred
John Torrance, of Egmoadville, hoe
been confined to the house with eoiatioa
for the past month,
Greig and Macdonald have rented the
North etore of Johnston's blook to make
more room for their beeipess.
The many Maude of Rev, P. Musgrave
were pleased to see him about town again
recovered from hie recent illness.
Rev. Mr. Larkin has been presented
with a fur lined coat by the members of
hie Bible Class. Mre. Larkin also re.
oeived afar coat.
Mre,-Elliot Tyne, of Change, end Mre,
Dr. McDonald, of Petereburg, are visiting
their father, Frank Scott. They are
on account of devious ue tlluese
their motber, obs
e who ' n n a• aTltimiel i
lying al
condition eaff.ring from a paralytic
John G. Crich bae completed a large
painting of "The Good Samaritan" for
the Odd Fellows' Lodge of Brandon, Man,
The piotare is 7a feet by 8 feet and de.
piste the whole story of the parable. The
piotnre is very handsomely done and as
to work of art will be a oredit to the Lodge
George Aitzel left here en Monday of
last week, for thil'Paoifio Obaet, where he
will peel hie airtime, ebonld he strike
anything promising. Mr. Aitzel is a
steady young 'nen, of excellent' besineee
abilities, and ie'sare to do well wherever
he locates, . He was aocompained by E.
C. Coleman who goes West on,abusiness
trip. ,
The Brooklyn, N. Y.; Times °aye :--
';Dr. J, M. Campbell, 669 Leonard et„.
was elected bye nnanimoue vote bard.of.
the Scottieh Celtic Society of New York,
at the eleotign of (filers, which took
place on the ;evening of •the 80th alt.
After the election the doctor read an
original article in prase and another in
poetry, and was warmly cheered.” Dr.
Campbell formerly resided at Seeforth.
David Bowyer, of town, porpoaee, Mk.
ing a trip to-tbe,old land.
Chas. Anderson' has resigned hie seat
at the Council board, He will probably
offer, himself for re-election,
Wm. and Mee. Hacking, end family,
who have been vision;; with friende in
town, left fur Pittsburg, Pa., where they
will reside.
Mise Emma Welob,'who left Lietowel
for Scotlanda few weeks ago, was on her
arrival united in marriage with Dr. J. F.
Goodobild, of Glasgow, 'the wedding tak-
ing place in Edinburgh. The happy
'couple will reside; in Glasgow' for the
present. •
On Jan. 24th,, ,Richard Tremain, a
former resident of °bie town, died at..
Prince Albert, SaaSkatohewan, of heart
trouble, Deceaeed'wae. the eldest eon of
the late Jobn,A. Tremain, one of the
early eettlere of Lietowel. He, want to
the N,orthweet about twenty, yearn ago,
end we understand had prospered there.
lie leaves a wife and family'at Prince
The finest lot of export cattle yet ship-
ped from Listowel station went away the
ether day. There were 40 in the bunch,
and were all fed by Henry Scott, of Wal.
lane. They were mostly two.year.olda,
and averaged over 1900 Ibe. each, the
total weight being 52,250 'pounds.
They were bought by Scott rte Laelfe, and
were turned over to Jacob Gould, of Be -
ton, repreeenting one of the largest firma
of exporters in America. Mr, Gould con.
eidered them the beat lot ho had handled
for some time, Mr, Smith reoeived the
snug sum of 92,612 60 for the forty head,
They w080 fatted in four menthe' time
and gained 949 per head in value since
they were purbhaead as yearlings,
015 Riga() Co, reaelted in the following
gentlemen ,being cense ; J, W, Scott, B.
P. Brook, W.1i1 Holes L D. B•, Col, D.
D. Oampholl,'P, L fiamillon, Dr. A. H,
Nichol and Jacob Seburger, Mr, Scott
war' euboegn8ntly ro oleo*ed president,
Col. Campbell vloe•president, and X', 0,
965Dewell segretary.treatarer, W. It,
Doan was re•engaged am manager at an
isereased salary, The output of pianos
iu 1901 woe 184 more than in 1909, and
the year's reeeipte allowed It eabetantial
pri fit,
4G -titter lee.
The annual meeting of the Howiok
Mutual Fire Laurance Company was
held in the Town Hall on Friday.
J. 111. Toombs, general merabant of
Carman, Nam, was nominated for the
Rouse of Commons. Many of our old
'tattlers will remember the above gentle.
man as he wa8 at one time a 'resident of
On1T—After many months of lingering
siolnteoe with varying hopes and fears
one of our highly respeoted oftizens io
the person of JuliusDoupe passed peace,
fully away on Thursday, Jan. 80th, in
his 70th year of age. The deceased ow.
mg to his retiring and studious nature
was not generally well known here but
the few who had the pleaeore of an inti•
mate acquaintance will long oherieh a
fund remembrance of 'Uoole Julius' and
hie fund of general knowledge of men and
things gathered by travelling over the
meet of Western Coterie from ite earliest
settlement, and by close and careful read-
ing np of current events, coupled with a
genial diepositiog and rich fond of jokes
and repartee. Never having been mar.
ried he has made his home for some
years 'with his brother, A. A. Donpe, here
and eleewbere. The old gentleman was
poeeeseed of Considerable wealth and will
be missed by the Church and, the poor
for' hie liberality. He ware never an
ostentatious giver, Choosing rather to
show the true Christian spirit and "live
for the heaven that smiled above bine and
the good that he could do." Hie remaine
were taken to Kincardine on Friday
where they were interred beside those of
friends gone before.
Mr. Wiseman, Collector of (Materna at
this port, states that the amount 'taken
in for the seven months ending 31st of
Jan., 1902, exeeede the business of the
acme seven menthe ago by over $1000.
Mise Ida Holmes returned home on
Monday of last week, She has been at•
Title J3 ]! Cl I.3
LIS Pio S 1
106a go train 5" bulls tells veli, 0arry105 a The New Model
Amer boguet of bride roses, and leaning
on the arm of hor brother, E. J Bell,
(nolo attending Toronto Varsity), entered
the drawing roost to the otraine of Men. 11
ideleeobn'e wedding maroh, played by Mies
Elva Adams, of LPndeabs a. After the
�p r
ouetomery exohango of oongrptelatione
they partook of an elaborate wedding
dejeaner, after which the /nippy cowrie
were driven to the depot and took the
2,65 expreae for a wedding trip to Toron•
to, New York and other American cities,
The going away gown was of navy blue
homespun, with tanked taffeta toque to
match. They will shortly return and
will reside in Wingham where Mr, Bell
hoe bnilt a fine new residence. The
presents given the bride allowed the high
esteem in which she is held. The eooial
oirole here lose a bright, young lady of
many a000mpliebmente and one who will
be muoh missed among her 'numeroue
friends in, town. Mr. Bell, who ie favor•
ably known here, ie one of the firm of
Thee. Bell & Son, .turniture maaufaotur-
ere, of Wingham. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Bell are popular young people and we
join with friends fn giving them our
heartiest wishes for A happy future lite.
The guests were T. and Mrs. Bell, R: and
Mre. Vanetone, Mise Boyd, 0. Bell,
Wingham ; Mies E, Adams, Londeeboro ;
Jae, and Mrs, Fair, Clinton,
Lueluto w.
Agar & Jobneton have dissolved partner.
Rev. R. J. Treleaven, of Toronto, was
visiting friend° in this village.
Arabia Me0orvie has gone to Toronto
where he wilt take aearee in the Central
Beninese College.
Wallace Grenaohe, of this village, hae
sold out hie boot and ehoe boeloeee to R.
Willie & Sou, of Seaforth, and the new
firm bake po,oaeoion at once.
At the Official Board meeting of the
Methodist church aunanimous invitation
was extended to Rev. A. G. Harris to
continue sue pastorate of the church for
the third year.
The municipal offioere were all re ap-
pointed at ere salaries as last year.
Clerk, Hugh Morrieon; Treasurer, John
e n'br and d CoBeotor, Jno.
N. Ross ;
e a Engineer, Samuel Barber ;
Constable, Robert Moore. James Reid
was appointed pound keeper for the West
The many friende of the family in thio
eeotion will regret to learn of the death
of Mre. Mae. Seoord, which took place at
Pilot Mound, Manitoba. Mre. Seoord
was the second daughter of John Tre•
tending the Toronto Conservatory of leaven, and sister of Mre. W. H. Smith,
Iloeio and will go to Toronto in a few of this village, and for many years both
mouths to try her second year's exam. deaea+ed and her husband were residents
A few oighte ago a man named Wm. of Leoknow•
MaGibbeny left the Hoose of Rehires
during the night. His. absence was not tiroclerietr. •
discovered until next morning and when Ioe•oetting at the bather commenced
eearob was intituted'hie body was found last week.
by the side of the river. An inquest was Work on the Summer hotel is going
held and it was found that no blame right.ahead. Most of the partitions are
wgatever could be attached to anyone. op, and the firet floor is ready for lath -
He bad been out of hie mind for some ing•
Gime before. M. P. Gordon, an old Goderieh boy,
(Mere, their salaries and duties, for has been re-elected Mayor of Kamloope, B.
Clinton are as follows :—Wm. Coate, 0„defeating his opponent by a, egbetau.
clerk, $250, treasurer, $100; T. Cottle, tial majority.
The appeal in the snit of Holmes vs.
Town, of Goderieh is set down for hear.
ing at the next term of the Supreme
Court, which opens at Ottawa on the 18th
The next lecture in Dr. Daniel's coarse
will be given at North et. Methodist church
on Monday evening, February 17th.
The eubjeot will be "The Chinese Prob.
The public school Board on Monday
evening of last week, had to deal with
two resignations. The. principal, Mr.
Stewart, is giving np hie position in
order to?ar
sae hie
course e at the
arty, and Miae Rusk is retiring from the
teaching profession.
There was a large attendance at the
meeting in tne.Town Hall palled for the
further dieoaseion of the project for the
improvement of Goderieh harbor by the
construction of an outer breakwater.
The gathering included a goodly repro.
eeotation of both the marine and the
general bnelnees intereete of the town,
Mayor Oameron presided over the meet.
00000000, $50., Henry Stevens, aeseeeer,
650 ; Jos. Wheatley, chief oontab'e, 6360,
onlleotor, 950 ; R. Welsh, assistant and
nightwatahman, $365 ; 0.-Orioh, ernetory sexton, $300 I Dr Shaw, lkledicAi
Health Officer ; W. J. Paisley, engineer ;
Rubt, 1eanel, ponndkeeper ; Jacob Mil-
ler, engineer fire dep't, $50 ; Albert See -
I, y, assistant, $25 ; John West, stoker,
$20 ; Joe. Wheatley, chief engineer,
Weddings, as a rale, are surrounded
more or lase with general interest, and
this) pretty event took place at the home
of the bride's parents, Albert street, o0
Wednesday, 6th inst., when Miss Pdabelle,
end et
e daughter
of J. and Mrs. Bell
suited in marriage to H. 0 Bell, of
Wingham. The ceremony was perform•
ed at high noon by Rev. 0. R. Gene,
rector of St. Pani's ohnroh, in the pre°
ease of only the memb.re of the families
and a few intimate •trieude. The house
was beautifully decorated, but the wed-
dingwas of a quiet, home nature, the
principal° being unattended. The bride
looked charming in a dress of white taf-
feet warm and snug
and snow,
• Keep the feet dry in sloppy weather.
They are made to wear and our prices are made to
make it easy to buy them.
Here are a few s-
-Men's Long Felt Boots, regular $2.26, reduced to 91 90,
—Men's Felt Boots, loose Sox, regular 92.60, reduced to 92.10,
—Heavy Rubbers and Sox redooed io prices.
HARNESS DEPARTMENT Robes and Blaukete away down in prioee.
Also Zelle, Wool Rage and all Winter
Goode to olear them but,
Wear ileavy
shoes .now.
0 0 el
When your feet are
cold you feel cold all
Cold feet . are good
for the doctor's busi-
The man whose work
is more or less out of
doors must keep his
feet warm.
It is important.
Don't take chances
with light shoes when
you ought to wear good
heavy ones. Some we
have here will keepthe
and -protect them from the wet
The Beet and moat 19oonomie Seeder
on the market, Will cow all kinds
all al e l Bence. It Devoe ono halt in
time and labor; Bows better in windy
weather ; will sow four sores per
hour. Any person wanting one of
thee' Seeders can be Supplied by
calling on
Price, 91.00 etteh.
ing, which after some dircuseion of the
Bohemia took into 0on0ideration ways
arid means of having it carried out. A
Committee, composed chiefly of mariners,
was app,.ieted to draw up a petition to
the Minister of Pdblio Works, eking' the
Government to make an appropriation
fur the purpose. The Committee after-
warde met and drafted a petition, three
separate copies of which are to receive
the signatures of the town Coanoil, the
Board of Trade and the repreeeot,ativee
of the marine interests, respectively,
Howard, eon of Stephen Powell, who
broke hie leg while at echool some weeks
ago, ie able to be out again.
Rev. Wm. MoDonagb, of Stratford, a
former pastor 0000pied the pulpit in the
Main. Street Methodist c0ereh on Sun-
Mre. W, 0. Huston, while standing on
a platform at her home, got too near the
edge and accidently slipped off euetainiog
paiofal injuries to bar arm and hip to.
gather with a severe shock in • the fall.
She iarecovering.
Aroold Finley, arehtteot for the Nel-
ware in town looking over the
loade on which the new bank is to be
erected: The plane are to be drawn at
once and the work of erection will be
commenced as soon as the weather will
A. E. Hodgert hes applied for a patent
on hie new steel silo moulds, or curbing
for building cisterns and eiloe. The
rings used, for which be has applied for a
patent, can be employ,d in building any
sized erecter°, from five to fourteen feet
in diameter.
The old buildings on the Smale prop.
erty, .recently purchased by the Mol -
sena Bank, were disposed of by public
auction. Thos. Beaman, London Road,
pnrohaeing the North building for $18 00;
John Soathaott, the centre for $14 25 ;
Caleb Heywood, the youth for $26 50 and
John Manning the stable in the rear for
a email amonte.
The South Huron County O,ange
Lodge held their annual meting here on
Teeeday of last week. Notwithstanding
the very stormy weather a large number
were in attendance from all parts of the
district. After the usual preliminaries
the following offioere were elected for the
coming year, viz t—A. Nevin, W. M. ; G.
Hanley, D, M. ; W. Craig, Chap. ; P.
Canton, R. S. ; W. Ander-Doe, F. S ; J
Beacom, Treas. ; F. Davis, D. of 0. ; W.
Deacon, Lecturer. It was unanimonely
decided to celebrate the Doming 12th of
July is Goderieh and the next anneal
meeting will be held. in Exeter,
A Brussels Mother
Tells How
she Helped het' r Rnb
y Through
a Trying. Teething Period.
Every mother has cause to dread the
time when baby is cutting hie teeth. The
poor little une suffers greatly and there
are oomplioatione such art constipation or
clierrbmt, collo, sick stomach or perhaps
convulsions which threaten baby's life.
Every prudent mother will help her little
one all she can at this period and to such
Mre. H. R. Brewer, of Brussels, pointe
out bow this en best be done. She says:
—"I have been using Baby's Own Tablets
in my home for about three months. I
first got them when my baby was teeth
log. His gums were bard and inflamed,
he was feverish and woe and melees.
Hie tongue was coated,' his breath bad,
hie stomach sour and he vomited fre-
quently. He also had diarrhoea. We
tried several mediainee but they did him
no good, itefeet nothing helped him until
we gave him Baby's Own Tablets, wbiob
I procured at Mr. Jae. Fox's drug store.
After giving him a few doses of these the
effect was wonderful. They strengthened
and sweetened his stomach, hie bowels
became regular, the .fever was reduced
and the pain in his gams allayed, with
the result that he Bleeps naturally and
well. We always had trouble giving him
other medioioe, but he is always willing
to take the Tablets as they are sweet and
pleasant. I think them the best of
medicine for little ones."
Baby's Own Tablets mire all the minor
ailments of little ones, soon as 0oo0tipa•
lion, Sony stomach, indigestion, colic,
diarrhoea and simple fever. They break
up colds, prevent croup and allay the
irritation accompanying the Cutting of
teeth. Dissolved in water they Dan be
given with absolute safety to the young-
est infant. Price 26o. a box.
A GUARANT.BE—"I hereby certify
that I have made a careful Chemical
analysis of Baky'a Own Tahlete, which I
person Ily purchased in a drug store in
Montreal. My analysis has proved that
the Tablets contain obeolotely no opiate
or narcotic that they can be given with per.
fent safety to the youngest infant ; that
they are a safe and efficient medicine for
the troubles they are indicated to relieve
and cure." (Signed)
Airmen L. HEnWES, M. A. So.,
Provincial Analyst for Quebec.
Montreal, Deo. 23, 1901,
Justice Lister died of heart failure
early Sunday morning,
Sir Wilfrid and Lody Laurier will
spend three months in Europe next Sum•
The Allan Lin ateamar Grecian, ran
on the rooks near Halifax and was wreck.
Harry Nigh, ayonn5 man near Spring.
field, committed eoiofde by taking
A truer from New York containing
6,000 Mere was seized et Montreal
F=?A�a lei
New Prints
and Shirting S,
It may seem like forcing the season to show New Prints at this
time of the year, but a number of our easterners like to bay their Prints,
Sbirtinge and Qottonades early and get their sewing done daring the Black
Beason before the Spring work commences, by getting our Prints, Eto.,
early we get a better selection of patterns than we osn later en, We are
local agents for Walter Orem & Co's, celebrated English Prince—every
pleura is guaranteed feet colors. We show ten, elegant stools of Priebe at
prices like thee :—Good wide Prints, in a great range of patterns, feat
cola e, regular prioe 7o per yard, hr 6o, Extra heavy Print8, wide width,
mi dre.eing, in all the newoet designs, regular prioe 12}0, for 10o. Crom'e
celebrated English Prints, wide width, eft dumb, new patterns, guarao•
teed fast colors, the name stamped on every piece, worth 16o, for 12 o.
Heavy Cottooadee, fn stripes and (Meeks, at 20a, Heavy Moleskin, in new
patterne, they wear like leather, at 15o, and 25o. Beet. Shirting°, in
stripes and obecke, fast colors I 14 f
raga ar o, or 121o.
WINTER GOODS. , Any Winter Goode nowonhandI
and in some oases at half prioe. ies
Oa Ladies' Anetraoia0 Jaoket-- will be Bold at wholesale eryodu
can save from 98 to $7 by buying now. Terrific reductions will be
made in Dress Goode, Leiters Cloth r
Jacket Over- ee.
f ooato and Ulster°. Ask to see our Boys' Over:mateeat $4e reduced 41
to $1.50,
Tri a
Only a few Caperiues left that will be cleared out
Flur.s• very cheap. The $12 00 line for $9.50 ; the
. $11.00 for $8.50 ; the '8.50 for 6. 0
� � 5 and the
$5.00 for $4.00. Also a few Men's Fur Caps
that are bound to go at the Clearing Prices.
Sults .
All Sizes for Men or Boys.
This is your opportunity to get an up-to-date
Overcoat at a great deal less than their real
value. The best $10.00 Coat in the trade now
going for $8 25 and down as low as $4.25 for a
very fair and Dressy Overcoat.
In order to make room for Spring goods we
will allow all our Ready-made Suits to go at the
same Reductions.
All Heavy Underclothing now going at Clearing
Bargains in Felt Boots, Overshoes, Heavy Rub-
bers and Socks.
Wilton & u urnbull
-1W1TH 14I5
TlieBighi Spoti
You will bit the nail on the head
if you insist that ours is the
Best Establishment
in town when you are in need of
anything in the Hardware line
from a Tack to a Crowbar.
We have a quantity of good Lance Tooth Cross -cut $2 25
Saws, at each GGI1
Sale Price to clear out stock.
Our Prices on All Goods are Right
We not only invite a continuance of our present patronage but an
acquaintance with new customers,
Upper Ten, Authors,
Shuffiette, Lacrosse,
Home Tennis, Whirlpool,
Snaps, Crokinole,
Over the Garden Wall,
Peter Coddle's Trip to New York,
Checker Boards, &c,, &c.
-°—'Will be Cleared Out at Cut Prices.
There were no revenue stamps on the coo our Boy's Hand -sleigh; it IS Sure to Please
:r'eriy, or 1'or*1180 t1, 'illich., was given l
The court roworvod its decision, 4, other purposes.
•-eS.YWa„ 'au