HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-13, Page 4THi1RSDAI', FR$, 7.$, 1902.
OvoR WOOD Dae been eelleoted to Will
mounmeet in honor of lois lake 01'r,
;S artier, who leek b e life at Ottawa while
attempting to resells Mfee Blair from
drowning in the Ottawa river not long
eteeeeee from headingoenters of nom;:
coerce are very euoouragiag and indicate
briekneee %bout buelnasa not always in
evidence et Ihie Mimeo of the year, The
wholesalers are well pleased with the
TT looke ae it the anarohisbe In tha
United States are iikely to bump up
against some red hot Iegielatien in, eon.
motion with the present eeeeion of Con.
grass, broughtabout by the oowardly
assassination of President.MoKiniay, Bo
mote 19 be.
Sonya level headed individual has Rug.
gated that Canada be galled "Ont Lady
of the Roses" instead of Mr. Kipling'e
title. If Kip. had to plow bie way through
some of the snow banke here just now he
would some to the oonolusion that be was
"dead in It" in bis cholas of a name,
IT ie said that three hours will be
clipped off the C. P. R's ran across the
Continent, and the expected time oard
will show the journey in 97 hours. Tak-
ing the dietanoe, winding character of
the road and grades Dile will make lively
running, but the travelling public will
not be fault finders.
To bear Oo. Oonnoillor Cantelon's
epeeebee at the County 0ounoil and then
read the Clinton News Record editorials
and Council hints an onteider would al -
moat think That the Co. Councillor and
the Editor were one and the same indi.
vidoal. There is a bias given to these
reports not alwae so noticeable when
Clinton shares in the want.
A BT. THotieejTE le to be brought to
book because he voted three times at the
recent civic election in that place. He
was evidently following the legend "Vote
early and often." Some people don't
give a omit whether they poll one vote or
not wbile others would hardly atop at
tan, ten, donble 10, forty five and 15.
MITCHELL must be a lively town t0 live
in, They bad a jolly row a good share of
last year ; a red hot election ; the Mayor
and several Counaillore unseated ; some
of the School Trustees ditto ; and now a
new election in eight for the vacant
offices. We hope the men who will ad•
vanes the best interests of the town will
get there and if tbe eleotore do their duty
they will.
Boaz people thick unless the Govern-
ment puts the brakes on the numerous
budding beet sugar manufactories that
there will be more than one break put on
by dead befit promoters and the like be-
fore this mazy danoe is over. A. few in-
etitutione should pioneer the way and
othere fallow their leadership profiting by
their experieooee. The sweetness of a
business venture depends a good deal on
the dividends paid to the stookbotders.
Wase it Domes to expending $3 00 in
a •Id coin for a 10 word telegram the same
individual will not use the electric current
very frequently. This is the rate from
New York to Bkagway, Alaska, and ie
enough to violently shook the sender. a
With a gold mine at the Alaska end of
the wire it would not be so bad but fel.
lows baying ',collect" menages sent to N.
Y. would be inclined to abbreviate Alaska
by Ducting off the fifth and sixth lettere.
the bench were given a long vale ion
tray three years, and men of dodge Mill
vigor promoted, no email meed 00 90
would be aaoompliehed.
BatfeToir BNowit,tl,X, ie metalled
1,i eutonant•Governor in New 1}r4rl
wink, sad we hope be will of
the wrong doing but not freeze out th
likely to promote the interests of hie
Pinned down and forged along the bard
s' Rotteni with the weight of the loge behind
Rd wm, fie wee flowerless to eleent, and
had the sleigh not mopped jue.t when it
did, and a passerby noticed hie predioa
meut, Mr, Weber weld not be alive to
esday, Aa it Is, several ithe were traotnr-
s,, ed and he was badly brnised,
The annual meeting of the 131iinehard
Mutual Piro Ioeuranoe Oorpapy wap
tet held at the township hall on. Jan, .21s9.
There wee a fairly good atteadanoe of
the members. The directors' and audl.
torn' reports were troll received µ0d from.
them it it learned Wmthe bneieasa of
the company inareaesd by 880,000 daring
the yeer. A. Marriott, T. Eppletk and R.
Berry were eleettd to the Board of Dir.
emote. W. F. Sanderson wee re elenbed
President; P. S. Armstrong, soe..treae, ;
R. Beatty and Mo0austmd Irvine, audi.
tore ; Charles' Richardson, iospeator of
engiue8 ; W. .1,', Sanderson and P. S.
Armstrong, repreeentativee to nudge.
writere' Aeaootatloti.
Et von County.
Bleweit & Brey, of Listowel, have; had
posted up et the neem house, Strafford,
the statement of claim in a case wbiob
their client'
the plaintiff, purposes to
have tried at High Court.' This is Mar.
garet Aldrich v. R. H. Sandford and.
Eliza Sandford, The plaintiff is a mar
vied wameo, and resides at Crandall,
Man. The defendants are husband and
wife, Iu June, 1896, Mr. Sandford was
owner io fee simple of the West half of
let 29, ooze II, Howiok, comprising about
50 acre+, aubjeat to a mortgage he'd by
the Huron and Erie Lean and Savings
Sooloty. About this time •the plaintiff
also got a mortgage, and it is over thia
that the trouble arises. She now elating
8600 principal and $97 50 levered besides
poseeaeiou of the land, and other minor
matters. The writ in the ease was issued
on Jan. 11, and the statement of maim
was posted ap on Wednesday,
The annual meeting of the members of
tbe Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire
Iusuranoe Company was held in the pub:
lie ball at Farquhar on Monday, the 8rd
Met., and owing to the severe storm there
was a small attendance present. W. H.
Passmore 000upied the (hair, The Sia-
retary'e and auditore'reports sbowed the
convene, to be in a very satisfactory con-
dition during 1901. There was 560 new
poliaiee issued, making a total of 9,090
policies in force on the 81at Dee. 1901,
covering an insurance of $8,621,885 00.
Thin amount is enured by premium notes
amounting to $107,766 98. The available
assets of the oorupauy are $91,729 57, with
a cash balance ou hand of $4,861.61. The
losses and expenses for the money amount-
ed to $5,90315. The following directors
were elented for a term of three yeare,
viz., James Russel, of Fullerton, and
Wm. Hoy, of Logan, and Wm. A. Turn
bull and B. W. T, Beavers, auditors.
Of Interest -and Profit to the
Tuts is the age of big 0onventione,
Aseooiations and reunioue and while
some decry the large expendiinre 01
mousy in travel, board and pnbiio enter-
ntertainment these gatherings may be of
very considerable value and importanoe to
tboee attending in knowledge gained, ex.
(Mange of thought, &o. Perhaps no part
could be diepsneed with with hese loan
than acme of the banquets and programa
of Waste which are too frequently swan
oiated with late hours anddisipation of
various kinds, that would not alwaye be
ooneidered the thing at home.
Canada's Chief Veterinary
The Minister of Agriculture for some
time beak has been finding ooneiderable
in0onvenien0e in the administration of
the Veterinary Branch, owing to the faot
tbat the Obief Veterluary Adviser, Dr,
Mo1ecbreu, resided ha Montreal and was
not required by hie appointment to give
his whole time and atte0tio0 to the work
of the Department. Many inoidenta have
ooaurred of a purely domestic eharaoter
within the Dominion, which indicated
diffioaltiea in this regard. Lately cue or
two questions of greater importance in
oonueation with outside matters have
arisen. The situation became SO diffioult
that the Minister took the question
up with Dr. MoEaahren, and name to the
oonolaeion tbat it was absolutely neoes-
eery for the future efficient working of
the branch that tbe Chief Veterinary
should reside at head quarters, and de•
vote hie whole time and attention to this
work as other Government employees am
required to do.
In consequence of hie oonneotion with
the Veterinary College of McGill Univer•
eity and the many large enterprises in
which be is engaged, Dr. MoEaahren felt
he oould not fulfil these 000ditione. He
tberetore banded in bis resignation.
Whoa aoospting this resienatioo the
Mioieter felt tbat recognition was due
Dr. MoEaahren for services rendered in
the pest. Be therefore appointed him
Honorary Adviser to the Dominion Dept.
of Agriculture.
Dr. J. 0, Rutherford, of Portage le
Prairie, who was in the employ of the
Dept, during the last season, for the par.
pose of testing with tuberculin animate in
the United Kingdom for export to Can•
ada, has been appoioted to succeed Dr.
Mo]Iachreu, as Chief Veterinary Icepea•
for for the Dominion, it beingunderstood
that he shall make 0,tawa hie headquar-
ters, and devote bis whole time and
attention to the work of the Dept. Dr,
Rutherford's well known reputation as a
veterinary, and hie experience in ail pub.
lieter a are a
m t s r g
n ranteee of the e t
working of the Dept, under the new
Perth County.
Tbere is a searaity of dairy butter in
St. Marys.
Judging from the amount of building
stone being tekec from St. Mary's gear -
ries tbie Winter by farmers tbere will be
a lot of barn raising next Summer.
On the next issue of the G. T. R time
Mime St. Marys mainline station will be
ebown as St. Marys Junction and what
is now known ae Bt. Marys ewitoh will
be called St. alarys.
Weir & Weir, Bt. Marys, shipped four
oars of prime cattle on Monday of last
week direct to Liverpool by way of Port-
land. These cattle weighed over 1,425
pounds each and were worth $5,000.
Pebitione are being ciroulated for eigoa-
tura for presentation to the Ontario
Government, oalliug for a provincial
editor to examine the a000aute of the
corporation of the town of St. Marys.
While playing, the little eon of George
Bleeper, Syracuse, N. Y., who ie visiting
with his grandfather, Theobald Litt,
Sebringville, fell and broke hie arm. A
Dr, redaaed the fracture and the boy is
doing well,
Philip Arthur, of Ellice, is at present
in jail awaiting sentence, having been
found guilty by the Polioe Magietrate of
stealing an overcoat and other articles.
The defence net ap was that the artiolee
were taken by mistake.
E. R L. Goald„ nephew of Mre. Thos.
Evans, Weet ward, St. Marys, has been
appointed Chamberlain of New York
City by Seth Low, at a salary of $25,000
per annum. Mr. Gouldholdsother pant.
Done amounting to $25,000 more per
The following officers of the County
Lodge L. 0. L., Perth, were duly elected
at a well attended meeting held in Bt.
Marys Tuesday afternoon of last week ;
Oounby Master, W. Tbumpeon, Mitobell;
D. G. M., D. Boaie, Blanebard ; S. 5.,
Mr. Henry, Logan ; fin neo., T. Sawyer,
Blanabard ; D. O., D. Bretbonr, Kirkton ;
treas., Geo. D. Lawrie, St. Marys ; leo-
tame, H. Irvine and J. Corbett ; audi.
tore, Masers. Smith and Kennedy. At
this meeting the Lodge decided to oele•
brace the coming 12th of July at Gado -
0. W. Eedy, owner of the Bt. Marys
Journal, but personally resident is St.
Thomas where he bas been for the Met
maple of years managing director of the
St. Thomas Times Oompaoy, will shortly
retire from the position to aooept that of
manager of the Atlas Loan Co. of St.
Thomas, This position will be a luorat•
ive one end Mr. Eedy is highly fitted far
it as a man of exoellentbnet oeae faculties
and mach useful experience. A, E. Wal-
am, the present President and manager
of the Attars, will retain the ('residency,
but will himself remove to Toronto to
enter the well•knowa banking firm of A.
S. Ames & 0o.
John L. Weber, of St. Jambe, met
with a serious aooident that oame within
an inch of crushing out bis life, He was
teaming a load of eawloge to Berlin, and
when Doming down the steep hill at St.
Jacobs, the rear runners of the sleigh
Mewed around. Mr. Weber fell from rile
load in front of the runners and was One
TasBE will require to be greater unity
among prohibitionists very shortly if
any very decided victory for the muse ie
gained. If Rome of the awaited heads on
our aide of the gestioo took a reel for a
wbile no damage would be done. Wind
mills are very good in their proper plane
bat work not wind ie the deeeratom at
this stage of the oonfliot, and the home
sboald be the centre from which the
greateet energy ahonld radiate as it is
the point that will derive the greatest
good when Prohibition is ensoted.
Batmen Co0uttnre Liberals are not a
happy family by any means and their
Conventions are often out off the game
pieoe of goods as the Kilkenny nate were
supposed to be manufactured out of.
Just now Fighting Joe Martin, who
figured prominently in Manitoba politics
in days of yore, appears to be on top
with railway charters, booms for mines,
Government ownership and a few other
planks in the platform. The little son•
net "Let doge delight to bark and bite,
&o." as the opening ode at their gather•
inge would be gaits appropriate,
Jun= loving Canadians bave reason
to be pleased over the appointment of
Hon. David Mille to a seat upon the
bench of the Supreme Court. Judge
Mills bee won hie spurs ae a cenobite
tional lawyer, has bad a wide experience
both in the Commons and Senate, was
one time actively engaged in newepaper
work, and has been a zealous Christian
worker and should make a capital judge.
If it few weeniest of the ermine still on
The Eaton County Packing & Cold -
storage Co., with headquarters at Clinton,
have secured W. R. Belden to take charge
of the fivancial end of the Company for
the present.
The aim with this concern is to ao
complieh as much with apples, poultry
hnd produce as has already been done in
the hog trade with b this exception, it will
do business entirely for the benefit of ire_
shareholders, which oan easily be done
on the plane they are adopting.
Nearly all the apples grown in Huron
County the past season were purchased
at around $2 00 per barrel. They are in
storage in Toronto and oan be eold, and
are being sold out daily, at $4 50 per bar•
rel. Each year farmers sell their apple
orop for one half what it should bring
simply because they have no means of
keeping them.
The Government has provided cold
storage for fruit while in tranmt and re-
peatedly points oat to farmers the necee•
eityfor notion on their part if they wish
to receive a fair amount of the profit in
growing apples and other produce.
In 1900 it is eetimated thee Huron Co.
lost in apples alone $100,000 and annually
looses a large sum. They oan pteaotioally.
insure against suoh loss by owning a
storage plant of their own, situated where
it can easily be reached.
Besides the above a most modern plant
is to be ereobed for handling all kinds of
poultry, receiving them alive, killing,
dressing and aratiug them as the market
demands. .
• The entire County of Heron will be
canvassed and the tributary townships
and an opportunity will be given each
farmer to identify himself with the non
cern. If be deairee $1.00 more per barrel
than he now receives this will be his.time
to insure for it. It would be well for all
farmers to bear in mind the one fact that
Clinton being in the centre of a wealthy
County it will not be long in securing the
1t l LifitJo14.6
Mai, 16' i 1402
desired amount, Already nearly. 020,090Weenston, who bee been em
of stook has been taken. The atm IntWeek),Week), Joh•
ployed as eo0ountant 10 lbe 0, .1.. Lt.
500000 a0 much ea poeelble .during thefreight ofooe at Sault Ste, Marie, for Ibe
Winter and it le believed the greater past year, bee been reeeptly promoted to
part will be taken the neat three months, E that of (mahier ia'the same oltiee at uu
ptreaeeas�ueiia etiitsleybe been
Starling at railway work for the 0. P. 11,
at the Boo,
A Meritorious Remedy,
Paisley, January 9th, 1002.
MuoLeod pfedinhts (Jo„ La11 ittory,
Goderich, Oub,•
J. M. dtaeLeod,
Dees Sin, -7 oontraoted scarlet fever in
the beginning of July, 1901, thereafter T
termed to dropsy. My lege swelled twine
their utas elze, 7 bad no feeling ill
them. I got so bloated all over that the
heart's action gave me considerable
trouble, canoed by the aooumolation of
water in my eyetem, I bad no appetite,
the food I ate seamed to lodge in my
stomach like a ball.. Tbis gave me intense
Pain. At this time I weighed 190 ibe.
I was treated by some of our loot doctors
but I did not get mnob; relief. I' made
up my mind to aoneult a apeoialiet in
Toronto as aeon as I was fit to go. I had
given up all hopes of being very long
alive. The urine at this time was more
tike apple jam than anything else, Itt
September last a gentleman celled in my
store and enquired after my .health. My
wife told him that I was no better. Re
then and there advised her to write for
some of Maoh,od'a remedies, saying they
would cure me, as they had shred Iiia
own wife some years ago of the same
trouble. I resolved at once to try your
medioiues. I thought if they oared othere„
they would sorely oure me. I wrote on
Monday morning and three bottles of.
"Harmony": and ace. of''Protain Reeur•
gam" were here at my house un Tuesday
night.' Direatione were plain onoagh,.I
began them at once. I had not taken
th,m font days till I began to .getrelief
and the swelling to gn down, and at the
end of three weeke.I weighed 17 pounds
less, I can assure you that I felt a
different person than what Idid at the
start After this I began to attend to
my htlsineas ae urinal, I am now in very
geod health end free from all the symp
tome of that dread- disease. I eat well
and feel sound every why. If ever I meet
with anyone aftiioted ae I was. I will ear.
fainly recommend your remedies. I have.
already directed a few.
I am, dear Bir,
Yenta truly,
_ Wm- J. BOLL.
Sold by Jas. Fos, Druggist, Brussels,
There was no service is Trinity church
on Sunday. Theservice being withdrawn
t,eaaoee of the opening eervioea in the
Presbyterian oburah.
The entertainment give0 ander the
auepioee of the Royal Tempters in the
Foresters' Hall on Wednesday evening of
last week weariest Class. The temperance
drama entitled "The Sooiei Glass" was
weal rendered by the Templar Dramatic
Oiab, of Harrieton, and was • mach ap.
preoiated by all preeont,
The Canadian Order of Foreatere have
at last secured a building site from B 8.
D.,ok far tbeir new hell, which they in.
tend uo erect the coming Bummer, The
lot purchased is eitnated between A. Ms.
Curdy 'e and George Johnston's residences,
and is wall eitnated for a pub lo ball and
lodge room The price paid was $100 00.
The following offioere were sleeted for
Publics Libraty for the yewr
Loree Bea Wm. Watters Treace 13.
S Gook T. Downey ie librarian on the
same terms as laWE year. Oarda for 96
books will be sold for 25 cents and oarde
for 10 books will he sold for 10 Dente.
The President and Secretary were ap.
pointed, a Committee to have the library
Mewed and to borrow money to meet
eurreut liabilities.
0 t Sabbath the 16th inst., the services
in tbe new Presbateriau Church, will be
cautioned by Rev. Dr.- Murray, of Kio-
oardipe, wbo'will preach at 11 a. m. and
7 p. m. At each service special free will
offerings will be received in aid 8f the
building fund. On Monday evening;
February 17th, tea will be served and
Rev. Dr. Murray will deliver his admir•'
able leat"re an 'Yellowstone Park, the'
Wonderland of America"
L 41111
St'r'ay i"oar Ont
A salmi well known from. Ono end of Can-
ada to the otbor for its superior work. This
t'ollen° [dyes the rikbt kind of education
and places ,many o1 its students In coed
positions, NOW Is lbs time to enter. Pre.
pare for success and you will get it. Write
for our beautiful oataloeue
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Several Consignments of Spring
Goods already received.
—Dress Goods in the very lat-
est Weaves and Colors, also
—Prints, .<Muelins Cottons,
Shirtings and Gottonades.
— Direct importations of Curtains, Laces, Embroideries and In-
—500 pairs of New Boots and' Shoes just received in all tin latest
Spring Styles for Men, Women and Children.
February Bargains I
.—Tremendous enapa in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Tweeds, Under-
wear, Boots, Shoes and Heavy Rubbers.
L- adies' Fur and Cloth Coats at less than Manufacturers' Prices.
i -We need the room and if you require the goads it will mean a
saving of money to you.
D. M.
B I p Cir,
7317th motthly Pair Will ba held on
Friday of this Week.
Jae. Barr boo oammenoed life da. tiep as
generat corporation servant.
Jopeph Irwin left for Brampton where
he will visit friends fora montb.
Mise Katie Barr ban accepted the nasi^
tion ofassistant to 1,#oetmaeter Mo$in.
The rebuilding operations in comm.
tion with the Blytb floor mill ore nom.
plated and the mill is pow ready.
Another old and highly respected
resident of Huron oonuty passed away
early on Tuesday morning of haat week in
the person of James Mains, Be was ill
exactlythree weeks to the hour of hie
death with heart trouble.. The end Came
;peaoefnlly end quietly.
At a meeting bold at the Queen's hovel
on Monday evening of last steak It was
decided to re organize .tbe Blyth Alert
football team and put a strong team in
the field the, coming 9eaeoa, It was also
,deoided to give a concert at some future
date' for the benefit of football. The fol.
lowing officers were elected :—Hon, Pres.,
Dr. Lindsay ; Pres,, Jae, Meliorable ;
Vice Pres., Wm. Mason ; Manager, R.
M. MaKay ;, Captain, John Hirone ; Seo..
Tress„' D. L. Laing ; , Managing Som.,
Baxter Matter, Sam'I Crawford, Hugh
Somete, . He L. Heine& and Dr Perdue:
A motion wan. passed . asking Bert Brett.
Der, John Moore, W. E. Campbell, 0.
Jerome and Thomas Watson to ao oper-
ate with tbe managing: committee in.
getting ap the ooacart.:
Can adl.t u Ne
It is reported that Joseph Binningtop,
residing near StittevilIe, baa fallen belt
to a fortune_. of $180.000 through the
deatb of a relative in England.
A 0. P. R. express was wreaked near
Medicine Hat by a broken rail. Several
care turned over, and among the passen-
gers hart was Dar. Liseem, of : Toronto.
Dean Kilroy, of Stratford, has oan•
celled a debt of $2,000 owed him by the
Separate Reboot Board, and offered a
cash gift of $600in addition to aid in
paying the debt on the property.
David Sutherland, of Montreal, shot
and dangerously wounded bis wife in a
fit of jealousy, and then turned the
revolver on the policemen sent to arrest
him, The offiaere rushed in and over.
powered him,
laughter _
�� r a1
rim the Itezt 30 Days
We will offer special Bargains in order to make roma
for New Spring Goods, Great reductions in
Ca 1 and see our snaps in Men's Rubbers, Leggings, Men's'
Heavy Shirts, Horse Blankets,Dinner Sets, Tea Sets,
and. Fancy Dishes,
All Farm Produce taken at highest trade or cash price.
Saw Mills..
I have a good supply of Hemlock logs on
hand. Can out oat to snit customers.
Dressed Maple, suitable for granaries,
at $10 per M.
A11 kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on
hand from $10 per M up.
A Targe stook of culled Elm and Ash at
87 per M.
l3bingles and Lath alwaye on band.
1'a'A good farm on 18tb eon. of Grey for
A contract of 20 acres of logging to let.
For particulars apply to
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoveri.bed
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeaneee, Palppita.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Naar.
algia, Lose of Memory, Brouchitit, Con.
eumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Dineen, 8t. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
J.• M. MoLEOD,
Prop. and Menafaotarer,
51514 by Jas. Pox, Drapdat. Rrr aunts
30 DAYS'
leering Sale
E will offer for the next 30 Days our ENTIRE
ably Low Prices in order to make room -for our..
Shipments of Spring Goods which arrive Next
Below is ' a Sample of the a
p many Bargains to be found in our •
g U StOCh,
teen's and Youths'
Ready-made Clothing
Regular $5.00' and $5.25 Suits, Sale price $4 00
Regular 5.75 ” a 4 25
Regular' 6 50, 6.75, 7.00 ,r • " 5 00
Regular 7.50 '8.00 't " 6 00
Regular 8.50 9.00 " '" 7 00
Regular 10.00 'r " 8 00
Regular 12 00 " " 9 50
Regular 15..00 " 12 00
Ordered. Clothing
314 00 Tweed Suits made. to order 312 00
15 00 " fr12 50
16 00 to `t 13.75
13 00 ti ii 14 50
2000 t' 16 00
2200 ft , ft 17 50
Underwear . .
• Regular
$0 50 quality for $0' 40
„ 65 " 50
• 75 tt 55.
100 ''"'
' 75
125 90
1 50 le• 1 00
Persian Lamb Caps, regular $4, $5, $6.50, $7',:
87 50 and 88 . quality at $8, $4, $5.25,
$5.50, $6.50, and .$7.50:
Manitoba Beaver. Caps, regular $2.25, $2,50,
$2.75, and $8.00, Sale Price 31.50, $1.75',
32.00 and $2.25.
Only 8 Fur Coats left which we will sell at'a.
Tailors, Clothiers & Furnishers.