HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-6, Page 8IMPORTANT fYt W M!1b Z +.,t 0 ,h Customers in our estimatiou, When they are seat to us on a trading errand, we always remember that they are • not discriminating buyers and we take special pains to see that they get what both you and they want. Then we always try. to be prompt iia waiting on them—there is always a little worry about them at home when they are sent upon an errand and stay too long, often through no fault of their own. leCo. B. Hui T'. S U' & o 800080001 DRUGGISTS, ANn BOOKSELLERS, TO L. 01. JIMMY. 8811558L9, Ont. ORANb TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Braesele B6ation, North and South, as follows; GaINa Boom GOING NORTH, Express 7:18 a.mI Mail 2:15 p.m faxed 9:45 a.m Express 8:17 p.m aka' Cb te11C e A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. FERIMMIL GREAT weather for eating up wood and coal. A. O.U. W. Friday evening of thie week. Bosom, Board will bp held on Friday evening of next week. Tram township printing for Grey muni- cipality for 1902 was awarded to Tam Poem. Howler Mutual Inenranoe annual meeting Friday afternoon of this week at Gerrie. TwE Caber oarriage factory whistle gives in daily toot now in a profnndo basso tone. 8 or 10 bands are at work. Stamm glace epeetaolee loot on Main etreet, Broeeele, oo Wedaeeday. Finder will ranch oblige by leaving at Tao POST. A SPROUL meeting of the Ladies of the Maooabeet will be held in the Maooabee Hall on Monday evening, Feb. 10th, oommenoiog at 8 O'oloak. Moganxr Horse Fair was held in Brum eels on Tbnreday of tbie week and drew gone a crowd to town. Several Bales were made. Next Feir will be held on Thursday, Mazola 9th. GRAND Lonox.—The A. 0 U. W. Grand Lodge will meet in Association Hall, Toronto, on Wednesday, 19th inst., at 9 a. m. w. A. Oriah, K. W., wilt be the representative of Brunetti lodge. Mazur. Pamtmelt, Palmist end Mind Reader, to at the Queen's Hotel and le settling the doubts in the minds of a number of vonng men as to their future. She ie the 7th daughter of a 7th daughter ea should surely have the gualitioetione supposed to follow these sevens. BY notice elsewhere it will be obeerved that the millinery baeineee of the late Mre. E. Rogers is to be wound up by Admioietrator Parfitt, of London, for whom Barrister Blear is voting. We understand the stock will be offered for sale and already several engmiriee have been made concerning it by ladies quali- fied to continue the bmeineeo. Mrs. Rogers had a good trade. Two teams with bob sleighs and anew plow attached worked their way 1i• miles North and Beath of town on Wedoeeday opening up the centre of the road for the distance iodinated. It every pathmaeter would de the same thing on hie beat immediately after a storm bad roads would' be largely done away with. The trouble is they are venally not broken soon enough thereby rendering the job more diffioalt and lees effective. BROBaELSDRivINa PARE.—The annual meeting of Braesele Driving Park As. notation wag held oo Friday evening of last week at the American Hotel. After the pteeentation of the annual report the following Board of Management was eleoted : J. D. Warwick, V. S., Presi- dent ; P. S. Scott, Bearetory-Treaearer ; S. Wilton, J Hewitt, N. F. Gerry, Sarni. Beattie, Rich. Willfvms and P. Scott, Directors. No races were held last year and none are yet arranged for We season. OPENING AN OFFioe.—By advertieement in another column it will be Been that 7. Leokie hi going to take a band in business once more in town. He has opened an office over Huntley & Oo'e drag store, which has been papered, painted and furoiohed. Life and fire insurance,. money loaning, valuating, &o., will be the line followed. Mr. Leckie has always lived an votive burliness life end he feels that be can't content himself without an aloe and stir -up of dealing with the public. He has a wide oirale of acquaint. aeon who dealt with bim many a day in peat years. WEATEER FOR FERRDARY— Rev. Sol Bloke' predictions for February are— From let to 3rd flnotuating barometer KM tended with rain in some ports, snow in others 1 followed by sbarp obange to cold. er. Squalls and gusts are apt to be numerous, The 8th is the centre of a etorm period ; from 7th to 10111 nneeagon• able rise of temperature, and Monne of marked energy will form and mon the oonntry from W eat to Ent. From 8th to 10th look lot warm wave. From 10th to 1Oth, Northwesterly galea and (told wave. From 13th 30 15th wiode that East and South, tieing temperature fol lowed by change to oolder. The last half of the month ie ander the preosare of the earth's equinox, and the indications are that eome of our hardest Winter weather will come late in February and early in March. About 23rd look for Snow and blizzerde, with cold wave. Mr. Hicks adde—We believe that April, May, ,lune will be prnpitioue above the average for agriaaltarwl operations. The rainfall for these three moans will not be 0p to the average, but there will be no suffering for moisture. The extreme North and extreme Borth may have more rain than ie desirable, TUE 'Vapor goo stave ie the novelty Arob, Oroden has on exhibition in the Swale block. 31r, Oruden hoe the Huron 00. right. 0. 0. F. entertainment Thursday even• ing of next week. Good program. Pro ands go to Braesele Public Library. Seats may be reserved by buying a 10a. tioket in advance. Planof hall at Foxe drug store. TRE Teeewater News eeye of a former Brn eelite :—D. Ferguson hae been mak. ing improvement& in the shelving of hie hardware store. All the old shelving has been removed and has been repleoed by the ehelving from the atone at present 000apied by J. J. Hie000ks. OONGRemunaTIONo.—We are jpleaeed to learn that Miee Virile Cardiff, who ween to Toronto last week to try a piano ex- aminatiou at the Cooeervatory, has been successful. Mies Oardiff prepared fat the examination with T. A. Hawkins; who ie to be congratulated, this being the first student he baa prepared for the "Junior" piano examination. 0. 0 F. ENTERTAINt1ENT.—on Thune day evening of next week a Musical and Literary Enterteioment will be held in the Town Hall, here under the amities of Court Princess Alexaudrie, 0. 0. F. No. 24, Brussel&. A ohoioe program of. voosl and instrumental memo and rutin - tions will be rendered and addresees given by High Chief Ranger Elliott, ofInger. Boll ; Sigh Secretary White, of Brant. ford, and others. The small admission fee of 10a will be made at the door and proceeds will go to Brussels Public Library. Adjacent C. 0. F. Courts have been Melted and a good time is neared. ORtm.—Satarday morning Christina, beloved wife of Jno. Scott, of MaRiliop, near Seaforth, and daughter of Jno. and Kra. Thomson, 01 Brueeels, passed away to the Better Land aged 36 years. She had been ill with pleariey whish develop ed into pneumonia malting in ber de- aeaee. In addition to ber husband there are five children, one a baby two weeks old. Mrs. Scott was a very eetimable mean and her death is greatly regretted. The funeral took place on Monday after- noon, Rev. Mr. Larkin, of whose oburob deoeaeed was a member, conduoted the aervioe. Mr. Scott and other relatives have the sympathy of a large oirole of friends. OouNOH.Loa Gaoum reneived'a con grata. latory letter over his reelection by ao olamation from J. H. Young, of Moose - min, N. W. T , a former well known resident of Brussels. He says he ie baok into municipal affiae after a rest of 15 years and was eleoted by aoalematioa, offioe bolding good for 2 years. Mr. Young was Reeve of Baleares at one time and hie geniality and bugineee tact is not by any mean forgotten. He thinks the training he got here will prepare him for the wider duties of his new office. Hie many old friends here wish him a pleasant and enooeeeful term with pro- motion to something higher. GONE INTO BII91NEae.-We are pleased to hear that Thos. Roes, son of David Rose, of Brnesele, bap opened op bnoiorse on hie own amount in Cheelay in Tailor ing, Gents' Furnishings, Hate, daps, &o. He bee been a resident of that town for a number of years and therefore is fairly well acquainted ; is a praotioal Dotter and tailor and these added to hie steadi• nese and ioduetry will no doubt lead him into a auoaeseful business career. Hie many old friende here will be glad to bear of him succeeding well. Mr. Roes is a brother to D. 0. Rosa, fo laminae here, and R. W. Bose la the same line in Sin• sardine, Reeve Roes, of Braaeele, is another brother. A BRne6ELxria WRlmes —The -following letter wee received on Tuesday from our old townsman, J. D. Ronald, written from Detroit on Monday. It epeake for itself :—Datta But,—We start for Lae Vegas, East New Mexico, U. 8. A., to. morrow. Please Bend nil Tan Pon there until May. When we get there will likely send you a few Dewe notes. Have spent the Iaet few weeks here very pleasantly as weather has been very fine, only 2 or 8 cold days the last month and never over one-half inch of snow until yesterday when we had two inches more, but no sleighing. This ie oertoinly a preepero0e oily—e, proeperoa0 country—evidences at every turn, daily extending and multiply- ing, All houses and stores are a000pied and seemingly as bogy as been. A Wind. ger young man, employed in a wholesale dry goods establishment here, getting $900 a year salary, got martied and his employera at oboe notified him his Salary wag inoreased to $1200—admirable and timely generosity. He also told me all their stook& of geode were sold ahead, they could not get milia to aooept farther orders, their output being all bought up. flew dean this compare with our Oana- dian mills* in their sickly etete, dying benne our home markets are besieged by tbo British and U. 8, makers, and Mr. Yankee iaughing at oar:folly. This ie by far the most prosperous nanny en the fen ef the earth and their hey note to "We manufaotnre the geode w0 ooneame." Their war tax about paid up and aaneell ed, stetting aireah with $175,000;000 nab in treaeary, The poor Cuban's eager ie kept out in nee it should injure Kiehl. gaa'a beet eugar intereele. Canada will neither 5100500 dor grow inti) eiinilar protecting one in legislated for her In• tercets, instead of legislating'for those oateide. TIM POST, tarnod put two seta of wed. ding invitut•iona daring the petit ween, Who's next, Tag Breseele•Wroeter stage wail 06. able to make the trip'oa either Mpnday, Tpeaday or Wedaeadey bet eueaoaded on Thnreday. TAX CeLx oToa HALLI=AX bee returned, hie roll to `i'reaagrer Strachan. Taxes. were returned against three Mepentee owing to their nonpayment. IrouRavr Dtviaion 00ut wee not held on Wedneaday ao ledge Doyle aijriureed it oa aoeagat of snow atorm.: 'phare wan only one aaee on the dooket. I'"amraaT ahipmouta were nearly at a etoudeul]. this week awing to the storm. John Gaveoloek shipped 2 pare of hided drily, apo export ; A. O. Damon a oar of cattle ; and W. F. Siewert & Bona ear of their oelebrated float. Peeeenger trains were kept in good moving nyder. Oouttoo 'tilertT,—P. Hogg and S. easier have pnrohaaad the Co, right for the. Klondike fanning mill and will push the bu(inees.-P: Amann has an agreement for the m'rnafeetureof then mills for' the Province at Ontario and bail started op- erations already at hie factory. Experts BAY the fanning mill is a dandy, -we wiaa our townsmen semen. Um Wee Peanotiza,—A. gentleman whom we hold in high enteameutered our eanatum the other day and during our conversatiun hie ringing leagh became distinctly audible above the roar of the printing press. We raised our eyebrows. in mate aurprise and he murmured the following apology :—"Your brilliant re: mark fa most mirth -provoking and Ihope I may be pardoned, beoaueein sptte of all precedent and in direct opposition to my venal grave demeanor, I have quite anexpeotedly, yea even apoataoeonely as you must throw, yielded to my mason traltable emotion and actually laughed aloud," We reached for the paste pot to, fan ourselves with but he, mietaklug our intention, fled. We are doing nicely thank you. Tam BTonst,—Last Sunday a snow storm set iu from the West and with the aid of a good stiff breeze soon bad the streets end roads running North and South fairly well filled. The temperature was very mild however. Monday the storm increased in violenoe and baeiunee and travel was praotioally at a standstill, Early Monday morning the snow plow writ North on the W. G. & B. and cleared the way for the trains, all of which got through. R. Williams started for Seaforth ou his daily trip with the mail but was compelled to return ae the snow banks were impassible. Ooauoitlor McDonald set out from his home about 4 miles Smith of Brussels, at 6 a. m., to go to the Grey Council and leave his daugh. ter at her school on the 6th eon., bdtdid not get to town until after 10 a, m. The main street at the North and South boundaries of Brunets was very' badly drifted. Tuesday was not muob better. but by evening the storm abated and on Wednesday a general move eras made at opening up sidewalks, etreete and roads. It will be neat to impassible to put some of the latter into very workable shape until there is a good rain or thaw to rednee the now. The stages did not get out on Tuesday owing to the blockade. This was the worst etorm of the season. INFoa0ATION.—A.. McGuire wrote the managers of the Free Consumptive Hoe pital last week before remitting them tbe nearly $25.00 in hand from the Lady Maooabee Oenoert and received the fol- lowing reply : "MB. A. ld0Gema, Brussels, Ont. DEAR Sur,—Your very kiudly letter of the 27th to W. 7. Gage, bee been handed to the writer who is giving attention to methods for snoring the needed amount to fareieb and equip the New Free Con. eumptive Hospital, whiab it is iotereating to remark ie not only the first free coo eumptive hospital in Canada, bat in America. We very mach appreciate the interest your people have taken in the work, already raising $25 for the Free Bopital, with proepeote of inereaeing this very considerably. It would be a nine thing if you 'tonal raise not only the $60 to furnish a pot but by an effort oo the part of the fraternal eooietiee in your town a eaffioient sum to endow a aot. A great deal of sympathy is showing itself in various m.anioipahties m this way. For example in Port Rowan Miee I. A. Tem pleton-Arm-trong has already taken steps to secure $75 to furnish a bedroom- by enlistingthe interest of the (Memel, , School Board, Obarohea add Fraternal Soaieties and expecte to aopplement this again by a euffiaieoteam perhaps to en dow the bed. We have not oalaulated neatly what It will uo.t to endow a bed in the New Hospital but approximately it will be shoat $5.00 a week, which will give the eo0iety or community the right to have their own patient money each a bed as 0008800 of the kind might arise, providing always the ease is one la the early stages of the disease, To day we hada letter from the editor of the St. Thomas Times, who personally. contrib. Mee $200 for four beds and through the medium of hie paper ie making a general appeal to further supplement this amount. As one friend has said the movement is truly national and should enliet the sym- pathy of friende all over the Domiuion. You may note from the fourth annual re. port of the National Sanitarium Annie. tion, whiab I am sending you by this mail, that oat of one hundred and eighty six patients in the Moekoks Cottage Sant. corium lass year fifty three of tbeee were from Toronto, one hundred and seventeen from other parts of Ontario, eight from other provinces and eight from the Unit. ed'Statee, showing that there is nothing whatever of a loot nature about the in• atitation,, Workmen generally will he oat of the new building within probably another month and the trustees are nate orally anxious to have the needed amount in their hands at that time to immediate- ly fornieb the hospital so as to receive patients. Your beat plan will be to send on the $25 raised now and this %meant will be applied to the endowment of a not or in any other way that you may de. aide to use the larger'amount when rale ed, If there are any other mottere on whiab you would like information do not hesitate to write, Yonre very truly, J.13. ROBERTSON. Toronto, Jan. 80th, 1902. P. S.—I am eending you by this mail a number of OOpiee of our paper "Door of Hope" wbieb contains a great deal of valuable information touching the work' of the Hospital." THE Post would be glad to gee the other Bocietiee add to the amount in band no as to reach iba $60 beneseary .to furnieb. a on, It would not be a lead for soy Society yet would do it large share of good in We noble mute. What do yen troy 2ae7saNeb.-.The Oeuuty QraltdeLedge . wltielt egould have been hid do Wiegham ea Ta@eday, was postponed -until next Tuesday at the samw1e town e115 bo the anew starrn 5040enti05 delegatee getting theta. Teta 17lrriemuir (So i11and) Observer attya;--""TBE Biateeoss P.en," Ontario,. has dons me the honor of go'ting my paragred>b regbrdlug the message Iro?r' Canada Need la a hoe by a green 1p town MOM week4 age, The 4000.0 re, tarred to is Sobo Doty, ltpode Street, who, I toarn, has eine reoateed born the writer of tbe mil aive a moat interesting ootn• munioation, giving a oomprabenetve. Re- count of how Minn ie. made in the'"laud of the snows." BARRIBTnn. BLAIR was billed to attend Diviaiou Coed at Blyth teat Mogdey. He darted for that village about 8 a. m., going Weet on the nil pf Morrie. whoa he reaohed Iielgrave•Blyth gravel tared, after an upper or two, he found e horse. lean cutter stranded on a enowbank, 111r. Blair eat hie oompaea to the Neat and on arriving at the ,railway ermine stabled hie bursa With a farmer aria footed it dawn the L. H, & B. to 'Blyth, arriving on eobednle time. Tuesday be tools train to Belgrave, walked 11 miles for his horse and arrived hems in the afternoon, He won one ease and lost ono ttt the Court. Then.—Word hoe been received of the death to Barnesville, Ohio, of J, R. L. Waugh. -Mr, Waugh was a merchant at Dorobeeter for a number of years, and was well known in that towaehip. Hie wife predeceased him only a few weeks ago. A family of one eon at Barnesville and tour daughters -Mrs. P. H, Lawson, of Nileetown ; Mrs. Reid, of Seaforth •, Rev, Mrs. Beverly, of Forest, and Rev. Mre. Meredith, of Kingston— survive. The funeral ,took plane from the residence of P. H. Lawson, lot 8, coo. 1, Weet• mioeter township, to Dorabeeter Geme. tery. Mr. and Mra. Reid were residents of Bennie for a time before moving to Seaforth. • Business Locals. Moen to loan an farm security. Apply at THE Pour. F obea millinery go t the Kisses Foe p 1 y o a M ee Habkirk. Everything away flown. WANTan.—Ohoioe Roll Batter 18 dente. Ne. 1 Mink or Fox akin $8,50. Oar slaughter sale of Dress Goode during San may and February ie worth coming miles to see. G. E. Sand, Wingham. BAN FILING —The undersigned le pre. pared to attend to all saw filing in a workmanlike manner, after long exper- ienee. Satistaotion guaranteed. Rues WILLIAtte, Livery Barn, Brussels. The Late Daniel Stewart. Brief reference wag made in last week's (sane of TRE POST to the decease of Daniel Stewart, a well known resident fo this plane, who departed this life at Wiarton. on Tbnreday of last week, in hie 64th year. The following particulars will be of interest to many who were well ac- quainted with him, and.,for many years respected and esleemrd hie many good gnelitiee of botb head and heart :— Daniel Stewart was born on Oot. 11th; 1888, in the Township of MoNab, County of Renfrew, Ontario, and left there at the age of 13, in 1852, with hie grandparents, parents, 1'brotber and two eietere, 00m• ing by boat ae far as Hamilton, then teamed all the effeote from there to the towaebip of MoGnlivray, Co. Middlesex, where they resided 6 months. Then they removed to the townahip of Burford, Oo.' Brant, remaining there till the Fall of 1854, at which time the family came to the townabip of Grey, when but 2 log shanties, one on either side of the road, stood where Brussels now is. Some time later Dingle P. 0. wan established here, the village being celledAinlayviile. This locality was a wilderneeeat that date, the family requiring to o01 timber to build a shanty before they had what they could pall a haute. This was oo the present old homestead, lot 21; con. 8, Grey, where A. Stewart, brother of the subject of this notice, stili resides, After about 5 yeare Daniel Stewart prepared himself for a school teacher, going to $arparhey aohool where be (moored a first olaee cart Moats. Be taught a school in 9 S. No. 1, Grey, for 2 yeare, then in a school known ae Mooney's eobool, Morrie, lj miles West of t Ainlayvrile for2 years. AboutMale time he took a Grammar e0hool mune fn S186arn8- ia, after' which he'aught in Ainlay vine for 2 years and school No. 3, Grey, for other 2 years,completing thin work in In the Fall of 1865 he married Mie( Aum Emitine Beohtel, nine of the late -John Kneahtel, to whioh union 7 ohildren were born, all of whom are still living, viz Alex. L., residing in Detroit, Nioh, 1 Kra. Jahn Ritabie, of Wiarton ; John D., of Avoomore, Ont• ; Miss Marion end Mre. Amgba Smith, Wm. M. and Daniel D., all of Wiarton. After teaohing be engaged in the photo. graphing business which he continued for a number of years, gallery being located on William street, nearly opposite Mel-' ville (thumb. Siecethee he bad been en• gaged in painting and decorating,aleo manufacturing baeineee and greenhouse welsh be continued 1111 his death. About 1} years after hie marriage be moved to his own home Dearer Brunelle, where 6 of the family were born, residing there till the Spring of 1901 when he moved to Wiarton with his deagbter, Miee Merino. Mrs. Stewart died 6 or 7 years, ago. The cause of Mr. Stewart's demise was an inward neon from which he was a great sufferer et times. He was a wonderful man in many respect( and hie mineral knowledge ie exceeded by very few people, From the inception of the Agrioulturai Soaieties in thio !catmint, be took a prom- inent part and performed the duties of SeoretaryTreaenrer until hie removal from town when hewas euroeeded-by W. II. Herr. In Brussel( cheese faotory he was an native worker and spent many a day and many a dollar in its intereete. For marry teats he was Asseagerof the village, in which office he gave good eatia, faction. Mr. Stewart dearly loved the land of his forefathers and its made, story, legend, &a., were near his beast. He played the pip(a, epOke the Gaelic and eaeld delineate Soottinh (haraeter in a very realieti1 manner. When. Caledonian Gamee'Were in vogue he was a very in. tereetedspectator or partioipant and when the Sans of Beetland organized Camp Ben Lnma,•d in Broeeele, he was un on• tbgelaetlo(tileer. Well verged inmuelo he taught ite rudimente to Manes for a number of years turd took greet satiatao. tion out of it with the members of his 'family inhie home oboir, whieb was 'la , O. 1.90 f51 1,4XD./i1I,7 ! .134XIC OF 04 =ST-fA,T,d='AF 2-M0gP 187.2, HEAD, OFFIOE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID U' pee Mfllian Donets)" $1,000,000'* BEST . 8700,000 Agcnoieeinall principal point; in Ontario, Qualm dfanitofip,.Vnited.State4ed'troplaffil•, laref(Geszw&' SeaR'ove r.. A b}eaeral BaDnkingrafts Buoiuosleanedae nd 'I'raneaotadQolleatiop, e mode pn F'srmereailpo' Ninteotes Diepountea, , SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 81,00 and upwards and oompounded ;ball yearly, a Senora' ATTENTION arv148 TO TUE d0L1moTIog or FatnuinS' BALE NoTma( Every facility afforded ODotomere livitig.itt a dietenee. payable at any bank lemma Under $10„„ 8o, 020 bo 630,....12o Z0ar, Order$ at the following rates;- $10 to $20.,..100, 80 to 40....140 P. H. GRAN, A011Na AMBIT. hard to bob. Botany wee a favorite ebudy,n•ith the deoeaeed and in it he was equalled by few outeide of epeoialiete, having the botanical name, &0., Of almost every known flower, plant and weed. He ;wee no niggard with his information on any line • and was an enoyolopardia 101 the looality in which he spent so many yearn. In early lite he ponneoted bimrelf With Melville Presbyterian ohnroh end in every department of work fn oonneetiou there- with; math as'preoenter,BeoretaryTreae, officer and teacher in the Sabbath eohool he was ever ready and willing to perform hie part and he waa well worthy of the $50 gift presented by the congregation be- fore his removal to Wiarton. Mr. Stew- art was a good father and left an impress on his ohildren and the young people of the neighborhood that will never be tor - gotten. He wap an aocommodatiug neighbor and could always be found -on the right aide of any project that had the bettering of the community for its object. The funeral took plane on Saturday on the arrival of the afternoon train, the casket being taken to Melville church, borne by. deceased's 4 sons, brother and nephew. There woo a large and deeply moved audience present. Rev. J. Rose B. A., conducted a very appropriate and mellowing service pointing out, in son. neotion'with the Soriptare lesson, (1) The se preeoe; (2) The paver; (3) The pain of death and then briefly diem:e ngine on the victory wrought out by the Lord Jesus. The speaker paid a high and well deserv- ed tribute to the life and ohainnier of the deceased and urged the emulation of his eirtoee by the representatives of the fam ily and community generally. Organist. Hawkins played "0 1 my Bout what meene this sadness,” by Millgrove, with good often at the audience retired, taking a last' look in time upon the featoree of one who had been a real worshipper in Melville chant]. Interment was made in the family plot in Bruseele cemetery. F30RZe MoOnioxog —In Braesele, on Feb. let, to Mr and Mrs. Fred. MoOraoken, a BOB. EtaDnxo.—In Morrie, Jan, 22nd, to .1110. and Mre. Robt, Geddee, a danghbeia. HAoarr.—In 817111, On January Ord, -to Mr. and Mre. Fred. Haggit twin boys. �iPRR2fI:D- -' D13818—BAR&.--At Trinidad, Colorado, U. 8., by Rev. B. F. Lawler, Mr. W, E. Doke, formerly of Grey township, to lblise Zanie E., daughter of Mr. and Mre. S. B. Barr, ell of Trinidad.. LOnoimog—AooN. — Iii St. MSohael'e church, Biytb, on Janaary.f29th, by Rev. Father McKennmin, Mr. An- drew Loughlin, of Centralia, to Mies Annie Agee, of Morrie, ' , Taav1T—MaOmeny.—At.8t. Paul's Rea. tory, Wingbam, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, Mr. Geo. Tervit, of -Kincardine, to Mise Isabelle Mo0ardy, of Wingbam. xrx>✓n. HARDY.—Ia Morrie, on Feb 6, Thomoe Hardy, aged 84 years. HAoo1T•—In Blyth, on January Brd, one of the infant sone of Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Haegit. hloARTaoa —In Morrie, on Feb. let, Mary Belle. eecood laughter 0? Peter and Mary J. McArthur, aged 16 years and 2ont m he. NESBIT.—In Morrie, on January 24111, Gertrude, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R J. Neebit, aged 19 days. Seiaoao.—In Ethel, on Feb. 6, William Bpenae, poetmaBter amd township O,erk, aged 02 years, 9 menthe and 1.8 days SooTT.—Io Mo$illop, on Feb. let, Cbrie- t na, beloved wife of John Sant, and daughter of John and Mr. Thomson, of Brussels, aged 86 years. Stewing.—In Wiarton, 0n Jan. 80th, Mute! Stewart, formerly of Brussels, in his 64th year. AUCTION S.A.S,7-7.—� WEnNESneo, Fan. 26113.—Farm' stook, implements and honoehold furniture, at Lot 10, Con. 14, McKillop. Sale, mire. served, et 1 o'clock..: Jan. Campbell, prop., I' S. Scott, auo. BALE POSTPONED —The auction este of John Little & Son's farm stock and im. elements which was to take plane on'Feb. 4th, bee been postponed until Wedneeday Feb. 12th, at 12 o'cloak aherp, at Lots 1 and 2, eon. 12, E ma. J. Little & Soo, props. ; T. E. Hay, ago. =R A,aLK3mars• ll 17hest t •72 78 Berlet 48 50 pebaau 70' 73 Cara 87 88 Butt, 'e and rol1u , 16 16 Z+'"..ta'aer'l» tnl=1•x10,, .. 17 17 Fitler lier owt..._0,,,,. 4 0,0 5 00 Pete] neo(per bus.) 80 80 Apple+(per bbl) 2 00 3 00 Ray per ton 700 800 Sheep 9k110,ono h ,. 25 26 Lamb elute each 25 80 BHiali ('&tit'., retail...., 1 00 70 Riles trimnae,i 6. 8} Hides'rongh 6 8 Hoge, Live 6 26 6 60 Wool 18 •18' ONE CENT A liVORO COLUMN. Caste feuoe poste for Bale.. Apply at THE PO8T Publiolliog Iid119e. Nice yonti oow at d oan 85 days old, for gale, Apply to 111408, Af00114, 80.2 Bieseole, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. c 001? YEAR OLD STEERS V� Wanted, auitrble for rknoh purposes. Apply to el-SO.1388T, Brueaele, 1:11AR112 LABORER WANTED, either''Married or single. Pingage. meet by the year, - Must ee steady. Good wages will be pail. Apply: at '1'015 POST. A. TWO COLTS FOR SALE, RIS- 1110 2 and 3 year old, aired by "Dexter Revenge" and "Ooutnmer" respectively. Ir HOLLINelan, Brueeels P. 0. Lot 9. Con 10, Goy. COMFORTA.BL°E, WELL lighted and oonvaniontronme to 101 in the Leolile bleak over G. A. Deed map's and ,Mrrs. Rogers' Mores, Apply to F. S.BDOTT. SIX YOUNG SOOTOH SHORT Horn Belle for sale, from 9 to 20 menthe old. Also cows in calfto imported "Bed Duke" and a few heifers.. D. MILNE, Ethel. "T„SOUR SHORT HORN YOUNG >L' Bnlle fur sale, all registered.. One is 2 leers old and the others average teem 0 to .12 months. JAS. 8510111, Lot Se, Con, 8, Morrie, Brueeels P. 0. 28-tf STRAYED ON THE PREM- - Ione of the underalgned, Lot 80, Con, 0, Grey. on January 12th, a clipped broncho. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take it away, 27-1 D. MoDONALD, Ethel P.O. $15 00 to $18,00 a Week Wary for an fnteLlgeot man or woman in each town. Permanent position. 90 cants per hour for spare time, Mauufaeturer, Box.78, Philadelphia. 10 LE CKIE, J. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, VALIIATOR, A.o.• Olflee over Bureley'o Drug Store, Feb, Mb,1902. • Se -0m Brussels. Notice to Debtors. A11 persons indebted to Mre. Rogers, late of the Village of Bruseels.!milliner, ideoeae- ed,are hereby notified that her bock ao-. eonnta have all been handed over for collec- tion to G. F. Blair, of tlla Village of Brno - eels, Solicitor for ber estate, to whom all payments must be made at once in order to mon up:the estate.. A. PM:WITT, ' Administrator. NOTICE. To the Publdo of the Pillage of Brttsaefa : Ae the small -nor is found to be in varione parte of the conn try (not in the village) itis necessary. that all persona who have not been vaccinated should be without delay. RICHARD PA17L, Chairman of the Board of Health. Cheese Factory Meeting. A,meettng d3 the abareboldere tot Walton Union Cheese and Butter Co will be held at McRim'e Rotel,- on Tieuroday, Feb 20(11, 1902, at 2 o'clock, for the purnoee of netting the cheese factory and all the apparatus belonging thereto, provided the eliarehntd• ere.are satisfied. A large attoudenes asked forR. BERGE8001, THOS. MoFADZEAN, Secretary. President,'.' BLUE GRAS'S ; CONDITION ION POWDERS —FOIi— Eorsesg Oath) ) Sheep & ions. 9 It forms an excellent appetizer, producing a fine, glossy coat and a good, -general condition. For- mula on each pao1i5 e. We war- rant it to be pure: Large pack- age :24c.at Fox's Drug Store REAL ESTATE. r -1ARM5 FOR SALE—THE UN- •DRneln1ED Ilan several good. Earn- for sale awl to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris all, Grey, F 0, 80OTT,Brasselo 1` will buL No.28 n the 18th conoe oleo u!, the Township of Grey, containing 04 agree. There to about 12 agree Maar of tim- ber. The rest in bush. ,„For further infor- mation apply to G. F. Blair, Solicitor, Bruit - eels.. T_1 OUSE AND LOT FOR $ALJ . in Brussels, Eligiblysltnated, 5 acre of land, a agile, well, cellar and other- eon. venienoee. For prion and terms apply to X188. DARE, Oraebrook P. 0„ or TOE Pon Publishing House,Bruesels, 19•1f A SACRIFICE IN REAL ES. TAMIL 55000.00 wilt buy the MoOau- gbey Block in the Village of Broaeete. These two flue stores must be sold to eloae out the McCaughey Estate, intending ,purahaoors. 'Mould investigate at ono0. Apply to F.8. SOOTT or.G.P.:B$LAIR, Breathitt, Out. PARRFOR SALE. — $8,000 will buy Lot 12, Con. 8, Grey,. gond houoo, berm orchard, &e, Poeeeeaion given on March 8.. Ifnotsold will bo rented. Al- au150 acres on 12111 con , Logan, for ease, bargainu. dFors farther piarticulate writotor - apply to CFAS. QDERL4NGI008ER, Brod- began P. O., Out. 27.4 Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the 0oo134' of • Huron, in the matter of the estate of Emma Rogers, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Enron, - widow, deceased. Notice is: ,hereby given pennant to the Revised Statetoe of Ontario, 1897, Chop'er ggpotion 08, that all creditors or others Wade any claim ucaluet the estate of Em- ma Rogers, late of the Village of Armhole, in the County of Enron, widow, deafened, who died an or -about the 08th day otJwrn- ary, A. D. 1902, at the said VLllens by STUB - 8018, are tereby 000010ed to send by poet,” prepaid, 00 to deliver to G. F. Blair, of the Village of Brussels. Solicitor for A, Parfitt, of the Cay of London, in the County or Mid- dleoex, the Administrator of the estate, ou or beforelthe 28112 day of March, 41, 3) 1002, their furl names, uddreenee end dosoliptlono and frill particulars of their claims and the raters or the securities (11 any) held by, them, A , d notloele hereby given that after the said last mentioned date, the said Ad- mlaiatrator w,!l proceed to . distributethe ammote of the deceased amongst tbe persona entitled thereto, having regard only to chime of whlehnotloe shall have been given esabove r, qulre.d, end the geld Administra- tor will not be reopennlble for the assets, or any pat t thereof,. Be dittrlbuted to auy per eon: of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the t{me•of snob dietribn, tion., G. F. BLAIR, Brueeels, Ont., Solicitor for Administrator. Dated at Braesele Feb. 4111,1902. 'v, , hl3.x1; r 1'y c, IA,t:: �j i' t a• i< i �µ. .1 ISO 1 r vie& `1 d y shoes now. 0 fJ .n When your feet are cold you .feel cold all over -"shivery. Cold feet are good for the doctor's busi- ness. The man whose work is more or less outof doors must keep his feet warm. It is important. Don't 'take chances with light shoes when you ought to wear good heavy ones. Some we have here will keep the feet warm and snug and protect theta from the wet and snow, Keep the feet dry in sloppy weather. They are made to wear and our prices are made to make it easy to buy them., Here are a few : —MOD's'Loog Felt Boote,'regular 22 25, ,reduced to $1 90. —Men's Pelt Boots, loose Sox, regular $2.60, tattooed to;$2,10. —Heavy Rubbers and Sox reduced in primer` Robeo and Bleokets away down in prices.. HARNESS DEPARTMENT Also Bal�a, Wool Ruga. and all Wintier Goode to Meat that out. I. 0. RICHARD . rt