HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-6, Page 5hilar
,. 1002
1111 11, UOSST.4S
ATTEND TR BEST IT PAYS Lha actual meeting of (noir ohuroh
• wee h01d in the leplore roma Wednesday
UNEX TO LOOT AT S PEECENTRAL: f avenin„ of teat wet It. The peter coma
r 1 pled the ehpir, and 11. 1 Strang cored ae
cent, F.8, 800`7.°P, Breeeols, iJ ti
. aneuer of Marriage L(oenaeta 01-
nee'at Grocery, J'u nborry street,: Meese's.
pN. 'BARB./ TT--
� • rTeneprial Artie Sbo Neet door
North of the Standard Har—
nk, Ladles' and
011nd:eu's bait outtiuga epeolalty,
Issuer Or Marriage Licenses,
T,1s40Hb1R 010
Wellington Mutual
Fire insurance CO.,
nsTanzrsnop 1840
Insurance taken trylion on the cash and premium
fug elsewhere sero c(torrent
ll op the rates,BeforeAgent
of the Company.
GE'ORG1I ROGERS, Brussels.
L:. Os M:.
Academic graduate of London Conserve.
tory or Moen, also Member of the Associated
Musicians of Ontario, 1s prepared to receive
a limited number of pupils for inetrnation
on the piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Principal's Fermin the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
li Clerk pt the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Buren; Conveyancer, Notary Pubho,
' ue
Laud Loan, .and Insuranco Agent eat A7.lon•
tor, ' Foot.e invested and to loan. Oolloa-
1 Graham's Bleck Bsu
Gone made. . Oaf
oe uG01! ,
• ann. will sell for better prices, to
better men, in less time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
be won't charge anything. Dates and, orders
can always he arranged al thio Mine or by
personal application.
e, • Bonor Smitten of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treatall lis.
eaten of domesrdoated. animals In a compet-
ent manner. Partlnular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentletry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and tnarmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Tur•nbetryt., Brussels,
,;57y M. SINCLAIR—
Y Barrister, Soiloltori 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, dn. Office -8 tewart'a Bleak
1 door North of Oentral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
.X. Bolioitor, Oa. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brueeole.
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
at. IA, 0.
Trinity Unlversit ,Follow Trinity Medical
Oollego,Membar Colla a of Physicians. and
Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of
Surgeons, and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery,Edinburgb. t3Talepbeue No.14,
Residence—Mill. street, Brussels.
PR. R. P. FE1LD,
Graduate of !the Revel College of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and 6'ir'et-elase Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uuivereity. Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
is movie forward. Winter term beglue
;fan, 6,1002. Our rates aro rumen abie—our
Comes of Study.. thorough and practical,
Send for our Journal to the what we teach,
Students May enter at any time. Two
Courses of Study—Commercial and Short-
O. A. F LEMIN G, °' A. L, MoINTY1tE,
Predtdent •aeeretary,
Owen sound. Listowel.
British - .Columbia
Red Cedar SIli tgiey
Nortih Shore
Pine icnld Cedar
Brussels Planing dills
Also Doors and'$aeh of all Pat
terns oa hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates ,Furnished for all
kinds of Buildinlia, Worltotan.
ship and Material Guaranteed,
57. tf r&.•,Q t
A"' school well known Item one end of Pen-
edo. to the other for ata superior work, Title
O0llege elves the right kind of edueatien
and plume many of ire pimento in good
positions, NOW 10 the time to enter. Pre.
para for 0000080 sed yon will get 17., Write.
for our beautiful catalogue
ay. J. LLLIO'I'T, Lrinufpnl,
1iztrict Itebas.
Tata celeoats w,
The OJdfellowe Lodge intend .holding
another of their old time e'ipiaisin the
lodge room on Friday evening,, Feb, 7th,
The A. F. m A. M. have now a hand
somely furnished lodge room and they
intend holding a prand At Home there
on the evening of Thursday Feb. 18.
John Ferguson, of Bruce Mince, Algo•,
MA, who recently lost hie eight in a
dynamite explosion in the minen there, ie
visiting his grandfather, John A Moireod,
Kinloaslownship, -
1131 villa.'
Adam Wettlaufer has aold- the •neoeo.
sary brink for a new residence to Dr. A.
J. Irwin, of-Wingham..
C. A. and Mrs. Howe have gone to
Napanee, and' Piston where they will
make a lengthy visit with relatives and
The old established firm of Ande son
&Elder bas been diaaolved and the busi-
ness in future will be conducted by J. A.
Fraser& Logan are making prepar-
ation to rebuild. the .buildings at their
k and t tileY and that were deetroY sd
'by tire act October'
Next Spring Dr, Milne will replace bis
present office with modern brick one.
The new buildingwill be 60 feet .long,
hao storeys high and will contain a dreg
store,doctor's office and operating room.
The seoond storey will be fitted up and
rented for hall parpoeea. The ueaesaary
b,iok for the new building is beteg piled
on the eta et in front of the present alias.
The following legal itemof local inter
eat appeared Wednesday's daily papers
of last week: "Re Smith, --Judgment
(H.) on petition by A. Smith, the father,
far the custody of his two children.
Held, :bat the children have not been
badly treated, and that nothing has been
done by which their health has. Buffered,
nor is likely to suffer. Britton,'J., will
not interfere with what i0 provided for
by theorder, dated 19th May, 1899.
Motion dismissed witb costs, fixed. at $30,
to be paid by A. Smith to hie wife, S. J.
Gore -tea.
W. J. Earngey, tonsorial artist, pur.
abased the Tate property.
Mies Carrie Ardell left for Olandeboye
where she will visit Mende. -
MaMiob..el Bros., of Qu Appelle, N.
W T., were in this neighborhood buying
' Rev. A B. Farney, wife and family,
left on Wednesday of last week for Ayl-
mer. A large number were at the depot
to bid them farewell.
The annum meeting of the Gorrie Pub.
lie Library was held in the Library room
when the following officers were eleoted
for the year t—President, J.R. Williams';
Sao. and Lib., Wm. Mose ; Treasurer, N.
McLaughlin • Board of Direotore, R.
Copeland, A. Doan, J. Armstrong, John
Donaghy, Jas. Minehall, Thee. Wright,
J. E. Mulholland, J. R. Williams., N.
MaLaughlin and Wm. Mose ; Auditors,
Jas Muaahull and Jae. Leeoh.
J. R. W illiahte was appointed chairman
and Jas. Armstrong, Secretory and Iii•
epeeting Trustee of the Police Trnsteee.
The Seuretary was asked' to notify C. H.
Sanderson to fulfill terms re rink. W.
A..Irwin's bill, 35, R. 0. fees waa paned
and an order drawn on Treasurer for
same, The Secretary was instruoted to
make npplioation to get Ontario Statutes
for nee of the board. The question of
baying the gnaw' removed from the side.
walks was dieoaeeed bat no action taken.
The Secretary ie to seoertain all informa-
tion poesibie regarding the laying of
,teanolithia walks and plane it before the
board at next meeting.
Calor' cerioh.
Lewie MoRae has taken a position in
The Odd Fellows' annual ball took
place Thareday evening in Odd Fellows'
Wm. Graham, of Berlin, is now on the
G. T. R. office staff. Mr. Davison has re-
turned to Caledonia..
W. G. Campbell has opened his new
studio over the beautiful new store of
Geo. W. Thomson & Son.
W. 'Young, town, has a canary which
hatched four little birds on 'Tuesday of
last weak, and another one bus four more
eRHorace Horton, manager of the Huron
and Bruce Loan Company, bas been in
very poor health the last dew weeks and
ie confined to hia house.
The Manitoba and Lake Huron M111.
ing Go, has received an orderfor ship
ment to South Africa of 150 tone, or
16000 barrel( of flour . Bpd it will soon be
on the road to the Southern Continent.
D H. Green; Oivil Engineer, of Mon•
treat, ;vas in town and vicinity taut week
looking over the proposed' route of the
Goderioh Electric R, R„ and he ie under.
stood to be favorably impressed with the
proepeote, both as regards adithbility of
roads and 'vainest: pooepecte.
A meeting of the Goderioh lawn bowl.
log olub was held in the office of W.
Lane, with .a fair attendance, Oflfoere
were eleoted as followe for 1902 Hon,
Pres., Judge Masson ; Hon. Vice Pres,,
Judge Doyle ; Pres., Sheriff. Reynolds ;:,
Vine Pree., W. Lana ; Seo.•Treas., 3, D.
O'Connell. W. L. Elliott, Wm. Camp•
bell and John Galt were cleated the
managing oommittee. The membership
fee for the year was plaood at 38. A
committee woo appointed to look into the
question of the lighting Of the grounds,
so that play may be aontinned in the
evenings. The appointment of skips waa,
lefata the managing committee. W. L. Oita 110 111<J 1 11 11 1 l l LU 18i V 1� ■■
Eliot was appointed ea the olub'e repre• T-r�-t
eontativo at the annual meeting of 6186 W �/� S:Lr.1.1 0.YV •
Wo616ru 01160010 Bowling Aeeooiation.,`
Secretary. Tho Saco o n, >R hioh ponpiele
of eleven eldere and the pastor 00 milder•
atop, reported thiougb the peter 47
membere' namea were added to the oom-
meaino poll and 35 removed -7 of them
by 'death, leaving the rnemberehip at
precept 579; baptieme daring the year,
11 ; marriagee, 17 ;; burlale, 80. The re•
port called 'vadat attention to the small
proportion of the obildren attending the
Sabbath, servioee, and nttgi'd upon Parente
the importance of training their obildren
to worship in the great congregation.
The report of the Sabbath school wee
presented by J. Elgin Tom. The average
attendance was 272, an inoreaee of 26
over last years average. The inoreaee ie
still going on, ae the average Attendance
during the month of January has been
812, which, with the pastor's Bible piles,
fomeasea the average to 357, Eighteen
from the Bible olasaae united with the
opurch during the year, .8.. 8trtt0fl, the
treasu,er of the school, reported $302 are
the receipts for the year, which included
a grant of 3184 from the congregation.
The -contributions of tbo scholars go to
to missionary and benevolent objects.
The. local Oddfellowe and Oanadiarr
Foresters tried conolunlouo on Kress'
rink. Friday ttftern000, resulting in the
easy defea' of the former by 7 goal. to 2.
The anneal meeting of the Newry
oheeee factory was held on Tbureday
afternoonof last week. The factory baa
had a enioeestniseason's bnaineae as fol
lowing statistics from the financial state.
meat show 1—Total receipts for 136,024
lbs. cheese manufactured, .312,580 89 ;
expenditure the came, ioolnding01 224 21
paid for manutao'nringoheeee, 317793
for boxes, 310,780 41 paid patrons in Dash,
and 3218.69 paid patrons in oheeee.
Quantity of milk received, 1,477,565 lbs. ;
average lbs. milk per Ib. oheeee, I0' 86
average price per lb. 9.26e. ; average end,
1,17a. ; average per pont. of better fat,
The Welland Tribunep
ivee artionlare
of an event of interest to many Atwood•
ltee. Rev. J H. MoBain, B. A , eon . of
J. W. MoBain, Atwood, is pastor of the
Methodist ohuroh et Ridgeway, and in
that capacity. has wontheesteem of bis-
oongregatiou; That a -teem was expres-
sed at au entertainment held in the
ohuroh a few evenings ago when the con-
gregation presented their pastor and Mrs.
MoBain with two valuable gifts. 'lir.
1loBain was presented with a Standard
dictionary and a Columbian self adjust.
ing bronze holder; and Mrs. M-leBain with
a handsome easy chair. An eppreoiative
address was read. Mr. MoBain was taken
o••mpleiely by surprise butmade a suitable
reply on behalfof himself and Mrs, Mo.
Rain. The rev. gentleman i0 now in his
fon, tit year at Ridgeway . and is more
popular than ever. ,
On Jan. 25tb, 1902, at 9.50 a. m., Mrs.
Inglis, relict of the late Joan Inglis, paee•
d away, Deceased was born in 1819 in
Newland Perth, Peebleahire, Scotland.
On Jobe 20th, 1845.sbe was married to
John Inglis, and together they emigrated
to Canada in 1851, settling in the town•
ship of Boarboro, wbere they resided a
year and then moved to Blenheim town.
ship, Oxford Go., where they resided un-
til 1854, when they moved to lot 23, con.
6, E ma, the present homestead, where
the subject of this notice helped ber hus-
band otear the bush farm and make a
home for themselves and family. Of the
eleven children born the following sur-
vive : Wm. G , Thomas and Waller,
-Mrs. Jabez Forman, Mee. Chas. Meson,
of Elma ; Mrs. Gordon MoQaarrie, of
Becher, Lambton Co., and Mrs. Jae.
Ballantyne. Interment was made in the
Eima Centre cemetery on the 27th ult.,
the following being the pall -bearers :—
Andrew Donaldson, Andrew, Jas, and
Wm 'Newbigging, Geo. Hume and Wm.
Shearer, all pioneers of Elena' and old
friends of the fami:y. The funeral waa
largely attended.
Wide a number of young men were
playing a friendly praetioegame of hockey
,.n Kress' ru,k Thursday afternoon, one
of their number, Hugh Porter, met with
an unfortunate aooident, which will in all
probability cost him the sightol one eye,
if not worse consequences. It appears
that Charlie Stewart was 10 the aot of
shooting the amok when Porter darted in
Isom behind to check Stewart, when the
latter's stick naught Porter morose the
right eya with terrific force, smashing it.
to a jelly, and outting an ugly gash aoroee
the bridge of the nose. As far ea o0n be
ascertained atpressnt the eight of the
eye i0 entire'y run out, while the violence
of the blow may set up inflammation in
the other in eympatby with the injured
optic, in wbiab event be may lose the
eight of both eyes.: Porter did not lose
oouroionsnese, however, indeed he kept
hie feet, while the blood streamed from
his fade. He was taken by his comrades
to Dr. Kidd's surgery, where the Dr.
droeoed ilia wonnda, aaeietrd by Dr, Boa
tatter in the evening the young mania
father, A. Porter, had barn taken hone.
The al'fttir was purely acaid,Mal, nue of
those 0,1100600e matfett epee alway e pee.
table in a dangerous game 00118 as hockey,
football and lacrosse ore aoknewlodged to
be, Porter's pre0enee waa unknown to.
Stewart wbep the Pefortunate blow wee
attach, and even if he bad known, he
oou'd not have erreeoed the blow,
Lai eatovs' ol-
Jail. Lee waa re elected Hfgb School
Trustee for Listowel by the Go. Council
at ire a0Be10n last week.
Listowel poultrymen were well repre-
sented at the Owen Sound pou.try dhow
Blooms, Goddard, Bricker, Wright, Glen,
Brown end •Gabel -sending birde and all
succeeded in securing prizes,
The annual meeting of the Listowel
and South Wallace Agricultural Beall
wee herd in the town hall bare on We
needay afternoon. of last week. Tho at-
tendance vow larger than at former annual
meetings, showing an increasing interact
fn the Sooiety. Jacob Bray wee appoint-
ed chairman, and secretory Binning pre.
noted the report for the past year, which
showed the total receipts to have been
3671 97, and the expenditure 3596 73,
leaving a belauoe on hand of 375.24. The
report, watch was smoldered very eetis-
faotory, was adopted. In response to a
circular from the Ontario Faire and
Exhibitions Aeeoaiations• H. Hemeworth
wee appointed a delegate to attend the
annuarmeeting of the Aefooiation, to be
held in Toronto on Feb, 19 and 20. The
eleotion of offieere and direotore for the
ensuing year was then proceeded with,
H. Hemeworth being re-eleoted president,
H Goddard let vice presideut and Jae.
Perrin eleoted' and viae president.: Fol.
lowing are the direotore: Listowel, John
Watson, J. F: Wilson, Jacob Bray ; Wa'.
lam, Wm. Landerkin, L. Sohueider, H.
M. Sobinbein ; Elma, A. J. Hamilton, A.
Hewitt ;. Grey, Robb. Pirie. Honorary
directors, Jas. Moffat, J. W. Scott, J. H.
Stuart, Rs Arkell, A. St, Geo. Hawkins,
Jno. Strong, Wm. Hewitt, Wm. Oleland,
Joe. 'Walker, Geo. Raines and R. Hardie.
The appointment of
lady direotore was
1,•ftin the hands of the directors. T.
Male and J. Cecil Hamilton were appoint.
ed auditors.. A motion was paeeed ap.
pointing the two viob'prenidente and the
secretary a committee to interview the
Comical with a view to eeouriag-the old
agriogltnral grounds for exhibition pur.
pees. Tuesday, Sept. 80, and Wednee•
day, Oot. let, were flied as the dates for
the Fall Show. The directors re appoint-
ed W. E. Binning aeoretary-treasurer.
W fuggten.m.
A change ie about to take plane in the
business so long and suooesafully conduct.
ed by our townsman, T. A. Mills. About
March 1st, Mr, Mille will retire from
active business, and a joint stook oompauy
will take over the bueinese.
The animal meeting of the Publia
Library wee held on Tuesday evening of
hast week. The report for 1901 was pre.
seated and adopted. Stine of the infor.
mation given therin, we now give our
readers. Receipts (including previous
yearr's balance of 39 50) 3556.20 ; easels,
$2290 ; liabilities, none ; value of booka
purchased in 1901, 3205; number of
books 'in library, 8368 ; issued, 4988 ;
number of membere, 184 ; expended in
fiction, 325.11 ; in books (not flotion,)
3105.93 ; magazines, eto., 364,40 ; balance
on band, 312 26. The Reading room is
supplied with three daily papers,15 mega.
zine and 32 weekly paper's. The Direotore
elected for 1902 are—A. Omens, J. A.
Cline, A. E. Smith, Jno. Ritchie, J. A.
The annual meeting of the congregation
of Wingham Presbyterian Churoh was
belt! on Monday evening of last week, and
notwithstanding the stormy evening there
were about seventy five present. Rev.
D. Penia presided. The Treasurer, W.
Taylor, presented the financial report,
Envelope and plate oontributione amount.
ed to 31831.90, aside from other receipts ;
the expenditure mss $1950 12• The
Organ feud has $235.92 to its credit, and
$172.08 was paid to the Century fond.
Contributions to Church schemes were
3202.15, an increase of 337. The Ladies'
Aid raised during the year $115 00 and
report 3862.80 in the bank. The Sabbath.
school has 190 sobolare and an average
attendance of. 140. 210 families in eon
neotion with the congregation were visit•
ed during the year ; 58 new membere
were added tothe Communion roll ; Bevan
members were removed by death, twelve
reoeived - their certificates, leaving the
present umber on the roll 388, J. A.
Oline, W. Grierson and J. J. Elliott were
elected to the Board of Management for
three .years, F. Hardie and 3. Carrie for
two years to 1111 the vaoanoiee oaaeed .by
the death of 0. Gillespie and removal of
A. Ritchie, the other membere of the
Board are—W. Holmes, D. Stewart,
Alex. Campbell, W. Taylor. R. A. Gra-
ham end A. Rose were eleoted auditors.
Slaughter Sale !
For the Next 30 Days
We will offer special Bargains in order to make room
for New Spring Goods- Great reductions in
Ca 1 and see our snaps in Men's Rubbers, Leggings, Men's
Heavy Shirts, Horse'Blankets, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets,
and Fancy Dishes,
All Harm Produce taken at highest trade or cash price.
I have a good supply of Hemlock loge op
bund, Can out out to edit customers.
Dressed Maple, suitable for granaries..
at $10 per M.
A11 kinds of Dressed Lumber kept 013
hand from $10 per M up.
A large stock of called Alm and Ash at
37 per M.
Sbinglee and Lath always on hand.
r -A good farm on 1311 con, of Grey for
A onntraot of 20 uoree of logging to let,
For particulate spply to
M L� D
c O S
System Itenovattor
For impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeeuees, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaiut, Near.
algia, Loos of Memory, Brouo6itie, Con.
eomption, Gall Stt'nee,Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Dieeaees, St. Vitua' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De
bi li 7.y,
Prop. end Manufaotueer.
seta. by Jas. Fox. Druggist. Brussels
The Elders are P. 9. Linkialer, John
Gray, W. 8. Linklater,J. Murray,. Jno.
Agnew, Jno. Fyfe. Walter Taylor is
Treasurer, and Wm. Holmes, Secretary.
Perth Co. Warden.
Cbae. H. Merryfield, the warden•eleot,
was born in the township of Fullerton,
county of Perth, in 1857, eo that he is
now 45 years or age. Hie father is John
D. Merryfield, an old resident of Fuller
ton, but formerly of Stratford. Mr.
Merryfield, jr., went to Monkton when
but a lad, and bite lived in that plane for
about thirty.one years. By his genial
manner and his unswerving honesty and
straigbtforwarduese, he has won for him•
self the respect and esteem of an extensive
airole of friende. Mr. Merryfield served
faitbfolly in the Elma township council
for a numberof yearn, and in 1898 was
nominated as a candidate for the County
Council. His opponent was Thos. J.
Knox, ex•Reeve of Elma, but Mr. Merry
field secured a majority of 178 In 1898
be WAR opposed by Mr. Querengeseer, of
Logan, bot was returned to bis seat by
a big majority. In 1900 be was elected
by acclamation. As a County Oouooillor
Mr. Merryfield has always been to the
fore in the advocacy of any measures
which were for the best iutereete of the
county. When the Ooangil is io 5009100
no one takes a more votive part in the
dieonesrone than he, and his opinion is
valued very highly by his fellow Ooun•
pillars. The division of wbiab he ie one
of the representatives plaoea entire con.
ftdence in him and his past record is
sufficient proof that their confidence is
not misplaced. In politics Mr. Merryfield
is a Oouservative. He has also gained
some prominence in the Independent
Order of Foresters, being now High Viae
Obief Ranger of the High Oonrt of On.
terfo. As Warden of the manta, of Perth
Mr. Merryfield will no doubt discharge
bis incumbent duties with his usual
fidelity, and lee will have the hearty
support of the other members of the
A Meritorious Remedy.
Paisley, January 9111, 1902
MacLeod Medicine Co„ Laboratory,
Goderioh, Oat.
J. M. MacLeod.
DaAa Sta,—I oontreoted scarlet fever in
the beginning of July, 1901, thereafter I
turned to dropsy. My legs swelled twice
tbeir meal aim. I had no feeling in
them. I gat eo bloated all over that the
heart's aotion gave me considerable
trouble, caused by the accumulation of
water in myoyatem. I had no appetite,
the food I ate Reamed to lodge in my
stomach like a ball. Tbis gave me iotenee
pain. At thio time I weighed 190 ibs.
I was treated by some of our looat doctors
but I did not get much relief. I made
np my mind to oonsult a speoialiet in
Toronto as soon as I was fit to go. I bad
given up all hopes of being very long
alive. The urine at this time waa more
like apple juice than anything else. In
September last a gentleman milled in my
store sod enquired after my health. My
wife told' him that I wad uo better. He
then and tbere advised her to write for
some of Maoleod'e remedies, Baying they
would mare me, as they had oured bit
own wife some goitre ago of the game
trouble. I .resolved at once to try your
medicines. I thought if they oared others
they would surety ours me, I wrote on
Monday morning and three bottles of
"Harmony" and uta of "Protein Reeur•
gam" wart here at my house on Tuesday
night. Directions were plain enough. I
began them at ono.. I had not taken
them four days till I began to get relief
and the swelling to go down, and at the
end of three weeks I weighed 17 pomade
lees, I can aeenre you that I felt a
different person than what I did at the
start After this I began to attend to
my bnaineae ae natal, I am now in very
good health and free from all the lump.
tome of that dread disease. I eat well
sad feel sound every way. If ever I meet
with anyone afflicted as I was, I will mer•
tainly reoommend your remedies. 3 have
already direoted a few.
I am, dear Sir,
Yours truly,
Wu, J. 310LL.
Sold: by 3e6, Pox, Druggist, Bruesele.
Walter Gordon, the alleged Whitewater
murderer, arrived in Winnipeg and hes
been identified,
c• (CASH
�,� srQRlt~,
New Prints
and Shirtings,
It may seem like forcing the eeaeon to show New Prints at hie
time of the year, bet a number of our pu+tomera like to buy, their Prints,
Shirting. and Oottouadeo early and gat their sewing dupe' during the elaok
season before the Spring work eommonoes, by getting 000 Prints, Eta.,
early we gat a butter aeleotlon of patter0a than we van later on. We are
focal agents for Walter Orton & Oo'e. .celebrated I3ugiieh Prints -every
pieae ie guaranteed fast calvee. We chow an elegant stook of Prints at
prices like these :—Good wide Prints, ins great range of patterns, fact
oolo:s, Niggler pr:00 7.3 par yard, fir 5o. Extra h.,avp Pointe, wide width,
n l dee eing, in ell the newest deelgne, regular prioe 19aa, for 10o. Oi em's
oe ebrated E,„hen Prints, wide width, Boft finish, pew patterns, gunrao
teed Nat .colpre,'the .name clamped on every Oho, worth 150, for 12ae.,
Heavy Cottonedes, fn stripes and oheeke, et 20e. Heavy Moleskin, in new
patterns, they wear like leather, at 15e, 20a and 25e, Boat Shirtiuge, in
stripes and oheoke, fast oolore, regular 14e, for 1210.
WINTER GOODS. . , .Any Winter Goods now on hand
will be sold at wholesale prioee
and in some casae at half pride. On Ladies' Aateaohan Jacket's you
ata save from 38 to $7 by buying now, Terrilia reduotioas will be
made in Dress Goode, Ladies Oloth Jackets, Men'e Beaver Over•
coats and Uleters. Ask to see oar Bays' UVer00116 at 34, reduced
60 31.50.
Only a few Caperines left that will be cleared out
Furs. ver cbe
a T
he 12 00 line f
of 9.5 •
$� 0 the
y $
$11.008.50• the 8..10f 0•
of 6.5 and the
---_—,.,__,„_ $5.00 for $4.00. Also a few Men's Fur Caps
that are bound to go at the Clearing Prices.
All Sizes for Men or Boys
This is your opportunity to get an up-te-date
Overcoat at a great deal lees than their real
value. The beet $10.00 Coat in the trade now
going for $8 25 and down as low as $4.25 for a
very fair and Dressy Overcoat.
In order to make room for Spring goods we
will allow all our Ready-made Suits to go at the
same Reductions.
All Heavy Underclothing now going at Clearing
Bargains in Felt Boots, Overshoes, Heavy Rub-
bers and Socks.
wits •
And by doing so we will knock profits in the head-
not even ask for a fair profit.
Balance of our Overcoats, regular price $4 50 now $2 50
Ready-made Suits, it 8 00 rt 5 50
Boys' Suits, " 8 00 " 2 00
Men's Frieze Pants, ,0 2 00 " 1 55
Men's Woolen Shirts, " 75 " 65
Men's Fur Caps, " 1 25 " 75
Boys' Tweed Gaps, 80 " 15
Men's Union Shirts, 50 " 85
• The above are only a few lines. 25 per cent. off all Winter
Goods. We believe in having everything Fresh and Fashionable in
its season, and in order to do so we must slaughter the balance of
each Season's goods.
In Patent Medicines we have got in a fresh stock,
such a8 ;
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ($1 size) $ 75
Ayer'sOathatio Pills 20
Burdock B. B. (31 size) 75
Beef, Iron & Wins ($1 size). 76
Dr. Fowler's Ext. Wild Strawberry
Dr. Kayne's Oold as Grippe Cure
Dr. Ohaue'a Stomach ti Liver Toole
Godfrey Cordial
British Army Liniment 20 Haggard'. Yellow Oil
Burdook Pills 20 Hurt's Pain Exterminator
Oaetoria 25 Mother Seigel's Syrup
Carter's Pills 20 Muskoka Pine Syrup
Chase's Pills .•. 20 Radway's Ready Relief
Dodd's Kidney Pflla 3 boxes ...... 1 00 Radway'e Pills
Dr. Thema.' Eta:Aerie Oil 20 Pink Pills, 8 boxes for
,. 20
1 00
Please note the Above Prices.
The highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce such as
Eggs, Butter, Tallow, Lard and Fowl.
W. I.N .i,.®I E I JarnestoWn