HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-6, Page 4nT%$-Z15 Olt THURSDAY, FRB, 6, 1902. HURON CO COUNCIL, );ContinUed front last Week.j, Tele seeelon was a remarkable one in the number of delegations waiting on the Connell. First Dame one representing the Proposed li:eotrio Railway, made up of 5fesiii . Allan, Humber, Mitchen, Survey. er Green, Reeve Dalton ofAahtield, Mayor Cameron, Campbell, Major Beek, R. Holmen M, P•, Saandere and MoGII11• ouddy caking for roguing pnwere over the Bedford iron bridge whioh armee the river Mielttend at Goderioh. Alter eon. sidereble disouaefou the request wee granted oonditioned with the, safeguard that an agreement prepared by 0o. Solidi. tor Gearow, getting out the oonditione, &m.,be presented to the Jena .eession of the Go. Counotl for their retifiaetion. The Eleetria Railway charter, fn additiou to supplying the belt line in Huron, is aeking for terminal points at London and Owen Sound, the main line taking up a route along Lake Harms from Grand Bend to Kincardine and than off to Otven Sound. From 100 to 150 people from Clinton, Colborne and Goderioh townships visited the Go. town on Wednesday afternoon to urge tbe Connell to rescind motion of December seeelon as to going oat to Col- borne next June to eee about a proposed new steel bridge wanted there and go oat this session 00 tie to hasten the work. The epeakere were :—Messrs. Mayor Jackson, Sid. H. Smith, James Fair, 0. J. Wallis mud R. Helmet', Clanton ; Thos. Ghurobill, John Gox, James Laithwaite and J. H. Lowery, Goderioh township ; Jae. Snell, Hallett •, Reeve Young, ex - Reeve Johne, Flick, Burne, R. Jewell, A. Robertson, Wm. Hill, Colborne: The raeolation of December was re affirmed. This bridge if built will °roes from Colborne to Goderioh towoebipe and will require to he nearly 400 feet lone and the estimated coat is pat at $9,000 by 0o. Commissioner Ansley, It le said the bank ou the Goderioh township side is about 100 feet high. The matter will some up at the Jane session of the Co. Council, Next oam• a committee of ladies ao- oompanied by Barrister Proudfoot and Judge Doyle, asking a grant for the 00. Hospital to be erected next Sommer in Goderioh and toward which there le al- ready from $5000 to $6000 subscribed. Aid was asked to estiet in procuring the n800088031 fnrniebinge. The Co, Council granted $1000,the money to be paid wbeo building 10 taken off contractor's hands iri its oompleted form. Oertain privileges will be accorded residents of the County not resident in the Co. town and the hospital will °bare in the Government graote from both Provincial and Domin- ion Parliemeate in view of it being a merino as well ss a ()minty Hoetital. The last attaok was made by the 33rd Regiment, Lt. Col, Varooe being in com- mand. Other 'officers were Capt. Grant and Majora Young, Beak and Holmes sad A. Mab. Allan. They asked for the usual grant of 4600 to supplement the pay of the privates and noncommissioned Macaws while at the anneal drill. The amount wood add from 12 to 15 cents to each days pay while in camp. There were only four disseutere to the motion granting the amount and several patriotic epeeohee were made in defence of the grant. The principal objection waealoog the line that the Dominion Government should increase the 50o. now paid to a larger eum and thoe obviate the neoe-eity of Co. grants. A cordial invitetion wee tendered the members of the Go. Council to visit the Damp next June at London. OMONTY APPOINT)rENTs. Co. Olerk Lane and Co. Gounoiilor Spackman, of Exeter, were oboeen on the Criminal Audit of Board. J. H. Comer• on, of Brussels, and J, G. Tigert, of Dan. =annon, will be aha two Co. Examiners in he sobool teacher line for 1902. For tee position of 0o. Auditors there were eight applications viz: Mesere, Canteloo, Clinton ; Clegg, Wingham ; Lawrence, Goderioh township ; Holman, Bayfield ; McIntosh, Grey township ; Black, Morrie township ; Ball, Goderioh ; Morrison, DioKillop. On the first balloMo. Clegg woe Motel and the second round Diesera. Oentelon and McIntosh were a tie. The Warden voted for the former. There is a salary of 540 00 goes to each auditor and the work le done in February. Dr. Ure wae appointed Collegiate Trustee for Goderiob ; Jo. Raoeford for Clinton; and Barrister Have for Seafortb. Robt. Deaobman, et Howiok, wae named as Co. pupil to Ontario Agl. College at Guelph. GRANTS MADE. The anatomary graote were made to each Farmers' Institute of $25 ; eaob Teachers' Aso. of 525 ; each Paella Lib. rary of $15 ; and eaob Age and /Tertian!. tural Society holding exhibitions in 1902, of $20 ; Sick Children& Hospital, $20 ; Prisoners' Aid Association, $10 ; Court House for flowere, $10 ; Municipal World 18 aopiee for Councillors and Clerk and Treasurer, CO. PRINTING. There Were five tenders opened for tbe Go. printing, coming from Exeter Advo. nate, Huron Expositor and Snn, and Goderieb Signal and Star. The prioee in most inetaooee were ridionlohety low. Work wag awarded to the Star, the lowest of the quintette. This paper had last year's oontreat. Bound oopiee of the minutes ; publishing eahedale of convict Bowland eale of land for taxes ; reaeipte, ootioee, magistrate's forme, tie, ; election ballots ; Promotion Exam, papers coned. tate the work to be done. NEW BnIDoue. TWO new bridge contracts were let, one located at Wingham and the other near Clinton. Hunter Brom., of Kincardine, eupplyabe steel superstructures at 58,975. There were five companies tendering. Cement abutments will be built by Mr. Guttridge, of Begfortb, at $4.50 and $475' per cubic yard respeotively. There were alto 5 tenders for this work. 4. Clinton man wae 5o a square yard lower on Olin. ton abutments but the Council gave it to Gottridgo owleg to hie experience and also taking into amount that he had the Winghnm job, the other gentleman not tendering for it. Work is to proceed as soon as Spring opens. The probabilities are that the County will be Galled upon to aot in conjunction with the oountiee of 141iddleeex and r,ambton 1n a new begm dary bridge near Grand Bend. true QM* borne.Godorieb bridge will oleo eeriest up for dieoneeiou io Jane, The Co. OMIngil devlieed to accept the proffered right to take (Marge of a bridge under 100 feet in length formerly built by the OW. before the peanut By lav esas paused. , Oo, DAOPglwr. le the reports along this line there was nothing partionlarly noticeable. Addl. tional shell a00pmmodatioa and new mat. tine wae granted for D. MoDont ld's office. The phyeioian (Dr. Shaw) of the House of Refuge, reported the health of hie big family of 80 fairly good, although pneumonte had prostrated a large ugmber d erase the past season. A woman named Jaoklin, owing to purply oonduot and to save injury to other inmates, War tube traneforred to Go lariat jail with the prebebilitioe of e term In the Merger Reformatory. A few prieoaere, chiefly trainee, are being housed in the Jail wait. ing lee Spring delivery. PEDDLEl's LICENSE 1t0000ED, A oommnni0atioo from the Clerk ei Stanley townehipeet a dieoneeion agolcg relative to a reduction of:the Peddler'e lioenee from $50 to $25 that eventually prevailed and the Bylaw will be emend• ed to that effect and rigidly enforced. During 1898 and 1899,. when the rate woe $25, the number of hceneee issued was 57 each year. In 1900 and 1901 at the $50 roto the number was 23 eaoh year. A number of Go. (team:llore testified that ped Here in their municipalities would not take out licensee at $50 but would still run their wagon takiag orders, there- by nutting off Go, revenue but not reduo• tug the number of peddlers. Others coo. tended if the people of the towns and via !ages were more loyal to their own bueioeee men and bought lees from Eaton and Simpson there would be a greater urgency fur high license, Two tea mer. chants and a Jew bad taken out their licenses for 1902 and the Co. Treaearer was inetruoted to return 525 to eaoh of them owing to change in Bylaw, aOMMONIoATIoxe. Letter was read from the Dominion Good loads Aesooiation aeking that dale. gates be sent to their annual meeting al Otte iva on Marob 13 nod 14. No notion Another was read regarding sugar beet machinery, that stet the same fate. A memorial aeking for better guardianship of railway oroteinje was recommended to be sent on to Parliament. Full and in. tereeting rporte were received from Pub- lic School Inspectors Robb and Tom and the teduoation Committee recommended their publication in the minutes. The Siok 0hitdreus' Hospital and the Prison - ere' Aid Aeeuaiatiou forwarded oommani• 0011000 thst found favor with the Council ae will be shown elsewhere in this report. SWEET nEMBER. Co. Councillor Torrance, who is resid ing for the present at Egmondvi.1e, wae enable to attend owing to a bad attack of lumbago. A resolution of sympathy woe passed by the Oounoil and a copy of it ordered to be forwarded by the Clerk to Mr. Torranoe. TEE NEW WARDEN. Warden Patterson fins the bill very Mealy ae presiding officer and will do bet. ter as be becomes more acquainted and aoauetomed to the poeition. He has just reoavered from au attack of oougeetioo of the lungs and it was feared he would not be able to attend but the expected Wordenehip was no doubt a powerful magnet in drawing him to the Co. town. He has the good will of every Co. Corso oilier. There wag no oonteet for tbe Wardenebip es the rule adopted two years ago, of each political party taking their annual turn, wae followed. The Liberate last year chose P. Holt, be being the member with the longest Co. Conooil ex perienae, and be was unanimously elect. ed. This year D. Pattereoo, the senior member, ware nomivated by theConservo• tivee and accepted by the Council. This rule has done away with considerable political friction that often existed in ailing the Warden's chair and did not always die after the choice wae made, oaAIabtANBEIPo FOR 1902. Following is the Order of the Commit tees and Chairman ohaeen for this year : Executive, W. H. Kort ; Special, T. E. Hays ; Finance, P. Holt ; Education, M. Lockhart ; Road and Bridge, H. Cham here ; Co. Property, D. Cantelon ; House of Refuge, R. Miller ; Equalization and Wardens to be chosen later. There are 5 members on eaoh Committee exoepting the Equalization, of which the whole Commit are members, and the House of Refuge whioh has 3, plea the Warden, Clerk and Inspector. ADJouONMENT TO NEST JUNE. The completion of 0ommitteee'reports, their ratification by the Connell, the pass. ing of necessary By-laws and adjourn. merit until the first week of June finished a somewhat tiresome yet businesslike session of Heron County Council. A, Hislop, M. P. P., on the Budget. Mr. Hislop (Eget Huron) thought it wae unbecoming of the hon. gentleman (Dr. Barr) to make insinuations in regard to the Premiere trip to England. In days gone by the Conservative Govern• mens at Ottawa—the political friends of the hon. gentleman—had always mad e journeys its the pabliointerest at the pub. Ifo expense, If 00001y Treeenrere went to the old land on business the counties made liberal allowance for them There wae no doubt that the Premier's trip would be productive of numb goad, though perhaps it wae not all in eight yet. It bad had a good result in the way of the purchase of homes for the army, while the London Times and other papers had commented most favorably on the service he bad done, not alone for Canada but for the Empire, in calling attention to the Dominiou'e mineral and agrioultural possibilities, and he Athens as a plaoe for lmmigrante from the old land. (Minis. aerial applause,) Dr. Barr had intimated in the part of his address delivered last Thursday that tbe Liberal party in the House bad made the lute A. S. Hardy a aonpegoat for their sins. That was an unworthy and a baeelaee insinuation. (Ministerial appiauea) Mr. Hardy, as all knew, had retired, to the regret of all, owing to the state of his health, and the Liberal party had no sins to load on any. one. (Renewed Minieterial applause.) It wae united and 000fident, and never had to resort to the taotioe that' members of the late Conservative Government at Oa tawa had adopted to get rid of their lead• er. (Minfeterial applause.) He oombat. tad I, contention of the Opposition that the Ouvermueut hall no surplus, and went over the liguroe regarding the fineness AO given in the report of the oumotiseloo, and more recently in the PremietOe budget speeob,tn enpport of hie argument, Proceeding, he dealt with the expenditures, and on this point eald' that the increase under the Liberal Ad. ministration of the Province amounted to ad NG osn e G .per he of population, while in the eame period the iuerea.e in muuloipal expenditures fooreaeed to $2,93 per head, (Miuieterial applause) He enum,rated the now end neaeaeary deparlmeutg whioh It td been eetabliehed by the Government for the pnbllo iotereste, and the .expendi. three in couneotion with the ohnritieo, hospitals, asylums and other inetitotione 05 a00000titg for the iuureas,•e. Where, he asked, penld these expenditnree be out down without erlppling neoeeeery works' and retarding the progress of: the Prov. Woe ? Mr, Hislop ermine of the splendid advent's' made by Outerio iu the dairying and cattle induetriee se the result of the wise expenditure in the egrioultarai de partm'nt, 'Mie progress bed gone on, he held, in all dopartmente. Ile°pnoled. ed by reiterating hie stetement•tbat lite Liberal party was enited under the lead• erehip of Premier Roes and did net fear. an appeal to the people. The 'roronto Globe of Wedpeeday of Mat week speaks editorially of the above epoch so' followe -"Mr. Hielnp, the youthful farmer from East Huron, fo1• lowed Dr. Barr, Mr. ldislop has it in him to make n figure in the House when he gets over the diffideuoe that prompts bim to speak in eaob is low pitch and so rapidly, He be not only a -farmer, but hie epeeobee show that he baa made a more than supe firma study of the inter- mits of hie cleat. His opening reference to Dr, Barre petty allueione to the oost of the Premier'o trip to England had a tone of grave rebuke' in it Oast wee quite effective and made the doctor look some- what uuaomfortable. In regard to the Provinoial Expenditure, be showedthat duringthe period the Administration have beanie power manicipai expeuditnre had increased by 52 93 per head of the population, while. the Proviuoial expendi ture had only inoreaoed by 35 cents per head. For that moderate inoreaae he enumerated the varied and valuable ser vises which the people of the Province had eeoured whioh they did Trot havain the first four years of the -career of the. Province. He partionlarly eokuowledged the splendid service done to agrieniture by the Government's aid to the Aeriooi- tural Ootlege, Experimental Farm, Farm. ere' Ioslitatee, grunts to dairy aeeooia- tiooe, stook aesocinti000, the Whet had been achieved wae shown by Ontario's trintnpbe in the various departments of aericalture at the Buffalo Exp•eeition, No man was more entitled to rejoice at these triumphs than Bon. John Dryden, Minister of Agrioulture. For twenty years they had been told that the timber wealth of the Provinoe wee jaet on the It it v,J l .4 JI ►,r l,, 4 D f$ 4 verge of exllauetido. Nob scrap of evi• donee 1tad bovi cffe rod in that time i n support q1 Atoll alarmiet views. Our timber wealth ba i Wen m ,atwged with sorupalouu rested to making it yield its large a return au possible. 9e recalled the stidement, that bad never Leon 001• tradicted nam that the 0 us ryat iv e Administration t Ottawa had managed thetDgminipn timber Mode ea that it goat $113 to administer every hundred dopers of reoeipts, Hie reply to tlin I tan, that the Government had taken a long time to discover new Ontario was that they, dieoovered ft when they defended it against the efforts of their opponents to. tette it away [tom the Frovt000 altogeth• er. A Brussels Mother Tolle Hoty she JIelpeil hag natty Through rt Teeing Teething reeled, Every mother has otiose tp' dread the time when baby ie gutting hie teeth. The poor little one suffers greatly and there ere' oomplioatione ouch 0e oonetipation or diarrhoe,, colic, sink stomach or perhapy' oanvuleione whioh threaten baby'e life, Every prpdent mother will help her little one all she oan at thie period aud to mirth Mrs. H. B. Brewer, of Broaeels, .pointe out how thie ban beat be done. "Shesaye; —"I have been aging Baby'eOwn'Tablete in my home for about three mouths. >( first, got them when my baby was teeth• ing. His game were hard and inflamed, �.he was feverish and g,ose:and, restless, His tongue wae coated, his breath bad, hie stomach soar and he vomited fro. gnently. He also had tliarrl to t. We tried several medicines bat they did bim no good, in foot nothing helped biro until we gave him Baby's Own Tab'ete,-wbiab: I procured at Mr. Jas. Fox's drag store. After giving hitt a few done of these the effeot was. wonderful. They strengthened end sweetened his stomtoh, hie bowels became regular, the fever was reduced and the pain in hie gnme allayed, with the result that he sleeps naturally and well. We always bad trouble giving him ether medicine, but he isalways willing. "to take theTabtete as they are sweet and pleasant. I think them the beet of medicines for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets Bare all the minor ailments of little ones, soh tie oonetipa tion, sour stomach, indigestion, collo, diarrhea% and simple fever. They -break op colds, prevent croup and allay the irritation accompanying the cutting of teeth. Dissolved in water they on be given with absolute safety to the young. eat iofaut. Pride 25u. a box. A GUARANTEE—"I hereby certify that I bave made a careful ollemioal analysis of Baby's Own Tablets, whioh I personally purohased in a drag store in Montreal. 'My analyeie has proved that the Tablets contain absolutely no opiate no. O. 1o'2 or nareotie that they on lea eve n With per. feet eafet'y to the yvangeet infant ; that they are a safe and etlfeteut medicine for the trouble, they are indie ted to relieve and onre," (Signal) M40000 64, Hawn; M, A. Se., vi c I 3?ro niw n 1for b A a s ue eo y t, Q . Montreal, ' o , I? d Deo. 0 e Of Interest and Profit to the ePtner, Tine Huron County Peekin"83Col,. storage Co„ with heed Comity at Clinton have permed W. le. Belden to take charge o;, the financial end of the Company for the present, The aim with this concern is to aa. oomplleh a'k =oh with apples, poultry. Mod produce as has already been done in the hog trade with this exception, it will do business entirely for the benefit of its shareholders, whioh oaneeasily be done ou the plane they are adopting. Nearly all the apples grown in Huron County the past season were purohased at around 52 00 per barrel. They are in storage in Toronto and oan be Bold, and are being 'mid out daily, at $4 50 per bar. rel._ 9laoh year farmere sell their apple crop for one half what it should bring simply because they have no means of kespiug them, The Government has provided oold storage for fruit while in traniet and re- peatedly points out'to farmers the neoee. city for action on their part if they wish to receive a fair amount of the profit iu, growing apples and other produce. In 1900 1110 estimated that Huron Co,. lost in apples alone $100,000 and annually looses a large sum. They oan practically insure against such loss by owning a storage plant of their own, situated where it oan easily be reached. — Besides the above a most modern plabt is to be erected for handling All kinds of poultry, receiving them alive, killing, dressing and orating them ea the market domande. The entire County of Huron will be enlivened and the tributary townships and an opportunity will be given each farmer to identify himself with the con- cern. If he desires $1.00 more per barrel than he now receives this will bekis time to insure for it. It would be well for all farmers to bear in mind the one fact that NONE BUT PAT ONe Or T n sIs COMPANY WILL FEMME - Tali FULL BENEFIT. Clinton being in the centre of a wealthy County it will not be long in securing the desired amount. Already nearly $20,000 of stook bas been taken. The aim isto secure as mnoh se possible .during the Winter and it is believed the greater part will be taken the next three months. The trouble between the Street Rail. waymen'e Union and the Hamilton Street Railway Company over the discharge of two 000dootore has been eetlled. my-a7 ur1 a ing ale E will offer for the next 30 Days our ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS at Remark- ably Low Prices in 'order to make room for our Shipments of Spring Goods which arrive Next Month. Below is a Sample of the many Bargains to be found. in our Stook. Mon's and Youths' ready-made Clothing Regular $5.00 and $5.25 Suits, Regular 5.75 if Regular 6,50, 6.75, 7.00 " Regular 7.50 8.00 " Regular 8.50 9.00 Regular 10.00 Regular 12.00 Regular 15.00 CI 14 tr Sale price $4 00 tr rr 4 25 5.00 6 00 7 00 8 00 9 50 12 00 Ordered Clothing Department $14 00 Tweed Suits made to order $12 00 • 15 00 11 11 1250 16 00 it 11 13 75 18 00 1a 1i 1450 20 00 it ,e 16 00 2200 i1 1750 Underwear Regular $0 50 Regular 65 Regular 75 Regular 100 Regular 125 Regular 150 quality 11 for $0 40 50 5.5 75 90 1 00 Furs Persian Lamb Cape, regular $4, $5, $6.50, $7, $7 50 and $8 quality at $8, $4, $5.25, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50. Manitoba Beaver Caps, regular $2.25, $2 50, $2.75 and $3.00, Sale Price $1.50, 8$1.75, $2.00 and $2.25. Only 8 Pur Coats left which we will sell at a Bargain. TERMS STRIC'T'LY CASH DURING SALE, D&SON Tailors, Clothiers & Furnishers. Mon Turnbull lbulrl S --- If , OFFS L, F KIS ODS WITH Tlile 0EXCEPTION, The B�h(Spot You will hit the nail on the head if you insist that ours is the B.est. Establishrnenfla in town.wben you are in need of anything in the Hardware lino from a Tack to a Crowbar. We have a quantity of good Lance Tooth Cross -cut 2 25 S 6� r Saws, s at each.- W v Sale Price to clear out stock. 'Our Prices on All Goods are Right We not only invite a continuance of our present aironage but an acquaintance with newcustomers. p WE ARE CERTAIN TO PLEASE. WILTON Sc TUBNBULL. THE GREAT CASH STORE This Big Sale Has been a great Success and will continue for the Next 10 Days Until we get through Stock-takin . URING that time vv -e will sell goods at temendous redubtions. AO We are not looking for profits during this Sale—it is room that is needed. Remember this is the Bargain House of Huron and here is a better opportunity than ever to get a large parcel of goods for a small sum of money. A. M. MCBEATH, BLYTH. Cutters Cutters A lot of new Cutters now really for delivery. Another lot will be ready in a few days. If you want a Cutter call 'early and get a pick from our fine new stock. Sleighs are now being manufactured of all sizes. We can supply your wants no matter what they are in this line. Some good Second Hand Buggies and 'Carts will be sold out very cheap. Balance of new Buggies at Cost to clear out. Ewan I& Co. mccrii\TrrmaR, �.A�vtEs THE POST BOOKSTORE. mansmanneasomaes— Upper Ten, Authors, Shufette, Lacrosse, Home Tennis, Whirlpool, Snaps, Crokinole, - Over the. Garden Wall, Peter Coddle's Trip to New York, Checker Boards, &o,, &e. ate -''Will be Cleared Out at Cut Prices. See our Bop's Hand -sleigh, it is Sure to Please * *1