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The Brussels Post, 1902-2-6, Page 2
BgODES'S TE I.''GI'vAI'T3, The 7Cine Froin Oape Town to Cairo- is Now Fax Advanced. ' The African overland telegraph line Witteh is to aonneet the north and s+pnth coasts of the great continent,. leas boon eolnploted as fat' ea Uiiji on the eastern shore of 1411.0 Tangan- yika. In other words, massages may now be sunt from Cape Town about 2,500 miles north, It is probable that the whole work Would beve been completed by this time if it had not been for the Boer War. Under the ch•cUmstances It has made Ye- markableprogress. The wife hos been strung on insu- fated iron posts sent out front Eng - lead. Of course the wild nature of the country has macre the work dif- ficult, for it bas been necessary to transport all material by human o1• animal portage for hundreds of miles. An enormous aItlount of work was also necessary to prepare the route for the construction par- ties, Five parties are engaged in th Work', the total force averaging to white men and about 1,200 blacks The advance party, consisting of 'whites amid 200 natives, has chalg of surveying the route and eleari a path for it, about fifteen feet i ,widtfi, This is no easy matter, fo it involves cutting a way througl dense grass and jungle, often eleven feet high. o g1 The second party follows two or threedays afterd d vs and widens ns h At t path to sixty feet, more or less ac cording to the nature of the coin try. It is easy to see why so wid a path is necessary. There„wilt b no linemen every few miles, as in ou country, to keep the service in r pair, and it will be far more castle than in civilized lands to mend a broken wire or REPAIR. OTHER DAMAGES, Every preliminary caution, there fore must be taken. No tree lues be left which, failing, would Brea the wire; -therefore, tbouse..nds o trees, many of them of great size ere cut down. Then comes the third party, whicl 'Wigs the holes; it is closely foLlowO by the fourth detaclMlent, table/ plants the posts, and finally dune th wire stringers, who complete the work. Nona of the iron posts weigh less than 100 pounds, and most of them rise fourteen feet ahove the ground. Iron is used be- cause wooden posts would not. long withstand tlw attacks of white ants. which in large parts of Africa play havoc among all constructions of wood, higher and heavier posts are used when it is necessary to make spans of unusual length. When the line has to cross gulleys or streams it. is not unusual for the spans to a',tain a length of G00 to 730 Sect. For some time the work has been carried on i11 German territory, as the line passes completely though the western part of German East Af- riea. It was necessary, of course, to secure the consent of Germany to build the line through its territory, and the trans -African Telegraph Company, •1s it is called, agreed as a part of the bargain to build a se- nerate line across Colman East Af- rica from north to south, to be the property of the German Government and to be used wholly for the tele- graph tra7Tc of the German colony. The Government will connect it0 ports 071 the coast with the lijfji sta- tion of the limo. A German function- ary is now on his way 1.0 Tangall- yika to SClect various other stations un: the lake to be connected both With the transcontinental line and with the wires from the German coast, ASIATIC RAILROADS. 0 t7. 2 ng tongue was heavily coated, and I n had a horrlble taste in my mouth, 1' 1 was constipated, and at times lay 1 head would ache so badly that I could scarcely let it rest on the pit - 10W. 'there Was such a burning sen- sation h my stomncll at times that e ` 1'flu there cent L felt as though U rr as a co of 0 1 6 Hiro m it.The pail was especially 1 sever after eating and for months c 1 rut life was ane of misery. A friend 0 : advised 010 to lake Dr. Williams' r 1 Pink Pills, and I did so. After 0-1 using the first box there was a ma- terial improvement, and in the course of a few weeks longer I felt that. 1 was completely cured. My tongue Was cleared the bad taste left My nwatth, the pains disappeared, anal I t F am as well as icer 1. was. Before 1.e 1 talking the pills T suffered from broil- II0113(t,, art 1110(13, but ft 1185 OCVer since troubled 1110. I can recommence Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to anyone 11 who staffers as I slid.” d Dr. Williams' Pink Pills restore • health and strength by making new, O rich, red blood, dues strengthening every organ in the body. They do not act merely upon the symptoms, as ordinary medicines do, but go di- redly to the root of the trouble. In this way they cure such diseases as liver and kidney troubles, rheuma- tism, paralysis, St, Vitus' dance, heart troubles, side headaches, an- aemia, and the irregularities that make the lives of so many women one of constant misery. Do not be persuaded to take any substitute; see that the full name 11r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" is on the wrapper er aromld quer box. If ft lA y 1 doubt, the pills will be sent post- paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 52.50, by addressing the Dr, Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. LIVER TROUBLES, AM% FULL QF lv1ISER'Z. TQ SiTZ'- pIRERS FRAM THIS TROUDI,S, Its Synlpttolns madni manifest by a Coated Tongue, Bad .Breath, Bad Taste in. the Moutle. and 'Pains Extending to' the Should- ers. (From the Brockville Reeordor). Sufferers front liver troubles fled life one of almost coustaut misery, growing worse and worse unless prompt 81,03)5 and the proper remedy bo taken to restore the argent to its natural condition. Mrs. Joseph Le - claire, of Brockville, was Buell a sufferer, but has been, happily, re - teased from the trouble by the only Medicine known to thoroughly re- store this, important orgau to its normal condition, once disease has fastened upon it. To a r03)01•ler, Mrs. Lerlaire willingly gave her story ler publication, She said; -"For a long bane I suffered severe- ly fr8n1 Complications of the liver and dyspepsia, I would awake in Um horning with pains under my shoulders and 111 my stomach. My Project for Stretching Another Line Across Asia. French newspapers say that a Pro- ject is'now on foot fur buiidfug an- other railroad across Asia, T110 11n0 would pass through the southern part of the continent. When it is carried out it will rival the Siberian Railroad in extent 0.11d will -001171001, Cairo with Shanghai, '*'Iie plan is to utilize lines already blunt or projected, filling in the gaps between them so as to make a con- tinuous railroad from Africa to the shores of China 011 the Pacific. Starting at Cairo, the road would erose. the head of the Sinai peninsula Pass straight through Arabia to tussah below the junction of the Euphrates and Tigris, skirt the southern coast of Persia, cross Bel- '101113tnn and connect with the Indian, i ailroad system at Karachi, the! great wheat port near the mouth of I Ca' Indus. I`ront India the line 15,11111 utilize railroads all'e0dybuilt or projected across Burman m1c1 atl- Vtitaee to Yunnan i11 southwest China which in the course of railroad de- velopment will certainly be connect- ed by rail with Shanghai and other 0.157.r0aSt cities. Another project which is likely to be realized 2.12001 earliev is the build- ing of an electric line frons Cairo to 74iount Sinai and thence southward through the western part of Arabia in the direction of Mecca. It may be 17. long time before Mohammedan sentiment will perhnit the extOIIsion of the road to the Holy city of Ise lam, but in the season of 'Agana - ages there would be likely to be an enormous thank In carrying Mo- hantntedans to the vicinity of Mecca, if not to that city itself. SHE, WANTED 'HIM SAVED. Uuring a quarrel a short time back a woman rustled between the combatants, and throwing herself be- fore 0710 of them exclaimed Lo the other 1 "Dgn't shoot --oh, please, 'float slioot,him 1" t'1•roatly affected, the foe lowered 1i9'revolver, and asked in t•emttloul3 tones : "Are you his sweetheart, wife, or sister '7" Ivo answered swa•a e el 7.he peacemaker, 0 • , but this man has a room at my 11nu5e. and - OW08 1710three weeks' hoard." .'rho planetoids, of, which there are over 1300• known, have alt been dig - covered since .ran. 1st, 1801, IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MMMAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. LI T . One ounce of:Sunlight Soagxis worth more'than REDUCES Two ounces of impure soap. E2PKNSE Ask for the Ootagon Sar, If your grate f cannot supply, write to LEVEE BROTHERS, 1LlM1'rED, Toronto, eon tting hieenatne and address, and a trial sample of Sunlight Soap will be sent you free of Olt. world yearly. This was a marvel- A CURIOUS BEQUIEST, lous record, and was an advantage The will of Dr. Von Jirusch, a pro - t0 the whole city, f01• in malty eases. fes r - 1 .so of y talana,Colo t P a uo 'h I gY a r g tecanaries ,lire hrent, and p e a Ulan Y i n ger i t T t s has t 1 opened, H i 5 0 1 5 n 5 C3 (1, e y I b , I P a Nortricila�- house was relievod in has 'bequoaClied, nearly $15,000 to hard times by the little songsters. the National :Mundane of the' city, on . The line fur, W. R. Sutton, the condition that all his belongings- London- carrier, left more than £•2, furllftule, clothes, plate, linen, 1 000,000 to provide model dwellings sura, z11071usothes,, sand totters -alfa for the poor, Tho will was dispute bq 3)00103(1 1111,0 til' -tight cats05 7.1.11 ed, but its validity has now betel kept for 200 years. His object is t declared in the courts,' The bequest enlighten the peoPlo of the ,went yields about £80,000 a year, of 5ee0nd century palpate() the Manners which £13,000 is annuities, but the and habits of those of the twenties remainder, and ul1fmately the whole, T- y7. is to be perpetually devoted to the ase oil d d b- 11' d. y Ceylon Tea Is the finest h. Tea the world' produces, and is sold only in peed A Wit0110 DIAGNOSIS, A song with the title "There's a Sigh in the I"Isart" was sent 'by a. young plan 10 ,a. young lady; but somehow or ether the paper 1lappo71- ed to fall into the hands of the gulls father, a very tillsentiluontal physi" elan, who exclaimed, somewhat ero5slY:- "What unselenti3Oo rubbish is'this7 Who ever heard of 511.11 a ease? The mall who wrote it must be insane," He wrote on ,110 outside: "Mistake en diagnoeis: no sigh in the htatrt possible, ' Sighs relate almost en- tis l lungsdiaphragm" 11. lu t e YtOto 7 g a P.'2'iQ rrper e, 0, A Oranges, jy1. r. 1.6ens, Fresh Fish of 1111 Kinds ,1L,a®.1bs c1..(5.ei • m0La,sritangu can 222 a12o Mesassenlso. TUE I'ATI'SO19 COMMISSION CO., Limited, TORONTO. Shipmante of Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Honey, canna, Apple., Potatoes, Soilolted. erection and maintenance ofedwel- s i not marry Miss Aro lings for the poor, and the trustees %Dybag's after' ally" "No her ramie 0(0 now looking for suitable sites, all 'objected." "But if the girl iter __ Tho ncav orp;;ua; presented by 14Ir, self liked you Do not iii 110nry Gladstone of " Ilawalden understand me ; she ,was ns .m71c church and three memorials have-opllosral t0 3.t as any of them," • been dedi-alted. One of the mentor- 111011 emor ^^—o iO3s is in honor f ix Saw rd o s I t a the HAD n •r p ME 'p a OK i7ten Who died in South Afrfciti, the ,rJ,11L JIFi .IJI' J]Ji,u7i s co d e u is to the memos • o1, Mr. y Charles Toll r h• I e 7.!L Imperial O L 0 P marry, who died. at Heilbron, aika. the third is to the memory of Misses Rigby, two well-kdown Ilawardon THE TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE ladies, 'Reruutbent figures of her. OF A' NOVA SCOTIA GEN - and Mrs. Gladstone will be placed TLEMAN, AND HOW HE in the chamber occupied by the for- WAS CURED, neer organ.. __ A coroner's jury at West Malting, After, Such a Long Period of Suf- l�ent, has returned a verdict of tierl�.ng He is Entirely Restored 'death from natural causes in the to Good Health by Dodd's Hid - case of hit•, Andrew King, a well- nay Pills -He is Very Grateful. known local jeweller, He was spineBridgewater, S„ San, 27 (Seo- ,ling for pike in the Medway, and on cial)-'Mt'. er, N. S. 'Morgan, a pro meeting a friend stopped to relate an ininent man of this place, has had a amusing experience 11e 11ad had with terrible time with has back for eight live bait, Be laughed heartily, and suddenly fell dead. A post-mortem years, but ' now 1101 is receiving 1.h shower, that ➢1.r. King's heart was congratulations of his friends on his five times the normal size, and Largs complete and satisfactory recovery. or than that of a bullock. and11, it To look at. Mr. Morgan to -day one was stated, resulted from heart would never suspect that he had disease. been' the victual of so much torture, and for such a long. time, and yet The venerable Lord Cwddyr, now from his own statement; the pain he in kis ninety-second year, has seen has endured must -have been some - three coronations, and hopes to wit- thing awfuh IIs says ness a fourth next -luno, His pre se. or Liget avers L have suffered sense at the ceremony wilt form a the most sever0 pain in my back. I link with the past not less interest- I had gradually grown worse till at ing than the personalty of the late 1 last I was completely crippled up. Lady Carew, Who cued a. few days 1 "I heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills as ago in her one hundred and fourth a remedy for Lame Back, but as I year. One of the most interesting had tried so many things without liners witTi' the past was severed any benefit I was beginning to lose when the late Earl of Lovelace, the lc . 1 a 1 faith ill anything. i y g. I owescr, I father of the present Earl, died in !deckled to try them, and I can truth - 1S93, at the age of 88, The lato.1fully say I ant heartily glad I did so, Lord Lovelace could remember es a for they cured 1ue. P boytal;'tn to a man who in his g "Ihad •1 run a f dew to weight to g youth had talked. �• to another elan about � 140 pounds, but during the Nilo had actually witnessed the axe- 1 time I was using the Pills (I used in cution of Bing Charles L, in Whites all about twenty beiges). I regained hall. about 23 pounds, "OP course I realized my danger, PEEVISH CHILDREN. and When I found that Dodd's Kid- ney Pills w0r0 helping m0 I stuck Make the Mother's Life One of right close to thein after commenc- Care and Worry -How to Beep ing till I was perfectly well again." Baby Healthy and Happy. Everyone who knows Mr. Morgan heloma that he means every word he says, and much interest has been aroused by the publication of his statement. Dodds IC(duoy Pills aro well known to be a sure cure for all cases of Lame Back and Kidney Trouble. "Was it a love marriage, do you think 1" "Certainly. A11 marriages should be administered. They (.7,01 are love marriages." "isn't that with promptness and perfect safety ratiler a sweeping statement 1" in strengthening the stomach and re- "Not at all. There is love of ad - eying the offending material. Airs• ycuture, you. know, lova of luxury, W. C. Teat. Markbaui, says :-"11) love of advertising, and v0i'ious o the time my baby was a month other kinds of love. There is no Id. ho was a perfectly healthy need of going into details when one L1ifld. Then his stomach begun to speaks of a love marriage." rouble him. He looked pinched and e_ _ tarved; his tongue was coated and is breath offensive. He vomited urdfed 101110, and was also consti- aLect. After taking his food he ould scream with pain, and al - lough he seemed always hungry, is food did hint via good. He was o restless and sleeplesG that I was lmost Worn out, Medicine seemed o do lalm no good until we gave 3m 'Baby's Own Tablets. I gave fm the Tablets and they helped him almost immediately, but in a very tort time he began to gain in eight, and fs 110W rosy and Keal- y, Baby's Own Tablets cured my aby when nothing else helped him, 1d I would not be Without them in e house," Y packets. 5. Blade, Mixed erld Green. h japan tea drinkers try "Salada" Green tea, FOR EIGHT YEARS, WOMEN DOCTORS IN PARIS Great Majority x M rt Appear 1, y Pp r to be Rus- sian Jewesses.' ewessas The majority of lady doctors prac- tising in Paris aro Russian Jewesses, as are the greater' number of the women medical studepts. There are perhaps 300 ladies pursuing medical studies at the various schools, work- ing side by sine with the hale 'stu- dents. The reason of the 1nv051011 of the Jewess is t110 disabilities that exist in Russia for those of the faith of Israel -disabilities that are -hard _ ly lessened in Germany, Moreover, there exists only one university for women 1n Russia, and that is in St. A new potato contains- 80. per cent 0 Petersburg, Some of the women who of water. FREE le This Sicgent Spoon IlluaEratlon only 2-3 originals.% Worth Asking For r Bond us ton cents to help pot poetnge end pookiog, mad this elegant soda osn by had free by addles Your: nom. and address, - We adopt fhb way toiotroduoo our Silverware, 0,0natsotured from anew and preotoul metal—Yukon Sliver. It 0 superior In every respect lo any tither metal known to the 20th century, Write toddy, don't put it oft i ran member pros astinationle the thiof of time, and our liberality may mina 0111 00'411 making thia remnrk,ble offer ie to got n eantploof Yukon Silverware tato every home to the loud, YV$uN SILVER 00. ,15* MPH St„ (lu,t Toronto. Ontsrlo, Hair 1'1-1^(1 fr'f 1-iri-hint ers'-1,4,4. 4.1(,3ra 4,10,1-i"i�'r +4,4.11 t'�ir•k•ir '•c as ra s ,i " 9 s _ 6M a1. ,,1 i USEa 0 SPT � R�'�my �qj ���7y, n 7.k �4 It 11. tl'LU� ., 1 � PARLOR 1,4 iM9318210039ffig=0=2=3:0109EXIWZMil Every Stlok-p/! l 1 �,— A rad aa£ch Every Match -- A "Lighter!' ('mai0' •• .n n•:•. w e `` Tr:71Q 8. E4.4:aam 2IY,I7Z7eR,Y wEx12._i'• 44▪ 444444401-14,k+44+44++++ 44-1-74444-44,144444.4444+4 Indigestion is one of the most amnion diseases of infancy, and it 5 also one of the most serious, for Mess it is controlled, the constitu- ion will be weakened, other dis- ases will find easy lodgment, and he child's whole future will be in1- inetled. At the first _sign of indi- estion, or any trouble of the stan- ch or bowels, Baby's Own Tablets A precedent has been created by u the appointment of the Rev. R. W. t Allen, acting Wesleyan chaplain to e the traiops of his denomination in t London, to the honorary rank of p iir5t-class 011•i11y chaplain, carrying g with it the mule of coloaei, a The fountlatiun stone of Liverpool Cathedral will be laid by either the Icing or the Prince of Wailes, and the royal VIMt1,0r to Laneashire is to be 111 the guest of Lord and Lady Derby ` at Knowsley Park during his stay t in the county. 0 01d. Portsmouth is now well label- . led. 'the historical tablets coin- t mittee can point to their handiwork, s at the Landport, the Sally -port, the 11 "01d George," where Nelson slept his a last 'hours in England, Lord Howe's p house, and the house where Bucking- w hang was got rid of by Felton. Homes for 92,000 persons in. Lon- 011 don, the total cost of which will s amount to something like .C4,000,000 as aro in process of ureel1011 by the t London County Council, It is stat h ed that 1.1) a very short time the 1 Council will possess 250 blocks of workmen's dwellings, yielding a si yearly rental of ,£181,000. At least .L' 10,000,000 a, year is 7,h raised for and spent in religious h work in England and Wales. This averages about 12 shillings from till each person in the country. In Scot- land and Ireland another 26,000,000 LI is raised, sealing the total religious revenue of the United Kingdom 4225,-l1 000,()00 sterling per annum. This le 1M equal to nearly one-fifth of the total kn revenue raised by taxation,. This is the 0111y 1110di01110 for lit- e ones that gives an absolute guar - nee of purity. 14111 ton L. Hersey, .A., Se., (McGill) one of the lest 10w21 1.101V5its in America, says 1- I have made a careful chemical analysis of Baby's Own Tablets. My analysis has proved that the 'Tab- lets contain absolutely no opiate or narcotic; that they can be given' with perfect safety to the youngest infant, laid that they are a safe and effective medicine for the troubles they are indicated to relieve and cure," Such an endorsement, from so high an authority, stamps Baby's Own Tablets as the safest, the sur - t and the most reliable medicine r tile ills of children. Baby's Own Tablets are good for 7.11dren of all ages. They reduce '107', CUM sone, prevent and cure digestion anti constipation, check mahouts, sweeten 1,110 stomach, al - ay the irritation accoinpanying the. ,ting of teeth, and plumate sound, altby sleep. Guaranteed 1.0 0011- 111 no opiate. Crushed to a now- t.or dissolved in water, they can given with absolute -safety to the othngest infant, Sold by all dear- s at 25 cents a box, or sent post- aa'id on ('001ip1 of price, by 0,01(1 ess lag the l.lr. Williams' 14LCdlcine Co., ockville, Ont. Lord Itosebery has a tender sidee to Hien. At Epsom the other night he took as walk round. Ito was mov- ed to buy the whole contents of a Crockery ((C111cr's stall, which he happened to stumble upon, and ho distributed the goods among the crowd, the poorest -looking folk get, ting the best of the collection. 11r. Herbert Steutl.'has announced his intention to stake 021011102' van: - able gift to his native town of Bel - par, Derbyshire. The scheme in-: ,,e -:hides a drill hall and armoury,. for the volunteers and 11015 schools f01' • cfe l Christ church. During the last ten years Air. Strutt 12115 given over £:50,000 to the Inhabitants, his main- 1.l' ifi5Ctlt gifts including a splendid ,b l water Supply. cu The Treasury . have made their ho award in the Hastings tl'easurO-trove .nee, Poole, a bricklayer, will re- ettt calve 174 sovereigns, and Brunton, a be laborer, 106 sovereigns. Tho money Was found in ark old house in George street by leen who were carrying out 01 structural. alterations. The original P cotes will be handed to the finders to i dispose of as they! like. As they are Br old, they are worth more than their face value. In oP311111g an all -English cage bird show at Norwich, Sir S, I7007,10, 151.7'., l;aid the Norwich canary in:- thistry Was of Considerable' interest and llnportn.uce, for 50,000 birds Were sent away 10 . all pasts of the The oak is the ]7.a i av estof British tlsh timber's. Next costes beech, then ash, apple, maple, cherry, lealtut and pear. Poplar is lightest of all, Mails wore first sent by railway in 18310 heaven Liverpool and Man- chester Messrs, 0, 0, Richards & 0o. Gentlemen, -Last winter I received great benefit frau the use of MIN- AI1D'S LINTAIENT in a, severe at- tack of LaGrippe, and I have fre- quently proved it to bo very effective in cases of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. I7UTCT3.INSON. Ten English llouses hold, on an average, 51 people ; 10 German, SO people. IflimesLiniment is the Bast I'OR P.DUCATION.e. For education 7 r HJ s an9 1.551 a red, as against $778,022 last year. There is an increase of $3,000 for high Schools and, Collegiates, nigh Schools and Colieglatos will Bost 3119,170, compered with $1155,675 -in 1907. 11000 is a part of an ex- ti'a 51,000 to the Normal College. The appropriations to public lib- raries and art schools is 330,000, or $2,000 more than a year ago. Two' grants are 'cut off under the head of lnisce1iaueol(s-$300, formerly grant - ad to the Dominion Education and $150 for consolidating the school law and regulations. The administration of justice will cosh 5448,581 as against 5455,214 last year. A reduction of $000 in made in the animism; of county judg- es in grouped counties. Provincial police 011 the Niagara and Detroit Rivers cost. 5000 more than, Oast year. NOTE 0108E MESH AT BOTTOM graduate in medicine do extremely +well afterward, in practice. One Jewess whn Is greatly in vogue in the highest society m Paris, is re- •putod to make 60,000 francs a year. The lady doctor, who is also a Ries- ' elan subject, has likewise found a iflold for her Allergies in China, where llussian influence is so dominant at .the present moment. It may be worth noting that the other lady :barrister other than Mlle, Chovin- Wme. Petit -is also Russian. She ',has married a Frenchman, i Only80 83 1 of the 700,000 British subjects who died last year had any- thing y by to leave will For Over Sixty Years Bias, WIssnow'a Sooxulsa 05liur. has WON used by millions of mothers for their children while teething, Unsettles the cland, softens the gums. alloys pain, curse wing collo regulates the stomach and bowels and in the beetreuro,ly for Dierrlaom T,eoty-fire cense a bottle Sold by amulets throughout the world.- 110 euro and ask for"lass. Woomew•, 5c0THING SYRUP," Every Londoner oats, on an aver- age, 10 dozen oysters a year, every New Yorker 55 dawn. French people only eat 7 a head 5, year. ' Stops lar Coasts .and war•la * eta the Cold. Laxative Brown -Quinine Tablet, euro a cold in one day. 570 Lure, No Pay. Prioo 25oontw Tiler hon There aro 11 packs of stag ds' a in England, ,containing 4.22 couples Of 110112105. Rinartl's Vlnl(nenr ille peal 11a1r Restorer Norwegians eat more Potatoes than Irish people, the average being 500 pounds each year. Deafness Cannot De Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of the ear. Thera is only one Way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu- tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of the B110901950 Tube. When 161a tube is in. flamed you 'nave crumbling -sound or Imper.. foot hearing, and when It is ent:roly closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflam- mation can be taken out andthis tube restored to lrsno(Cmal oanditfcn,hearing Will he de. strayed forever; nine cases out of tt'ndro paused by 07(5,0 1, which is nothing but as in. flamed condition of the mucous surface . We will give Ono Obundred Dollars for ,any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can 011 bo pored by Doll's Catarrh Cure. Bond for circulars, free. P. J. OHITNEY & CO., Toledo, 0. seed by Druggist=, 75o. fluff's Eaml,y Pills are the best. Buda Posit has the largest Jewish Population, proportionate to its size of any city in tete world, 236 per 1,- 000 of her people are Ilebrews, Minard's Linlrnant Cures Lid rlpppYYe The largest enclosure for deer is the Royal park at Copenhagen, 6,- 200 r200 acres, TO ('111111 A 40011 IS OMR ID,tY. Tuko Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. .0,I money!! 1. fails to Miro. drug late refund alto ansa t t u , R ip •is oh box.23d. 137, W. prove, glgnstura on ea There are 25,000 huge houses In Britain and the furniture of these 18 valued at 829,500 for each house. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E GRATEPUL-COMFORTING, BREAKFAST -SUPPER, Amiable Motlor-"Iforo, Tommy, Is some nice castor-oil with orange in it. Doctor (Playfully) -"Now, remember, don't give it all to Tom- my ; leave some for 111a" ' 011111 y (who has had some 1lrforo)-"Dcle- tor's n nice made, ala ; give it all to the doctor," Page Acta Poultry Netting fo otssomo shed at Otto board au bottom oar does not rsqufrd sailor ppe) n7. op, be, oin an strong s7., cannot wiry (No, l8 image) to at 301�1, bottom and!Acentro, nettles .0* audio posy 1 or ver xruo"Page 5 Acme , -45g not Haat nppearnand,®cry durable and cheap, Wo gout stapl f, TYyh, 003100agslno1le yourfmicguarantee gates, teesalla gad staplers ThanaiiteofPdgofpyourguarantoogfqu4Uty. The Paps Wire Venob Co„ Limited, Welkervlllo, Ont, , • Mina res Liniment ler 8heumatlsm 1 1,000 acres of forest supply fuel 1 for Paris for barely a week. WPC 1153 RPET DYEING Tand Owning, This is ► specialty with the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. Sand par1loulars by post and wo erasure to satisfy. Address cox 153, Montreal. mss Inetrumepts, Drums, Uniforms, Etc, EVERY Tt3W11 CAR! HAVE A BARD Lowest pricSs ever quoted. Eine eataiogua 500iIle etre item, mailed tree. Write us for any thing in Music or 111n1leal lnatiunrents, WHREY ROYCE 14 CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont. and Winnipeg, Men THE MOST POPULAR DENTIFRICE. (0.1.521.. 12LuX101 Preserves tho tootle. Sweet0ne the breath. Strengthens rho gums. iDo:fmlr13o11 Line Steams -nips moat,eal to Lirerpoot Roston to Liver- pool. Portl,od to LlavpooL Via Quotas. LORD. Largo and e'sit Stervnlsh,rb,.Superior oeoommodatloo for all old s'n of pa/spacers. Saloons and Stateroom) pre amidships. Special attention hos boon siren to. the eo0rnd Saloon nod '1'laifd-slam aee0mmodatlon, Vol tates of passage and all particulars, apply to any ngeol e7 aha 00mpaay, 0r Blobarda hfina k bo, )). Torrnne`a,acn, ,7 Stalest„ 8,0100. h1051,05l cad 11511,00 USANOES USES Soreness rnmovo1 at 0000, tie soar left If 0!L3A©INE Is prors ptly applied. Don't forget the 11533 dileadine," i.e. Balm o9 Gilead, Large Boxes 25o. De•egj;lats, Or Bileadino Co., Toronto. ®onrdle's Burl, 105'7'4;9100170n6c, ax,. Orients CoNon 1 ark .105 4 bee a 1 per Dae, 0011 aroryarltart. That pays. 20th Oontury Oats. 706 oat Garret, pradaelog Rem 200 le 100 0.,, par were. Selzer'. Oen a . 717 di teaf15.11, . 5.30(0. Th Itat pathem "55 5007 bare ! y,, Three Bared Oern. • ((1 se110ro pp ear., 71 00.2110 ey p 2t*b1jaCpre .0 eatprinaereotn. ep10Er'Y .gees produce everywhere, 1dlllrvol Wheat yl l d to IpMateo i year 07er 10 pp. per a Trp ata hare • iwheelat mai ryliNted • y Cta u063 bus. pet a, ;TAne NG pale. .; -.34"4..=1, epoieke A. (Kate., cereal God ea eartand 4 tGaak-50 eagr btu.Aridahay per' more. 51401�pnys, ex', Vlotorla Rape m.11 a le smoble to grow hats„eha.p nod 0,11(5 at o 5pepb0sloalb, Aorrel. dag.. c001me' does dl arrfywgere. lthat pay.. dromus•tnol'mla. the*outlay. Crileon ton. et hay 550 lots and Iota or p000erago betide. par aunt. wqa. Caserta. eel is warrant0. That pays. 510.00 for Iso. We pleb you to try our great hums sued., heti.R r to ea0,0 10 farm .,,d muslin, ,eend nedgae,'eoria14Napa 510 Alfalfa, Retort) lot-01eoe0 with. greateatslog, for nye poehgo, :11100000000000000000000000 00000 at*.00000000506005e00500. e ;e s o, 0 • • e' • 0 i 0 •0 e o The product of years of study, the 0 • • ` 1. realization of the fondest dreams of • ��, :. �� '?x•• ^` uhb weak and worn invalid. It is not a Z.. •Jd a r toy belt, but, a powerful, life-giving Utlec V.. trio appliance, towhich iso uorecognized .. .�•uw v e{id� c..h bythe highest s7. its bas it 1 •d t 1 the medical g profession as the only certain meads of • • restoring power to weak and vital organs.. O The strength is quickly restored and • h • losses corrected, 12hettmaticains aro quickly dispelled and all fLunctions of the body developed and mode strong. It sends the blood: with a gladsome • hound througgh the veins, Carrying health to the body and happiness. to • the heart of 111e despondent sufferer, • 0 0 o e 0 Are you suffering from Norvc vas o W©stkrloss, Kidney, Liver or S'tt,,- 0 mach Complaints, Rheumatism. 0 - Pains or Aches in any part cf your body ? ®o you feel youd'sel - o growing old too soots ? If you s re 0 a man with the weakness t6hcv.o results from youthful folly or 0 allttsirese the laws of Nature, I can 0 cure you if you will use my 0 u1 � 0 11116L AFJCHLIN'S ELECTRIC BELT. U 0 0 01 0 0 70 0 a 0 0 0, O Pay e • • A I know there is nobettor way to, prove my oonRdende in the wolf- 0 : derfnl curative power of m Belt than to eine you before I ask you to m • 'pay for it, and as I DO Ii1V'Y' that it' will restore strength in every e s instance I am willingto cure lirse and ask my pay afterward, So if you " ° . are weak, breakib .own, or sick in any manner conic to Ise, tell 100 • 0 your trouble, and let 1110 cure yon, 7111111 you are cured you can -pay e / •. me. This offer is open to any man w110 will secure me. Alt I' ask 15 • • that the man asking nae to take his ease under these terms gives me 0' 8 evidence � of bis honesty and good faith. : CAUTION I Beware of old style, burning( oleo1rodo13elts, white: ars Using b �' s ; an. imitation of my cushion electrodes. Myoho contains Ian- • (hods of those old bolts, diet ardod as 120010 s and dao aroue by arsons 153,050 bodies o have been seared end 0(areed by the bare motul•electroades, I will make special terms to • anyone having one of those old bault•burnors, " My New Illustrate Ilook tolls about my Dolt and how itmeg the w5altnassof 19011 nbd woman, Itis FREE worth rending.' I will sand It closely sealed, free, upon .request. aU, If sessit10,. and I will ox lahn My Deli, and C p n 1 udhat It will de, Y will 11. givefree�'+ a a.4`t t 7.p over sedan' . hr Y o proof What 1� TEST m nett dotes, ti9 1 Y s CaUorwrlta�Ca•�ny.•• FREE u e� BOOK 0 i 0 0 8 0 0 0 I : IDIL 611 Di LAUMILIN, ` 1.1 Y®iige Street, Toronto elite m 0O5'iilW'E. IIOUt5-9 a,rn.10 8.50 pan., - • 9. .. t46ff0odWaal Yf6i�ia6as•iilaaiYoattis pootta�i•a•aWtroe'iRp°0 -.