HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-2-6, Page 1an, , J he'1' tatt. ot silo pear Tem ally wort lento nests on e Teiber find West;. What oacup, Pine i Vol, 30. No. .30 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1902' W. H K.ER.R, Prop. New . Advertisements. Card -l. Leckie; Local -late Post, For Sale-Tboe, Moore. Shoe story -Downing Bon, Notice to debtors -A, Partin, New prints -McKinnon &'Co. True eoonomy-Mia, Fletcher. Children -F, I3, Hareley & Co. Postponed sale -J. Little & Son. Notice to areditore--•G.F. Bleir. The right spot -Wilton & Turnbull, Cheese Factory Meeting -R. Foreman. .A. Meritorious remedy -J. M. MoLeod. A Brussels mother -Belay's Own'Tab. let 00, x xxxf teb30 Crseatnroolc.. No service in :the Methodiet Ohureb lest Sabbath as Quarterly meeting was held at Ethel. Oranbrook will likely send representa- tives.to the 0. 0. F. entertainment et Brussels Thursday evening of cleat weak. High Ohief Ranger Elliott and High Secretary White are to be there. A pleasant- and profitable time was epeat at the Sabbath Sohooi social held last Friday evening in the Methodiet Olih'Foh here. The program caudated of. vooal.and instrumental ealeotlons, reoita. tions, addressee, &o. Rev. Jno. - Holmes and Mise Brook, of Brussels; took part ae' did a company from Etbel headed by Rev. H. E. Carry. , Sohool treasury will be the rioher by some $15 or 518. -$mmoon RRPORT,-Following is the re- port of Cranbrook for the mirth of Jan. : Claes V -R. Porter, M. MoRae, W. Cam. eron, A. Cunningham. Sr. IT -A. Mo. Querrie, W. Forrest, W. Long, R. Mo Donald. Jr. IV A-F.Seel, re Fox, M. ,Porter, A. Love, N. Sperling, M. Menary, E Ranter. Jr. IV B -A. Aidereon and M. Fox equal, G. Menzies, W. Smelldon, A. Forrest, E. Heather, F. Hunter, E. Love, 0, McDonald. Sr.III-V. Alder., Bon, A. Moronic, M. $parling, H,Meezlee, A. Gordon, M. MoDortald, R, Ononing• barn. MOM ()ALDER, teacher, Jr. Dept. 3r. I -S. Love, E. Smelldon, 111. Sperling, L, Sperling. 8r. I- V. Lane, H• Bmoll' don, E Lamont, N,Reymann, W.. Baker. Jr. Pt. II -M, Love, J. Balser, G. Smell' don, Sr, Pt. II -A. Fox, A. Dark, L. Lamont, D. Perrie, Jr, II-0.•$nhnook, S. Aldereoo, M. Fox, L, Baker, B. Live, KoNiabol; V. Sperling, R, Alderson. 'Sr, II -1. Smalldop, E. Hunter, H. Mellon, aid, M. McDonald, Mies M. CALDER, Teacher.. The New Model Gr Seeder The Beet and most Eoonomie Seeder on the market. Will sow all kinds of email seede. It eaves one half i4 time and labor ; sows •better in windy weather will, sow four sores per hour. Any person wauting one of these Seeders oan be supplied" by calling on • ,: SIMON GRANT. AGENT, BRUSSELS, Price, 51.00 each. True EeenomY in Glasses. The truly cconpmical CitICUlte the relation of the' cost to the re: - su1t. Considering that our e •losses dive perfect ` u ,` s ,R r ht her areIndeed d N d nod lnvostmCnt. r.' 45, Mrs. T. Fletcher Soie:a:Uta Rasa Graelita,to Otiticiarre BRUSSELS WEt1tuna Rev. Mr. Dever bee been on the lay sip with rheumatica. Rev. R. Paul, o1Brus• eels, took his work last Sunday. Walton was snow bound for few days Ibis week, didn't even get our mail, Thursday relieved the eitnation. A meeting of the shareholder6 of Wal- ton Cbeeee factory will be held at Mo. Kim's Hotel at 2 o'clock', on Thursday, 20th inst. The objeot of holding it is to see about selling faotory and apparatus if shareholders are willing. There should be a good rally. G.reo. Mice Belle Miller ie visiting friende at Clifford. Mayor Mollard, of Region 11. W. T., was the guest of N. M. and Mrs. Riot• erdeon, last week, Hugh McKinnon and son, Robert, 701 ooa., have been on the eiok list bat we hope they will soon be fully restored. Last Friday night a p Sty was held at the reaidenoe of Jno. Oliver, 5th con;, and revery enjoyable time epent.byalt. The usual services ' at Roe's and the Union church were withdrawn last Sala beth owing to oommunion service being held et Ethel. The various publio eahoole had varied experiences thio week in teacher: and and pupils getting to their reepeotive duties. Attendance wee small., Township Council will meet -next Monday owing to the badly drifted roads interfering with the members of the Board getting to Ethel last Monday. Reeve Turnbull sold about 20 agree of bash on West lot 7, oon. 4, to 5, 5. Cele, Ethel. 11. Foga; has the job of nutting and skidding the timber. 11 will be hauled to Ethel. REro0T.-Foliewingt ie the report for Januarywf S. 5. No. 1, Grey :-5th class -Beatrioe Armstrong 57, Lizzie Diokean 65, Elton Rozell 48. Sr. 4th clan -Edith Blake 80, Frank Deviation 78, Bessie Davidson 70, Willie Stevenson 88, Wm. Switzer 66, Jennie Rands 63. Jr. 4th olaee-George Dark 75, Janne Hoggird 70, Norman Pollard,68. 8rd Maas -Hazel Rozell 85, Sidney Armstrong 80, Lizzie Grant 71, Mabel Hoggard 70, . Milton Randa 66, Louie Blake 60, John Steven eon 56, Alfred Glassier 50. 2nd ohms - John Dickson 92, Baxter Steveneab 88, Joe Armstrong 84, James Dtokeon 76, Fred. Moak 60. alias Amnia Knee, Teacher. Beoxio Leo. -While Wm. and Edward Lynn, eons of Jae. Lynn, let con., were butting wood in their bush the elder eon, about 22 years of age, met with a rather serione accident. In felling a tree in a rough place the butt of the tree flew op and tornak' him on the aide of the head and alighted on hie leg breaking both bones below the knee. He wae also wrenched otherwise. Edward ran for help hot before he returned John Mc- Tavish o. 1 Motel ao ao Andrew a tet d T v Bawbo were rd the in. de near h also in the woo by, jural roan's oriea and assisted in getting him home, the Dr. was called and fixed the broken limb and it ie to be toped, youth and a good constitution will soon See him all right again. MATRIMONIAL - The Ohreniale•New a Trinidad,Colorado, newspaper makes the followinreference aIi P to a young gentleman' wbo wae a former resident of Grey town- ship :-"W, E. Doke sal Mise Zanie E. cal ties last in matrimonial Barr were joined n vo'olook. Rev. B. F. Lawler n eeaig at7 was the officiating olergyrdan and the oeremony wae performed at hie residence, 819 San Pedro street. The Misses Miner• va and Madge Barr, sieterief the bride, were present. After . the marriage the bridal party repaired to the home of the parents of the bride, H. 5. and Mre. Barr, -221 Fourth avenue, where a nice wedding Supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Duke are both well and favorably known, the bride having lived bare for a number of years and is a graduate of 'the Trinidad Business Qollege, while tbe groom ie an indnstrione young man, having a position with the Oontinental Oil oompnny, For the present they will occupy a Stilt° Of room° in the Osborn block on Pine street. The Ohroniole•N°We extends hearty con- gratulations, wishing these yetng people long life and mach bappineee: Mr. DRke's old Mende here will not be .be - bind in wishing him and hie bride merry happy Years. 1Jorrie. A wedding or two mooted, Doan.- Wednesday morning of this week an old resident in this locality paid Nature's debt in the person of Thos. Hardy, who had attained to hie 84th year. He made hie home at Thomas Bernard's,.6th line. Funeral will take place on Friday afternoon to Brueeele oemel ery. OniT.-Last Saturday afternoon Mary Belle, mooed daughter of Peter and Mary 3, McArthur, paned away at her home, 9th line, -after a week's illness. Congas tion of the lunge wee followed by poen. monis and despite all that the dootore and friends could do the disease mem. pitched ite work. Deoeaeed was a bright young girl of 15 years, beloved by a large Mule of relatives and friends, She had' been °Mending eohool in Brneeele where She wee making very favorable progreee. Funeral wae to have been on Taeeday forenoon but was postponed until Wed. needay afternoon. owing to -the storm and badly drifted etate of the roads. Inter- ment was made at Brussels oemetery. Dr. Rose, of Clifford, conducted the', funeral service. Mr. and Mrs. McArthur and family aro deeply sympathized with in their bereavement: SosooL REPORT.- Following le the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 3, Morrie, for the mimth'of January. The standing ie based on the result of written examinations in the varietal subjects taught, attendance, punctuality, dill - genes and good oonduot, the percentage of marks obtained by each pupil being given :-Olaee V -B. Watson, 47. Sr. IV -J. McOrnoken66, G. Wheeler 57, W. Olark 57, J. Mlohis 54, A. Speir 50, L. Wheeler 40. Jr. IV -A. Douglae 45, D. Knight 40, N. Kelliogton 30. Sr. III - W. Little 67, O. Wilkinson 66, 0. Wheel er 57, J. Mo0raoken 45. Jr. III -A. Flats 57, J. Wheeler 57, W. Douglas 51, E. Wateon 49, M. Wilkinson 48, R. Doug las. 46, 0. Oonnon 46, E. Stephenson 40, 31 Speir 85. Sr. II -R. Miobie 68, W. Bernard Bron 63 E. i A. Orem42, Speir 66, 37. 0. Bhnrrie 40, A. Gibson Jr. II-S: Wateon 40,'A. Oonnon 37, A. Knight 30. Pt, II -M. Cannon 60, E. Olark 47, R. Ateook 80, G. Al000k 30. Pt. I -G. Stephenson 40, M. Speir 80, W. Cannon 25. M. BLAME, Teaoher. $r1tt H' I. hope that change of air would prove ben. elioial but despite alt that oonld be done be gradually failed and some diffaulty was axpermnoed getting him home three weeks ago. He was hopeful almoet to the last and during the trying Mimes ex• Whited great 000rage, pati000eand trust. Deoeaeed wee a member of the Odd Fel. lows, Capetian Foreetere and A. 0. U, W., being presented with a jewel last year by the former for 20 years member- ship. In 1866 he served an a volunteer at the time of the Fenian raid and won a Veteran's medal. At Highland Creek, Soarboro' townobie, he joined band and, heart with Mice Martha Tompkins, who entwine him with 4 daughters and 2 eons. The ohil- dreu are Jas. at Montreal ; Mrs, Davies,' of Grand Forks, Dakota • Mre. Herne. worth, of Glaeton, North Dakota! Mie- see Spence and Will. at home. Deoeaeed was a Presbyterian in religion and for many years was precentor and office bearer in the Ohurob. In politics he was a Liberal. Few men will be more mined in the community. The funeral W111 take plane on Saturday at 12.30 p. m , service at 12 o'olook. It will be under the direction of the I. 0. O. F. and in. torment will be made at Brunets ceme- tery where deaeaeed'e parents were inter- red. Mre. Spence and family . are deeply sympathized with in their bereavement. BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL, ownin FroS. A SHORT SHOES'STORY M o\ttaa� 1'u �� ��i,��iII111gUbnq�//h,dq p i, "viiur m m n m ��11 In t 11.'6A. -.Ft lent i ���I{4mu t d�ninsrr-tm.,i„mmluinlm that is, a short story about Shoes, not a.. story about short Shoes solely- becatlse we sell Shoes short and Shoes long ; Shoes fine and • Shoes strong - but • all - the Shoes we sell last long. Write it clear and bright "All kinds of Boots and Shoes," and plus the word along. for f r the. Slater Shoes. Downing Bros. n� n Farmers' Inelitate meeting • here next Thoreday afternoon and evening. There is very little notioeable improve meat in William Simpeon'e health we are sorry to elate. Cheese factory arrangements for the Doming Beason are being talked of and the outlook is favorable. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday's storm nearly clued ne in from the outside world barring the arrival of our mail. Quite a number from here attended the Sabbath Sobool entertainment at Oran. brook on Thursday evening of last week and had a good time. W. Mo0arbney, a former resident, is assisting at thepoetoffioe this week. He LIES been in the Weet and will probably return next Spring. James Lindsay and family will be removing shortly to their newty P oroh as sd farm near Brussels. We wish them e000ees. D. W. Dunbar ie tbe owner of the farm Mr. Lindsay is leaving. The only members of the Township Council who get to Ethel last Monday were Oonooillor Jae. McDonald and F. S. 9cotClerk . An adjourned meeting will t be bald neat Monday for the transaction of bnsinese. • The Canadian Order of Foreatere here 'are invited' to attend a public entertain- ment meat 1oBruesels,onThursday evening of next week when the High Ohief Ranger and High Secretary are expeoted to give addresses. A musical program is -also to be given. Quarterly Communion servioe was held in the Methodiet church last Sabbath. The inolement day interfered with the attendance ooneiderably. Rev. Mr. Ourry preached. An enjoyable time was spent. A pleaeiug feature was there- ception of 77 membere into full connat• Moo with the loharob, 27 of whom are heade of families. Mi. and Mrs. Caber, who have recently removed to Brueeeie, spent Sabbath here, the former ooming for the Offiioiul Board to hand over hie books as retiring Recording Steward. Owing to the storm, Board' meeting was postponed until next Wednesday at 2 o'olook. POSTMASTER SPENOE PASSES AWAY. -Very peneeful was the close of bile's journey to William' Spence last Wednesday night at 11.15 o'olook, and there wae only one opinion, viz that a good man wae dead. Mr. Spence yeas born in Giaegow, Scot- land, doming to Canada when 16or 18 The. yeare of age with hie parents. re- sided sided for a time at. Quebec, Toronto and Wallitoe, and Norfolk Co. before Doming. to Elliot in 1866, where the deceased has oontinnuosly. resided. In the OId Land the eubjeot of thie notice learned the pot• tory bueinees and 'followed it secant:fully for a number of years. 21 years ago be wae appointed Peatmaster at Ethel and about the same time wee chosen Clerk of the Towoehip of Grey, both of whioh he filled with dere, ability and great setie- faction to the publio. He wae a general utility man in hie community in the capacity of magietrate, conveyancer, legal adviser, serving as Secretary of school Board and in 'moiety and church work took a very aotive part. He wae goner - out, genial, level headed and anything he undertook wail done in flret.olase shape. Hie position' ore township Clerk will be bard to 911.. About a year ago Mr. Spence took the btgrippe and a relapse in March; left his mode in poor abapo, and as reenit hemorrhages noon ensued whish finally 'remitted in hie demise. Last October Mr. and Mrs. Spence went to Colorado Springs, Oolorado, in the ki (lupin , ,.186 L Davey «140 FI Me a,dzean„178 B Seinen., 484 S Spieran,,,,,,170 W Long ••,118 110empbell,.,,164 E 1Zaneom ,,,.100 F.Friendehip .,158 0 Lowry90 77 Plum 167 M Walker" ,. , 6 RHaiet,,,.,,,152 ChumIIhExcellent- H Good, G Wilbee, 0 Lobkie, B Harris, S Garryy, W Sparing, H Mooney. Good -M Bur. gess, W Ham, 3 McNichol, S Burgess, Cams II, -Excellent -B Warwick, K, Wilton, G Oousley, H Armstrong, G Kerr, F Robb, I Straohan, Good -B Cooper, R Davey, M Edwards„ G Jamie. eon, W Kerr, H MoFadzeen, H Ameut, M Thompson.. Fair -F Stretton, Owe) I. -Excellent -0 Shaw, R Fox, H Burgess, Good -H Lowry, J Jackson, E Barkley. Fair -P Reed. Mise JOAN BtTOara, teacher. The following ie the report of Brussels Public School for the month of 'January i ROOM I. CONTINUATION CLASS PT. II JR. LEAVING -Examined in Ancient Hist., Chemiatry, Physics, Latin, Predrill ; total 500. M Skene 412 f3 Straoban....259 F Arirfetrong 377 E Walker ......119 0 Zilliax 302 IL Holmes ....100 G Riobardeon284 f omitted Frenoh ; ; absent for three sub. jeote. Pe. I Jn. Lzevrne-Examined in Alg.,' Lat. and Geo. ; total 500. B Howe 474 L Bose ........360 K Telfer.... a B McNair' 304 B McKelvey 460 W Wright 250 RZ Zimmer.. B Scott 249 E Funston ..420 J McNair 227 A Roes ....1 414" II Wilson 200 H 'Gooding 7 fN McGuire ,155 F Ham....... .393 i• h omitted Latin. . JR. PT.I JR. LEAVING -Examined in Arith., Geo., Latin ; total 500. Brussels Council. The regular monthly meeting' of the loam. Parliament was convened in the Connell Chamber on Monday evening. Reeve Roes' 000upied the chair and Oounoillore Wilton, Henderson, Donald. son and Gerry were In their plates, Minutes of last meeting were read and paned. • Following were the amounts :- Incl. 0. Halliday, Tax Collector's salary and postage .... ...5, 45 81 A, Straohan, Treasurer 50 60 W. H. MoOraoken,auditor 6 00 J. Y. 5. Ki, k, auditor 6 00 Moved by N. 0'. Gerry, seconded by 5. Wilton, that above a000nnts be paid.- Oarried. - The Auditors' report was presented and examined. On motion of Oounoillore Donaldson and Henderson it wae adopt- ed. Tenders for town printing were opened, Ins Irwin's being $28 50 and THE Foss second- ed6b y0. Moved N. F. Gerry, thJ. at 11 be awarded to Mn. Irwin.-Oarried. Oounoil agreed to give free nee of Town Hall on the evening of Tbareday, 201b inst., to Brunetti Canadian Order of For esters, prooeedes of entertainment to go to Braeaele Pablio Library. J. 0. Halliday made a propoeition to perform a number of municipal duties at a pertainfigure butno action was taken as some of theappointments were already made. Council then adjourned. N Irwin 482 E Baeker......889 M Thompson 472 W 51oGuire,...334 G Rose ....... ,465 M. MoArter ....524 G Tbomeon456 A Smith 815 J Bryans 422 M Sona 265 B Bone 419 0 Mooney ....265 L MoArter 899 $B Henderson -260 E MoKinnon 390 0 MoOraoken ..250 H Ainlay 875 B Beattie 244 E Wilton 365 tI Scott . 240 A McMillan --362 E Pugh 234 W Zilliax 346 P Richards ....125 11 MoKenzie342 1A Lott 80 t missed one subjeot ; } omitted Latin. J. H. Cameos, Principal. BOOM Ii. IV Oases -Examined in Arith, Spell., Geo., Hist. ; total 500. B Rose .........490 J Mooney 399 R Deadman.... 479 F Thomson 395 L Danford ...,457 J Thomson 392. L Turnbull....454. R Lowry 352 A Roes 451 R Pugh 346 E Currie 447 M Ament.......841 ' m n. ..332 488W wiuia eo Richards HR A Scott 43 G 6 Zilliax 381 M Rose 484 0 Ham 329 L Edwards ....484 R Sinclair 806 W Roohe 419 BR. III -Examined in Geo., Arith., total 600. Hist.,Spell. p H Lowry 356 E Adams 500 M MoNioholt 481 5 Lindsay ....336 G Rose 388 E Wilbee...... 334 H Brothers385 L Leatherdale..532 N . L Sinclair ...323 xbottle 878 Ha J Bloomfield ...816 8 T Zimmer 77 J Wilton 868 E Ament .816 H Avery ......382 JO. III -Examined in Geo., Arith., Gram., Spell. ; total 600. F Stretton ....469 J Kerr 275 0 Soott 487 W Booth 269 W Tarnbnll....418 I' Scott ...... 226 W Strachan....414 A MoMillan200 L Seraohna ....388 W Riahardeon122 V Wilbee .......286 Miss M. L. Bnoox, teacher. ROOM iII. an. III -Examined in Arith., Geo., Spell., Gram. ; total 400. K Deadman.. ..371 G Armstrong 278 P Baeker 855 B Dark 274 I MoKenzio....348 L MoArter 284 111 Brothers ....348 0 Gerry 284 0 Bell .. .....528- F Oampbell228 II Harbottle.... 516 Al Jackson 214 5 Campbell .,..296 0 Holmes 161 V McKenzie. ... 294 W Henderson 139 A Jackson ....288 L McCracken 187 J Ament 282 - So. II-I9xamiued in. Arith., Geo., Spell., Gram. ; total 400. 5 Walker 581 .1 Wilbee 275 T Armstrong ..868 W MoOraoken271 J Leckie ......466 11 Good 270 7 Lott 266 WBell P Speiran H Moore A Bartliff......1408 F Maiuprfze....214 W Wilbee 297 0 Denbow ....209 E Wilton 286 T Friendship ..186 P Anent 281 B Leckie ......186 Ju. II -Examined in Arith.. Spell., Geo., Gram. ; total 400, M Jones ,841 V Walker 228 A Roes 282 B Clunk 209 F Soon ...... ..282 O Annul] 206 W Adams 296 E Wilbee 144 0 Molttillan.. , 280 K Ament 189 Min M. T. Demise, teacher. 1100tt Iv. CLASS-IV-Examinedin Diot , Leith. ; i 200. iota 819 S Ament 806 H Barrett 301 E Colvin 252 250 287. a teener paster, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Fee will offerings will be taken at sao service is behalf of the Building Food, On Monday, Feb, 17th, a great supper will bo served in the old obaroh from 5 to 8 o'clock under the auepioee of the Ladies' Aid Society. After the sapper, en ex. oellent program will be' rendered in the new church, 000eisting of music by the choir, aeeisted by Wilbur G. Grant, Or gauiat of Ilglingten °hutch, Toronto, who will preside at the new pipe omen. Ad. dresses will be given by Revs. Living atone, Rogers, Chairman of the Wingham Dietriot, Dr. frifford a former pastor, end the resident minietere. Revs. W. Lowe, D Perris, A. E. Prior and J. J, Patter. eon. Admisalon to supper and entertaiu- ment,.single tickets, 500. ; double tiokets, 75c. ; obildren'e ticket, 260. PERSONAL PARAIIIi,AI'tIS. Jno. Hill ie ill with bronchitis. Mre. Will. Ainlay is visiting in Lieto• web Mies Annie Lowry hi on the eiok list we are sorry to hear. Mtse Thorn Gerry is visitingrelativse and friends in Blyth.. Mise Mamie Denman, of Bluevale, is visiting at N.F. Gerry's. Mise Clara MoOraoken has returned to Paris to resume her situation. Jao. Wynn was on the sick list but is CHURCH CHIMES. Last Sanday'e snow storm interfered with the varione oongregatione consider. ably. - Quarterly Communion in the Metho. diet Church was postponed and will be held next Sabbath morning. The revival eervioee which were beld in the Brneeele Methodist Ohureh Dame to a conclusion last Sabbath evening. Rev. R. Pent preaohed on Walton air• wait last Sabbath as Rev. A. W. Dever wae laid up with rheumatism. Both Mr Paul and Mr. Abey had a hard road to travel owing to the snow etorm. An interesting and profitable expository sermon was preaohsd in the Methodiet Ohuroh last Sabbath morning by the pas. tor along the experiences of the early Church. The evening dieoonree was directed to the imperative necessity of salvation. The Presbyterian congregations of Ripley and Bervie haveraisedthe salary of their pastor, Rev. F. J. Maxwell, from $860 to $1000. Mn, Maxwell ie a hard and faithful worker and it t a proper p er that aa raotf• 1 itiae bereoo recognized in these qualities gP q oatwaybythe people. The lth Stndard says :-Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Amherstbnrg, formerly of Heueall, hes received en nnanil10ne in- vitatioo to beoome pastor of the Bien r beim circuit for the next conte enue term. It was expeoted that M Mr. Kerr would be ted the next pastor of Blyth Methodiet Church. W. F. M. 5. SooiAL.-An 'enjoyable time wa9 spent last Friday evening in ' oonneotiod with a somI held in Melville oburoh eohool room under the auspice: of the Woman's Missionary Society. The pastor made a Sret-olaes ohairmatr^ and the interesting program inoladed two eeleotioos by the choir ; a duet by Minn MoArter and Habkirk ; reoitation by Mies Winnie MOGnire ; address by G, F. Blair ; recitation by Mies Brook ; Metre - mental byT. A. Hawkins ; Phonograph selections by G. A. Deadman. Refresh- ments were served. The ladies will have $10 to add to their fonde ae a finanoial result of the. Boatel. ANNUAL MERTneo.-The Annual Meet. ing of Melville Cbarob was held on Wad• neaday evening. Repent) were submitted from the various organizations, all of which were of an enoo0raging nature. The number of families is 200 ; number of members, 448, 41 having been added during the year and 86 removed. The Treasurer's reoeipte were $1908,54, which met all demande,leaving a balance of. $73 44. The Sabbath Bebop' reoeipte were $230.39, and the Christie!) Endeavor Sootety $68.28. For Missionary and Benevolent purposes $724.90 were raised, besides 5453 51 for the Oeotary ..Fund. The total givioge for the year, exclusive of Waimea from the previous year, were $8237 38. The following offroe bearers were Bleated : Managers for one year; Malcolm Bleck, Jas. Speir, Arch. 13iolop, M. P. P., D. Orerar lot two years, Jas. Turnbull, D. 0. Rosa, Jae. Fox, Allan Adams ; fot three year:, G. F. Blair, J, H. Cameron, Jae. Cott and Jas. Bowmen. Miesionary Assn:iation, Thos. Straohan, G. A.. Deadman and Peter Watson, And, iters, Geo. Thomson and 9.1ex. Straohan. The nest annual meeting will be held on the Monday afternoon following the nom• minion in January, 1003. OPENING Snnvxoue.-The Opening tier. vices of the now Methodist Church, Wing• ham, are ae follows ;-Services and. speakers : Sunday, Feb. 160), Rev. Jae. Livingstone, President of the London Conference, at 11 a, m. and 7 p. m•,; Shnday, Feb. 23rd, Rev. Dr. Garman, General Superintendent of the Methodiet Church, at 11 a. ea. end 7 p. m. ; Banday, able to get about once more. Mica McLeod, of Walton, is visiting Mise Mildred Scott, of Brussels. R. Leatherdale was laid up this week with rbeamatiem but is better now. Mies Norah Holmes was visiting at bar grandfather's in Wingham last week. Mies Habkirk was renewing old ao- quaintanoes in Blyth during the peat week. Jut). Wilbee is recovering from his recent ettauk of inflammation of the lunge. 3. D. and Mrs. Ronald have gone to Lae Vegas, New Mexico, for thg balance of the Winter. Fred. McCracken was laid up during the peat week with a bad attack of near• algia in hie face. Jno. Thomson has been quite poorly but we hope be will be speedily restored to more vigorone health. Peter Watson, Queen street, boo been a title "ander the weather" with the prevailing cold bat ie improving. Dr. F Sill attended the M aconic At held at Wio ham onFriday even- ing Fida Hama beg e time. of last week and reports a ha Mrs. D. M. Scott has been ill thio week with bronchitis but we hope she will be speedily restored to her nand good health. Mies Minnie E. White, of New York, is the guest of her sieter, Mre. Jae. Turn- bull, corner John and Xing street, Brae. eels. Mre. -Henderson, of Elms, sister of Mrs. E. Walker and Joo. Thomson, of Brussels, has been daugeronely ill. She la 82 years of age. W. F. Stretton is back from a trip of several months in Ontario and Michigan ae Business Manager of the Said Pasha Opera Company. Mies 011ie Mooney, daughter of Gordon Mooney, John street, has been bothered with a beilding ear but we hope She will soon be quite well again. Wesley, third sou of Station Agent Ham, has been under the doctor's care with pneumonia this week but is making making favorable progreee. Mrs. 0. E. Turnbull, of Guelph, is vieiting in Brneeele. Mr.. Turnbull has gone to Chicago where he purposes taking a coarse at an•Optinal College. nos. in n of Listowel, was b a. Thomson, towno attend erne to e. He o for afew days. y hie sister's funeral at $eafarth but fogad it impossible to drive there on Monday. Little Joe Habkirk has been quite ill this week with pneumonia bot Is consid- erably better now. Joe has a large num• her offriends who hope he will soon be o. k. A. L. Stewart, maohinisb, of Detroit; J. D., Manager of the Bank of Ottawa, at Avonmore, Ont., Wm. and D. of Wiarton, were here during the past week attendingndin g the funeral of the; t Daniel their Esther, the late , Stewart. there is for this inetlttttlen is in evidence every day' in tlio heart breaking lettere that snide to the trustees, Tha new hos- pital, llite the Muskoka cottage Ban Lake li o um, acpios a beautiful site neat Musltoka, and all the advantages of olimmar: conditions, as well an the same effiuieut medioal- care, treatment and nursing that fa given by the ane will be a feature of the other, making the road for recovery to health ae easy 'for,the poor patient es the one who is able to pay for admlttenoe to the Muskoka Cottage Sena, toriel% Trustees are now asking for the requfr. ed euro to furnish the Free Consumptive Hospital, so that no delay shall mum in opening thedmire to petition. The build• fags are the gift of two friends. Amouute large mod small, will bo gratefully reosiv. ed -$60 furnishes a bed. Contributions may be sent to Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Ohief Justice, 4 Lamport avenue, Torun. to ; W. J. Gage, 52 Front street Weer, Toronto ; or to the National Trusts Company, Limited, treasurer, 22 Bing street East, Torouto. E Deadman....200 S Fox 151 Merit: 2nd, to be enpplied; Bnnday J Armetreng"..194 V Ainlay 142 Match 9th, Rev. S. Bellery, M, A., B. D., Helping The Consumptive. EDITORIAL NOTES. LORD DIIItwsRIN, a one-time popular Governor General of Canada, is lying at the point of death at Belfast, Ireland, e Tonowro le quite byeterioal over two females who robe themselves io white and omit tbemselveo angels. Bless your heart, Toronto, in this part of the Province we have one of that variety in almost every house and they're not "loony" either. Tan Local Legielat▪ ore bad the pounds mud shillings represented in their finances but last week they were glad to add the Pease, Kingston's aoolemation gift to the list of Liberal M. P. P's. Mr. Penne ie a newapeper men and we hope be will never be out of "aorta," "pi" his speeches nor fire "leaded" metier at hie opponents. JAMES MoMnLLEN,of Mount Forest, is proposed ae likely timber for a Senator. Hie long experience as M. P., would fit him well for the Senate. If we had our way the whoa Senate envie tine !nese would be reoonetrueted so as to be of some use to the country and the Beats elective for a term of years, rather than what it has been -an old man's home. * .v Some of the mnti•Probibitioniats at their recent waiting on Hon, G. W. Roes and Cabinet were not any too well pleased at the course of the Methodist Church in the forward movement along Prohibition lines, and several eneere were thrown at this body by eome of the speakers. This is very silly ae the anti's will find solid phalanxes in a good many of the other denominations se well who will leave no atone uataraed 10 manse the enppreesion of a traffic that has been a great detri- ment to every church in the land. Not a small quantity of pointers were given by the delegation that will be utilized later in the awning campaign. In the fourth annual report of the National Sanitarium Association we have a valuable contribution on the treatment of cousnmptives. This association was organized some five yeare ago, and has now as institutions the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, established four years, and the new Free Consumptive Hospital, situ- ated about a mile from the former, and which is just about completed. In a short time the trustees of the association hope to have established in or near Tor. onto it, home for those suffering more acutely from this dread disease. Daring the past year 186 patients treat- ed 10 the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium. Of these 53 were from Toronto ; 117 from other parts of Ontario ; 8 from other Provinces of Canada ; and 8 from the United States- figures that show the national oharaoter of the institution. Divided by religious denominations there were 63 Methodists, 55 Presbyterian, 89 Anglicans, '7 Baptists, 14 Roman Oatho• line, and 8 from other ohurohes. Tho aces ranged all the way from fifteen to eighty, there being one who had reached so great an age. Dr. J. H. Elliott, M. B , physioian in charge, tells ns in his report to the aura elation that the average gem in weight of patients has been thirteen ponuds, and there has been au average gain of four- teen and a half pounds in those remain• seg over three mionthe, The following statement of Dr. Elliott is deserving of careful study : "It is difficult to arouse people to the neceseity of sending oases early to aeoure the beet results, notwitb• standing the foot that Ivo have shown in previous years the, of inoipient oases 65 per Dant or over were cured." The one matter that is pressing heavily upon the trustees of the association at 010 present time is the fnrniehing and equip• ping of the Free Consumptive Hospital that Is almost ready to be opened for the receiving of patients. The Drying need • 1. * s Tan little P03 the Heraldpolitical dab of era! r nto Tele. 0 last weak, copied from the Toronto gram, referring to A. Hislop, M. P. P., and bis epeeoh on the Budget will be "gratefully" reed by the Liberal' eubeori- mtie i given for the motive here and lull credit r Ile n is ooming near. now that very interesting to hear that the Tele- gram ie such an independent sheet but somehow it rarely misses an opportunity of trying to dagger Hon. G. W. Rose and his government -terribly independent it is bat on one aide. 0n page 4 Tan Pose gives a brief report of Mr. Hielop'e epeeoh and also the editorial reference from the Daily Globe concerning it. Mr. Hialop'e opponents will find out wbat'e in him if they tackle East Huron eleotore next Summer in the Provincial eleotions. the Peddler's B •law IN the debate on By .19.w the County Counoil last week reference was made to the want of loyalty to the looal business men by the large and oft repeated purchases made by residents of the towns and villages of the County at departmental stores in the oitiea. On en- quiry we find that Brussels postoffioe and Express offices are almoet daily the aven. nes for oarrying goods from outside points to homes at et near the village and we doubt not this.. is the experience of thousands of plaoee. This mode of doing bueineee is a direot Mee to the borne merchant who ie paying taxon and mak. - in9 an effort bo build np the town. If everybody sent to the cities for what they could get, in some ones just as cheaply at home, tbe' growth and develop. meat of boat iotereate would soon be a thing of the past a: money and oonoen. Oration of trade are the bone and Sinew contributing to vigor and activity. Be- fore yon send the next order away call on year own merchants and ascertain what they oat do toward supplying your wants. An old. maxim gays ''Charity Should begin at home," so abould loyalty and the sooner poop s find this out the more quiokiy will the towns and villages thrive inclined of being sapped by outside eetabltabment that don't spend a sent in your municipality in a lifetime,