The Brussels Post, 1902-1-30, Page 8If You ,.Want
Rubbcr Goods
We e441 be glad to receive your order.
And a full line of
All ie White or Grey etook, We oan give you the Highest grade of geode on the
market, or we oan give you Cheaper grades,
F. B. Hursley co Co.,c)"
608110 xammialON & W. 0. n.
Trains leave Brunets Station, North
and South, aefollows:
GOING BOUTn GOING Nowa.Express 7:18 amI Mail 2.10 p.m
Mixed.....,9:48 aExpreee ...... 8:17 pan
Xaxa1 Bens Pins.
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Ton ice harvest ie ab hand.
Business was very lively last Saturday.
Furman Divielon Oourt next Wednes-
aBEAT many are botbered with la -
OoUNTY Orange Lodge next Tuesday in
Tuna baa been good skating on the
BRUSSELS Council will meet next Mon-
day evening.
W. F. STEWART & SON received a oar of
porn this week.
Ferny of this week finishes up the
month of January.
Tan K. 0. T. M. degree team went to
Seafartb this (Thursday) afternoon.
Hume 0e, Oonnoil ie in eeseio0 and
Councillors Bowman and Kerr in alten.
Mute use of the Free Library and give
year family a large supply of wholesome.
ANNUAL meeting of Driving Park Aseo.
elation et the American Hotel on Friday
evening of this week.
Ate eutertaioment in the moving picture
role was given in the Town Hall here on
Tuesday and evening of this
week. A large number of excellent views
were presented in a very realietio manner.
R. K. BOG/ has disposed of hie 3•year•
old mare to W. F. Scott for the sem of
$145.00. Sbe is of "Costumer" breeding
and the making of a fine beast. In the
hands of the new owner there may be
development of speed of some cense.
qqueen.Nor a few have spoken of the desira-
bility of augmenting the nearly 925,00•in
band from the reoentooncert for tbe Free
Consumptive Hospital so as to endow a
Cot to be known ae the Brussels Cot. We
believe it could be given to few more
deserving charities.
LAST Saturday afternoon as Thos.
Siraoba°,jr„ was driving into Brussels
one aide of the shaft oroee•bar Dame loose
from the natter caning the horse to make
an attempt to run away. By skillful
hlrsemanehip the animal was kept on
the road and broaalit to a standstill after
a run of three blocks on Main street.
Pas ()ober Carriage Factory hue all
the machinery moved from Ethel to their
new Shope here and along with new
maobinee will soon have everytbiog plao•
ed and in relining order. Work will be
posher! ahead at lively rale oo the oat -
put for the Doming Summar. John
Oober ban moved his family to Brun•
eels this week, having snared a hones ou
Princess street. We bid them a cordial
W. R. BELDBN, who paebed business
for the Palmerston Pork Factory, has en.
tered iuto an engagement tie bneineee
manager of a Packing and Cold Storage
do., with hea.lquartere at Clinton. He
is a hastier and if the other offioere get a
move on to Compare with Mr. Belden
there will be little doubt es to tbe result
as be appeare to have epeeist tacit along
thelines of dealing with the public. We
wish him 0000800 in hie new field.
BARR OHANOE.—Thio week a ohange ie
made at the Standard Bank here by the
transference of Teller Harris Hamilton
to the Chatham Bank and the Doming of
W. A. Tripp, of that place, to Brue ets.
G. P. Boholfleld, the first agent of tbe
Standard iu this place, is in command at
Cbatham. Quite a few Braneelitee are
finding their way to Kent's capital. Mr
Hamilton's many young friends wieb him
000088s and at the same time will welcome
hie successor to Brussels,
Osis,—Word was received Thursday
morning of this weals of the death of
Donald Stewart, formerly of Brueeele,
who died at the residence of We moo -in-
law, Augur)Smitb, of Winton. A week
ago Tuesday be underwent what was Con.
eidored a ouooesefai operation and was
making favorable progreae afterwards, no
the news of his death was received witb
a shock. The funeral will take plane
Saturday afternoon on the arrival of the
2.106rale, from Melvilleohurohand hence
to Brussels Cemetery.
Lixoire—A wrib bee been tuned at the
instance of the administrator of the family
of the late Alex. MoNab, 6th line, Morrie,
against 0. Zilliax, proprietor of the Oen.
tral Hotel, Brussels, for 91,000, (barging
that on the premises of the Central Mr.
MoNob met with injuries by' falling into
a °ellat that led to hie death. The orate
Will mime up for hearing at the nett
Anthem to he held at Goderieb, G. F.
Blair is ening for the plaintiffs and W.
Sin&&aie will look after thedefendenfe
intonate. It wil I. be a matter of oon0ider-
able interest, and more than looel inter-
est, as the bearing of such nen have
been few and aoequently baa not many
A one of Manitoba flour was received
last week by Geo. Thomson and R. 1i
THE stores were all closed from 2 30 un-
til 3 30 a'olook Thursday afternoon to
allow all who so wiehed to attend the
funeral of Mrs. F. 0. Rogers.
ARTHUR McGurn, D. D. G. M,, for the
Odd Fellows of this District, was at
Wingham last week installing the afters
for this term. He's quite an enthusiastic
member of the I. 0. 0. F.
'rue agriouttural implement agent, both
looal and general, bee bean getting in hie
beet "lioke" daring the past month and
the results will be apparent in the coming
season's delivery of implements.
Tae only Militia (Mange in the 38rd
Huron Regiment announced is Honorary
Surgeon Lieut .0o1. W. J.R, Holmes who
is planed open tbe retired liet retaioiug
honorary nark of Sergeant Lieutenant
Ton W. F. M. S. intend holding a
eoeial in the eohool room of Melville
oborob on Friday evening of this week.
A good maaioal and literary program will
be given and refreshments will be served.
The proceeds will be applied to mission•
ary purposes.
Tag Editor of Tan Pon was presented
with mune oranges, Tbureday of this
week, grown in the orange orobard of
Mrs. Jao. Johnston, Florida, by Mrs.
Jno. Jones, Brussel(' South, who had e
box gent her by her daughter, Mrs,
Johnston. The Editor's beet thanks are
doe Mre. Jones for tbe fruit. The oranges
are bo'h large and Ionian.
MARRIED.—On Saturday of last week a
quiet wedding took place of St. Paul's
Cathedral, London, when Edwin Cole-
man and Miss lehristina, daughter of
Neil and Mre. Milioy, Alexander street,
Brueeele, were made man and wife, the
ceremony being performed by Rev. Dean
Ianee. The young ample gave the people
of Brueeele a -surprise by getting married
so quietly.
I. 0 F.—At the meeting of the I. 0.
F. held last Friday evening the following
offiaere were elected for the nesting term,
installation to take plane on Feb. 28111 :-
0 R.—I.0. Rioharde ;
V. C.R.—H. McKinnon ;
Physician—Dr. Toole ;
F. B.—.L. S. Danford ;
R. B.—T. Carry ;
Chap.—S. Walker ;
8. W.—F. Keys ;
J. W.—R. Cunningham;
B. B.—A. Forsyth ;
J. B.—F. Cardiff ;
0. D. H. 0. R.—R. Cunningham.
Hones.—The first Hookey match for
this Beason in Brueeele was played on
Friday afternoon, the Wroxeter team
driving over for a wrestle with the local
team. 1be was nothing to brag about ae
it was rather on the soft aide. Remit of
metal was 6 to 8 in favor of Brueeele
after a (lose tussis. The teams lined up
ae follows :—
B1tEBSELe WRoximeat
Bryan Goal Robinson
Roche Point ............... A. Rae
Gerry 0. Point G.
McNaughton ... JHama
Forwards 1(
1 N' Miller
M°Lanchlm JI l J. Rae
Geo Irwin, Referee.
A return match was played in Wroxeter
on Tneedey,reoulting in defeat for ons
boye. The score was 5 2.
Fent B. 0.—Mre. T. Dennienn, recent-
ly of Brueeele, writes from Vancouver,
B. 0., ae follows :—Kindly ohanga the
address of my POST to the above address
for the preeent. rani Burry to say we
have not received tbe paper for three
weeke and ea it is ae good as a letter from
old friends we miee'it very much. Bo.
far we bees not fallen in line with B. 0.
weather on account of s0 mnoh rain but
from all reports we will Change our tune
b'fore this year is out. We have had
come very delightful weather et" far this
month and very little rain, but it is never
eafe to go out without a "paraohnte" 04
it may start and rain before yon get a
dozen blocks away.
SODDEN DEATH.—It ie with deep re•
gut that we are Called upon thie week to
ohroniole the Redden demiee of a most
estimable resident of Brussels in the per.
eon of Mrs. F. 0. Rogers, which sad event
took place on Tuesday morning. The
annoanoement came to the pnblio with a
euddennees and sadness not often exper-
tunoed, Demand had been enjoying a
fair degree of health, although troubled
with heart trouble. No suspicion of the
hone of her departure being so oloee at
band was entertained. Mre, Rogers wan
born at Southampton, Hampshire, Eng•
land, and was united in marriage to her
late husband in 1846, who died in Ben-
nis, Jane 5th, 1898, her maiden name
being Emma Melmonth. In the year
1878 they came to Brunets from Dela-
ware, Middlesex Co„ and have resided
here eine that dete. The sullied of this
notice was a bright, intelligent person,
With a jovial diepoeition and was very
'tightly esteemed by the Community at
large. The funeral took place from her
late residence, Main street, to St. John's
ohuroh and thence to Brueeele Cemetery
on Thursday afternoon and was largely
attended, A solemn and tonehing ger
vice wag oondneted by Rev, Mr. &bey,
and the pall bearers were :—Geo, Coe.
diff, Jno. Cardiff, las. Irwin, W. E. Van
Stone, °bee Bartliff and Wm. Bryans.
& large number of beautiful floral teibutee
Were planed on the casket.
Tan Atwood Bop bac oelebratedanalber
birthday ,and ie ,now OD ito 10th velum.%
We belie that 18 will prove a very lucky
number ter the Bee.
Tae abipments on the :G. T. R. title
week were at rollowp :-1 ear eerep iron
by Towle & Pulleek i 1 par Attila by et,
0. Dames; 1 ear hogs and 2 Care nettle
by Geo, Beet ; 1 earmelt by R. &, J,
Repeated from the Bau000le Solt Works,
M House,—Camp Ben Lomond, Sone
of Scotland, Bennett held their annual
M Home In their Camp room en Tuesday
evening'of thio week when n very pleasant
time was enjoyed. In additlop to the
spaial intereouree and lunch provided a,
good program wag rendered oonoieting of
the following :—Obairmau's address, J.
H. Oameron ; instrumental, Mre. Tleemp.
eon and D. Ewen ; song,"Royal Ohoriie,"
Mies Taylor ; song,. "Soottieb Blue Belle,"
A. Lemont; recitation, ''Robert Burns;'
J, Perrin; song, "The Auld Saone' Songs,'
Alioe Thompson ; song, "Mary of Ar.
gyla,' Mise Crooke ; instrumental, Den'
oan Taylor ; quartette, Misses Taylor,
Roes, Meseta. Strachan and Oameroo ;
recitation, "Provost Oarlyle," J. Perris ;
solo, Mime Taylor ; quartette, MinesTaylor and Roes, Mann. Brenham and
Cameron ; address, Dietriot Deputy
Jobneton, of St. Marys, "The Scottish
Oharaoterietioe" ; by special request 1).
Tailor and Mise M. Taylor, sang "The
Crookit Bewbee."
ROUSE oo RaoOao 001UttxTrog. — On
Monday afternoon the House of Refuge
Committee met at Clinton, the members
present being T, E. Hays, Jas: Connolly,
Co. Clerk Lane, Inspector Goatee, Oare•
taker Freuoh and W. 13. Kerr. Tenders
were opened for onppliaa fortbe House
and awarded ae follows :—Groceries, J.
W. Irwin ; bread, J. A. King ; beef, A.
Couch. It takee about 600 lbs. of bread
a week to supply the institution and coats
from $600 to $600 per annum. The re
newel of telephone cataract was left in
the hands of Ieepeotor as an effort is be-
ing made to eeoare a redaction. There
are 60 °leotrio lights in the building and
the new Contract calla for $100 per
year. The original aontraot was $180
which inoloded installing, &o. There are
80 inmates and the average ooet per day
per inmate covering everything is 12 1/12
oenta. Owing -to ineuffidient supply of
water the well was drilled 225 feet near-
ing saoh a plentiful return that 9e hours'
pumping made no show upon it. Cost
was $267. A new pump woe put in $75. There are 4 Cows on the farm
one of wbioh will be sold next Spring.
IaepeotorCoats' annual report was sub
witted, reviewed and paused on to the
County Council, being eminently eatiefao
tory to the Committee.
ClIt11 IJH C1113i111.
Good meetings have been and are in
progress in the • Methodist Church this
Next Sabbath morning the regular
quarterly communion eervioe will be held
iu the Methodist (March in this plane.
The Treasurer of Brueeele Branch
Bible 8o0iety will be obliged if the Col-
lector's wh , have not yet reported would
oomplete their work as soon as oonvdo•
fent. Bo that the annual report may be
completed in good time, Reports so far,
have been good oat•doinglaetyear in the
most Gane.
The Brussels Methodist obnroh has
extended an invitation to Rev. T. Wesley
Coseue, of Westminster alma, London
District, to become its pastor at the eon
elusion of Rev. Jno. Holmee' three year
term next June. Rev. Mr. Cosnne has
!weep ed, subject to tbe ratification of the
Stationing Committee of next Conference
which will meet in Hernia.
Rev, Dr. Warden hue issued a financial
report of the Presbyterian church !ethernet"!ethernet"for the year ending February 28th.
There has been $92,050 eubeoribed, but it
is estimated that the amount required
will be $291,000, making a requieite of
$198,950, within the next nix weeks, to
end the year without debt, upwards of
983,000 a week, or nearly 96,000 every
day, till the books close.
At tbe preparatory service in Melville
Church on Saturday afternoon, Rev. J. J.
Hann, of Belgrave, preached an inetruo
tive and profitable sermon from the words
of Christ, "Blessed are the poor in spirit."
00 Sabbath morning Mr. Rose dwelt
upon Roma. 8:1, and the sacrament was
partaken of by upwards of 300 comment-
oante. Rev. M. G. Jarrow, of Welton,
gave a vigorous discourse in the evening
to a large oongregetion from the text "I
am afraid of you," Gal. 4:11. A short
eervioe wanheld on Monday evening lint
the attendance being small on account of
the storm, the annual meetiog was unan•
imonely postponed till Wednesday even•
ing of next week at 7.30 o'clock.
People We Snow.
Tun Pee'r's oengretuletlone are hereby
expreeeed to the renently arrived Mies
FOX and glee Heist of thie plana.
Mies Edua Guest, toaobo0 in Ternbeli'e
aohool,16th con, Grey, agent B'tttu'day
end Sabbath in Brnsevle with Mies Hattie
Downing wlto teaohee Ip the adjoining
Mr, Webber, ' n former Braeeelibo, who
hes melded in London for it number of
years, Ilea not bind good health of tete
and hue sold out his buena es end trill
try farming in the hope et.. 6ff0004 an
Mise Jessie Maolaohlan, the famous
800btish siogar, who captivated Brussels
udienoos on two diflnrept 000aeioee, was
presented on her appearance at Detroit
with 0, gold jewel of eoneiderable value,
suitably engraved and eeb withµ diamond
by the president of Si. Andrew's Sooiety.
We are pleased to state that Mre. T,
Farrow'e oondition Is considerably int.:
proved and the medical operation spoken
of Int week wee not neoeesary owing to
the removal of the tronble by the treat
wont applied. Her many friends hope
the may be speedily restored' to good
The Manton( (Illinois)Independeni, of
Jan. 1703 Bays of a Brueeeltte
Gilpin, of Ohioago Dental College, was
the guesb of Dr. Switzer Saturday and
Sunday. He sang the beautiful Bolo.
'Oalvary" in the Methodist church Sun-
day evening. He has a splendid, rieb
voice and delighted hie audieuee with a
vary rare treat."
`samples of Choice Grain for the line
prevenient of Seed.
By instructions of the Hon, Minister
of Agriculture another distribution will
be made this Beason of samples of the
most productive aorta of grain to Cana,
dian farmers for the improvement of seed.
The stook for distribution ie of the very
beat and hue been eeonred by the Director
of the Experimental Farina from the.
reoord•breaking (rope recently had in the
Canadian North -went. It will be worth
while for farmers generally to renew their
seed of oats when varieties wbioh have
produced more that" 100 bnebe's per core
oan be bad. The distribution this Spring
will consist of sample(' of nate, Spring
wheat, barley, field pease, Indian Dorn
and potatoes. Every farmer may apply,
but only one sample oan be sent to eaoh
applicant, hence if an individual receives
a sample of ode be Cannot also reoeive
one of wheat, barley or potatoes, and
applications for more than one eample
for one household cannot be entertained.
These oamplee will be sent free of charge
through the mail.
Appllaatione should be addressed to the
Director of Experimental Farms, Ottawa,
and may be gent in coy time before the
15th of March, after which the lists will
be closed, se that all the samples asked
for may be sent out in good time for
sowing. Pardee'writing shonid mention
the eort of variety they would prefer, and
should the available stook of the kind
naked for be exhausted, some other good
sort will be Bent in its plane.
Wal S meopee,
Director Experimental Farms.
Ed. Mole, of Manchester, Sundayed in
R. goalie wee home from Listowel over
Mre. John Walker is tie the sick Iiet
this week.
Mies Clara Meadows left for Colorado
Tuesday of this week.
I. 0. and Mrs. Rioharde were visiting
at Galt this week.
Mre. J. L. Kerr was visiting at Guelph
during the past week.
Mies Jennie Budd, of Browotown, in
visiting the Mieeee 110lmoe.
Mre. B. Gerry wason the sink list last
week with a bedding in her ear.
Mre. Fletcher Sperling ie confined to
the house this week through ilineae.
Jno. Cobra and family moved into town
from Ethel Tuesday of thle week.
Mr. Oriole and eon, of Exeter, were
visiting Mre. Geo. Banker 11110 week.
Mine Elsie Oumminge, of Buffalo, fe
visiting ber grandmother, Mre. Smele, er.
Thos. Sanders, wife and eon, of Heal
toba, were vieitere at Ino. Simmons' last
Mime E Ornzier, of Soagog, ie visiting
her cousin, ]Mee Lizzie Downing, Flora
Mre, T. Thornton and eon, of Listowel,
are visiting relatives and friends in
Mre. Thee. Williamson, of Walton,
spent Sonday with her daughter, Mrs.
Geo, Walker.
A. Parfoot, of London, Dame to town
Tuesday owing to the death of bid aunt,
Mee, F. 0. Rogers.
Mims Ethel Creighton exp00t0 to leave
for Hamilton Monday of next week to
el:St bur mother and brother.
Mre. D. 0. Rona and Doses were visit.
ing in W Ingham last week. Mre. Robert
Jobneton gave an "At Home" Ttoeday in
their honor. Master Vernon hose, who
hag been eiok for a weak or more, joined
his mother in Winghanion Thursday and
spent a oeuple of dela reorulting.
Methodist Church Anniversary.
Last Sabbath anniversary 6ermone
were preached in tbe Brueeele Methodist
cherub at 10.80 a: m. and 7 p. m. by Rev.
W. McDonagh, of ltretford, when Targe
and interested congregations were in at
tehdanoe. The pastor, Rev. 3. Rolmee,
and Rev. R. Paul oonduoted theintroduo
tory part of the services and the °boir
contributed anthems suitable to the oe-
aneion. elev. Mr. MoDnnagh took for kis
text in the morning Amos 9th chapter
and llth and 12th verses and also realm
2 and 6th verse from which he preached
a rousing discourse occupying about an
hour in which he demonstrated the Truth
with no nnoertain Boned. I Corinthians
3rd Chapter, 12et, 22nd and 28rd verses
was the foundation of the evening sea
moa. The power and effects of cin aid
the ability of God to redeem was the line
the speaker followed fu an augmentative,
well fortified, outspoken and enthusiastic
sermon. He preaches with old time
power and rebukes sin and modern follies
in soatbiog terms. The floanoial results
of the day amounted to 967.00 which
will be applied to liquidating interest on
ohuroh debt.
was the theme of Rev, Mr. MoDonegh'e
lecture Monday evening. The reverend
learner was introduced by the pastor
with oomplimentary words, wbioh were
amply justified before the meeting was
concluded. The epeaker briefly yet
pointedly sketched tbe early history of
the Emerald isle, elanidating many items
of iotereet known to few, dating book be.
fore the coming of Ohrieb, as to the name,
religion, government, inhabitants, where
they came from, its eohools, Christianity,
&c , making in all with its history, geog-
raphy, pathos, wit and good bard sense,
an evening's program seldom superseded.
Among the many pointe brought out was
that the Chief offioere in the early drys
were Druid priests. - The military lead.
ere ware walled Champions and played an.
important part in the catty legende of the
oonntry. Their divisions were for• each
Province, the Red Braooh of Teter, the
Email of Leinster, the elan Degaid of
Munster and the Mann of Oounaught.
They worshipped Baal, the God of fire,
the earns religion as that of Tyre, Sidon
and Carthage of old. England at that
time was alert devotees to Druidism, and
snored groves were to be found in many
planes. Hermon and Heber, Moleeien
Kings, divided Ireland between them but
the former killed his brother and became
sole monarch. After him Came Irial,
oelled the prophet king, and in hie reign
the art of dying oolore Cam0 into opera.
tion 1 next came 011amph, termed the
wise, who established the Convention of
Tara, a sort of Parliament for the whole
land. In later years the kings were the
leaders of oompaigne elemonebrating great
bravery 110oh on laud and eea. Interest-
ing referenda wee made to Bt. Patriok and
the eetablishment of Protestantism, the
lecturer Combating ebe statement that
Romaniem had any just olalm to him or
bin work, The great men of Ireland in
oonneo'ion with military 'abets, diplon.
nay, oratoee, lanoline, editors were
called tip and the important part they
played or were playing in the Weatern Se
Well as the Eastern boniephere was by
no means dioereditable to the land of the
woe born in Enniskillen, Ferhanagh Co,,
Ireland, and Home to Canada when 16
yearn of age, Ho entered the Metitodiet
JAN, 30 1902
A0 Ttf1XDv1.IW "34.7vl' OF C4Xx1 D4,1
CAPITAL 1'AID OF (Oce Million Defant)$1,900,000
Iap{t3T - ' 9790,000
Sleeelefes et aft prima/eat 7 511010 in (Mario, Quebec, Plattitoba, Unfted Stater d' 01;0004.
J IIob`i"i" drss atito d6rc1.
A General Banking Bueineoe Trapaaoted. rumors' Notes Dieoeunted.
Deefte leaned and Oolleotione made on all pointe,
Interest allowed on deposits of 91,09 end upwards and compounded half yearly.
131rnd8AD ATTENTION 0I88N To THn Oormeoo1ON or Famine' Stan Novae,
Every faoility afforded Onetomere living at a dietanoe.
payable at any bank frieued Under 910.... 8u. $20 to 980.,,,12e
Moray, Ordsrs at the following rates 910 to 920.,.,1pa 50 to 40,...140
F, H. GRAY, Aorereo AORNT,
Ministry in 18552 and filled hie variant'
Chargee with marked emcees. Although
upwards of 70 years of age Rev. Mr, 1110-
Dunagh ie a very vigorous man and as a
preaoher and lecturer appeere to retain
his old time vigor for which he bas been
noted. He was alwaye a herd hitter iu
denouncing what be considered to be
wrong; yet those who konw him beet have
found him to be also poeseesed of those
kindly, eympathetio traits of oharaoter
tbatoaueed him to have and hold a large
nirole of friends. This is no obituary
notice tie the rev. gentleman ie still in the
flesh and demonstrating the Truth some
place almost every Sabbath. Rev. Mt.
MoDonagb asked for a Superannuation
relation a few years ago, and is now a
resident of Stratford where hie daughter,
(Mrs. W. S. Dingman) resides. Hie visit
to Brueeele was mnoh enjoyed end he
will be heartily welcomed batik on some
future mouton,
Tort Leterun 0
Business Locals;
MONEY to lomn. on farm seourity. •
Apply at TUE PoeT.
Fon cheap millinery go bo the Minn
Habkirk. Iiverytbing awaydown.
WANTan.—Ohoioe Roll ,Butter 18 Dente.
No. 1 Mink or Fox skins 93.50. Our
slaughter 'sale of Dress Goode during Jan.
nary and Febrnery is worth Coming miles
to see. G. E. KING, Wingham.
BAw FILioe —The undersigned ie pre.
pared to attend to all eaw filing in a
workmanlike manner, after long exper-
ience. Satiefaotion guaranteed.
Hume Wmnxrnre,
Livery Barn, Brueeele.
re foleteworth.
worthinthe-afternoon of Jan. 19, a very
pleasant surprise took place at manse,
when the ladies of the W. F. M. S., to
the number of over thirty, aeeembled
bringing well filled baskets with them.
Shortly afbr their arrival Mre. Ballet".
Lyne -wan nailed forward, to whom a very
kindly worded address was read by Mre.
E. Doan, in connection with which Mrs
Robert Elliott and Mrs. D. Scott preeeut-
ed her with a beautiful china net of din-
ner diehes, a ladle's Oak molting ohair and
a. silver fruit spoon. The following is the
address :—
DEAR Blue. BALLANTYNE,—We, 0e mem-
bers of the Molesworth auxiliary would
like to convey our appreoiiition of your
labor among uS as President of our So.
mety for the lair six years, and the deep
interest you bavo manifested in our wel-
fare for lime and eternity. Our mamma,:
Hone with yon have been pleaeaot and
profitable. You have cheerfully
given youraidand advice whenever need-
ed, and as a alight token of our love and
reapeot for you, we ask you to accept this
eat of di,hee and obair. We wish you
and Mr. Ballantyne and family proeperi.
ty and happiness, and may you long be
spared to labor among us. Signed in
behalf of W. F. M. S ,
Mre. Ballantyne replied, aesuriug them
of her appr, ointion of the kindly worded
addreee and the valuable gifts whiob no-
oompanied it but prizing must of all their
love and good will. She also assured
them that it gave her great pleasure to be
a oo•worker with anti a band of faithful
ladies tie are found in the Mn le wt"rth
auxiliary. Her aseooiation with them
for nearly eight years bad been days of
eunehiue. This part of the program
being over the ladies took possession of
the dining room and ladened the table
with tempting daintiesof ethical all par.
took after wbioh they spent some time
together in sortie' intercourse before re•
turning to their bomee,
FAIRnno'rnER.—In Detroit, on Jan. 11th,
to Mr. and Mre. Fairbrother, (nee
Mien Nellie Ward, god daughter of
Biebop Ward,) a eon.
Done0N.—In Ethel, on Friday, Jan, lOtb,
to Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Dobson, n eon.
BELL.—In Shakespeare, on Jan, 2903, to
lttr, and Mrs. Ino. B.13e11 (nee Mies
Maggie Oliver) a eon.
CAetenerL—KELLY.—In Brussels, on Jan,
22nd, at St. John's Reotory, by Rev.
G. J. Abey, Mr. Wilson Oumpbell, of
MoKillop, to Mies Merie Kelly,
daughter of the late Wm. Kelly, of
QOLnarAN—MI 008,—Ab St, Paul's (lathe.
dral, Loudon, Ont., on Jan, 25, by
Rev. Deem Innes, Mr, Edwin Oole.
mac, to Min Christina Milioy, both
of Brussels.
CAMnnirm—Sonny,—In Boston, Mass., on
Jae. 16, 1902, by Rev, Jae. J. Dun.
lop, pester of Roxbury Presbyterian
church, Min Mary ?ranee Scott, of
Boston, and ear. Geo. F, T. damp•
bell, of Boston, eldest eon of Col. D.
D. Campbell, of Listowel.
GRANUIa—Mo00A01tao1.—At the 'voidance
of the b,ide'e father, J. MoOraoken,
Wallace, on Jen. 15, by Rev. O. Brio.
tot, Trowbridge, Mr. Wm, Granger,
of Grey, to Mise Ada M. A, MoOraok•
en, of Wellaoe.
MoLtheis IN—Rieonnt.—At the residence
of the bride's mother, on Wednesday,
Jan. 15, by Rev. 3. A. Stewart, of
Belmore, Mr, W. 3, MoLnngblin, of
Winnipeg, Man., to Mies E. M.
Ritoblo, daegbtsr of the late James
itilabie, of Howialr, neer Nailer°.
Porn-Beente .—At. Bluevalo, on Wed•
1150413', Jan. 22, by Rev. Mr. West,
Mr, Chita Popo to Mies Levine,
L daughter 0! Mr. Goo. Barnard, all of
Fowo0R—DAvutsON.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, on Wednoeday,
Jan, 23, by Rev, D. Persia, Mr. Peter
Fowler to Mies Euphemia Davidson,
2nd daughter of Mr, Gavin Davidson,
of the Bluevale Road, Tornberry.
ROGERe.—In. Brueeele, on Jan, 28, Etnma
Melmouth, widow of the late F, C.
Rogers, aged 74 years,
tall we eat 68 68
Gail.v . 48 60
Pees 76 76
Oath 88 88
130101.i -the and rolls . 15
Eggs tn• 0 cozen . 17
Flour ,,n, owl, 4 00
Potatoes (tier bus.) 80
Apples (per bbl,) 2 00
Hay per tan . 7 50
Sheep skin e, each 26
Lamb shire earn' 26
Sall nor bh',, retail1 00
Hides trimmed- 6
Hides rough 5
(loge, Live 6 66
Wool _ 18
6 00
8 00
7 50
5 65
- 13
CEDAR fence poste far sale. Appiy.,ot
THE POST Publiebing House.
FOUR Collie pupe for Bale from pedi-
greed stook. 1100. BROWN-,
Lot 19, Con. 10, Groy, Ethel P. 0.
Wanted, imitable forremelt purpoaee.
Apply to GEO. 13E8T,-Brueeets..
JLeither married or single.. Engage'
Ment by the year. Must be steady. Good
wages will be paid. apply at THE POST.
_L INC 2 and 1 year old, sired by "D eater
Revenge" and "Costumer" respectively.
Brueeele P. 0. Lot 9, 0on 10, Grey.
The Annual Meeting of ilio Brussels Driv-
ing Park As000lOtloafor the eleetton of all-
ows, the receiving of the report of the Dir-
ectors for the past yearand such other busi-
ness as may be lawfully brought before the
meeting', will be hold at theAmeriean Hotel
on Friday evening, Ja nary Slat. 1902, at 8
o'clock. F. B. SCOTT,
Notice is hereby given that the Annual
Meetingof the members of "the Newick
Farmers' Mutual Fire itleuranee Company
will be bold in the Townebip Ball,. Gerrie,
on FRIDAY, FEB. Alt, Ma at 1 o'elock'p.
m., for the purpose of receiving the reports
of the Directors and Auditors .for the peat
yyear, and for other business. fly order of
8108 40ard.. W. B. MoI{IBRUHOR,
• 28.2 Beeretary.
Gorrie,Jan. 1101,1902.
norseS, Cattle,
Sheep "S,, fit Zion,
It forms' an excellent appetizer,
producing 11 fine, glossy coat and
agood, general condition. For-
mula on each package. Wo war-
rant it to be pure, Large pack-
age 25e. at
Fox'sDrug Store
lighted and ninon lentraome to let iu
the Leckie block over G, A, Demdmnn'e and
Mrs Rogers' stores. Apply to F.13, 000TT,
Horn Bulls for Bale, from 9 to 20 montbe
old. Also °owe in atilt to imported "Red
Duke" and a few beifere
D. MILNE),. Ethel,
Bulla for sale all registered. Ohe le 2
years old and the others average from 9 to
12 months. JAS. 8PEIR, Lot 80, Oon. 0,
Morrie, Brussels P, 0. - 264
Ione of the undersigned, Lot 80, Con. 0,
Grey, on January. 12th, a clipped bronobo.
Owner is requested to prove property, pay
menace and take it away.
27.4 D, MoDONALD, Ethel P. 0.
$15 00 to $18.00 a Week
salary for an intelligent man orwoman fu'
eaub town. Permanent position. 80 cents
per hour for spare time. Mauufaeturer,
Sox 7s, Philadelphia. 10
Public of the Village of
small-PDX is found to
he Country (not in the
y that all persona tah
oinated should be with
Meissen of the Board
To 110 p Brussels
As the be in various
parte oft village) itis
neoosear o have not
been vac nut delay.
C of Health.
(nay terms in ''•—
L(ARMS F4 F S. SOOTV. Brutli
and to root , '., SALE.—.$l000.00
of tfnrrie an t G `- ' U'Oln the 10th 000000-
''y, 84
•, ,a Clues st
AR�I 1±UR ��y' �•• tber i„�,�
F ill buY Lot ! ?. 'y te.i'•••.`• r
w y h . Tri"0
aloe o8
rho Townships__ uB
brae. he ors ie about".; :y�.,-.swarzzlt;r
hex. The rest in bush.g
matron apply to G F Bli I y -00
' lah ean.
in Brueeele. Eligibly sf eeorl
of land, stable, well, cellar and,
venienaoe,. For pride and terra
MISS DARK, Craabrook P. 0., o''
Publishing House, Brussels. fa.
TATE.-81060 00 will buy".
gboy Block in the Village of Bruae
two flue stores must he sold to clot
.McCaughey Estate. intending -Pa
elronld investigate at once. Apply t.
SCOTT or G. F. BLAIR,.Braaeels, On'..
j 'ARU FOR SALE. - $8,00
.3 will buy Lot. 12, Con. 8, .Gley, good
h,•rloe, barn, orchard, Go. Possession given
nu Marrh 6. if not sold will ba rented. -Al-
au 100 acres on 12th eon , Leann, Mr sale,
good buildings, which will alsobe sold at a
bargain, -FO,• farther particulate writ( or
appy to 01308, QUERENGE88Eli, Brod-
lumen P. 0„ Gut. 27.4.
feet warm
arid show,
Keep the feet dry in sloppy weather.
They are made to wear and our prices are made to
make it easy to buy them.
Here areafew:-
—Man's Lobg Felt Boots, regular 92.26, reduced to $1.90.
—Men'e Felt Boots, loose Sox, regular 92:50, redone to 92,10,
-Heavy Rubbers.and Sox reduced 10 prices.
HARNESS C-HAR' Robes and Blankets away down inprices,
MENT Alga Belle, Wool Rugs and,ealleWinter
Goode to clear them out.
err je ivy
shoes now.
When your feet are
cold you, feel cold all
over -"shivery."
Cold feet are good
for the doctor's busi-
The man whose work
is more or less out of
doors must keep his
feet warm.
It is important.
Don't take chances
with light shoes when
you ought to wear good
heavy ones. Some we
have here will keep the
and snug and protect them from the wet
1. C. R:I CHA RDS.