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The Brussels Post, 1902-1-30, Page 6
Or LI ITIS ,•PB11SIN'NS3NS .00= OF TIIEM WITli vzax 'LTNI4ORECORDS. ,C1ne Tints Era?lays Over 25,000 Nen,--llxaking 92,000 Rhis,ss a Week, On a recent voyage the Oceanic carried 557.1h'st-class passengers, n8 uloids and valets, 250 second-class, and L800 steerage,, '11111 first-eluse paid on an average L40 Si, head, the Mettle and valets ,,,S12 each, the toe - and -class £10,and the steerage £U apiece; says London Answers. This makes, when added up, a tete,/ of 495,128 ; and it is certain that the ,sale of wines and the like considerably increased this total. Added to the price paid for cargo - space, and for currying mail, these figm'os mean that this ono ship of the many owned by the White Star Company 'earns over .06,000 a day during a voyage. Her running ex- pcnsos aro In the neighborhood of 41,G00 a day ; but even that, added to fleck -dues and the like, leave, snit - posing that her passenger -list is a full one, a. not profit of £20,u00 FOR A VOYAGE. Boing the head of all ship-bulldiug and ship -owning countries, Britain's most amazing figuresare to be ,found among those of her shipping flims. Take the Peninsular and Oriental Company, for instance. Sir Thomas Sutherland renounced at their Last annual meeting that the. gross income of the company for the year had been £8,020,000, while their coal bill alone had amounted to upwards of £750,000. The Y. and O. fleet consists of no fewer than 58 steamers, aggregating 818,802 tons: and they own into the bargain 20 steam -tenders and tugs, adding 8,- 257 ;257 tons to the enormous total. Only six of the P. and 0, fleet are vessels of less than 12 knots speed. Another big British line is the Elder, Dempster, & Co., with SO vessels. This line is really several, all under the same own'•.'ship. Ily wry of giving some idea of the mag- nitude of its operations, it may be mentioned that the steamers suiting under the flag of this Liverpool house are insured far a total of over THREE MILLIONS STERLING. The figures of snipbuildinf firms are even more wonderful. take the Elswlcit shipbuilding and engineering shops as en example. Their works cover 280 acres, having grown to that from en original live acres in 1347. 'their weekly pay -sheet is £36,802, this amount being distri- buted among 25,018 men. The year - /3/ coal consumption was 190 57: tons in 1200, to -say nothing ei 36,- 242 tons of coke. ]t may be mentioned that in the Ordnance Department alone over 14.- 000 4.000 orders are received yearly, white in Lhis part 01 the works a letter - book of 1,250 pages lasts eight dates only. ingots up to 85 tons in weight are dealt with by the big hyoraulio presses, and a single piece of hollow steel shafting 22 feet in length has been turned out. The United States boasts that she owns the biggest shipyard on earth but, interesting as are the figures of the great shipbuilding plant at New- port News, they do not compere with Elswick, nor with Itarland and Woolf, of Belfast, NEWPORT NEWS HAS '7.000 men at work, and their con- tracts in hand are said to be worth live millions sterling ; but they hold only oro real record. That is a lathe with a swing of 126 butes, and capable, therefore, of turning with east the bitegest crank -shaft ever put into a steamship. Just across the 'Themes from the Rouses of Parliament stands a fac- tory -or, rather, a group of factories 1 stopped taking the pills, and you -which holds more records than any can see for yourself what they did other of its kind in Lhe world Frion for Inc. I may say, too. that my the 70 acres of buildings which the weight has increased to 137 pounds. Doultonn own are sent out weekly i am not anxious for publicity, but d 'miles °C sin -pipes and 02,000 when I think of that the pills did dinner -plates, to say nothing of tens for ate. I believe I ought to sacrifice of thousands .of , titer articles, such my own feelings for the benefit of as juga, filters, tiles, vases, and some other poor sufferer." other articles of earthenware, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have pro - This great firm, founded duced.such remarkable cures as the BY SII. 1TEN'ItY POULTON above, because they aro wholly un - little more than fifty years ago, now like ordinary medicines, which only uses 100,00e tons of clay yearly, act upon the symptoms. 'rhese pills and 1,500 tons of coal a week, !t go direct to the root of the trouble, takes 250 clerks to attend to the making new, rich blood, and giving orders received by the firin, and the increased strength with every dose. total number of employees is over In this way they cure consumption 6 000 in its early stages, also such diseas- :Doulton ware 15 one of the few es as paralysis, rheunnatism, St. British products that does not reed to fear competition even from Am- erica. Indeed, in spite of the 60 per cent. duty charged upon such im- ports, the Doulton goods llnd a ready market in the United States. In all, one third of the firm's out - pat Is exported. The giant wool combing and manu- facturing from founded by' Sir Isnuc l:Iolden is only a year or two &der than the Doultons, but its growth has been equally astonishing. The three great factories belonging to the Bryn have over 40 acres of actual Boor space, and some years ago thane were .507 carding and `547 corhiug machines at work, accomplishing the labor that would have taken 73,000 men to get trough in the 0141 days before Messrs. Holden and Lister had set their brains to work to improve the mechanism with which they be- gana give a ss. Perhaps it m sine luY � I better Eden of the enormous power of their present plant to say that It combs sixty million pounds of wool ft year, enough, if baled, to load Omit 120 lengthy luggage trains. ---+w—.. ,�LROST A 1IRAOL1, WItQVGMT IN THE CASE OE A CITARI,OTTETOWN LADY, Her Doctor Said She Was in Oen- sumption and Field Out No isis Hope of Strong u d Active. Prom 11'rom the islander, Oharlottetovn, L. 1. Statistics published from time to tilde show the. number of deaths oc- curring throughout this country from consumption to Inc as great as the number caused by all other prevent, Ible diseases combined. It is no wonder, therefore, that the medical fraternity has at last awakened to the fact that the meet urgent means must bo taken to prevent its further spread, and Le teach the public that while the disease Is readily communi- cated from one person to another, it is no* necessarily inherited, though the tendency to it may be. It is therethat fpeoplelwithe th weakutmost lungsortance should take the greatest caro of themselves to holdrupontthem Umption Pureobtaining out of -door air,.Jots of sunshine, wholesome food and a good tonic medicine to' keep the blood rich, red and pure, will en- able anyone to resist the inroads of the disease. .Asa blood -forming tonic, there is no medicine the equal of Dr, \Vil]ialns' Plait Pills. These pills where freely and fairly used, wIll strengthen the weakest consti- tution, and have cured many cases of consumption when taken in its early stages. Proof of this is given in the case 01 Hies. Abram Iienry, of Charlottetown, P l.;:1, To a report- er eport er of the Islander who called upon her, Mrs. henry said: -"A few years ago I found myself growing weals and pale, and emaciated. I took various medicines on the advice or friends, but none of them appeared to do Inc any good, and two years ago my condition became so much worse that 1 was obliged to take to my bed, and call in a doctor, who said that my lungs were afTected, and that.7 was going into consump- tion, and he told my brother, who was mostly in attendance upon me, that my recovery was very doubt- ful. I grew gradually weaker and weaker. I could not sit up for live minutes; my lungs pained tate; I coughed severely, lost utmost all de- sire for food, and when I diel eat I round it difficult to retain food on my stomach. I fell away In weight from 148 pounds to 100 pounds, and I do not thick any of my Friends ex- pected to see me get better. But some of them urged me to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to do so. 1 began by taking one pill a day, for any stomach was very weak, but I was so„n able to in- crease this to three pills a day, and finally as my strength was increas- ing under their use, I took nine pills a day. The change which Caine with the use of the pills was little short of miraculous, and so marked and rapid that inside of two months after I began (heir use, I was able to leave my bed and. move about the house and soon after I was able to walk about in the open air and make short visits to my friends. On one of these occasions I met the doc- tor or for who had attended are. and he asked me what I had been taking that had made such an improve- ment. T replied that I hod been talring Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills. and he said 'all right, continue then they won't hurt you anyway.' Well I continued taking them until I had used seventeen boxes. with the re- sult that I never telt better than I do now -not even in my girlhood clays, it is more than a year since 1N 11,RRY OLJB ENGLAND NEWT; BY 17AIL ABOUT 'nal"; BULL AND' 7EIIS PEOPLE - Occurrences in the Land. That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman wishes floors to be as free ee the Scotch, About 818. men compose the crew of the White Star liner Celtic :while at sea. It is said that out' of every 100 lives insured in Eugland only five are Women, The late Sir tieorge Warrenderi Bart., left personal estate valued at 5:847,646, Mr. James Kemp Starley, the In- ventor of the safety blcycle, died at Coventry recently. The Union Jack has unfolded itself over two acres of new territory every time the clock has ticked since 1880. Rev. Dr. Donald Macleod has de- milted o- milted the charge of St. Columba's church, London, on account of Im- paired health, Pensions of ,£ 8,500 a year have been granted to Sir John Rigby and Sir John Day, Judges who have just retired from the bench. "I wish I was young enough to go to the front,"' said the fluke of Cam- bridge in the 'course of a speoeh at Hendon at the opening of a new drill hall, ex iced." \Veet.nlinsier Abbey will he closed Por mercy's sake," implored the for four months prior to the coons almost fainting woman, "tell me the tion of the King for Enc purpose of worst 1,, necessary structural alterations in '•li'c'I, If you will have it,the con- tho interior for Ilia ceremony. sequences be on your own hetul, A London church in financial 4110- Mary. I've tried to prepni•o .you, cult les has sent round the following: and if you will know -don't excite "Wo have raised :2100 by Clod's help yourself, try and keep calm -but our and we hope to obtain the needed kitchen chimney's on fire. and all the ,C500 by moans of our bazaar." neighbors are in our front garden!" Sho survived. Sozo n.t Good for Bad Tooth Not $cud for Good Teeth $ozodent r ' 25e /*! $ozodont Tooth Powder 25e ^� th Q Large t'quld and Powder 7$c FIALL 8u RIIOREL, Montreal NEED FOR CALMNI ss A lady, who is subject to heart disease, took tett last Sunday tvlth n neighbor, and while sitting at table her husband Pushed lo without a -hat and in his shirt -sleeves, "13e calm I" he exclaimed, hur- riedly, to his wife ; "don't excite yourself, you know you can't Stand excitement, and it might be worse t" "Good gracious I" cried tlio. wife ; "the children—" ` Ddnry "1 hcy're alt right, Now, don't get excited ; keep calm and cool, it can't be helped now, the must Lear these visitations of Providence with philosophy." "Then it's mother 1" gasped the wife. "Your mother's safe. Cet on your things, but don't hurry or worry. It's too late to bo of any use, but 1'11 fly back and see what I can do, I only came 1:0 tell you npt to get The North British Railway direct- ors have decided that the age -limit regulation, which provided for com- pulsory retirement at sixty-five years of age, shall take effect on Nov. lst, 1092. Wales is the richest part of Great Britain in mineral wealth. England There is scarcely any period in acre. Scotland a 1 Wales Less tan watchfulness on the part or rho bel. the product of :L'alos amounts to :mother that when baby is teething. C1 per am. ' Almost invariably the little one suf- Leecls has a teetotal workhouse, in se. fere much pain, is cross, restless day 'rite rest of ter a, fart in the inti- and night, requiring' so much care tut.ion is under a farthing per bend that the mother is worn out fcokii.g per annum, brandy being the only'"after it. But there arc other real stimulant used, - and that solely for bangers frequently utecompanying the infirmary patients. this period that threaten baby's life The Americanizing of Trafford itself. Among these are diarrhoea. Park estate, Manchester. is proceed- indigestion, colic. constipation and ing. About 1,000 houses have been convulsions. Rhe prudent mother erected there, and are being tenanted will anticipate and prevent these by artisan, who are employed at troubles by keeping baby's stomach works which are being opened there and bowels in It. natural and healthy TEETHING BABIES. A Trying Time for Mothers When Great Care and Watchfulness is Necessary. produces annually about to east baby's early life requiring greater i it £3 CONVEYING LIGHT BY GLASS RODS. Professor BeOltor of the Glasgow Ch'ort'atoly has .devised u simple and ingenious plan for conveyieg lit;7 t to firt.tluet d .ail cies at the I stint where they are to be recta with Ole aid of an utlaelnd mieroscoue. It to desirable not to bring the 50nre0 of 111.11E near. Eno circles; on account or the 'heat, 'and' o Fief. T ec er seeds the light through a solid glass rod, letting it shine in at oto end, and emerge et, the other, 7'he light cal °settee from the settee of the rod owing to internal to,ection, and'u.ecordicgly It Is oar- Hod and dela erod very much ii e water° in a Lal e. Even when. bent the glass rod does not lose its tha: go. Bones for 02,000 persons In Lon- condition by the use of Baly s Own don, the total -cost of which will Tablets, a medicine readilytaken by amount to something like £0,000,- all children and which, di solved in Dorn in progress of erealiou by water, may be given with perfect the London County Commit. It is safety to even a now -born infant. In stated that in a very short time the every home where these Tablets aro council will possess 250 blocks of used baby is bright and healthy and workmen's dwellings. yielding a year- the mother has real comfort with it, ly rental of £161.000• and does not hesitate to tell her At an inquest at Blarylebone. Lon- neighbors. Mrs, C. J. Delaney, Brockville, says :-"T hate, been giv Ceylon Tea Is the finest' Yea the world produces, end is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green., 'tpan tea drinkers try "SalaCa" Green tea, don, on Lydia Leslie, aged twenty- in my fifteen -months' old baby seven, a dressmaker, who died after Baby's Own Tablets, whenever necos- beinq treated in the Middlesex Dios- sary, for some months past. She pltel for heart disease, the doctor was teething and was cross and rest who made the post mortem examines- Jess tier gums were hard and in - tion produced? a portion of a we, - flamed, After using the 'Tablets she man's 1481)111 that he had found in grew quiet, the inflammation of the the heart. The doctor said that the ums was reduced, aqd her teeth did young women might have fallen on not, seem to bother her any more. An the hatpin or have thrust it into her- improvement In baby's condition was self. jr. was also possible that the noticeable almost at once, and I piece hnd been swallowed. An open think there is no better medicine for verdict was returned. teething, babies." Baby's Own Tab - A strange spectacle is presented at lets can be procured from druggists CJring:ey-on-thee-1]ill, Lincolnshire, or will be sent postpaid at 25 cents where over fifty acres of soil are a box, by addressing the Dr. Wil - burning. It is glebe fond, with a Baths' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. large seam of peat running through A GUARANTEE -"I hereby cert£ it, varyinj from two to Len feet fy that I have made a careful ahcmi- thick, and the heaviest rain has fail- cal analysis of Baby's Own Tablets, ed to check the fire. Au attempt which 1 personally purchased in a to quench it was made by digging drug stone in Montreal. My analysis trenches around the snbtcrrenean fire 'has proved that the Tablets contain and tilling them with water, but the absolutely no opiate or narcotic fire crossed the trenches, and in se- that they can he given with perfect veral places has burned gates and safety to the youngest infant • that fences. Since suniricnt water cannot they are a safe and efficient medlcine be procured to flood it, the authori- for the trouhles they are indicated ties anticipate it must be left to Ito relieve and cure." burn itself out. (Signed), A deserter from the Hussars made MILTON 'L. HERSEY, M,A,Sc., Provincial Analyst for Q,ueboe. a dash for liberty through the Montreal, Dec. 28, 190.. streets of London the other day, In 1860 English people received 20 letters a heed. In 1800 this num- ber had; grown to 55. Mioard s llalm,at Beilcyes Neuralgia, Monkey Brand cleans and brightens everything, hut won't wash clothes. Cold coin loses 1 per cent. of its weight in 50 years, silver the sante amount in ten years. - TI) (•008 .( ('OLD ,i 058 DIV. Teko Lnxa,ivo Brom° Comb .° Tablets Al draught. refund me mm0y if it fail.' to cure. N, W. Grove's slgnOL4re is on aaall box. 23o. The United Kingdom imports more fruit than any other country in Eur- ope, spending 1%6,500,000 a year. th which ended in his death in e Thames. On being placed by Itis es- Vit.us' dance, heart trouble, acarol- sort in a four -wheeled cab at Water - gin. dyspepsia, chronic erysipelas. loo station he sprang out by the ole and all the functional trouhles that posits door and rushed along York makes the lives of so many women road, with the escort in pursuit. Ile miserable. The genuine pills are kept ahead right along York road, sold only in boxes bearing the full and turned into the Westminster name "Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Bridge road. Bare he found that his Pale People." If you clo not find pursuers were gaining nn him, ofd thorn at your dealers, they will he increasing his pace, be dashed up the sent postpaid nt 50 cents a box or road as lar as Westminster bridge. six boxes for 42.50, by addressing Then mounting the parapet, he leap- i the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., ed into the river, and was carriedI Brockville, Ont. away Iv the tide atel drowned. "You should make allowance.4 for ' 'Jomliru.om Any men is a e, NO USE 1N A SCUFFLE. 10 Ole court -house an Irishmen stood charged with stealing it watch from a fellow -citizen. Ito stoutly drilled the impeachment, and brought et counter accusation) against his ac- cuser r cusel' for assault and battery com- mitted with a frying -pant. The judge woe inclined to tape a comm0u-ware t regarding the r L. and, C n the Ca8e. ri view of h g g prisoner, said - "Why did you n11ow the orosecn- to, who is a smaller man than yourself. to assault you without re- slstenre 7 Dad you nothing in your hand to defend yourself with 7„ "hared, your honor," said Pat, "1 had 11114 watch, but what was that against a frying pen ?" SIIF.. MEANT TO ENCOURAGE. Tout -"Olt, she'll never have me, I know." Cousin Nell -"I'm sure she likes you. Why don't you ask her ?" Tom -"I was going to last night, but she called me a lobster, and--" Cousin Nell -"You're a goose, that's what you are. Don't you know she's passionately fond of lobsters. She meant to say yeti were nice' enough to eat." 1 - NEW YORK CENTRAL AND IIUD- SON RIVER. It. 11. The great four trach trunk line and l the only railroad with a depot in hew York City. A through train be- tween Buffalo and New York every hour; also to Beaton. This is the line of the famous Empire State Ex- press, Lha fastest regular long dis- tanre train in the world, 'rhe New York Central enters all ''ti i New York 1 w, s n principal e the i p p State and the New England States. Through sleeping and perlo, cars on all through train. See that your tickets read by the New York Cen- tral. -4------ A � A bar of Swedish 'iron that would bear a weight of 100 pounds, would boar 202 pounds when converted into best steel, SIXTY BANANAS AT A MEAL liable you To eat sixty bananas at a mead, know, to act foolishly for a few besides other food, may fairly be de. days atter he has become the father scribed as a largo order, even for a of a bouncing boy." "But, great medium -stied giant, but the eaten- Scot, man, this is Tomlinson'a siveness of the meal becomes appal- ninth." "Oh, well, then, there's ail ling when we learn that it is con- sumedby a dwarf. Yet this is a a common oecurrmem. 'These dwarfs are pigmies who live on the confines of t e Congo free State; they are nomadic and are, for small people, mighty hunters. 11 is not surprising to find that the result of this meat is to make the consumer Ile and groan during the greater part of the night, but the 1e'lsnn is not taken 10 heart, and the art of gluttony is re - r d r b Maul day arts ay anana is about the easiest thing to oulti- vale that nae ccn imagine. All that is required out in that far-ali State, to grow the fruit, is to lop the shoots alT a fully -developers tree end set them. They Y `i' 1• take root at once: and in eight months they bear a plentiful supply of banane1. When the season is over the tree dies and the young shoots develop for fruit bearing. When founding a noir etas tion, I'luropcans ma.ko it their Brat duty to establish a, banana orchard, as tho'Irult is invaluable its fetid, the more reason for making allow hat Inc is able t • a wonder that. .rB arses to control himself at all." -t A small landed proprietor was tak- ing a drive with his daughter and his intended son-in-law for 'the -pur- pose of showing the latter round the estate. The coachman drove at a smart pace. "John," whispered his master in Ole ear, "don't drive so fast ; the estate will look do email." TARE NOTICE. Advlco to .r cnelo -P'niilnu to get the OA volt want. you cony as wen Inc tveetted to (.151;( a''1 EA, 3' can't refill.° you, and lo.)' h6'hed aced 5l'nontr„ Load Packet n, CASI.1 will buy a box of SWEET SONORA ORANGES or fl, IG 2.25 you take 5 hoses we will make the price $210 per bora (rises 2e49 or >160,1 THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO., Limitod, TORONTO. Consignments of Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Beans,, IToney, Apples solicited, SERMONS 13Y TELEPHONE. Successful experiments were made( with the electrophone at Tunbridge THL"'�j�g70T POPULAR DONTIPR101Z. P 0 1,71". .®.1010' Wells, h:nglald, recently. Toil trans- mitters were placed in St. James' Church, and connected with the Cor- poration telephone system, people at Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester, Chelmsford, Weybridge, and London being enabled to hear the sermon preached. We publish simple, straight testi- monials, not press agent'sinter- views, from well known people. From ell over America they testify to the merits of MINAftD'S LINI- MENT, the best of Household Rem- edies. C. 0. RICHARDS & CO. There is 12 house in Lombard Strtet which rented at 5:25 in 1665, and now rents at £2,600. Atop+ aro (:on_li and tt'a Ors off 1bc Grid. !mrxrt'lTe lirom,•Quintna 'Tablets euro a role In ono xray. ho ,,ere. No Pay. Prion 25 cents. • There are 65 county borough coun- cils and 32 county councils in Eng- land, and Wales. Mioard's Lioimeat for sale eier'f'l&bere London has 1,800 acres of parks, Dublin, 1,76,0, One ounce of:Sunlight Soap1s worth mole'than Two ounces of impure soap. , EItEP 1L:L7 SJS°.r Ask for the Octagon Der. If your green cannot supply, write to 1:LNVi:It BROTHERS, LIMITED Toronto, sending hisenamo and address, ample er Sunlight Soap will bo sent you £roe of weft.or a trialli e,,,mementatm mrtm.a..,rnemm."aeollfl Deafness Cannot oo Cured by total apt•lications. ne they Iowa reach the diseased p•,rl inn of tat oar. There laonly one way 1. cure duafno4a,. and that is by ennrtl1u. Orme' remeditia pn fn' ea 1. onus td by an inflamed condi ion el ba mucous Ruing of rho 1'1na:nchian 'ewe. Whoa this tube is in. flamed you hove a rambling served or Impar fact hearing. nlad when It 4.1 oat rely closed deafness Is the result, and. unlods_Ihe inrlalu• illation Dan be tat. n' ut and this, ube reuu rod to nu normal, °podia n, hearing w11 bo. do. strive I f raver: ,1100 X 8410 oat of ten aro o u,ed bt o iarrh, which is nothing but 8t in• flamed condition of the mucous Aur ace . Wo will give. One Handled resinr..for any rase of .1 (emiied by cat rrh) that eon ofcirculars,e0n'hb o, Hall's 1alarra Coro. So,.11 11'. 0 CH8NEY.& 00., Toledo, 0. Sold b))•� nreget.b . 75e. Ball's Faulty Pllls-aro the beat. 4 - Tess -'Bella Mote wants me to. try her dressmaker. I wonder if she'd suit me." Jess -"Oh, yes, in- deed ; she's Just the one for you." Tess -"Why ?" Jese-"Yes, she's a wonder. Why, 5:1e can make the plainest kind of people loop nice." MMiivard's liniment Cures 'Burns, etc, During the siege of Paris 64bal3 loons left the city, carrying 8,000,- 000 letters, weighing -4n all O tons. Por Over Sixty Years liar. 4Tls21.ew'2 a -norms° 831111' hue been used by ndniuns of moNlers for the r children while tee Wog. a enothe0 the chill I often, 111 gums, 01 nr, pain 0u101 wind ,o,10. for' Ll races,' Tl ahtMO y flo0 e wanid a > LOU 8011 I druggllt, throughout rho woad. no cure and ,ek for a hate. W11u1Ow s 000311110 Sl a,1P." The cement mane from English ri- ver mud, and sold abrond,`brings in over £55,000,000 sterling a year. o Mloard! s liaimeuk Cures Dandruff, -4- 100171 of wheat produce 8281 of flour, and 1001b of barley 781b of malt. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. BREAKFAST -SUPPER. sx: iCV Co 'n®tnee71"C t Preserves the toe.% Sweetens rho breath. Str0nythona the Game CHAPPEn HANDS. Rub with Ciloadlnobefore retir- ing. Two or three applloatfons will cure the worst case. Large Roses 250. Druggist3, or OILEADINE CO., Toronto., ran and Ins,rumenta, Drums, Uniform° E4o,. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A DIM Lowest prime over quoted. Bi o sagnl/Zee lO011lu'trnii tan, 'n tiled free. \Vint•1 astir any hong in attune or Mistral !Instrument'o WHILE! Bt0Y0E' CO., United,Toronle.Ont. tad WJaolpoq, nut ARPIN x•1111 the and a eanelg, This to aepedelty BRITISH a rHe,Iv AMERICAN D srEING 00 Address Sox MS, Montreal. Dorraitli©n Line steamships Mont,.., to Liverpool. B04100 to 1.1,,,. pool. Fortla01 to Liverpool. Vla Quit 0.1. town. Larga and Nmt Staa,,ing . h.Periorb, lemma dates .for dl nl+e1�•e et 1 a Err g rw S,Joo, bad atntcruamt i. .rk nd8100 p 1 1 tt0rtlen tat ,I , Vent04 aeernd saloaa ptr louIo awo.l, .0 Don. Foe ,alae of pas*0r, sad ah Uarticularq, bV�b to wr agoar 01550 Qamaany, or afctbr., na o, D.Torrbne., a ea. 77 d010>0llle 54.,O1mtoa Montrear AA Parade, i5O Kinds 20o. itis n fact that Salyer's vegeta slut seeds aro tsund Ismer. gar and on more f0rn1/ ;ban any, in Amedtn, Thorn 12 reason Ivo own and operate over n the production of 0,,r eon* order 10 111dm0 70ti. ve make vi o fonowi7 cdenlcd onor Foa,20 Cents h, enSh,rrroeott ell n, 1t m090144001 ow11est 144, 1.t goon'@. tomato 25 p.,rlo,. near, (.d,0 1911110041.110,4 tor,0, in gorgeously to tea] ninte W all Iso kinds noalllvelx7 f • 1,0411010 of charming Vows;; 1011 and lots of choice Teach, weather wait our great °omit.. tolling N1 about 'reef into rtnd I y Oat and aromas and Spelt., onln• sledat tan.0 pound, oto., 'el1 for ;11)0. l8 Canadian stamp, JOHN A. SALZ.CR SEED CO.. in Crosse, 194, Send us your name and address on the below request, and we will take p'easure in sending you free of any charge this SOLID ARIZONA SILVER SUGAR SHELL, You don't have to buy anything. The gift is unconditional. It is a bid for your ever- lasting friendship and good will, and if you do not read this advertisement through and answer it at once, it will be a loss to yourself and a disappointment to us. Thin ,7o ar ,2 h,s.fl is an ABSOLUTE GIFT to every Lucie, araewor- find this adaertiao0nontt With the Sugar Shell we will send you 6 packages of Standard Electine Remec'ic'v, which we wish you to sell, if you can, at 25 cents each. Then return our money, and we will give you absolutely free a Butter Knife and Pickle Fork, same pattern as your Sugar Shell, and also a Set of 6 Full -Size Solid Arizona Silver Teaspoons. If you fail to sell our Medicines, return thein to us and retain the Sugar Shell as a gift, it being free in any event. Our Solid Arizona Silver Premiums are fast superseding Sterling Silver for Tableware. They always look as well, and wear better; they are the same beautiful metal all the way through and are guaranteed for 50 years, There is nothing else Iike them except Sterling Silver, and nothing"just as good." Now, please don't throw paper down and sayto yourself,'I'll write to those Electsne people to -morrow." this This is not an oppor- tunity to put off and forget, Just sign and return the attached re- quest io-day, that is all you have to do. The Sugar Shell and Medi- cines will then be promptly mailed, post- paid. Remember, even if you fail to sell our Goofs, y,,ou at least have art Elegant Sugar Shell, 'worth 75 cents, for �'iri�TOrt • n• Y "YERY" PLAINLY tv .slriz l making the off . Ire hLEAgI WRITE VERY 1 Fy Sincerely yours,t�leee�ets�eos�6esc�o�rme�' rCO., TOR NTO, On+tIArrisO ��dC l� i��ll.�%c�,lihiiS �Limited. rr171 i .,. vyd`t`'"�i�"kre1L 1 y+s+��i , ,„n ,,#, r, ai � ': �' , bili893StiStOODDeafriretODE90;301,90D8OrDiit999398/933090030DiPODa% REQUEST FOR SUGAR SHELL AND MEDICINES. N) Electine Tiedicino Co.,Limited,J, Toronto, Ont. Ship imtnediatey, by mail, Solid Arizona Silver Sugar Shell and Six 25 -rent qj Packages of Mediae �:2etnedles. I agree to main an earnest effort to sell the Medi- it) Al cines, and return you the money, with the understanding that ham to receive for 4 this service a 93uffer Knife and Pickle Fork, sane pattern. as Suyar Shell, and also Six Full --Slag Solid Arizona Sltster Teaspoons. If I fail to at sell the Medicine , Iw111retafatttoyoufttiin30days>and retain the Sugar Shell asa gift kora You. ... NAME (Write Name plainly, "Mrs,” or ",Milo'! ('