The Brussels Post, 1902-1-30, Page 5fid r 1 p • (TAX. f3Q, 1902 „,ol. ,, „0.,011 TICS' J3UU13S3LS POST 'BUSINESS CARDS, N]aY TOLOAN : PER Q.ANAT G' 1? mint, as,SCOTT, Bruele vNj [u, MoORACI II–.- v r . y Issuer of Marriage Lieonuss, Of - nee at Grocery, Turnberry ttreet, Brasile, 14 • . N. J3ARBETT—_ a -we 0nscorIal Artist, aep axlPor Childof the Standard Pauli, 1'attllee' and Children's drett's Bair cutting a speofalty,. M. MORRiSON, issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL.TON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAijJCNLIN, —TEACHER OF ,PIANO AND - ORGAN, SE.1,'-CJ'Br-+-+=x,s,. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: 1889000011, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. Wellington Mutual P1r0 insnranre 0000004I81100 1800 Insurance taken on the dash and premium. note system atourrcut rates. Stierointuit, ing elsewherecall on theuutloreigaed Agent of the Company. 41401tGE 1ROGERS, Brussels. MiSS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L.. O. M. Aondemie graduate of London.Ooneerva- tory of 2911510, also Member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, Is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for infatuation on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of ' MAete, Brussels, Ontario. A, LEX. BUNTER— Clerk UNTER— Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron ; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loan and lusuren.e Agent ; Auction- eer. Fundi invested aid to loan. Collec- tions made. Office in (Oa'ahani's, Block, Brae- eele. ... AUCTIONEERS. FSS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - son. will sell for bettor prices, to better men In Mao time anis less chargee then any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at the office or by personal appliBatlon. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK— Rl • Honor.Oiaduare of the Ontario Vet erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domeerinatod animals in a compet- ent manner.,Partinular attention paid to Veterinary D ntletry Calle promptly at- tended to, 0 oo and Inarmary—Four doors North of brad a Teruberry at., Breese's. LEGAL AN9C:CONVEYANCiNQ. AXT� ANC,LAIN-- 1,1 R— $$,Arrieter, 9011010 . -Oonvoyanaer, Ppilillo, &c. OJRoeStewart's Block '14 rth of Central Hotel, Ar r for the Standard Bank. 11+,h, BLAIR, BARRISTER, "olicitor, do. Office over Stand- olciI .,Solicitor for Village of Brussels. , "� Loan at lowest rates, ti e al' i,rlMEDICAL CARDS. rf t AMBROSE TOOLE: •kion ^•'• egtopo9alRESIDENCE Ann OFFICE— iomellt#1I9LL ST, EAST, BRUSSELS. whisp — — "111t>, - J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 1' chin' 11. b., U. AI., rid b heti LF Trinity Dnivereity Fe11ow Trinity Medical Oollogo,Member College of Pbyeiolane and 90090000 Ont, Licentiate of Die -Royal Col- lege of Pliyeiel ns and Licentiate of Did- wifery Edinburgh. la -Telephone No.19. Residence—Dill street, Brussels. DENTISTRY • DR. R. P. FE/LD, DENTIST Gradoato of 'the Royal College. of Dental Sm'geou9 of Ontario and Firet•olass Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Once next: to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. ) 'ie moving forward.. Winter term begins Jan. 6, 1902. Oar rates are reasonable—our Courses of Shirty thorough and praotloal. Sand for our Journal to see what we teach. Students may enter atany time. Two Courses of. Study—Commercial and Short. ' stand. 0,: A. FLEEING, A, L. MOINTTRE, President Secretary, Owen hound. Listowel. SHINGLES British Columbia .led Cedar Shiiligles North Shore Pine and (Cedar FOR SALE AT THE 'Brussels Planing fills Aieo Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Eetimatee Furnished fee all kinds of Buildingo. Workman. chip and Material Guaranteed. P AMEN .l. t ATTEND TH SENT IT PAYS l The Baliding Qom.uitlee of Ontario f 819991 ahgralthave laknn 0119 oonlraob off the oontraotol'e h 0,11, he Having pomplot• pENTRAJop. 30 t y fitry J .4W I Ut1 V'..,1,e UoM,a `Fat e0 A eohool poll known from 0110 end of Can- ada to the other for its superior worst. Tele College gives the right hind of education Rud please, many p1 its students to Hflood posittone, NIOW is the time to euter. Pre. ltare for suctions and you will pet it, Write er our beausiful 900910cue. IV,. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ': �f •xt .e 1GaKetor, B. E, Young, ledgerkeeper at the Mel - sone Bank here, bas been traneferred' to the Canton branoh of the same bank. Owing to several ones of email pox in the section, Shipke school hag been o'osed, but "expiate to be opened again in about a month. - t Wm,Hawkeh ase . proprietor or of the P P Commercial House, is confined to hie bed from the effects of injuries euetained in a recent tall in the cellar. Wm, Bowden, of the firm of Bowden & MoDoneld, who has been in the Old Conntry for eevaral weeks, arrived home on..Tueeday of /eatweek with .another shipment of.entire.horeea. E..3. Spaokman R;. H. Sweet, J. Rend. le, 8. A. Popleetone, W. Johns, Geo. Heanpan, 11. N. R.A.S. N • Oobblediok, R.. Davie and Jeeneer II. Grieve drove over to ;Mitchell to ossiet id the resuscitation of an Oddfellowe Lodge in that town, whioh had been defuoot for some years. A large number were present from Strat. faro and other places. The members of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F, & A .M., met in their new home on Monday night of last week for the first time. The bell was new and the (Moors were new, but notwithstand 1, g the latter fact the exemplifioatiun of the workin the lot degree was done with exeeptional credit to those in charge of the chair. About litty members and adherents of Cavan Prtsby t erten ohuroh met at the Manse, on Tneeday of last week to ex- press their edema for J. P.' and Mrs. Rose, who are to reside in Ohatnam. Ac address was read appreciative of their work in the congregation and two up- hole'ered oak obaire and a handsome mantle °look a000mpanied the addroes, fit Wm. Moser went to Mitobell where be will assist in. Campbell's hardware store fur a month. Blyth Commit has ohoeen James Barr as their man t.f all work at $300 per; an nem. Rich. Sofperg.wae.also nominated for the position. While adjusting a belt in the engine room of the Blyth flour mill, Engineer Murray led the misfortune to get hie right hand caught and before he could. release it the arm was broken in two tlaaee. At the regular meeting of the Blyth school board, Dr, Milne was eleoted chair- man for tate present year and Capt. Ranoe Secretar. Treasurer. Iu future all re n d• lar and g 'medal meetings will be held in Industry Hall. The Ladies' Aid Booiety of the Blyth Methodist obnroh entertained the choir of the ohuroh to an oyster supper and refreshments in thebasement of the church on Mouday evening of last week. Short addresses were given by Rev. W. Penhall, Glenn Campbell, N. H. Young, John 'Wilford and N. B. Gerry. The following officers have been elected bathe Christian Endeavor society of St. Andrew's ohuroh for the ensuing six menthe :—Provident, Mists Janet Ander- sen ; vine President, James Dodds ; Seo rotary, Miss Amy Elder'; Treasurer, Mies Ella Anderson ;Corresponding Seoretery, Mies Maggie Niool ; 'organist, Miss Ella Anderson. ' At a roasting of the directors of the Morrie Ag. Bootety, F. Hewett was re. "elected Treasurer, and A. E. Bradwin, Secretary. The date for the next Fall Fairwill be Tuesday and Wednesday, Oot. 7 8, . Presideet Tierney and Treae. Metcalf will attend the Canadian Faire' Aesooiation meeting, in Toronto, Feb. 19 and 20. The Epworth League• of the Blyth Methodist church has eleoted the follow. ing rffioere for the enduing year Presi- dent, Miss Ada Taman ; let viae Presi- dent, Mies A. Gillespie ; 2nd viae Presi- dent, Mies Ida Taman ; 8rd vine Preef. dent, Mies Maud Gilley ; 4th vice Presi- dent, Mies Attie Doupe; Recording Soo - rotary, D. El. Crittenden ; Corresponding Beoratory; Isaac Quinn ; .Treasurer, Mies S. Bentley ; organist, Mise Carrie Slater ; superintendent of juvenile work, _Miss Ada Taman. Olin ton. The subject, of Rev. Dr. Gifford', ser- mon on Bnuday was "A time to dance." The Solvation Army desire to sell the army barracks, baying intention to put up a new huildlnu ae soon as they can. The offitere for the Clinton Tract Societybranch are follows :—Rev. Dunlop, President ; 'Jae. Scott, Seoy- Treae. ; Mrs. Chambers and Mre. Trouae, 0 olleotors R 11. Coate, private Secretary to Mr. William, editor of the Globe, and young- est son of R. Coale, le likely to be ap- pointed Aoatetant Editor of the Labor Gazette, leaded at Ottawa. Ed. Bowers met with an accident at the organ faotory whereby he lost the first finger and part of the ee000d of his tight hand by the bandcoming in con- tact with the double out.;-ff eaw. John Foster wee the recipient of .a • very bandeome Christmas present from hie sod William, (who is employed in the Praetor] Foundry and Stove Works) in the ebape of a Peninsular Coal Range, of latoot design. A, J. Morrish will ran off hie stook of gent's furnishings at a low rate and the bottom of thtr•etook will be transferred to Hodgene Bros' dote, w`hero Mr, Morrish willtake charge of an up to•date-.gent's furnishing department. At the drat meeting of the new eobOoi board for 1902, considerable buoineas was attended to. The first was the appoint. went of a new chairman, the honor be Ing conferred open leaco Jaokson, and J. Cunningham who has anted efficiently as Seoretery wee re.appointad. ' W. Coop e9 wag ro•engaged ae caretaker. adne ave w details t b t .ami s u fat1 be d- oto to when the weather Is luvoxab o. George and ,'Nomas Aldir did what 01here have tried and failed. That' haul. ed from the With of Fred. Lord, Holmes. villa, to Stapleton, four immense loge boat had about seed) thousand feet In them, The Clinton Lawn Bowling 01ob will give a grand 00neert In the Town Hall, on the evening , on Tuesday, Feb. 41.1s, They have seemedthe services of Min ee- a tit h t the nth t J e i Ml P to t a, 10 1 e o v e t Boottish prima donna. Mole ptwortit . The eeholars enjoyed a treat from the truateee on. Friday afternoon. Joe Wilson was called away, to Bi (gin to the funeral of hie 'grandson, Special services have been io progress in the Presbyterian ohuroh oondaoted by Rev. G. Ballantyne. Andrew P. MoAee has sold hie 'farm Weet.of the village toJohn Elliott and his perobused a larger farm at Ethel. Chas. Seahe.ver has pinhead' the pro. party belonging to J. Meiklejobn on the Grey side of the -road. Charlie is a epee. nlator. PREaE TAmro .—On Monday afternoon,n net thepupilso rt 18th t of M of two h pub lie school having invited Pare. 0. Leppard. over to the echo .1 manifested their good wishes to the (towhee tend hie companion in life by the following address and prey. Between Molesworth, Jan. 1810, 1902. To MR. LEPPAID, MOrisawo Tii, ONT Dear Teacher,—Itis with the greatest p'eaeure that we, your pupils have as gambled this afternoon' for the purpose of. offeriug to you and your esteemed wife our heartfelt oongratulatione and beet wishes. Yon have always -proved your. sell to be a faithful friend and an excel. lent teaoher by doing all that lay in your power to further our interests along Edu- cational linea. By your faithfulness in performing your duties as teacher and helper and also by your manner of life you have endeared ydarself not only to us but to this whole community. We now take thie opportunity of expensing our appreciation of your oervioesby pre senting to you this conch ae a meretoken of the high esteem in phial you ars held by ne. Whim the body 18 tired and the brain weary you may find sweet repose by reolining on this beautiful, worth. Again, wishing you and Mrs. Leppard a Tong and happy life together. We remain, your 'sincerely, Mary Spence, Signed on behalf Pearl Mogee, of the eohool lilary Fraser, by Fred. Elliott, Will. Fraeer, / Adam Menzies. The rest of the afternoon was spent in singing, recitations, etc. Mr. Reiohard and Mies Laura and James Leppard as- sisting much to make'the entertainment enjoyable, - Setl.lotth. All the town officers were re -appointed with the same salaries as last year. Rev. J. W. Hodgine was in Toronto last week attending the Masotti° Grand Lodge. Hobert Willis expects shortly to move into the fine brick hones which be had e.eoted on Goderioh street during the paet Bummer. The annual meeting of the Seaforth Horticultural. Society was beld o, Jan. 8 The finenoial etatement showed a balance of $95 oD hand at the end of the year. The membership last year numbered 84, and eooh member reoeived, in addition to the -Canadian Horticultural, a number of planta. The following officers were elected for the next year : Pres., G. F.13. Garden ; let vine, John Turner ; 2nd vice, elre. Jas. Beattie ; auditors, A. Wilson and John Rankin; secretory and treas., W. Elliott ; directore, I. Laugotrath, A. Hale, W. Hoag, W. Hartry, W. Copp, W. Ballautyne, R. Scott, H. Livens and W. E Hinobley. The annual congregational meeting of the Seaforth Presbyterian ohuroh was held on Monday evening of last week. John Wilson, of Mo$illop, was in the chair. There was a fairly good attend. a.•ne. The meeting eves opened with the usual devotional exercises, oonduoted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Larkin. Reports were submitted from the eevaral braoohee of ohuroh •work aonneoted with the Don gregatioo, showing that good work had been done along each line. The flnanoee of the congregation are also in a very satisfactory condition, there being a good balance carried forward to next year atter all liabilities have been mob. The various ohuroh sohemee have been well looked after, the increased contributions to these testifying to the growing liberality of the of the congregation. The rampaging own mitlee were instructed to secure the services of a competent architect to ex- amine the present church edifioe and 0008910101110'oan be so enlarged and im- provedasto make it, meet the require. menteef the oongregation, and if 901 le have plane and epeottiietlosts and 1111 d a e re, timate of the pre] n 3, 00 sr be• fore the Dongre oton. Thed purism ohurph building ie not largo enough nor modern enough to meet the requirements of the Pont/rogation lint it la almost too good to abandon altogether, and it le m. hoped that it sun be so enli t1, ga an d d 1 -. proved ae to meat all requirements at a mach lees met than a new edifice. �•-irslr a. ice. Mies Lydia Harding left seat week for. Loudon, where e1 a will attend the Nor- mal School, Mr9, Wesley Lamb, of Neepawa, Mad:, wad the guest of Mre. Rich, McGrath, for a few days last week. We are sorry to state that our old townsman, lienry,.Porkino, shows no im. provement ae Nene health is 09008 neo. The anneal meeting of the members of Bowiok Mutual Fire Lisurance will be held in the Town Hall, Gorda, on Fri. day, Feb 7th, at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp, • 'Before Rev, Mr. Forney removed from Gorrie, where he has been the incumbent of the Episcopalian Ohnrob for the past 4 years, he was prevented with a kindly worded, oomplimeotary address a000m. ponied by a gold weld). auger bowl and silver epoone. He is now looaled at Aylmer. Two very enooeeetul meetings of the East Huron Farmers' Institute were held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday of last week. The program in the evening was interepsreed with instrumental mueio by Messrs. McLaughlin and Ashton, and the Genie Mixed Quartette also rendered a few . of their excellent selections, A Women's Ioetitote was eetebliebed. A By.Iaw ,wee palmed' at Howiok Towo- ebip Oouooil to the following elfeot :— That the Clerk's salary be 3200 and 325 be allowed for postage and stationary; that the Aeeeeeor's salary be 3125, and the Treseurer'e [salary 385, caretaker of the Tp. Ball salary $25, and that the Auditors'reoeive 38 naoh. Officers ap. pointed ae follows: -L. Walker, Clerk ; N. MoLaogbliu, Treasurer ; Isaac Wede, Assessor; Adam -A. Graham and David Sanderson, Auditors ; Robert. Russell, caretaker of Tp. Hall ; A. M. Spence, Medioal, Health Officer ; Simon Hicks, member of the Board of Iealth for three. years and that the a By-law be drawn op in a000rdauoe therewith and that the appointment of aolleotore be left over until the Sept. meeting. Geoelerich. Tha Provincial Auditor will audit the town 00000Ote. The Daughters of the Empire have asked the Town Oounoil for the old drill abed property for an hospital site.- H. S. Jordon, orgaciet of Knox church, is organizing a chorus of sixty ladies' voices for the presentation of a oontata, to be given in Knox ohuroh in about three weeks. Wm. Campbell, who is United Btatee Viae consul bare, has received word of the appointment of John H. Shirley, of Illinois, ae Consul, to succession to R. S. Chilton, On the evening of the Clinton metal Ed. 0.401,11 fell down the steps at the rink, spraining hie ankle and breaking oue of the teudone. It will be a week or two yet before be will able to be abnot. Reath. - Wm. Marlton hes two tugs building at the harbor inland, one for McLeod & Dob. eon, of Saugeen, the other for Purvis, of Gore Bay. Two others are to be built during His Winter. In addition to thie work the tug Seibold iseto be rebuit and the tug N. Dyment will have new mach. ioery. Mies Minnie Campbell, after commen- cing her work in the Wiogbam pub'io eohool, received word of her appointment ae teacher atAroola, Asea., a potation for which she made application some months ago, The Wingham trustee's kindly re. leased her from her engagement there, and after spending a few days at home she left on Tuesday of last week for the West. Mies Campbell is the pioneer teacher of Areola, and will have the task of organizing the eohool there. At St. Peter's ohneoh on Sunday Rev. Father West read at Matte Archbishop Bruobeete'o latter in condemnation of immoral playa, prefacing the reading with some comments on theatre-gniog and dancing. At ve-pare Father West again referred briefly to theme enbjeote, having learned of reports that it was hie iuten- tion to speak of these matters in the even. ing. He said that attendance at a play WW1 not in itself sinful, bat beoame so when the play was of an immoral or im- proper nature. He thought the people of Goderioh were careful in thie matter, and so far as he knew, and he had fee. quently attended the opera house here, the plays presented in this town had not been of an improper obaraoler. He hop. ed thie would be the wee in the future oleo, and that demoralizing plays would never be iotroduoed in our town. In regard to daooing, the thumb dieorimi• Hated. Round dances, it not immoral, were held to have an immoral tendency, BARGAINS IN WINTER GOODS. Furs. Overcoats AN» Suits • t Only a few Caperines left that will be cleared out The 00 line for'9.50 ; the very cheap. $12 $ $11.00 for $8.50 ; the $8.50 for $6,50 ; and the $5.00 for $4.00. Also a few Men's Fur Caps that are bound to go at the Clearing Primes. All Sizes for Men or Boys. This is your opportunity to get an up-to-date Overcoat at a great deal less than their real value. The best $10.00 Coat in the trade now going for $8 25 and down as low a8 $4,25 for a very fair and Dressy Overcoat. In order to make room for Spring goods we will allow all our Ready-made Suits to go at the same Reductions. All Heavy Underclothing now going at Clearing Everything Prices.: Qaes. Bargains in Felt Boots, Overshoes, Heavy Rub- berg and Socks. Tf3TS IS YOUR CHANCE. e DON'T MISS IT, AN STRA0HAN. Ethel. Saw 1. have a good supply of hemlock loge on hand, d. n out o to eu't oo t n Qa out l s vinare, Dressed Maple, suitable for granaries, at 310 per M, All kinds of Dressed' Lumber kept on hand from 810 per M up. A large stook .of culled Elm and Ash at 37 per M. Sbloglee and Lath al Wept on hand. fr..�' 'A goad farm on 13111 con, of Grey for eel% nea A o n r at of 20 eons of logging to let. For.partioulore apply to S. S. OOLE, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL 11 cLEOD'S System. Renovator —AND'; 01,088 --- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer. algia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie, Oen. gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dieeaeee, St. Vitae' Dance, 'Female Irregularities and General De• bi l ity, LABORATORY, iliiDERICII, ONT. J. M. MCLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. gold 4y Jaa. P01. Druggist, Rrasaels and indulgence in them was at least im- prudent. Taking part in publics aesem. blies at Dight, and in thio way using op the energies which should be preserved for the duties of the following day, was wrong and should be avoided, both ae -ran injustice to the employer who paid for a good day's work and ae en iijory to health. The church left it to the indi• vidual 000aoience to decide what should be a person's condom in thr se matters of tlieatre•goiog and daooing. GONDEY v8. MoDoO08LL.—This action was brought by Thomas Gundry, of Goderioh, against John A. McDonnell, of HeoealJ, to remover a balance due ou a Bale of two buggies and a set of harness. It was tried before Judge Doyle at the Sessions, when judgement wee reserved. Hie Honor on the 20th inst., handed out his judgement, whereby he found that the plaintiff's version of the oontraot was correct, and directed a verdict to be en• tered for the plaintiff for 310180. W. Proudtoot,mongol for the plaintiff ; J. T. Gartow, S. 0., and L. H. Dickson, of Exeter, for defendant. W r ox so ter. Wm. Howey, painter, has opened up a shop in Jas. Allan's late reeideooe. Hies Maud Gorton lett for Loudon where she expecte to remain for some time. The horse fair on Wednesday of loot week would have been a big success only several bayere were on the delayed train and did not arrive. Allan Rae and Waldo Miller attended a skating oarnival at Clifford Wednesday of last week. The former won a first and the latter a 2nd in the men's race and also the first prize iu the boys' race. The Wroxeter Star of last week says: Wellington Stott arrived in town last week from Halifax. He wee one of the Stratbooua Horse and pat in a year in S. Africa, where he was wounded in the leg by a piece of a shell and afterwards had an attack of fever. Atter returning to hie home et Souris, Man., be joined the Canadian Contingent, now on their way to South Africa, but while at Halifax the very wet weather affeoted him so that he Was deemed unfit for bard marching and sent home. He will remain with his brother, J. H. Stud, and other friends in the vioinity for some weeks. His fund of knowledge of things se they actually are at the trout makes him an interesting conversationist. WRoxETER Oo9Nom..— Council met on Tuesday evening, Jan. let. Members all prevent. Mantes of last regular and epeoial meetings read and confirmed. Meeere. Eety and Town, hotellteepere, ap- peared before the Council asking for a redaotion in hotel licenses. Comm9ni- oatiooe ware reoeived .from 3.. Rose Robertson re Sick Children's' Hospital and from L. Bolton re cemetery grouode. The following accounts were paned ; Grant to siok Childress' Hospital, 310 ; Wm. Adair, refund poll tax, $1 ; S. Snell, wood for hall, 34 ; Ed. Barnard, gravel, 32.75 • T. Bolton, surveying cemetery, 346 ; B. H. Townsend, printing and adver. tieing, 33 50 ; C. Rafe, electric light for Nov. and Deo., 342 ; J. Ballantyne, re. pairing bell, 50o ; A. Voeberg, ringing bell half year, $1 50 ; J. Cowan, half year's salary, 387.50, and registering births, eto., 32.20 ; J. E. Blank, collect. ing terse, 325. A Byle w appointing the several offleere Wag passed, viz ;—Library Board—Rev. I. A. McKelvey, 3 years, leaving the board ; F. V. Diokaon, one. year ; Rev. R. Anderson, two years and Rev. MoKelvey, three yearn. Board of Health : Dr. Brawn, 8 years, leaving the board—Reeve, Clerk, W. S. MoReroher, 1 year, Dr. S. B. Smale, two years, and Dr. Brawn, 8 years. John Pattereon, care- taker of cemetery. Street Dom., James Poulin, John Davideon and W. Wilson, Park and Bell Dom., A. Munro and 0. Smith. Charity, Reeve. Hall coin., the Reeve and John Davidson. Cemetery oom., Reeve, W. Wilson and 0. Smith. The Illerk was instructed to draft a By- law in reference to the cemetery and submit it at next meeting, Motion for By IoW fixing hotel licenses let $80 and shop lioenee 315 over end above the data. tory Beene° was paned on the following vote : Jae. Paulin, Wm. Wilson and Jno. Davidson, yea ; A, Munro and 0. Smith, nay. A Bylaw was paeeed to prohibit any further burials in tle old °mmetery, also a Bylaw to anthorizo the borrowing of money for ourrent expenses, not to ex. coed $400. Oounoll adjourned till third Tuesday in February. i Sstr`e�t_"_fix +•-. �, rTcwar "31'Sz-TSI. Great a Stock-TakingSale Next week we oommenee etoole•(eking and we want our stook down to the lowest point 1efoge that time. We will make the fullowiug very treat reduotione in prices Chia weals to clear out Winter Goode ideo'o fine black and blue bluets Beaver Overcoats, lined with good Italian cloth, velvet cellar, fly front, regular priest 33 60, 37 50 and 39, for 34.95, 35 95 and $6.$5.—Boyo' Frieze Ureters, high storm collar, worth 33 75, for $2.75.—Men'e Frieze UIvtere, high storm moiler, worth $$, for $8 95.—Neu s heavy Frieze Meters, tweed lining, interlined with rubber, high storm collar, as warm as any for coat, gond value at 310, sale price, 36 95 —Meo'e Tweed State, lined with the beet farmer's satin, well made and trimmed, worth 36, acre prior 34.455,—Boyo' Suite, in all eiz•'9 at wholesale' prices during this groat sale,—Meu'e Wallaby For Coate, 9090 01 prime 318, for $12 50 —Men's Cub Bear Coate, will rive great wear, regular price $18. for —Mon's Coou Coate, beet quality, well furred, worth $45, for 337.50 —Men's heavy Duok Jaokete, lined with tweed and interlined with robber, regular price 35, for 33.95.— Men's Duck Jackets, lined settle rubber, 31 95.—Men's heavy Lumber man'e Rubbers, oorrigated edges, high out, will wear like Iran, Pale price 3150.—Men's heavy Box to wear with r)bbere, at 40o, boa aid 750. 22 lbs. beet . Granulated 1-4 Sugar forlbs. r. f Q2OL'Ir,IflEB.— tante (new fruit) for 25o.-4 lbs. New Raieine ine for 25o.—Cboloe New Figs, very 0980101, 4o,—Qoaker Brand Corn, Peas and Tomatoee, 3 oaoe for 25o.—The oelebreted IS ji Japan Tea, worth 30o, for 25o. JAMESTOWN R. 0, AND GENERAL. STORE. A CLEA SWEEP OF ALL WINTERCOOS And by doing so we will knock profits in the head— not even ask for a fair profit. A FEW QUOTATIONS. Balance of our Overcoats, Ready-made Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Frieze Pants, Men's Woolen Shirts, Men's Fur Caps, Boys' Tweed Caps, Men's Union Shirts, regular price $4 50 8 00 8 00 2 00 75 1 25 80 50 Cr now $2 Cif 5 " 2 " 1 (1 . it t1, is 50 50 00 55 65 .. 75 15 85 The above are only a few lines. 25 per cent. off all Winter Goods. We believe in having everything Fresh and Fashionable in its season, and in order to do so we must slaughter the balance of each Season's goods. PATENT MEDICINES. In Patent Medicines we have got in a fresh stock, such as : Ayer's Sarsaparilla, (31 size) Ayer's Oathatio Pills Burdook B. B. (31 size) Beef, Iron & Wioo (31 size) British Army Liniment ........... Burdock Pills Oastoria Carter's Pills Chaee'e Pine Dodd's Sidney Pills, 3 boxes Dr. Thomas' Eleotorio Oil $ 75 Dr. Fowler's Ext• Wild Strawberry 30 20 Dr. Kayne's Cold & Grippe Oore .. 20 75 Dr. Obese's' Stomeoli & Liver Tonic 85 75 Godfrey Cordial 8 20 Haggard's Yellow Oil 20 20 Harte Pain Exterminator 20 25 Mother Seigel'a Syrup 20' 20 Muskoka Pine Syrup 18 20 Radway's Ready Relief 20 1 00 Radway'e Pine 20 20 Pink Pills, 8 boxea for 1 00 Please note the Above Prices. The highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce such as Eggs, Butter, Tallow, Lard and Fowl. I .l_V N E Si Jamestown. Wilton 11.1111116111114., r bull HAVE NOW TO HAND THEIR SUPPLY OF_ 40 X Cut Saws and Axes. All Saws Fitted zbp Ready for Use, Prices Right and Quality Good.. CALL AND SEE US BEFORE BUYING, Wilton & Turnbull