The Brussels Post, 1902-1-30, Page 2THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, de In Trade Centres. , Toronto, Jail, 28,-e-Whettt-0'he 'theist market ite quiet, with prima titoodY. Fifty-eight 14 Wheat Ito:quote ed at 75c mItIdlo froightta No. 1 Opring dull a1 -72c oat, and No. 2 goose quoted ot 073o to 03c low freight to flew York, Manitoba, wheat Moody, with No, I bard quot- ed at 88c .i.t., Storidos No, 1 Nor- thern at 813o, and No. 2 Northern at 813e. Prices aro 10 lower via. 'Sortie Bar. Oats -The market is quiet, with do - mond limited. They aro hold at al to 52e middlo freight, Peas -The market is dull, with pri- cee unchanged. No. 2 quoted at Olc west, and at 82e zuladle freight, Corn -The market Js firm. There were sales to -day of Canadian yellow at 563 lo 07c, and of mixod at 66e 'west. Barley -Market is quiet and prices steady. No. 1 quoted at 67e and No. 2 at 680; No. aextra at 51 to 52c middlo froight. Ito.. -The market is quiet and pri- ces are 35a to 156c middle froight. Duckwheat-Market io dull, with prices unchanged at 541 to 54e east. Flour -The market is quiet. Ninb- ty per cent., in buyers' bags, sold at $2.90, middle freights. Locally and for Lower Province trade choice straight rollers, in wood, are $8,25 to 33.85, Manitoba flour steady, with Hungarians 31.10 to 34.50, and strong bakers' at 38.80 Toronto freight. Oatmeal -Market unchanged. Car lots, on track, 35.25 in bugs, and 35.40 in wood. Broken lots 25c per • bbl. extra. Sliijjecd-Bran is steady at $18.50 to 310 outside in bulk. Shorts, 321 . to 321.50 outside. Manitoba bran, 320, and shorts, 322, Toronto froi,glots, including. sacks. PRODUCE. Potatoes -Tho market is dull, with fair otferings. Cars are quoted at 63 to 65c per bag on track here, and the jobbing prico 800. Dried Apples -Market is firm, with 'demand fair. Prices aro 6 to :Sac per lb. Evaporated soil at 9 to 10e. Hops -Business quiet, witl8 prices steady at 18c; yearlings, 8c, lionoy-The market Is easior at 9e, to 10c tor strained. Combs, 31.50 to 32.25 per dozen. Beans -Tho market is quiet, with fair offerings. Prime mediums, 31.40 to 31,50. I:Mud-picked, 31.55 to • 31.00: Cranberries - Market unchanged, with stocks small. Cape Cod at .89.e9 to 310 ror barrel. Bay, balod-Tho market is -steady, with good demand. Timothy quoted oat $9.75 to 310, on track for No. 1, 'land at $8 to 38.60 for No. 2. Straw -The Market is qui a and firm. Car lots on track will bring $6. Poultry -Market unchanged. Tur- keys, 93 to 100 per lb; frozen, scald- ed, and half -fatted stook solcl from 8 to Bec. Geese, dry picked, 8 to fik. Ducks, 60 to 90c. Chickens, young, 50 to 75o; old, 35 to 50e. THE DAIRY MARICEITS. Butter -Tho rocolpts are fair, but choice qualities aro still scarce. Wo quotee-Selocted. dairy, tubs, 17 to 1.7k; choice largo rolls, 10 to 17c; finest 1-33 rolls, 18 to 200; inferior qualities, 11. to 123-c; creamery prints, 21 to 22c; solids, 20 to 21e. Eggs - The market is steady. Strictly fresh, 28 to 30c; hold fresh, 23 to 25c; cold storage, 20c; limed, 19 to 20e. Cheese -Market is steady. We quote: -Finest Septembers, 101 to 11.c; seconds, 91 to 10c. HOGS AND'PROVISIONS. Dressed 'hogs are dull at 37.60 to 37,65 for heavy, and at 37.75 for light, in car lOts. Hog products steady. We quote:- Bacon, long clear, sells at 103 to 11c in ton and case lots, mess pork, $21; do., short mit, $22. Smoked Meats -Hams, 13 to 134c; breakfast bacon, 14 to 143c; rolls, 11c; backs, 14 to 143c; and should- ers, 1.01.c. Lard -:The market is firm, with fair demand. Wo emote:-Tiercos, 11 to llac; tubs, 111c; pails, 111o, UNITED STATES MARKETS. Milwaukee, Jan, 28. -Wheat closed --Steady; No. 1 Northorn, 77 to 77k; No. 2 Northern, 753 to 700; May, 79k. Ryta-Lower; No, 1, 683e. Barloy-Weak; No, 2, 640; sample, 55 to 62c. Corn -May, 64/0. , Duluth, jaa. 28, -Wheat cionotl- Cash, No. 1 hard, 771e; No, 2 Nor- thern, 72c; May, 773e; No. 1 North- ern, 744c; July, 783c. 0ats--10 to 450, Corn -02c. Buffalo, Jan. 28.-Flour-Quiot. Wimaa-Spring dull; aTo. 1 Northern, . 883c; Winter nominal; No. 2 rod, 98c. •Corn -Quad.; N. 2 yellow, 66c No. 3 do., 651e; No. 2 corn, 65c; No. 3 60., 64 :1-3 to 044O. Oats - (Wet: No. 3 CIO, 503-c; No. 2 taxed, 49c; No. 8 do, 481o. Borion--09 to 720, to arrive. Detroit, Jam 28. -Wheat armee- No, 1 white, cash, 901e; No. 2 rod, oash and January, 881c; May, 88e; july, 843c, St, Louis, ,Tari. 28. -Wheat closod- May, 871c; ,Toly, 803e, . Minneapolis, Jan, 28, -Wheat - Cash. 753.o; 'May, 75k; july, 77* to 77tol On traek, No. 1 hard, 773c; No, I Northern, 753c; No. 2 North - era, 714 to 74-jo. Flour -First pat- ients, $0.85 t:o $8.95; second patonts $8.05 to 33.75; first clears, 32.40; sOCond do, $2.10, Mak, 317 to 817,50, LITE STOOK MARKET. Toronto, Jan 28.. -Tito total doliv- ay wan 88 loads, with 810 cattlo, 210 sheep and lamb?), 176 hogs, and 10 Calve, Booidos the easing off in tho bOying for export Ilia local but. Uttar trade Was galetoe Eliot for sorno Weeles past, Pekes- did not vary • intieh, from Ttlesday'S quotationO, but traneaetIonO WOre light, Latabs WAN abOat 10 cents firmer, with a My light min, Gooa Made Or but - Cher cattle aro worth from 38.75 to 34.20, Export from 34,40 to efj. Export cottle, atoice...$4.50 34.00 Export cattle, light 4,20 4.50 Bulls, coport, heavy ... 8.06 4.25 Bullo, export, llglit ... 8.00 8.25 Feeders, heavy- ..... 8.25 .3.70 Feeders, 2.50 2,75 Stockers, 4.00 to 80013 2.40 3.00 Butchers' cattle, choice 8,75 4.00 Butchers' cattle, good 3.60 8.76 ihitchors' common... 2,75 8.00 Bu tellers' p hiked , 4.00 4,50 do off -colors to, holforel 2,00 2.50 Butohors' bulls... .,., 2.50 8.00 Light stock bulls, ONVt. 2,00 2.50 Mitch cows,.,., 30.00 55,00 Siloam exp, ewes, cwt3,00 8,26 do bucks 2,00 2,50 Sheep, butchers', each2.00 8,00 Lambs, cwt . 11.50 4.00 Edogashabgt. 6.123 (3.87fr do fat„. 0,00 SALE OF ANIMALS. To be Held in the Cities of Guelph and Ottawa. The Second Annual Ontario Pro- vincial Auction saws of Pureolli.ed Live Stook, will be bold -in Gm City of Ottawa, February 121.11, acid In tau City of Guelph, lobruary 26th. At each of these sales a -number of first- class anauals will bcj oueeeci. 5. oon- siderable number have already ben entered but none will bo eataloguod Until each has boon inspected, tor each must be of good quality. The Weeding also must be boyond goes- titaa and for this reason a. will pay tanners, Agricultural Associations, and Farmers' Clubs to buy thoir brooding stock at these animal sales. Western ranchers and stock growers will be well repaid if they attend at Ottawa and Guelph. .I. respectfully roquest you to read the rules and conditions governing each sato. Al Ottawa and Guelph. At Guelph sixty Shorthorn bulls will be offered, and about twenty females. A Sow very good liereiords, Polled -An - gas' and' Galloways will also Le sold. Yorkshires, Tamworths, and Berkshires will be the only breeds of pigs onered this year. Altogether the quality and oondition of the ani- mals sold at Ottawa and Guelph will be better than last year. Every promotion will be taken to safe- guard the interests of both the buy- ers and sellers. In case a buyer, coming from a distant Province wishes to buy a carload or more and does not get all he wants at either of the soles, arrangements havo boon comploted whereby the atilt:ors of the Provinelal Associations aro, ablroto assist him in procuring what he may wanl., with little or no additional ex- pense to aimsell, other than the pride of the animals. You aro cor- dially invited to attend. Catalogues of tho stock may be obtained from Mr. A. P. Westervelt, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Persons not able to attend may, with perfect lerefoty, forward orders to Mr. Wester- velt, WANT WAR TO END, Boers Willing to Take Oath of Allegiance te Britain. A tlespatch from London says :- The Government has issued the text of the petition received from the Boer prisoners at Bermuda, which was referred to recently by Colonial Secretary Chamberlain in his speech In the House of Commons. It is dat- ed September 24, and its signors le- presont the prisoners encamped on 'Pocket:a Island. The potitionors pay time, aro aware of the impossibility of the Boors rotaining their iiitle- pendence, ruid are ;twist: to the con- taniance of the war, for whadi they blame those who are still fighting. At least threo hundred of the pris- oners express their widiropioss to take tho oath of itlleglaxice to (b•ent Britain, while t1,0 1P11111i11(Irl• are willing to take the oath of tieutral- ity. It is asked that those taking the oath of allogiance be allowed to return to South Africa, they promis- ing to' do their utmost to promote the interests of Cireat Britain, espe- cially in tho directiou of ending the war. HOPE FOR CONSUMPTIVES. Experiments in London Crowned. With Success. A Loudon despatch says :-Dr. Symes-Thompson, consulting physi- cian at the lIospital for Consump- tion, Brampton, in a lecture deliver- ed hero, augured hopefully far the oxperiments which aro boing carried on at the hospital in the treatmont of phthisis by meano of Tosla's high frequency clirronto and the injection into the vellis of a chomical sub- stuime that is fatal to the bacilli. lire quoted statistics showing that the deaths from imbercular maladies in Loodon docreasod 55 per cent, in forty years, and predicted ilist suet1 cliseasea would be extinct within a century. IN ORANGE RIVER COLONY. British Capture and Duro Quan- tity of Grain. 13. Ladybrancl despatch soya :- Tenant's column encountered a largo Boer forco under Conmulmdant Rau- tenbooli. near Witney onaMOnday. The Boers had a largo amount of grain, a outintity of stock, and eighty wag- gons. The Bridal, capturod a lot of the grain, which was burnod. Tho burghets offered only a slight resistanCe. Thy removed threes • of thole wounded, Later they wero ran - 10100d. by 150 lnen from tho north. Tho Koos commando has itiO0 boon reinforcod, and now minibus 250 mon. Thoy have tWolvo woggons Containing Wodnescloy and • Thursday 1,100 Boero Moved eastward towords the lirandwater basin. A. number of lloora 1allow:1 halm arrived herO from Flicksburg, 111E ON [AKIO 14E.GISLATU1U wan atm TicvmBEns „um TORONTO, PETITIONS PRESENTED, Tho following petitions Were Pre- stinted: - 2e IiIr, avosrr-On bphalf of the l'ort DalhousieSt, Catharines, and Thor- old haearic Street Railway Com- pany, Lin-0MM asking powerato 5011 its undortokiogs, rights, franchises, lines, assets, and proportios to ti11) 141494111, Nt. Coitutrines and Toronto Iloalway Company, BY Mr, alutrio-Isrom 140 rett,epay- ors of Collingwood against, herlsia- Mon confirming tato agooement be, two= tho Town of Calliogwood and the Collingwood Shipbuilding Com- pany, on the ground that -the oxemp- tion from taxotion had not boon sub - witted to the ratepayors for confirm- atioa. . By Mr, Pardeo-From, T, It, Love- joy and others, asking incorporotioxi of the Petrol= Vapid Railway Com- pany, to run from Sarnia through Lambton and Kent COUEltI04/ to Thatoesville, with branches, By Ma Gross --From the San Paulo Tramway, Lista, and Power Com- pany, Limilod, to authorizo the issue and sale.•of redoemable preferenco stook, and to confirm the company's mortgage and bond issuo. By Mr. Auld -On behalf of the Township Cooncil of Pelee, asking power to aid, by a debenture iesuo, the establishment of o-stoainship ser- vice between Pelee Island and the mainland. 13y Mr. illeTtee-From the Windsor, Essex aod Lake Shore Rapid Rail- way Company for an Increase of bor- rowing powors. By Mr. I.eys-From the London Township Council and the London Street llailway Company to validate an agreement ror the operation of a surface electric railway on a. Portion of the Proof Line Road, I3,y Mr, Leysi--From the London City Council asking validation of the bylaw granting iixed assessinents to the IfeClarv Mannfacturing Coino party and to Coorge Whito, Sons Company. 13y Dlr. Carscollen-From the Ham- ilton City Council, asking that a municipality employing a solicitor or counsel on salary s8011 have pow- er to collect costs in all actions, tho samo as if the counsel were not re- ceiving, a. salary; • o,lso that a City Council shall have power to revise the estimates of a Public Parks Board, THE GROWING OF FLAX. Freithaupt (North Waterloo) has placod the following enquiry on *she order paper: Has the Government thicen into consideration 'the ques- tion of utilizing Canadian -grown' flax in the manufacture of binder twine and rope, instead of, procuring the raw material from Manila, Now Zea- land, and elsewhero? • ANOTHER E.LEOTION BILL. = Ifon. Mr. d'arrow has a bill some- what similar in principle to that of tfr. Lee, with regard to railway men. It provides that in the caso of elm - t0173 moving from one district to an- other botween the time of registra- tion and election, an opportunity be given them to vote. ESTIMATES ARE DOWN. Tito estimates for the year 1905. were laid on Lilo table by Hon. Mr, Ross. The total amount to be voted for current expenditure is 3:3,553,- 980; on capital account, 3:303,278, other purposes 3140,975, a total of 841,004,228. For eivil government $285,04.0 is required, as against $281.070 for last year. The chief items in ar- rears aro 31,325, under the head of inspection of public institutions, and 31,000 deocribed as miscollaneous. There is a, decrease of 31,030 in the Education Department, 'and 3700 in the Treasury Department. -The Attoruey-Gencral's Dppartment will 'be run with $17,800 as against 618,000 last years,- A small reduc- tion is also made in the It:di:cation Deportment and the Treasury De- partment, The other depiortmento show slight increases. SOME INCREASES. 11. 110W clerk is provided for tho in- spection of public Ii1Stitutions at 31,200 per year. The °Mara Ga- zette is to cost 35,000 this year, an increase 'of 31,000 over last year. An incronao of 3100 is voted the Legis- lative librarian and 3200 to the Do- puty Commissioner of Public Works. The administration of justice will eost $448,581 as against $455,214 last year. A reauction of $500 is mado in the expenses al county judg- cis in grouped cattalos. Provincial police on the Niagara and*Detrolt Rivers cost 3900 more than Isar year. 7011 EDUCATION. For education $785,090 is asked, as ogaimot 3778,922 last yon.r. There is an imonaso of 33,000 for High Schools and Collogiates, High Schools and Collogiatae Will cost 3119,175, compared with 3115,675 In 1001. There is a part of an cm- tra 31.,000 to the Normal College. The appropriations to public lib. moles and art. schools is 360,900, or 32,000 more: than a year ago. • TWO grants aro cut off under tho head of mi8cellaneous-3800, formerly grant- ed to the Dominant Mutation, atid 8150 for consolictUting tho school law and regnlations. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. The appropriation for public in- stitutions and maintonances is 3870,217 orottpareM with 3841,108 last year. The asylum for foinale patients at Cobourg gots $30,858, Special panto for agricultairat PlIfToomi aro cut 35000, 830 total being Voted under the ,head of agri- clalturo $122,170, and for immigra- tion $41,825, Thera 18 a groin; of 31,500 for n11 oxperfroontel cold storogo station. ITOSPI'PALS AND CRAIG:TIES, For hospito.br and tharitioo there 18 411 appropriation of 3187,755, 49 Og4I1141; 3102,581 Wit year. A grant of 34,000 to tho ItoOse ol Ittiftigo, lassox, and 3500 to the Haute oe IMMO, Brant, Wero struok otaa Govornniolit Holm is to coot 32,e 000 less than 11398 year. The Borne 18 etrectod by r04801/ of the foot that. a Duke is not tido year to bo 15.1(1134 3d ot 021 OutlitO of $0,000. Sotorles for Otigoodo engliteor Iheaton and caretaker are inoroastol from 21,140 to 31.480, 111I33I00 ASYLUM AND CENTRAL. There le a VOW of 37,707 for the Insane Asylum, Qom) etroet west , 30,825 for alimioo Central Prison is Voted $8,400 fot, vnrious im- provements, and tho Mercer 35,550. For the refitting of Osgoode Ilall 31,100 is voted, and for the School of Precticol Science 3108,950. Colonization nad raining roads aro to cosi, 314.6,075. Expermes of elec- tions and election trials are placed at 380,000„ Smallpox outbreaks are expected to cost 35,000, againa 310,000 last year. Land guides rot assisting velorano in locating lands tall be ratoti at 32,000. NOTICES OF MOTION, Mr, Beatty (Leeds) -Order of the House for a /atom of a copy of any report or other document made to any department of thy Government by the enginocr or any other person or persons who survoyeci the route of the proposed North nay and Tem- iscamingue Railway. Mr. 1 oynt-Ordor of Um House for a return, showing (I) the amount of the bonuses or 8113814105 vo.ted to the railways ' by this Logisloture ench year during 1898, 1809, 1900, 1901; (2) the namo of caoh railway memo - Mg and the amount motoci to each during that thne; (3) the amount paid to each railway during.; eitch of such years, and the condition or con- ditions upon which such payments wore made. . Miscampbell--Enquiry or Minis- try: What amount did tho Govern- ment pay for printing tho years 1808, 1399, 1600, 1901, ouch year separately'? Mr. Wardell -Enquiry of Miaistry; How many bona tide settlers went into that portion of Ontario lying northwesterly from Lake `remisearn- ingue between Lokes Nipissing and Abitibi* during the past year? MANY RAILWAY I311,LS. Hon. John Dryden W EIS ro-olected chairman of the Railway Committee of tbe Legislature. mid advised 501 - ting to work early, as there was a good deal of business to transact. There are more railway bills than for ton years past. o ONTARIO'S BALANCE SHEET. Assets. Direct Investments - Drainage debenturepo...$ 76,077.70 Tito debcnture coupons. 99,204.81 Municipal drainage ass. 20,04:8.04 Sault Ste Norio deb ... 25,572.50 Funds held by. the Do • - minion in behalf of Ontario, bearing 5 U.Cp.eGrrcaoonat'r-Scha fund 312,709.04 U.C. Building fund ..... 1,972,391.41 Land iniprovein't.futul. 124,685.18 Fund Ciaated under act - of 1884,. .. 2,848.289.63 Common school fund held by Dominion, bearing int. at 5 per coat., Out. share 1,4541,302.19 Bank Balancos- Current accounts... .., 175,561.74 Special. accounts-. ... 1,2112,981.25 • ,^ $7,901,888.88 Liabilities. Balance of acct. ourront with Dominion ... 31,815,84.8,89 Railway certificates 1,688,091.64 Annuities-. 1,822,099.17 Common schoolo, fund collections by Ont., from Jan. J., 1001 3,955,97 Toted.- ...... .........$5,830,595.67 Surplus assots after do - ducting liabilities ....$2,571,292.71 Estimated receipts, 1902, ihelitcnng cash balances bo hand Dee. 31, 19012 Subsidy.- . $1,190,872.80 Interest, on capital held and debts due by Do- • 285,000.00 Interest on invostul'ts. 50,000.00 Crowo Lands Ilep'ret.. 1,250,000.00 Public inotituttotts,.. ... 97,500.00 Education 55,000.00 Pro -t', Secretary's Dp't 80,000.00 Casual revenue... .,. 100,000,00 Succession duties .,. ... 300,000.00 Supplementary rev. tax 285,000.00 Tavorn & Mowers' 11c. 375,000.00 Law stamPso. ...... 55,000.00 Algoma. taxes... „..- 2,500.00 Fisheries.. 35,000.00 Assess't drain. works.. 5,000.00 Removal of patients ... 4,000.00 Total est. rooelpes ....$4,075,872.80 Cash bal. Deo. 81, '01 1,468,492.99 ,..35,544,355.79 Estimated expo, 1902 4,001,228,32 A NOTE FROM KRUGER. Ex -President Claims Pre. is Still A correspondent" of tho London Daily Telegraph, wiring from Brus- sok, says that tho Dutch pro -Boer pross boo published a note issued by Mr. Kruger declaolng that no Peace negotiations will b0 oonsidered ex- cept upon the basis of tho retention of Boor Itidepondenco. Thia report is rogardodars 11. reply to the speech of Mr. Cliamberlian; that -British Colonial Secrotaoy. ropeosoritativo of tho London Delis? Maws in tho lobbloro:allarliaa mont bears that them haVo certainly been Porno sort of peaeo overt:tires from tho Boers, but tho unyiolding attitude of Lord Minor, tho British. Commitisicater in South AfOloa, bag, as before, proved an heatirritountable obstacle hi the mattOr, The: Engin) correapontiOnt Of the Daily Nowa says that both Dr. Loyda, 8110 European ropresentative of the Tronsortal, and Abraham Fis- cher, ahe leader of tho Boor &le- gatos, me having frequent mid Pro- longed intorviows with Dr. Van Lin- den, tile Paoli Minister of Foroign Affairs, and ProleSSOr Asor, thO juriot, mid chairman or the arbitra- tion court at Tho Iragum NEWS Telegrapbic Briers From All ••Over the Globe. CANADA. Tito pimply of 13ritish Colombia, salmon ono sent to New Zcalaad have arrivcid oafely. A branch of tho British Empire League has boon formod'in.London, with Sir John Carling, as prooldont, The Algoma Steel ConinanY be- gino the itianufacturo of ratio next month. 11 Into a Govornment cow, tract. for 25,000 tons. Alox, Campboll, of 'Tolland, ham, Imo found two gold nuggets in Goo sand of Cypress river, says a Winni- peg despatch, Premier Roblin and several Mem- bers of the Mouitoba logislitturo are muleing a tour of inspection of tho Canadian Northern ldilway. The Dominion Department of Agri- culture has been thipping largo quan- tities of Canadian products to South Africa for the Imperial War Wilco, The Canadian pavilion at Oho Wol- verhampton Exposition will be cam- ploted by the 1st of April, and will cost 310,000. Tim 1141210 of Lieut. -Col. A. P. Sherwood, fr,D.C., of Ottawa., has beon mentioned as the cothanandant of the next Disloy team from Can- ada. The Dominion poiloe protection ser- vice; which was inotitaited after the attempt to blow up the Welland Canal, will be discontinued at the close of this month. Mr. Parmelee, Deputy Minister 'of Trade and Conunerco, has been zip- pointecl to conduct an investigation lab the general question of the weighing, handling and shipping of dairy produce in eastern Ontario and Quebec. The Canadian PacilleRailway is closing a &al for the purthase of 850 acres of land in Hochelage, to double the capacity of its car and locorootivo shops. The original plan was for 600 acres, but unwillingoess of the landownon to sell compelled the reduction, The Canadian Nlagata. Power Com- pany has awarded the contract for the construction of the big wheol pit and the intake canal in the Queen Victoria, Niagara Falls Park to Law- son & IleillY, of St. Catharines. Tho company expect to be abla to transmit power to- Toronto by October lst next. • GREAT.BRITAIN. Sir Ellis-altslunead Boil:lett-, M.P., is dead. An American syndicate wants to buy the Sbutli Lancaahire Collieries. The King's 'coronation will be cele- brated in India with great splendor. The • Saturday Review, London, wants the establishment of a special British -Canadian news Service. Some ono scratched, with a dia- mond, a. portrait of Mr. Chamberlain on a window of tho London Colonial Office. Britain will send two delegations to America to . onquire iuto labor ma.tters. and the rolations betweea niasoors and labor leaders. One of the five submarine boots that Vickers, Sons and Maxim are constructing at 13arro30 -has made a successful trip abovo water. • • The British Government has M- olted Lenders for ten new torpodo- boat destroyers ofoa larger and *Low- er type than any hitherto built. Dr. Krause, the former Governor of Johannesburg, was found guilty of "attempting to persuade" to mur- der, and sentenced to two years' imprisonmont. Professor R. L, Garner Is in Lon- don and says that in a few months he will appear on tho platform 11* America with two apes whiett will speak the Englioh language. Amor4'.the coroaation honors it is eopOrted that Slr Wllliano Llarcourt, formerly Liberal leader in 'the Houso of Commons, will be .ofTered 11 pew: - age, a dukedom to the Marquis ot Salisbury, and a marquisate to Earl Cadogan and Earl Spencer, present and past Viceroos, respectively, of Iroland. UNITED STATE'S. Wire !mils have aclvancod $:i a ton at Pittsburg. Smallpox is epidemic in tho Adir- ondack lumber -camps. Last Sunday a. Wolsh church was dedicated in -Chicago. Mrsa Carrie Nation dropped her hatchet and out her big too ofl. Rural froo mail delivery is boiag ex- tended throughout tho country. The worktugonon of Iloillestesol, Pa. havo 513011310,000 to tho Mc- Kinley Memorial, 'rho University of Minnesota has a smallpox scare and its 8,000 stu- dents aro to be vo.ceinated, A printer of Kankakee,. Ill., work- ed at his trade by day,a,nd commits ted ntany burgia,rios at night. Gen, Wm, .3. Palmer, of Colorado Springs, hoo given 3250,000 to tound t, somilarlinn near that city. AA boothiltek in Itothestot refueoti to polish a colored man's shaeo, and must pay 3100s1nd oasts, The McKinley Idtazuerial. Fund gots few cattloabuolions from Woalthy mo Tho bulk of tho memorial fond Opines tram wagaostomers mid ombool, chilo 'British -columns, pursuing Botha. anti Dewot in the Transvaal, luivo disCoveral numbor of now aurifer- ous rangoa. 13. Monthly magazitio edited by lura atios and With lunatica as Its only Contributors, Is about to be isstied from OWaseeco,112 Prince 'Balmy wilt give a dinnor for Prooldertt lioosoVelt oh the royal yaeht Holient011erzt during the visit to thy Unitoti StotOs. Sytitonititic bribery a jurloo, which is said to havo botin proptieed for (Ivo yoaro by froochlsed corpOratious of °Media, is hang InVeatigated, ollag'hiljelted Stoop OfinlOter to Bel- ched shortly afterwards from Manor- seavvtailtilgowheido papts,vpoloogdpeaa rsepwliodtmeyrsW6Ignole On Tuosday ho coughea it up, and woe tho creittioo of an latagioativ0 lsfIl)actexcliilsaatwaroribc:ngl'oelvntr101%,, dol4rutingthtpt 3o -called "AnglooAmeriona Robort J. King, of Brooalyn, N.Y., The head Waltroos of 4 hotel in Vineenneli, Ind, is dying 4,111 1110 re- sult of Menlo to her opine received in a fait while endeavoring, ou wager, to kicie o tray Of dithos bold by another waltreso. Charles 111. Schwab, President of the United Statoo Steel Corporation, sayo Eagland will always be fore- most 14 stool peoducts requiring do- licitto and apecial manipulallon, but in rails, girders'and ninnufoctures like thine, the Uoited Statoo wiil always be abloeto competo With all counties, GENERAL. Testa of submarine boats at Cher- bourg have proven a success. Chill offers free passage and grants of land to Boer emigrants. e 11 is rumored that Emperor Wil- liam will vlsit th0 united States next fall. Tim Norwegian farmers lia,ve,forrn- (Id a, oew party in tho Storthing, and *ill enter politics. Prince Henry is to sail for the United States on tho laron Prinz Wilhelm February 1518. 'the Indian tett trado is disturbed at the prospect of an incroased duty on tan into the 'United Kingdom. In the Philippines homesickness is responsible for the breaking, down of many American soldiers. Two thousand eight hundred Turk,., ish soldiers, who have just returnod from Yoram, Arabia, mutinied for ome: 1901A. :young Italian officer blow out his brains because a singing girl in a Ran theatrrofused his offers of Austria has been visited by earth- quakes which, with a hurricane, have done great damage. Denmark has nisO been stormswept. 4 FREE DISTRIBUTION.., Se.niples of Grain for the Im- provement of Seed. oily instructions of the Hon. Minis- ter of Agriculture another distribu- tion will be made this season of samples pf tho most productive sorts of grain to Canadian fat:mere' for tho improvement of seed. The'stocit for distribution is of tho very beat and ball been secured- by the .DIrector of the Experimental Farms from tho record -brooking crops recently had in the Canadian Northwest. It Will be worth while for farmoin generally to rumor their seed of oats when va- rieties which have produced more than 100 bushels per acre can be had. The' distribution this spring will consist of samples of oats, spring wheat, barley, fleld peas, 111 - din corn and potatoes. Every far- mer may apply, but, only one oomph) can be sent to each applicant, henco if an individual receives a sample of oats ho cannot also receive one of wheat, artriey or potatoes, and ap- plications for more than one sample for one household cannot be 'entor- tained. These samples will be sent Moe of oharg*o through the mail. Applications should be addressed to the Director of Experimental -Farms, Ottawa, and may bo spot in any time bofore the 1.5th of March, after which the lists will pc elosod, so that all the atunples osked for may be sent out in good thno for sowing. Partles writing sbould men- tion tho Mat or variety they would prefer, anti should Oa available stock of the kind asked for -be ex- hausted, some other gooct sort will be sent in its place. NAVAL RESERVE. Legislation ReOpecting Station on Newf °patellas:La A London dospatch soya ;-Reply- ing to a question in the House of Commons on Thursday, Mr. Arnold - roster, Parliamentaow Secretary to the Admiralty, said legislation wooid be introduced to place tho Neweountitaad naval re.servo scheme on a permanent basis. Mr. Chrunberialn, the CoIonial,Soc- rotary, answering a question on the subject, said that., although com- munications wero proceeding with Franco, hls Mujeaty's Government was not yet in a position to mako a dofinito statoment an the French shore question, o THE DISTRESS IN GERMANY. -- Emperor Orders Public WOrks to Provide Employment. , A Derlia despatch says :-IfIzaparot. William has been so much impressed by the widespread distress :caused by tho inability of workingmen to ob- tedo. omploytnent Una-- ho 35.8 ox- proesed 11 Wloh that. the customary illumination of pablic build -Ingo on his biethicl(3y 1)0 root:rioted, os for rto Possible, and that the money thus savod 30 (101,010d to charity. It is understood that his Majesty IP much ooneorned about tho labor satuation, and.thot tio bao determined, for -the' purposo of providing emPloyinent. to order publlo works, Which othor- wise would bo indefinitely postponed, to be cOmmentoci immediately, DANISH WEST INDIES. Thar Sale to the 'Milted States Practically .Concluded. A Copenhagea despatch soya" ;-- 'rho Politikon says lt is intimated that a treaty bOtamen the' Unitod ,Stn,tea and Dettroark foe the 801.0 of thO Danish West Dulles will he concludad 111 1Vas11ingtOri withlh thO rOnet .few dojo; A BATTLEFIELD HEIM PATEETIC INCIDENT IMPORT- ED RECK SOETA .44.314434. A Sergeant of the 10th Ensnare Tolls of the -Death of a, Xcnsug Autitralian. la the earlier stageo of tho War I chanced to become acquainted with O Young Australian bushman at Vuredeport, ond after a short 40, quaintance he told MO a little,t 01 1119 history, from which I gathered that .124m011hv4ersi, inth0falorrilylygs000ltil ctiitir:Immwoldtfed laWeeil in Australia, but who had nearly Urolten- Mir heart at porting with heo bol; lie had altos "left a girl bohind hint," whoa' lie hoped 011 415 return from the War to make his who, writ-, es Wm. Walker in London Titollits, We were in purnult of the elusive De Wet, and I 11114 -401 seer; anything of my youngfriend for some weeks; but the day before we arrived at Eland's River I happened to come across him, and was greatly impress- ed with tho change In his manner 30:1111118'hPliiseart: IlL'Itic ‘ovnas tPlitr gbripiguninde,, when I stopped liiin and asked what n.iled him. He replied that since Our last xneeting he had recolvod vury .bad news from home, and ho invited me to walk ovith him, and said he would give me 4/1 account of what ba'3'1AbalePwPednettyci. salter. our last meeting I had a letter from my mother in- forming me that my promised wife had thrown me over and married the man who. had posed as my friend; ,caonpdt only two days ago I got a later notifying me that my mother had rolativo or friend 13 the world, and a. have nothing to look forward to ex - died, and so I am now left without A SOLDIER'S DEATH. That evening the Boers attacked in force, but were repulsed.' I was in command of an outpost behind a sail - gar, Immo distonce )ii advance of the main column, and when the enemy wore retreating one of my men left the cover of the sangar and advanc- ed some distance on the open voldt, to get, as he said, a better shot at the retiring roe: but before he could carry out• his intention I saw him l'all, shot through the body. I at once went to his assistance and car- roileadpolipitn.i. wsohienne, distance back to tho I was, also shot with an explosivo bullet through the knee, and fell. A party of bearers with at stretch- \ er came to take one or us Lack, and as his was the most eh ngerous wound I insisted upon them taking i hine In first and then return ng- for the. Howaver, 'they' did _not return all that night; but on thre "following morning I• W44 found by ' a search ,,paorlitnydendndwetia.ekeenpubpapciltod toto whepriot tmhyo turrne. i‘ry tobteuliaptteltptja deld :o b he- pe do to -ter. oxamlning my wotindsi out much ado, proceeded tato my leg. While lying where I had Feted upon I so* 13 party bringing in another wot whom they placed besido Good that his right arm evidently smashed by shell, for he was also wou side and had a dreadful the thigh from an CM/10S1 Something familiar in h one* tett/acted me. and, minutes, T-recognizod in wounded man my young friend. He did not notice eyes'being fixed on his wound° with 1111.1011 the same expression have seen in the EYES Olo A STRICKEN DEER. • A sergeant of tho Australian ambu- lanco soon came to render aid to the wounderl trooper, who, looking up, seemed to recognize) tho sergeant, for his eyes brightened as he looked oagorly 41 him and found him to be an old friend from Atistettlia. 'When the sergeant got beside him he look- ed up into 11(8 taco and said:- "ITolloa, George, 1 did not expect to sec you here." Ceorge-"And I ara truly sorry to meet you, under such distressing pit- e0n01141ancee." Patient -"Do you think them is any hope for me, George?" The sergeant lookod in his eyes and felt his mulse, and very sorrowfully - the tears lie W118 unable to restrain 5111115 his eyes-anowerech "I am amid there is no hopo, old man. Lo there anything I 0411 do for yotel A.nd if there is anything you 381511 nio to writ() home to your friends, solemnly promise you I will carry out your wishes." The young folio* shook his hood and remarked: "I have no ono in the wide world now to caro fornie, but will soon, I pray, moot my dear moo ther. Let me lio quiet nowt" • As lie was sinkitig fast tho sorgoant asked him if he would like a drink, late moroly moved his head, fixing his wee on his poor, shattered arm, and softly • whisperinoe the woods: "Moth- orl Motheri I am coining," passed quietly ow ay. , THAT BOUNDARY DISPUTE. United States Senate, Prefers tin Let it Rest 1 or Present, 4'>. -Washington despatch sityts question of tho boundary dioputo 133800 the 'C'tated Stateo and Great Britain was revivad on Wotlnestlay, temporarily, in the Senate Commit- tee -on. Foreign Rotations'. Tho suh- bect mono up in conneotion with the treaty atithot.izing Lbe fixing of the morldion lino which 30114 nogollated Moira' years ago, That treaty luta been befoto • tho Selma) evor shoe, •but it wan side-tracked by the op- point:went of the joint High awn, mission, and has lain dormant and unacted tipon. In Wednesday's diseussion the inein barn of tho committee were generally cif the opinion that the nuttier - should be allowed Lo rest, until the more general questions allaaing tho bountlitry are disposed of, and the treaty Was rotorreci to &motor 'For - aka` for further investigation 0 deemed neeessapy.N