The Brussels Post, 1902-1-30, Page 1Vol, 30, No. 29 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1902 W. H. KERR, Prop, New Advertisements. Big sale—D. M. Malleath, Oor giaseee--Mrs, Plebeian, Greve seeder—Simon Grant. Cotte for Bale—L. Hollinger. Looel.--W.-F. Stewart & Son. Heavy shoes -I, 0, Riohards, Slaughter sale—Humphries & Bon. Rubber goods—F, B. Jdureloy & Go. 7JIp alp, strt J 'ordwioh. Geo. and Mre. Walker went to Thea lord to attend the funeral of the former'e Bitter. E. Riehm, oar harneeemaker, le giving up beeineee in Fordwioh at he bae other Mutinies to attend to, James Brown and Bert. Young are laid off from work et present, each having ant one of their feet with an axe while chop- piug in the bush. e The East Huron Farmers' Inebitue will hold publio meetinge here on Tuesday, Feb. llth. Afternoon union at 1.30 and evening seseion ab 7,80 o'olook, A num. ber of good speakers will be present. The following Board of Management was elected in oonneotion with the Pub- lin Library :—W. Oaetell, J. Loree, J. H. Rome, A. M. Spence, M. D A. MoOnr. day, T. Gibson, Wm. Watters, G. E. Mo. Kee and T. J. Nioholle. Rev. A: B. Dobeon was pleasantly .aur• prieed on Monday of Iaet week,by the Seeeion of Fordwioh congregation, wbiob presented him with a fine set of harness. J. H, Johnston made the presentation on behalf of the four eiders composing the Session. The new Presbyterian oburoh ie to be dedicated on Feb. 90b, when Rev, W. G. Bennae-B. A., of Mount Forest, will preach at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m., and the The New Model Grass Seeder The Beeb and most Economia Seeder on the market. Will sow all kiode of small seeds. It eavee one halt in time and labor; Bowe better in windy Weather ; will soar from sores per. hajpr, Any person wanting one of th¢1ee Seeders oan be supplied by netting on _/ ON GRANT, .r '� 1 - i.v glee c i n '" e n clnfl, $1.00 each. t ,.lou aro it'd—., �'v{atorsion li 'eeeed AGENT, B11II88EL8. `f Our Glasses r4satisfy because oithey are right. ile. 7 Spectacle atting is no gnesa wo elt.with us. a ,ley We re ex Arts In mad in as ,d" Y `ell aro de , rc b. 11n4 $ !acts. { Wo ran c .don, ,.c`' dna t e sods. faction. C7 'r1 nri 9 h .vat. VA :tarifa ' ,tau e fluff Mrs. T. I ^!!etcher Seierr.tifio acid Graduate Opticiara /BRUSSELS Rev, D, Roger° at 8 p, ni, On Monday evening, Feb. IOtb, an entertainment will be held at whish a number of addressee will be given by leading speakers of the various localities round. The eaorament of the Lord's Supper will be diepeneed in Daff'e obnroh on Sabbath next.. Following the eaorament tbere will be helda week of "epaulet evaugelietio meetinge, beginning on Men. day, Feb. 3rd, et 7 p. m., and continuing until Friday, the 71b. There will be addressed, for the most part, by minielere from a distance. Friday, Feb. 14, a meeting will be held under the auspices of East Huron Farm• ern' Institute to he addreeeed by local talent and Mise MoKeuzie and Prof.' Graham from outside. Sessions at 1.80 and 7.80 p. m. Musical program at even• ing meeting. The place of meeting will be the A. 0. U. W. Hall. These gather. Inge may be made very helpful if well at- tended and the tdpioe fully dieoaeeed. Bluevale. John Greenway, of Sault Ste, Marie, ie vieitiog hie parents in Binevale this week. Masers. Menzie, of Molesworth, visited their angle, George MaoDonald, thie week. Mies Lizzie and John Hardie, of Gal. roes, visited their aunt, Mre, Rutherford, last week. The Binevale Presbyterian choir put, pose having a box Boatel sometime in the near future. Mre. Joeeph Pagb, Mies Mary Coilie and -Chester Pugh, visited friends at Wroxeter last week. Obarlee Garniee has bought Thomas Praetor's farm on the 8rd line of Morrie, for the ram of 34.500. Miee Annie and Thomas Richardson, of Boleeevain, of Manitoba, ere Visiting their aunt, Mre. John Burgess. The Farmers' Institute meetinge will be held in the Foresters' hall on Monday, Feb. loth, in the afternoon and evening. Mrs. Davidson and ohildren, of Galt, attended the wedding of Miee Davidson and Peter Fowler on the Binevale road last week. Peter Robertson, who hae been visiting l i 1 leand at Wroxeter re attvee near B neva returned to hie home at Boieeevain, Manitoba, on Tuesday. itlrel. Harvey Dobson now eaye "my eons and daughter." Township Muni' will meet here on Monday of next week. Miee Minnie Williams, of Gerrie, was visiting here last week. - Chris. Baynard and wife visited friends fn Blanehard township -this week, rehaeedfrom an Atwood A neworgann f P agent hae been planed in the Methodiet (thumb. The Quarterly meeting of the Metho. diet church will be held here next Sab- bath morning at 10 80. John debar and family moved to Brae• eels on. Tuesday of this week. They will be much missed in our village. There was a large crowd in Ethel o n Thursday of last week attending the auction sale of John Cober. Good prices were realized. Geo. M. Mitchell havingrecently pat. ohaeed the Dunbar y property in the vil- lage,ie:having the warner ehop thoroughly overhauled and expecte to move hie stook in about two weeke. On Thursday, Feb. 18, a Farmers' In• 6111010 meeting will be held in the town- ship Hall here. Afternoon. and evening meetings. The outside speakers expect- ed are Prof. Graham, of Guelph and Mine Helen MaAllieter, of Ooveutry. Keep the date in mind. W. H. Raptly and Zack MoAllum have rented part of the ()ober faotory from G. W. Pollard and are now ready to attend to all kiode of repairing in the wood -work line. They have on band a large supply of repairs, plank, &o., and ae both aro painstaking and obliging workmen they will no doubt be liberally patronized. The ,ubsoribere to the Ethel Publio Library held their annual meeting on Monday evening of last week and elected the following persons ae Board of map - agement : F. F. Freeman,' G G. Imlay, Donald Lamont, R. Long, W. E. Sanders, H. F. McAllister, W. Mason, J. Fraser and Dr. Ferguson. The Board held their meeting immediately afterward and pleat- ed F. F. Freeman ae chairman ; Dr. leer. Slaughter Sale mommomilimm For the Next -30 Days We will offer special Bargains in order to make room for New Spring Goods. Great reductions in DRESS GOODS, FURS, UNDERWEAR, TWEEDS, COATINGS, FLANNELETTES, WRAPPERETTES, HOSIERY, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, (MOCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC, Call and see our snaps in Men's Rubbers, Leggings, Men's HeavyShirts, Horse Blankets Dinner Sets, Ten Sets Y and ano Dishes. > BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. A11 Yarm Produce taken at highest trade or cash price. W. N. :HVMPHRIES & SON • gneon matey, and Fe, F, MOAliieter trees, It wee derided that the mamberehip foe be the game ae Int year, Viz 25 oente per lomUy 90r 3000, It was also deolded to have a ganeert in the near future for the Impale of iooroaeing the funds of the library. During the peat year 3100 has beep expended in new books. The betel value of the books is over 3900, there be- ing 1472 vainmee, The ,total number of volume legged during 1901 war, nearly 1900. The membership last year was 171. The Board of management are making extra efforte to largely inoreaee tbe paem berehip and they ebould reeeivethe hearte. support of everyone. iiriaubrostis. Sundry improvements are being made around the oohed hoose. Mise Ailiine, of Perth Co., ie vieiting her eider, Mre, Harvey Hunter, Mr. and Mre, Forreet, of Glenallan, are visiting ' J. Forrest, of this village. Mre. R. K. McDonald has been quite poorly during the past week, Buffering from gelatin. A very large quantity of atone bae been removed from here thio season go. ing into Elma, Logan and MoKillop. A, Reymann, Assessor, will soon be on his rouede again" Thie will make Rix - teen yeare since he first took this office. Among those who were here attending the funeral of Eliza MoDonald were Mre. Finn, of Toronto, and Mre. J. Coombee, of Teeeweter. Miee Minnie Buttery, of the Union Hotel, arrived home after a week's visit i❑ South Huron, This will make- one heart glad what do you think. J. An excellent photo of the Primary class of 'Knox Ohuroh B. S., with ltheir teacher, Miee Bitchie, has juet oome to hand. H R. Brewer is the artist. W and Mre. Perrie attended the fun. eral of Mre. Perrie'e grand motber, Mre. Inglis, on Monday. The deceased lady was one of the pioneers of Elma Tp. Michael Reymann, jr., Eeet of Cran• brook, had the miefortnne to sprain hie ankle in a fall while carrying a bag of fionr, which will lay him up for some time. George Baker has been quite buoy for sometime with a gang of hands quarry- ing atone at hie quarry. People wanting stone should see him ae lee hae a good article. We are pleased to hear of the promo- tion to the management of the Windsor Tent and Awning Go., of a former Oran. brook boy, in the person of Alfred Ray. mann. Miee Elia lttoliaoblan, who hae been leaning in the distriot of Aeeiniboia for seine time, returned to spend the Winter at the borne of her father, John MoLaoh- lan, Fairview. Communion services were held in the Presbyterian Church last week. The eterian Y Branor Was assisted byRev. J. J. HaeEie elgrave. Mr. Haeti's addressee were eepeeially appropriate for these eervicee and were very muob appreciated. V. Gramm has sold all the atone he bad quarried last Fall. -Thie quarry is jest South of Baker's quarry, near hie lime kiln. Mr. Gramm ie getting in a large etoek of wood for bie kilns ae. be expecte to do a large trade in lime the coming season. O. 0. F.—Court Woodbine, No. 100, 0. 0. F., held their regular meeting on Sat urday, January 26, when a good staff of omaers were installed by P. 0. R., Chao. McQuarrie, they also added three new b rs to theroll,all youngmen be. mem e low 20 yeare of age. I would say to the boyo be careful ae it will be the girls that will want to do the kissing now. But above all brethren, do not forget that your dues mnet be paid on or before tbe last day of the month for the enooeeding month, as your F. S., can not be expect- ed to pay it for he has hie own to pay, wbiob often keeps him busy. We bad the pleasure et this meeting of a visit from James Sidemen, of Mooeejew, Aea., N. W. T. a former resident of this plane. Hie looks show that the country is agree ing with him. He isa prosperous young farmer having over 5,000 bur. of wheat this year. • Morriss. Connell meeting on Monday, Feb. 10. The church at Belgrave is opened again. A wedding at Blyth on Wednesday of this week ; the 7th line supplies the bride. Next. County ao unoillor Bowman ie away to Goderioh this week in attendance at the Co. Oounoil. Tbomae Skelton, 71b line, ie hauling gravel forithe erection of a cement bog pen next Summer. • Robt. Yoe, of Bluevale, has (eased' Frank Aehton's farm, let non., Morrie, for a term of 3 yeare. The name of Mae MoNab, 0th line, ap peers in the list of eueoeeeful Normalitee from the London Normal Snhool. Wm. Cook has bought the 100 aore farm on the 5th. Ree from John Kelly, of Blyth. The price paid was $4,500. Monday and Tuesday were the coldest days so farlhia year and many of the route in oellare were butt by frost. Mr. Hutchison and bride, of Belwood, Wellington Go., visited frieode in Morrie and. Hulled, going home on Friday last, F. G Sparlieg, of the Wiogham Balt Werke, hae maimed a blook of blither on the let con. and bae men and teams at wok converting it into oordwood and hauling ib to his block. A large amount of butter will be made at Binevale thie naming eeaeon. The menufaoture of this useful article is a thousand times better than an empty idle iron foundry such as we read about. A windmill and a most modern eyetem of waterworlte hae beau planed in the baro on Roht. J. Scott's farm, 0th line. It is pronounced to be very complete. Mr, Boort le making eubetantial improelemente on the premiers. Wm. Michie got upset out of the nutter on Wednesday evening last on the high bank at the Suuehioe bridge, The horse ren away and broke one of the shafts of the outter, et ran into F. Metric's yard end was none the worse. A' high board tenor is wanted and will be the only remedy at euoh a plan. It is a wonder that something serials bae not happened. DA thie plane. Our thaw of Sunday hag Baugh a bad ooid, A party was held at Robert Yoang'e on Friday evening 01 last week and it was Saturday morning when the 70h line folks. got home, John Mason end Walter Yell!, 8rd line, intend erecting new modern residences next Summer. The Gunner will build briok end the latter gement.. A St. Thomas paper epeake ample. mentery words concerning Milton Sharp, late of the 5th line, in oonneotion with. bie taking part in ale 'Grace ohurob em tertalnment ib that pity. MATRIba0NIAL.-00- Wedoeeday, Jan. 22, .at St. John's church reotory, Brueeele, Rev. G, J. Abey performed the marriage ceremony between Miee Maria Kelly, daughter of the late Wm. Kelly, of Mor- ris, and Wilson Oampbell, a proeperoue young fernier of MoKillop. Mr. and Mre, Campbell Dommeuoe housekeeping underveryfavorable oonditione and their friends wieb them many yeare of happy, married life.. - Charles Garniee, of Bluevele,hae bought Thomas Proctor's farm on the Brd line of Morrie for $4,500. The farm ie a good one and ehonld be cheap at that, Thos. Proctor bae bought Thos. Boandrebt'e term containing 60 agree jnet South of Belgrave for $8,700, and Thoe. Boandrett has bought Jae. Owens' farm adj ,ming Belgrave, containing 100 agree for 33,900. This will make a fine pasture farm ae there ie a good supply of water on it. Tau POST some time ago referred to the fent that Sanders Sharp, eon of Jae. Bbarp, 5t11 line, Morrie, bad taken the centred, along with another men, of con. °trading 50 miles of eleotrio road on Long Island, N. Y. State. They have 35 mites completed now end will be opened by March let. For a Xmas preeeot be was treated by the Go. to a course at an electrical school, worth $48. Mr. Sharp expects to be retained in superintending part of the system when road is complete" ed. One of the old residents of this vicinity panned away on Wednesday of laet week, Mrs. Mary Caeeele, aged 68 years, reliot of the late Mark. Camels. The demand` came from Clinton about 24 yeare ago and eettled with her huebaod on the farm ad- joining the town in East Wawannnh, where ane lived until his death in Deo. 1897. - The oanee of death was penmen ia.' She was of the Presbyterian faith, and numb respected by all. She leaves to mourn her lone one daughter and. five Bone : Tbomae,of Wingham ; James, of Toledo, Ohio; Geo. and Dr. Robert, Y. S., of Rochester, Mioh. ; Wm., of Flint, Mioh. and Mre. Jae. Golley, of Morrie, at whose home ehe died. The funeral took place Friday afternoon from lot 1, con. 2, Morrie, Jae. Golley'e, to Wingbam ceme- tery. DIED.,The death of Thomas Brydgee 000nrrad on Wednesday,15th, at his resi- dence, n Morrie at the good den a lot 3,con. 8 o, old age of 77 yeare. Mn. Brydgee bae been a resident of Morrie for 46 yeare, having moved in among the early settlere and accumulated a fine property for him• /elf and family. Mr. Brydgee was Irieb by birth, having oome to Canada when a very young man and eettled in the town• ship of Vaughan, until he came Weet. a Be was a strict Orangeman and by that Order be was buried. Mr. Brydeee wee connected with the ohureh of England. He was a good neighbor, ever ready to lend a helping hand ; a kind father and loving husband, and leaves a wife, four to mourn his o and seven daughters go s departure. Among tbe friends from a distance that attended the funeral were Mr. and Mre. Tooker, Mr. and Mre. Granby, of Durham, Mr. sod Mre. Bran- don, of Bayfield ; Mn. and Mra, MoOal- Inm, of Holten, and Mr. and Miee Mo - Callum, of Walton. The funeral wag the largest seen in this part for a long time. Gr ev. Several more farina are likely to change hands before Winter le over. Grey Toweebip Council meeting will be held on Monday of next week at Ethel. Miee Vinnie Cardiff ie away to Toronto this week promoting her musical edam, - tion. - James MoKay has hongbt lot 28, con. 17, from G, Matheson, of Mitchell, for the eum of 31,400. Master Freddie Niohol, who hae been visiting with hie uncle, D, K,Livingetone has returned to Belmore. Last Tbnreday a pleasant evening was spent atthe home of. John Machan by a large number of hie friends. Mre. Alex. McKay, Elma boundary, who hae been very ill lately is able to be around again we are glad to learn. Wm. Bray and bie daughter, Miee Annie, spent last Sunday in Wroxeter with hie brother who has been very ill. Tbere ie only an attendance of some 8 pupils at the Turnbull oohool, 15th eon, It was a Targe cahoot not many years ago. The township Auditors, Meagre. Work and Davies, are preparing the annual abatement in oonoluding the year's bugle nese. Willie, eon of Marshall Harrison, who had the misfortune to have a fork run through bie hand some time ago, is able to be around again. Tuesday Alt, Cook was called to Lon- don owing to the decease of hie brother. in•law, Mn, Killingeworth, a former resi- dent of Grey township. A etraying collie called in at J. D. Me, Nair'e, 14th non„ recently and next morn. ing the kind hearted heat toned that a family of 6 email collies had aloe arrived. For the part three or four weeke John, second son of William Work, 8th Done was a prisoner' in the house with in6am oratory rheamatiem but we are glad to say he is improving quite nicely now. Veneers' Institute meetings will be held in Molesworth on Wednesday, Feb, 12, to 00mmen00 at 1.80 and 7.80 o'olook, speakers will be Mr. Graham, of the Experimental Farm, Guelph, Miee Me. Alheter:and °there, Thee. McMillan le the Preeident, Don, MoLanohlin, of Langdon, Dakote, who bae been enjoying a visit with old friende in this locality for the peat month or so, returned to the Weet o0. Toeedey of lite week. Thos. Bell, of the 8rd line of Morrie,,a000mpaoied him aid will try life in than oountry, Paan Sorin.—Tuaeday of tbie weak B. Scott, Brueeel's, disposed of the John Cunningham farm, lot 4, non. 8, and Ne lot 4, son, 9, containing 156 agree, to. Jae. Liudeay, The prion received was 39,000. James Cardiff, 7th non.; 10 now about alt right from a bad blow he reoeivrd on one of his lege from the flying bark of the doable tree while engegod in drawing at a tree in hie bush a few weeke ago. He received a 'very nasty kneels and the wonder war that hie leg wee not broken. Miee' Annie Carmichael, of Toronto, who has b en on en extended visit to Pr ter McNeil's, and other friends in thie neighborhood, mtende returning, to the Queen City on Saturday, greatly pleased with her visit. She is a niece of Peter and John D. MoNeil, of the 14th con. Dren.—Last. Friday the wife of James MaDouald, of North Eaethope, Perth Uo., paeoed away; aged 75 years. She bad been in poor health for some time and confined to bed for 2 months. Paralyoiee was the nun 'of death. She ie survived by her huebaod; who was a brother of the late Peter MoDoneld, an old and well. known resident of this townrbip, 4 eons and 5 daughters. Funeral tools place on Monday afternoon. Mies Maggie MoDoo. aid attended the funeral and after a visit with relatives will return to Detroit where' ehe hae spent some time. Mre. McDon- ald was au estimable women and her long reeidensein theneighborhood -gave her a wide oirole of frieode. HURON CO. COUNCIL. DONALD PATTERSON CHOSEN WARDEN. The January Seeeion of Huron County Council aouvened in the Court House, Goderiah, on Tuesday afternoon of this week at 3 o'olook. Members present :—Mesere. Bowman, Canbelon, Connolly, Chamhore, Ferguson, Hays, Holt, Hicks, Kerr, Lockhart, Lamont, Miller, McLean, Patterson and Spackman. Judge llaseon took the obgir and nom ioatione were asked for the Wardensbi p for 1902. Moved by T. E. Hays, seconded by Jas. Connolly that Donald Patterson, of Auburn,r of Division No. 2 v be Warden. member The half hour allowed by Statute page• ed without any other names being rub mitted, when Mn, Patterson was declared elected, and after the oath was admiois tared by the Judge he took the chair amidst the applause of the members, and appropriately but briefly returned thanks. Following were ohoeenl members of the Strikiog Committee after the minutes of December's session of the Council were read :—Messrs. Caotelon, Hicks, Miller, Bowman and Looklaart,lafterwhioh Conn nil adjourned to allow Committee to meet. The Committees for 1902 will be con etituted as follows :— ExnauTrvn AND SFaoIAL.—Mesere. Hays, Oonuolly, Kerr, Miller and Bowman. FINANCE AND EDOOATION.—Mesere TOT ranee, MoLean, Holt, Spackman and Lockhart. ROAD AND BRIDGE anne Go, PROPER TY.— MeBera Chambers, Caot 1 n Hiks Fer- gpon and Lamont. House of REFoos,—Mesere. Chambers, Miller and Ferguson. WARDEN'S.—Messrs. Centelon, Speak- man, Miller and Hicks. REPORT OF INsPEOTOR OF aeon OF BEFDOE. To the Warden and Council of the County of Huron : GENTLEiroNr The Inspector of the House of Industry and Refuge for the County of Huron respeotfully presents the following as his report for the year ending 31st December, 1901 :— Total number of inmates admitted sinoe opening of House, 220 ; No. of inmates on let of Jan., 1901, 80 ; No. admitted dur- ing the year (1 re admitted), 23 ; born in House, 1 ; No. of deaths during year, 13 ; No. absconded during year, 3 ; No. die charged during year, 10 ; No. of inmates in House let ,tan. 1902, 78 ; No. of melee, 47 ; No. of females, 81, No. admitted during year 1901 from rural munioipaibiee —Townships — McKillop 1, Hullett 1, Howick 2, Grey 2, E. Wawanoeh 2, Stephen 2, W. Wawanoeh 1, Stanley 2 (1 re admitted) Towne and Villages—Godo rich 2, Clinton 4, Seaforth 1, Brussels 2, Wroxeter 1. Oeuee of pauperi.m—old age 6, sioknees 5, injury 2, weakness of intellect 8, deetitution 4, hernia 1, encein- te 2. Nationality of inmates admitted during 1901: England 4, Scotland 4, Ire- land 8, Canada 3. No of days board of inmates, 20874; No days board Keeper's family and help, 1113 ; average No. of in. mates during 1901, 78.62 ; with Keeper's family and help added, 76.69 ; total ex- penditure on House and Farm, 34119.27 ; add valve of provisions and fuel on hand Jan. 1, 1901, 31118.66 ; add per cent for depreciation of implements, $75 ; total expenditure, 3531283 ; deduct expeudi tura on oapital account, 3138 85 ; perman- ent improvemenbe, 3179 24 ; provisions, produce, new clothing and fuel ou hand, lab Jan., 1902, 31181.85 ; produce sold during 1901, $270.53 ; received from pay- ing patients, 3222 ; unexpired insurance, $72.33 ; amount expended for eupport of inmatee, 38248 08 ; average expellee per inmate per day, 12 1)12 cents ; average weekly expense per inmate, 84e oente. The expenditure on the Houee and Farm an°ounte ie e9 follows ;— Hired help for House Fnrm....$ 111 13 Stook, team and implements..., 81 00 Salaries Iusp., Keeper, Matron„ 700 00 Phyeiaian'e sal$ry 225 30 Repairs to buildings & furniture 89 88 Provisions and olothing .,,...., 1769 85. Fuel and light 439 10 Bootie, etationery, postage 14 BO Supplies for stook and farm.,,, 95 47 On capital mount 188 85 Incidental expenses.., .,.,,,, 295 65 Permanent improvemeute , 197 24 Total $4119 27 War. CoAxs, Inspector. INerm0Ton POan'B ANNUAL BnroUT.. To the Warden and Connell of the Co, of Huron : GrNerneto,—I beg leave to report on the ettto of Publio 0h0o1 education in the Inepeotorate of East Huron, for the year 1901, ae f411owe :— Teacher, salaries—There are 84 rural Balled Seotione in EaetHuron, and 92 timbers, there being 8 double oohoole. 84 of tinge teaohere are gentlemen and 58 ladies. In 1890 the numbers were 01 male teaohere and 28 female teaohere. If the change authorized .under the Saltool Aot just introduced ie the Ontario Legis laturo, viz grouping te number of rural SDlnool Bootiono and building a central graded sohool'to whinh the pupils are to be drawn in suitablevane, be carried out, the preesnt number, 84 male towhees, will be rotund to about 12, so that in the whole Inspectorate there will not be more than 20 male teachers in all. We shall thea have in the townships what we now have in the oitiee, towns and villages, our 6011001s taught by ladies under a male protectorate. I sincerely regret the palm- ing of the male teacher. The average salary paid male teaobers in rural sections ie 3865.60, of females 3267,11, ao inorease of 324.00 for male teaehereand 321.00 for female teaohere, over 1900. There were 15 changes of teaohere dur- ing 1901, and 48 changes at the end of the year, or 63 changes in all. Our schools can never resell a high state of eftioienoy while they change teachers so frequently. No. No. Male Av. female Av. Teaoh. Sal. Teach. Sal. Toivnehips, 34 366 60 58 267 11 Villages, 8 541 67 7 26715 Towne, 3 788 84 19 822 63 Inepeotorate, 40 $410 14 84 3297 67 Av. salary for Inepeotorate, 3321 75 Of these 124 teaohere, 78 are graduates of some one of our Normal Schools, au increase of 10 over last year. 4 hold first class certificates, 77 second class, and 41 third class. The teaohere all tried to do faithful, honest work, and in most oases with em- inent emcees. Four or five failed to give satisfaction, not so mach from want of earnestness as from lack of tuning aril - Examinations, attendance, &o.—The usual Eritrean and Promotion Examina- tione were held during the year. 889 candidates wrote on the Entrance Exam- ination, of which 279 paned Last year df and 177wed. 30? candidates rote d wa p Pupils Average Per ant. of Year enrolled. attend, attendance. 1890 8910 4752 55} 1900 6573 3866 59 1901 6354 3740 59 In 11 yeare the enrolled attendauoe has deoreased 2556, end the average attend• anae has, however, increased 6%.. Sohool houses—Two new sobool houses were built during last year (1901),—•one in U. S. S. No. 10, Kellett and Goderioh, and one in II. S. S. No 12, Morris and Hulled. The a latter school house is the most complete one roomed sobool that I know of. The school houses of S. S. Noe. 8 and 5, Morrie, were also rebuilt. The school house in No. 6, Morrie, is praoti °ally a new building, and is in every way a credit to the section. Although nearly all our school houses are now good build- ings, yet there ere three old shacks in the Inspectorate, ndne of which would be a disgrace to a a to ttlement of Eequimax. Miscellaneous — A very successful Teachers' Inetitnte was held at Wiogham on May17 and 18. The Model Sahoots as usul, are doing excellent work. The s Continuation Class Sohoole in this divis• ion received it rant of 3440 from the Government and an equal amount from the County, making in all $880. Last year both grants amounted to $940. I may add that during the year I visited every oohool at least twice, and many oftener, The dates for two visits to each oohool are appended. I will willingly furnish any further information you may desire. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, D. Bonn. Howick Mutual Insurance Company. 20th. ANOOUAL REPORT. The annual report will he of interest to many in this section of country, especial- ly as the annual meeting will be held on Friday afternoon of next week at Gerrie. At present the staff of officers consists of Juo, R. Miller, President ; Edward Bryan's, vioe•President ; Robert Scott, Jas. Edgar, W. MoKerober and Jae. Wylie, direotore; W. S. MoKorcher, Seo.- '1'reae. Mr Soott and Mr. MoKerober are the retiring directors but are both eligible for re election and will very preb ably be returned ae both are good men. Report ie as follows GENTLEunn,—The Direotore have plows• are In bringing before you the 29111 annual report of the Company, a report which they believe cannot fail to give Betisfe° Mon. The loans have been in amount considerably below the average year, and ae a result of this a certain amount hae been added to the gash balance on band. The amount at risk is steadily Worming, and es our insurance premiums are col. looted annually in advance it ie very important that the reserve should else increase. The number of policies issued during the past year was 1,000, and the number iu force at the end of the year 3,328, insuring 34,028,080, being an in. urease of 176 pollens and 3815,740, in the amount at risk. The premium notes held by the Oompauy amount to $246,164.00, -and the amount available on said notes 3222,977.555. The' Auditore' report with certified statement of reoeipte and oxpen• dituree and rosette is appended hereto, and we trust will meet with your approv al. The retiring diteetore are Robert Scott and Wm. MoKerober, both of whom are eligible for re elaotien. A11 of which le respectfully submitted. W. S. MoKEnonEo, Seoretary. Joel R. Miriam, President. REonreme. Clash balance es per last audit $ 8591 56 Fixed payments for 1001 0005 21 Fixed payments for 1000 807 Ll Fixed payments prior to 1000 22 15 Assessments of yam prior to 1001 4 00 Interest 241 40 Other muerte 18 10 018781 58 lo�sBNnrmuitN, Rlaberd Twamley, Bewick, .now kill• ed by lightning Robt, J. Hoy, Grey, oontents of dwol ling house, from chimney 78 00 R. 3. end W. J, Hoy, Grey, dweilieg house, from chimney 8. 11, North, Dlinto, dwelling house and contents, lightning alms. H. Mamie, Hawick, ateei' ]dllwi by lightning Wm. Pike, Howick, damage to barn, nal and cistern, lightning Henry Babexnan, Grey, heifer killed by li • ieling Robert Peel, Howick, four lambs and five sheep trilled by lightning J. W. Jacques Howiisk, damage to. barn by liglltninn�g1, Robert Musgrove, ktowio]c,horse kill- ed by lightning Oharles Roadliouee Howlett, two horses 'killed by lighbniogt, 175 00 Robert Bose, Grey, cow trilled by lightning 30 00 J. 3. Arnold, -Wallace, eow killed by lighbnlm6 .. ,,. 00 00 Robt, Fritts; Minto, heifer killed by lightning - 40 30 Wm. Hale, Mime, born and °entente, lightning 970 00 Jae, Thomson, Minto, aow, lightning 8000. John Jeolteoa, Minto, cow, lightning 40 00 8. Burke Morris three horses 100 00 H. Hamilton, Mo'liillop, soli, " 40 00 G.A. Quennell, Mint°, steer, " 12 00 Wm. 'P. MoSCay, B11ine, hay destroyed by lightning{ 45 00 R.13. Aleouk, Morris, dwelling house and contents 100 00 D. 8, Weber, Wallace, heifer killed by lightning 10 00 Henry Gallagher Howiok,two sheep killed by lightning . .. 10 00 M. Ferguson, elide, aow, lightning .. 05 00 Herbert Hennings, Turnberry, house and contents, cause unknown....., 700 00 Twenty five losses under $10 each...... 124 00 Mutual Fire Underwriters Aeso'n fee 4 00 Statutory Assessment and License fee 59 44 Premiums returned to polioy holders 278 78 Commission to agents 477 00 Investigating and adjuetin claims78 00 Printing, stationery and advertising 110 50 One thousand calendara 30 00 Postage, telegrams and express 08 98 Stereotype out for policy heading 22 00 Directors' fees 280 20 Auditors' fere 18 00 Secretary -Treasurer's salary 850 00 Rent of office and expenses therewith 50 00 Rent of room for Board meetings 12 00 Travelling expenses 88 60 Oare of hall for aunuel meeting.., 1 00 Investigating fire before a :needs; of the. Peace 80 05 Lary °oats 8 90 Balance an hand 12772 22 01 250 00 77600 10 00. 11 00 13'00 8800 - 1000, 90 00 $18787 08 AteE05. Cash balance on hand. $ 12772 22 Total unpaid premiums 859 48 Premium notes available ' 222877 55 $,.v 38809 25 marerTTrne—None. We, the undereigoed Auditors of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company, have examined the books, premium notes, securities for money, accounts and vouch- are of said Company, and certify to same as being oorrect. ROBERT MILLER,' An8'tOTt. Items s Fonds, Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the members of the Company will be held in the Township Hall, Gerrie, 2 ab 1 o'clock on Friday,Feb. 7th 190 P m. these f receiving the re- ports porno o g ports of the Direotore and Auditors for the past year, and for other business. By order of the Board. W. S. MOKEROREa, Secretary. EDITORIAL NOTES. Tan Boer ball of yarn ie being 'slowly but surely wound up,one of the latest captures of importenoe being Viljeoo. ANTanAx, a bad disease to combat, hae made its appearance among cattle in Waterloo County but prompt measures in the way of quarantine, &o., have been adopted to stay its ravages. M Damns don't always go by oontrariee ae an, Indiauna Senator dreamed he was engaged iu a hustling game of football and was rudely awaked by two broken toes 000aeioned by a vigorous kiok against the iron bed poet. SENATOR DAVID MILLS will be promoted to the Supreme Court bench, While it will be e. lose to the Senate and the coun- try at large bis abilities will add adorn- ment to that department of legal affairs that ehonld be predicative of good. TEEmo ie no.a000nnting for taste. A short time ago a tenant in Paris, France, whose lease forbade the keeping of oats, doge, parrots, &o., was brought to book for hastening a calf in his house ae a pet. There are some oalvee that travel on few- er than four feet and are quite domeati. anted too. ♦ * A Move is on foot in some of the cities to abolish the customary ceremonies at oameteriee in oonneotion with funerale, thinking them useless, expensive and often the oanee of eeriooe impairment to health. There ie another matter of im. portauoe—an old faehioued ouetom—that should be done away with, that is the publio exhibition of the dead at funerals. Relatives and friends have ample upper. tunity to Dail and have a last look at the mortal remains before the publio service. q M Feotl Delaware; N. J,, comes the rather discouraging information that drunken - nada is largely on the increase among women in that part of the United States end loud calla are made to stem the tide Ratting in from Chit gorier. There may be ends noun for men debauching than. selves but we usually expect a higher and parer state of morale from the gentler rex, Why there should be a demand for a better node of morale from women than men is nob clear to ue beoanee 0 the lat. ter are endowed with greater strength their powers of resistance should be uti- alesa as riming examplee of righteous• nate. • et. , c;er.. 000111 $.:rt rt,ll',UUU.