The Brussels Post, 1902-1-23, Page 8A full stock of Public and
High School Books and
"School Helps" series. Also
a complete line of
...-.OW r,
Our Baking Powder is made
From Cream of Tartar, a pro-
duct of the grape, and the
most healthful of all fruit
acids, For purity and
strength it is not surpassed
by any Baking Powder on
the market. Pride 25o. per
Ib. Sold also in bulk.
Samples given away free,
F. B. Hursley
80028200 EXTENSION W. e. & R.
Trains leave Brnsaele Station, North
and South, em lollorre
GOING BouTH Gomm Roam.
Express...... 7:18 a.m I Mail 210 -p.m
Mixed 9:46 a.m Express ....., 817 p.m
(Total Retas
A ahiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
0o4nrY Council next week.
Lame quautities of wood are coming to
Is your enbeoription to TSR POST
renewed ?
MONTHLY Horse Fair on Thureday,
Feb. 6.h.
Two care of cattle were shipped by A.
0. Dames on Monday from Brussels.
R. Marsee zS had a steam sawing
machine cutting op a pile of cordwood
for him last Saturday.
ANNow meeting of Brussels Driving
Park Aseooiation will be held at the
American Hotel on Friday evening of
next week at 8 o'olook,
Mise Ino ZILLIAx treated a number of
her young frieeda to a skating party to
Wroxeter on Thureday evening of last
weekwhere an enjoyable time was spent.
A GANG of .men are employed by P.
Ament getting out loge and other timber
on the farm of S. M. Moore, 8th Ilea,
Morrie, where Mr. Ament has purchased
a piece of bush.
INSPECTOR MILLER laid information
before R. Miller, J. P., Wroxeter, obarg•
ing 0. Seehaver, of Moleewortb, witb
selling liquor after hours. He aokoow.
ledged the infringement and paid $20 and
Baose ng obee8e factory, through W. J.
Goodwin, won 2nd prize at the Dairy-
men's Winter Show, held at Woodstock
last week, on an exhibit of September
obeeee. Mr. Goodwin will return to
Brussels for next season being re-engaged
by W. W. Harris, the proprietor.
FRIDAY, Feb. 7112, at 1 p. m., is the date
set for the Annual Meeting of Howiak
Mutual Fire Utterance Co. Meeting will
be held in the Town Hall at Gerrie.
There is nasally a large attendance at
these gatherings as many are interested
in the working of this successful ineti•
OwneG to the decease of Editor Craig,
of tee! Fergus Newe•Reoord the business
will be continued by Mre. Craig with J.
M. Thompson, eon of J. Thompson, of
Brussels, ae Editor and Businese
Manager. Mr. Thompson has been on
the staff for some time and has the neoes
sary experience to warrant him handling
it satiefaotorily,
8000eeooOL OPEntTION.—Word was re-
ceived on Wednesday that Daniel Stew.
art, of Marton, formerly a well known
reeident of Brussels, bad undergone a
euooeeafal operation on Tuesday and
was making favorable progress :after it.
He was to have gone to the Guelph hos
pital butwas not well enough to under.
take theajoneney. Wplope .a ;new tease
of life will -now be his as hie„health bee•
been of a very indifferent character for
some'reontba whioh the medieal,operation
may obviate.
THE Blytb Standard says :—On Mon-
day evening Itay. John Rose, B. A., of
Brnesele, delivered his popular lecture,
"John Bunyan, bbe Immortal Dreamer.”
The oberch was comfortably filled and
the leoturer handled hie subject is a
masterly, intelligent and witty manner.
Everyone present was well pleased and
delighted with the lecture, the subject of
which will always be interesting and
beneficial. The choir of the aharoh
provided special and delightful mune for
the anniversary serVioes.
CBIEP JOSTIOE MOcoLL, of the Bribieb
Columbia bench, died in oonvoleione in
bis rooms at the Oooidental Hotel, Vic.
toria, at 10 o'olook Thureday night of last
week. He went there to attend the fall
oourt, but failed to take bis plaoe on the
benoh. He had been affiioted with
Bright's disease and this enfeebled his
heart. He was the third son of Rev. Dr,
Angus McColl, of Chatham, was bolo in
1864 andappointed Judge in 1896. Judge
MoColl was a one rims resident of Brue-
eels and hie wife was Elise Nellie Barlow,
a aieae of Mrs. W. 3. R. Holmes, of
Goderiob, formerly of Brussels!,
MoyINe Plorugns.—The London Int•
penial Moving Platen Co. will appear at
town hell next Tune, and Wed., Jan. 28
and 29, the moat elaborate collection of
moving pictures ever exhibited. Among
the views ehowo are thegreat hibernation.
al yacht race(, visit of the Duke of York,
the funeral of Pres. McXialey, crenae at
Pala Amerioan, Mrs. Carry ,Nation and
hatchet brigade, great trotting match
betWeen Cremona and the Abbott, Cin•
derella and the glass slipper, and 40 other'
up to•date eubjeete. Speaking of the
above, the Galt Daily Reporter of Jan.
2nd, 1902, says ; "The moving pioturee
at the opera liouse last night Were de-
oidedly'bhe beet and most interesting ever
seen in Preston. The management de.
serve another crowded hone° again to-
night." Admission 20 oto., reserved seats
260. Plan at Fox's Drag store.
Emma Division Qonrt00 Wedoeeday,
Feb, 5th.
Co. Orange Lodge in Wingbam on
Tuesday, Feb, 4.
Two sleigh loads of young people drove
to Wingham on Tuesday evening to eo•
joy a few hours on the skating rink.
S. Loaiatnox moved his family from
Winghamduring the pact week and
others will follow to take part to the
management of Brussels Woollen Factory.
We wish thi3m seems in their business
A PEW pitch boles adorn the North and
South roads, just by way of remiudere.
If the scraggy old poplars were oat down
along the road South of Brussels it would
have a tendency to improve the Winter
road along that notion.
NEXT Monday afternoon the House of
Refuge Committee will meet at Clinton
to attend to soma busioeee matters pre•
paratory to the session of the Co. Oonnoil,
Tbe members are the Warden, Clerk,
Iospeator and Councillors Hays, Connolly
and Herr.
Coen' Ben Lomond, S. 0 B., Brueeele,
will bold their auoaal At Home to their
Camp room, Graham block, on Tuesday
evening next, 28th inst. A musical and
literary program will be presented and
refreehmente served. They always have
e good bime at these gatherings.
Renee Orn Boys.—At a meeting of the
Executive Committee of the Huron Old
Boys' Association arrangements were
completed for the second annual at home
of the association, to be bald in Assembly
Hall, Temple building, Toronto, on Fri
day evening, Feb. 21st. A Targe number
of tickets have already been sold.
made a brief referenoe to the decease of
Arte, second eo0 of Dr, G. L. and Mrs.
Bali, of Toronto, who passed away on
Tbarsday morning in hie 18th year. He
took a pain in his shoulder about Xmas
and when medical aid was secured it was
pronounced a serious case of Something
akin to blood poisoning and although he
was operated upon four different times
the disease a000mpliebed its deadly work
by assailing the internal organs. Arno
was a wise boy for his years, mild and
lovable in bie disposition and his death
is sinaere,y ,regretted. He was born at
Seaforth,•andbad enjoyed reasonably good
health. The burial took plane in the
family plot at Wingbam on Friday fore.
noon, Rev, R. Hobbs conducting a suit-
able eervi0e at the home of H. Ball,
graudfather of deceased. R, Leather -
dale, John Tait, Misses Annie Rom and
Lizzie Downing and W. H. Kerr, of
Braeeels, attended the funeral. Dr, and
Mrs. Ball are deeply sympatbieed with
in the going away of their much loved
son. It was a peculiar case that bade
defiance to the best medical skill and
n0reing. The patient died at theboepital
being removed to a private ward after the
first operation had been performed. The
youth suffered a good deal of pain but
was heroin and trustful to the olose. Dr,
and Mrs. Ball were residents of Brussels
for eevsral years.
tyentertainerfeet, held' in the Town Hall,
on Friday evabinit of last week, under the
auspices -of thseLady Maooabee Hive, was
,an unqualified animas. -There was a large,
orderly audience and a good program,
varied, entertaining and well rendered,
1f any fault could be found it was in its
length, but the interest was maintained
until the (Boeing number. The following
was the metrical and literary bill of fare :
Instrumental, violin, cornet and piano,
H. L. Jaokson, W. Gnawer and Mies Jean
MoLanohlin ; chairman's remarke, W. H.
Herr ; duet, Misses Gerrie Roes and Nel-
lie Irwin ; recitation, "The Aotor's
Story," Mies Albania MaNagghton ; duet,
Misses Aline Thomson and Letitia Mc•
Arter ; oomedy, "A typical Amerioan
Home," in whiob Miss Brock was the
praotioal mamma, L. S. Dunford the
census taker and 0. Hingeton, 8. Ament
and G. Roes the stirriug "kids" ; snored
solo, "The Ransomed of the Bing," Miss
Lyda Crooks ; reoitatioo, "The dead
doll," Mise Winnie McGuire ; little Fine'
drill in Which 9 maidens in white II1ne-
treted by motion the well known hymn
"Nearer my Gee to Thee," the solo being
rendered by Jaa. Jones. The girls were :
Mary and Groom Walker, Stella Gerry,
Looiee Dewey, Florence Mainprize, Eva
Gilpin, Katie Amapt, Mabel Thompson
and Hazel Lowry ; quartette, aliases Tay.
for and Btraohan and T. A.. Hawkins and
J. H. Cameron ; comedy, "A scene at the
depot," Mies Josie Buchanan, as Mrs.
Buttermilk, omitting a good deal- of mer.
rinent. Chan. Beam, Bert, Megaton, L.
Duntord and Wilber Baker also took a
hand ; the L. 0. T. M. drill was a pretty
scene in whiob 17 young ladies took •pati,
evolving the mystic letters of the Order ;
addeesa by Miss Irwin, Provincial Organ-
izer; mole, Jas, Jones ; recitation, "The
bald beaded man,)i Mies Winnie Mo.
Gaire ; addreee by Mr. Townsend, of the
Provincial R. 0. T. M. staff ; Orobeetra
selection ; National Anthem, The vari-
ong performere acquitted themselves very
creditably and the promoters of the son
nett bane the satiefaotion of receiving
450 whioh will be divided between the
Siok Childress' Hoepltal, Toronto, and
the Free Sanitarium for needy Winning.
rived at Gravenbnret. Mies Jean Mo.
Lauolllin,'Mfse Habkirk; Mre. Thomson
and T. A. Hawkins sfeeleetiy performed
their duties as accompanists daring the
everting. The ladies wine to tjiagk all
who asaieted, espo04ally" persons not be.
longing to the Order and are also grateful
to, Klee Irwin and Mr, Towpeend tor put•
ting thOmselyse [beet to be preoaut on
Friday evening,
Mr, Grainger, of ],irneeele, took the
eervige at Vloberle Hall, Jemeetawn, last
Sabbatb evening,
A series of special services are being
held in MeiGilie Ohur011 tele week, can.
ducted by the pastor.
"Nile lame man heated" will be the
topic of next 'Sunday's Sabbot)r School
Menai, It's a good one,
Rev, Jno. Rose, B. A., attended the
meeting of Maitlaed Presbytery in Wing•
bow on Tuesday of this w,ek.
Rev. Mr, Holmes spoke last Sabbath'
morning in the Metbodiet Church, on
"What ellen Ido then with Josue," and
in the evening 00 "God's ability to save
the Sinner."
Al Maitland Presbytery nn Tuesday
Rev. John Ross, B. A., of Brueeele, wad`
ohoeen Moderator for the owning year.
Tbe mode adopted for election le now by
ballot. Mr Rose will make a competent
presiding offerer.
The evengelietio services being held in
the Methodist Qhurob have been growing
io interest daring the past week. Rev,
Mr, Holmes bee bees assisted by Rev. It.
Paul, Ernest Maunders, Eli Smith,Rev,
Mr, MoDonagh, of Stratford, and others.
Last Sabbath Rev. Jno, Roes took
Pealm 85 and 8 for hie morning subject
in Melville Church being considered ander
the heads of I. A desire for spiritual
quickening ; II. The means by which ib
is to be obtained. "Tee Ohmmeter of
Christ" was the evening theme.
Saturday afternoon of this week Rev.
J. J. Hastie, of Beigrave, will preaob in
Melville Church, Brussels, at 2.80 o'clock
in connection with the preparatory ser.
vices to the Communion which be will
observed on Sabbath morning. Rev. M.
G. Jarrow, of Walton, will 000upy the
pulpit on Sabbath evening. Thanksgiv
ing service, followed by the annual meet.
ing, will be held on Monday evening..
Next Sabbath the anniversary eervioee
of Btnssels Metbodiet Ohuroh will be
held. Rev. Wm. McDonagh, the veteran
divine, known well tbroughoot Canadian
Methodiem, will -preach morning and
evening. Special envelope 000tribnbioue
will be taken instead of holding a tea
meeting; 576 is caked for by the Trus-
tee Board. Monday eveniogRev. ltfr. Mo
Donagh will deliver bis popular Lecture,
"Ireland and the Irish.' Admission fee
only 10 dente in view of the large offering
expeoted on Sabbath. No one who oan
get ebould mise hearing Mr. McDonagh
se be is a typical eon of the Emerald lele
and knows whereof be. speaks.
People We Talk About.
Miss Fannie Rogers is visiting iso Wing.
Mrs. (Rev) Holmes is still under the
doctor's oare.
Station agent Ham was away at Lis-
towel on Thursday.
T. L. Newton, of Ingersoll, . was in
town on Thursday,
Mies Ella Aiolay is home from Walton
on a short vacation.
John Garter and wife are visiting rola.
tivee at Manchester.
Wm. Lake is away to Toronto this
week on a baninees trip.
Mies Minnie Moore is borne from St.
Tbomae for her vacation,
Mrs, S. Leckie was at Listowel enjoy
ing a vieit with old friends.
Robt. Menzies talks of taking a trip to
the O'd Land next Summer. -
Mrs. B. 13. Jackson was ill last week
but is recovering quite nicely now.
John Hill, Queen street, has been i11
with lagrippe bat we hope be will soon be
o. k.
Mies Eva Gilpin was laid up this week
with the croup bat is considerably better
Mr. Lowry, of Oanningtoo, was a
visitor with the Lowry families fn Brus-
Mre, Brown and daughter were visitors
at John Howard's, John street, for a few
Mlea Green, of Platteville, ie here on a
visit with Mre. B. T. Plum, Turoberry
D. A. Lowry was away to Walkerton,.
Mildmay and other points this week on a
business trip, •
Mrs. John Jones, of Grahamville, Won
the aids list. Her numerous friend., wish
her a speedy recovery. ,
Mrs. Leakie has gut settled in her new
home and will reoeive on Thursday sad
Friday of next week.
Misses Norma Vanstone and Hazel
Joboebon, of Wingbam, have been renew-
ing old friendships in Broeeele,
Mre. Peter Bishop, Albert street, is not
in the enjoyment of very vigorous health
but we bops she will soon be better.
Walter Hall, of the Wingham Advance,
was in town for a few days and gave THE
POST a call. It was a Mistiness trip.
J. J. Gilpin was away ab Bt. Marys and
locality this week on basinees in 000neo•
tion with bis 'farm in Blanchard town-
Mr. Robinson, wife and children, of
Elgin, Man.; ars visitors at Fletoher
Sperling's, Churoh street. Mr, Robineon
and Mrs. Sperling are brother and sister.
John Wilbee, Mill street, has been
seriously ill daring the pant week with
an attaok of congestion of one of hie
lungs. We hope be will soon be about
0005 more.
Mrs. John Thomson went to Seafortb
an Tneeday owing to the melees Meese of
her daughter, Mre, John Soott. It is to
be hoped a ohange for the better may
speedily net in.
Mee May Sbaw, a former Brusselite,
was visiting -old friende in town for a few
days during tilepast week while going
borne to Blyth from bey millinory situp,
tion at Port .Elgin.
Miae.Pearl Leatherdals has been quite
poorly with inflammatory rheumatism,
Pearl baa run the ganatlet with mementos
ailtnente but we hope recovery ie near at
band, She has been every patient Buffer.
11. Roche was home foe a few days this
week. He sold the oar of boreal he took
to Sault Ste. Marie. A gentleman hi that
town boagbt "Puzzler," the fast poet
Bold reoenbly by Beattie Broe. 10 Mr,
G. L. Walker and family moved to
Bruesele /hie weal( from their farm in
Wawanoell. We weloome them to town.
Mr. Walker and M, 13, Moore, V. S., will
be aseodiated together lathe buying and
selling of horses. Theft stable,
on John Street.
loam) Moritz, wile and ehlidrsn, of
,North Dakota, are vieitore at litre, 0e0.
Baeker'e. ill*'. /Morita ie a nepllow of the
late Mr, Backer.
We are sorry tot "tete that "/fro,
Farrow hoe been daugereuely 111 duritig
the past week with the attach of epeentiie
eine referred to fn last fosue. A medloal
amnion ie deemed neeeseaty and nor
many frieni10 hope a speedy goevaleoeenee
may ensue,
W. B, Ballantyne, of tho Emanon
Journal, eon of Thos; Ballantyne, of
Bream's. and Jno, R. Grant; of Winni.
peg, formerly to town, were among the
pereoue who took in the Western Preae
Exouraion to California fila month. It
was a fine trip, without any doubt, es-
pecially at this season of the year,
Business 'Locals.
Menge to loan on farm security.
Apply at Tam POST,
FOB obeap millinery go to the Misses
Habkirk, Everything away down,
Betuentra Pew Woins —Saw gemming
a specialty. Sabiefaotion guaranteed, ,
F. Amass, Mill [treat.
Bee bargains in robe[ and sleigh belle
to Clear oat stook. JNo. DONALnnog,.
Harness maker, Broeeele.
Water—Oboioe Roll Butter 18 ciente.
No. 1. Mink or Fox "kine 58,50. Our
slaughter sale of Deese Goods during Jan.
nary and Februaryie worth coming miles
to see. G. E. Mee, Wingham.
SAW FILING,—The undersigned is pre.
pared to attend to all 'caw filing in a
workmanlike manner, after long exper-
lanae. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Livery Barn, Brueeele.
T. Moal m enhas a large quantity of
first class cross Oat saws for sale and
ready for work. Timber natters should
see them for they ore fast and easy aut.
tare. Yours for saws, T. McGregor,
Brgseele Saw and Tool 0o., Bruseele,
P reebytery of Maitland.
The Presbytery of Maitland met in
Wingham on Tuesday last, Met inet., with
a full;atbendauoe of members. At leen
meeting it was agreed to appoint Moder•
ators by simple election, and on motion,
on Tneeday, it was agreed that the term
of appointment be for a year instead of
six menthe as previously, Rev. Jno.
Rose, Brussels, was the first to be eleoted
to the position under the new order.
Fata,e Moderators will be eleoted at the
November meeting to' be ready for the
beginning of their term at the next
meeting in January. It was agreed to
disease the "Aide for Social Worship,"
and the mendations made by the oom-
mittee, at' the next meeting in March,
At the request of the General Assembly's
Committee. on Church Property, the Clerk
was instrnotel to communicate with
oongregatione in the Presbytery: to ascer-
tain the title under whioh their property
is held ; whetberthere is any inanranoe
nn it ; 1f so, what amount ; and to mug
gent that ineuranoe beatoned in all oases.
Revd", Messrs. Hestia and Dunn' were
appointed the Assembly's Representative
on the Executive of the Y. P. Presbyter•
ral Society. Revde..Meesrs..Ross, Perris
and Andereou were appointed a commit.
tee to revise the Presbytery's Order of
Bennetts mud report at the May meeting,
At the afternoon session an interesting
disoueeion was entered into on thelremits
sent down by Aeeembly to the Presby-
resbyteriee for consideration. The appoint.
went of 8. S. Missionaries, whose sole
duties should be the looking after the
interests of Sabbath soboole; eapeaially..
in the frontier Synods, was disposed of.
It was agreed to approve of the proposal
to form ail the Young People's Societies
of the church into a Weetmioeter Guild.
A remit proposing to give liberty to eoo•
gregations desiring it to elect their elders
for a term of not leas than five years—tee
same to be eligible for re•eleotiou—was
approved 01 by a large majority, . four
members entering their dissent It was
agreed to approve of the proposal to re.
duce the representation of the Assembly
to one-sixbb ; and also that a general
travelling expense fund be ioatituied for
the payment of Assembly Oommieeioners.
The dismission on a proposed Commiseibn
of Assembly for Ibe purpose of meeting
emergencies whiob may arise during
Intervale of Assemblies was deferred -to
the Mardi meeting. It wee agreed to
approve of liberty being given to Preaby
teriee to keep their' permanent records. in
printed form. The, nestmeeting of. the
Presbytery was appointed to, be :held an
Wingbam on Tuesday, the 4th of March,
at 10 a, m. R. S. G. ANDEaeoN,
Presbytery Clerk.
Of Interest and Prot to the
The Huron County Peaking & Oold.
storage Co,, wibb headquarters et Oligton,
have seamed W.' R. Belden to take charge
of the fioanoial end of the Company for
the present.
The aim with thisconcern • is to ace
complish. ea much with apples, poultry'
end produce as has already been done in
the hog trade with this exception, it will
do business entirely for the benefit of its
ehareholdere, whioh out easily be done
on the plane they are adopting.
Nearly all the apples grown in Huron •
County the past season were purchased
at around 52 00 per barrel. They are in
storage in Toronto and oan'-be sold, and
aro being sold out daily, et $4 50 per bar-
rel. Bach year farmers sell their apple
Drop for one half what it should bring
simply because they have no means of
keeping them.
The Government has provided gold
(dotage for fruit while in tranfet and re-
peatedly points out to farmers the neces-
sity for motion on their part if they wish
to receive a fait amount of the profit in
growing apples and Mbar prodeoe.
In 1900 it is estimated that Huron Co.
lost in apples alone 5100,000 and annually`
looses a Targe sum. They can practically
insure against such loss by owning a
storage plant of their own, situated where
it oan easily be ranched.
Beside( the above a most modern plant
is to. be emoted for handling all kinds of
poultry, receiving them alive, killing,
dressing and orating them as the market'
The entire County of Huron will be
oanvaesed and the tributary townships
and an opportunity will be given each
farmer to identify himself with the gen•
earn. If ho desires •$1.00 more per barrel
than lie now reoaivae this will be his time
to theme for it. It would bo well for all
farmers to bear in mind the one fact that
JAN. 28. 1902
1J •Lia ,61,414 114 ✓ 1 ,I OF li4rf, rl Y ,iZ .L.U,✓,7.
OAP1'I'AL PAD IJP iOno ll;,iillon Dollars) 01,000,000
lLE s2' 5750,000
d genoior in all principal points.* Ontario, Quebec, Jfanitoba,' Mated State; s6 England..
A General Banking' Baeineee Traneaoted, ; . Farmore) . Nate
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of '$1.,00 and upwards and oomponnded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Cestomere living at a dietange.
1payable at any bank tented` Under 510..,. 80, $20 to $80,,i40
t0110y Ovum et tho fohowrng rates : 510 to 520.,.,100. 80 to 40...,
F. H. GRAY, Amelia AGENT.
5200RE THE PULL 112NL^r10.
Clinton being in the centre of a wealthy
County it will not be long in enuring the
desired amount, Already nearly 520,000
of stook has been taken. The aim is to
secure as much as poeeible during the
Winter and it is believed the seater
part will be taken the next three. months.
To Divide Grant.
Mr. Roger, 1'. I„ S., Appointed to Divide
the Butane Government's Grant or
84,0001+'orImprovements to Maitltutd.
John Roger, P. L, B., of Mitohell, has
been appointed by the Alma Council to
make; a report on the division of the
54,000 received lately from the ,Ontario
Government, to be applied for improve-
ments of the South branoh of the Malt-
land River, in Elma and Grey. It is to
be divided among the municipalities in
proportion to theft aseeeement • for said
River improvements. This $4,000 was.
planed in the estimates about four years
ago by the Government through the in-
fluence of James Diokson, Warden' of the
County of Perth, who was Reeve of Elma
at the time the solieme was inaugurated,
ably seconded by John Brown, M. P. P.;
for North Perth.
The estimated cost of river improve-
ment was about 58,000. The aotual cost
was within the estimate, therefore the
parties assessed will receivebeak just
about half of their aseeeement.
There are parts of six, municipalities'
assessed for -this -work, namely, Elma,
Mornington, Ellice, Logan, Milverton and
Grey. Upon notification of the oomple.
tion of work by the Elma Council, the
Ontario Government immediately sent
Mr. Fairburn, a departmental engineer,
to inspect the improvements made to the
river, and teethinga favorable report
from Mtn, the .Provincial Treasurer paid
the $4,000 to A 181, Sweeton, Treasurer,
of Elma;.who placed it in the Imperial'
Bank, Listowel, until it is divided'amonet
the muniofpalittes interested, and a they
will dividedit with the parties interested'
in proportion to the acreage assessed..'
Interprovincial Trade,in 'Live
Trade in live stook between Eastern
and Western Canada has been growing
rapidly within the last few years. This
increase of trade has been promoted, and
in foot made possible, by the wise and
generous treatment of bee O. P. R. Dur-
ing the month of December and the first
eight days in January, 46 oars of grade
and pure bred cattle were shipped front
Eastern Canada to British 'Columbia.
These oars contained 2,228 head, and coat
in the Bast something over 580,000. Be.
aides these, 4 oonaiderable number haste
recently been Bent to the North Wen
Territories, and orders are now in baud
for additional shipments to be made to
the last mentioned Territory. In order
to promote tide trade, which has proved
vary profitable in many districts in Beet.
ern Canada, farmers ehoald:nee firet•olaee
Shorthorn bulls: By careful eeleotion
and wise treatment lemaleo'sired by aunt
balls will prove exoallent dairy (sows.
It is a.notioeable foot that seven -tenths
of the stook used "for "daily purposes in
Pall boat 78 76
Barley ................48 60
Peas .. .... 76 78
Oats 58 40
Butter, ieim an,2 rolls 1.5; 16
Rgga nor doyen 16 17
Flour Por cwt.. .. 4.00. 5 00
Potatoes (per bus) ., 25 25
Apples (per. bbl) • • 2 00 ,8 00
Say per tea 6 00 7 00
Sheep skins, each ,•.,26 25
Lomb Maine each25 BO
Nail per bb'., retail 1 00 70
Hides trimmed 6 8}
Hideo tough 5 5
Hogs, Live 8 00 6 00
Wool .. 18. 18
CEDAR fenoe poste fpr sale. Apply at
THE P0110' Publishing House.Fenn Collie Collie pupa for Bale from pedi-
greed stook. JNO's BROWN.
Lot 19, Oon, 10, Grey, Ethel. P. 0 -
-11 OR—
nor-ses, - Cattle,
Sheep Ss Eon.,
It forms an excellent appetizer,
producing a fine, glossy coat and,
a good, general condition, For-
mula on each package. We war, :•
rant it to be pure. Large pack-'
age 25c. at
Fox's DrugSto
lighted and oonvenieutronms to
the Leckie bleak over G. A, Delldman's. and
IY&e, Rogers'•storea. Apply to P. 8, 8000T.
- HornBullsfor sale, from 5 to 20 months
old, Also sows in calf to imported "Red
Duke"- and a few heifers,
D, MJLN77, Ethel,
Bolls for sale, all regi stored. One la 2
years old and the others average from 9 to
12 months, JAS. !WEIR, Lot SO, Oen. OA,,
Morris, Brnsaele P. 0. 2a-tfc
isEs of the undersigned, Lot 26,''Con.'
4, Grey, 2 ewes and 2 lambs. The owner.ia
requested to prove property, pay expenses,`.,
and take them away. M. MCNICHOL,
20.4 .,_Ethel P. 0.
NM of the undersigned, Lot 80, Con. 0,
Grey,ouJaouary 12th, a ollpped bronolta.;
'^ Owner is requested to prove property.,pay
FARM LABORER WANTED, 27.4 expenses and take it swap,
•{' D, MoDONALD, Ethel P: 0,-
either married" or single.Engage-
a will year. A - '
paid. Apply at THE POST. '1
� 500 to- X18.00 a Week
meat by y Must be steady, food.
The Annual Meeting of the Brueeele Driv-
ing Part Association for the election of Mil-
sere, the receiving of the report of the Dir -
eaters for the past year and such other bust -
nese as may be lawfully brought before the
meeting, will be held at the A merieem Hotel
on Friday evening, Jo nary slat, 1902, at 8
o'clock. F. 8, SCOTT
Notice le hereb`
ygiven that the Annual
Meeting elf the "members-. of . the Howiak
Farmers' Mutual Fire. 'Montane° Company
will bo held in the. Townrhip Hall, Gerrie,.
on FRIDAY, F116. 7112,.1802. at 1 o'aloak p.
m.. for the purpose of receiving the reports
of the Mie°tore-and Auditors If orthe past
year, and for other bueineas. By order of
the Board. W. 8. MoKEROHER,
28.2 - Secretary,
Gerrie, Jan, 17th,1002,
moiety for an intelligent man or hom.ap 5n;,
eaab town. Permanent position. • 80 Oentp
per hour for spare time, Ma0ufeoture4.
Box 18, Philadelphia. .1A.
Huron County Council,
The January session o1 the ()meet! of the
Corporation of the. County of Heron will•be
held in the Council Chamber in the Town
01 Goder'ieli, eommensing at 8 o'olookp Iu•.i
on Tuesday, the 28th inst. • •
Dated at Gaderiab Jan.118 1002, Olazk.
To the Public of the Village of Brttesefa
As the sm011-00xis ioand to be in various •
parts of the boon try (not in the vlllagq)._ t i98.
necessary that all• persona who. barb dt
been vaccinated should be without delay;
Chairman. of the Board of Health.
S OWN P. 0.
Great Britain ars Shortborne and Short-
hero graders. 'Probably the mon :suitable
dairynowfor t
o he sera e. farmer is a Q
g L7..
Shorthorn-Ayrshire.oross. Steers whose
dame are strong, grade Ayrshire move if
got by a Shorthorn ball .prove excellent
feeders and very desirable chippingsabtle.
As dairy animals therears none, in the
hands of.the general farmer, that will
exoel the Shorbhorn•Ayrsbire,oross.
Hingston Liberals have nominated E.
J. B. Fens" for the Legielative`Aisembly.,
Hon. Wm. Henry, the new member of
ant' am for KingstonI
, is ill with ,
The Nova Scotia Legislature will be
And by doing so we will knock profits in the' :head, -
not eydll ask for's, fair profit.
� Ir►
Balance of our Overcoats, regular pride $4 50. now • 2.50
Ready-made Siiits, : " 8 00 " 5 50.
Boys Sults,
Men's Frieze Pants,
Men's Woolen Shirts,
Men's Fur Caps,
Boys' Tweed Caps,
.Men's,Union Shirts,
8 00
,t 200
tr 75
1 25
• 50
2 00
" 1 55:•.,
rt 65.
ti 75.
r4 is
to '
summoned for the despatch of busioeee [ The above are onlya few lines. 25.per cent. off all Winter
on February 13. Goods. We believe in having everything Fresh and Fashionable in
The Toronto Board of'Trade presented its season and in order to do so we must slaughter ' the balance of
E. A, Wills, the retiring Seoretery, with i g
a check for $1000. each Season's goods. - Archbishop Brennen, Brennesi, of Montreal, has
ieeued a stringent order against bolding
polibionl meetings o0 Sunday.
Tbe people of Dawson have deolded to
elect a Mayor and Council instead or
having the town's affairs managed by
tbree appointed commissioners.
CAtreraLL.—Io Atwood, on, Jan, 14, to
Mr. and Mre, Robert Campbell, a eon.
LAuxux:—In Hallett, on January 8111, to
Mr. and Mre. E. o: Laundy, adaugh•
Bnaneu8.—In Morris, on Jan, 15th, Thos.
Bodges, aged 77 years, •
BAao,—IftToronto, on Jan. 18, •Henry
Arno, p000ud eon of Dr. G, L. and
Mre. Bail, formerly of Brussels, in
bie 18th year.
MODoNALn —In Oranbrook, on Jan, 20,
Edze Meuse[, seoond daughter of
Anthony and 14Iulien t ltloDopald, aged
7 years, 9 menthe and 16 dive,
S110rMian,—I4, Grey, on Jan. 17, Adorn
Sholdioe, aged 71' years', 8 menthe
and 6 days.
Soaraaa.--1n Eaat Wawanoeh, on Jauuary
9th, Mrs, itobert Somers, aged. 57
In Patent Medicines we have got in a fresh stock,
such as
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, (51 size)
Ayer's Oathatio Pilin
Burdock B. B. (51 size) ,
Deaf, Iron & Wine (51 size).,..,,.•
British Army Liniment
Burdock Pills
Canter's Pills ., r„. 20
Chase's Pills • 20
Dodd'” Kidney Pills, 3 boxes .,,, 1 00
Dr, Thomas' Elecborie Oil 20
75 Dr. Fowler's Ext: Wild Strawberry 80
20 Dr. Rayne's Cold & Grippe Owe ' .. 20
75 Dr. Chase's Stomaob & Liver Tonle 85
75 Godfrey Cordial 8
20 Heggarl3'e Yellow Oil
20 Hurts Pain Determinate
25 Mother Seigel's Syrup
Muskoka Pine Syrup
Radway's Ready Relief
Radway's Pills ......... 20
Pink Pills, 8 boron for 1 00.
18 •
Please note the Above Prices.
The highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce such its,
Eggs, Butter, Tallow, bard and Fowl.
W. I «Lr ES J .rriestown.