The Brussels Post, 1902-1-23, Page 6OAR VITAL 1[RINLBY
LIVES D III? 173;1,
Some Little 0oittrivances in the
aumau Body Which Savaa .'119
Prom Sudden Death,
In the absolutely healthy man or
Seeman the great organs of tete body
do ibex v arts imperceptibly lu
other words, the healthy human he-
in4 aught not to know tnat it has a
heart lungs, stomach, liver or any-
thing of that sort 1 and yet their
working depends on Rome of the
mer st trifles -if each a word can be
used in connection with Nature's
'ivorsings--that the absence of any
one cf th.m would mean the stop
1a:,$ of the whole vital machinery,
sass l careon'e• 1Viekiy,
101 instance, to Legle1 at the top.
When you swing your head from side
to site, or bond it backwards or for'
wards, you h.LYe only a little cord
of lig:uncut between you and sud-
den dtalh. The head is balanced on
a double joint, a pivot on which it
to ns from side to side and a sort
of swing -joint, not ext by a hinge,
on nbJ.h it swing's backwards fend
forwards. It Is this cheek -ligament,
as it is culled, which prevents it
from going too far either way.
The reason is this i immediately in
trent of the peg of the pivot -joint is
e channel in the sl.ine through
which the 'spinal cord passes to the
t rain, awl if it were not for this
vital chick -string the head, which
4s, bulk for bulk, the heaviest part
of the body, would fall too far back-
wards or forwards and crush the
spinal cord,
AIr. III. A. Gauthier, of Bucking.
ham, Gives His Experience for
the Benefit of Oilier Suffer
WO from This Terrible.,
From. the Post, Buckingham, Que.
We venture to say that in oui
town of 8,000 inhabitants few busi-
ness men aro bettor'enown than Mr
M. A. Gauthier, the young andhustl-
ing butcher of Main street. He
wasn't, however, as energetic or as
hustling a couple of year's ego as he
le today, and for a' good rensnn-
he wasn't well. Having gone into
business ere reaching his majority bis
desire to succeed was such that no
heed was plaid to keeping the body
in the state of health necessary to
stand•a strain, and in consequence of
the extra demands upon the system
it became run down to such an ex-
tent that epilepsy or falling sickness
resulted, and these lapses into un-
consciousness becoming alarmingly
frequent he consulted physicians and
took some remedies, but without
beneficial results. Finally seeing Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills advertised as a
cure for falling sickness he decided to
give them a trial. As to the result
the Post cannot do better than give
lifr. Gauthier's story In his own
words ; "Yes," said Mr. Gauthier,
"for nearly four years 1 suffered from
ephopsy or falling fits, which took
me without warning and usually In
most inconvenient places. 7 am just
twenty-four years of age, and I think
7 started business too young and
litre is another vital trifle which, the fear of failing spurred me to
perhal: 8, you have never considered, greater efforts perhaps than was
Pa e your arta and press your finger good for icy constitution, and the
bald on the upper part of one of the consequence was that I became sub-
-veins and pass it slowly down. You lject to those attacks which conte
eri.l s:e the vein well up into lit -without any warning whatsoever.
1e i.n ts ; take your fsn_•er away !leaving me terribly sick and weak
and they will vanish. The reason after they had passed. 1 got to
for this is that nearly all the veins Idread 'their recurrence very much. 1
consulted doctors and tools their
remedies to no purpose, the fits still
troubled me. 1 saw Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills advertised ural determined
Tin cups open towards the heart,
and thus, when the blood is 'towing to try them. I did so, and the meth -
lit the right direction they fold back cine helped me so much that I ;rot
and offer no resistance. But they more and kept on taking them, until
prevent any fluid flowing in the 011- to -day 1 am as well, ves better, than
posite direction. I over was, and am not troubled at
During waking life many of the all by epilepsy or the fear of the
long veins are more or less perpen- fits seizing me again. Thinking there
dieular, andbut for lh^so cups, .,r may be others siwilarly afflicted. 1
valves, the blood would naturally give my story to the Post , it may
tend to flow down the vein. This perhaps lead them to give this
would partially, if not entirely, ar- great medicine u. trial."
rest the circulation ; the heart Pr. Williams' ' nk Pills are a Posi-
would bo unable co pump the pole• tive cure for all diseases arising from
curd blood into the lungs, to oa re- impoverished blood, or a weak or
row d by contact with the air, and shattered condition of the nervous
sudocation would follow in a. few system. Every dose inskes new.
nminutes. Wherefore, without these rich, red blood and gives tone to the
in'ienificant little cups, none of nerves, this curing such diseases as
w hiib hold a quarter of a thimble- epilepsy, St. Vitus' dance, paralysis,
ful, no human being could live. rheumatism, sciatica. heart troubles
'1 he blood is composed of a grey anaemia, etc. These pills are also n
fluid in which myr1. ds of tiny little cure for the ailments that make the
L odi s, some white and some red, lives of so many women a constant
are floating. They are about a 3,- misery. They are sold in boxes, the
20.1h part of an inch in diameter. wrapper around which hears the full
The.; as e incl. s_d in an envelope name -Dr- Williams' Pink ]'ills fr r
which has the peculiar pio;:erty of Pale People. Can l proerrecl Rdrom
permitting gases. but not liquids, to druggists or will be sent by :tail.
pa s though it. It is this which post paid, at 50 cents a box, orssix
mat Its them to take up the oxygen boxes for 52.50, by addressing the
of the air as it gees Into the lungs Pr. IVillians' Medicine Co.. Tirock-
ard to convey it to all parts of the ville, Ont.
rod:. Cx gen 1.4, of con, se, as neves- --i"
eery to the 1 only as air is to a tire.
:sow, if liquids eould Kass through
the 0 tiny envelopes the fluid in
wit' h tl ey Coat would enter them,
crowd out the oxygen and put out
the vital !!erne past as sruely as u
1 cod of water would put out a fire.
In f..e4 if t' is property of admit -
tine gases mud oxcludlag !has were
to Le reve.sed tbo l 'mon race
wo•ild ce se 10 stint irciti e u. min-
ute, berm se the time taken for the
blood to the whole s;"stem
is about half a minute.
9 he sari e curious, bet lrenel'cent
pro arty. is pas-essad by the vast
n0 work of tidy tubes. ore 3,500th
Mitt of an in h in all °meter, which
lie immediately tenter the skin all
w or the i od,y I lett their function is
eMe n st en or still. f..r they will al-
low nothing, to pass through their
nails save whet is directly
The rrsalt is perspiration, which
pas' en f ore , thein ter, ugh myriads
of tiny gi nils to Leo ek,n, At a re-
ligious 1 wive' in 1•r, n e d'nriii the
Middle Ag.s a chilli was gilded all to u:a';a it reprf:sc.:t a golden
image of the Sneiour. It di NI in e.
few hours, po :tested by the impuri-
ties of its own a load which were
pne•eite.d from getting through the
l:ut p,•reeps the mot strikipg foe -
Imo conn e1ea with the working of
the human Cody is the fact Viet we
have two brait,s, a mechanical and a
meeta1 one as they may 1 e called.
The former is situated low down at
the back of the head at the top of
the spinal eolnann, The other oc-
cupies the rest of the skull. This is
the tae we do our thinking end heel-
ing and wilif,.g with. But, al-
though it. is the nobicst part of the
h In: 11 organism, ft hos no control
over the tale twain at the back.
No one knows exactly how chis
little brain do,s its work, but it
does it continuously and uncon-
.ciously. lts business is to look
after the wot•king of the lungs, heart,
stomach and .o forth, and it at -
tench; to business day and night
wiehout sleei,ir:g. It will now be
easy to see that our lives depend
neon these two brains working
separately. For what would happen
if the ll,tic brain were coetrolled by
tin big one 1 We should 11ava to
think separately for every heart -
teat, for every Lrunth we, tlrnw end
for every flow of the gastric jufco
a hieh dig sts our food in the etre,
mule ']his would not give us meth
tine to attend to anytluxig elite,
cion. during our waking life, T.lut.
th re is sarnothiug worse than that,
wo could never go to sleep. The leo-
' ,talentwe did so We should stop.
thinking cel.oltt Our hearts and lungs,
whertforu those would Loth stop
Thera are only 100,000 Cashmere
oats lett In Coe/mete, e t,a{st
8 r0,t 00 PO years ago, ;!Mance the
east of Cashzuero sltaVeh .
Good for gad Teeth
a4 for Good Teeth
fkeso4cint Y.Scauid 250. Li.aam Xelattlid essi4 Poivt$em7 6t,
,At all stores or by mail. Sample of the Liquid for the postege, 9c'
HALL & RUCKEL, Montreal.
A Special Assignment Given Them
By Emperor William,
The funniest thing Kaiser Wt1l °int
ever did was to order two regimcuts
or infantry from the garrison at.
Konisberg to his game preserve at
Itorninjen, where 2,000 01beers and
anent were kept busy for three weeks
lighting -not the Russians, nor the
Preneh, nor even She socialists, who
aro the fiercest foes of the Cerman
authority, but merely a lot of little
caterpillars, which happened to
swarm upon his Majesty's trees and
shruhbery like the locusts in Egypt.
The fact was not published in the
newspapers, and the duty which this
detail was called upon to perform
did not appear in Ilia orders, but it
did not take long for the story to
sift through the army, and the offi-
cers and men of those two regiments
had to endure a great: deal of chaff-
ing from their comrades during the
next few months. In fact, they will
never be allowed to forget the inci-
dent, for they arc known to the ser-
vice as the "caterpillar lighters."
Even now when an order is issued
for a detail at the "war loid's re-
quest, the moustaches of the officers
always bristle Nidi inquisitiveness
and auprehensian, particularly if
somebody whispers caterpillars.
Often Leads to Serious Trouble
Unless Prompt Steps Are Tak-
en to Check it -How This Can
Eest be 'Done.
indigestion is a trouble that is very
com111011 in infancy and early child-
hood, and unless prompt, measures
are taken to control it the result is
often very serious. Itprevents the
proper growth of the child and
weaken the constitution. so that he
Interesting Incident Which Hap-
pened in Australia.
ITto les of pet annuals which !dive
1 en e. ed :.o ne import ,. nt service 11
their mash's are not unconunon.
Oi e is apt, however, to usaoclat:
such with creatures of t
hi,.11 affix of iuteilige,.ce, and wouil
hardly expect a !Lard to play th;
pert of mon tor ; but the Leisure
Ilour d sa•i ee en interesting int -
dm t
dert of that kind which happened ht
A go.d-di ger had tanlyd it brigh`.--
e ed Australian 11 ard, which male
Li quarters in the miner's trot, an
was an o jet of i. ter. st roil art.a't-
tin on the Part of at.l the moo in
1.n th' march he made his hent° in
1 is nut„tsr's serge !,louse, tee nri'g up
the arm of the loose gai•nre,t, or
round the full front above the Lela
W. isthand, as fa cy took him. When
the temp was pitched for the I:ice',
he em, 1 ye.1 111.. s if by owing the
al, st careful inspcetion of ail im-
1rediato surroundings within end
tithe t the tc 't. 1.e made himself
acquaint ed with eters stone, turf.
stump or 12 le w !thin. what Inc COD-.
ski r. d his don ail , ccenteally retie -
in . wi h the sun to the tlrnket of
hi master• s , cll, whet e he invariably
sl pt.
en one Emersion he beeaute restless
during the right, had began to run
rapid!. b c'.w.crd and forivad one,
his ma; tr's face, ma"ing at the
same time a low, spitting noise.," 'iixe
that of en envy c t. Ty this me<•It4
I c it. le rgt.t ni onsed .ti 0 sleeper,
v ho l e ttly l u 11 d him ewey revertl
tfm's, s_ eat ing son h ii ly in tee
I 8pce of qui t ng the excited little
treat re.
tut the li ard would not le sooth-
ed ; on iInc contrary, lxrving attra:
ed attenti n, he con i .net bis rapid
MON em uts, ui til at lar gth his mas-
that are more dangerous. L'or•tunato- ter, rcnvi ad that soiu.:1hi137 was
en w rag, rot up, s'ruc't a 11 ht, and
ly, however. the trouble is one th
is easily controlled. Proper food-- 1 o ed round the. tont. else sharp
not too murk, but absolutely pure- o es of ter !'rand folicw(d every
plenty of fresh r, anti Baby's Own'txlotement with fnierse'nterost.-
1'ablets, freely administered a^cord-� Nothing unusual could be sen, atrl
ing to the directrmns, will soon put 11e min -r lay drwn agtin. Be was
Lep sufferer right, and make both •sea cely a. Jeri), however, wh n tit,
mother and child happy. Mrs, W. E. ]i a d t aired hint ngnia, and losing
"'assent, of Kingston, lint., is one of patience, Inc sei ed the creature 'and
the many Itrothers who has proved in the dor. u -ss tossed him from the
the truth of this statement,. She lad-arross the I'm.
says: "When my little girl was about j In his in abut ry flight' the little
three months old, she had iodiges-' taloa' struk. the to t-pcle with
tion vary badly, she was vomiting
con$ doable force,and 11.11 of his
and end diarrhoea almost constant -
broken met ter of no
,'weighed only texy g ct imiortnnce to a lizard,
ly. She was very thin
four pounds and although she had a' Pe haps, Let still a diseoureging re-
weeravenous appetite her food did her d f r a ncll-'ncart w: ruing.
uo good whatever. I had tried see - the mantel little ma-
medicines but they slid not help tile roturne 1 to the bed, kept close
her. ThenI heard of Baby's Own to his muster, and continuedrestless
Tablets, and procured a. box. After and excited all the rest cf the night.
givingher the tablets for a few days i it rhea teak, when the tells were
the vptnitiug and diarrhoea ceased, rt uc'c, and the 1 e', ding rolled up,
ro dv to Le placed on the cart, t
site began to Improve et once, andthe
grew plump and lat. I always give m story was explained. Tn the
her the Tablets now when she is ail- tc�ub noel fern tlnown underneath
ing and the result is always good, the, 1cddi g, to k ep it into the
Baby's Own Tablets are the best tare proem!, a huge tiger snake with
medicine I have ever used for a. several young ones was discovered,
child." 1 The fig r snake is of a kind mach
These tablets will promptly cute all fm red b.' the col lei ts, and, Bks
the minor ailments of Mete clues, ' most snakes, has a pronounced odor,
such as sour stomach, indigestion, i whi•h, n Po•A t had made the lien rd
colic, constipation, allay the irritet-1 aware of its Tresance, 1t bad pro -
tion accompanying the cutting 01: (ably crept in'o the tent after the
l"eard lied made its evening
taste, ale. They are good for child- inspec-
ren of all ages, and crushed to a' tion of the premises,
powder or dissolved in water can be
given with absolute safety to the TI1L+ SMALLEST SMELL.
youngest infant. If you cannot _ob-
tain Baby's Own Tablets u,t your' M. Berthelot, the famous Freneb
druggists, they will be sent. post paid chr.miet, Incs been trying to find what
at 25 cents a box by addressing the is the smallest weielit of an odorous
Dr. Williams' Aledicine. Co., Brock-suLstauce that can excite the nerves
villa, Oren. I of sn ell in a human being. By re -
A GUARANTEE. --"I hereby certify prated dilutions he found that ever
that 3 have shade a careful chemical such all unimaginable quantity L5
analysis of Baby's Own Tablets, t roe-righths of a millionth of -a
which I personally purchased in a prr,in of iodoform would produce the
drug store in Montreal. My analysts tharnct rirtic smell, end music was
has Proved that the Tablets contain n it y tit, es etroneer still. 77e naso
rtbso:ulely no opiate or narcotic; found that the seesaws of smell
that they can be given with perfect varied greatly in diliereet persons..
safety to the youngest infant; that
they are a safe and eflteiene medicine l The word "cannon" was originally
for thesol] troubles they are indicated � applied only 1,o the largest form of
torelievei'and cure."
pN I. 711•.]25751
JtlJLTr, M,A.Sc., a 'ordnance which threw ball weigh -
Provincial Analyst for Quebec,
Montreal, Dec. 23, 1001.
- ,--•y_--
Dunn-" 1Vhnt the you think of by local erelicetleees. as dies cvrnnet roan!' the
dtxnanetl pnrdr•n of rho car. Thera ieanlp ono
liens 7" Brown- i. think that leu- lienal rrmoeiv. if IV As f onus d by nn
Inflamed d di ion Of h n this mho is in.
)lnsutnhian 'lure. When rLtiv tuba id !n -
34, `J8 and 42 Bust.
The long cloak that covers and
conceals the gown fills many needs,
and makes new of the essentials of
(Inc season. This smart, yet: practi-
cal model is suited to a variety of
materials tied becomes .appropriate
for evening or Area wear as it is
made in lighter or darker colors. As
shown it is or tan -colored kersey
cloth, Deed with white satin, and is
trimmed whit appliques of lace on
the revers avid wilier. When thrown
open it is an (debut ate wrap titter!
opera, stir• reception Lo t ,ra Lh.i t and rete n wear.
F 1
but when closed becomes sufficiently
plain to allow of wearing in the
street, or in the cars en route fur
cnterteinnrent.s of various sorts. Thu
tame cloth in sego green, brown and
Week is neurit liked Inc the latter
purpose, while white, Pale calors
and such nrtlerial a§ pa31110, [Mall
cls hnic and the like are in vogue for.
eveutng carriage use,
'110 rut this cloak for a. woman of
medium size 0}, yards of material 21
Inches wide or 131 yards 54 inches
wide will Inc required.
''leo I3ritish post office keeper a reg
Orel of the 31011 ht of the lettere.
'tett th'cugh tee 1 oitt by qa h :focus
elrenlant (Mice. I' or the year eliding
'Vex h' 81st the Inland 13evcnue beads
the 1 et wi h a total wtil•.itt ineEng-
!told ewe .Wales of twenty -ono unit•
11'.11' Mune s. The War Ofece comae
heel. with n drly six mill/one ! and
the Adulir,aity follows with over
four millions TIM Privy Council
0,' co lei al.a a 1'eeer4 of four mil,
Icons, j.•rgole oeine to the wot•,t'a1
do Educat,onnl Office. The !foreign
0 lice has cele heir a m1111011, and
the 1 oloniai Ofllue, even in its "me
11,151. soar, 1104 Just about the same
it mien,.. Jha total 0030101'corres
P0nd0110 carried by the p„ stotlleo in
a year weighs • seventy-six million
Ceylon Tea is the finest
'its the vvoi'ld !produces,
end Is start' only In lead
'Macre, Mixed and Green.
wean tea drinkers try `Salada" Green tea,
.. x
The Herds Are Increasing in This
I Country.
The buflalocs are increasing in
:such proportions in Canada.
'they promise in the tours,; of a Sew
years to become again fairly :abuutt-
i ant. Some time ago they threaten
1 ecl to become extinct.
The herd of woods bulfaloco is the
!Peace River• district has trebled in
`size under the protection afforded It
Iby the Northwest Mounted Police.
Five yeti's ago it was estimated that.
there were not more than eighty
'hufTnlaes in the herd ; 110w there are
i In appearance there is little dif-
nereuce between the woods buffalo
land the plains buffalo. ' to former
lis mere1) a larger, richer -coated ani-
mal It differs materially, however,
lin its habits from the sub -species)
which inhabited the plains, and
which Inas undoubtedly passed away.
!except Inc (Inc presence of it few ani-
line's in captivity and in the Yellow-
stone Notional Pari:.
'c' preferred theplain i and
This species res c ed a n e 1
travelled hundr:ds of miles in .its
annual migrations, while the Cana-
dian buffalo shuns the prairie and
(migrates but little.
ing (14111.
4 --
Deafness Cannot be Cured
DauLeees latest pLature, after Itmi- way t care ereafna-s, and thnb is by ewa Ilgt-
bens would be after Dauber. if Inc ,t rime tontieing o
could only ono it.^ flamed you have gambling sonnd orhnpar
• �y !gtaf�gy foot hearing, sed when it td net rale closed
so.ZUEUON 1E H25 dationneafness inInc ton uta helobitrss ihe istored
t7 for the oration eon nl oe¢• n . un and r hn r olio restored
st ncnarnral 1'1 010 n, tearing ou wanbe aro etrnyui ferdwor; nine ttt3vs out of tun oro
c used by c •tnrrh, which in nothing but an in.
domed condition et the mucous stir ace •.
Wo will giro Ono Hundred Donors for any
503 011 let%frslle (causal by cot rrh) that can
n o bo cured by !!alfa Catarrh Curo. Bond
for circularz,free.
7. J. CHENIIIY 8t,CO3yToledo, 0.
Sold by Dr iggtate, 711c.
hall's Pawl.), Pills are the best.
'There are 28111. of blood in t1
One of Om English astronomers,
lir, J. J, At'.�iuson, who visited Su-
ontre. to oi.sesve the total solar
q lip,° 11 -,at May. made the acquaint -
mete of all old Malay, living on a
little island (:mar the Sumatran
co Or, who owned a large monkey
which he had trained to work for
hitt' in gathering coconuts. '1 he
luoutey's I.uslnes was to ciimb the
gigantic; coconutpalnns and rnrow
down the. netts "white he (Brie*.
ea. Mr. Atkinson, "in Lhe most
a 1.i. tits 100111 er, by screwing the
nets off wltlt his powerful.arms
w Nile Inc hung by his legs 70 to 100
feet from the ground;"
The oldest large bridge in Europa
is that at leatisbon, over the Dan-
ube, 3t was built in 1135, and is
094 feet in length.
rulloard s Llolmeot Cures Burosi etc,
•h U iteil 7tinadom Ste 228 mil
lien brshe a of wheat for bread
Inking in a• year, and 12 million
both Is for seed,
A Very Interesting Statement by
an Elora Lady -She Has Found
a Panacea for AI1'Pemale Weak-
ness and Wants Every Woman
in Ce, nada to Know of it.
Elora, Ont., den. 13 (Special).
Mrs. •hfaxwell of this place has writ-
ten for publication a very strong let-
ter In wlach she claims that Dodd's
Kidney Pills have curet her of l'e-
nale Weakness after she had tried
almost. everything else,
This goofs lady, according to her
statement, su6'ered for ti long time
with kidney trouble, enduring the
greatest pain with a dizziness and
maladies that made her very ill.
She was passing through what is al-
ways a critical period in every wo-
man's life and her troubles were con-
siderably increased by this. Indeed
ler life was for a_time in great dan-
She says she used Dnal's Kidney
Pills with the most rt:workable re-
sults, being almost instantly relieved
and. in. a very short time completely
cured and restored to good health.
She is very grateful and in Heeled,-
ter she says: "I cannot find words to
express my gratitude to Clod for my
marvellous cure. Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the greatest medicine in
the world especially for thoso of my
a "1 could scarcely move hand or
font I •was so dizzy, and violent
pains would shoot through my whole
system, but now thanks to. Dodd's
Kidney fills I feel well and smart."
This case and its cure has created
quite a sensation and `Afrs. Max-
well's full and frank stllteinent of the
matter has been the subject of a
great deal of continent,
Dorld's Kidney Pills seem to be an
infallible cure for Diseases of Woman
as well es For -Rheumatism, Diabetes,
Dright's Disease and all reldney die -
- body of an average grown-up per
eon, anti at cath pulsation the hear
moves 10111.
Page bielal Ornamental Fence. w, -
0w T
ornoinentol.v ryahA yendsurprisingly niter ri twitn
is wonted for deeryawls, division fonrsofn owt iera,
Pypaintsd s. snndrretalle e01lonid . 619. pE8 SUtdNiMB 1:007.
Jtut think 51 it, Ls, 11 pond yea fall psxitlouiero. Wo a1:3
make farts (5500, potY�: eetting, nails end staples.
cry- Th:'pale Wire Fohoo Co„ tlinitld, WalkSrvlllsOh
Nowf2unudla.nd, Iceland, and Ire-
land are all very nearly the same
Tooth Powder
3Q�nDDN[` 250
In 1883 there were only 06,000
persons who could ride a bicycle in
TO CURL! A 005,14 18 ONE DAY.
Take Laxndve Brame Quinine Tablets. Al
(inttzqtats refund 11m money if (1 (011s 40 cure.
A. W.•arovo's signature Is on onelt box, 2se..
England has 510 deaf mutes per
million of her population, ' against
770 in Leland,
Minard1 s Llolment Believes Neuralgia,
f nglieh railway metal Weighs X48
totes to tire, anile, '.hat, of 'Russia. 126
mord a1 Caw 11
t' to
1 Omen
h linin.
and tronas oft t r
at l:lceee, No YPeedoouh
>�a>ie�'tail f�
CASH tvi11 buy a box of SWEET SONORA ORANGES, or i$l
you take 5 Loxes we Win make the price 1112,10 per b0171u ihlzre IQve or 7504
Consignments of Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Beans, honey, Apples solicited.
A lh �
y i
T S�
:.� R n
Every E @ p Match
• Every Match -
to "Ligh'lcr" i. .. .M 761/
144• 4,14-144.1-1-1-1-14,1-14-14-1-1. 4-1÷1-14.1014-4-1-1-1-1-1-141-1-14"14
9i80I. People were knocked down
by traffic 1n 1.ondon streets in't year
of whom 207 ware killed outright.
Quito, in South America, 19 trio
only large town at a height of over
0,000 feet above sot -level.
I f
MillardI s Liniment for saleeverpr!are'
TAKE NOTICE. London has 1,800 acres of park's,
Wo publish simple, straight testi- Dublin, 1,760.
menials, not press agent's inter
views, from well known people.
Prom all over America they testify
to the merits of MINARD'S LINI-
MENT, the best of Household Rerd=
A roan should make his wife look
happy and well dressed if for no
min reason than to make Itis old
lo es 1.01 sorry they didn't get
Far Over Firty Years
plili neWof mothers
s o'rnhei Br dr has been sarl
ppsoot a of mnthen fur their children while7 teething. .
rind a ti the late ,attests stomach gi of ar els, .1,
Mode ed r (r Dae nh. a.Pr r and bona's, end (litho
et remedy drru gis s t 1,r, u 1 t the world.
d dente a bottle
bold to druggists throughout len norlai no erne and
bait for "Ras. wlrialA W'. eoaTnWu BYAVI.-
Only India and Germany earn over
5 Po: cent. on their railway lines.
'115 wm 1o's average is it per cent.
Minard's Liniment Cu,cs Bandruf1
]n'ia has lost by fam'ne.17 rill-
litn lives since 1808. The last fam-
ine reduced the population by 1,-
E P S 9
Ireland hos 408 able-bodied per-
sons to 1,000 inhabitants, Scotland
424, and England 482.,
W P V 1111
Prato: voo the tool(. SWoutanc the br0,lI4
etrongth0t'e rho 6105
fns. minarets, Drums. Uniforms. etc,
towed Wane over goofed. 71 a nnGAogoe
fdr011histra'i'ns.411"Oen fan.. Writ, u+ foraey
thing In )!aIle 00 tirteIOal Instrument
WHALEY ROYCE 16 CO., Limited,
Toronto, Ona, and. Winn:pee.Mao
cad lel kinds of house Hangings, eine
Write to us about mire.
BRITISH 811ERICAN. 05131116 e0., Bax 188,elontr1al
OOMIierOf Limo Steams:lips •
identical W Liverpool, Bottom to Liver-
pool. Portland to Liverpool Via Oae.os.
Largo and Pate Stemmata's. eppetier aceommodaaoe
for Al ohms.,. of pa tenger°. S Lona and etoteroo50
tae amidships. 05 'ii attenano ha. ba, n elven Ls tea
tcsrie sseeoa a ' '1'hlyd.eleot a,n.ron 4 anon, Poi
eves of p'•-age*"d an parueulm, a9PIJ to nog agooll
stiha(o, l,amr. hr
Bioha11 iitate St., Boston,
D. Terme».) elm
Stumm), t.i4 Fortis&,
Ulcers and Running Eves
0ileadine cores long stood-
, ing sores. Try it.
Largo 133X13 25:7. Drug ists, or
GlIsalinil Co., Toronto.
reto NI
Are you a weakling? Are you one of those unfortunate
young men who, through ignorance and bad company, have
contracted nervous spells, weals back, varicocele, gloomy
forebodings, loss of courage and ambition, loss of 'confidence,
bashfulness, despondency and weakness? Dr. McLauglilin's
Electric Belt will cure you.
Are you a middle aged man suffering from varicocele,
prematureness, indigestion, constipation, rheumatism, lame
back, etc ?' Dr. McLaughlin's Electric Belt will cure you?
Aro you an old man, declining before your time, having
lost all ability to enjoy life, with prostatic trouble, lost
strength, debility, pains and aches, and general decay of
organic powers ? I can cure you with Dr. McLnughlin's
Electric Belt with free suspensory for weak hien.
I will send you, sealed, free, my beautiful book telling
about it if 1'ou will send this ad. Send for it to -day,
�11� F C) �t app,o A ® 128 Tango Ctroot.
fis,M lfCan -1 s •Lo. Q rtD SM �tIN ��idv� i� TORONTO,- ONT.
OCnice Hours -0 A.M. to 9,80 P. 11
iSerePeqiedearlis Jt , rrr';,tt, 1, i(.il,1.134sas;`,•' 11
,-,t 9b';> ib 11.11341si311&1 kt,