The Brussels Post, 1902-1-23, Page 5STAN, 28, 1.002
*ant. P.S. SOOT7., Preemie,
� I3, M0013 12/1U
• N, 13ARRETT—
North of he 8tandt r41Ba k spLittlies' land
Children's hair cutting a apoolalty,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Wellington Mutual
fire Jnitranee Co.,
111aMIits1nrn 1810
Ineurane° taken on the (mob and premium
note dyetom at current rates. Before insur-
ing elsewhere gall on the undersigned Agent
of the company, -
. GEORGE BOWERS, Bruesel8.
Academie graduate of London Coneerva-
toryof Music, also Member of the Associated
Musiotano of Ontario, pis prepared to receive
1i ils' for instruction
loiitthe.1Lj�( tdtad o. number
uallbOa to' prepare pupil a for
the Prinb1po1'% Form In the conservatory of
Brussels,' Ontario- .
Clerk of the Fourth Division. Court,
Co, Huron; . Conveyancer, Notary Publto,
Land, Loan, and Insurance Agent ; -Auction-
eer. Fuode invested and to loan. Collets -
Rona made. Offioe in eraham'e'Blook,Brne-
" 1 • BBB, will soli for better prides, to
better men In lees time ,mlees charges
than any other end her Auctioneer in East Huron or
be won't aborge anything, Dates and orders.
can always he arranged at this oaloe or by
personal applioation.
ll • Honer Oanluate of the •Ontario'Vet-
erinary College. is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of.domesticated animals in a compet-
ent manner. Parti'+ular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary Four doors
North of bridge, T'u•nborry et., Broeeels.
v e Barrister, Solicitor,'Oouveyancer,
Notary Publto, dee. Offioo—S tewart'a Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for tbo Standard Bank.
Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. 8olioitor for Village of Brussels,
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
M. I►., O. M.,.
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Modieai
College, Member College of Physicians and
Burgeons, Ont.' Ideentllate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery' Edinburgh. t 'Tolepboue Noll,
Reeidence—Mill street, Brussels,
DR. • R. P. FE/LD,
Graduate of 'the Royal college. of Dental
Surgeons, of Ontario and Firut•olase Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Office
nest to Brower's Photograph Gelllery,
is moving forward, Winter 'term begins
Jan. 0,1802. Our rates aro reasonable -our
courses of Study thorough and praotioah
Bendfor our Journal to sed what we teach.
Students may enter at any time. Two
Courses of Study—Oommerolal and Short-
President Secretary,
Owen Bound. Liotowet.
British Columbia
lied Cedar Shingles
Nettii Shore
Pine and Cedar
'Brussels Planing Mills
Alec) Doors and Bash of all Pat
terns on hand or made 10 order
at Short Notice.
Estimates' Fntniehed for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed.
ralrNTRA9t" (1 ifj(��.f. p1ltt�tY rJ
t"N 1u: .tr '`' 1 t rill
IS�Y ��,:1:1P7JJ11
- WW ,ri
i'4i,, Orit
A 004001 well known from One and of 04M,
ado, le tate other for its superior work. Tile
College gives the right kind or education
and plaoee many of Its stndente to hood
poeitloes, N'tW 10 the time to enter,. Pro.
Pare for semen and you will get 16. Write'
for oar heanoffal eatal0eue.
W. J. I:LL1nT'F, Ft'tnepnU.
W. B. 7ierr,—D1tAn Bxn I rely in
your paper a couple of times of how the
girls kits let me insert this little piece on
behalf of the Wye as I still have an in -
Wrest io the Braseele hays' welfare :—
The bey from Ethel le timid and shy
But when certain there's no one near,
He makes a wild dab, like a pup at a
And kismet] the girl on the ear.
The Walton boy ie a stayer quite,
He is modest and never boa•tte,
But just equeezei away with a grip as
As though he were lifting a poet.
The Jamestown lad pushers up hie
Aad pats on his beet suit bf clothes,
Hs doesn't kiss under the mistletoe
But directly under the nose.
The Oranbrook young roan settles down
to hie work
Aod`kieees with method neat,
And it sounds exactly as if a oow
From a mud hole was drawing her feet.
The Morrie boy is not too slack
Though he doeen't put on much style
But plants hie kiss with a sounding
That you bear for half a mile.
But the lad that has loving toduoed to
an art
Whose kissing is just a joy,
And whose hug wine every maideu'e.
Is. the jolly Bruesele'boy.
From a aorreepondent in the west.
1� 1
strict -11,elts,
Bel rave.
M0Tnitlol)mr.—T. A. Haslam, formerly
of Beigrave, now o[ Devil's Lake City,
North Dakota, is visiting hie parents at
Belgrave end hie sister, Mre. Jae. Haugh,
of Wiogham. Mr. Haslam brings with'
him hie bride, formerly Mine Emily 0.
Morgan, of Bayfield. The marriagetook
plane at the residence of the bride's sister,
Mre. F. E. B. Mercer, Langdon, North
Dakota, on Jan, 7th. Mr. Haelain 16 one
of the leading bueiuees young man tit.
Devil's Lake and has acquired exteneive
real estate interests there. He ie also
city and echool t,easurer of the eam0
p'aoe. After spending a short time with
friends here they will return to their
Dakota home. We wish them happineee
and prosperity.
I enssa11,
Our boyo are vigorously practicing
hockey and are arranging for a game with
Seaforth juniors in the near fame,
Our citizens will be earprieed to learn
that ex Reeve Arnold has made arrange-
ments to leave Hensen with hie family to
enter into bueiueea atBuffalo, N. Y.
Jerome Bedoar, who hue Peen teething
echool at Dryadale for two yeare, has re.
signed his position to pursue hie studies
at Joliette College, Quebec. He inlende
entering the priesthood.
N. Cantina has taken several oar Joule
of hotel fixtures from the Ba'moral of.
Montreal to tbe big hotel at St. Joseph,
and workmen are buoy putting them in
position. Naroesee will have quite an
outfit before long.
The annual, congregational meeting of
the Presbyterian church was held on
Wednesday night of feat week, when the
reports were read. The • treasurer, W.
Bell, sr., reported e handsome balance in
the treasury. He also tendered his reeig
nation owing to advanoiog yeare and
poor health. The congregation regretted
the Ione of euob a paiuetakiag and eatient
officer atter so many yeare of faithful
service and appointed W. Moir 0.8 hie
enooeeeor. The number on the. oommani•
Bunt's roll was reported 455.
1-31 s.
Rev. R Warner, M. A., principal of
Alma ladies' college, St. Thomas, preaoh•
ed missionary eermone in Blyth Metho.
diet church on Sunday.
James MaQuar rte, youngest eon of H
McQuarrie,: wa8 married the other' day
at Atinnedoea, Man. Tho laity of bie
oboice was a Minnedoea young lady.
17vangelietio servicer will commence in
Blyth Methodist churoh next Sunday.
Wm. Moult, of ParkdaIe, an eloquent and
entbueiastia evangelist, will have charge
of the meetings.
W. S. McKinnon, a former Canadian,
and cousin of D, 13. McKinnon, poet
maebersat Blyth, is one of the leading
candidates for the speakership of the
Ohio state assembly,
Blyth commit is calling for applications
for the position of general oorporotion
servant. The duties of •thio:new office
will umiak of constable, tti collector,
bell ringer,.etreet cleaner, weigbmaeter,
J, G. Moser was in Bebringville on
Tuesday ofluet week, attending the fon.
eral of bie on0le, George Krnepe. The
death of. Mr. Kruepe is the fret to oaoar
in a family of four sinters and three
brothers. Deceased was In his 82nd
Fred. ldaggitt returned home from the
Sob on Tneeday morning of last. Week.
About a month ago Mr. Haggitt had the
mietortutie to be thrown' (tom a load of
wood by the sleigh suddenly slipping
while caroming a bridge. He alighted on
his feet on the hard foe 26 feet below the
bridge and so badly injured both of hie
Coat that he has Mhos been unable to
The anneal meeting of the members of.
Blyth pablfo library was held in the
tbrary rooms on Tuesday evening of last
week. The treasurer's statement, show-
l.g a balance on hand of 580.21, wile read
DUOS fi11L
?..r7,-"—,744.00240.140,4.. A.WY9llideo u40'•13I ..•a'bSLC
and aocepted>. The following gentlemen
were eleoted direelora fur the ansuing
veal 1— Rev, ' A. )I3Leatt, iley. (l. k1ta
QQulllin, A. W. Alva,, A ISIder, J. A h
Bradwla, Jae. delilurollie, 0 lid,
Tieing and Dr Liudety. At the °lose of
the annual meeting the direotors met and
alerted kir, Sloan chairman of the board
for lig year and appointed D, 8, MoKin.
11011 anti J, A Jackeou treaeurer and
ae0retary. reepeotively 101 the year,
Tito annual metering of the Morris
Bran0lt Agriculrural eo0lety woe held et
the Qiioeh'e hotel."'The troagnrer pre•
dented the fidotinfal statement for the
Year wh,oh showed the total reOeipte to
be $1290.86 mad total expenditure 51104,-
76 Isolviug
1104,.76laaviug a balance an hand of $186,10,
The fol'owing oliioero and direotoro were
eleoted :—Arae„ J. B, 'I'ieruey,; 1st viae
pies., Hobert Fettle:; and vice pre , W.
W. Jaokeon ; . direotors, Geo, Taylor, . W.
Pollock, Wm, Taylor, Riohard Ontloy, M,
Lockhart, T. W. Sloan, Charles Ruddell,
E. Livingston and Wm. Emigb ; auditore,
J, M. Hamilton and H, Torr Ranoa, A
vote of thanks was tendered Metiers.
Hamilton and Rance for their sorvieee as
auditors during the poet year.
G-Priat 1st.
Victoria Park skating rink opened on
Monday evening of last week.
Mrs. David Bradnock le at present
spending a few weeks visiting friends in
A large number from thie vicinity were
in Lietowel with Marna attending the
South Afrioan inspeotion. Not many
Mrs. Lawrie and daughter; Mies Ber-
tha, who have been residents of our town
for a number of years, left on Wednesday
of Jost week for Chicago where she will
join her husband and live in the future.
Mre. Ltwrie will be greatly missed ae she
was a m tet diligent worker in the differ.
ent branohee of the Methodist church.
Mise Gertrude Felman ie epebdiug a
few weeks with friends in Waterloo and
T. T. Field bait added a new safe to
hie office furniture, for the safety of hie
books in ease of fire.
Mre. Thoe, Ferber •received the rad
news of the death of her brother, G. M.
Maxwell, of Winnipeg.
Neoeegary improvements have been
made in the baeemeot of tbe Baptiet
church. Cement foundations have been
put ender the supports of the, auditorium
and the floors repaired,
Rev. Wm. Lowe and 1168 amiable
partner entertained the members of Mr.
Lowe's Bible clam and the young people
of the congregation at the Rectory on
Friday eveaiug, 10th inst,
Jae. Wilton, T. S., died of congestion
of the lunge in the oity hospital at 8t.`
Joseph, Mieeoari, on January 4th. He
was the fourth son of the late James
Wi son, of Eaet Wawanoeh, and waeborn
in Whitby township in 1860, being forty-
two years old at hie demise.
0 H. Conary, of Guelph, (brother of
John Conary, of Wingbam) and Charles
Mattaini, of Garafraxa, have entered' into
partnership for the manufaoture of
cement sille,tile, etc. They also expect
to make building biooke for houses.
Their headquarters are at Grand Valley.
The young people of the Baptietobnroh
met and organized a Young People's
Society with the following offioare :—
President, Bert Chapman ; Vies P,eei-
dent, Wm. Ramsay ; Reo.-Seo., Richard
Hope; Cor. -Seo., Mise Tena Kelly ;
Presenter, John Selly ; Organist, Mies
Maude Carr. They will hold their meet-
ing every Monday evening.
Geo. Smith and Anauet Breast have
opened their open-air skating rink.
J. A. Mitobell, D. D. G. M., of the In-
dependent Order of Oddlellowe of this
diatriot, has been making hie• official
visite and installing the offioers of the
different lodges in the diatriot during
the poet two weeks.
The following ofiioere have been eleoted
for the ensuing year in oonneotion with
Atwood Council No. 898 of the Canadian
Order of Chosen Friends'; -Chief Omni.
oillor, R. M. Ballantyne; VioeCounoiilor,
Miss 8 E. Coates ; Reo,•Seo., Mre D. A.
Kidd ; Ata. Roo. Sao., Mre. Hudson ;
Treasurer, Dr. Kidd ; Prelate, Mrs. H.
Campbell ; Warden, Mise M. Arnold ;
Guard, Geo. Slump ; Sentry, Mies M.
May ; Marehat, Mier E. Gordon.
The supplementary meetings of the
North Perth Farmers' Institute will be
held at Roetook on Feb. 41b ; Mookton
on Feb. 6111; Atwood on Feb. 6th ; 1M111 -
bank en Feb. 7th ; and Gowanetown on
Feb. 8th. The program for the afternoon
will be as follows :—President Dempsey's
address. Beetle ;mad grain and seeding;
pruning Ibe orchard ; orop . failoree and
how to avoid them, by W. N. Halt, South-
and, Apt, The preparation of poultry for
ibmlo naentrdattioroeiitby11 G. 1r111Cototrebl' , A1
Privata dairy ,butpat making , gam.
era' fruit and vegetable garden, by Miss
Helen AfeAllister, OPeeulry. Evening
eoseton=0halrran'a address ; beautify.
ing the farm, W, N, Hutt, S`oultry pep.
duration for boyo and girls, G, R. Cottrell,
The importange of organization for
farmers' wives and danl:htere, by Mioe
McAllister. Barry Blob, the popu ar
gharaoter oioger, will assist in the pro.
gaam+at the evening meating.
List plan, orct'.,
The firm, of Agar Lb Johnston. has die•'.
solved partnership,
Rev. Mr. Whaley, of 8t, Helens, war
suddenly called to Markham by the seri•
ops illness of hie brother.
The Sone of Scotland .have decided to
celebrate Berne' Anniversary by holding
a bill in the town hall, on Friday evening
Jau, . 24,
ABonnett, of Wiugham, hue opened
up a produce business in the store former•
ly 000upied by Fred. Grundy, in the.
Campbell,blook, Luoknow.
Sunday was missionary day in the
Metbodiot church, Rev. G. 3. Kerr, of
Teeewater, preached both morning and
evening. Rev, Mr. Harris preso11ed nils•
eionary sermons in Teeewater.
At the next meeting of Brune County
Counoil Alexander Campbell, Inspector
for Weep' Bruce, will resign hie position
on account of ill health. Mr. Campbell
hoe held the position for 25 yeare.
The Lucknow enviers intend holding a
grand hooepeil in the village, on Thurs.
day and Friday, January 80th and Met,
to whiob all the curling clubs in the two
counties will be invited to take part.
The prizes will inolude three pairs of
beautiful curling etonee, brooms, &a., and
if the weather is favorable the (mutest will
likely take plaoe on the mill pond.
B'ord. tarsi ola.
J. 8. Niobolle hue disposed of his grog
cry and °rookery basinees to Geo. Ward,
of Selwood, who will take poeeession on
Feb. 6.
The new Presbyterian ohnrob is pro-
gressing rapidly at present and the oar-
pentere expect to finish their work this
week. Mr. Edwards ie following up the
°atpentare ae feet ae possible with the
painting, and it is expected that the work
will be completed by Feb. 7 or 8, and that
the ohureh opening will take plane on
Sunday and Monday, Feb. 9 and 10.
The annual meeting of the Howiok
Agricultural Sooiety was held in the
Township Hall, Gorris, on Wednesday,
lith inst., at 1 p. m. The minutes of the
former meeting were read and approved;
the auditors' report, showing 0 balance of
$85717 on hand, was adopted and the
Secretary's report, showing 101 members,
5867 17 assets, no liabilities, 1016 antrum,
5262 paid as prize money, was also adopt.
ed.' The following offioers were eleoted ;
Pres., J. 11. Johnston • 1st vine, Jae.
Downey; 2nd vice, Win.'Weir ; Directors,
Alex. Robertson, Wm. Dade, W. Evana,
3. A. Strong, J. L. Wilson, Wm. Brown,
J. Holland, J. MoEwen and R. Edgar ;
Asst. Dir., J. A. Patterson, J. G. Lamb-
kin, B. Stafford, Wm. Strong and S.
Vogan; Beo.-Trane., Wm. Watters, The
A rioult r l
g a a grounds were tented to the
President. J. H. Johnston was appoint..
ed' a delegate to the Provincial meeting
in Toronto on Feb. 19 and 20. The semi-
annual meeting will be held in Fordwioh
the last Saturday in Jana.
LA es tow el.
Major Gore and party of British. Army
officers were in town inspecting another
batch of horses for South Africa.
H. Goddard and 0. Sergieon have re-
cently turned ant a nobby milk delivery
Winter outfit for N. Vernon, of Hedge
Bower dairy.
Andrew Kay, chief of pollee, bee been
appointed truant officer for the town, and
will look after all school children who
absent themselves from school.
The officers of Listowel lodge, A. 0.0.
W., presented Mre. Jae, Oeborne with a
clique for 52,000, being the amount of
beneficiary held by her late haeband in
the Workmen order,
Some tart horses are owned in town
and their trainers make a praotind' of
using the streets in exercising them, and
not infrequently in testing their mettle.
In view of the danger of aocidente whioh
this speeding entails, the town authorities
have decided to put a stop to it.
The following appointments were made
by the town Council and salaries ;—Wm.
Bright, Clerk, $160 ; W. E. Binning,
Treasurer, salary, 575 ; Andrew Kay,
oonetable and truant offloer,;ealary, 5850 ;
We duties to be defined by and under &be
directions of the Mayor and Chairman of
Board of Works ; R. McMillan and C.
G. Berger, aoditore, salary $16 each ;
8. J. Stevenson and Thoe. Seaman, fence
You can feel easy
about the health of the
youngster that wears a
pair of our overstock-
ings and rubbers.
Protection from the winter winds and wet vows
secured by a pair of our overstockings and rubbers.
They are closely 'knit of the strongest pure wool
yarn—thebest rubber that can be had.
They are rough weather insurance policies for the
health of the childreli.
They don't cost much, only:--
Obildron's, 95e ; Mieaee', $1,15 ; Women's 51.25.
Also a aloe assortment of Women's Felt shoes and Slippers at lowest prime.
Team and Sinale Harneee at low priests. Robes, Wool and Plush Rage.
Blankets and Rbbee relined and repaired, also Robe Lining for Bale.
Repaire fn Harneee, Shoes and Rubbers done promptly.
Annual llri loll
Stock4aking i l tI
Our Great Annual January Clearing Sale of Remnants, Oddments and Slow
Selling Goods of all kinds. A time when we lose sight of Cost or former rice and the
only thing taken into consideration is our desire to P
make quick disposal of tile.year's
accumulations of Remnants, Oddments and Over -stocks, no matter what the loss may be.
No Remnant Sale heretofore, no Clearing Sale to come can positivelyequal in point of
Bargains this clearing up of all Odds and Ends. You may come tthis Sale eP eating
tto find almost any kind of' goods you need. at / or z regular prices.
Sale Begins Friday,
15 Mantles at $2 Each—
We have about 15 Mantles that were carried over
from last season. These we will make abort work;
of, and no matter what the former price, will give
you your choice 01/ Friday for
A Two Dollar Bill
15 Ladies' Mantles, lines that were oarried over from
last season, all garments that will give good wear,
sold last season at $5 00 to 510 00, with a little
alterations mold be made Tato good Coate for
Children ; every 0110 must be sold by the end of
the month, and you can have your ohoioe on
Friday for, eaoh 5 2 00
8 only Girls' Coate in Navy Blue and Brouzo Green,
bright new goods this season, worth regular 53 50,
to clear e,t 1 76
4 pieoee only 50 inch pore wool Homeepuoe io shades
of Light and Dark Grey and Navy Blue, worth
regular 75e, Bale price 50
3 pieces only Amazon cloth, very suitable for Girls'
Bobool Dream or Costumes, in shades of Fawn,
Navy and Blank, worth regular 45a, Sale price 80
2 pieoee only 45 inch pure wool Coating Serge in Navy
and Blank, very suitable for Ladies' Skirts, now
Belling at 50o, Sale prise
7 only Ladies' Heavy Cloth Capes, in Blank
and Tartan colors, clearing at } ret,u'ar marked
4 pieces Aetraohan Hurl Cloth in Blank, Grey, Car-
dinal and Cream. 54 inobes wide and very
suitable for Children's Coate, worth regular 51.76
Sala pride
5 pieces 25 inoh Union Flannel in Litbt and Dark,
Plain and Twills, worth regular 121o, clearing at 10
10 pieties 3$ inch heavy Flannelette, in Light and
Medium shades, worth regular 90, Sale price
2 webs 72 inch Twilled. Bleaohed Sheeting, regular
value 25e, Clearing price
10 pairs only, size 60x80, Wool Blankets, regular
price 52.50, Sale price 2 00
3 pieces 8/4 Twilled Sheeting, best 30o line, Sale price 22
8 pieces 86 inch Extra Heavy Flannelette, all new
patterns, worth regular 12,>;o, Sale price .......,
5 wehe Fine White English Cambria, 35 inches wide,
now selling at ldo, Sale pride
2 pieces Extra Heavy Feather Tioking, our regular
25o line, Sale price
20 pieoee Printed Wrepperettes, dark colors, regular
prides 12ie and 15o, Sale price to olear
S5 2 dozen Ladies' Tao Kid Gloves, sizes 6i, 8} and 6ii,
Franoh make, with Dome Fasteners, regular
price 51.00, Sale ptioe
1 25
During this Sale we place all our Caperines, Ruffs, Gauntlets and Ladies' Astrachan Jackets on
sale at exactly Cost Prise to clear in order to make room for our Spring Goods.
& Co.
Saw Mills.
I have a good supply of Hemlock logs on
hand. Can out out to snit customers.
Dressed Maple, suitable for granaries,
at $10 per M.
All kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on
hand from $10 per M up.
A large stook of culled Elm and Ash at
57 per M.
Shingles and Lath always on band.
rF'A good farm on 13th don. of Grey for
A contract of 20 sorely of logging to let.
For particulars apply to
viewers; M. Upton and Jae. Vanetooe.
ren. pound keepers ; Dr. Thompson,
Medias! Health officer, salary, $20; J.
W. Scott, High School Trustee ; Rev. A.
P. Moore, director of Publio Library
Board ; Board of Health, the Mayor and
Olerk and J. H. McDonald, S. M. Smith
and W. Hairlike. The chairman of
Board of Works gave notioe that a by.
law would be prepared for next meeting
of Commit to oompel the 02011105 of weeds
and thistles on the etreete during the
Bummer. A bylaw will also be prepared
for next meeting of Council to prohibit
persona from using the streets for drain-
ing privies, etc.
The new Masonic Hall iaabout nom•
Wm. Snell, liveryman, ie eouflned to
his bed with an atta0k of typhoid fever.
J. P. Roes disposed of his store stook
by auction to Jae. Hannon, jr., of Shipka,
receiving 40e on the dollar.
Jos. Oobblediok purchased the brick in
Oreditoa for the new cottage to be erect-
ed in oonoeotion with the cemetery.
The annual meeting of the Preebyterian
church was held on Tuesday of lost week.
The meeting was one of the beet in the
history of the congregation and the at.
teodanoe was large. The total amount
of money raised for the reeblar eohemee
of the 000gregation was $1859 00, being
the highest, $256.00 of this amount eras
given to missions and charity.
Word has been received here of the
sudden death of Thoe. Ward, St. Thome,
a former resident of Exeter, but who left
here many yeare apo and would be re-
membered only by the older residents.
A deepatob from that city epeaking 6f hie
death Bays : Thomas Ward, foreman of
the Michigan Central Railroad shops, and
one of the oldest and beet known residents
of the city, dropped dead suddenly thio
evening. Mr. Ward had Suet returned
from work and watt °Elting on the lounge
reading hie newspaper, when be feil bank
and expired wxtbout the slightest warn-
ing. He wee in hie 67th year. Robert
D, Batelle, the 'aetl.kuown National
League bane ball umpire, is a eon in law
of deceased.
This January
!J y
Cls aria S�1is a Creat
1��,; Success.islammumemimEmmamiwRigsmisimismismswesmam
The selling is great because the Bargains are Real.
As fast as piles sell down we're "culling oat" more
extras to fill up the Special Price Tables.
If Ever you had
a Bargain in
Dress Goods, Furs,
Und erwear, Hosiery,
Blankets, Boots,
Shoes and Rubbers.
Now is
Your Time
—A snap in Men's Pea Jackets and Read y -made Suits.
—All Boys' Suits and Overcoats at Sweeping Reductions.
—A few Fur Coats at Clearing Prices.
ilton c l urn : ull
X Gut Saws
and Axes.
• 4Z1 Saws .Fitted zap Beady
for Use.
Prices yGoo .
Quality Right and
g d
Wilton & Turnbull