The Brussels Post, 1902-1-23, Page 4Flu tnostil 3 at. TI:TURSD.41'$ JAN, 23o 1902- gentlite Province Leglelatere, will meet on Febrelary 13th for the diepetah of business, It le said the seseion will be [Mort one. Tine Prohibition party of Manitoba is afterrPremier Roblin aud Iiia amworkere in the Provinoltel Government With a ahem stialc and it looke quite a bit Re if there will be a bot time before the next election aonteet le over. The referendum le net 'reeked upon by the temperance people of e very popular MOVO. ONSINO to the deoestee of Hon, Mr. Dobell, a bye eleotion will be held in Qaebeo West, the nomination taking place on Wednesday next and polling e. week later. North Oxford bye -election will take plains chrome day, unless on Mr. Sutherland, who hos been gazetted a minister se stunessor to Hon. Mr. Dobell, ie sleeted by acclamation, which be Neely will, Tan Oonnty Treasurer of Essex 0o. is in trouble over a shortage in hie Root:nate and hie sureties have been invited to "Clough up" the minus amount. It ie said the shrinkage is not in the past year but has been overlooked by tbe auditors of other years, and here comes in the tem eon as to the necessity of competent men to examine the bookie accounts, bank depoeits, &o., rather than the haphazard style oftentimes adopted. It is not nn. likely that before many yeare expert ao. countants will be coiled upon to do this work something after the order of the Provinoial Auditor. IT looks as if the sugar f eatery basinese in Ontario was likely to be badly over- done, judging by the number of charters applied for and taking the neoessary aoreage for the onitivation of the beet into the Bonnet. There is probably money in the business but an institution requiring eo much capital ie not likely to blOse0M and bear fruit in every Conuty and ae a consequence we have no doubt that some of the charters are nob worth the paper they are printed on and some of the provisional directors will not be as meet ae sugar when they they really find out toot their money was invested in a balloon scheme. We are p'eeeed to notice that action is likely to be taken to superannuate judges who by reason of increasing yeare and physical disability are no longer competent to diet:barge the duties of the high and important °Moe to which they were call. ed. This is right and in the intereate of justice ae well as the comfort of both wit. /mans and couustal and ehould have been done years ago. When a Jac* becomes aa deaf ae Et peat or as oroahety as he can be made it is about time the authorities should aek for hie retirement when he don't take in the situation and drop out to make room for better men. Legal timber is not en short 0 crap that the present state of affairs should be permit- ted to oontinoe. ONTARIO, the bawler Province, of the banner colony of Great Britain, shows a o mills on the past year of 0447,000 and jeet now has web balances in Various batiks totalling over one and a half million dollar& It is certainly to the oradit of the Government, eo long in power, that ae the years have rolled by the finances have been so well managed that the most critioal opponent is unable eo aseault the position of the administra- tion with any hope of impeaching their integrity or proving anything of a corrupt expenditure of public fund% This ie reoord highly oreditable to Hon. Mr.Ross' government and likewise speaks well for the moral toue of the Provinee. We notice that the annual grist of notices of proposed amendments to Muni- cipal Statutes are to the front. It ie not mull wonder that ordinary people are often mystelied in understanding the law and that there is mole a divergence of opinion by Judges and lawyers as the constant alteration makes It next to im- possible to (dearly understand what the statutes really mean. Members of Par- liament appear to think they are not doing their duty fluting they trot in their little Bill and thereby aid in the muddy. ing of what to already donee enough, It would be a great kindness to the eleotorate at latge if thie yearly tinkering with the low were abated and people had a little chance given them tolled out what was within the omens of the Statutes before some veiee more swooped down and drop pad out a few, linee and added 10 pages to increase the probability of eompleting the puzzle existing before the alteration. A neo step in advance is being made by the Grand Trunk Beltway in the deolaion to doable traok the road from Montreal to Cbioago. Con- siderable of the distance le already in operation and business will be faoilitated, ranning time out down and aooidente next to impoeeible, as far as collisions 0.18 000. amend, when the work is completed, With the priae of steel rails standing what it is and the itoreneed and itiODSRE, Ing value of ties and labor the cattle), will be a big eve bat 11 poselbly income putting out 01 and raking in 410 oe 010, a spat:deo investment very few oapitaliete world eleieet to, Kallreed arenlanneletion lo inttirlIaly Mere ooalferhtlele, ie net WWI. 000, Iberia euerter o 0. oentury ego but some lints oon:d eaoily have a better eervicel than that now provided and the W. G. ch 13le in the nember, We ehould have a morning train from the poet Sea evening train from tile Northweet, and then we would be receiving teething but our 31144 rights ae our hemmer° were paid for railway feetilitiee that would faoilitate and not teke 2 days to makeo 20 mile trip, IN a world where timber out of whittle to make hood husbands ie eo plentiful it would hardly be noggin poeeible to have an inoidant like the following mut end yet the Detroit Evening News givee a de tailed account of a "wierd" wedding mire. moray which oinurred in that °it), the other evening, "Mrs. Sarah Willianle was united in marriage to Theeeore Corn. shook, an inhabitant of the spirit lancl. The trumpet voice which claimed to (tome* from Comstock said he was a Miobigan miher when he inhabited this earth, He reoeised many rebuffe in his courtship of Mre. Williams, but his peraietenee was rewarded sad culminated in the marriage on Deo. N. Neither the bride nor the gueute uoold see the groom, but the medi. um said be was three, and the blushing bride in her nuptial raiment seemed satiefied to accept the statement." We have read eases where after marriage the lady had no 8011000 objection to her hubby becoming an angel and even was ready to give him a 'garnet" toward this happy estate, but really Mee. Williams ehould not have been eo easily oaught, Maybe her former experience however, taught her a lesson but we hope the young ladies of this oouotry will continue to marry the poor fellows whose feet are on terra firma and they may find in these strang. ere angels unawares. We euppose the happy bride will have no soaks to darn nor boiled shirts to do up which will be a happy relief, nor will ber spirit hubby track nand in ou her (dean flaor. DISTRICT ORANGE LODGES. 509 GREY DISTRICT. Grey District, L. 0. L., elected their °Mince at Brussels oe Tuesday of laet week. All the officers of last year were rem'eated as follows :—Wm. Smith, W. D. M. ; J. Hamilton D. D. M. ; S. T. Plum, Chap.; J. dorrison, R. 13.; T. Oakley, Treas.; el. H. Moore, D. 010. ; J. Mooney and B. Gerry, Auditors. MoRRIs DISTRICT. Morrie Distriot L. 0. L., elected their officers at a meeting held in Blyth ou Tuesday evening, 14th inst. :—R. "aisle man, W. D. M. ; John Wilford, D. D. M. ; Mex. Leishman, R. S. ; Robt. Molter - ray, F. S. ; Richard MoCommiu, Tree.; Samuel Barr, Obap. ; Alex Bruce, D. of 0. f R. McCrea, Geo. Tainan, Lecturers. The next regular meeting will be held in Blyth. An invitation was received from the Goderioh lodge to meet there next 12th of Jetty but no deaision was come to. ELEA DISTRIOT. There was a large attendance at the annual meeting of Elma District L. 0, L, held on Tuesday 14th iest., in the Orauge hall, Listowel. Officers were re elected as follows :—R, Wilson, Carthage, District Master ; Oy. (loans, Trow- bridge, Deputy Maeter ; Benj. Faulkner, 13ritton, Chaplain ; E. Glenn, Carthage, Recording Seoretary Benj. Johneton, Oartbage, Finanoial Secretary ; S. S. Rothwell, Britton, Treasurer ; T. J. Sproule, Britton, Director of Ceremonies ; Wm. Hill and Wm.Vbite, Lecturers. TURNBERRY DISTRICT, The Loyal Orange Distriot Lodge for Turnberry held their annual meeting in the Orange Hall, Wingham, on Tues. day afternoon of last week. The beelines transacted was chiefly routine, and was followed by the election of officers the following were elected :—D, M., J.J. Mo. Mamie ; D. D. 51.' J. Casemore ; Rec.- See., E. Jobe ston ; Fi n.• Sea., T. Stem.1; Treae.,T. Abraham •, Chaplain, W. H. Stewart; Dio. of 0., 0. Barber. It was decided that the next annual meeting should be held in Wingham, and also to autotimer to tenure the services of Grand Organizer Duff. Hemel( DISTRICT. Howiok District L. O. Association met in the Omega Hall, Gerrie, on the 14th inst' and was very largely attended, al. mostevery lodge in the District being repreeented, It was decided to hold the 12th of July oelebration in Gerrie this year. The following efficient were then sleeted :—D. M., M. Dane ; D. D. M., R. Bride ; D. Chap., L. Spann ; D. R. 8., R. Carson •, D. F. S. Jno. Harper ; D. Treas., J. Fellis ; D. D. of C., J. 'Mee vey ; bootie, J. Donaghy, John Dane. Thos. A. Duff, of Toronto, wae present and delivered a very stirring addrees to the meeting. GODERICH DISTRICT. The annual meeting of Goderiah Die- triat Loyal Orange Lodge wee held in the hell of L 0. L., 145, on Tuesday of last week. There were about fifty MOM. bets in attendance, and the meeting was one of the meet harmonioue, sueoeseful and enthusiastic ever held in the district. The lodge disowned the proposed 121b of July reunion in Goderieh, and decided unanimously to tarn out in full force to the County meeting at Exeter and Blame port the proposition. 1,, 0. M. Todd aondnoted the striation and installation of offieers, wbioh reeulted as follows :—W. D. M., R. Y. Oex ; D. M., Matthew nem peed ; Chaplain, John Woode'11. S., 0, Manama F. fie Thoe. Bell ; Treasurer, X H. Elliott ; D. of 0., E. J. Hlliott; Leeturer, Jae. Wells ; D. L,, A, Millian, BLADE PRTMESTORT. The following efecere have been elected by Bolton Royal Bleak Preeeptorv, No 807, Blyth e—Worthy pekoe/nor, Sir Xt, L. Nothery ; deputy preemptor, Sir Xt, G. Snell ; chaplain, Sir Kt. John Mo. Gill ; registrar, Sir XL W. H. McElroy ; 1J 3J,V JL t). • Leaflet:8r, Sir XI, Tilt/1DM Miller ,` eett. Wrote, Sir lets, J, T. Lee and et, Maine 1 oeueore, BirJOle. 4. lietebnlao and David NeCtItelmon ; etanderd bearer, Sir Mee Wrn. Loire AIM jarnee Xernegben ; pee. euiVellti Sir Xt, W. UMW ; Sir Rte, S. T. Plent, JOhlt Sherati Illettbew &pee, D. I/tumble, E. Brune., 400, 1I. Morrison and B. eleedurray, On Friday the mutual meeting of Jab!. lee Preoepeory, Aleph Knights ef Irelend, Vilte held in the Hall, Clinton, whop the following ofiners WON elected for the eurreut term'le.eaeptor, Jehn ficarlett, Learibury ; Deputy, William Kinney, Winthrop ; Register, Pater °antler), (Milton ; Treasurer, Thoe, /lemma, Olin. ton ; /enterers, David Barr, Sunateerbill, John Out ard, Winthrop ; Oensors'A.1. bort Andereen anti William Ford, Olin ton ; Standard Bearers, J. Le Campbell and Samuel R humus, Winthrep ; Chap. lain, James Connolly, Porter's /fill ; Purtetivegt, Anthony Nevie, Ceetralia. Broad Sootch Version. CE,NSIDER THE MIMS. 81. Luke xii., 27 20—Tent ee weel the lilies, hoo they spring ; they neither toil nor spin ; and yet t ray t'ye, No tden Solomon, i' the height o' hie glorie, wee brewee buekit ljlue anis o' three. Noe, gin the toggage (whilk grows the day e the park, end is anisten intil the oven the morn), God sae brawlie busks, boo miokle matt' you, 78 0' emee faith ? And beena ye aye eeekhs' eltir what ye are to eat ; and what ye are to drink ; naitner amen in a swither. For after a' thee thinge the natione o' the world div seek •, but YereFaither kens ye need hae them things. THE BOATITUDES, St. Matthew v., 3.12—Happy the epirite that are town and oannie ; for the king. dour o' Heeven is waltici' for them I Happy the lowly and meek o' the yirth ; for the yirth see be their ain hadden. Happy they whim hunger and dronth are a for holiness ; for they sal beetegh'd. Happy the pitifu' ; for they fail win pilie theireals I Happy the pore-heartit ; for their een sal dwell upon God 1 Happy the =avers np o' strife; for they eat be month for bairns' o' God. Happy the ill treatit tune for the sake o' gode ; for they'Re hae the kluge= o' God 1 Happy eal ye be when folk eel rnisoa' ye, and ill treat ye. and say a' thiuge again ye wrangenelie for my sake I Joy ye, and be blythe 1 for yer meed is great in heaven I for e'en sae did they till the prophets afore ye I Tun zone's PRAYER. Elt. Matthew, vi., 9.18—And sae pray ye : "Faither o' us a', biding &boon 1 Thy name be holie 1 "Lee tby reign begin 1 Lal thy wall be dune, baith in Yirth sod Heaven 1 • eGie no 1114444y Our 0001110' Wale 'Anti fargie 110 Pot' 111 deed, as We 1)r4 ie thee who, (114 to 111 ; 4`An4 let Ile no he eiftit ; but eave us free the 111.4ne I For the (noon 18 thine ain, and the might awl the glory, for eeir and evir. Amen," eT 0400 On 1,000, 0. ceeloalene, elle, 4.8—Love thole teng ; le eind 404 eaepie ; love WM Emilie, love vaentena itcel ; ions. Anne 001.ftie Domeana itset dieoreetly ; eevienut her Sin ; Mee gien to 441e Pete nee Jry genes, joesue ower wrpg bet aleng wi' truth le hlythe. Tholes ee thiuge, lippone a' things, drees a' things', Love bides aye. But gin than be fore. Winne, they eel be endit ; gin thar be tangues they sal oease ; gid there he lear, it eel dyeing awa. SMALLPDX IN ONTARIO. et OEM of smallpox wee discovered Sum day on a Canada Atlantic Railway oottob at Madawaska. The man came :rote Buokrnan'e Mills, Another ottee was placed in quarantine at Seek Ste, Marie. Whig case mune from a raining camp, at Goulaie Bay, The expense ef quarantin. lug and keeping patients of tliie nature are °barged to the companiee who permit their eeoepe, a regulation which hag been in foroe sum loeb Mete aud which Dr. Bryce reports, bite effected greal, things in preventing the spreed of the disease. Nine new eases were reported Monday from Cambridge township, Rased' rooms. ty • the iufeotion came from Booths' Mills, Hull. Two cues are reported from Humming township. Halton. 'Our great satiefaotione Geld 01.. Bryce Monday, 'ia the feat that although out. side points are °ageing us plenty of trou• ble, we have been able to prevent the epread of the disease within our own boundaries to a large extent. A striking illustrfttion of the way email - pox spreads is furnished in the outbreak at Peterboro, It appears a bundle of clothing was sent from Ottawa to Peter - bore to be dyed. There was smallpox at the °spite!, and soon after handling the parcel in the dyers' °face, Miss Frieze contractee the disease, not baying been vaccinated. Then William Joyce devel. oped the dieeitee from Emma teethes which had been handled by Miss Frieze. The mao was moved to the Nicholls Hoepital, Peterboro, and later ton tent, where he was completely isolated. Botb woes have been quarantined, and all the people whd received parcels from the dyer'e offices vaeoinatede Joseph Brey was aceidentally shot and fatally wounded by a companion et In. nerkip. Premier Roblin and several members of the Blanitubil Legielature are making a tour of inspection of the Canadian Northern Railway. JAN. 23 1002 nary Dre»ner, of Lin wc rei,e0nlinitted eelekte ity banging, , Heater tertedet a Member of the Board at )42caaainaaa Of tha Darr Ekinfoolatiou of the Provlooe ef (ermine, bee reeigned Ids 1 peeltionc 01 10 alleged that after two etneente bad eeeetved their qeeetione Getulat wentout elf the roue end PM Mired the 'mowers, .whiela he gave them. REAL ESTATE. 1:11ARMS FOR SALE—TRE UN. nimmonsin has eovorat good Fareey eele e.nd to 1801, 0009 terms, in Townships of Morels and Qrsy, F 5, 80015'11,leresse1s RARNIFOB SALD,$l000.00 win buy Lot Me 201n the 111th %mime. stem of the iliownship of Grey, oontaining 04 Sorel There fp about 16 armee WORT Of titn• bee. Who red in bush. For further inter- ntatiOn 110P17 be G. F.131aIT, FlOnottor, Bros; sole, ET,OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -a. in Bruton*. Bligibly situated, acre of limn, stable, well, °oiler and other 0011. Venieuees, For price and terms apply to 10188041011. Oranbrook P. G., or Tem Poo Fe Wishing Howse. Brunelle. 10.11 A, SACRIFICE IN REAL ES— TAse16.—$8000 00 will Duly the Malan. gbey Wools lu the village of Bromide. These two &fedoras must be sole to rinse out the McCaughey Estate. intending purchasers should investigate at once, Apply to P. 8, BOOM, or(11,01, BLAIR Brussele Ont rilARM FOR BALD. $8,000 e- will Inv Lot 10, Con. 3, Grey, good house, barn, orehani, &o, Possession given cm March 6. • 01 001 sold will be rented. A1- 09100 10680 on 1211a con„ Logan, for sale, good buildings, whieh will also be sold at a bargain. For further particulars write or apply to ORAS, QI/EltBROBSSER, Brod. huen 0. G„ Out. 27.4 • McLEOD'S System nenovator —AND 024108— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For'Impare, Weak and Iinpoveriehed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita. tion of the Heart,Liver. (1ocoplaint,Neur. might, Loos of Memory, Brouebitia, Con- sumption, Gall Stone% Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Donee, Female Irregularities 'and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODER1CH, ONT. J. M. MoLROD, - Prop. and Manufaotrirer. Solid by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels C1 a ing ale WE will offer for the next 30 Days our ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS at Remark- ably Low Prices in order to make room fpr our 'Shipments of Spring Goods which arrive Next Month. Below is a -Sample of the many Bargains to be found in. our Stock, Men's and routb.s' Ray-mao Clothing Regular $5.00 and $5.25 Suits, Sale price $4 00 Regular 5.75 Regular 6.50, 6.75, 7.00 " Regular 7.50 8.00 " Regular 8.50 9.00 " Regular 10.00 Regular 12 00 1( Regular 15.00 (1 4 25 5 00 6 00 7 00 .8 00 9 50 12 00 Ordered. Clothing Departm.ent $14 00 Tweed Suits made to order $12 00 15 00 - " " 32 50 16 00 cc 18 00 " 20 00 11 22 00 " CC C 13 75 • 14 50 16 00 17 50 Underwear Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular $0 50 quality for 65 75 1 00 1 25 1 60 CI 91 IC CC $0 40 60 55 75 90 1 00 Furs Persian Lamb Gaps, regular $4, $5, $6.50, $7, $7 50 and $8 quality at $3, $4, $5.25, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50. Manitoba Beaver Caps, regular $2.25, $250, $2.75 and $8.00, Sale Price $1.50, $1.75, $2,00 and $2.25. Only 8 Fur Ooats left which we will sell a,t a Bargain. s TERMS STRICTLY CASH DURING SALE. E.C. 77: is. UN ORD SON Tailors, Clothiers & Furnishers. EXTENDED! in our Opening Sale we have met with gratifying success, and we have decided that until, JANUARY 11, 1902, We will continue to offer geode at Slaughter Prints to give all a obanee of securing fume of the her. gable we have to Chliw. The following are a few of our Speoial Bargains in DISHES DINNER SETS—Regolar 07.00 to 06 00 for $5.50 to $7.26. TEA. SETS—Reinder 412.75 to $8 00 for 0288 to 06.50. BED ROODI SETS—Reg, 01 85 to $6 00 for 01.85 to 05,10 FANOY DISHES of all kinds. GLASSWARE, Eto., Eta. We are enlarging and improving our stook by the beet and most up -to date goods we loan preeure, and are prepared to initiaty one customers in all lines. W. H. HUMPHRIES & SON, W A T_II10 1\T . ece..2emsamere...M111821igif0VMMIPetIMINerefeelneajer Cutters ! Cutters A lot of new Cutters now ready for delivery. Another lot will be ready in a few days. If you want a Cutter call early and get a pick from our fine new stock. Sleighs are now being manufactured of all sizes. We can supply your wants 130 matter what they are in this line. Some good Second 'Hand Buggies and Carts will be sold out very cheap. Balance of new Buggies at Oost to clear out. Ewan & Co. "Wal\TrrMlzt Cri.A.MMS AT THE POST URSINE. Upper Ten, Authors, Shuftlette, • Lacrosse, Home Tennis, Whirlpool, Snaps, Crokinole, Over the Garden Wall, Peter Coddle's Trip to New York, Checker Boards Ictc Svc •/ • be Cleared Out at Cut Prices, See our Boy's liand-sleigh, it is Sure tglease ' McKinnon's °A8" CV I 870Ra, P 131-1-YrI11-1.. II ' 4 G ' t St k k" rea oo -Ta pig Sale 1 . „ P. ;1 .P100 week we oommenee stook.taking and we sant our stook down ee M the lowest point before that tittle, We iviO make the following eery tt rgreat redactions in prieee Ode week be pleaout Whiter, Goode t 41 Men'e flee Week mud blue bleak 13e0.0e1 Overeeitte, lined with good '..- ;tallith Oath, velvet alar, fly front, regular prior/ 06 60, 07.50 and 09, e iorr, $4.96, 06,08 and 56.85,—Boys' Frieee illeterp, high eterm wear, le 41 e worth 58 76, for 52 75 —Men's Frieze Uletero, high storm mailer, veortie 1; 06, for 08 00,—Men's heavy Frieze Vetere, tweed lining, interlined with rubber, high (item collftrens werm as any fur ooategood value at $10, p • Boo price, 06 05.—Men's Tweed Snite, lined with the best ferrner's main, well made and trimmed, worth $6, sale priori 54 45%-e13oyte Suits, in all ' sines at wholesale prices during this great eate.-21eu'e Wallaby Fur ) °meta, 1050 01 price $18, for us 60 —Mania Oat, Beer Ooate, will elect e' great wear, vegalar prices 018, for 010,0 —Melee Coon 00018, beet quality, 4,, well furled, worth 245, for 087.50.—Men's heavy Duels Jeekete, lined ‘ iwith tweed add interlined with rubber, regelarr, prioe lie, for 08.95,— 4, e Illenei Duck Jaokete, lined with eubbar, 21,95.—Meole heavy Lumber, I. mune Rubbers, enrrigated edgee, high out, will wear late iron,.rale price ir 01 50,--00en'a heavy Sex to weer with rabbere, at. 400, 50i and 75o. t, -- I. ‘,7, GROUFIttE4 22 les. beet Grenuleted Seger for 01.-4 lbs. Cur. "• rants (new frull) for 25e.-4 lbs. New ItSidrie for e, 11 Me—Choice New Figs, very special, 4.3.—Quaker Brand Corn, Peas • and Tomatoes, 3 aans for 25o,—The aelebreted Kiji Japan Tea, worth Pc 80e, for 25o. EXTENDED! in our Opening Sale we have met with gratifying success, and we have decided that until, JANUARY 11, 1902, We will continue to offer geode at Slaughter Prints to give all a obanee of securing fume of the her. gable we have to Chliw. The following are a few of our Speoial Bargains in DISHES DINNER SETS—Regolar 07.00 to 06 00 for $5.50 to $7.26. TEA. SETS—Reinder 412.75 to $8 00 for 0288 to 06.50. BED ROODI SETS—Reg, 01 85 to $6 00 for 01.85 to 05,10 FANOY DISHES of all kinds. GLASSWARE, Eto., Eta. We are enlarging and improving our stook by the beet and most up -to date goods we loan preeure, and are prepared to initiaty one customers in all lines. W. H. HUMPHRIES & SON, W A T_II10 1\T . ece..2emsamere...M111821igif0VMMIPetIMINerefeelneajer Cutters ! Cutters A lot of new Cutters now ready for delivery. Another lot will be ready in a few days. If you want a Cutter call early and get a pick from our fine new stock. Sleighs are now being manufactured of all sizes. We can supply your wants 130 matter what they are in this line. Some good Second 'Hand Buggies and Carts will be sold out very cheap. Balance of new Buggies at Oost to clear out. Ewan & Co. "Wal\TrrMlzt Cri.A.MMS AT THE POST URSINE. Upper Ten, Authors, Shuftlette, • Lacrosse, Home Tennis, Whirlpool, Snaps, Crokinole, Over the Garden Wall, Peter Coddle's Trip to New York, Checker Boards Ictc Svc •/ • be Cleared Out at Cut Prices, See our Boy's liand-sleigh, it is Sure tglease