The Brussels Post, 1902-1-16, Page 8B,BI' IRON ..AND. WINE 'A prompt flrl l efficient Remedy in all cases of; General Debility . and Exhaustion audio unex- celled ae a Restorative for Convalescents.. Price $100 a bottle. Aloffi!zers FOR SPRAYING' . . T]3P TR OAT, Do not neglect a Sore Throat but come to Iursley's Drug Store and buy an Atomizer and a bottle of Spraying Liquid. This will also protect you from Diph- theria, P. B. Hursley & Co.,. DRUGGISTS, AND SUCCESSORS TO L. It. ILtitVEY, BOOKSELLERS, BRUSSELS oar, GRAM® TRUNK RAILWAY. 900TaaON ExxxesioN W. 0. & n, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, asfollows : GOING SOUTH GOING RoaTm, Express 7:18.a.m l Mail 2:10 p.m Mixed ......... 2:48 a.m,l Express 8:17 p.m Tort Ildas Slams. A ohiel'e amang ye Makin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. HonsE Fair Thursday, Feb. 6. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this week. Ba0ssELs Salt Works sent out another oar of salt this week. ADVERTISEMENTI in Tam POST bring good results as'a rale. W. J. MO0RAOEEN is the leasee of the town scales for 1902 at $160, BARRISTER W. M. Seem= is the new Chairman of the School Board. W. H. Mo0RA0xee is loading a oar of potatoes for shipment this week. LARGE quantities of cedar fence posts are being hauled to Seaforth just now. A COUPLE of looal legal suite are mooted and may make their appearance shortly. MESSRS BAERER & VANSTONE forwarded a car of baled hay daring the past week. Some youths are beading toward trouble if snow-ballingon the Mainstreet is not stopped. W. JEWITT shipped a oar of hogs to Palmerston on Monday, paying $6.50 per cwt. Taos. NEWSOME is away at D. Cooper's, 91h oon., Grey, getting out timber for barn extension. A out of granite, marble, &o., has az. rived this week for Messrs, Cochrane & Johnston's Marble Works. THE Pon was awarded the printing for Morrie township for 1902 by the Commit which met last Monday. A LOAD of nitro-glycerine was in town on Mondayen route from Petrolea to Formosa, Bruce Co,, where it is used in "shooting" oil walla. Tam town snow plow, manipulated by Jno. Lott, did good service last Sunday morning in opening np the sidewalks after Saturday's storm. AT a meeting of Grey Branoh Agl. Society Directors, on Wednesday after- noon, W. H. Kerr was re•eleated Seore- tary-Treasnrer of the Society for the doming year. IN P. Henderson's the New York Beads- man, catalogue for 1902, there is a good portrait of 3. G. Skene, Brussels, entrench. ed behind an exhibit of Ponderosa To. matoee of whittle he is a grower bard to beat. LADIES' purse lost on Wednesday in Brunelle containing a $5 gold piece, small change and receipts for goods pnrobaeed, name of owner on the latter, The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at once at THE POST. Teta Rom is in receipt of "The Nuc- leolus," a magazine published by the stu- dents, of the Saginaw Valley Medical College, Miobigan. Our young friend, S. L. Oaldbiok, is Bnsinees Manager. He is a medical student at Saginaw. DIED.—We are very sorry to bear that Arto, second son of Dr. and Mre. G. L. Bali, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, died on Wednesday atter a brief but severe illneca. The funeral will take plane in Wingham on Friday morning. The bereaved will share in the sincere sympathy of many old friends in this locality. Oven 100 reserved seats have already been taken for the M000abee Charity Concert to be held in Brussels Town Hall on Friday evening of this week. Pro- gram will embrace vooal and instrumental mneio,recitations, dialogues, readings and drills. Admission fee is only 150. for adults and 10o. for children. seats may be reserved at the former figure. Bats ORDER.—The Chatham Planet of last Saturday con twined the following item referring to H. Dennis, a former well- known Brasselite :—Baokae & Dennis, harness makers, have been awarded a 000traet for fifty-two setts of line har- ness for the M. Campbell Fanning Mill 0o., for ebipment to New Zealand. This le the largest export order ever given to a looal harness eetabliebmenb, that will doubtless be filled to the entire satisfac- tion of the firm. Weans or Creenn,—From Manitoba a snbeorrber writes :—"Tae Pose Is a wel- come letter to each of us every week." To remitting subscription from Van Anda, B. 0., a former resident of this locality says :—"I get THE POST about 8 days from the time ib leaves Braeeele eo its weloome news be not old by any means when it resolute me. We are having our Winter season of rain juet now bat not at all gold, the thermometer registering about 40 to 46 above zero. So we are not treozing,' From Htgb Bluff, Man., another remarks :—"Ib is very doe to get Tag Post out here as it gives a person the news of home, Enclosed Sed $1 for renewal." A Cadillac subsoriber writes —"Enoloeed End $1 for Tug Poem, this will pay for oar 2131b year. We wouldn't itoma visitor do without as t is a weitl B Or i every weak," Froin Wbiteobureh "Find $1 renewal for 1902. We welcome Ton PoeT M a weekly visitor;" A. 0. DAME$ shipped a oar of oattle Friday of last week, SATURDAY was the first real blaffy W iutry day of this season, Geo. Base shipped a oar of hogs, a oar of sheep and a car of cattle this week. BEATTIE BROS. have purchased - a gray driving horse from Philip Ament at a good figure. EAST Huron Fall Fair will be held at Brussels on Thursday and Friday, Oot, 2nd and 3rd, 1902. THE G, T,R. pay train with Paymaster G. W. Alexander in °barge was up this line on Tuesday evening, Sanas may be reserved for Friday even- ing's Concert without extra °barge by porobasing a 150 ticket in advanoe. A Loeb of young people drove to Wing - ham oo Thursday evening of last week and spent the evening on the skating rink. EAST Huron Farmers' Institute will hold its annual meeting in Brussels Town Hall Wednesday afternoon and evening of next week. All will be welcome, A VERY neat label for salt barrels need by R. & J. Raneford rete Brussels out all right andae it ehoold be. The Banefords are "All right" as well ae the salt and the labels. A LARGE number of promising colts are being handled in Brussels and looality this Winter and next year will see quite an improvement in baggy and oarriage horses. MESSRS. FORTUNE, Mardis and Little- john have been reappointed License Commissioners for East Riding of Huron, and D. D, Wilson, P. Douglas and H. Doyle for South Laron. ANNEAL meeting of. Brussels Driving Park Association will be held on Friday, 31st inst., at the American Hotel, at 8 o'clock, to receive the annual report, elect officers and attend to any other business. TAX COLLECTOR HALLIDAY has been granted a short extension with bis roll with the understanding that all balances dee mast be in hand by that date, so as to return roll to the Treasurer for the Auditors. THE Insurance 0o. bas settled with Dr. Graham for the loss to hie store front by the fire in A. Sbrachan's store window. Plate glass will likely be planed in the Ring street window ae well ae the front wbicb will make quite an improvement. DON'T forget the oonoert in the Town Hall Friday evening of tbie week, pro. oeede to go to the Siok Obildrens' Hos- pital and the Free Consumptive Hospital. Concert is under the anspioes of the L. 0. T. M. The object is a worthy One. BRUesnLe Public Library contains over 2,500 books, the best procurable, and all of them at the oali of any ratepayer, the only expense being a few cents for a catalogue and library oard. Parente ehould take advantage of the Library and thereby aid in the education of their families. Tan Wingham Times of last week eaye —Fire Rau.—About 3.10 o'olook on Mon- day the clang of the fire bell brought a crowd to the street, and a run for the firemen to W. F. Vaaetoae's house on John street. It is creditable to the are men that they were ready for the water in about five minutes. It was 'just a chimney. EVERYBODY wonders how the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, secured the rigbt to pnblisb that remark. able story, "The Mao From Glengarry," written by Rev. 0. W. Gordon, of Winnt. peg, under the nome de plume of Ralph Connor. It is easily the best artery of day, and it is said thousands of new sub- scribers are flocking to the Family Her- ald and Weekly Star, so ae to be in time for the first ehaptere, on January 29.h. Family Herald eubeoribere are certainly in for a big treat. Their three pictures-- the ictures—the King, the Queen, and the beautiful "Donbass of Devonebire"—are alone con• eidered by many to be worth a five -dollar bill, .yet one dollar pays for the whole out - EAST Hugon FARMERS' INSTITUTE.— Meetings of the Emit Huron Farmers' Institute for the disousaion of Agricul- tural and kindred enbjeots, will be held as undernoted, At Gerrie on the Rat January, 1902, the afternoon session at 1.30 p. m. :—Ohairman's address ; G. 0. Canton, Oraigburet, "The importance of succulent food in the feed ing of live stook"; J. E. Meyer, Eoeeth, "How I built my silo" ; Mre. Campbell, Goderiob, "House- bold economies." Evening session at 7.30 p m.:—Ohairman'8 address ; G. 0. Ogston, "The Agricultural College and the education of the Farmer" { J. E. Meyer, "Keeping poultry for profit on the farm" • Mrs. Campbell, "Horne In. fluenoe." ltlnsioat program. —At Rrneaele, on the 22nd of January, 1902, the afternoon neaten at 1.80 p. m. : —Chairman's addrese ; G. E. Oaston, "Problems of the Soil" • J. E. Meyer, "How Ibuilt my silo" • Mrs. Campbell, , "Aims and object° of Womane' Inetitutes." Evening Session at 7 80 p. m, •—Obair- man's address ; G. 0. Gaston, "The Land we live in" ; 3. E. Meyer, "Keeping Poultry for profit on the farm" ; afro. Campbell, "Bread and Breadmaking." Musical program. All are oordially in. vibed to attend these meetings and take an intelligent part in the dieooseions On the remarks made by the speakers, that the information imparted may be olearly anderetood and duly impressed for nature use, Thee. MoMillan is President, end Geo, Hood, Secretary. .0AC7fi3 iIiiIi6 MINIM 8Raao,.--3r. Sherrington le eapeobr4 to (Rive en addreea on Wednesday afber- s noon node et the DUO Hugo Fernier* Inetitute, Weenie, on the Segar beet, 'nig lea live subjeot and every termer will no doubt be anxious to hear what Mr. Sherrington has to 007 on the gaaatiou, New anoere were metalled In °port Prinoees Alexandria, No. 24, 0. 0. Brtte>iele, on Tuesday evenil{' b} pro,. Oen. Rogers, In addition to Mt' already published, N. F, Gerry will be organist apd musical director. A program of vpgal and instrumental music, epeeehea, &o„ (the latter wee supplied by the 0, R )' was rendered after the installation, The list of of1osrS was published two weeks ago, 001T, -Last Sunday evening the stern Messenger called for the spirit of Prndepoe Maxwell, relict of the late John Mooney. Deceased had been poorly daring the past Sommer but a great many were surprised to hear of her death. Mrs. Mooney was born in Ireland on Oot. 8th, 1830, and came to Canada when quite young, looat' ing at Smith's, Fettle, She was united to her late husband in June, 1860, by Rev, Mr, Huntington, her sister Sarah being Mr. Mooney's first wife, ,the marriage ceremony being performed in )e0. 1840, The family resided in Amaranth town- ship, Grey 0o., for some time, moving to Brussels in 1879 atter a year's stay at Blytb, Mr. Mooney died in July, 1880, aged 64 veare. Four daughters were born by the first marriage, two of wbom sur- vive. In the seeond family there were four children, the tbree sons being Goa. don, William and Henry, of Brussels. The only daughter, Emma, passed away in 1883, aged 28 yearn. Increasing years, aided by dropsy, was the oaaee of Mra. Mooney's decease. She was ooneoioue to the last and passed away attended by the members df her family. Thefuneral took piece on Tuesday afternoon from the reeidenoe of Wm. Mooney, Frederick street, Itev. Jno, Holmes oonduobing an impressive eervioe. Pall bearers were Jno. Mooney, brobher•in-law to deceased, Geo. Cardiff, Jno. Wynn, Jas. Gibson, 8. T. Plum and 8. Crawford. Interment was made in the family plot alongside of husband and daughter. Business Locals. MONEY to loan On farm seoerity. Apply at THE POST. CEDAR fenoe posts for sale. Apply at THE POST Publishing House. Fos cheap millinery go to the Mieeee Habkirk. Everything down, BRUesara Pune Worms —Saw gumming a epeeialty. Satiefaotion guaranteed. F, Aerate, Mill street. Bus bargains in robes and sleigh belle to Clear out stook. JNO. DbNALDsON, Harness maker, Brussels. WANTED.—Cboioe ljp11 Batter 18 gents. No. 3.. Mink or Fox skips 63.50. Our slaughter sale of Dress Goode during Jan. awry and February ie worth coming miles to see. G. E. KING, Wingham. Saw Farago —The undersigned is pre- pared to attend to all saw filing in a workmanlike manner, after long exper- ieooe. Satisfaction guaranteed. Haan WILLIAas, , Livery Barn, Brussels. CiIU1f011 CHUB S. Maitland Presbytery next Tuesday at Wingham. Regular service in the R. 0. Church, Brussels, neat Sabbath morning. Evangelistic services bave been in pro - grass in the Methodist Oberon this week and will be nootinned next week. Melvil's Sabbath Sobool contributed about $15 to the Siok Obildrene' Hospi- tal by their collection last Sunday. The Catholics of 8t. Angaetine intend erecting a fine 'oburoh daring the ap proaohing Summer. It is to be of gear- ried atone and will coat about $8,000. Rev. W. MoDonagh, of Stratford, is expeoted to he here next week for a few days and will meeiet in the revival sea vioea being held in the Methodist ohuroh. Rev. W. McDonagh, of Stratford, will preach anniversary sermons in the Metbo diet Chnroh, Brunets, on Jan. 26th, and will lecture on Monday evening following on "Ireland and the Irish." Keep the date in mind. Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., gave an addrese on the Life and Work of the late Dr. Robertson and also called np the names of other worthy Presbyterian divines who have gone to their rsward. Rev. Mr. Holmes spoke in the Metho- dist aharoh last Sabbath morning on "The Balling Oall of the Obaroh." It was taken up after the manner of a Bible reading. Evening subject was "Temptas tions and bow to meet them." The Century Fund Committee of the Methodist Obureb bas decided to print the names of eubeoribere to the fund in the memorial volume in alphabetical order. The subscriber of a dollar, there. fere, may take preoedenoe of that of $20,000, if bis name is first alphabetically, Books will close on March 1. Next week a speoial aeries of eervioee will he held in Melville Church, to oom- menee at 7 45 when the list of subjects will be as follows "A Solemn Qom tion," Monday, Jan. 20 ; "A Loving Ap• peal,' Tuesday, Jan. 21; "A Momentone Decision," Thnreday, Jan. 23 ; "A Happy Oondition," Friday, Jan. 24. Communion services will be held in Melville Ohuroh as undermentioned :— Preparatory Servide, Saturday, Jan. 25, at 2.30. Observance of the Lord's Sop. per, Sabbath, Jan. 26, at 11 a. m. Even- ing Service, Sabbath, Jan. 26, at 7. Thanksgiving Servide, Monday, Jan. 27, at 7 3 p. m. Annual Meeting of Congre• gatioe, Monday, Jan. 27, at 8 p. m. Guelph Daily Herald of Jan. 11 says of a former Brneselite :—In the program for the Peel County 8. S. Teachers' oonven• Mont to be held Jan. 23 and 24, at Ingle• wood, the name of Mies J. M. Roes, of this city, appears to teach the S. 8, lemon of Jan. 26, to a primary Claes in the presence of the 8. S. teaobere of the °ennty and also to oceduot a roared table oonferenoe on primary methods. The annual Sunday Sobool sleigh ride and entertainment in connection with St. John's (thumb was held on Friday even. ing of levet week, when an interesting pro. gram was given. Some of the pnpile were struck in the faoe by some namable. voce boys on the street while sleigh: riding and were slightly injured. There wag some talk of making an effort to aeoertain who the offenders were sods tobave `them pnniebed. Merry/me BAIIMATn SttlhooL.-•-• At the annual meeting of Melvillo Sabbath Sobool the following r>ffioers and teaohere were elected for the current year:—lion. Superintend' nt, Rev. Jno. Rose, B, A.; Superintendent, 0. P. Blair ; Aest, Sepia, ,J'. II. Cameron ; SeuretaryTreasurer, L, Ht r o B. Danford , L b arians, W. J. Omni and Bees Beattie ; Organic*, Mira Jennie Hableirk; Teaoltors, A. Aa. McKay, G. F. Blair, 'lura, J. Kerr, arise Aaoliaht, Miee Lizpie Roes, T. A. aliewkina, D. 0. Rees, J. H. Cameron, Mare. R. S. Roes, are, Cameron, Mies Stewart, Mre, 'A. Mo.. Quire, Itfise Edith MOLauohlin, Miss Jen. ale Habkirk, G. A, Deadman, Miee jean Purina, Mies Lizzie Moore, A. D, Grant and Mee Mary Roes, People We Know. D. O. Roes took a business Grip to Toronto on Wednesday, glean Alive and Nellie Campbell are home from London on a plait.. Mian Annie Beattie, of Toronto, is vie. iting relatives and friends in town. A. Conley wan on the eiok list for a few days with something like la grippe. lilies Fannie (Hogg was visiting' Mre. A. E. Treleaven at Dgngennon last week. Miss Lizzie Bird has been on the siok list for the past week. We hope she will soon be better. Miss Ethel Creighton ie fn town from Grand Valley. She will.go to Hamilton for a visit after a Sojourn here. W. Richardson, vice President of the proposed sugar factory at Walkerton, was is Braeeele this week appointing agents to omnvae the farmers as to beet growing, T. MoGilliouddy, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, was recently presented with a silver mounted umbrella by the Bible olase in College street Baptist Sabbath school. Mre. D. MoNanghton,' Princess street, bas been on the sink list this week but we hope she will be speedily restored to good. health, David and Mre. Hendereon, of Mani- toba, are the gussets of Mre, George Me. Millan, the latter is Mr. MoMillen's sister. Counoihor N. F. Gerry was on the eiok list for a few days last week but is OOPS. more behind the 000nter in bis hardware store. Mrs. Edward Garvin's health isnot by any means ae good as her friends would like itto be, and we hope ebe will soon take a obange for the better. B Cochrane was away to New Bruns- wick and Vermont last week on a parokae- ing boar in connection with their Marble Works at Brussels and Wingham. H. and Mre. Ball, of Wingham, and Mr. Oothers, of Smith's Falls, a brother of Mrs. Ball's, have been visiting in Brunets and vicinity during the past week. Will. Brydgee, of Goderiob, formerly of Brussels, hue gone to Rook Island, Ill., to take a course which will qualify him for the position of Y. M. 0. A. pbyeioal director. R. H. Holmes, barrister, Toronto, brother to Dr. Holmes, of. Brussels, and sou of Thos. Holmes, Wingham, was a candidate for aldermanio honors in Ward 6, Toronto, James Broad foot, of Antogonieb, Nova Scotia, is here on a visit with relatives and friends. He ie a eon of Jno. Broad• foot and was a former resident of both Morris and Brussels, and is now engaged in the hotel business. Membere of the 33rd regiment will be interested in the announcement that Capt. 0..1. A, Cnnningbam Dunlop, late adjutant of the regiment, is going to Beath Africa. He is enlisting as a pri- vate in the Contingent now being eeot from Canada. Jas. Blemmon, Poeque, N. W. T., ar- rived here last week and will holiday for a few months with relatives- and old friends. Itis 10 years siode Mr. Stem - mon was here but time baa dealt very kindly with him es be looks very little older than when be removed from Grey township. Mre. 8. Slemmon, of Brus- sels, is hie mother. He bad 5,000 bushels of wheat tbie past harvest and is well satisfied with life in the West, GOVERNMENT WINS. IN 9 BYE -ELECTIONS THE LIBERALS WIN 7 SEATS.. On Wednesday of this week there were nine bye election contests for the Com• mons and the results are reported as fol- lows Lmnars. West York Campbell, maj. 118 " Durham Beith Kingston Hmrty " 758 Laval Wilson " 22 St. James 'Brunet " 884 West Queen's .,,Farquharson " 487 L'Islet Oaron " 1 Total, 7. 0oxennvATivzs. West Hastings Porter " 496 Addington Avery " 890 Total, 2. 21. Farmers' Institutes. According to the report of George 0. Oreelman, Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes in Ontario, the attendenoe at the various institute meetings held lest Winter totalled 181,658. There were 780 meetings and 8,202 papers read. The membership in June, 1901, was 20.887, compered with 18,258 in Deoember, 1900. Moat of the institutes seem to be in good Snanolal condition, only 7 of them show- ing a balance due to the treasurer. The report contains a fall list ofthe meetings of the currant campaign, with epeakeheand subjects. 'There are 96 in. etitutee and 740 meetings will be held, The section on Women's Institutes shows that 88 of these have been organiz- ed with a membership of 1,602 and °total attendance at meetings this year of 6,300 women, a pronounced growth for the year. The ohjeot of the Women's Department is set forth- as follows : In towoe and cillos fora number of years the women bave had an easier time than their sisters in the oountry. Anything bbat would tend to lighten the labor or of household dutiee has been introduced. Their kitchens have been supplied with running water, and separate rooms for bathing have - beoome the general rale. Every kitohen has a good range and plenty of light graniteware utensils. Furnaces and hot water boilers bane been found more economical than the old stoves and no one will deny that they carry with them added eornfort. On the oontrary, very few of the 0t7nntry bonne are furnished In this way, and we believe it is not BO mach the lack of means ae a lack of knowledge of the way to go about mew. JM , 10 1;902 STT4XD4,Z ,11 JUNK' . OF 04X/I -04, o✓ m'P,Ea,s,S.zwz3ZR 64'70. REAP QFPIOE - •TORONTO CAPITAL pan) HP (Ona 911100a Doilare) REST $11,000,000 $750,000 Agonatas to all loriNcdpal Male in Ontario, Qee ,neo Afanitoya, United Staten re.S,nplaqd. A Gonoral Banking Bnsiueae Transeoted, Farmers' Notes Dismounted. Drafts Issued and Collootione made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards and uomponnded half yearly, Senora ATTENTION GIVEN TO'P1i1 COMMOTION OP FARMER& SALE NOTES, Every futility' afforded Onetomere living et adietanoe. M„,1 payable at any bank farmed Under 510.,.. 8e, $20 to 500,,,,12o Mousy al Ur„,„, at the following rabee;— $10 to$20,.„10o, 80 to; 40., ..140 F. H, GRAY, ACTINO AVANT. savonnoosananessmenvs ing them. Tbroogh the Wemen'; Theta tptee these matters may be thoroughly dieoaesed as well as many other sabjeots connected with women's life and work. CaramaxL,, In Braeeele, on Jan, -4th, to Mr. and Mre. A, Oumpbell, a daugh- ter. OUaasa.—In East Wawanoeb, Jan. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Corrie, a eon. DEAooiL_--In Eaet Wawanoeh, Jan. 8, to Mr. and Mre. 8. Deetoon, a daugh- ter. ELLrowr.—In Tnrnberry, Jan. 4, to Mr. and Mre. Jno. Elliott, a daughter. NEenxT.—In Morrie, on January 8th, to Mr. and Mre..RobertNesbit, a dangle. ter. Pzazznw.—In Morris, on Deoember 81st, to Mr. and Mre. John Piokelt, a daughter. anal .zmv- BorT—PrANT On Jan. 8, at Listowel, Mr. Howard Bolt, to Mise Addie Plant, daughter of Mr. Wm. Plant, all of Howiok. H00000—Wn1One. At Jamestown, on Jan. let, by Rev. R. 8. G. Anderson, Mr. Welter noggins, of Manistigne, Miob., to Mise Rebecca Wright. JOHNSTON—MARTIN.—Ou New Year's day, at nage, Man , Mr. Bert. Johueton, hardware merchant of that place, to Mies Kate Martin, daughter of Mr. David Martin, of Wroxeter. =man_ Mo0NEY. In Brussels, on Jan. 12th, Prudenoe Maxwell, reliot of the late John Mooney, aged 71. years, 3 months and 4 days. LAmraw.—At Bacot, Man., on Jan. 4, Maggie mnnroe, beloved wife of Wm. G. Laidlaw, and eister•in.law to Mre. Geo. Jaoksou, of Morrie, aged 20 years. .' 'CTIOST TnuRsDAY, JAN. 28.— Ferro stook, 'im plements, new boggier, wagons and cotters, at lot 23, con. 7, Grey. Bale unreserved, at •12 o'clock, noon. John Cober, proprietor ; P. B. Scott, ado, TZ : A..r 0 ='X'1o, Pall When t,..µ, 74 Barley . ... , 48 ' Peva...................76 Oats .. 38 Butter, tubs and rolls ., 15 ltlgge per rinzen 16 Flow per cwt. . 4 00 Potatoes (per bas.) 26 Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 Hay per ton . 0 00 Sheep Orilla, each ,26 Lamb skins °mob25 Salt per bit., retail 1 00 Hideo trimmed 6 Hides. rough 5 Hoge, Live 6 86 Wool 18 50 76 16 17 6 00 28 8 00 7 00 25 80 70 6a '6 6 60 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN.. li ARM LABORER WANTED, either married or single. Engage- mentby the year. Must be steady. Good wages will be paid. Apply ab TSB POST. ARM FOR SALE. — $8,000 will buy Lot 12, - Con. 9, Grey, good. house, barn, orchard, dm, Possession given on March 6. If not sold will be rented. Al- so 100 acres on 12th eon., -Logan, for sale, good buildings, which wilalso be sold at a bargain. For farther particulars write or apply to CHAS. QUERENGE69ER, Broil began P. 0., Ont. 27.4 Huron -County Council The January seemon of the Council of the Oorporatton of the County of Buren will be held in the Connell Chamber ' in the Town of Oodericb, commencing at 9 o'clockp m„ on Tuesday, the 38th inst. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderiob Jan.18, 1092. ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Brnesola Drive ing cera,, the he Aeaooiaton for e r elootion of a ii. receiving of the report of the Dir.. ecborefor the plat year and such other bud - ,118R13 as may be lawfully brought before the meetie l beeHeld at tbeAmsrioan Hotel Friday ridayday evening, January 81st, 5902, at 8 o'olook, F, S. 10077, Secretary, BLUE RASS CONDITION POP1f 3' D R WD orse , Qattic, Sheep & II0 "S,r It forms an excellent appetizer, producing a fine, glossy coat and a good, general condition. For- mula on each package, We war- rant it to be pure. Large pack- age 25c. at ' Fox's Drug Store fOMPORTABLE, WELL ..,,�V lighted and ooavenientrooms to let in the Leckie block over G. A. Deadman's and Mrs. Rogers' stores. Apply to F..8.SCOTT, KJTX YOUNG SCOTCH SHORT Horn Balls for eale,lrom 9 to 20 months old, - filet, uow0 in calf to imported "Hod Duke” and a few beifore. " D. M1124111, Etbel. l'IOUR SHORT ]BORN Y O NG .L Bulls for sale, all registered. One is 2 years old and the others average from 8 to 12 months, JAS, 5710720, Lot 88, Don, 8, Morels, Brussels P. 0. 2641 STRAYED ON THE PREM. Imre of the undersigned, Lot 28, Con, 4, Grey, 2 ewes and.2 lambs. The owner is requested to prove property, pay experwes and take them away, M. MONIOSOL, 26.4 Ethe1.P,0, C+TRAYED ON THE PREM- 17 ISDS of the undersigned, Lob 80, Coo. 6, Grey... January 12th, a clipped broncho, Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses 854 take it away. 273 D. MoDONALD,Ethel?. O. COLT FOIL SALE.—A GOOD Horse Colt, will be 1 year old on Feb. sbh. Sired by Scott & Warwick's "Costum- er,' dam. bred from old ."Clear Rrib." Will be sold chsap. Apply to ALEX, 1307011AN AN,17111 Con. Grey, Walton?. 0. 25.8 $15 00 to $18.00 a Week salary for an intelligent mall or woman in each town,Permanent position.80 cents per hour for spare.. time. Mqunfeeturer, Box 78, Philadelphia. - 10. NOTICE. To the Public of the Village of Braesele : As the amalt•nox is found to be in various parte of the errantry (not in the village) 1t is necessary that all persona who have not been vaccinated should be wlbheut delay. RICHARD PAUL, Chairman of the Board of Health. STRICTLY ONE PRICE war THE LOWEST. nnual StockTaking Our Great Annual January Clearing Sale of Remnants, Oddments and Slow Selling Goods of all kinds. A. time when we lose sight of Cost or former price, and the only thing taken into consideration is our desire to make quick disposal of the year's accumulations of Remnants, Oddments and Over -stocks, no matter what the loss may be. No Remi ant Sale heretofore, no Clearing Sale to come can positively equal in point of Bargains this clearing up of all Odds and Ends. You may -come to this Sale expecting to find almost any kind of goods you need at / or regular prices. Sale Begins Friday, Jan. 17 v 15 Mantles at $2 Each— We have about 16 Mantles that .were carried over from last season. These we will matte abort work of, and no matter what the former price, will give yon your choke on Friday for A Two Dollar Bill 16 Ladies' Mantles, lines that were parried over from last Beason; allgarments that will give goodwear, sold last season at $6 00 to $10.00, with a little alterations could be made into good Coats for Children ; every -one must be sold by the end of the month, and you Pan have your ahoioe 0n Friday for, each $ 2 00 8 only Girle' Coate in Navy Blue and Brooz"e Green, bright new goods thie Beason, worth regular $8.50, to clear at 4 pieces only 66 inch pate wool Homespans in ebades of Ligbt and Dark Grey and Nevy Blue, worth regular 76o, sale price ....... r 4 pieces Astrachan earl Cloth in Black, Grey, Car- dinal and Cream, 54 inobee wide and very suitable for Children's Coats, wortb regular $1.75 Sale price 5 pieces' 26 inob 'Union Flannel in Light and Dark, Plain and Twills, worth regular 128o, clearing at 10 pieoos 38 inob heavy Flannelette, ill Light and . Medium shades, worth regular 90, Sale price7 2 webs 72 inob Twilled Bleaobed Sheeting, regular value 25o, Clearing price ' 20 10 pairs only, size 60x80, Wool Blankets, rapier pries $2.60, Sale prise 2 00 8 pieces 9/4 Twilled Sheeting, best 80o line, Sale price 22 1 76 8 pieoos 36 inob Extra Heavy Flannelette, all new .patterns, worth. regular 1280, Sale prior. 5 webs Fine White Eoglieh Cambric, 85 inobes wide, 50 noweslliug at 10o, Sale pricy 1 26 10 3 pieces only Amazon Cloth, very suitable for Girls' School Dreesee or Costumes, in shades of Fawn, Navy and Blaok, worth regular 45o, Bale price 80 2 pines only 46 inch pure wool Coating Serge in Nervy and Black, very suitable for Ladiee' Bkirte, now Belling at 50o, Sale prion .7 only Ladies' Heavy Cloth Gapes, in Bleak and Tartan colors, °Learing ata regnlar.marked Prim 2 pieces Extra Heavy Feather Tioking, our regular 25o line, Sale priori 20 pieoee Printed Wrapperettee, dark oolore, regular prime12io and 15o, Sale priori to clear....•..,,. 36 2 dozen Ladies' Tan Sid Gloves, sizes 6j, 6o and 65, Frenob make with Dome Fasteners, regular price 51.00, Bale Price 7 20 10 60 During this Sale we place all our. Caperines, Ruffs, Gauntlets and Ladies' Astrachan 3ackets on sale at exactly Cost Price to clear in order to make room for our Spring Goods. J. FERGUSON & Co,