The Brussels Post, 1902-1-16, Page 6,
21'0.7 R8 Ajr23 C0,2114314217
Tao OoMpletion of the liteitacio
Railroadj tho latest achievomont th
the •wora of developing tropioal Af
riga, Extol, flMg erom Mombasa, on
the Indian Ocean to Port 'Norma.
on the northeast collet of Victoria
Nymiza., these 582 lam of tract
brim; the ligartla Proteotorate,in
habitod by 4,000,000 people, within
two or, three days of the sea, One -
Smyth of tho inhablthata are
And( the the nuist intelligent and ad -
'trauma nativos in trOPleal Africa.
'noir feudal form of govertunent, the
aingship vo.etod in ono family froni
the daye of Queen Elizatoth, the
powerful nOblos at the hood of the
vnrioue departments of Statothe
50tel1igui.!0 of teo people, the den -
Silty oit populatIch and tho fertility of
the 8011, arc described In the most
interosting chapters of Spoke and
Stnotey. SIP Marry Johnston, late-
ly th:itish Spooled Commissioner in
the Uganda Protectorate, calls the
Waganda "the Japanese of Africa"
and Says they are not only capable
of a high state of civilization, but
Ln a fair way to acquire it.
In spite of the civil woes, clue in
par1 to the erforto of King Aiming&
to uproot European influence after It
had won tho support. of more than
half of his people, and also to the
unfortunate eontlictri between the
Catholic and Protestent native
Christiane, the country on the
We Find Better Underrate 'Than
Overrate Ourselves.
1.0,8 yom ono ehowowo Niue awe ' ' •
havo for the battleanee of ever,-
ototevea ocourcuov to not at iiiii mamma 'it
Owe teal taw, la mut ai timbal l'amite, iit ticiorn and agnostoelsra aro aimed
aio nominee; et touici,tera. Ointwo.,1 . at, yo et. home Blowy possible onoirt
A despatch. from Thishington eays 1 will be made to make you think
Rev, Dr. Tainlagn Preached from thcawroug, alut young man who go11.
following text t-1, latoge xx., 11, hie head filled with young notions
"Let aut hau that ghetto:1i on his har- about God, about Christ, 'about
the motel, about tho groat beyond, le
already captured.
the latehet well adjusted under
the ohla. Think 011411, and you
will clot right. Yos, breastplate ,for
the heart, That is the most im-
portant part to be defoncled. That
docidee what you lovo and wbat you
hate, what you hope for and what
you despise. That decidos earthly
happiness and oternal destiny, lamp
the Motet pure, and the the will be
puro. Have the boort corrupt, and
your actions will be corrupt. Olt,
that all of Ms might have a new
heart covered with u. divinoly
wrought breo.stplatul Yes, grooves
for tho feet. $o many clangorous
roads are Ivo compelled to walk,
nose boast himself as ho that puttoth
it MI.."
Harnese is the obsolete word for
armor. it means harness for the
man, not 111110080 far the beast; har-
ness for tho battle, not Norms for
the plow. '17110 ancient armor coo-
sisted of belinet for the bead, breast-
plato 111(1(1111for the boort,
grooves for the foot. The toot mattes
a comparison
inbetwoon a man pnlist-
g for somwar
e and a 'Morn r
'Moran ('8 -
the one putting on the ar-
mor onil the other putting it on.
Bonhadad, tho king of Syria,
thought he could easily overcome tho
Iciog of Israel. Indeod, the ayrian
was so sure of the victory that he
spreacl an antebellum benimet. With
thirty-two kings bo was colobrai lug
what they wore going. to do. ere
wore lo an thirty-three kleigs at the So many venni(' Tread on sharp
carousal, and their condition is do- Prongs of tomPtation and go lalou
scribed in the Bible, not as convivial and lintidela all the rest of limir
or stimulated exaltation, but drunk, days, Iron moiled shoo for the foot.
Thoir gilded and bunnerod pavilions We hold Our broath In horror as
went surrounded by high mottled. once In a worlo. too hear of somo
neiabira ono champing ono ono, eltlus0 by accident or suielde, go -
hit, had to churlote such as kings ing °vat Niagara gaits, but, the tides
rodin. Dmiluidad sends officers over tile depths, the awful surges of in-
to Lao king of Israel demanding the temperance aro every hour of every
o • o oi ouatin tale
northeth and wostorn shoroto of Vic- suru
render of the clty, saying, r m ,
toria Nyanza has made reenarkatelo eholt doliver me thy silver and thy down intol"' ahonied S'Il'-
progress since the barbarous days gold owl thy wives ati nthy 111111(1-ll111111(1-cides by thuenhutealrette or .t.shG
ona afterward vends othor call- Suicides by the motion. Ile:IsvaurAedsoir
of King Mtesa. Maly of the people *Xi!'"
seo and write. mast ar them are „irchsenSerelleiVe"; Place al the lii"g the o"P out of which isenlmclad drank
personal and national demolitionl
at feast nominally Christians, they hadad wanats che4wnillevtacn17thIng 11' I'll-
OUIL ThYotrao, you must. have full armor.
have built church edifices tant hold "king' Then t he king acTsra'vell.L e tot:notations to an Impure
a ,r cl word in emit life alialt.he tom multiplying and 101-
1)11C1 to Beth ,dad that hie unreason- tensifying. Bowl to private and
d will br. reolsted. Teen discussed: afterward by the rofinod
2,000 persons, they read ihoir own
nowspopers clod some of the chairs
8111.1 Ilse the typewriter in their business. lionhadad Km& ealther message to and elegant in minors aro books,
Their progress is attributed by Sir tho king of Israel. a message full of poisoned from lid to lid with iin-
salron7.11c%,eanu.dinbrcrsitirdoo, practically purities. lames characters in the the goidea ball has kcipt 111...
y. Quito n1111 (Eph. vi,6; Itorn,xiv, 18). This
acceptable to Cod and approved of Y, o
is still in use on the.Waterlorcl and
Harry Johnstin largely to the ef- y you utter- novel applauded by rhotorical pens .creasine as the cam lido b
forts of the roissionariee ard to the ly. will grind Soniaria into th0 and proprieties of life caricatured as ansuspeCtod, 1116 no'd g
Christian conflict And tilt) day 'tattoo
YOO retorted lt in oortlity farowell and
hoavenly salutation, Wad tea mt.,
which hoe SO much meaniag for 1.18
now, will have more meaning for OS
then -"Let not that gledolti cm
his bernose 'Moat himsolf ati he that
mittOth It OM"
The Secret of Its Accumulation is
a 1,/ystery. .
Despite the roma. national deficit,
oviciences of Frontal wealth ,and pros-
perity' aro so manliest that' one is
ormetrained to ask whenco they
mom. Tne poblic fortuno of Vrance
is estimated at tho enormons total
of £0,880,000a100. The riolies of
England. are °artily explained by her
eoutateree, but, Prance has no such
protensiona, yet 111 thirty years tho
Preach potion paid oif the enorinous
tierman indemnity, supPorted Om ter-
rible Panama drain, conquered Mad-
agascar and Tonkin, organised thom
as colonies, floatod successive Rus-
eian loans, lent gold to England, and
is ready for onothor itossam
the last was subscribed seven L(10118
80 soon as the thrifty Id, de Witte
thinks Russian !Interims need a stimu-
lus of French gold. ' Moreover,
France is apparently actually ready
1.0 guarantee a large, part of tho
Chinose inchannity. 1,0011011 gold is
ecoklug invostment in every clIrec-
tam; thero Is plenty of It every-
tvliere, so much, lo fact, that many
fortiign eyes are turned upon it, with
'maxima Mill° the secret of its ac-
cumulation is a mystery to many.
As a elite foreignera lo seeking the
principal nources of Frouch woolth
fail to look iu the right direction.
The fortune of tho country in the un-
known France, the "France of the
Francais" ( not in tho Nationalist
party's sense), in -that Plana: Where many tamed away and loved this LIVOS 10 ((10
a 'foreigner rarely penetrates-tho peasant world or sought pre-eminctire that are regularly ongaged ' in the
France Jealously Oozed to the out- in the church instead of honoriug Passenger service, of any of the first-
class 111108, The American engineer
does not even preLenci to build 18
locomotive to 'stay.' "
Porting inquiry revoated tho fact
that the ''No. 1" allUded to above
acing woe& of aueree wiedOen (HOM ODD ENGLISIT ENGINES.
17r I Dor. 1,7; 11, a), and ae
tho oord of cloa le cieOloroct tint Veen. OnaAt41105tAdikvogiav1167, Teart
ettrit of Coe toupee. Uniese Coo
""hS "44111' 4' 18 4`4°11114"'"PI The famous "No, 1" Great, North.
°on II 48. P11111 eV: to31 iat0t; 91'3' ts113'111's L0114141 Itt)11:11 tgy a: 1. °1;i1TO , "4'1'41 n eiS :171 1"rt01:110:7701:1:140 Yi:48
f0110 volitional mile, It Was Wilt In
110 deUbt, One of 1110 "greator On exprose passonger wool, says the
'(Vg01.11(8141" XpliviV11411;214),t)hillIt (1,1314e(Y1 ,p8P1.°01'41:1 LoIn'idir4nMlnigkIllY11101:041 Lfacts ver in hle
their sincerity by (motioning stood- ngnd a Daily Mall ropreeentative
lastly In the dot:trine, tellOW811111 was led to reflect that, aftor al,
and in prayur (John vii), 811. Title poohaps there might be sonlething
woo a gonuino wi:11•11. Of the Iloly good La leo Said for the much -abused
Spirit, a work of 000 in the mane British locomotive and he sot out 011
Of ;the Lord Josue, and through ono to voyago of Investigation which ono
of tho woakost of ootabon vosselet brood, first 'of all, tho Company'o
'Moro was nothing of man in it. Ttio locomotive works at laing's Cr055.
wondors -and Moos svoi,Li "4110 Lord -Oh, yos," replied tho superinten-
working with thoot and 0011dr/1110g (10)11, anSWer .to a query, "we hove
Um Word with Signs following" a number of ongnms, of this class
(Mark ova 20), The groat resurrolo running over .our system. 'Hauling
Lion chaliter conchtdoe with the oo- passenger trains? certainly, and co-
bortation to bo "steadfast, unolov- eellent time they keop. Amore:an to-
ablo, always abounding In tho wore comotives?, Wo don't trust our Pas -
of the Lord" (1. Col'. XV,' 56), and 11 stinger, tritins to thein. Wo loop them
is our privilege to say With Jolla, for 'minerals' anti similar work.
"Truly our fellowship is with 1110 flood engines? .Well, they may hot
feather and His Son Jesus Christ"' We really haven't been lunnIog them
(I, John, I, 8), "Po tient continu- long enough. to form a decided opiM
name in well doing" (limn. i), 7) ie 1011."
a very good sunuoary of the boliov- The editor of tbO Locomotive Mag-
er's aetily life, azino was more explicit, '"alie Belt -
44, 45. "And all that believed ish-built engine," he said, "litce the
wore togetbor and had all thinip Ilritish-built bridte and the 13rit1she
common. In this first gathering of constructed permanent way, is de -
the redeemed from among' Lao -Jews signed to stay. There are plority of
out of all nations (verse fi) the enginee running to -day oh, British
Spirit seems to have so fully con rallways-aye, ma1 on coal:Mental
trolled thom that tboy Manifested the ones, 100, --that were constructod 20,
spirit of their Lord mod Master in so 80, 40 and even more-yoars ago. and
loving each other that they countod which still perfectly reliable in
nothing their own, but wrought and every way.
livel 'that they might have to give "Alherican builders can show 110 -
to him that neudeth (Eiph. iv, 28), thing, evon remotely akin to ado.
'The leaven. always suggestivo of Tha 'life' of a Yankao 'loco' may bo
evil, (Lev. mail, 18, 17), soon began as short as ton years. It would cer-
to work ancl to appear, and all thinly be considered aged at 15. And
sought their own, not the things I should imagine that there are not
which are Jornis moist's, And above a Gomm of 20 -year-old locomo-
• d Stales
eider; the Cream which contains the Christ ea pre-ominont in all thinos
bone and the sinew of (hp 11111.i011 a.s (Phil. 11, 21; II. Tim. a 15; iv, 10;
\volt as Its gold -whore wealth is me Joan 0:
slowly agotimulated, carefully hoard- Col. e. 18).
od, and sorrily invested, when not
kopt In the woollen stocklog, that
faithful banker so popular with shoe
ple-minded French people. Handed.
clown from generation to generation,
46. "Oo»tinuing daily with one ea -
cord." Whether in the temple or at
home, there WEIS truo fellowship' and is not the oldest locornotive running
gladnoss rind singleness of heart, Paasenger trains in Great Britain.
They wero servants or Christ indeed, 'rills honor is claimed for am engine
doing the will or God from Um hart,boilt by Messes. Bury. Curtis & iSen-
" 845 which
was not their manner of life one day Tramoae Railway, m the southeast
of Ireland.
Tho railway on which it runs is al-
most as reinarimble in Its way ea 111e
engine, ft is only seven and a-quar-
enlightened ideos of the .tlatiao chiefs dust, but there will not, be chist prudery and Mtidelity of leehavior of the bourgeoiis lcssttlie"aVo. dowoltf in the week only but every day by
who have given their hearty co- 00011911m
to aize a bowlful for each put 0, t In way to excite sympathy wealth
o .
y tpro!ips," 'Piton tho Icing of and half approval. My wonder is
operation. So grpri
eat progress has 1 , lied to Boffin:dor!, preett- not that so many go '
astray buy my
been mono nowhere oleo in tropical catty saying .: "Let me sco you do worclor is that ten time'san many
Africa. But Uganda includes only what V011 Hay. I are not debauched. There are Milo -
one -sixth ot Llle protectorate, whale YOU ROYAL BRACCIART, I ences at work, which, if unarrested,
pastpaaaa cr. our cities into Sodoins and
extends from Lake Rudolf to the ytAL might better havo
aTilo and from 300 mUes north of the ;voter banquet until after toe tattle, os?rn oreiSs, reader for God'stheMtn and
instead of sonmoin," it, beiore the "Ic and uri-mst°" ot
equator to sixty miles south of it, boa to, goo 'huzzo. 'too soon. Let ti°11*
Yes, you must have full armor for
lio rapid advancement is to be ex- no1. Itha that, ginieth on his harnoss
thero are all the tomptations to
pected outside of Uganda prolate, rie boost himself as he that puttoth it,
Nilotic negroes havo, tiros far, 91..0111 °FL" i.h. gambling
An avolaricho ot courage and oither halts
no encouragement to missionary el- rio.liteoesness, the ficruolitish army or in the tummy market bur
fort. St is Uganda that, for years came down on Pouthartad awl las ing whoat they *never paid ior ancl.
tO come, will mop the moon benefits host. It was a Lund to band tight. Fulling what they can niever deliver,
- -.1 Isrreiite hewing down. a Syrian. first borrowing what they cannot
of.the steam and amino ceramuntea- Penh:Wad, on hortiehaeU, gots away return, and stealing what they can- N hued of the r sin, the sin of re -
tions now established with the l381 with 5011,0 Of Dia cavolry, hut is not borrow. All boars of the day jocting thriet. Comparo the cry of
of 1129 worldonly sov,.4 from a Svoroo &mat, in and al1 hours of tho night aro vast own and of tho jailer in chaptors
_ which 1001,,)00 Syrian throntry 1801'e 81/1115 of money passing fraudulently,- ie, 8; iota 30, when they, toch were
staugatorod In 0110 day. Now we ,see for gambling Ni 0,11 08805 15 '{'Z'aad. 1 couviaccd of sin. 1 his is thce work
flu, sarcasm and tho .opigromutotio whether it be a twenty-five pent Holy Spliit, as the laud
. • I of the
'Though tito country le a Britieh
of ti;o nioesege ot my teat prizo pacanon or a (wash in North -1 J. caws said, "When He H
e is come, . e
possession. the trate), up tos 181,1 by the los-thiI'm" •ng of Israet a a
to , a
• mbit- ern Paellie, which niatie Lombard oi 1 coneiuce the world of sin, Le-
timo, has been largely ia tam hands door, Lot "tot him 1,a 1. girdeih Od street and the bourseaglmst and 1 eaue they Imam not on Me"
hsPihmoainosboost 111015011 us hthat
11001' tho nationsewith financial(Joh 1 N1.1. .8, 0). l
'eter in he p
putt Kit 21 ft. earthqualm. of t le pia , eP
I 1111'l mmorragoznot 111 thio .Ji, yea, Yol ned e harness 011, 1110 0911 I etoe, had preached Christ
aa. os' foe the aeval Who have 90) until God tells you to take it Mt I (echo 3031] il, les.. xvi and ex. It
13 -AN, 19.
Text of the Lesson, Acts ii, 37-
47. Golden Text, Acts
ii., 47.
27. "Men and brethren what shall
we do ?" This woe too cry of those
oho, having 11,0.011 tho gospel preach-
ed Ly 1 mor, were 317 tha Spirit con -
of Gorman firruS because the porter-
age system to the 103)11 through Ger-
rnon East Motet -A. hi.; loan 11111(11'
od ond for chaer thon
an tt (.4otiituth the work Mix, otruggl° 01 In olden times it was ',althorn ar- might be Sala that he gave' a Bible
'rile ,ct-, io:..- me, :,:y eooratable Ns
ola'. if :nor or chmori
ain arr or ribbod; lead g from or . aa eXpositin oof
through British Foot Aaio.t.
."01, Lad .,1.„ twenty -live years of ago armor, fashioned be ancient loon-, thise priesages• from the Oict arest(18
. railroad will, of meteso, .11.2 atvay e ,
ea . to a t e '((1,111 el Whot 3,014 would dry, tett no one can give you the . in, ext.
With this expensloo system :Ind 11011- !,..., 111 h 0 7 ; a ViSta.01 in tee 111111.110 outfit you need except. tiod, who iSi 28. 'I witt only one thing for
isla German and Indian i'irmN on, 3,•,i -.3,.i! for, et; mid ti,a fifties of your nic,.ste0 of this world and tho in- • them to do, and that winti to re-
planning to leave ii, share in UV. •,•ii- 1 11,Aiine YOU 1,31111,1101 11a80 be011 014,041, fermi world, from whichottscend the
. - 'c01...0 rim ohom they hail rejected
1.18 11(1. 4(1, and. they would thus re -
et i , 0 f .rgiecne s of sins awl tho
glft of Um Doty Spirit. They 1121,1
Also seo in my suldoct tho• folly of thought, (hut Jos,o of Nazareth Slia..3
underostimating th•cr comit)1, I'llat I ao intro, ter and a dooeivor, but
ton cloth and are good cuotronore for moot ond fotigue owl sloe hee , woo Benin...acid's fatal mistake. He : tlioy inuot change their intim. aboot
many othor .foreiga produtte. The 1 oec.oun 1 at. divino help that sustain"' .
y,,,,,..... 1 coati whip them bororo sundown. Hell. lin (1.111. is repentance) and re -
entire protectorate looi rich cad , rot you. At twenty or thirty to cap- I otire owl ho.nor• Hint as [steel's Mes-
e. the eats , wanted less than hall a day
of your itge at the tap t
. 'm 4 tont Samaria. find make the kingi shill: the Christ of, God, the only
, , ed, i.-,-,ete,m,t,iy c,,-, 1.,:,,,,,,,ements. , mightiest hostilities, Ley hold or and conf,.ss it by being baptieed in
larmal trado which is "110'ctud 1.1 ''''.. tiW temptotiora, tile POrseetiti"ns. God. Noticing but the itrm of.
tli1 hardships, were curtained froa,vo shanipotenze 15 etrong enough for th0
yoUr 81411, 1111111 more or less eat- tempted.
tisk, you passed through the cries
of pain vial 801ri183 and disappoint-
. .
low the opening' of the rood. Tile
Wagandes fully chid, mei t:he lat000t
consumers in tropioal A.frioa, of cot -
varied rcisourcos. Ithoota oats ,end
youut i pmthe 11E101105. hi 0{7, a
Morley thrivo on the uplands end of Teruel capitulato. But whoa aa8„ bow rot
lio]soo„. a,
olety or steventy or eigety, you are thought was so (nay 10111011 Tat 10 by the Spirit.
other cereals on the. lowlands. The poaeofolty putting it off. You would makes otominont tile
st the impossible. Dotter over- I r, io„. j „us mta 007„,
ewampy valleys are admirably aaapt- wit, want. to t,'y tLe battle of lo
ed for Coo cultivation of (Ice The !wool. coo in... So 1.1: ore.ohof plot ;7"cs. 1 mime sIdo. We who aro trying to Irel that does 110t. oroclaini. the foi-
Oritish Co loaionor is of tioi ,1021-1 "1.."P`.1."isth4, "T'' Wit 48 901)41 , a, 11111.ha 111C wcald who', it, ought to I of sios is not the gospel of
starting arca 1,14 11101 a, pi, Malta/VI aim
ba contend not with homunculi. Wo I Go 1 (once:nine; J ems Christ, con
0, wbole many of ontagonists trying' sap;.,
1 en ther goo..,21 concerning whiell Pato
"Let aue preacher be accused"
wrostin not with striplings. We hove
to halt tho King' of GO(1 and over-! kcal. 1, (3, It;
throw the rause of righteousness. If heelti. Our Lord bad said, "Him
II Goa xi, 4).
we assalso tho eiotaa9 it will he sothat Nemeth unto Me i will in no-
strugglo as norco as tram Darius, wio„ „stet „toe. (John vi, 37), and
rind Alexituder grappled ettell other! re oast pra.„,„a for the eoldiors who
Donal Oho to the cross, "Fs.ther,
1 011 I. II 111' 111, for they know nOi
r. hat Oleo do," ond He had anid to
tl e penit: ot thh.f., "To -clay shoot
thou be with Me in oarmitse (Luke
heint. Those were fights for eart II- axial, As . saa.
or So Peter encouraged
1,9 „01,1.,)W1,(8 "na "u""In.1,'H. 1/1" Ur, these whom ho bad nocusoci of kill -
moo; tnaL 11018 gotee on liat{',11011 flu! 1,4 Chri,,t, ( v,e,,,,, 118) in turn to IIhn
Ili,. tatted orados iiC Moven tend 01 1 1.111.9, they might obtain his forgive -
the allied ormie.1 of holt is to sot- (1 „. Tho call iS to every one, how-
tlo tut:other mow far off and cloud in sin, to
GOD 011 SATAN, coop, for Christ Jesus mune into the
o, 1,, hove polotoosaat of lea, pitatee, uorld to save S.111119313, E1/18 )03.0.5i0••
:Ai seata.os of Joao, coolot, otoo bollovoth Li Him shall not bi)
when the war or nfo la ovcio and tho voluatiod (1 Tiro. 1, 'I Ci; 11010, ix, 82;
victors rest in the soldiers' home on x, 1 1-)•
the hoavonly holghts pornapn toero 40. As the Spirit gave bini Maar-
1,1,17 ea., in tom eity of th., Hun , tow., 1111e0 he set before thorn the grams of
or of opiritatal armor ni.101 ni, in- God in Christ Jesus, urging their.
twoused the warriors for ^Christ in to come out from the unbolievitur
oorthly combat! Sorno day We muy HO shiriv thenemtvi:s for Caulst. He
he i./1 that armory and hour tau bor- did not tocoect that all who boatel
Des talk 01 111,11, thoy (aught the good won't.' 1.01-10"%i f`'1' 1,011116 been taUglit,
fight of fail h rind see thorn with bY 13(3 Lord 'JIM" that. 1thile '41)11'12
tho ocean 61 WOlillik 'Weaver healed eaol would 1111) on good grounol.
arid look ot the woullone of ofhince r OM° WUAlid oleo fall on the bard
and defenco with which they becalm, beattri ground, some on. rocky and
/novo than conquerors, Io that seine OtS 1.1101..n9 8"11.,
VOIVer or hanNen itS 1.1t0 weapons eg 1. Three thousano, or abOut that
the spiritual conflict era oxamtued oundier, root:Wed Christ by receiving
St. Paul may point, out to us the the truth concorithig or by belle'ving
-ironer with. which ho colviaed tho the testimony that Potor gave of
Epliesiaus to (equip )boinsolvee and Jesus Ohrr,..4) ns thc PrcluisCd /reg.*
say; "That is the shaild of faith, sash, oho by the so.crffico of Mtn-
Phat in 1111, Lel/net Of 1,a1Vni inn. 111I1 Mello otomoineut for ran, who,
That: le the girdle of truth, That having by IIIrattelf pillaged cow sine,
to tho bretcatitieco of rtgliteotisnoos, sta, down on the plata hand of tin
Tlioee are tho ototInd obooff in which Majesty toe 131911 (Neb. 1, 3) tool
thoy vonoi altrol with *1,5 prepare,. rout tho Holy Spirit, who now
that of the gospel." Thore and then brought thoeo indite holm to their
Muerte. Faith oometh by liectehig
the word, of God, not by, gay en-
ealmate, than uaderootima,te the, 1, and tI in loose. aoiv, 47. The goe
iao that, with railroad tronsporta-
.000, no Not ot tropical Airien. Will
be able to •coropeto with Uganda as a
coffee -growing ctoultry ; somo des -
Viola aro perfectly adoptod for tho
raising al cocoa and to& and sugar
ie already mantifacturect for Meal
l450. Rubber and Limbor ern import-
soamingly with as much equipoise to
arr,eter as you liad have remit
complete shipwreck: that you v.roilla
not want tof:,2“1 to rtin tho
yin: can look ond see
ieloy mistakes,. the neart. time you
might make •
Ins.oad of being dopreoearl over tho
ant rosoareara the elephant abound:4, fuet that you are letutg counted out
011(1 Ivith proper hunting regslatiOns, 1! tl011t rit;
. ivory may la rrioele 0 poraiatient an tbat, you have: a rigid, to !mug me
anurco, your hotfoot oral 1131-1 1,
froe pair hoods from the gaunt -
lots und yom feet irrici the hoots o:
The Gringo Railroad logo 'mad elan,- and/,
trends. on the militia,' investral, Create Agotti, hoien fron. floofiederlat
the first year of Ile operation. We hasvicr (be uhwi'41"m l".'nsLing
ohall aeo, tho aext ffyig (.11: is Ste:vo ,ro.ia-
whothor tale largor and far toner aotat both gesoupea, Pill of Diaolonne
.costly onterprise lila59 Afri.e4 Will !and Iirage:adocio. With brie:unit-4.
bc a • good busbiesie itiveetogat. as !booker in bond he to totking with
W8''. aa pataat taatar ih 11,1102e 'tort
(111 , lot 1 Ito rit , 1.1. 1,111,, r.1
11 8010fanent Of the lake) roglon. Sir 18 ;Ong to' 111.obl000 Out 'eft el1Y007f.
Haroote M. Stanley lino 111(14) to torn Sin 11 for groottod that Somoria
the 1 a.plen on team who 1w1g1„.,4 0t, will surrender. thi room:mad
mat mum yeara age, when he eahi firti,arnttlirle 411181 /01,;14^:,}gt.,:f ,i.,451111,1,701)0,11. J414.17n It alio.
9,11a,t the !alms would be joinod to come out for Nam tido. thoin
tho sea by re railroad within guar- or Whetber they be come out, for
l'A* 09 a' 000t"04'; hiS P"P11441 h" the fiatitivo king In !righting/11 re -
War take theta lint behold
Write true; atol the Germane aro likta treat before sundoven ! Butter riot
ty to add o„ snoozed 1110. within tbe tell boaolangly what you ore going'
Limit iixed, to do. Walt Until It Ls done. You
do well to lay out your 'plans, bet
.....—......+- — (hero are so many rnistokee and (1)5-
- 07 003155,Sol IT namsNop, appointnionts in Itro that you rimy
not be able 10 rerr,V out yottr plata,
Tao Mother --"I'm Norte. to
that yied rini ;Viotti' Mac: eart Over
learn and Ciao IS no Wad of lovolchig Ho.
world's (1001810n mid ortrienturo.
ono of th0 boys 110331. dOor, and burt leotioe aloe thot my text lake,.
Wm " "It witsitt't my Mutt. I told it for granted that you must, put
hien to get ottt 01 the wrty. afy oart's on. the harness, eTse how can you
got '110.4 Mali,' pato-tett on both take it Die 5 Lifo is a battle - n
aidoe•of it, eied ' it, doesn't, have ta
stop for tolitettOrt"-
at Arbella, as whorl Joan or Arc
rode triumphant at Orleans, as whoa
file Russians met the Swedes at Pol-
tava, as whcai liloolb000tigh com-
manded the allied alallir 5 at Ilion -
the grace. of God. They wore filial
wi at and constantly 01t3111111151 1119
these frottures of tho ltingt10111-
righteousness ond poace and joy in Ler miles long, and Is entirely isolate
God was glorified in them beford tho
17), und c111datferi°11ouovory o
rd terminus boIng over a milo
other railway, its
the Holy Ghoat xiv,
people. distant from nay other stations of
47. "The Lord added to tim chtirch that. town. There are no interim&
daily soch v,s shoul11 be saved." In late stations. sidings or passing plae
the 01(1(1181 version the Word
"church" Is omittecl. To chapters
v. 11; xi, 24, it is said that the be-
lievers were "added to the Lord,"
The church is the body of Christ,
'which began with these thousands of
Jews and is still on its way toward
completion, taking in all who will
oome front all notions. The Lord
Himself is adding to Himself all who
truly come 1,0 Him, but tares and
wheat will grow togother till the
harvost, v.nd only then shall it be
seen who are the Lord's additions
and who are man's. Ee Himself
said, "Every plant which My Hoa-
vonly Father bath not plantod shall
bo rooted up" (Matt. xv, 13). May
all who read be indeed "trees or
righteousness, tho planting of the
Lord, that Ho may bo glorified"
(Isa. low, 3), nod greatly used by
Him to bear much truth to His
thirty 88(001' 8. forty pars' or 2, you may rocoun1 tho contrast be -
:Sixty yor,ro' 18110. ITtilniot You inuot 0 taitien tho cloy whe(1 yoti otilietod in
Soup, 13read and Pudding for
Etungry Children,
Special interest attaches to the
latest venture.. of the Loudon Vego-
tartan Association, says a London
despatch. What. Mani among tho
70,000 who are said to go foodless
to school noocl bo huogry or ill -nour-
ished. whore in catch-porase or the L.
V. A. "three courses for a penny" -
soup, bread and pudding -can be
sorvod to these little mos. During
tho last three wooks this exportraent
has booa actually put, into practice.
Down Bethnal -green way boinud 1110
111115011111 15 0.11 old cleapel without a
pastor, which sorves between a guar -
tor past, twelve and half -past one as
a dining -room when the our child-
ren of the neighborhood may comm
accompanied if they like, by 'eider
brothors and sisters, or by parents,
nvery one of these boys and girl:l-
an(1 so far there has been an average
rittit,extintese oifemily61.) to 200 11 day--
epaid entice by
parents or by teachers through the
help of swim charity.
A kitchen ham been fitted Up with
plant sualcient for au army of some
2,0o0 Maio onos. Hugo ctsbeetoe
lined cans are also providtid in which
soup raid puddings may be kept hot
whilst being conveyed to outlying
10110018. 'Tho actual food C.011811100(1
by the clilldron 131 coverod by tho
ponny, and all tho association asks
for ls money sufficient, to cover the
cost of labor and oont, At prenont,
of course, Um school. Is in 101 01-
funny; but evorything, in vim of tho
severe weather which 1.1511elly follows
Ohristreas, when Um chilllr,1u Suffer
terribly, is rotaly for a, ropiel dovelop.
mont commensurate With .the plant:
and it, is probable that by next, win-
ter other depots will holm to bo op -
(mod in equally poor distrioto. It is
interialod to vary Llin food cie ate
possible, so that vogniorlanism may
commend itsolf. Soup is served one
dny with broad, followeid by cake;
pensc puddiog and Potatoes whitlow,
haricots an.othor; bat there
tho foot that tho most pew*.
lin. is the PhiniLlu+.*
c)11Ing day.
51111151717 11E8 POI,I0V.
Le-"/ cortabily roason to
1)1)0101 you eared for nio-you wero
ro 11100 to ene."
Imam IL It 11010 lo 10
na 0 to eVery Mat, no matter hoW
stupid he Ig."
cos, and as Lilo platforms.„,eit. the two
LerMinel stations aro both on the
west side or the railway, the =ting-
es arc only provicion with doors on
one side.
Another Dritish-built engine, which
dates from 1845, is still runnitig on
the Chemin du Iser Nord of Franco.
It was built by Alossrs. Itobort fitt.•-
vonson & CO., and was atted with
couple10 driving wheels.
TSISO)S 171,
The Crew 5189110 .14810131 11'302131 Cold
in -Winter and )111'01010avy
At el timoW°040thseGat'
e011 isalife out
board the torpedo boat or boo ,
ger sister tho dostroyor 11 particulate.
iy happy one, Out in 1,9111101'14 bee
11011185 80 11ard and pita -Ifni that Lir.
Johnson, could he Ito resusitated,
would assuredly aleclare, with ro-
nowod emphasis, that Allan With
contrivanoo enough to got 1111,0 304
WOUld be f0Und lo a torpedo &raft, ,
says tho Londtat
on ily Stall, From
the 1)911111010 of tho hull the artier
811)180 intieh from cold, as alone Is
ouly a thin 1111001. of metal batman
them and the cold water. Dot the
eevereet trial of oil is heavy weather,
which may be said to be normal in
British mama in Um 101111.111'.It used to be thought that torpedo
boats awl destroyers 0800 only fair '
weather craft, we
but aall navios
send theso 1(08513111 'to sea in wintar.
10 the British. navy three flotillas,
each of eight destroyers, aeo con-
stantly cruising all the year round.
Lot us pay a visit to such a craft.
On deck is the °Meer of the watch,
shivoring behind the 00.11855 swoon
which gives him soma Innen protec-
tion 11-01U 1110 WettillOr. 1h0 boat is
108,11109through the waves at a.
speed of econewhere about twenty
knots, and the spray and wind out
Eke whips. The motion Of am boat
is impossible to describe. Pitching.
violently, uow with 'Oar bows burled .
doop in the hollows of the heaving
sea, 11010 with, hor stern emergent
8.1111her propellor* racing frantically;
at the same tirao liko 8.
drunken man, So levelly anel distres-
siug is tho 11108010001. that few, in-
deed aro the salts who do not suc-
cumb to the horrors of seasickness.
To lie seasick on board a 110101001.-
,0110 liner is one thing; LO be 801151010la a destroyer Is quite another, and
the most roanal (001.3110 1.1181 can be
bnagined. There is no *ace or ao-
colninoclation for incapacitated mon.
and the crew is caleulattal on the
narrowest limits, so that if many
aro MI the elective list am veseel
will have io retura LO harbor.
Pacts Gleaned Prom the United
States Census.
Although thoro aro over ilfteon mil-
lion pupils enrolled. In tho common
schools of tho Maud States -nearly
one la every live of the total popula-
tion of, the country -and nearly
seventeen 11111l10231 pupils of all ages
securing instruction in one kiod of
school or another, the extent of our
illiterato adult population Is dis-
agreeably large, says the New York
World. The census report. on Lim tub-
ject just issued states tho total num-
ber of moles of vothor age ut 21,-
320,810, and reports 2,280,205 of
them to bo illiterates, In other
words, considerably over ten peo
cent, of the men entitled to vote -
unless, as in Massacliusetts and
Mississippi, 11107 are barred by.
educational qualifications -are unablo,
to read and write. It is a reassur-
ing reflection that large as this 111485
of illiterate adults of voting age is
it is not as largo as it was twenty
or oven Mu years ago, and is get-
ting smaller all the One. Arid as
compareci vvith mony European
countries it is un extremely small
percontage of our who'd population.
And whon weary and wet the Men
from the sleek turn in at the end of
their watch, let them expect no im-
mutilate dogree of comfort. They
may bo well lammed 1( 11 is possible
to cook a meal, and for days together
they may have to subsist on .micr
meat. When the boat is rolling and
pitching it takes two to eat any
sort of Meat. One Infldsett hoan
from which the other cuts slices and
hurriedly devours them. It ts an al-
most savage state of existence,
though not perhaps worse than that
of our soldiers on the veldt.
The men on board wear "tummy'i
suits, as they are callod in the navy,
of thick woollun material at, night,
and they find it very hard. to keen
dry. alle little craft lies low In tho
water, which manages to delivor
very fair amount of moisture below,
through ventilators and leaky hatch-
From tho general conditions it
might ho supposed that service oa
dreao rtstakand
could be grouter. Dog's life thouga
the life is, it has glories and delights
of its own. Thero is less discipline
of the routine land. and it May be
01000 eilicioucy. Bugles aro not al-
ways sounding to on this anti that;
snialang is loss restricted than in
the big warship, owl there in 110
need to be clean; indeed, cleanliness
in a torpedo boat is almost Impossi-
ble. In a word, 1110 lira is what the
bluejacket calls a piratical ono. The
officers are young and keea with a
sense of exhilaration algtho thought
that they are poettavoly oncourogod
to run ristm- for If they do not, run
risks In peace they will certainly 1110'
7011 run 4110111 in war. And so, 91-
bratiog, heeling, pitching, with her
men clinging for Nero Moat° stan-
chions as the dock tilts.. to P009011 -
climate, the (30.110111. 1111)0 craft, with
liar more gallant crew scuds through
the night and fog an11 sleet and
foam, holding our British ems, and
prepared for any devilry.
DRAINS 010 1400.40
Nover gait certainty for home.
Loran% tire always in, tho wrong.
A good commution wakes good
Better go about than Intl into the
For a flyilig onorny 511110e a 80 11(111'
The 111:300M1 ,t, Ulan dreads that he
dies of,
Plow, or not plow, you entstpay,
your rent.
1Viont a friend aokoati timro is the
to -morrow.
The Nat/011U Mg to oao wrong
brings on anoLher.
rOtatt 1110.1(91 (1341010 (111(1 W)1ie 111011
follow 1110111.
Amongst the many i111e1'0:41m; do-
pittliniont s ta the Bank of Englitnd 15
Lliti ono devoted to Printing. 'Moro
(ivory day some 60,000'130,1)k of Eng-
lan11 notes or varying* 941110 frO111 110
populiet "river" toe Cho taro
0O0,0 aro aro pinata off on the bank's
untanned, to say nothlog or the
many thouSando of postal ordero as
wall. Four machines print the lata
tee, each turning out 1200,slionte an
hour,' arid the paper is or Melt size
that ton postal ordera aro on oath
thoot, Half a 111,7.en inorldneo print
1410 latok notes, mai are nattily hilly
al, Work, KiLtli machine worts tho
rolisi off at tan 0a3e,01 3,0010 too
hour, and a good day's win.):
Tho swan is said to be 833001 10111,
outing when young ; but as it. Is one
of tho longest lived of all croaturea,
it is well to loath if poseablo how
old your bird is before you cook it.
A gontlernan 111 Lincolnshire, Eng -
laud, sent a dead mean to tan
Athenaeum Club, addreonecl to tho
Sectotary. A. *eclat dinner was to
°CCU. Lila week, and the committee
without qUestion turned the bird
tame to the cook.
At the clinuor tho awan, rooting on
a groat sileer tiloh, wits a delight to
tho eye ; but whon it mono to
g and eating tho bird, no knifo
s.eneod sbarp onough to cut, IL, an11
of come) cattail; It woe out of lam
queotil on.
A few dart lator the donor met
the socretary awl smite "1 hopo you
'got my min all right."
"That yaw it nico jolco you ployed
on us," returned tho socrotary.
'.Yoko 7 What do yon menn ?"
"Why, we lotel the thing boiled for
thirtoen hours, rind oven then no
night as twat luith tried La cid
througli the flock' of (1 Ihroolar."
"You doit't moon to say you had
110 thing cooked I"
"Why, or courso."
'Mon ally° 1 1 sent it to 110
od .and persorvoct 08 0 ciugoolty in
the elub, That 401111 has 120(10in toy
family lot. two hatal r ad and eighty '
yetiora It wale one of lite identle,al
birds fed by the ciliation of Charley
I,-OrOU'vo aeen the plotaire ot it, my
oneestor hold tho post 01 OneettOr 01.
the Walla and icoeDee Of WO
Maghate,' Well, T haat) no dotibt It
Warr a hit laugh."
lier 1 IMO 1110 PO1)111(04011 of -1.011don
will nemiro dno million gallons of
wolar 11 thty t)1119 110 millions a day
Can be titlten Utint. qihannAl,