The Brussels Post, 1902-1-16, Page 5J.414 14 ,f B,. 1002 I#LISIN EBS CARDS. ONB'Y TO LOAN AT ff PBli aaut l,B,9oo iio ['oe1e , 1l. MOOIAOIIBN- o,brye, ',teepees, Cie, at Groiry4UflotbretBueeol r.4 N. BARB aTP„-, • • ToneorJal Artist, (limp -Next door North of the 8tendera Bank. Laoteo' antd Clilldree'c hale 0utlin6 a apouhtltY, M. M RRI ON, issuer g r of Marriage Licenses, eo f OND. NIISS JEAN M'LAUCHLiN,' TEACHIIR CF- PIANO - AND ORGAN, 1ak7.7..73S3EJT.6,. ON'2', ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- iu0nnAraD, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. Wellington Mutual Firs Inadranee Co., n8TA0Lrsnen 1840 Insurance taken on the mob and premium nota system etourrout retort, Brfora incur, 1011010e3e(erecall on the undersigned Agent of the Company, GEORGE ROGERS, Brussels, MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, G. C. M, Aoadeinfo graduate of London Conserva- tory orMneio.aleo Member of the Aeeooiatod Musiolaneof Ontarto,•is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instrnotion on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Formto the Conservator" of Music, - Brussels, - Ontario: [[-�.LEX. BUNTER ., k.of nnrlh Division . Clerk the t.: Court, Co.Oo, IiLoan. Conveyancer, Notary Pubon- 'ocr. Fund invested steed nos to loan. oa; Auction- eer. Funds OMao In and to 'o Stook, rn0- tionananda• 04800in Grahame Stook, Bras - eels. AUCTIONEERS. •1741 B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- ,. • Bra. will sell for better Urines, to better men, in lose time end, lase chargee than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or be won'tcharge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this °filoe or by 'personal application, _VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK- tl • Honor 0rn,nace of the Ontario Vet. winery- College, ism -wired to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals ina compel• ent manner, Parti^ular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry.,cells promptly at- tended to. Office and inrmary-Four doors North of bridge,Tnt•nborry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. WM. SINOLAIR- Barrloter, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,. Notary Public, &o.• Office -8 towart'a Block 1 door North of central Hotel. Solicitor for the. Standard Bank. • G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, dm. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Bolioitor. for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. C. AMBROSE TOOLE, RESIDENon Ann OFFIOE- 017L1 ST . EAST, ifBBSSELS. J. A. M'NAUGNTON, - 21. 10:, Trinity Unlverelty, Fellow Trinity Mediae.' Collego,Memher College of Physicians and Burgeons, Out. Lieeotiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery F.dinburgtt. {a-Telephoue No.14, Residence -Mill street, Brussels. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate- oft the Royal College of Dental 6urgeoneof Ontario and Firet•olass Honor Graduate or Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. 1902. LISTOWEC is /myths forward, Winter term begins S1,1).6,1002. Our rata are reasonable -our Courses or Study thorough and practical, Bend for our Journal to see what weteao1. Students may enter at ,toy time. Two Courses of Study -Commercial ,tad Short- hand. 0, A. FLEMING, A, L. McINTY1(E, President, Secretary, Owen Sound. Listowel, • Sffl LES 1Britisla (Joltinbia. Red Cedar Shingles AND - North Shore Pine" and Cedar FOR SALE AA, THE Brussels Planing dills Alen Deere and Sash of all .i'at tense on hand or made to ordet at Short ,Notice. Estimates. .Furnished for all kinds of Buildings.' Workman ship'. and Material Guaranteed. ANENT ATTEND THE BEST, IT PAYS CENTRftI,Jaii nl a .iL t wituti en r. r., > r„ /Strut W.a Ub ciL, Ont. A school well known from one end oe Ovn• oda t0 the other for its superior worit. Tine 1Jellege gives the right- kind of aduoatioa and phone many of Its ,Indents to good poolttouo, N lyv 10 the time to enter. Pro• CCaro for su000a11 and you will got It, Wrlto for our beautiful eatalprna. 110. J. ELLIOTT, t'rincipal, IF4i5tritt et:05. 13i, th:' Miss Lou. Proctor hal left for London. where elle will Mime, «mese in' aBueinees college, Mise Mamie Livingotonbee completed the millinery caisson in Bruaeele and is holidaying at the home of her parents here, Alex, Lowery has sold his reeideuce on the Boundary to David Brown, of East Wawanooh, The price paid was $600. About the first of Maroh next Mr, and Mrs, Lowery will remove to Michigan. The five school trustee candidates kept pretty well together al the following figures will show ;-Adam Wettlaufer, 99 ; John Potter, '85 • Richard MoOom- mine, 74; Robert Blator, 74 ; A. E. Bradwiu, 71. 'As Mears. Mo0ommiite and Slater were a tie for third trustee, Returning Offioor 800tt gave the cueing vote in favor of the former: Rainton Bros. have purchased from J. G. Moser the two residences and lots ad- joining on the corner of Queen and Weut• moroland streets. The boueee are et present000upiod'•by John Drummond and Tuomao Wanless. Messrs, Bainton have alsopurchased the old cooper shop at the salt block and are removingit to the varantlots on Westmoreland street where it will he oonverted .into an up•to•date tannery. F. Gomf and H. Thiele bave opened a butcher thee on Dodd street, Night Claes in the Business college every Monday, and Thurodey. The 11. B. ohgrob has bought a lot on the out nor of Main and Reserve streets. The family of John Stabba, 6 memhero of whom have been down with fever, are progreoeing towards recovery. Meaore. Goddard and Brinker, of town, took 19 prizes out of 21 entries at the Stratford Poultry Show held last week. The family of W. M. Brace, L. D. 8 , have moved to town from Toronto, and have taken up their rreeidenoe on Main street. Gt •col. Dent and party ,were in town last weak eeleoting horses for cervico in 8,oth Afrioa. Upwards of 800 horses were inspected and about one•third of Them were taken. l'ho Boebnnia Sextette Club, oe'isted by Miee Edith Viola Ellebree, soprano, will give the next concert in the Star Oooree, in the male heli,. Listowel, on Monday night, Jan. 20th. Mise MaryBoguee received -a pleaeant surprise on Wedoeeday evening of Met week, after the prayer meeting in Knox ohutah. Rev. J. 8. Hardie requested the large audience to remain after the hence diction. He then asked Mr. Strath, Mre T. L. Hamilton, Miss Sutherland and Mies Bogue, to step forward and when the quartette :was finished Miss Bogue& wars presented with a beautiful address prepared by W. E. Binning, oleo an Alaska Beal ruff and a puree of gold. W. R. Dann responded ou behalf of Mies Bogue,, and was followed by J. J. Footer, T. L. Hamilton, J. 0. Hamilton, R. Stod• dart, W. R. Logia, T. Hardie slid W. 8. Gibson, each of whom expressed appreetia• tion of Mies Beetles' choir work and solo singing, end regret 9.1 her departure. The' -meeting was closed by singing the hymns, "God be with yon" and "Mizpob." Mies Bogner goes to Petrosae to keep bona, for her brother. Foxed wf alt. Tbomae Moleee,0f Neepawa, Manitoba, is at present • visiting hie parents and relatives in the village and vioinity: A lecture was given in the Methodiet eharob.on Wednesday evening ander the auepioeo of the "Willing Workers," by Rev. D, Rogers, on "The Gospel of health and good °beer." Fordwioh Lodge A. 0. U. W. election of offiaere resulted as follows :--P,'M, W., John Argue; M. W., Joseph MoLaugh. lin ; Forman, Riabord Butohard ; Over. seer, Cbarlee Harris ; Recorder, Mathew Wilson • Financier, John.Henneburg ; Trona., Atex, MoLanghlin ; Guide, James Cattanaob ; L W., A. D. Young ; 0. W., Wm. Brown; Repreoeotative to Grand Lodge, Joseph McLaughlin ; Alternate, A. D Young. The following ":figures are taken from the annual etatemont of the Fordwioh Oheeee and Batter 0o. ; Total milk for sateen, 1,552,070 lbs. ; total oheeee for ammo, 144,2489ibe, ; value of oheoee for season, 912,851.69 1 total amount paid for milk for season, $19,239.74; total tso81 for hauling milk for season, $1,216 25 ; total ooet for manufacturing for the eeaeoh, $1,068.07 1 average milk to pond of ohoeme for season, 10.7690 lbs,; average price' per ib. of oheeee for season, 8 9098 Dante ; number of days firotory ran, 189. Total receipts, $13,720,18 ; total expend/. Iain, $18,881,58 ; Deo. 27th, 1901, Dash bolanoe on hand, 9188 70, The annual meetiog of the Preebyberi- anoburoh wag held on Friday, 8rd Net. Rev. A. B. Dobson occupied the okair. Minutes of last meeting were enact by J. Edgar, the Secretary, Report° of work done during (lie year were given by the Session; Managing Cent,Sabbath 601%0°1,Y, P, S. 0, E. and Ladies' Aid Sooiety, The nteetiog was well attended and was harmonione throughout. All repo110 were favorable and showed the oohgrega• Non to be in good workiug order. Fol. lowing officials were elected for ensuing year ; Con. Seo,; James' Edgar' Man! (101r1., J. McFarlane, J. Hunter, Andrew MoOlothent, Alex, MoLaughlin, J. H. Rogers • Tteae., Wm. Coated ; Fin. See., ,7, H. Rogers ; Atst., D. M, Littlejohn Auditore, Wm. Hamilton and J. H, Johnston ; Ushero, J. T, MoLattghlin, R, Hooey, D. 81. Littlejohn and H. Edgar. Thee. MoOlament, 11. Edgar, David Wil eon, Thomas Aiken and Joe.MoLatrgtilin were appoidted a oommittee to consider the question of building a shed, and to • report to anothee meeti g The Build. ing Oommhtee repot ,•,1 J„Ugreea, 143,,‘ A.%. t. 4 . Sohn Mile, who hie hien un an extend. 0d, ploaouro trip to Huotland, has arrived home. Darling Bra, are having an addition erected at the rear of the machine shop oeoupled by Wee. Seel!, on Main otreet, ld, N. ,011180 on, who bats been engaged fora number of years as teacher in Us berm), wee the 0000eesfnl applicant for the prinoipa'ehip of the Exeter pbblio school.. Phos, and Mre, Bowerman, of Willow' Oity, N. Dakota, have arrived in town and will visit Monde here, Both were former reoidonte of Exeter, but have been in the West for a number of years, A Hockey alub wee organized with the following offieere :-Hon, Pegs., W. H. Lovett ; Pres., N, D. Burdon ; Vine Pres,, Joe Davie ; Inmmittoe, F. Hawkshaw, A. Evans, V. Hardy, E, Dignan ; Sea''. Treas., B. E. Young ; Qapt„ F. Snell, J. P. Rose, who hue boon conducting a general store hornier some time, intends selling out in, the near future and will move with his family' to Ohetbem, which is hisheadgcartere as general agent for the Confederation Lite Aeeuranee 0o, The dwelling pf Oredio Stanlake, a little West of town, on the 2ad con, of Stephen, was,almoet totally destroyed by fire 011 Saturday night, 4'h tat. It appears the fire started from a defective ohironey in the upper part of tho honed and tied gaiu ed suoh -headway beforenoticedthea it was impossiblo to wive the building. A number of neighbors were soon on the sone and by their ardentlabore e0000ed• ed iu saving the entire °entente, ins tid- ing a large quantity of wood stored in the wood abed. The loee, although partly covered by ineoranoe,-will be considerable and Mr. Statelake h tviog a large family will be pat to much iaoonvenienee. .A,t.wood. Minces .Maude Harris and Roberta Wilson left for Stratford Monday of last week, where they purpose laking amuse at the Stratford' Bahama College. A rather peculiar and -paininl accident happened to James Shearer, 4th oon., E ma, He wee up on a beam of his barn, oiling the gearing of hie windmill when the sleeve of bio smock got caught in the oog wheels and his arm` was drawn into the machinery. The mill was stopped' thereby bat the fu.l force of the wheel held the arnt feet, and it was an hour and a half before, with the aeeietanoe of hie wife he was freed, His forearm was bad. ly braised and a good deal of the flesh cut away by the cogs. The annual meeting of the Elmo Agri. cultural society was held in the Agri- °nitnral Hall on Wednesday, Bth inst. A fair attendanoe was present. The following officers were eleotad for the content term Pres., A. Stevenson ; let vioe pees., Rebt. Fork ; 2nd via pees., H. Sonnenberg ; Directors, J. A. Mitobell, T. G. Ballantyne, J. B. Hamilton, jr., J. 8. Cowan, Alex, 8trnthers, Wen. Wherry, Walter Johnston, Jos. Horn and J. W. Diokoon ; Honorary Direotore, the past three Presidents, viz J. B. Hamilion, or., Jae. Darman, Y. Coulter ; Lady Directors, Mre. W. D. Angus, Mise Maggie Dickson and Min Habana Diakeon ; Auditors, T. Fullerton and K. M. Sweeten. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr, Coulter for hie servieee as President for the past 4 years. A circular from the Superintendent of Farmers' Inetitatee was read, asking a delegate to be Bent to the meeting of the Canadian Fein Aseaoiation to be held' in Toronto on the nth and 20th of Feb., but no notion was taken. September 28 and 24, 1902, was fixed upon for holding the Elms Fall Fair. Total receipts for the year were $598 78 and expenses $585.. 78, leaving a balance on hand of $8 78 Aesete,inoluding rent, land, buiidioge and $67 retained for membership from per. sone obtaiog prizes, amount to $1,294 64 and liobilitfes are $80, being for prizes awarded in 1901 but not called for. Direotore erected a wire fence along three aides of the show ground, uniting $74 50, whiob is au improvement on the old wooden fence. Fall Fair was not as largely attended either•by exhibitors or visitors ae in former years. 'A consider. able falling off iu the number of entries and also in the gate receipts woe visible. tiro(leriole. The Old Fellows will hold their an. nual ball ou or about the 23rd inst. The Goderioh Organ 0o, made large shipments of bath furniture and piano. stools. Knitting on :node for early Fall deliv cry started on Monday at the Kuitting faotory with a full staff. J. J. Edward has purchased the Bal. moral Cafe end business from Thos. Tilt, a -beelines.' that has been auoaeeefully wan - cleated for some years. A lantern placed by the town employees to mark an open trench on Hamilton street, was etolen by some mean thief on Wedneeday night of lab week. Chas. Videan is naming an injured band. It was naught in one of the carry- ing cape at the big mill and was badly out before the machinery could be atop• ped. While peeing the armory on West street, Mre. Webster had the misfortune to Blip on the ice and fall, the result be. ing that her right arm was broken near the wrist, W. Glenn Campbell has returned to town having almost fully recovered from hie attack of sciatica, and has resented hie work as organist of North street Metbodiet ohurah, Mayor Wilson has received the follow. ing letter from Mr. Olergue, of Sault Ste. Marie, in reply to, a oommcuioatiou from His llorohip : Duan Sre,-I am obliged for your favor mentioning the construc- tion of a nett/ Summer hotel. at Godetiob. I am glad to learn of this addition to your fooilitteo for entertainment of visitors. Wo intend to put steamers on to our Toledoand Lake Huron line whiab will ptovlde the beet accommodation and make fast time. Yonre truly, F. H. O00000u, President Algoma central Railway 0o. A fire was discovered in (100. Prioo'o boob and shoe store shortly after mid. night Satuodoy, and extended to the stores occupied by Thomson & Son, end Geo. Stewart and apartments, over these ['totes oeoupied byMrg. Dunham. Mr. Prioa'e 'stook was destroyed ; that of Meeere. Thomson, damagedby fire, water, smoke and removal ; Mr. Stewart by water and smoke, and Mre. Dunham, by fire, writer and smoke, All the pante, inaloding, the owner of the building; George Acheson, are Mewed, bet the atboant and the damage coeid not be 1 aaoertaihed. '.(u Fh JIJ Mkt !! U o. S n$ L VOLD, )11pDanald, as neoretery of ih Haapital managing eammitlee, flan ra oaived a ohooio (rem • 19. S. ()l0uelon general manager of the Bank of Afuntr l in that city, for the handsome .gum 0 9100. as a donation towards ale heepite abeam here. The fleet ie ar of the twentieth e cat r Wee the hewed one in this town for th past thirty yearn for the (0, T. It., mod by same it ie said the bgeineeo at the Gioderioh depot exoeede that of a dozen other depots along the Baff,tlo line. But be that as it may, it is understood the beeineea at this end exceeds 9200,000, and many think it goes far beyond that oum. The total number of oars of freight shipped during the year exoeeda 7,000, and the weight they carried during the year was over 100,000 tone. The 0810 needed over 850 angina to draw them, mud the whole would make a line over 60 mile., long: e' appointed f -.,-President, D, T4• Wi'aon' • ,tieefnrih 1 vioa Preoldent, George Sika, , lieeforih. Dlreetore, M. Broderiolt and G'eat toY,S0oforth,Jam�aEvtnn , f n 11 U Jelin ,,look and James r1, Smith, 11 ilJoT illop ; 'John Dale and O. MuOregor, Sul)ett George Pale, Wm, Oheenoy and O William Arobibaid, '1nokeremith, Audi. 8 tore, A. Young cod William Somerville. The following were appointed honorary Direeto e o r , John and James lliok, Beaton!) ; J, G. Grieve and William Mo. latest', MoRillop ; John Britton and R. Antietam, Hallett ; G.11, Oroeoweil and Robert Charters, Tookeremith, The aooiety had a membership of 897 last year. A s meetitlg of the new board of Direotore, '1', 19, Hayti was re•sppofuted Secretary -Treasurer, Clinton. The By law to exempt Jaokeon Bros, here wee defeated, Mre, H, 0, Brower went to Montreal having been oelled' away by the death of her meter. The organ factory ie still working over. tiro° until 9 o'oloolt to try and catch up to the orders awaiting. J. Taylor hoe been appointed by the Grand Lode of I. 0, O. F. of Ontario as D. D. G. M. for the district of Huron. There is only one 8. O. E. lodge in Bence but five in Huron, ae followe Clinton, Exeter, Loodeeborn, Goderieh and Benmiller. Robe, t Coals is reoavering from another attack ofappendioitie, He has been laid tip at the hospital io Toronto for the past. few weeks` Rev. T. J. Murdoch, formerly of Clin- ton but now of Stoyner, was at %mac presented with a haudeome fur oap by the members of hie' congregation. J. 13. Molotyre, who was re -elated mayor of 8t. Oatharioeo, is a aonein of P. and 13. 13. Kerr, of town. A. Pay, who was at one time a resident of -Olin, ton, is also a member of the Bt. Gather- ine'e 0000011. There was a happy gathering of im- mediate relatives at Jame Fair's on New Year's Day when Rev. A. Stewdrt ahristeoed three grandchildren of Mre. Fair, er., children of Jae.' Fair, R J. Mo D'nald and W. P. Spaulding. Daring'the last six months of 1901 there were in Clinton 21 births, 27 marriages and 10 deaths ae Compered with the first six menthe of 14 births, 9 marriages and 14 deaths.. The totals for the year are 85 deaths, 30 marriages and 30 deaths. Rev. G. M. Silty, of Delhi, was here visiting frieade last week. He Itas gone to North Bay far hie health and will re. main there with his ei,eer•in•htw, Mre, H. MaVittie. His charge at Delhi will be taken by,8. silty while the rector ie away. There is to be a east for damages soon in which both parties are from Clinton. Geo 0. Routledge, eon of. Ed. Routledge, when employed by D. K Prior some time ago fell from a scaffold and we understand will seek 91,000 damages for injury re- ceived to hie foot. The artesian well at the House of Refuge has been drilled by Masers. Bev- ans end a plentiful supply of water has been named at a depth of 22 feet. The water wi'l bo pumped by wind mill power for whiab the oommittee gave en order to Jacob Miller; of town. Lots of good water wee mach needed and will be op• preoiated at the Refuge. Aea forth. Harold Jarvie will Bing in the opera hoose, Jan. 22nd. Tha Knights of the Maccabees initiated 25 more candidates at their last meeting. The Ladies' Aid of the Morhodiet church will hold a anoint in the fore part ct February. The 83rd regiment band paid their res• peote to the newly elected membere of the Councii and other oitizene on Tues. day evening. The week of prayer was observed here daring past week by anion meetings in the Presbyterian and Methodist ohorohee and these meetings were well attended. Following °inaere were elected for the Ladies' Aid of the Presbrterian Choreal : Preeident, Mre. S. Dickson ; let vim Preeident, Mre. M. Y. MoLean ; 2nd vioe Preeident, Mre, Larkin ; Seem rotary, Mre. James Watson ; Treasurer, Mre. 0. W. Papel. On Friday, 8rd inst., the new Roman Nihau° school web opened for the ed- mieaion of pupils, of whom 65 were in at. tendanee. The teaahere are Mies Gene- vieve Lachance, the holder of a first -Masa certificate from the eohool of Pedagogy, and Mise Kgtbleeo Foy, the holder of a second olaae. In the afternoon Mayor Broadfoot visited the school and spoke a sew words of encouragement to the child. t ren, exprees•ng the wish that they wonld be obedient to their teachers, industrious in their studies end 8t themselves for useful oconpations in life. Afterward the children sang "The Maple Leaf for - Ha ever." rriet A. Hargan, beloved wife of D. Sneohtel, died in ()Mingo on Tuesday, the 7th. The body was brought to Sea - forth and interred in the Moitle.ndbank cemetery on Friday. The deceased was a daughter of Mre, M. Morgan, Jarvis et., and the late John Hareem, of MaRillop, and a Neter of Mre. M. A. Coulter, Sea. forth, and W. Horgan, Ingersoll. She was born in the towoebip of Hungerford, near Belleville, and when quite young her parents moved to MoSillop where etre lived until about 23 yeare ago when she was married to D. Sneohtel and removed to Morrie township where her bneband owned a farm. He afterwards sold it and went into manufacturing at Ingersoll, and for the past eight years has lived in Ohioogo. Deceased wee in delicate health for yent'e and through her loving and kind nature endeared herself to those who knew her. Tho funeral took plane from her mother'a reeidenae, Jarvis et, Tnu A02I00LT0040 1300113M -The an• noel meeting of the members of the Taotteremitb Brenoh Agricultural Society wag held at the Oommereial hotel, Sea- forth, on Wednesday of last week, There woo a fairly large attendance of members, thea ehowiug that increased interest le being taken in the affairs of the society. The finanoial etatoment which was read and adopted, woo a very satiefootory one. Ioolnding the new addition to the grounds and other important improvemente the entire outlay for the year only exceeded the income by $176. As the new gronnde, are now complete and with as suooesefal a ee0eon next year, this deficit should be wiped out and there should bo a good balttnee on the right aide of the ledger. 'Lbs following offioere'and oIeators wore Some hundreds of our citizens have got vaoohrated daring the pant week and sore arms aro now in order. W. A. MoRim, wbowas in beelines here about tbree years ago and moved to Goderiah, hoe been ,looted . a member of the Council for 1904 there, John lieith, of British Columbia, le home after an absence of eOtne yeare, Ile ie prospering in the golden land. It will be remembered that. Mr. Reith once non• tested this riding with the late John Mo• Millan. James MoLean, formerly of Tucker. smith, but who has been a resident of the Prairie Province for 001130 15 years, ie home ou a vieit. He last visited this section 0 years ago and notes manyim- portant oho twee. The following is the rosn't of the very spirited contest in the townebip of Tuokersmith : Horton 410, Doig 212 for reeveahip. The council vote was as fol. lows : Blank 429, Elgin 882, Chapman 850, MoNeughtou 404, Aikenhead 245• The oo0gregatione of St. Paul's Em- ail and Grape church, Staffa, are pleased to weloome book as their pastor Rev. W. J. Doherty, whom the Bishop baa re- appointed tothis parish. Hie resignation of Thorndale and Evelyn oburohee was aoespted, He will shortly take up rest denoe among us and become a citizen in the fullest ease. An oyster topper was tendered to Robt. Carlisle, who for 38 years has been a faithful and efficient eohool trustee in notion No. 14, Hay, and has assisted in the erection of 7 eohool buildings. The sapper was „iveu at the residence of R. McArthur where a moat enjoyable time was spent, Mr. Oerliele, in a neat speech thanked thoee present for the honor con- ferred on him. There were epeeobee by other ratepayers, also song and mnaio and the evening was one long to be re- membered. • Onsttt(tl.tn LV a vv,o, Bliss Edith Kinner, a Hamilton girl, wandered away from her employer'e house at Uxbridge and wa8 found frozen to death in the woods. At a mase meeting of Winnipeg tem- perance people, held in St. George's church, lest •noday, the prohibition referendum wasetroogly oondemned. A young oolored man named Charles Thomas, wheel -Hid beaten his way from Springfield, Ohio, fall off the bempere of an M. C. B. train at Niagara Falls and was fatally injnred. During the past week the Canadian ruffle Railway has moved 1,400 oars of Western wbeat to Fort William and the elevatore there are now reported to be filled to their 003001ty. Cordwood Wanted. The undersigned are prepar- ed to pay cash for all kinds of Cordwood, both dry and green, delivered at the Salt Works. Apply to GORDON MOONEY, Foreman Brussels Salt Works. & IT. Itansford, CLINTON P, 0, 10-8 PROPR1ETo R8 Ethel Saw Mills. I here a good supply of Hemlock loge on hand. Can out oat to snit customers. Dreeeed Maple, suitable for granaries, at 910 per M. All binds of Dressed Lumber kept on hand from $10 per M up. A large stook of culled Elm and Ash at $7 pee M. Shingles and Lath always on hand. la -A good farm on 1311* con, of Grey for sale, A contract of 20 Roane of logging to let. For parbioalare apply to S. S. COLE. PROPRIETOR, _ - ETHNIL, l�cLE+ OD'S System Renovator OTR0E-. . TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoveriolted Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleeplessness, Palpita• tion of the Heart,Lfver Complaint, Nene. algia, Lose of Memory, Brouohitis, Con. gumption, Gall Stones, Janndioe, Sidney and Urinary Diseaeee, 8t, Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. Way. LABORATORY, OODERIOli, ONT, J. M. 1vIaLEOD, Prop. and Mannfaatnrer. Seta by Jaa, Fox. Druggist, Jlrnaaola y, f >C raf S i C r^ 'd JAS 0664 = :McKinnon s 13 -L .i. e Iu 04$1-1 TORE, IGreat Stook -Taking Salo . .1 to iliaNext week we 0omm8noe stouk.takitt0 and we want our etook flown 1 owo t point before that time. We will melte the 'fullowing very groat reduotinna in prloee.this week to clear out Winter Glade : Mone tine bleak and bine blank Beaver Overcoats,lined withgood Italian cloth, velvet puller, fly' front, rasher peiae 96 60, 87.60 acd$9, for 94.95, $5 96 and $0.85. -•Saye' Frieze Dieters, high worm collar, worth $8 75, for $2 78, -Men's Frieze Meters, high etorm oollar, worth $8. for $3 95, -Men's heavy Frieze Dieters; tweed lining, interlined with rubber, high etorm Dollar, as warm as any far matt, good value at $10, sale price, $695. -Mao's Tweed Suite, lined' with the best farmer'seatln, well made and trimmed, worth $6, este pries $4 46. -Boyo' Suite, 1n all siz=e at wholesale priori during this greet gale. -Mows Wallaby Fut Coate, raga ar price $18, for $12 60 -Mane. Cab Boar Coats, will -pia great wear, regular price $18, for$18.60--1@len'e Corm Coate, beet quality, well furred, worth 946. for 087.50 -Men's heavy Duck Jaokete, lined with tweed and interlined with robber, regular prioe $5, for 99.96. - Men's Duck Jaokete, lined with robber, $1.96. -Men's heavy Lumber - man's Robbers, oorrigated edges, high out, will wear lilts iron, Balemice $150, -Men's heavy Sox to wear with robbers, at 400, 608 and 75e. 611t00Eifl0l9.- 22 Ibo, beat Granulated Sugar for $1,-4 Ilse, Cur- rents (new holt) for 26a,-4 Ibo. New Raisins for 250-Oboboe New Figs, very special, 4o. -Quaker Brand Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, 3 oats for 25o. -The celebrated Siji Japan Tea, worth 80o, for 26o. , C�-4i.�U,�-3r2'ar�-ST_$?2••,_�=��a�r ��•--,c.-:a�,-,.����a-�, arJ-�l CARD OF THANKS, • HILE thanking the public for the liberal support during W the past 30 years in Ethel we would say the Qoher & Sons' Carriage Works are now being moved to Brussels, in the Ronald Fire Engine Works, where they will be ready for busi- ness in a month or so. • The firm will be able to supply the wants of customers better than ever, either in finished, heavy or light work. All kinds of wood work in the white supplied to blacksmiths. Repairing of all kinds done as in the past and promptly attended to. Trusting that all our old customers and ten times as many new ones will call on us to have their wants supplied in our line. ,AUCTION S -ALE Having sold our farm there will be an immense auction sale on THURSDAY, JAN. 23rd, at 12 o'clock, composed of Farm Stock, Implements, and new and second hand work in the Wagon and Carriage line. Yours Thankfully, JOHN COBER 6- SONS, 3) CARRIAGE BUILDERS. Chlldrc n°9a=� t Co You can feel easy about the health of the youngster that wears a pair of our overstock- ings and rubbers. Protection from the winter winds and wet snows secured by a pair of our oyerstockings and rubbers. They are closely knit of the strongest pure wool yarn -the best rubber that can be had. They are rough weather insurance policies for the health of the children. They don't cost much, only1- ' Children's, 95o ; Misses', $1.15 ; Women's $1.25. Also a nice assortment of Women's Felt Shoes and Slippers at lowest prioee. HARNESS DEPARTMENT Team and Single Harness at low prices. Robes, Wool era Plash Roge. Blankets and Robes relined and repaired, also Robe Lining for sale. Repairs in Harness, Shoes and Rubbers done promptly. �. 0. RICH RDS. Mona. Tu nbull FIAVE NOW TO BAND THEIR SUPPLY Ok`-• X Out Saws and Axes. All Saws Fitted zbp Reaf y for Use. Prices ccs Psi ht and:unlit Rood. Q Y CALL AND MOS BEFORE BUYING. %Wilton & Tuinbull