The Brussels Post, 1902-1-16, Page 4(rig IktusoVast THURSDAY, JAN, 16, 1302. O0uN3x Oounei' will meet on January 26, PeoviscrA& elections ill Ontario will liksly coma off next June. GIMSA2 13iivruo and Gerrneny are not throwing kisses at one another just nosy. Loran ICITorENErea laieet fern] of loath African campaign 10 larger oolnemne of, mounted soldiers end fewer cannon, TBE Government is being celled upon to survey more land in the Canadian Northweet to afford opportunity to the expected buyers this year, ErteellTAllnee .royalty comets a trifle steep. Winnipeg's weloome to the Duke and Daoheea of York took $5,280. Al. Most anybody could have a good time at that expense. Fon the past six months the inereaee in foreign trade with this Dominion, no compared with the same period in 1900, was 013,492,000. This is Canada's grow. ing time all right. MANXTOOA Government will ask the people of that province to re -affirm their opinion in reference to the Prohibition question. The municipal votefe' list will be need for the purpose of taking the vote. Governments are very shy of handling the Temperance queetiou. LAST Saturday Hon. R. R. Dobai!, a member of the Dominion Cabinet of the House of Commons, was thrown from a ba-ee on wbiob he was riding near Folk- stone, England, and falling on hie bead was killed almost instantly. He was born at Liverpool to 1886 and was con- sequently 60 years of age, Mre. Dobell le also in England. They went there in the hope that Mr. Dobell's health might be built up. TRE Addreae from the throne at the opening of the Provincial Parliament was brief. It was moved by J. F. Grose, of Welland 00„ a former Haronite, and seconded by Colonel Mutrie, of South Wellington. Messrs, Whitney and Roes also gave epeeohea, not altogether in agree- ment,and then business proceeded. The session le likely to be short. Address may be read on page 3 of this issue. TRE Targe number of aoolamatione in connection with the recent Municipal Eleatione seems to point the way to the possibility that these offioee may become two year terms similar to the County Oonnoil. For many reasons it would be a move in the right direction as it would have a tendenoy to keep a better class of men in office if the tenure were longer. It would also permit of laying plane and carrying them out not always possible in 12 months. GREAT preparations are being made ae far as applioatione to Parliament for Eleotrio railroad building is concerned, 1046 milesebeing in the count. The road f it Heron and Bruce Counties ie in the a.umber. There is little doubt but that the next 10 years will see many miles of this style of road constructed and people will then wonder bow they got along so many years without it. The world moves and people Wbo keep paoe with it will have to keep beetling. NEWSPAPERS get it in the neck too just thename es other people. This time it is the Windsor Herald, a Conservative paper started lees than a month ago by Meagre, Whaley & Ciaig. They suspended publi- cation last S,t'nrday. Mr. Whaley was the proprietor of the Arthur Enterprise and recently sold out to Rev. Mr. Tbynne, who supplied Melville ohnroh pulpit in this pleas, for several weeks last Summer. There are too many newepapers in the field and there will be more of them take a tumble before 1902 aloees. The supply outdoes the demand. PEothe cannot be too captions in guarding against the emailpox epidemic( so prevalent in some sections and spread. ing rapidly in various quarters of the Province. The disease has been of a light type apparently in most eases yet there is no telling what turn the eoourge may assume. Vaccination, while per- haps not an entire preventative, will go a good dietanoe in rednoing the severity of the disease. Boards of Health can hard• ly be too etriot in enforcing the Publio Health Aot in its various provieione hay. ing referenda to diseases of this character. EVERY farmer should attend the meet. ing; of the Farmers' Inetitute and get all the information be can and give all the pofntere he has gained by hie experience. Al Emit Huron meeting at. Brneeele on Wednesday of next week, a lady, in the person of Mrs. Colin Campbell, of Gode- rioh, will give a couple of addresses and farmers' wive; and daughters are invited to be present, A Womnn'slaatitute may be established if ao1 oie0t 10100061 is manifested in the department. They have, proven very interesting and inatruotiee where inangdrated. A list of the aubjeote to be dealt With may be read ip the local aclumn 4f TIM Torr, Tba Gerrie meat, Ing will be held an Tnetday of next weak, The Canadian Bacon Trade IN GREAT BRITAIN IN PAN^ GER. A great many nndeairable bogo are being g m I atketed by the farmers through out the Province of Ontario. Thoth are being converted into export batten, and forwarded to Great Britain, and beoaaee Pt their quality, are sold there at a lose. Title leas must ultimately be borne by the f %mere, although the packers are at the present moment being severely pun. iahed. As an example wequote. the oonditioo of the !rade at the Geo. Matthewe Com. pony's (eatery, Ottawa, for the montbel of N member end December, 1901, and the first week of January, 1002. In Novetnber, 1901, a total of 8970 pige were reoeived et this fernery, 01 these 6708 were "Beleote," 1002 were "Lights," 1244 were "light fate," 86 were "heavy tate," 97 were "sows," 5 were "stage," 13 were "oripples" and 220 were "stores," these latter being lean pige, unfit for any per•' pose. Of 6151 Boge reoeived at the fee. tory in Deoember, 1901, the "eeleote". numbered 2870, the "119110" 1172, the "light fate" 720, the "heavy fate" 61, the "edwe" 74, the "stage" 7, the "oripples" 36, and the "atones" 217. From the 2nd to the 4th of January, 1002, 1060 hogs were reoeived. Of these, 267 were "Bel - eats," 608 were "lights," 108 "light tate," 10 "heavy fate," 14 "sows," 6 "stage," 7 "cripples" and 92 "stores." Tbie makes a total for the nine weeks of -8864 "sal. acts," 8282 "ligIte," 2120 "light fate," 147 "heavy fats," 185 "eowe," 18 "stage," 55 "cripples," and 529 'otoree" ; total 15190. Piga termed "seleate" are those that can be made into the beet class of Wilt. aline Karon, and are the sort thathave made Canadian baonn famous ou the English market. Is order to keep up the price of hogs, the packers must receive the sort of bogs that will make the fluent Wiltshire sides. To make this the pack ere must have emootb, deep, well•fed pigs, with a large amount of loan meat in the oaroasaee, in proportion to the amount of (at. They mast be well finished, and weigh, on reaohing the packing house, from 180 to 200 pounds. Oa the pigs termed "ligbte" the packers lose at lehat outs dollar per head. The "light fats" can be out up and pnt into the retail trade, but too large a number of time light pigs would, • at any time, filet the local market. The "heavy fate" can be worked up, when not Inc numerous, bot will sell for at least one half dollar per hundred, live weight, less tbao "selects." "Sown" sed. "etags" are very poor prop. arty, and can only be need in supplying a very inferior trade. In order to be of any value to the pokers, "sows" and "stags" ehonld be made as fat as possible. "Cripples" are of little or no value, to the packers, a0d are always fed at a lose to the farmers, "Stores" should never reach the pork packers, yet thousands of them are sent every week to the market by the farmers. It the farmers oontinue to market snub a large number of undesirable pigs, it will seriously injure the Canadian Bacon Trade in Great Britain, and will bring about greatly reduced prices for hogs throughout Canada, %V roXH r:er. Mica Purser ie junior leather in our school. Mies Agues Bleck has left for London to continue her studies. Henry Armstrong has leased John Eamer'e shop and expecte a carload of buggies along thouto-fill it. Thos. and Mrs. Sanders and little son, of Manitoba, are visiting for a few weeks with Mrs. Sanders' parents, Obae. and Mrs. Simmons, in town. 0. Taylor, of Howiok, North of Gerrie, wee in town delivering the tine, white owl, which he has stuffed and set op in a oath for A. A. Ealy, at the Walker House. James Allan, shoemaker, who hae•for the peat 30 years resided at Wroxeter, on the road to Gerrie, left last week for Kimberly, Grey Co., where hie daughter, Mre. Allan, resides. The feeble state of his wife made it necessary that she should have someone with her. 1[i el,: rave. A ebipmeot of hogs was made from Balgrave on Tuesday by Messrs. Clegg & Armstrong. Owing to the prevelenoe of smallpox in Wawanoeb and the fact that a resident of that township had attended the Presby. terian church here on Sabbath, 6th inet., who hos Mime been laid np, the ohnroh was thoroughly diaiofeoted and servioe wee withdrawn last Sunday. The annual meeting of the Hast Waw. annsh Aericoltaral Society was held at Brnoe'e Hotel, Belgrave, on Wedneed ay of lest week, the President, Walter Soot t, in the chair. The Treasurer's statement of receipts and expenditures, also the annual report of the Direotora were read, showing reeeipte from all eoaroes to the amount of $424 98; expenditure fn prizes, &e., $317 97 ; leaving a balanoe on band of $107 01. On motion the reports were adopted. The following offioere were elected :—President, Walter Scott ; let Vioe-President, James Owens ; 2nd Vioe- President, Richard Prootor ; Direotnrs, Chas. Wilkiueon, J. E. Fells, H. Ed. wards, P. Gibbons, J. Oole, R. Scott, J. Coultee, sr.. R. McMurray and D. Sproat; Auditors, J. 8. Scott and Isaac Stubbs; Treasurer, 0. MoCleliand ; Secretary, F. Anderson. PREannTraoLN CRmiolr.—Balgrave Pres. byterian oburob report for the past year gives the following partioulare (—Session reports 67 lamiliee at the beginning of the year, four withdrawn and four added, leaving 67 families at present. Members at last report, 143 ; added during 1901, 7 ; removed, 12 ; present'membership, 188. The finaoolai report ('bows 01110.29 of receipts ; balanoe on band, 0175,58, The Ladies. Aid spent $22.30 in oburob veetry furniehiage. The Building committee report reeeipte-0747.60, moat of which hue been expended. 0187.18 was oolleoted for ethernet(' of the church daring the year. The W, F,11f. S. sent clothing to the Northwest to the value of $27, and hove a balance in bash of $25.16. The reeeipte of the Sabbath Sshool were $71.74, of which a balanoe of 010.11 remains on hand. The report ehowe the ohnroh to be,prnopering under the pastoral ogre. of Rev. J. J. H.astie. Geo. Taylor is the treasurer and P. W.$oott,eecretary, The 9eee1ot1 oonetsts of NEW. J. J. Hattie, Moderator ; W, W ightman, Sec..Treae, ; i u i U 8 L 5i C J' x.,49 1902 loan llloflal#am, Jag, Ferguson, Jae, Cunningham. The 4inanoial ocmmittee le composed of (*Geo, Taylor, chairman; 1?, W, Scott, D, Seett, A. Mellids:v, J. J', S'ergneoa, Wm. Michie, jr., Geo, Procter, Wm, linos, 1I. McLean. (atrrteo, A meeting of the Dud Huron Verniers, Inetitute will he held in the Town Hall; Gerrie, on Tuesday, Jen. 214, at 130 p. m, 1i r; D'inglas, of Teviotdale; hue charge of the 0eni,r department of our mime!, and Mise Murton, of Fergus, el the junior department. Stook, eto , shipped from the Gerrie etetioneinoe Jan. let 1901, to Deo. net 1001, were us follows :-72 Dara of "hogs, 74 care .f cattle, 14 care of lambs, and two care of horses, making a total of 102,; Gorge Brown diapoeed of his fine reel, dunce and property 'en Victoria al,, to Wm. Andiron, er., who will take posses. Bion on May 1st.Mr. Brown poipoeee gaing to the Canadian Sao and will nt all probability move hie. family 1 In re in the Spring. Whet might have proved a 0erione fire was noticed just 10 time Met :Sunday afternoon 5th inst., about 3 o'clock at the home of Wm. M Loon. One of theohi'd ren had been playing with matches and lighted Borne strew in the woodshed, when some of their neighbors noticed a great volume of smoke issuing from the shed and proceeded to extingoieh the demes. It is furtnuatetbat it was noticed when it was as the parents were absent from home et the time. HOWmx ELECTION. Reeve— 1 2 3 4 5 8 Gregg .... 80 107 80 80 45 82-474 Irwin .. 60 19 68 30 68 18-252 Msj'rity for Gregg, 222. Councillors— Gowdy .. 92 84. 81 44 45 23-346 dcKee.. , . 61 42 109 76 93 45.426 Speoos.... 64 65 63 75 37 87-371 Schurter.. 87 72 48 47 26 45-270 Strong,... 94 55 112 85 62 07-475 Commutation of Statute Labor— Per 56 41 101 62 52 23-336 Against — 74 86 40 58 61 77 89.1 Majority against, 56. Gorrie—Pol ice 'l roetees. Jas. Armetrong 61 Wm. Bennett 44 Joe. R, Williams 49 Jae. McLaughlin 82 Robb. Toung 29 VV Ingle atm. Miss Nellie Beokett is the new teacher in Lower Town school. On New Year day in Mileage, Mies Agnes Day, formerly of Wingbam, wee united in marriage to J. B. Ferguson, electrician, of Chicago. The Troetee Board of the Methodist Church met, and decided on the date for the opening of thenew church, February Elected. Defeat=d. 1011 being the fleet Sunday of theW open. ing serviaee, d,ntoag the preaohere rte• cured are Key. A. Q, Crewe, Rev, Dr, Briggs, Bev, Dr. Aarntan, General Super. intondent, and Key. James Livingstone, President of the Damien • Oonferenoe, Fern Lodge 17o,1t0 elreted their unlaces for the present year as tullowa ; W M Mre, W. J ash, 0,1 D 11 , Mrs 5, W., Dodd ; deo , LT,z'y 14 alp tty ; b'iu.•Soo. and Treas., J. W. 1odll 1 Chap , Uro, R, Aiken('; D. of C., W, 5.Ilaniti„i ;11,uaj ,” Mrd, lttunaay Qom„ h+ikglo 1; feoGy� 61re. Shelijeld, 101. Waugh, Mee. 5. Net. tee field, Mr, Ramsay; 'Tyler, M. 13, Waugh, Tho atlioore were installed by the D. D. CI, til , W. J. Dodd. The annual meeting of Tarnberry Agri - mineral Sooiety was held on Wednooday afternoon of last week. The Treaeurer'e report ebowed a balanoe of $51.00. The following olloere were elected :—Hoo,. Prue Chao. Henderson f Pres„ Sae. Currie ; let vice, Jno, Moffett; 2odVioe, A. Tipling ; Directors, G. Oruiokebank, S. Eernigben, D. B. Anderton, Thos. James, Lee Orvie, P. Fowler, W. J. Our ria, J, F. Linklater, Hon,.Direetors, 5, A. Morton, R. Vanstone,. F. Sperling, T. Hall, 0.ICneohtel, 11. B. Elliott, T. A. 61+11e, W. Orulokehank, At a sahsegnont meeting of the Direotore, Wm.Bobertenn was re elected'Soo,.Treas., at the same salary. Mre. Allenby, sen„ who lose her hns• band by death, received the sad news last week of the death of her son, Thomas G,, in California, He was killed a few weeks ago while engaged in his duty as brakeman on a freight train, In the darkness of the early morning, while step ping from 000 oar to another, he slipped between the oars and hie life was crushed out, Mrs. Allenby and her fernily here are plunged into griet again, by the sad news. Deceased wee a Patriarch of the REAL ESTATE........ {1ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN- narReroNE11 baa several. good Farms for ante and to rent, easy terms in -Townships of tlorrie and Grey; F S. SCOTT. l3ruseels • T. 1f FOR 1' Awiil buy Lot N. U n t o 1810, oonoes- eion of the Township of Grey, containing 64 muss. There is about 10 mores clear of tim- ber. The rest iu bush. Por further infor- mation apply to G. F. Blair, Solicitor,. Brim. eels. .1-4- OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in Brussels, ylligibly situated, I tore • of land, stable, well, collar andother con- venienewl, For- price and terms apply to MISS DARK, Oranbrook P.0 ,or TRE Poss. Publishing Souse, Brussels, 1941- 161_ SAORIFIOE 1N REAL E S- TATit.-S3000.00 will buy the Mo6au, l shay Bleak in the Village of Brussels. These two floe stores must be sold to close out the 1 tic0aagbey Estate, intending .purehasere should investigate at once. Apply to P, 8,.i SCOTT or G. F. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont. O, A F., null .hfs 194° draped ft"' THE- axzzi AT O r`�'� STO charter and paused reeek tions of eympe. thy, Ho and bis brother Sobn, formerly Of Wipgham, had planned to volt their Kende here In the Spring, Deemed leavoe two orphan sone, life wife died a few years ago, Gilbert Parker, la, P,, was benilnetud "al #iullevilte, • flf rm^n Levy, the well known jeweller, died at ilatnt11,.11, 111ias lIolen 14oPhereon, of Montreal, was fatally burned, her hair entailing fire from a lamp, Henry 1.ronsbein, a former well to.d0 citizen of Ilnmiton, wart found a wretched hovel In that city. dying in Two o'Clock Edition, PER YEAR • This edition. is published especially for towns, villages and rural districts in -Western Ontario. It gives an the news up to ONE O'CLOCK each day, including Foreign, .Canadian, American, District, Local and Sporting: It rontalns eight - to twelve pages five days a week, and sixteen pages on Saturday... Half -tone and other illustra- tions of -important doings and prominentpeople appear every day. The Saturday edition alone is worth the price. timSue.bsertpttonoAddress— reoelved at any The Landon Free Press Ptg. Co LONDON, ONT. efentlon:Otto miner. WE will offer for the next 30 Days our ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS at ,Re.mark- -albly Low Prices in order to make room for our Shipments of Spring Goods which arrive Next Month. Below is a Sample of the many Bargains to be found in our Stock, Men's and Youths' Ready-made Clothing Regular $5.00 and $6.25 Suits, Sale price $4 00 Regular 5.75 ,c „ 4 25 Regular 6.50, 6.75, 7.00 " Regular 7.50 8.00 Regular 8,50 9.00 " Regular 10.00 r, Regular 12.00 ,i Regular 15.00 " 5 00 6 00 7 00 8 00 9 50 12 00 rt Ordered Clothing Department $14 00 Tweed. Suits made to order $12 00 15 00- " 't ]2 50 16 00 18 00 20 00 22 00 13 75 1450 16 00 1'7 50 Underwear Regular $0 50 quality for $0 40 Regular 65 „ 60 Regular 76 • " 55 Regular 1 00 75 Regular 125 " 90 Regular 1 50 . ee 1 00 Furs Persian Lamb Caps, regular $4, $5, $6;50, $7, $7.50 and $8 quality at $3, $4, $5,25, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50. Manitoba Beaver Caps, regular $2.25,' $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00, Sale Price $1,60, $1.76, $2.00 and $2.25. Only 8 Pur Coats left which we will sell at a Bargain. TERMS STPICTLY. GASH DURING SALE. Cp .,:,..::. z.,, N F ....... :: SON Tailors, Clothiers & Furnishers. This sig January is a Creat Clearing SUCC@SS.' The selling is great because the Bargains are Real. AS fast as pilus sell down we're "culling out" more extras to fill up the Special Price Tables. If Hieryou had ,Dress Goods, Furs,, Underwear, Hosiery, New is a Bar ail in Bl085 a d Rubbers. g Your dime -A snap in Men's Pea Jackets and Read y,made Suits. -All Boys' Suits and Overcoats at Sweo ping Reductions. —A few Full Coats at Clearing Prices. D. M. McBEATH, BLYTH. E thank our many friends and customers for their kind patron- age extended to us during the year 1901 and at the same time solicit a continu- ance of your confidence for . the coming year. You may depend on getting good value for your money at all times. No fancy prices. Everything Cheap Beginning the new year we are pre- pared to supply you with all lines of Cold Weather Goods such as Suits and Over- coats, Felt Boots, Overshoes, Under- clothing, Blankets, Men's iii'ur Coats, Ladies' Fur Jackets and Caperines, &c. A. STRACHAN, Cutters Cutters A lot of new Cutters now ready fpr delivery. Another lot will be ready in a few days. 10 you want a Cutter call early and get a pick from our 'fine new stock. Sleighs aro now being manufactured of all sizes. We can supply your wants no matter what they are in this line. Some good Second Hand Buggies and Carts will be sold out very cheap. Balance of new Buggies at Oast to clear out. Ewan & Co. INTIZTTIMEt AT TBE POST BOOKSTORE. aspansainamosismates Upper Ten, Author's, Shufflette, Lacrosse Home Tennis, Whirlpool, Snaps, Crokinole, Over the Garden Wall, Peter Coddle's Trip to NewYork, Checker Boards, ' &c., &c. Will be Cleared Out at Out Prices. nee our Boy's Hand -sleigh, it is Sure to Please rr•