The Brussels Post, 1902-1-16, Page 3THE MARKE[S
Prices of Grain, 'Cattle, etc
in Trade Centres.
T.0ronte, Jan, 14,-R000ipts at the
Weetei'n cattle market to^day were
all told, Afty l0add of live stools, in-
(Muting B00 cattle, 000 sheep and
latubs, 900 Hogs, 20 much come, and
a tow entree.
The market all round waa steady
and unchanged, and these row words
'Toronto, Jaau1ar y 14.-�^W1ioa't- b0 pt:actieallY give the market.
wheat market has a bettor tone, here Is a goad steady trade 18 ex-
with soma more onquiry, No. 2 red Pert Battle ; prices aro unchanged ai t -
and white sold at '76 to 76*0 mid. from 4* to 50c for good to choice
die on low freight to NOW York, and cattle ; and loo light stuff front 4 to
No. 1 spring at 75 to 76o east, Cie.
Manitoba wheat steady. No, 1 hard No change 'oceu red to -day in the
sold at 88*• to $90 all rail, via Sae- condition of butcher cottlio.
We have a lair enquiry for atockera
nia; No, 1 Nott11ern at ail, and 110, and footless at the prices prevailing
2 Nortluwn at 82o alt rail, via Sar last T10sda , p 6
rite: Prices' are 10 lower via North There is no change at all in .sheep
Day, land lambs;
Oats -The }ze market is quiet with a A few good reticle cows aro a Sure
moderato trade. N0. 2 white quoted
at 4,1* to 4-90 uticldle freights, and sero at from 440 to 450 each.
Good veal calves roe also wanted,
at 42*c east, 11089 arO steady and unchanged.
Peas -The Market is ' quiet, wttit Ci leo ho s to-clay,said at 6,75
prices unchanged. No. 2 quoted at 'sales gt $
88 to 840 west, and at 84. to 860 Per cwt, ; fat hogs at $0,50 and light
middle freight. at 50.50 Poo cwt.
g Hogs to fetch the top price must
Corn -The market is steady. Can- be of prime quality, and scale not
sultan yellow quoted at 58 to 449
below 160 nor above 200 pounds,
Following ie, the range of quota -
Barley --Market is steady. No• 1. tions
quoted at 57o. and No, 2 at 63 Lo • Cattle:
54c; No, 3 extra at 52c and No. 8 Shippers, per ewt84.60 $5,25
at 50 to Me -middle freight. Butcllor, choice,., ., 3:95 1.25
Rye -The cleinalui is fair, with pri- Ru,eher, ordinary to
ccs 5611 to 57e west.
good... 8.25 3.75
Buckwheat -Market is firmer,' with Butcher, inferior... .,..,.,2.75 8.25
salon at 551• to 66c east,Stockers, per cwt,.. 2.50 8.75
Flour -The market 131 steady. Nine Sheep and Lambs.
ty per cent, patents; in buyers' bags Choice owes, per Cwt,.,,- 8,25 8.75
$2.90 bid middle freights,' with
42,95 asked. Locally and for Low-
er province trade choice straight rola
lees, in wood, are 48.25 to $8.40.
Manitoba flour steady, with Hungar-
ians $4,10 to 84.30, and strong bak-
ers' at 83.80, Toronto freight.
Oatmeal ---Market unchanged. Car
lots on ' track, 85.85 la bags, and
$5150 in wood, Broken Tote, 25e
per bbl extra.
bfillfeed-Bran unchanged at 410 to
$20. Shorts, $21 to $22 outside.
3(1111011.0311 bran $20, and shorts 422,
'Toronto freights, including sacks.
Potatoes -The Market is steady.
Cars aro quoted at 68 to 70e per
bag, on track bore, and the jobbing'
prices 80 to 85c,
Dried Apples -Market is steady,
with demand limited. Prices oro 13
5S -e, per ib. Evaporated sell at 0
to 10e Ib.
hops -Business quiet, with prices
steady at 1.8e; yearlings, 8c.
Honey -The market is unchanged,
at 10 to 10}c for strained. Combs,'
$1.50 to 42.50 per dozen.
Beans -The market is steady; un-
picked aro Jobbing at 811.40 to
41..40; and handpicked at 81.50 to
Cranberries --Market is Mtn, with
stocks small. Cape Cod at $0.50 to
$10 per bbl.
May,: baled -Tho market Is steady,
with good demand. Timothy quoted
at 80.50 to 810 on track for No. 1,
and al $8. to 48.50 for No. 2.
Straw -The tnaricot is quiet and
Arra. Car lots on track will .bring
$.5.75. to 86 -
Poultry -Market is steady. 'Tur-
keys, 84 to p,c por 1h; freema, scald-
ed and halt -fatted stock sold from 7
to 8c. Geese, (try pierced, 7 to 80.
Melts, 60 1,0 85c. Chickens, young,
50 to 75c; old, 35 to.40e, Rabbits,
20e per pair.
creased hogs unchanged at 48 to
08.15 in car lots, with offerings fair.
Clog products steady. We quote -
Bacon, long clears, sells at 10} to
Llc in ton and case lois: mess pork,
$21; do., short cut, $22,
Smoked Meats -Hams, 18 to 131,9,
hreakfast bacon, 14 to 140; -rolls,
110; backs, 14 to 144c, and should-
ers, 10*c.
Lard -Tho market is unchanged,
.•-'-with Lair demand. We quote:-Tiere-
Cs. 11 to Bete; tubs, 114c; pails,
Butter -The market rules steady,
with receipts fair. Wo quote as fed-
lowse-•SelecLod dairy tubs, 10 1.0 170
choice large rolls, 161 to 17c; finest
-13 rolls. 18 to 19c; inferior quali-
ties, 10 to 1240; creamery prints,
2.1. to 22c: solids, 20 to .11c.
lggs-The market 1s firm. Strict-
ly fresh, 27 to 130e; hold fresh, 22
to 25c; cold storage, 20 to 92c;
ed, 19 to 20c.
Cheese -Market is, steady. Wo
quoin finest Septembers, 1.01 to tics
seconds, 9e to ;Loc.
Toledo, Jan, 3 de-1Yh8at-Gash and
January, and May 01c, Corn -Jan-
uary, 05c; May, 68e. tats -Jana-
ary, 48* to 481,c, Itye--tine; No. 8,
674o. Cioverseed--January, $6.10;
MIeech, 1;0.15; timothy,, ;12.95.
8ul7alo, Jan. 14.,•1'1041r --Firm.
Wheat --Spring dull; No, 1 Northern.
80go. Corn -Dull; No. 2 yellow,
704e; No, 8 do, 70c; No. 2 corn,
694e; No. 8 do, 69jc. Oats--•-Lastor;
No, 2 white, 524e; No, 3 ii2ot No. 2
mixed, 4V-;jc; No. 3 do, tines Batley
--65 to 70c. Ryo•-No, 1, 72e.
Milwaukee, Jan. Vt.-Wheat-Ease
tor; close, No, 1 Northern. 80 c: No,
T.7et•thel'n, 70$• 4,0 800; May, 84 to
Sire, Itye-$toady; No, 1, 674c,
Barley -Dull; No. 2, 04e; sample. 55
to Ode. Corn---Alay,671o,
Duluth. Jan. 14.-Oloso-Wheat
Cash, No. 3. hard Bic: No. 2 North-
ern, 75„e; No. 1 Norlheen, 78e; b'Cay,•
6140, Oats --+1710, Corn -55c.
T4(wieapolls, ,Iar1. 14. -Close--,
Wheat -Cash, 70 c; May, 80*o; July,
81. 4,:o 8lSo; on trach, No. 1 hard,
31ec; No, J. Norttioru, 794c; No. fl
Northern, 773 1 o 78-4c. flour-•I4•irst
patente. 444.10 to 44.20; second pa. -
toots, 9.1,, to $4,10; flet clears, 88
to. 411.1.0; second Clears, 42,30, :Bran
--In badk, 417.50,
'navel t, ,Tan. 14..---Closed-WIlea Les
No. '1 White, cards 94e; No, 2 reit,
cash and Jnnultry, 0801 May, 92c;
July, 833e.
Sit Louie, Teta, 14. -Closed -Wheat
- 011811,.'4,90/0; May, 601e; Jul
Butcher sheep, each 2.00 3.25
Ladf)bs, per cwt... 8.50 4.50
Ducks, per cwt.., 2,00 2.50
Milkers and Calves.
Cowie, each::: :30.:00 15.00
Calves, each... ..... 2.00 10.00
Choice bogs, per Cwt' 6.50 6.75
Light hogs, per cwt... ....6.00 6.50
Ileavy hogs, per cwt 6.12* 6.50
Sows, per cwt,.. .. 8.50 4.00
Stags, per cwt... ... 0.00 2.00
i 1
SPI ECM 07 T,113 L1:w UT1a1'ift.NT-
A Toronto despatch says :. Weath-
er such as aJanuary thaw prowl
in Toronto_19 disliked by the ladies,
but evidently the (attraction of the
(mooing on Wednesday of the fifth
80a510n or the ninth Legislature of
Ontario' 18 great, for the fail' -sex
turned out in Large numbers to wits
The amendments to tile Factories
Asa, requiring the oWnel'a of factory
butldlpg'8 10 provide suitable lire es-
capes, IraVO greatly inOrea90d the
safety of the operatives end tlioeo
Connected with tho mechanical Indus-
tries of the province.
11, is gratfyieg to be able to state
that the Curbing industry 4109, durleg
the year, been unusually prosperous:
'1.'ho work luaugurated last ' year, ' of
restocking the Inland lakoe rind
rivers,: will be continued durlug the
approaching season.
tress 'the ceremony. . Measures will be submitted con-
ehoi•tter after three o'clock the band „Os'uing the ewe of ii 10)111nting
outside played "Cod 1duva the: liquoee, the construction of a rail -
King” and a tow minutes later the way from North Bay to Lake Tends-
King's representative, Sir Oliver camlligtlo, increased representation
Mowat, Lieutenant -Governor of Oil rnr rho northern districts of the
torte, appeared at the entrance, ac- province, the assessment laws, the
0ompa111ed by Commander Law, lion. fisheries, and'extra-pi•ovInelal Cor-
G. W. Boss, the Premier, mot Sir porat10119,
Oliver at rho door, and they made The report of the Royal Oomtinise
their way up the narrow aisle, with sine appointed' Lo revise the assess-
the people crowding either side, Sir went law's or the province and the
0h1Vpi• asocnded olio dla8 (1114 3.1100ecd- reports of the several departments
ed w1Llt' his spcocll, Ills Ironer ap of the public service will be laid be -
peered fully as strong as he has ' on
4,10 last two openings of the Leg1815'
A guard of honor of 100 men from
the Oilcan's Own Rifles, with a band,
formed outside the entrance, to ro-
celve Sir Oliver,
Mr. Speakee and Gentlemen of the
Legislative Assembly : , reacl his speech and retired, Speaker
I take groat pleasure in again meets Eventurel announced the receipt of
Mg you as representatives of the the resignation of Hen.
Province in Parliament nssembled. Thirty, the Kingston roper:Imitative,
Since- the. last meeting of the
.Legislature the have been honored by
a visit from their lioyal, highnesses.
the Duke and Duchess of Cantwell
0n4 York. I was greatly pleased to
notice the hearty reception given to
their Royal Elgin -lea -es, in every
part of Ontario, which the limited
time al their disposal permitted
them to visit. The gracious manner
-in which they received the expres-
sions of loyalty which their presence
fore you In due course.
. The cetimattes for the current, year,
prepared with as great meant to
economy as is consistent nith ot1Y-
clont o8l'V,1e0 and the grotvlug :vents
of the province, will ho 1ubmlttod
for consideration at an early date.
NEW M7:MiIlER i.
After the Li1utenont; Governor• had
Telegraphic Driers from All
Over the dobe.
Palllaulont is not expected to meet
until I''ebruary 18.
An electric railway Is to connect
Winnipeg and tloadingly.
London had 48 births, 56'deatlis
and 55 marriages last nt0nt11.
Laval University, Montreal, will
(01 brate its gulden jubilee in June
American capitalists have bought
many acres of timber limits in Nova
Just 8,3313 warrants were issued in
Montreal during the ,year. There
were 8,100 9r/senors, of whom 2,250
were males. -
All the sawmills to British Col-
umbia have combined on a schedule
of prices for the Canadian and the
export tss:tie,
The Westinghouso Electric Com-
pany is behind the proposal to build
an electric railway between Winni-
peg and Moadingly.
The Canadian pavilion at the Wol-
verhampton Exposition will be 102
feet long by 79 feet wide. 1t will be
a handsome building.
The amount realized last year for
rca:e ins ca girt at Victoria, is''.,
The University of ChIoag'o has just
i oag'ht It 5415,000 estate.
t lbley, 111•„ 80410018 are closed on
aec0aut of an epidemic of smelt.
Reports show that the national
bankruptcy lam finds general ap-
M1, Santos -Dumont will.nenduct-lils
aerial experiments in the United
States next spring,
Patriots. Sullivan, of Jennings,
Mout., shot his wife, his grand -child,
and 131019th dead.
Smallpox is spreading in Illinois.
The Chicago school fund has a de -
Colt of 42,000,000.
Dr. Nicholas Van, of Goshen, N.Y.,
06 years -old, Is to marry again, hav-
ing burled twelve wives,
James Lads, a well-to-do farmer
of Manheim, N.Y., committed sui-
cide because he had lost a lawsuit.
dice treaty between the United
States and Denmark for the sale of
the Danish West Indies will be sign-
Tho Women's Medical College of the
Chicago North-western University
will close because women doctors aro
not a success.
The total attendance at tee Pan-
American Exposition was 3.520,09.8.
Of this number 5,806,859 were free
only 3,213,189 paid,
Arthur Bartel, the 15 -year-old sou
of John Bartel, of Long Island City,
committed suicide because his father
wotddn't let him go out to Ploy.
Teen followed the introduction 01 , The authorities at Litchfield,
new members-77on. .3. T. Garro'a scalars in rho lactic Ucoan, and dis- Minn., are convinced that Mr. and
for Wort Iluron, Col. Loye for ron- posed of in tine British market; was
don, and John Leo for hast Kent. 8850,000. it"r . Milton Gorton, who were found
--a t$illiatn Pickard is suing the Ilam- brrnel to death in their !tome Wed -
TRADE WITH AFRICA, 4tro-t t(o.iinay COulparly for noaday night, were murdered.
81,000 fur in,uly to his nervous De, Charles L. Kloss, a Congrega-
Scheme to Get Supply Steamers system. white handling the cora- trohnl raster at Webster Grove, St.
to Carry Canadian Goods. pt+ny5 010Ctric vvire9. Louis, has causal a seltgatVon there
Canada's poultry exports in 1897 by so' geeting in an interview that
A despatch from Ottawa says 1- were $57,271, In 1898 they had ris- mom n should propose marriage..
Iron. Sidney Dither is in communica- en to 8100,786, in 1890 they had
'ovolced.ahld tile interest they mord-
tion with the idea.ofgetting the grown to 414012'3 and in 1900 • At Kansas City, Mo., Rev, James
t om
fes ted in every matter pertaining to steamers which now convey hay and broke therecord with $211181 IA. Heath has been oxpe e r
the prosperity of the province will,
_ ' Itrust, strengthen 0u1 attachment to i
Expert 'Urges Prohibition of Con- the Empire they s0 worthily
g represented, and in which we, ars a
sanguineous Marriages. pr0vin11e, are so deeply interested.
A despatch from London says I congratulate you on the con -
Increasing insanity, supposedly duo timed prosperity of the lumbering,
to consanguineous marriages, 1•o- industry, 31111(111 gives employment to
suiting in a reduction of population so rattily of our people, and from
in numerous rural parishes, is tho
latest and most disturbing phase of
the exodus from the country to the
cities .of England.
Physicians and Clergymen in. several
widely separated counties arc writing
to the London mese urging the Gov-
ormtent promptly to attempt to
grapple with the problem. One rec-
tor says that 410 per cent. of the
other supplies for the British Gov-
ernment to South Africa, to load up
with Canadian goods for sale in
South Africa, to ih;s way a busi-
ness might be pramotod between
Canada and South Africa, which in
the course of a short time might call
for the establishment of direct
steamship communication between
tin= a di-
Baptist ministry for get 6
Ottawa's City Treasurer, in a verve from ono woman to marry
statement of receipts and expendi- another.
turns up to Dec. 34-, 0U.,i-, 8(1.1wa I The Immigration from Italy, Ar -
that thele Is a deficit of 511,511, ramie, Syria, and Greece has grown
Tho total expenditure was 4407,597 fifty per cent. in three years, and
and the total receipts 44486,085. that from Ireland has been decrees -
On Veb. 1 a second mail will he lag far seven years.
sent frons Athabasca. Lauding to the
Penec River District. All matter to' Diary Bonner, a 22-veu•-.ld n• t:.ass
which such a large part of our 00- both countries. In the meantime the
tutted States is driving a good bo forwarded by tho snail in clues- became enamored of a fellow -per -
Edmonton between Cape Town and Am- tion should be posted so as to reach former, and committed suicide by
oriean ports. Edmonton not later than Jnn. 27, stvaliowfng carbolic acid 1n toll view
It is held that there is no 0003101 Wm. Tandy, of Kingston, hes had of a targe audience in a Washington
why Canada should not share In this his leg atnputattd, tho result of n theatre•
trade, and lett those who are early fail Chian the hold of one of the' Chinese merchants in the "[Tailed
in the field so as to be on hand at 1licllelisu Se Ontario Navigation States have presented a petition to
the close of the war will doubtless Lontptrny's steamers. 319 was a the Chinese Court, complaining
have an opportunity of doing a big pur=er 0n th:1t line and is studying against the exclusion act and the in-
business in that country. The de- for the ministry, in-
dignities to which immigrants aro
tails of what is now going an be- 'I he meaty -three ladies of the subieoted.
tween the Department of Agriculture C1vi1 Service who arranged for the
and the Wnr Office aro not yet ready preseutation of guerdons to Strath. -
publication. Conn's Horse on the eve of their de-
MTr. C. F, Agriculture,
Whitley, of the Depart- parture from Ottawa for South Af-
ment of Aigricultu•e, leaves for
Cape Town next week in connection
with further shipments of hay to
South Africa.
ven'10 is derived.
1 he permanent Crown forest re-
serves amounting so over a million
and a half acres, have been carefully
protected during the past season and
no loss of any consequence from
fires or other causes hes occurred.
Steps are being taken to further in-
crease these reserves In order it pos-
burials in his parish last year were sable to establish a perpetual source
persona tainted with insanity. of income from the forests of the
Dr. A. P. Trodgold, Guildford, Su•- province.
roy, late Insanity expert to the Lon- MINING INDUSTRY'S PROGRESS.
don County Council, joins in the Tho mining industry of Ontario is
outcry against marriage of relatives, making steady and satisfactory pro -
and asserts that olio existence of tho gross. More capital and labor are
country population is at stake. IIe l naw being employed in mining opera -
suggests that. if Ig tho
cannot be tions than at any previous time, and
passed prohibiting rho union of pct•-! Who output of the chief mineral pro
sons predisposed 4,p insanity soma nitons of the province is rapidly and
manna ought to bo found for infusing:9tcadlly lapreasing in both quantity
fresh blood into 111e rural districts.
Ottawa's Medical Health OERcer y0ar. t,.xtetlsive areas have been dis-
posed of to actual settlers, most of
whom ere from southern Ontario.
A despatch from Ottawa says:-- It is satisfactory to know that those
there are seventy -ono cases of shall- who leave the olil_r settlements of
pox down at Porter's Islnncl now, the province to obtain homesteads or
tool while this slumber may be con- employment in newer fields now rc-
sldorcd large, it is much below alto alizo that they can find unexcelled
figure of a few weeks ago, when over opportunities within our own bound -
(1. hundred patients were registered, arics.
and cases were .springing up every
clay at a rate more or less alarming.
Tho Heiken health Officer thinks
that the worst has now been experi-
enced and that the disease is protl.y
art value,
Tho work of settling the agricul-
tural lands of tho Crown has boon
su0008Stully prosecute(' during the
The adequate caro and maintenance
of the ineane of our population still
engages tate attention of the Govern-
ment. Additional accommodation
for 150 patients has been furnished
Well under control, Tho doctor stales by the completion of the new asylum
that but for vaccination there buildings at Cobourg. This will re-
lieve, for tho Mine being•,• the exist-
ing congestion of the asylums of the
province, but I fear you will be
again called upon, at no distant
period, to consider the advisability
of making further provision for ao
e0mmochttion of the Inc easing lum-
ber of tl8 afflicted' class.
I am glud to learn that very sat-
isfactory progress 11a18 been macre in
the promotion of technical education,
and that in several of our towns end
Locomotive Works, was in the city cities special buildings and suitable
on Thursday and had Interviews with equipment for 1110 purpose lhave been
Sir William Vnull0rne, Sir ^Thomas generously provided, and also that
Shaughnessy, Mr, 0. Mr. i.Ta;ys, and the system of travelling libraries for
would have been a scourge of the di-
sease in the city, whilor•if that
treatment had been mor( vigorously
enforced, 'Lilo Post would now be
wiped' out.
1Smerican L000motive Works Por
• A Montreal despatch says: -S. 13.
Callawa.y, president of the American
other prominent railway 1110x. . Mr.
Callaway said his company would
lIko to 13114 probably would establish
locomotive works in Canada, but
nothing had yet been decided.
"You know," 3M. Callaway enntht-
tied, "IL takes a lot of money to es-
tablish locomotive works. We have
already spent 52,000,000 since the tuto Volume M. of the Revised Stria
amalgamation. The machinery and trines 1114;; compilati011 with necod-
plant Was a groat deal run down, sexy legislation wilt bo submitted for
and had to be renewed, se that at your aousidoral:ion, and I have ' • no
1200.9e11 I, owe 1t1'O (tOVOLing all our .emir- (10oh1. will bo regarded with great
gios in that direct.ion. Afterwards, fat'or by the legal profession and
When we get time, we will look over the public.
tho ground hero."he goal• just closed has been olio
• - .--- - of very gratifying prosperity to the
agricultural classes. The growth of
ICELAND AND CANADA, 1.110 11tt1(7 interests of tete • Province
is especially notoworthy, and the
To Be Connected With Wireless merited snecesd of the uxhlhltors of
Telegraphy, the province at 1410 Pau -American
Vali:Witien ovincee the intelligence
• A despatch from Copenhagen says : lvitll tvhioh ogrioulLural operations of
-It Is stated t11at Toehold, Groan- every kind aro carried 0n within the
land, the Faroe lslatul8, and Canada provinee,
will shortly bo connected with the 1)XTENDING T1'1 0, A. C.
Marconi system of wireless tele- The Impreve/nents mode at rho
gravity. Iceland, it I8 said, will AgrIenitural College by the erection
spend 545,000 for this purpose, and of a'physical and biological lab0ro-
is already lhegottttiug with Mr. Mat- tory and the early eolnpletiOn of the
cord ,for the insi 1.110;iou of the sib- Ma9soy 1tbrary mid museum; will
tem between 1:Wand and the 'Shot- add greltit to the cIDciertey of it
land Islands. 110110g'o, and place it en10ng the first
----.4-____ tri;r4Cnitural co110goe of America.
the newer parte of the province, for
which provision WAS made a year
ago, has met with general approval.
Tho compilation of the Imperial
statutes in force in ,the Province of
Ontario under the Provisions of Chap-
ter I1I,, 31.3.0., has been completed
rend ombodlod in what will eensli-
I ant idolised to learn that the log-
_ 'slaUon of last session for the en-
Oonkmandant Van Solhalkwyk couragcnietit of the beet sugar in-
Shot is likely to prod -lice the re-
sults desit'ect 110 oxperlments con-
A despatch from Cape 'Town pays 1 ducted by the Dopagtulont of, Agri-
-w-0onilnnndant T>a1i01 Van ,'38110.11, culLuro 903.010 ively Show that tlto
welt 1)09 been tried by rnurirtnarual province is moat ftrvorably adapted
pi> I1rngorsdorp, and shot, for llring to 1,111' growing ofelver beets, alto
at a WOuuliocl trooper ni' the South severni companies aro, now preparing
ilfrlenn Cotietabtliary, who had set'- .to 1rhdertlt1fp the work of •sugar pro,
Jules 810.
rendered and 101(1 down hie arms,
Electric Cars Will -Now be Pun to
Mount Sinai.
A despatch from. Cleveland says: -
Cleveland and Chicago capitalists,
incorporated as the Cleveland Con-
struction Company, have been suc-
cessful 111 negotiating with Signor J.
Spottier, of Rome, Italy, 'for con-
cessions for electric linos, from
Cairo, Egypt, to Mount Sinai, and
thence along the coast of the Red
Sea through Syria and Arabia to
Mecca. A branch is to connect Da-
mascus with the system at Mount
Letters received from Signor Span-
ler say that the Sultan of Turkey
has granted an important part of the
.concession for the system.
Bubonic plague has appeared at
rice have each been presented by Cape Town.
Lord Strathcona with a hand.eome Shan hal is arranging to have elec-
gold. brooch in the shape of a shield trio railways.
bearing the Strathcona crest. It is asserted that Rnssia was back
of the recent Boxer movement.
GREAT 13I1ITAl.f. Bread tax in Italy will be reduced.
Cholera is ravaging the ,lava 14 -
London has 637 cases of small- lands.
pox. Japan has begun the erection of
King Edward is re -arranging his wireless telegraph stations along the.
household on business tines. Lorean eoadt,
Americans, . it is hollered, aro Fearing blindness, Dr. Ihhlseinger.
gradually buying the Clyde ship- president of the Vienna Tribunal,
yards. committal suicide.
An Antarctic expedition will sail Two hundred People were drowned
from England next year, composed in the Moorish town, Series, Mloroc-
entirely of Scotsmen. co, by the bursting of a water spout
The emigration from the United over the town.
Kingdom last year was 1102,848, an M, leyshrrowski, a Polish engineer,
increase of 4,2S7 over the preceding has discovered a gas called electroid,
year, which is said to care coneumption,
A Drittsh-American syndicate will anemia, and nee/,is.
put on a fleet of refrigerator steam- A French scientist. has discovered a
ers, weekly, between New York, Dos- method of extracting from ordlnary
ton3and Bristol. petroleum oil a liquid unfreezablo
, John Murray, who is wanted by 205 degrees below Zero.
4,'•e- l: nittd Slates authorities on the ---------.o__.-
_ charge of murdering his wife at Jef-
Throws Stone Through. Window f Ohio, on surrendered to the
and Steals Diamonds.
0 0 at London.
A New York despatch says :-A rho Methodists of .England have
wall dressed young man on Thursday l realized ,£722,000 of Choir million
ottoruaon throw a 51000 through tire! guinea fund for the oxtensfon of the
dhow window of Edward Ilurget•'s 1 work, The fund has exist -
loan office on Sixth Avenue, and (cnce for fuer ycltrs•
made away with a diamond necle- Earl Grey and other distill u1aled
lace worth $9,200 and diamond rings' English reformers wish to ascertain
to the total value of $5,000. Though ,1
whether the nation is ehcu^.i •v pr
the Street was crowded with shop-1greasing or deteriorating' by in'duc-
pets at tho time, the thief escaped
ing the National hoard of Education
with his plunder. to adopt a system of meaterring sad
weighing school children.
CURE 1"'0:14, CANCEI1,
Arselhic and Quinine Given Sim-
A Parisi d08911teh says :-Dr. Lu-
cien Leroy has communicated to the
Academy of M0(iicine 1138 belief that
cancer eau be cured internally by the
administration of arsenic mid gain -
inn simultaneously in therapeutic
doses. Ifo claims that ho cured in a
Mee days a ease Of deicer of tho
lungs, tho patient: being a woman 57
years old, Ifo is experimenting fur-
ther, and intends' to communicate
the results to the Academy. 13o ho-
lieves'that the parasite of cancer it,
very similar to that of intermittent
Herds hilted and 60,000 Cattle
A despatch from, Jollunuesburg
says, :-A large wnimando of Boers
lately attaeke(1 ;Gincltwr's tribe, the
Ilal(hatla, on the Pilendsberg•, Idll-
ingg a number of cattle horde and
tektite' away 60,000 head of cattle.
Linchwo has .appealed to the au-
tlloritiOs to bo allowed to defend his
people and recover hie cattle.
MC. Barillios, a Paris .,,,urnnielpal
councillor, for applying an insulting
expros81on to President LOubet, was
seetenc0(1 to six tnonfhs' ilitplison
A Vienne. phyetal1tt has (hoovered
a, substitute for the oesophagus. It
commas part of the oesophagus with
the 5tomo.ol1: by a tube (icr018 the
eheat had ellowe for bout Mastica-
tion slid sWalt1Wing,
Important Discovery of Germ
Which. Causes Fever.
A London despatch says • $ur-
goon Major Iles, who is well Keown
in conne0tien with the researches in
West Africa to discover the origin of
malaria, records that Dr.- Dutton
11as made a most important discovery
of Bathur.,t, namely, a nem pat;tsite,
which teems fever in human 801ug8.
It reselnbl •s that parasite which
causes tho tsetse fly diseases in
horses in South Africa.
'•tour street didn't maks a long ural t."
"No, Sao halted UO to trout her Ilk o ono or elle fatuity, qu
site lett," - - • - -
ilea t did no
,444 3101libitlan Which the 4011nty 0111
Bachelors Thought 1prsgun(lom,
4)10aus0ng," said Quo old bachelor
to the other.
"Isn't t4,?" sola the other old bachelor
to the 011e.
Throe women had come bite the
street ear at difterent intervals w,th
babies or diff'er'ent Intervals, The first
baby was a lusty child with nerve test-
ing lungs, 'The second was about It
year old, and the mother, just a little
bit embarrassed at the bachelors'
glares, finally gained courage 10 take It
bottle from a grip and plug up baby's
mouth with a rubber neck, The third
baby was the newest of theta all and
entered the car a mere white bundle In
the arm of a:dignified matron hardly,
out of short skirts.
Beginning to unwrap the'. bumile,
which had been somewhat disarranged
in the baste to . embed(, the proud
Mettler first unfolded a cunning pair of
blue worsted booties that might fit a .
grumpy old bachelor's thumb. Then,,
feeling the eyes or the world upon her,
she allowed baby's two fat legs, :which
were us pink as her own ears, Then
the cunning sight was solemnly shut
front all eyes by a procession of gowns
all of whlte, laced, tucked, embroidered
and plain, the fat legs kicking vigor-
ously, and baby's laces hid theta from
Then the Little mother sat the bundle
upright and threw a soft cloak from
the other end, diselasing a round face,
a pair of blue eyes wide open In amaze-
ment and as pretty and baldbooded A
baby from end to end as ever made a
bachelor angry at bis own lost oppore
tunitles. Then tbe three mothers still's
ed at each other's baby.
"Disgusting," said the bachelors.
Tben they went out on the platform,
and one took a chew of tobacco and
the other lighted the butt of a malodor-
ous dead clear he had been carrying.• .
B'honsands of Then, Sold Yearly' to
Montero and Others.
"Pocket compasses," said a dealer In
such things, "cost from 25 cents to $10
each, and they are made in various
sizes, from tiny compasses half an loch
or less lu diameter up to those of about.
the size of a,honting case watch.
"Many compasses are carried in melt
eled hunting cases. Some of the "tiny
open compasses are carried for a charm
on watch guards.
"In the cheaper pocket compasses the
needle turns on a brass bearing; in the
costlier compasses on a bearing of
agate. In either, of course, the needle
will point north, but the compass with
the agate bearing will wear much lora
"A good poeket compass will last 4,l
lifetime. A considerable part of the
cast of the more expensive pocket com-
passes may be due to the material used
in them and to elaborateness of finish.
"A ten dollar compass, for Instance,
might have a pearl face, and so on, but
a good compass, with an agate bear-
ing, as good a compass, In fact, as a
man needs, can be bought for $1.50.
"Every wise sportsman carries a
compass. and compasses are carried by
vateoas other people. There ere sold
of pocket compasses of one sort and
another thousands yearly."
A Willing Martyr.
Schoolteachers sometimes ask their
pupils queer questions, if one may be-
lieve a story told by the youngest
member of the 'Millington family.
Ws mother one morning discovered
a shortage in her supplies of pies,
bailed the day before, and her sus-
picions fell upon Jolinuy.
"Johnny," she said, "do you know
what became of that cherry life that
*as on the second shelf in the pan-
"Yes, ma'am," he replied. "I ate it.
But I had .to."
"You had tor" exclaimed his aston-
ished mother. "What do you mean,
"The teacher asked yesterday if any
of us could tell her how many stones
there are in at cherry pie, and 1 couldn't
find out without eating tbe whole ole,
could 13 There's just 142.1'
Father's Idea of Shoes. .':ret
"Spell shoes," said the teacher,
"S -1.0 -e -s," returned the little one
"Correct," said the teacher. "OC
course you know what they" are."
Tim little one nodded his head via.
"MY pupa says," he announced, "that
shoes are wbat drive the father of a
family Into bankruptcy."
'Why She Was Silent,
A. very silent old woman was ones
asked why It ryas else had so little 4,(i
say. Site replied that When she was
a young girl she was very ill and could
not talk foe a long time. Whereupon
sho made a VOW that if speech were
given her once more she would never
again say 11.tythiug unkind of:anybotiy.
And thus elle was as they found her.
Ile Was 14.
The froth young man walked Into the
restaurant an(1 noticed .a sign:
"This Couuler Iron 011tns and Oys-
"Where Isthecounter for lohstel:s2"
asked the young titan.
"011, you Can sit most anywhere!"
said the Walter, -Neal Yot'k 0ommer,
tial 40 410(1 leer.
The uglier you are the more amiable
von should be. ..--......
Bythe unto the average Hintz gets
old enough to have good sense he is too
centrad( to slake good use of IL