The Brussels Post, 1902-1-16, Page 2{ CRAWL/NG $A,Q fn TU REX, 411 ? yewritaess Tells Kent Ol#a fillineao Court Left Hsiaxl. At elawn.on October a? trempeters pounded the call to get roads, says the ("hula Herald. leamedlatcl3' the galas at the city were opened .and carts, carriers, ares couriers began to move. By 7.130 the streets were crowded with apeetat0rs. Good ore der was nnaintalnCd, and a, clear roadway left and kept open by the cavah'y that lined the streets 00 either side, '1'11e dlferoot uniforms- y011ow, red, blue -tile variegated barriers that fluttered in the breeze, the t lltterin3 swords and trldeats, hada One scenic effect as the bright sup began to shine 011 the, throng. I3y 7.46 the advuilce cavalry .passed. Then cane the eunuchsIn carts, tel- }owed by yellow -jacketed oflieers with flowing plumes and weaning ponies. 'rhea the royal sc dans, used last year, were cervical past, each con- taining some Important trophy, Next came the royal mounted bodyguard,. ordering the closed to kneel, end in- stantly they flopped onto their lenses Soon the outriders, pullers, bearers of the first yellow dragoned chair were in view. The t'.rper'or was pull- ed by twenty awl borne by sixteen men, dressed in decorated silk gowns. lits chair was richly draped with embroitiar<d satin cud decorat- ed with jade jewels. tits Majesty sttt bolt. upright. with features that were as fixed as a statue. Ile looked only , straight abet d, as if unaware of the lines of his toweling subjects, or more likely afraid he might not Manifest the self-possession that is the essential mark of dignity and) rank. Ile was looldng well, and all assert much better than on his ar-. rival 7t year. i tvi I;iis chair was followed by that of the "Old ituddha"—as the 'Dowager is familiarly called. She was dressed (or rather "drowned") in dragoned , yellow satin. 'ler face Is lung and wan with high cheekbones, big mouth molt thick lips. 1 -ler eyes glean:ad tike tire. She was as awake and alert as the Emperor seemed inert and in -1 different. Nothing escaped the sharp - nese of her vision. The Loggers re-,, ceived tablets of silver and the cur- ious glances of scorn. Every one re- marked haw careworn she looked, and that she tens quite ten years; older sumo last year. Her personal' baggage occupied the next few litters and relays of bearers. Iii striking contrast with the weird countenance of the Dowager was the young face of the Empress. 'ler chair halted for e, little, and as it was open there teas time for a goad view. She seemed rather embar- rassed by the crowds and stole ner- vous. furtive glances on either side. She looks an innocent.. ordinary ofli- cia7's daughter, but the paint, pow- der, and yew -gate spoil a pretty face.i She setts followed by the chief con-' cubines—women of muscle and evi. dent will, but destitute of brains end character. After their haggage came the Heir Apparent. but he was in- visible. Then the Royal Primes of. the Blood, and finally the bfinister of, the Grand Council—Yung Lu. These' men had the bearing of refinement so 1 conspfcuors by its absence in they others. Then next passed a train of, curls with the innumerable attend-' ants that are at once the glory and the disgrace of an Asiatic court. By 8 a.m. the south gate wast reached. It was necessary. according to the fengeluti of ton route that thei south not the cast gate (which is the direct and rear way) be the exit from the city, so a detour was made. At the gates the gentry presented yellow silk umbrellas, and the Dowager egnin indulged in scattering her sil- ver sticks. 'rite southeast earner of the city was rounded—a halt mode in the eastern suburb to pray in a• Taoist temple for a propitious jour- ney—a prayer in which the hitterest foe would willingly join without de- ice t. e-Beit. +14411i4•4:11:41:•.;•411:•480914111.47,41.:4 44 ' 4v IIIJUSEHOLELa 4a alk 410:44844;444441;44.4 r.:4.4.44;4 :4440:41:41,14;44/I1 TESTED Ii18QWES. Potatoes a In k'ltt•Iteehollee.--.Ftdd one boalen egg to a pint of slot S1aalnod potat.ocO, 80118010 with one teaspoonful of salt and six dashes of pelmets lion in a teasft0oniui of flour, then fora( into balls ; • press these out rather 1.11111, Plass a te(t spoonful of finely minced and season- ed meat on the potato-Ct11ce, cover - leg .only one -ball; fold over and press the edges together; place in 11 buttered baking pan In the oven un- til a nice brawn. Serve with brown eauee. Garnish with parsley. (A bit of green about the food In the dishes and a few flowers on the ta- ble are not pieces of foolishness ; they are merely a touch of reline- mein, elinemeat which increases the Plettaure of the diner.) Twentieth Century Waffles —Mix together just before time for baking the following ingredients : A pint of stve017 milk, half a cup of molted butter, the well -beaten yolks of two eggs and the whites well beaten. Use just enough flour to make a soft batter (abouta pint) sifted with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and a teaspoonful heaping of salt. Boat the batter hard and fast a few minutes and bake immediately. Servo hot with syrup or shaved ma- ple sugar. Baked Macaroni and Tomato—Boll half a pound of macaroni until ten- der; drain and rinse quickly in cold water; place upon a. board and with a sharp knife cut Into Inch lengths. Butter a bake dish and cover the bot- tom with macaroni; dere. with bits of • hotter, a as of paprica, shakes of salt, a few drops of onion is expensive and not always nG juice and scatter over it a emoonful hanci with the average farmer's wife. of Parmesan cheese. Upon this lay some bright strips of silk from the a stratum of stewed, eees0ned and piece hag will do quite as well if strained tomatoes, and thus proceed nicely hemmed on tate edges so no until the dish is full. Cover with to- ravellings show. These bright bends mato Sauce and sift fine crumbs over running around the baskets fasttn:d all with bits of butter on top. A in two bows on the sides snake an cupful of the sauce is required. Bake, attractive basket, contrasting with covered, half an hour, then brown. the white enamelled paint, and look Sauce for the Above—Stow a cup- particularly well in a bedroom ful of canned tomtuoes with a tea- spoonful of grated onion ane one- half teaspoonful of mixed Cloves and Weil, and ii you observe the sums. animals, they do the come. But this after-dinner nap, 8130111(1 not be encoded tae long, never long- er than an 110111, otherwise, bletea<1 of being J'efl'cshed thereby, one will b0 tired and lazy, To persona who suffer from stonl- acb Complaints and disorders, it le pot advisable to take an afterno01 [luta Tboy generally, if they bav't'f ledulgcd inanactor-shiner nap, feel oat of sorts, and are bad-tenipeeed tit (meet:manic°. It le of utmost impoi'tanCe not to retire to 'bed immediately water sup- per. At least two to three hours should elapse before going to bed. Tile more copious the last meal the longer time one should wait before retiring, Never compel or farce anyone to eat 1 'There 'lis no food in the whole world 'winch is just as tasteful to everybody or that will agree equally 1ve11 with everyone. With children' the following rule should be observed : Never force a child to 1111 its stomach or satisfy its bungee with any food which it dislikes, but only an tittenipt should be made to got the child gradually used to the food in question. For this purpose it is not necessary that the child should oat large quantities of this food, but a little will do. ha old saying, "The child should eat than which conies upon the ta- ble," should bo altered thus : Let the child taste of everything which comes upon the tante, but let it sat- isfy its hunger with the food which it likes. SCRAP DASKI:T, Peach baskets painted inside n.nd out with white enunlntslled 11[11 Ili make natty scrap baskets. These re- quire 0quire bands of ribbon run in and ont of the upri(llt .slats of the basket fastened with a bow ; but as ribbon UNCANNY SUBJECT. The Spontaneous Combustion of Trees, Spontaneous combustion is it mys- torious thing at all tithes, but as long as it confines its attention to inanimate objects there is nothing very uncanny about it. But when trees become subject to it there is no telling whore it will stop. The banks of the River Cam, in Cam- bridge: hire, England, have recently exhibited an unusual number of such cases, and young growing willows have been the victims in nearly every case. Cambridge used to pride itself upon its beautiful willows, and it was therefore tvitlt sorrow that the people discovered one morning the charred remains of what had once been a really beautiful specimen of the willow tree. The fate of the tree nnturafly at- tracted attention to the phenomenon an'i thereafter but too -much oppor- tunity was afforded for the study of it. At one point in the river in par- ticular the process was seen, Green covered with rich • trees=sees of foliage suddenly burst forth into conflagration and burned to their 'very cores. Fine willows in full vig- or poured forth cloudy of smoke from their half burned stems. An examination of the charred re- mains of the trees revealed nothing in the way of explanation, but as the trees. which met their fates were for the most part young there could hardly have been any putrescence or fermentation. Just why the willows should meet such sudden ends is not apparent, but the peculiar formation of the tree, its pliant boughs and the drooping of its leaves and flower may have had something to do with it. s SIMPLE HOME CURES. This is the time when colds are the mace (ground). Make a brown roux, most troublesome. tor a harsh, dry of a tablespoonful each of butter and tcough take two lemons, peel them flour; when smooth add the stewed i nnd take al. the white skin off ; cut. tomatoes, cook one minute and rub fn thin slices nnd jay el a granite through a colander. Invert the ma -`dish with half a cup of venter and caroni upon a deep dish, pour the; sugar enough to make a thicic syrup, sauce over it, set it in the oven a or, better yet, a jelly. Give a ten - moment and serve. Send around grated cheese with it. Turnips and Carrots ala Parisi- enne—Cut both vegetables Into small balls hke marbles with a potato gouge. Boil the balls tender. the Master (to journeyman joiner)— "Do you call yourself a workman, and turn out to job like that? Piave you ever served any time at the trade?" Man—"Aye, T served a pro- per apprenticeship long afore you over started in the business." Mae ter -•"Well, what have you boon at since?" Man --"Well, I've been on etrlko prettywell ever shoe," The tube of a 12-lnlin gun has 50 speoial grooves, causing its projectile to revolve 76 times per 50elened as it leaves the muzzle. spoonful every hour or two for the first day, then give castor oil or castoria for physic. For burns and scalds tang, one ounce of camphor gum and two ounces of lard and melt together. carrots in ono seutepan, the turnips Set away in a bottle to cool, 1'Ills in another; drain and mix them in ttis also good for chapped hands, lips. deep dish. To a pint of the balls add a half -teaspoonful of salt, the same of butter and six shakes of pepper, or cover them with a white suttee. etc. A HANDY POS'. -OFFICE. The post -office In India not only collects end delivers letters, parcels, Jellied Prunes.—Wash one pound of and other articles, but acts to a cer- prunes in two waters and souk thin extent as a baniter to the gen- twenty-four hours in cold water to oral public, sells quinine and salt, cover. Place, them (in this water) pass military pensions, and collects in an agate saucepan and slice in a the revenue accruing to the govern - small lemon freed from seeds. Sim- inert from land and other sources. mer slowly until tender. (Boiling But to the fertile brain of one of spnils any evaporated h•uit..) Cool the oldest officers In the department and remove pits; soak one-half box is due the latest development in the of sparkling gelatin in one cup pf work of the post -office. The Pun - cold Water twenty minutes, then add jaub post -office has come forward as one saint pint of boiling water, one' an elementary toucher. It not only cup of sugar; stir carefully, having collects letters and delivers them, the vessel set in a pan of cracked but tenches boys in elementary ice, When it begins to thicken cover schools how to write them and ad - the bottom of a deep agate pun with dress the covers. one-half en inch thickness of the Jelin: set it in a cool place, and when firm lay in the prunes and then add the remainder of the icily. \then firm dip an instant in hot wa- ter. or, better still, wrap the out- side with at cloth wrung out of hot water ; place a dish over the top, invert the mold and the jelly will slip out. This dish is prettier gar- nished with whipped cream, but it is omitted in this mete, owing to the prevailing high prices of butter and eggs. Prunes properly served and cooked are an addition to the table. They are highly appreciated when their value is known. They come now in specially prepared car- tons, are largo end clean, moderate in price and are a healthful and ec- onomical dessert 17INTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. It is a good deal of trouble to "stew clown" a pumpkin for pies, as it must be stirred aitttO6t constantly toward the last to keep it from sticking to the kettle and burning. One may Simplify matters a little by putting the pumpkin into a but- tered pan or pudding di B11, or even into the spider. and finishing it in the oven, where it must cook slowly, Of course, It must be stirred here, occasionally, or it will crust on top. To find out whether poultry is ten- der or otherwise, pinch tho'skin. If it adheres to the flesh the bird Is tough ; if it leaves the flesh, it is tender. Never parboil a turkey be - tore roasting. It takes from the flavor of the meat. In preparing a salad, wash whet - ever green Is used very carefully, and see to it that it is dried perfectly. A few wet lettuce leaves, or celery, net entirely dry, will let enough mois- ture gather in the bottom of the salad bowl to ruin the best dressing ever made. - SUGGESTION,.$a AS TO EATING. You should avoid eating immedi- ately alter a strong corporal or men- tal exertion. You may thereby In- terfere considerably with your diges- tive es- tive apparatus. Strong 0190t10115, fear, excitement, sorrow and fright, prevent the secretion' of gastric juice, and it is therefore advisable to abstain from eating immediately al- ter any such 000urr'ence. Alter your mean you should avoid any strong Corporal exertion. and also abstain from any mental strain. It Is very ndvigable to have a short after-dinner nap, if possible. A healthy person always has an in- clination. to 10)050 hie eyes and ;deep it little alter bis dinner,:.writes 71r, DEEP ARTESIAN WELLS. An artesian well in Grenellc, France, took Len years of Continuous work before water was struck, at a depth of 1,780 feet. At 1,2.50 feet over 200 feet of the boring rod broke and fell into the well, and it was fifteen months before it was re- ceivered. A flow of 900,000 gallons per dny is obtained from it, the bore being eight inches, At Passy, Prance, there is another artesian well 1.,11()8 feet in depth and 27e inches diameter which discharges an uninterrupted supply of 5,51)0,000 gallons per day. It. cost $200,000 An artesian n'cll at 7lutto-aux-Cail- les, France, is 2,1)00 feet In depth and 47 inebes diameter. 'These are all surpassed by an artesian well in Australia, which is 5,000 feet in depth. CZ 0 ` oth 'iwoler ' Good for Ltd ireseth Piot I3ad for (Good Tooth suxodont Liquid ate Lam* Melee and Powder yso 411 dorm er bynut for 17arice, Encore for !weapon 11414. 11 1001.1(11111, 1110671t0AL. DIDN'T GET ANY DAMAGES. "A little strategy and - 1050ur08 will often win an apparently hope- less case, says a well-known bar- rister. 'Take, fee blslanco, p, com- penetttiott action which I tvns de- fending' on behalf of a certain ',Mi- n ay ashnay company, At first sight the evidence 'seemed dead agaiest my clients. The .plaintiff cordo Into the court looking weak and (Wile, turd holding 111s right arm in a stiff, clamped fashion. Ile declared that he htel not been able to lift it for move than a year ; that it was ut- terly impossible for him to raise it as high as his chin, and till en - ac- count of the injury inflicted upas) 121111. "The jury was against We, so fete as T could see, I made up my mind that the alleged victim of the acci- dent was shamming, and that he could lift his urm it he wished to do so. 1 therefore commenced by saying to hlrn, very sympathetically 1— " 'Your arm is extremely painful, is it not 2' 'Yes, sir, it is,' " 'You hove talked about it to your -physician, your family, and friends, haven't you ?' " 'Yes, .sir.' _. " 'They all know that you cannot lift it ?' , 'Olt, yes.' " 'Were you able to lift it before the nrcldent 9' " 'S'es, certainly,' glow high could you lift it Y" was 1113 next gilestion. "Without thinking_ of the cense- quenees, up went the injured arm, with the answer, 'As high as that,' tight above the man's heed. "Of course, the roars of laughter that followed this rerfol•monce utter- ly dumfounded the stammer, and he didn't get any damages." Ns T:L..Iu0A1�IIVGU BABY IN TZE 330M17. A Joy and Treasure When Good Natured and Healthy All children in every home in the to n'ry n ed at some time, or other( a medicine such LIR Baby's Own 'I'a11-. lets, and this famous remedy has cured 10111ny a serious illness and steed many a little life. Mothers insist upon having it because it con - tut, s n•1. opiate or harmful drugs It is purely vegetable, sweet and pietist- ant to take and prompt in its e ect. For simple fevers, colic, constipa- tion, dlrordcrcd stomach, diarrhoea, irritation accompanying the cutting of teeth and indigestion, Baby's Own Tatlets ere to certain caro, In fact, in almost any disorder common to children tt:ese tablets should be giv- en et once and relief may be prompt- ly loosed for. Neste give the babies so-called soothing medicines whirh simply put t h' m cul o an unnatural sleep. These tablets are email, sweet, pleasant to twice aid prompt in acting. 1)1150ly- ed In miter, they will he taken read- ily by the smallest infant. Mrs, John McInwan, Bathurst Vit - lege, N,T),: writes : "My baby was adrtiost consLanUy troubled with toile before I gave him palsy's Own Tablets, but since giving them to stint he has not sitice suffered. 'Every mother should keep these tablets al- um sat hand," They c, s1.. 25 cents a box. Yott. can flied them at your druggist's nI, if you do not, fbrveaSd tate mance direct to us anci we will sen•1 the tenets prepaid. The Dr, Williams Medicine CO,, 'wets T„ Brockville, 03tt SDIM A STORY, A STURDY FARMER STRICKE" WITH RHEUMATISM IS CURED BY DODD'S KID- NEY PILLS. This Man Was so Bad That he Was Almost Paralyzed—A Won- derful Case and a Very Happy Clue by This Excellent Remedy. North Tennseau rogue, Que., Jan. 6. (Special)—At the Douglas P'a'm Johnston osteo iv idr. W. 11, h near ere lives here who to -day considers himself a very happy man indeed. The cause of 111r. Johnston's happl- ness is his somewhat sudden and very remarkable recovery tram the must severe case of Rheumatism ever seen in this county. 1•'or a long utile he suffered with the Rheumatism which gradually grew worse till it threatened his life. Ills principle trouble was in his left side, and it WAS so bud that his neck stiffened so that be could scarce- ly move it, and was beginning to fear Paralysis. Tho pain would go away for a time, but return with greater force, and a strange feature of his case was that Aller the pain would leave any part, it left behind it that prickly "pins and 'needles" sensation. He thoeght that perhaps his smok- ing tobacco had something to du with it and lie gave this up, but re- ceived no benefit at all till he used Dodd's Kidney Pills. This remedy he found to be a com- plete and absolute cure for his mal- ady, and very soon after commenc' ing its use, the pain began to leave him and now he is strong and well. That such an extreme case should yield so easily and quickly proves that Dodol's Kidney Pills will cure any case of Rheumatism. THE JURYMAN WAS RIGHT. A funny story is related of a juryman, who outwitted a judge, and that without telling an uiitrutit. Ile came breathlessly into the court : "Oh. your lord, if you can excuse me, pray do. I don't know which will die tlrst—my wife or my dough-, tel'." "Dear 1/10, that's sad," said the in- nocent judge, "Certainly ; sett are sauteed," The next day the juryman was met 'by a friend, who, in a sympathetic voice asked : "How's your wife 7" "She's ail right, thanks you." "And your daughter 7" "She's all right, too. Why do .you ask ?" "Why, yesterday you said that you did not knots width would die first." "Nor do I. That is a .,,problem that time alone can soave." -E- Toss—".I never sate anyone so dull as Mr. Therese." Jess—"Ile is dull, iisn't he ?" Tess—"Awfully, We were sitting in the parlor last night, and he suddenly said, 'If you could only see how much I loved you 1 e sure I told him. '< e no kiss 'au. ,n d u l let i v n 1 �'' couldn't sea it it, that light,' and ho just eat there like a stick.", DVSI80181) BY PIGS. In front of the town of Bonaetir, el little part near `funis, le the island o k fou a- u the c ad of iC.uri#rte, Ilanreeky i tion of which n 'ligilthollso hoe been erected. The keeper, however, nee had t0 barricade VS door agaiftsi the attacks of a number • of swine Which have been Allowed to multiply unheeded on the Island, where they have accounted for every sc1'a}l of vegetation and every head of game. They Were particularly f01111 of r'ab•- bits, which once abounded on the island. The food supply tailing, they developed' a ferocity which has made them dangerous to the lighthouse keeper, and their extermlflatlott 11415 Mem resolved: 01)08. -4- Mrs. 4Mrs. Thuntpp Bartlle—" Ditl you ask Mrs. Nextdooe if my piano -playing disturbed her baby ?" 5erv0llie ""Yes, mum ; and she snid the baby liked it, and she Wasmuch obliged to you for ployin' so much." Mr!! Thumpp-31041d18--•"Did she, really ?" Servant-e"Yes, mutn. She 'said it. saved her th' trouble of peemilln' on Ceylon Tea is the finest Tea the world produces, and is sold only In lead packets. Slack,'Mixed and Greer,. 191in tea drinkers try "Salads" Green tett, PERSONAL GOSSIP. Noises of Interest A'iout Sonia Leading People. Lady I•Ialle' is said to possess th+i Most valuable violin in the world, It is a Stradivarius which formerly be- longed Lo Ernst, and is valued al. 510,000. The Ring of Italy is making use of a novel means of dofence against as- sassination. When he drives he is surrounded bysix or eight bicyclists. At -reviews the King's cai'7'iageis' so surrounded by mounted guards that` he is quite Invisible. The Cermet Empress has the finest pearl necklace in existence. it con- tains three world-famous necklaces. One of them formerly belonged to the ox -Queen of Naples and another adorned the image of the virgin of Mukha. The entire necklace Is said to be worth e500.000. Before entering the army Gen. Sir Evelyn Wood gained distinction. in the navy. As it "middy" he served in the Crimean War being present at the bombardment of Odessa and the blockade of Sebastopol. Afterwards SIr. Wood, who was only sixteen, dis- tinguished himself With the Royal Natal 13rigade at Balaclava and was made an aide-de-camp to bib com- manding_ ()nicer, Severely wounded in the storming of the Medan, the young hero %vas invalided Moine. and narrowly tttiesed the V.C. he succeed- ed in gaining a few years later as a euvahy officer In the Indian alutiny. A story told to illustrate the char- acter of Sir Redvers duller is worth repeatIng. During the last Nile t:ant- palgn, while on board a river steam- er descending some dangerous water fn one of the higher cataracts Sir di ltodvcrs entered into a scusSintl with Lord Charlos Beresford as to the proper channel that should be taken. Each obstinately defended his own course, but in the end that which Sir Iteclvors recommended was adopted, with the result that the steamer got through without acci- dent. "You see 1 was right," said Sir Redeem, trtttmpaatitty; "mine was the proper channel." "That was (nine too," coolly replied Lord Charles. "I only recommended the other pecause I knew you would go against whatever I said." King Edward was eight years old when he saw his first play, and the event is recorded in a Royal diary of the time. " 'Used Up,' and 'Box and Cox' were chosen for that night," wrote the late Duchess of 'leek. "The theatre was well ar- ranged, and the decorations and, lumps quite wonderfully nta.naged. The four older children appeared at the play, . and the two boys wore their kilts. The two little boys had on white satin, with pink bows and sashes. Princess Royal wears her hair in a very becoming manner, all twisted up into a large curl, which is tucked into a dark blue or black silk net, which keeps it all very tidy and neat." Of the four children who laughed that night at "llox find Cox," only one is living now, and he reigns over the .liritish lilmpire, A characteristic story of the Czar's love of simplicity has been going the rounds of St. Petersburg lately, A certain lieutenant who was in a perpetual state of impecun- iosity was one day seen riding in a train. The other officers of the regi- ment were furious at what they call- ed an insult to the uniform, and in- timated to the culprit that he had (,1101 option of either sending in his papers or being cashiered, and the unlucky subaltern chose the former alternative.. Before he had time to do so, however, the Czar heard of the affair, and without a nlomoat'S delay donned his colonel's uniform of Use regiment in QueetIon and, stout- tering out of his palace, hailed a tram, and, entering it, sat calmly down till it stopped in front of the barracks, I•Ie desired the officers to be called, and when they were assent bled addressed them thus; "Gentle- men, I have lust ridden from the pal- ace In a tram, and I wish to 'mase if you desire nae to send in my pap- ers. I presume I have disgraced my uniform." "Sire," replied the ma- jor, nervously, ",your Majesty could never do that." 'Then," replied the Czar, with an amused smile, "as I have not degraded the uniform, cannot clone so Lieutenant D, e t ave n h n e willretain lti commission and thus r s in this regiment, even if ho, like me, dares to ride in a tram." ?ozuoe r Tooth PotnrdOr 2 q Green peas contain 22 per cettt. of nourishing feed, potatoes 1 per cent, lees, and cucumbers only 4 per cent. Mhiard's Liked Cares Burns, • etc, ^10�1.2,8 thin 5(241 leo 111. to ➢ 4 V0", i,sntte1141r 1811104 time: oe, et_ _.. 4 EA when ha wv to (A aq Jtnon; but they 41 Ibolhfa a,h0luun amens argm'atW➢ 21.CASH will buy a box p SWEET SONORA ORANGES, or it al� ,eat"3 you take g'loses wo will make the price $2,1Q per bolts dins 1018- pr 2185.). TUE OAIIISON COMMISSION CO., Limited, TORONTO. consignments or nail.}, Butter, utter Egg rsr Potatoes, Deans, Honey, Apples soilcited 5'N,1 -1,M .1-a'1xrf44�aI%f.44-4/P*-1.4Yxit1-1. 0'444_1Y -1-1 ^-14 Q <` .a , t TELEGRAPH ),,e1sla,an••+'r,v,,nar-, ,- 'a'+a' R 4. Every Stick -t- • 44 t�� p4 A Mat ch es Every �nl'*1ap7toNa—y➢r t�1 A 6l paltgbter t ¢20.19 299 . enaerrnrznI111011 3,1 se d leseae3AL 109 41 Ti ll)". Sr7' ' r ssmin- r—VA e7'3T Ws."I£!.. -r4++444414.144401.14.1-.3'18« 3.444 ,14 444,44,144401444-1-144444444 GENIUS AND GOUT. air, 'Havelock Ellis, in the course of his researcllea into the causes of cl<atli of great nten, and into the aliments to which they are subject, !Inds that gout is a preponderating ailment of gonitis. The list given of the victims of gout is a. long and interesting one. It includes J olm 1111 ton, Williann Harvey, Isaac NM%ton, Sattlucl Johnson, Savage 1 ander, W. R. Hamilton, and last, tint gh by no 2110411, least, Darwin Itinnelf. Epilepsy has long been itnown also asan ailment associated with ' a high order of brain. Napo - leen, 111ohan1i11ed, Lord Herbert of lherbury, and Hamilton are cited ns examples of the epileptic tend- ency. Julius Caesar might probably 1 ave been added t0 the list, while Swedenborg is claimed by alienists as also belonging to the epileptic division. ih••ctot+--"You must give up drink- ing 'end -t--" Mr Siekly—"1 never touch a drop." Doctor—"And stop stuoking." hir. F ickly—"1 don't smoke.'.' Doctor—"Iiuniph 1 that's bad. If you haven't anything to give up I'm afraid I can't do much for you." StIZ LIONT for the TEETH 250 Out of 15 minion of sooners in the armies of the seven largest pow. erg. Great Britain's share is only 750,000. t Tents For 0 • t r Over r(Y n o norm ben been and b Et11.00,of um, ss) rNrl• r (lnnt a he at rn,<and. ,,ser' children , xh11( 1.0. (0.a, pc ,d al° r ,Cs 1 it n tin. t,. ,1 a nol , Nal caret d nate. rob t 1120 lot, a -dee e, nub )n the at r15 ddrf ,,l•r,4wl t.ener-d40 a nu nbotwa AIthiLor''dnhtyw Wn,al.0NYha.Tlllaa•aran7. ra cad There are at present only 29 sail- ing ing vessels being, built in Engle: id 428 steam_ p'n cuss A gismo iV 0141.7.(04 . Niro li•xa{ilre 2ramo Quint, a Ttehlout A 1 E t W Grorefund ao a money ro is eta (tacif h bu•ffo 0235. Dutch colas average 80 pounds of butter and 180 pounds of cheese is a year, Canadian 230 pounds' of cheese, and Parana 800 pounds. TAKE, NOTICE. We publish simple, straight testi- monials, not press agent's inter- views, front well known people. From all over America they testily ea es: to fila merits of MINARD'S• LINI- MENT, the/test of Household Rem- ' 0. 0. RICl'lAm?DS & CO. The Run's heat raises from the earth 87 million tons of water a minute. To do the same work neti- fielally, a cube of coal 200 miles deep. wide, and high would have to be burnt every second. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local aptlloatJons, oa they cannot reach the descend portion of rho ear. There lsonly ono way t cure deafneve, 'and that i0'by oottatltn- tional trim:( fes, 118 (5, 00 1• coned by an inflamed condi Inn a Int n uc088 lining of rho yuataa inTette. When this tube 19 in. dented you 'nano [trembling when out yr closed feat bearing, one what St is out rhe closed motiondrat e Is lbw result, and an t hitt a ho %eetum ,,lod to stun oim sbe) taterntu toneihidin ,1 ho do. to us normal (1 1111 n, bearing Wal bo alt. r(a'oye.l t,.ravrr t wino t rifle out .or ten ors llunedboe•tnrrh,whioli 10949ingbntAuin• flamed 111 111tion of the. mnoeav ntlr is l Wo win give One .handled 111 0(1retdr Any rand of wired hall's Cir cant ..inial own n t bo aired by Hall's Catarrh Cam dead for circulars, tree. S, 1, 0171➢NBBY & 00., Toledo, 0. Bold byyDrum:data, Ida MaoFaint y Vibe arothe been, Every inhabitant of London oats 178 pounds of potatoes in a year, A Parisian consumes get an average but 49 pounds per annum. - atom. tar GeuQtt ens bores diff oho Cold. Laxative otoQ t '1' 11{11 titota intro n onid Indpo day. No t oro, No pay. Price flf Dente, The average ago of bachelor! who marry spinsters is 26 ; but of widen, - era who marry widows just under 60, Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, -4 800,000 strangers visited Berlin last year. Over 2,:100,000 visited Jsodddnl and stayed a day or more., Toaspout—Why are you so angry, with the doctor 7" Mrs. 'l'easpout— •'When_' told hiin. I had a terrible tired feeling the told me to show him my tongue." Mincl :r's Liaimeat Cures 0 andru ,r Italy, with 32 millions, has note the smallest population of any of the Great Poseurs. trio's � s L(eirriaat far sale etrert hsre 1 The United States produces 2,220 pounds of grain to every inhabitants England only 860 pounds. THE m^ST PCP1LA0 OSNT(FR10E. ':BCape o vJ � 30130 XL. progenies the toear. 85001ons rho breath. S.rongtltona the gums YOUNG WOMAN —AGED zI— just came into possession of lt4.000—wishes to correspond with honest intelligent man, who would appreciate a good wife. Box 2,38, Toronto, Ont. rass Inn raimente, Drums, Uniforms 090. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A RAND Lnmoat °.lace aver qunttd. Fisc vttaia:tn0 SVIIInetrai IMI, .1t *1Md 1.r oo. Writ, 04 tornni thing la Huai. or 1111eraai Indtrumonl WHDLEY BOYCE GO., Limited, Toronto, Ont., and. Niamlpoq, Mao CLEANING LAD ... °AIRING OR OUTING SUITS Ona ba done porl.0111 b7 oar French Preens. Tr7 h 11111/186 5904(1OAn IIYank: ee, bf0:7TRN.AI' TORONTO, OTRAt9A k 011181180. Oellnlrllorl Lina Stam' t i pa Me:K of to Llr,rsooL Salton 10 Llror. pool. Portland 50 Lherpool. 91% Que,aa. town. torte end Fera 5teo,n hila 80psaor oeommnndotl 1o1 d) otace.a 0) pa a.n an dalaone and 8totonw,n Ire amid,hipa. Sneoiai tt)atlnu ban be. a lirm, w LB 10eand 8aloe..04 Rhtrd•Olam aneomma,lauo.. Fa a9 ticularo apply to au a ed n1. a nand particular., vp➢ a tufo, pan. Y p E er the tbmia•ay, err Rloharda, ;,tile t Co, D. Torrance.bGo., 17 slot, St., /Roam. HIantrao, Lad.,mono, Nus errs Equipment tl No enether 81tn afford to bo without Cilenenris. Palsies' mores and aoolaagtl ail omit far elioatllne. twigs Bone8 Zea. Druggists ORS CilsnClne'Ge., Tar onto. T1 -!E MOST NUTR(TIOLIS. a S i ' GRATEFUL- 0081 FO RTI Pd G. COA OR11AKPAST-SUPPER. Iniportant Consideration . • to the Mon or woman with s detente • n800nnt le the securityof the metier dspoehle& 11 the deposit la with a1 Canada's Premier Compaq • • 1.9 betel is beyond u s lar i y et t y A 9 1t1heaodnespidosdrtaotr,or0ucLostivthaea. r'rJt'tho is ht'fo � aleeeeryatme IvoAll interment* °•nteoroot ohoerluiland promptlysupplied, THE CANADA PERMANENT and WESTERN CANADA ; NIORTGACE CORPORATION Toronto Street, TORONTO . 4444+44,14++1441.4417144- 4