The Brussels Post, 1902-1-9, Page 8•'. BEEF, IRON •AND WINE prompt and efficiezit .t Remedy in all oases of General Debility and ' Exhaustion and is unex- ' -celled as. a Restorative for Convalescents, Price $100 a bottle, FOR SPRAYING THE THROAT. Do not neglect a Sore Throat but come to Flursley's • Drug Store and buy an Atomizer and a bottle of Spraying Liquid. This will also protect you from Diph- theria,. F. B. Hursley & Co., DRUGGISTS, SEICCE580E8 TO T. 11. HAUTE -v. sun BOOKSELLERS, Barents, Ont. 'GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. shwas:au EXTENSION W. G. Jr E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, 10 follow ; Gonne dooms 001103 NORTE, Express 71B o.n hall 51.0p.m Mixed mg a.mlExpreee este p.m saxes gtins t.ents. ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, Att' faith 'he'll prone it. Dive are lengthening. Rome, could hardly be better. °moan Friday evening of next week, BERT Home Fair in Brussels on Feb. 6. Smoot, Bused Friday evening of thio week. Bum mitten wante an owner at THE Poet. 0.0. F. next Tuesday evening. In- stallation of officers. Joni Wiwi= disposed of a fine Domin. iota piano to Wm. Mellelvey, Grey town- ship. QUITO a quantity of oordwood has been delivered at Brussels Balt Works already this season. Tiro fire at Ethel Thursday evening of last week was seen quite distiuotly from Brussels. R. LasumanArm has been eupplying the public with a very handy and well finish• ed yard etiok and has a number yet on band for those who would wish one. THE presence of a bird known ae the Groesbill, not unlike a robin, a native of the New England States, is taken ae an indication of a, mild Winter. It has been all right so far. LADEN' purse 1051. on Wednesday in Brunets containing a $5 gold piece, small change and reoeipte for goods prirohaeed, name of owner on the latter, The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at once at TEE Poss. Tice Spring Jury.sittinge of the High Court of dustless for the County of Huron will open on Monday, June 16th, before the Hon. Justice Street, and the Non - Jury sittings of the same Court on Mon- day, March 8rd, beforeJustice Robertson. ',Mutant," the parser recently sold by John Beattie, of Brussels, to Kidd Bros., of Listowel, won the mile free for -all race on the ice at Sault Ste. Marie last week. R. Rcohe, of Brussels, handled the ribbon& .A. green horse, driven by Mr. Roche, also won a race. CARD Or Tom -P. and Mrs. McQuer. rie, whose family have been laid up with diphtheria'take this opportunity of ex- pressing their thanks to many kind and thoughtful friends far their help and mpa.thy in a trying hour. A. friend in need is surely a friend indeed. OnUsSELs poultry fanciers are still to the front, ae at tbe Stratford Fair thie week 'A. Baeker was awarded 15 prizse ont of 19 entries, taking 9 firsts ; 4 sec. • ands and 2 special& D. A. Lowry won let and 2nd on game fowl. Mr. Baeker sold it Plymouth Rook cockerel to Mr. Grieve, of Exeter, this week, at a good fign re. . ••• HonosCo. Couneil will not meet until Je.n..26th this year owing to the month coming in on Wednesday. In all proba- bility, tt000rding to the rule agreed npon in 1900, by whioh a Coeservative and Liberal will be chosen Warden alternate- ly, Donald Pal tureen, of East Wawanosb, will 511 the Warden's ohair for 1902. He is a good Oonnoillor. Barrister Holt was last year's Warden. A001MINT.-Thersday forenoon Walter, son of John Broadfoot, had the miefor- tuneeo get bis right hand caught in a straw-outter, driven by steam, working at hie father's farm, the result being the dipping off of the mond and third fin. gers. The yoang man walked to the doctor'd office and had the iojnred band dressed, proving that be is pc:ummed of pretty good staff. He will be off work • for goose time owing to the aooident. • IEI. B 14 0 k Q T pol••••••4•••••••••••••••••1•••••••••r7fl•••7•1 Boosw.tn sub lone to Tug POST hove beet; coming in 8.19 lively tate, H, Feud, Of Lietowel, will Move to Bruseele in conoectiOn with tbe Colter Carriage Werke and will take oharge of the blackesnithing deparltneet• He married men over .89 yens of age ited will mles hitt late partner troy elteh. The old gentle. mana health be fairly good ooneidering hie advanced years, BQWLIILIO' In 1011940e TOWil Weclimeols 002021M -The stalwart given evening ettreeted enoot the lergeet auti • Tun new arrangement of elitism at 0110613 00011 there 105 It kleg time and tile Bruseele Public school ap ettra to be progrem woold no doubt plea's° 9, large working all right, Mtge Soo t, the new teacher, took her place on Pridey of aol week a.0 will 00 Mod work ere Itelieve, TOR POST ia itorry to , heat that Tboe, end Mre. Hill, of Vancouver, B. 0., lost their se000d daughter about Chime, She woe 8 yens of age. Deoeatied wee a granddleughter of . John Hill, Qneen ottani, Brunets, Tan Midi Mon Gr.uurana2.-All Can. ado is indebted to the pnbliehers of the Family Herald eon Weekly Stnr, for it has jinn leeked out that that greet paper has &soured the serial rights of that most absorbing story, "Tbe roan from Glen- garry," by Rev. Chas. W. Genies:, of Winnipeg, who writes under the nom sle plume of ''Ralph Oonuor," Tbe pub'i. cation, we learn, will be begin in a week or two,jut as soon as the Family Herald Sobsoription Department have entered the thousands of renewal subscriptions thathave poured into that offlue during the past week or two. Family Herald readers are to be oongratulated, They will oertalnly get the year's subscription price in this story alone. ' A nem) many sore axing are in fashion OHUROR Wennzen.-The It, 0, ohuroh just now through vecoination. in this plows was crowded on Tuesday SLEMEINS has been wonderfully good morning to witness a very interesting for the small amount of allow. marriage ceremony, T. W. Nolan, a well ETATuTORY meeting of Bruesels Oounoil will be held on Monday eveniug, 20th inst. FarDAY afternoon at 4 o'olook, a meet. ing of Brussels Publics Library Board will be held in the Reading Room. Almost, meeting of East Huron Agri- eultural Boolety will be held in the Coon, oil Member on Wednesday afternoon of next week. TEE telephone line will be extended to the Salt Works so that Messrs. Ritoeford, the prop.rietors, who reside at Clinton, will be in closer touch with their busi- ness here. Masses. Cone & Sooe baa steam up at the new Carriage Works on New Year's Day as a test to see that everything about that port of the maohinery was in running older. alas. Medinr, of Walton, appeared before A. Bunter and W. H. Herr, 3, P.'s, on Saturday and pleaded guilty to hav- ing liquor on unlicensed premieee and was fined $20 and oosts. Inspector Miller laid the complaint. Doter forget the Lady Maoaabee Con• cert to be held in the Town Hall on Friday evening of next week, propede to 50 20 the Siak Ohildrens' Hospital and the Sanitarium for poor ooneumptives at Gravershuret. Good program will be provided. L. 0. T. 11. -Following are the offioere for the L. 0. T. M. Hive, Brussels, for 1902 :-Paet Commander, Mrs. N. Pdo- Lauchlin ; Lady Commander, Mre. Arthur McGuire; Lieutenant Command- er, Mies Josie Buchanan ; Record Keeper, Mies Jean Ritobie ; Aeoist. R L, Mrs, P. Ament ; Finance Keeper, Miss Jennie Forbes ; Physician, Dr. MoNaughton ; Obaplain, Mrs. W. F. Stewart ; Ser- geant, Miss Bell Oliver ; Mistress at Arms, Mies T. Gerry ; Sentinel, Mies Ada Blainprize ; Pioket, Mies L. Down- ing ; Organist, Mise Irene Baker ; Amt. Organist, Miss J. McLanohlin ; Auditors, Mrs. D. 0. Ross and Mrs. G. A. Dead• malt. Roams OLD BOYs.-Tbe Huron Old Boys' Asseolation held its annual meet. ing Saturday night in Toronto. J. S. William presided, in the absence of the President, Hogh Met:Math, who is confined to Me residence through illness. The yearly report by the Secretary, E. Floody, showed that there are now 226 members. The following officers were eleoted for 1902 : Hon. Preeidents, 001. W. D. Otter, J. S. Willison, Hugh Mao. Math ; Pres., E. Floody ; vine Pres., Dr. W. Sloan • Secretary, A. Walker Treasurer, 'G. A. Smith ;Exeontive Com., J. A. McLaren, E. J. B. Dunoan, George Deacon, J. R. Lyons, W. Pendergast, W. Scott, 3.5. Mcliinnon, S. T. Chard], C. 0. Rose, Thomas MoGillionddy, H. 0. Lucas, 0. McDonald, 0. R. Oooper, Thomas Mole and T. W. Gibson. It wag decided to hold an at home or ban., quet in February. OBIT. Henry G. Rutledge of 238 Bloor street, Toronto, who died on Sat- urday of lag week, was a brother to Mre. J. L. Kerr, of Brueselaand was a native of Sligo, Ireland, where he was born in 1880. He bad been in poor health lately, and was an invalid since loot Spring. Mr. Rutledke was a member of the Irish Proteetant Benevolent Society, the Ma. Boni° order and the .Methodiat Churoh. Tbe funeral took place on Monday after- noon to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Rev, W. W. Sperling offioiating. .A. widow, a daughter,•Mre. Gendron, of Toronto, and three grandahildren eurvive him. Mr. Rutledge was manager of M. L. Samuel and Benjamin & Cos. wholesale hardware, Toronto, for many. years. The muse of death was prelyne. In addition to Mre. Kerr, mentioned above, deceased had a eister in Guelph (Mre, H. Metcalf) anoth sr at Swan River, Man., (Mrs. H. Har- ley) and a brother (Rev. W. L. Rotiedge, B. A., of Woodstock.) The subject of thie notice wee a resident of Toronto almost ever sina he came to Oanada 50 years ago. WEDDING BELLE1,-0upid scored anoth- er victory on New Years Day when, itt Worst Lorne, Elgin Co., at the residents' of the beide'e parents, Druggist F. B. Horsley, of Brussels, and Miss Mary 0. McColl, of West Lorne, ware united in a matrimonial alliance by the aid of Rev. M. Mann, of Rodney, There were about 60 relatives in attendance and the bride and Mies Mary MoNiobol, of Stratford, her bridesmaid, looked charming in becoming costumes of white. Tbe groomsman was Hugh A. Carmielmel, of West Lorne. OeremOnY was performed at 5 p. m. and alter hearty omigeatula. tions were over the petite eat down to well laden tables, Wedding gifts, vain - able, petal and numeroOs were in evi- dence establishing the foot of the pop0. larity of the principal& A. very pleaeant evening was spent in range, gamee and acefial Shat. Mr. Huntley and beide took the evening train for their home at Bruesele followed by the good wiebee of a large Mettle of.relatiVes and friends for their happiness and prosperity in Huron Oo. Mre. Horsley will be greatly noiseed at Waist Lorne AO she has taken a protn. Mont part in ohoreh, temperance and eociety Work. Trio Mee •adde its eon- grattikttions to the happy twain and weloomee them as residents to 005 01 the Rxemaiticet or SvotrAeuz.-Court Prin- cipe Alexandria, No. 24, 0. 0, F., Bru- • nie, forwarded the following resolution to Sao. and Mre. Rogers, of tbie town, in • oonbeation with the deaden of their highly esteemed sort Mt. and Mrs. Geo. Vogers n, : DaP151033108, - YOn have recently been.ottlled upou to suffer the bereave. meat of one of your home oink in the • departure Of your only 0,13a beloved Son, • and no doubt many heare been the worde ,• of aympeOby spoken to you. The ' mem. hers of Collet Minutes Alexandria, 0. 0. F., No, 24, Brussels, desire to be true to thole obligation in the expreeeion of our genuine and heartfelt regard for yon in • your lonelineee. Your son lived a noble, manly life ; fought the battles: 10 whioh be was engaged like a true soldier and died a conquers:la going to share in the Anal vietory. May the Divine Healer apply the balm to the wounded heart and the eemembranoe of a dutiful son, early called to an enlarged life be an incentive to 0 faithful disoharge of duty nntil .tbe toll le °ailed up yonder," vitae we hope, • throtigh the merit of tate Pathes'a beet holOtted 800 tO Meet Where partings ate unknown, We retnalts Voles in L. 11, & Ciso, Toblatnc, Chief Renger. WALTER SISITH, Seoreeaty, known young farmer, of Grey township, and Mite Kate, the petite daughter of Mre. Margaret Ryan, of fdaKillop, being the principals. Rev. Fr, Comma tied the matrimonial bow in good style, the service being mush longer than the usual wedding ntiptials. Musie was rendered at appropriate intervals during the star. vice. Tho bridal party returned to the borne of the bride where the company spent an enjoyable time. Mr, and Mrs. Notes will maids on the groom's fine farm, 15th con., Grey, where they corn. menee married life under very favorable prospects. TEE Peet throws an editorial slipper after tbe happy couple. BIMestans CHEM FAcyony.-The inonal meeting of Brussels enema factory was held in the Council Chamber an Battu. clay afternoon and was well attended. The autlitore' report was read and adopt- ed. It may be found on page 5 of this issue of TOE Post. Last year's Manag ing Committee was reappointed. 0. Smith was chosen ae Auditor, and Jas, Turnbull, Reeve of Grey, Treaeurer, Macey is to be kept in Standard Bank as usual. W. W. Harris weas ee•eleoted Salaams° and will get the same price as last year for making ----3500 insurance is to be pot on cheese On May 15, $500 on June Lit, $500 on Aug. 20 and $500 on Sept. 15 and extra if it is required. The MilIr Inspeotor will be tusked to pay one visit to the factory during the year. Everything has worked very eatiefan. tartly during the past year and the pmts. peota are very encouraging for 1902. Farmers are cordially invited to extend their patronage to the fantory. WEATEAR Foe jean:UM-Bay. Irl Eloise, of St. Lim's, the successful weather pre- dictor, gives in Word and Works his fore- cast for January. A Vnloan storm period covers the first 6 days of January, being central on the 3rd, Winter storms will develop and pass from West to East, fol. lowed by colder weather. From Oth to 1202 there will be a return to storm condi. floes, with more rain and snow, again. followed by oolder and Matte weather. Tbe 03 ;on being at South deolination during the dietarbe.nbes of 9th to 12th, the cold attending these storms will be general and severe. A. Mercury dieturb- anoe extends from 12th to 23rd, central on 18..h ; during the first half of this, a Yulcian storm period also prevailS, contra{ on 15th. Some of the heaviest storms of the month are probable from Tuesday, 14th, to Friday, 17th. Moon on the eque. tor ou 14112 will intensify electric oondi• tions, carmine in Southern parte thunder and lightning. Rain will turn to Meet and snow, ending in blizzards to North and West, with sweeping cold wavebring- ing up the rear. About the 20ffioold will abate, and rain storms may be expeoted from West to•Baet ; these will turn to sleet and snow, and during 20th to 24th Winter storms and blizzards may be ex - pitted. The last storm period is neutral on 26th, covering from 24th to 29.h. After 27112 a high barometer and cold wave wit1.014880e mouth, As Oen RZSIMINT ;Gozpa.--Saturday morning of last week Isabella Bnobanau, beloved wife of John McCallum, died at the residence Of her son.in.le.w, Clemson. lor Etendereon, Matthaei° street, aged 82 years. Her demise was not unexpected ao she had been hovering neer the border- land for nevem' daye. ' Deceased was born at Laohute, Quebec:, Province, and was married to her now bereft partner on July 28, 1848, 58 years ago last July. They lived at Fall River, Mane., U. S., where Mr. MoOallnen followed hie trade as calico printer, ythioh be learned in Scotland. Coming book to Canada the family moved to Huron Co., residing at Goderich for a year and then came to the 5112 line, Morrie township, where they took up a bush farm and for years knew a good deal about pioneer life. 81 years ago Mr, and Mre, McCallum moved to Bruesele whore they have continuously reeided. Their children are :-Finlay, Thee., John, Florieda (Pdre. A. Nichol) Janie (Mrs. 'P. Smith), all in Newer , New Jamey, U. 8.; and Isabella (Mrs. It, Henderson), of Brussels. James died in June of 1889, at Newark, aged Hymn and Alex, died hen 4 years of age, hie being the first birth and the first death in the township of Morris, the burial be. hag made at Sunshine. James Bechanan, of Kansas, U. 8., and Mrs. A. Boa, of Lealante, are the surviving brother and sister of We. McCallum. The subject of thie notice was 0. etirring, industrious, kind hearted, out -spoken wonum, who enjoyed exoellent health and took an active interest in public affairs as Well as her home °onetime. In 1887 she ear. ried important dispatches during the re hellion and Was 001 glow at ear -time In giving her opinion. She held allegiance to thePreebyterian Olinrch. The funeral took place On Monday after000n to Brus• gels oemetery, Rev. Jno, Ross, B. A.,, taking the servioe, Pall bearers were Allan, James and John Speir, old neieh- bore, Ti. 5, and P. Scott, and Jas. Mo. ,Arter. Among thou who atteuded the tonere,' were George Henderson and W. Ademe and wife, of Seaforth ; A. Hen. Berson and siatera, Imo, Henderson, Robert Habkirk and wife, M. Habkirk and wife, McIntosh and airs, H. Hen. dereon, of Meitillop 1 and Vaal Boig and mejority of lffietie iu attendanoe. 12 Leethertinle, Peeeident of the Bonding Olub, tinder whose appioes tli eisterteio• meet witelield, ietrodeeed the 18.1551 ?Misfit ooneleted of Miss Jessie N, Mao- letlehlan, the star 8.030ng the Bingen Of Scottish song ; H, Bennett, comic v0Olth• iet, who lied appeared here before geme years ego, and R. Buchanan, pianist, who • ie the husband of EON Meolaughlin, There wore no poor ntunbere on 1125 pro- gram and ae the itudienoe wee enthasias- tie encores were numeroug. Mies Mao- lam:filen ponot only sing Sooteh songs with wonderful power, pathos and ohne. nees of enunciation bet in "Tbe Holy City" and "Role Britannia" rather eolips, ed any of her other aelectiope. Mr. Bennett Waif as funny ma humorous eong singere oan be made and hie "I'm going to get married" and "Dot little Gentan Band" were oomloal in the extreme. Mr. Buohanitna piano solo was marred by some people with rudeness enough to talk aloud to the displeacture at not only the pianist but many who wanted to bear without interruption. • The Covetable should be instructed to walk such people out of doors without much ceremony. Finenoially the oonoert woe a big euccees, the protieede totalling $182,75 and tater paying all expenses the Bowlers will have the neat earplug of about $60, which will go to improvements on the leowling lawn, already a trim spot. DAtteen.-The oases are growing start- lingly more numerous of railway engin- Gera, of pilots and motormen, dying instantly at their poets. The lives and limbs of score& huodreds, are thug ina• perilled. The pilot of a crowded New • York City ferry was recently found at a oritioal moment, stiff in deatkt. The 833)410681 of a bightnng express, running . at full epeed on a "aloe section, with Dia band on the lever, dead. • June 13, 1900, a Ohioago motorman did not stop as usual at a steam -100.d crossing, and an engine grazed the rear of hie eleetric oar _loaded with passengers. He was found With staring eyrie, stone dead. Two New Jersey engineers, brother, have been strioken with paralysis. We have num- erous records of and other similar oases. What is the matter 2 Their work is ex- deptionally straining on their nerves, and if they did not have the rest of one day in seven these Baden deaths would be ex. peoted, if they did not annually happen. Right here, too, is the cause of railway accidents that often octet stockholders from bundrede of thousands to a million or more, in the crash of a second of time. Therefore, ',Ripe's" reasone aside, there le danger to life and property in Sunday steam and trolley travel. Danger every day in the weels'beoatme of it. The cruel tyranny of Sunday work, thue enforced on labouring men, bas made white slaves of millions of our countrymen. It is no longer safe to ride oo sleeper or day trains -on trolley or ferry ; and ospital and labor both have cause to Ory out against Sunday work as an enemy. Do 2 help this enemy, by inflaeuoe or by example in favor of Sunday work in any form 7 -- Niagara Times. tidiest little toWne in the promo& daughtee, of Howlett, Mr, McCallum ie • Business Locals. Molise to loan on farm sunray. • Apply at THE PoSy. Foe oheap Millinery go to the Migees Habkirk. Everything away down, BRilesirrA PUMP W011XS -Saw gurnming a speoialty. Satiefention guaranteed. P. ADAM, Mill street. BIG bargains in robes and sleigh belle to 0 ear out gtook. Jso. Dossraneent, Hansen maker, Brussels. Holum blanket, homemade, lost North of Brussels. Find. r will oblige by leas, ing it at Tun Poss. War, Anomie:neg. WARTED.-Ohoice Roll Butter 18 cents. No. 1. Mink or Fax skins 53.50. Our slaughter sale of Drees Goode daring Jan- uary and February is worth coming miles to see. G. E. Kum, Winghom. Smv FILING -The undersigned is pre. pored. to attend to all saw filing in a workmanlike manner, after long exper- ience. Satisfaction gnaranteed. . HUGH WILLIAMS, Livery Barn, Brussels. 9,.,1902 SE4ND4,10 134,71('E OF 04X4,:04, 1200S13E327: 0-072- HiAO OFFICE, - • TORONTO • 0AtTrAr., PAID TIP (One Million Dollars) . 91,600,600 REST • • • • 5750,000 , etrierwies in all principal points in Osideie, Quebec, Manitoba, Uniteet States & England. 00$6.18MS *AWL A General Banking Businees 'Transaoted. Fanuere' Notes Dismounted, Drains Imaged and Collectione made on nil point's. • . SAVINGS BANK DEPARYMtNT. Interlard allowed on deposits of 01,00 and upwarde and oompounded hell yearly. &MAL ATTRINTION GIVEN TO TER OOLLSOTIMI Or FARMERS' SALR ROTES, ' Every feellity afforded Cuetomers living at a digtans., a at any hank issued Under $10,... 8n, $20 to $80, ,lSo Money Oriorliv4 rate 510 to $20 ....10o. 80 to F. H. GRAY, Aetreo Agent. Miss Govenlock, of Atwood, was the guest of the Mieeee flabkirk, last week. William Thomson has returned to town after au extended etay at London and Stratbroy. He has engaged with R. & 3. Ransford ha the inanufeature of salt barrens, at Brussels Salt Works. W. EL McCracken and Mies Carrie epent the New Year holidays with rely,. fives and friends at Paisley and loottlitY. Mao.. gets as numb enjoyment Out of e spiel visit as the most of folks. Mrs. 3. Rogerson, of Bradford, Penn., is here caring for her sister, Mrs. Frank Belem who bas been dangerously 111 with pneumonia but is on a fair way to reoovery now we are pleased to state. W, F. Vanetone, formerly of Brussels, was elected a member of Wigham's town Council for 1902. He bad several year's experience at the Muoioipal Board here, that will no doubt do him service there. John end Mre. Goff and son, and Miss Sarah Dadley, of Toronto, spent Christ- mas and New Years with their rather and mother, James and Mrs. Dudley. Mise Sarah remained home to wait on her mother, who ie ill. Albert Hewlett and wife and Robert Skelton and wife, of Morris, S. Howlett and wife, of Grey, and Mr. Harper and wife, of Elora, attended a family gathering at Ohas, Howlett's, Queen street, on New Year's Day. Will. Watt, of Toronto, was in town for a little while on Tuesday shaking halide with a few of his many friends here. He drove over from Seaforth where he was visiting hie brother -in law and sister, Will. James and wife. Mines Georgia Rose and Mabel Zim. mer who were home for their vaoation, returned to Listowel Collegiate on Mon- day morning. The ermine nf the former Aliases Jean and Gram Auetin, of Listo- wel, who were visiting hero have return• ed to their home. Mrs. T. FarroVe has been quite ill dur- ing the past week with something Rae appendicitis but is somewhat improved, we are pleased to state. Postmaster Farrow has been bothered with a "ariok" in his baok that made gettiog about con- siderable of a burden. Alex. Sperling and daughter, of Ninga, Man., is renewing old friendshipa in Brunets and looslity. He is a brothsr to Mrs. Watson Ainlay and Fletcher Sper- ling, of Brussels, and Mrs. Jno. Manning, of Morrie, and has been in the West for a good many years. Last Saturday Fred. Gilpin, who was home for the Christmas vexation, re. turned to Ohiottgo to resume his studies at the Dental Oollege. He expects to graduate next May. His partner, Dr. Reber, manages the dental office with which Mr. Gilpin is oonneoted while the latter attends college. GREY BRANCH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The manual meeting of Grey Branch Agricultural Society Ma held on Jan. 8th, in the Council Chamber, Brussels, with Preeident James Speir in the chair. Minutes of last annual meeting read and passed. The Seeretary.Treasurer, W. E. Kerr, preeented the Auditors' report for the past year's proceeding° which showed the reoeipts to be 51808.41, which included a surplus of $1105 66 from 1900. Expend'. tare 5708.18, which leavers a balance of $1155.23. On motion of David Milne, essoonded by P. B00% the report was • adopted. $250 was expended 00 improve. anent to the Fair. buildings. , Officers were cleated es follows :-- , President, Jae. Speir ; • • Vice Pees, X. D. Warwick, V. S. ; - Direotors, W. H. MaOracken, R. Nichol, P. Scott, John MeGavin, D. Milne, Geo, Robb, Jas. IlVanfl, R..MoDouald and P. Roberteon. Auditors, F. S. Mott and A. Street]. an. Oo motion of Messrs. Warwiok and Niohot the thanks of the Board were tend. ered to Misses Annie Ross and Olara kto. ()reckon for the valuable sends:tea render. ed in arranging Ladies' Work at fall Pair. After dieoussing the question of send. ing a delegate to the meeting of tbe Oanadian Assooiation of Fairs the meet.. ing adjourned. Direetors will meet on Wednesday of next week at 1 p. m. to op. point tieoretary.Treasurer and attend to other businees. PERSOS PARAO ft, A PilS., • Mise Elsie Jackson was visiting in Kin- cardine. • Rich. Williams] was t Listowel on Wednesday. B. and Mrs. Gerry were 'Aalborg at Blyth on Wednesday. Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes has been on the sink het during the past week. Mom May Hinoke le renewiug old friendship in town this week. 1. end Mrs. leletohet spent New Year's Day with relatives in Lnaknow. Mrs. John Tait and Mies Fannie Hogg were visiting in Wingliarn last week. Mee Mary Oliver etas on the siok list last week, but is able to be out again. Miss Minn Turnbull, of Clinton, was in town 2 or 8 daye visiting friends last week. P. Arnent and wife returned Mob 'Sat. urday from a two weeks' visit in Mob. and Indiana, 8. Plum and wife were in Blyth Sun. day to see Mrs. N. B. Gerry who is siok with quinsy. listtre Jas. Oakley and Miss Maud, of Listowel, were renewing old friendships in Bruseele and loottlity, Med. Wilson and Dune. Stewart re. turned to the College of Pharmaoy at Toronto on Monday. Leslie Herr left on Monday for Stmt. ford to resume his attune at Me Buelness College after the Ohristmea vaoation. Mies Pearl Lowry has bsen On the sick list with inflammatory rheumatism but we hope she will soon be all right again, Mee. Oyu Dadley and dirs. Kilburn, of Malign], 595141 12085 Year's day with Jas. and lake. Dudley, Graimm's Survey. It:H. Green and wife, of TrOwbridge, were visiting Mre. Harris, the latter's Mother, for a few days during the past welqeklai Jennie Rowe lett on Monday morning to oonattenee her duties tie teacher of the 2nd Depettment 18 Ethel "Millie &shoot. • Misses Clam and Amanda MoOrttoken Wove at Peterborough attending the wed• ding of a oonsin, during the Xmas holt. days, returned last Friday. Mrs. TIMM], of lYlorria, has taken up reeideoce in the brink hotted, Alexander etreet, whion she pantheon' from Mee. Ferguson, Tuts I'Oet bide her weldopae, monsam. MoIllueoute.-In Blyth, on December 31, to Mr, and Mrs, name MeMnrobis, a daughter. 15no.-DI-Grey, on Jan, 7, to Mr. and Mre. Jos. Shim, a son, STAML-In Seafortb, on Deo. lith, to Mn. and Mrs. Loftus Stark, a son. La..A.muszam=,, ROUTLITheta-GLouoman,-At the residetme of the bridb'e parents, Blyth, en December 25th, by Tim W. Pennell, Mr. George Routlodge, of Clinton, to Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Admit Glouchoe. Nordat--Retat,-&t the IL C. Ohnrob, Brnasels, On Jan, 8, by Ran. Fr. Corcoran, of Seaforth, Mr. T. W, Nolan, of Grey, to Mies Kate Ryan, of MoKillop, 9:3X7-1 Co855.n.-21 Golden Plain, Ageiniboia,,:N. W. tr„ on Dets, 28, Hattie Werner, beloved wife Of George H. Cowan, aged 42 years ad 7 months. Belgrove, on Jan. 9, fi. 3, toy, aged 82 years end 5 menthe, BUTLIBDOS.-In Toronto, on January 4111, Remy George Antledge, brother to tire. J. L. Herr, Downhill ilia Ord year. MoCAnnete.-/n Broods'on January 4, Isabella Buchanan, beloved wife of John aloCallum, aged 82 years. 41..'S'OTXQ20- THURSDAY, JAN. 23. -Tarin Mock, im• plements, new buggies, witgonte and °titter& at lot 28, oon. 7, Grey. Sale Unreserved, at 12 o'olook, noon, John Cohen, proprietor ; S. Scott, atm. • :E'":3•1wra=1-...r..-- t.T A tie 1•47, -Err st 74 75 Earley ' 48 60 Peas • 75 76 Oats . .. 38 89 Butte, , oho and rolls16 16 16gge 1,0/ drn4en . 16 17 Floor oes owt. . 4 00 5 00 Potal oes (per brie.) 25 25 Applee (per bbl.) 200 8 00 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Sheep ekine, each 25 25 Lamb skims eaoh.. ... 25 80 Balt par 12121., retail... 1 00 70 Hides trimmed 6 61 Hides Tough Hogs, Live Wool 5 5 0 80 6 50 $15 00 to $1S.00 a Week 18 18 NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO ALL FROMW- FOX'S DRUG STORE. O OMFOR TA B L E, WELL lighted and eonvontentroome to lee in the Leekie block 0801 G. A. Deadman's end • • Mrs, Rogers' storm, Amply to le, 8.800141. WHITE SOW, 15 MONTHS V I old, strayed from Thos, Al000k,s, 14th Sen, OM, 0/1 Doe.16611 Any inforroa, Won loading to bar reecivery -will be thank- • fully received, JAS. EIRE, Gra nbrook. .-- STIEBEtY0PtPie .11013dNersiTgurror LotPREM. 4, Grey, 2 ewes and 0 lambs. TI.ecitnaeriit; requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. M. IL:NICHOL, Ethel P. O. COLT FOR SALE.-/ GOOD Horse Colt, will be 1 year old on Feb. Oth. Sired by. Scott & Virarwiolee "Costum- er," dem bred from old I"Clear Grit." Will be sold cheap. Apply to ALEX. BODHAN- AN, 3.7th Con. Greif, Walton P. 0. 264 salary for an intelligent man or woman in each town. Permanent position. 30 cents per hour for spare time. klanufeasturer, l ONE CENT. A WORD COLUMN.ioX18, Philadelphia. 10 PAPER HINGING, DEBOR- JaING- and House Painting done in Onneri fenoe poste for stile. Apply at Workmanlike rammer and on short notioe. Have bad three years' experience in city work. Terms reasoGive me a call. 20 58.14. JOHNSTON.JOHNWalton. THE POST Publishing House, • 1RE PEOPLE'S.COLUMN. C4.00D HOUSE AND LOT ON Turnberry Street, Brussels, for sale at a bargain, Apply -to THOS. BALLANTYNE, Brussels. ' ypARm LABORER WANTED, L either married or single. Engage- ment by the year. Must be steady. Good wages will be paid. Apply 335 14110 POST. Q1X YOUNG SOOTOH SHORT Horn Bulls for sale, from 9 to 20 months old. Also cows in Dalt to imported "Red Duke,' and a few heifers. D, MILNE, Ethel, • T?OUR SHORT HORN YOUNG - Bulls for sale, all registered. One is 2 years old and the others average from 9 to 32 months. JAS. SPEIR, Lot 90, Con. 6, Morris, Brusseis P.O. 26-t1 NOTICE. To the PaTic of the Tillage of Bros& : As the Small -pox is found to be in various parts of the country (801 10 the village) it is lamasery that all persons who have not been vaccinated should be without delay. RICHARD PAUL, Chairman of the Board of Health. Annual Meeting. East Enron Agricultural Society. The Annual Meeting of the East Huron A arleui terra Sonistywull be held at the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday. the 15th day of January, 2062, at 1 o'clock 0.50, Business of the meeting: Receiving tho annual state- ment and Anditore'report, appointing ofile- ars for the year of 1581.85. W. H. EERR, JAB. FERGUSON', Beeretary, President Mrictly One Price 0. The Lowest. Were Getting Reay 1011 • You know what that means. It means that everything in the store will be looked over and valued from every point of view, and we don't intend to in- ventory a single slow selling piece of Goods or Remnants and we know full well that there's nothing but Cutting Prices that will clear them out quickly, hence you may come expecting to find many lines of most desirable Goods at or of what we've been selling them for. J. FERGUSON & CO.