HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-1-9, Page 5rt.
.„,./ .
Jn;x. 9, 1992s
'M°1>1 l TO 1.4/All' AT 0 PER
goat, 800791', Braseelo,
laer of Marriage Lloensgs,. Of.
floe �atmGrooury, Turnberry street, Brussels,
N.' BARR , TT —
� • 'Tonsorial Artist, Sh0' —Naxt do
Nprth of the Stgutlar4 Banff pLadlos' nor
Ohildran'a 11air.ol0t131 a. specialty,
Q Na
• '
I88tler of 'yl alrlaQ$ I.tiGel7SeS
rr f.
. 'iilil iS JEAN M'LAU L
.—TEACBE11 OP— .
Wellington Mutual
.Pir' Lti
osarnnce Co.,
1BTABLr6n110 .1840
Ineurapge,taken on the clash and premium
note yygtem at oarrelat.'rates. B store insur-
ing oleowbero call on the underoignod Agout
• of the Company.
G1:ORGl4I 1tQ 11BS, Brussels.
L. •0. M.,
duodemig graduate of London 00098100.
tory of Music, also Memberof the Ae000fated
MuBioians of Ontario, is prepared to rooeiv0
• all Burned number of pupils forpupilsf
p p
on the Principal's
norm t to r
p Qualified Prepare pupils a for
the Priao[pal'e Form is the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario.
Clerk Of the Fourth Division Court,.
Co. Huron;. Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Lana,Loan, and Insurance Agent ; Auction
nor.. Funds invested and td' loan. • Collec-
tions made.Office in Graham's Illock,Brue-
1; • Eog..wiu sell for bettor prices, to
better men in less time and loos charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or.
--he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can 0ltrays he arranged at thio Office or by
pareonal.application. •
W • ' Honor Ciminero of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, la prepare(' to treat all die -
gases of domesticated animals in Gompet.
ent nti+.naer Parti,ular attention. paid' to
• Veterinary Dentistry. 'Calle promptly at.
tended to. ilf0pe and Infirmary Four doors
Northof bridge, Ternberry st., Brussels.
yiT VV. •
Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
NotaryPnblia, deo, Cffioe—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for tho Standard Bank.
o to to
S 1 i r, ent. Village
of rStand-
at d Bank. Loan at for estlrat o. Brussels.'
Money to Loan at lowest rata.,
M. D., C. 111„
Trinity 'Universityy, Follow Trinity Medical:
College, ?Somber College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
laa of Physicians and Licentiate ot. Mid-.
wiffory,Edinbyilh, 0SrTelopboue No.14.
Residence—Mill street, Braos,le,
DR. R; P. • FEILD;'
Graduate of Rho Royal Oolleke of Dental.
Surgeons of Ontario and Firet•olaso Honor
Graduate of Toronto University, O;Qeo
next. to Rgewar'e Phn tograph„Gallery,...
le 'moving forward, winter term begins
Jou: g,10a2, 011r rates aro C reasonable—our
Bend for our.Jpuhnnl tothorough
see what we teach.
Students may enter at any time. Two
Dooms of Study—Commercial. and Snort -
C. A. FL,E➢fING,
Coven Sound.
British 'Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore Slhore
Pine and' Cedar
FOR SALE en' 'ru
Brussels Planing rills
Also Dogra and Sash of all Pat
terns on hood or made to order
at Short Notion.
Eetiivateo °, Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
Wi> fox Ts' n Q s gni da ,fan 6th
� Y
h'lti l
-J .. „mil
.testae to collect, $27844Q; total llabilltles,
l 916055,44 ; totoi i000 e, $92.60 $9' ex"pat
Of liahflitiea.9989 waste, $795,1, '1'119.
emallpoa•otiae, nod the lawsuit in which
thptpwn9laip•.l0er, svr19 nnlor9eon sad
largo expermilteres.
del.. Q t
We have recently received eight appilca
lolls from other 800inesa Colleges who'
wieit to gob o9r eradu0100 ae teaobaro, but
00 have not one to send. Our graduates
are obosou by hpusineea Arms end 1lueluee0
l011.eg00 80 Mat as we ono turn thea; out
Write for catalogno.
W. J. I L0JU'$`T, Principal.
f)lstl"tct tieWs,.
Rev. A. B. Fernsy will preach his fare.
well sermon Sunday next
Jae. L. Wilson, of Niagara, Ont., epopt
801210 et his holidays oalling oh old frlands
Pelee Robertson, of Bossevain, Man., is
g hie .father; John Robertson in
town, fora weak or two.
Mrs, T. Gibson, sr., and daughter Mies
Ociltb, haveone to the "Soo,': where
they will make their home in, fatUre• W.
8. MoKeraber and family have moved . to
Mrs, Giboon1e residenoe.
The nomination of the Village .00nnoil
and trustees held on Monday of last Creek
was not attended by many and little
interact was shown, Several names were
montiooed for the eoonoil but ail with
drew but the regoired number, so the
(Manual 'wt Il
l be the same a inn
a teRC
except W. Wilson in plaoe of 8. B. Mo.
Kelvin, The trustees were aleore•eleoted:
131 v Yh.
Rev. W. Rigsby, of Kincardine, was in
Blytb last week.
Mre, Oorder,'who has been seriously ill
for several days, is reoovering,
Mine Beryl West, of Ripley, spent the
New Year's holidays with Blyth friends.
Ater. Taylor, son of John Taylor, Blyth,
has been re e'eoted Reeve of Port Stanley
by noolamation.
Rev. Geo. McQuillan received a very
pleasant and substantial holiday' gift.
11 was from the aongregatiob of Trinity
obarob, Belgrave, and • oon0ieted of 05
bushels of oats and 8 baebele of potatoes.
The a0nivereery service. In uo0neotion
with St. Andrew's Presbyterian ohnrob
will be held next Sunday, Jan, 12, on
whioh ooaaeion Rev. Dr. Warden, ..of
Toronto, ': Moderator of the General
,Ateembly, will preaoh at 11 a. m. and 7
p. m. On the following Monday eve0.
ing Rev. John Roes, B. A., of Brunetti,
will deliver his popular lecture,.. "John
Bunya9, the Immortal Dreamer,"
.• Got -ries.
Levi Doupe, of the Soo, is at present
vieitipg his brothers, A.A. and J. Doupe.
Rev. A. B;, Farney,-. rector- .of .8t.
Stephen's church,- will preaoh.hia fere••
well mama on Sunday next.
. Herman 8. Evans, 000 of John Evans,
of town, hae been engaged to teaohaoboot
on the le.th son , about b miles from
Mrs. Robb. MoLaaghlin,_jaet $oath of
the -village, was in Toronto .undergoing
an operation for her eyes. Her eon Robb.
J. aaoom anie
p d her.
At their' last meeting - the Canadian
Order of Foresters eleotod the following
offioers-for the ensuing year:—Court
Deputy, John Stewart ; 0. R., J. A.
Took ; V 0. R,, Jas. Armstrong ; R. 3„
John Milleon ; F. 5 , N. McLoughlin l
Treat., T D. Edgar; Chap., Jas. Walker;
S. W., Thus. Day ; J. W., W. H. Arden ;
S. B., J. A. Strong; J.B., W.G. Strong;
Physician, Dr. Tuck.
_Cl oto w e l .
The grip is again an unweloome visitor
aa a number of our citizens who have ex
perienoed an attack con testify.
Fred. Moore, who'hae been in Manito-
ba for the past five years, ie home on a
vieft. Ho is a eon of Samuel Moore,
Lt. Col Dent and staff were in Diem.
el on Thursday and Friday of this week
selecting horses for service in South
Afrioo, '•
The Customs receipts of the 'Listowel
°absorthave been exceptionally .large.
during the poet 6 months, totalling $14,
849. In Douember 94,600 was colleoted,
the largest amount taken • in in any single
montb singe the Oatport was opened.
• Mise35mma Welch, who hae • given up
ber.echool in S. S. No, 2, Elmo, left on
Monday of last weep for New York and
sailed on Saturday. for Glasgow, where
she: will be united in the bonds of matri
many with Dr. J. F. Goodohtid late of
Oollingwood, ashrams been engaged for,
the past year or more in hospital work in
Glasgow. Dr. Goodohild is a nephew. of
Sir Senfotd-T'leming.
Robt. Strong loft to take a position i0
a drug store in W ingbnm.
The annual meeting of Lordtvich Pub
lig Library will be held, in the Library on
Monday. •
A. 0. Hatohieon went to Whiteville,
Out., to attend the wedding of his brother
James who was married on New Year's
Amon Graybiel, while helping H g0,008
to butcher'hoge, reueiveci a kick from a
horse on the left arm which rendered his
arm hseleso for a week or so.
A. Robinson,. one of the retiring eohool
trnateee, was re•elebted, and in the place
of•Thomae Gibson, who did not want the
officio again, Joseph'Hainetoek war elect
At the regular meeting of Court Howialc
No. 84, 0: 0. F„ the following committee
Was appointed to select a site and shake
eetiniatee end plane for the erection of a
Dew hall, and to'reeort at next regular
meeting :—J. Hallman, J. Downey, J.
Rowe, W. Carter ohm L. Booker.
The election of officers for. Oho Epworth
League tonic plane with the following re-
onit 1•—Hon, Pres„ Rev- D. Rogers free„
Mies Minnie Peel ; let Vice Pret.,.Mre. J.
MuKeo ; 2t1d, . lure, Rogers ; 8rd, Mies
Cook ; 4111, Mrs, G. Molise ' 8eoretary,
Lora Riehm ; Treas., Geo.. W%Jkey, jr. t•
Organlet, •Mrs. G. E. McKee. Junior
League Superintendent, Mies H. Mahood.
The printed *30nuoial Statement for
Rowlett was in the bands of tho Treaenr,
et' on Don: 24. Tt allowed a total of rest.
dont taxes militated Miring the year end.
inti Dee. 15, $17,548,37 ; total reaeipte,
$26,423 99; balance en hand, 95475.901
]Cot ailipi,A'TV..
John Jo,yut left on a laminas trip to
1Vew XQrlt 86940 la9t week,
Webster Broe„ have Opened 'up'a but.
ober shop in Time. Trelo'lven'e 4nilding,
The agnivep0ary servipe9 will be held
in the Englfeb ohuroh on Sunday, Jan,
The firemen were 0alled out on Tues,
day evening of lest week, Cho oaune being
it blazing ohimifoy on tlfc0bineee laundry,
No dsmege dune. ,
Ed, Mo13ay, of Calmnet, Mich , had
the misfortune to get his arm out eery
badly by taking on a circular saw. He
a on of Alex, AfoKRy, of EUis vi0npe.
Charles MOLb Ilan, of the lake shore,
met with a very serious and painful aooi•
dent 011 Tuesday of last week, and One
that will confine hits' to the hones for
some time. He wee driving along the
boundary towards Lucknow and when
near Wesley Handeraon's plane the horse
tools fright and ran away and threw him
out of the cutter, In the fall one of hie
legs wee broken and kis knee oap badly
injured. De was found ebortly' ,after'
warde lying onthe ride of the road by
some neighbors and b0004*2t to town,
where the.fraatured limb was set and hie
Other injuries attended to.
titch0 rictfc.
A junior lloakey league has been form.
ed, comprising four olubo, all of town,
and a series of games will be played for
the Maul obampionehip.
The rendition of Godard'. "Angels
Guard Thee, at $t. George's church on
Christmas m ,ening, by Mies Douogh, on
the violio, and Mr. Un$, on the or;am,.
was very 10000 appreoiated.
The friends. of Miss Franke, of the
public eohool tetahing staff, were greatly
.hooked and grieved to learn of her death,
whioh took plane et Woodbridge, where
she wise visiting be brother.
A few days before Christmas, Mr.
Kewilt, 10000ger of the Gloderioh Knitting
Co., was waited upon by the employees of
the faotory, who presented him with a
handsome mantel olook, together with an
expression of their esteemfor him and
of their—appreciation of hie friendly in•
tareet in them.
At a speoial meeting of the pnhlio
eohool board, Mies Skeltoo'was appointed
to the position on the neutral eohool staff
made vacant by the death of Miss Franke,
and Mies A. W. Ball was appointed to
MIee Skelton's room in St. Patriek'o ward
Eoangelietio services in the Methodist
ahnroh 00h Rvening this week.-
W. F. Forrest hoe added a new and im-
proved dry kiln system to hie planing.
Harry. WING!, left Monday of'laet week
for Effingham, Ill., to attend the school
of photography.
John Alexander was at the mill,getting
some ebinglea when hie team of clone
took fright at the whistle blowing and ran
away down Main street, smashing the
sleigh badly,
The'roee tonnage of out going freight
from Atwood station for the 6 months
ending Deo. 31, 1901, w8.8 492 tone in ad
mime of oorreeponding•period a year
A pleaeiog event transpired at the home
of D. 0. and Mrs. Anderson when "Males
Vallanoe was presented with two recently
published and popular books by the mem-
bare of the.Atwood Presbyterian ohuroh
The annual meeting of the Presbyterian
congregation woo held in the ohuroh on
Friday, Deo. 27'apd was well attended.
From the annual report we glean these
interesting etatietios : Reoeipte — Pew
rents $978, oolleotione $493.42, Century
Fund $100, bank withdrawals $78 76, to-
tal $2,075:18. The disbursements were
the same leas $40.50 on band. 'J, A.'
Hume, the Seo. -Trete,, having removed
to Listowel, Andrew Little was appoint-
ed 'to the poet at tbs usual salary, $30.
The annual etatement•1or the, season of
1901 of the Elms Cheese ce Butter Co.,
ehowe•these figures ;—Total receipts for
butter ,.$8,691 83 ; expenditure, $7,779,.
80 including $6,765 paid to patrons. for
milk, and. $825,62 paid to W. D. Angne,
maker. Total receipts • for cheese and
butter, $43,414.78 ; expenditure, $43,414.._
07, leavings *auras on band of 71o.
Pounds of milk made into butter, 892,028 ;
lbs. mflk' made, into cheese, 8,999,288 ;
average wholesale pride per pound butter,
20 459 ; average wholesale.pttoe per pound
cheese, 9.186o ; .average lbs. milk to lb,
batter,'22 49 ;average pounds milk to Ib.
obeeee, 10 92 ; average B. F. teat for .
butter, 3,78 ; average 13. F, test for oheese,
2,32. •The dlroetot'a have had a gement
lIo-tr put in the make room wide: wee
very much needed,
The following (.00ent have hero elected
for the ensuing year in PenrligtMil with
the 0. 0. F, Atwood :-0: 3t., A.. Censer;
on ; Y 041.., W, Graham ; Obapllein, W,
Blair, 2r. 1' Treaq„ James Longmire ; P,
$„ 4, Gordon ; R, 8 , T, Fullerton ; 8,
W., J. Sanders J, W„ J, Brown
1,3, J. Ooghlin ; 4.13„ E, UMW n4,
' Yvk> rxd L.ce.
GOOD SToole.- *Amon Smith, who is
leading thoroughbred stock breeder in
thle aeetion, hoe- recently added a very
valuable short horn boll to his fine herd:.
Hie [Meet aogaleitioti ie "Golden Con,
queror,” imported by H, Cargill & Sett of
Bruce Ccunty, and bred by Wm, Duthie,
Oollyole, Tarver, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
Golden Conqueror tomes from royal stook
his sire being Bapton conqueror and dam
Golden Strawberry, both of whom eau
olairninmous ancestry. Banton Conquer-
, or (79981) 1910 the piak 0f all Mr. Willis'
butt calves of 1892. He was bought ata
high pride by Mr. Duthie and •sold • to
South America at a' very long figure, Re
belong. to the Sittyton Cioely family and
was sat by the Clipper, hail Red Rubin
(71389), out of Cyclamen, by Adolphus
(66604), an Inverquhomery Augusta, win.
tier of many prizes in south of England,
and sire of the celebrated nrize heifer
Bapton Dairy,' of the bull Neptune, eta.
Golden Conqueror was halved in Marob
1900, and was imported in the dam,
Slime beoomipg the property of Mr.
Smith he hoe attracted the uolioe of not
a few farmers and stockmen of this viain
fly. John Scott, the well known cattle
shipper of Listowel, pronounces him the
finest short horn sire brought,into this
neighborhood. Mr. Smith is deserving of
both credit redit and moms
!o[ hie en
and his efforts'. in the direction of etoak
improvement will no doubt beappreoiated
by the farming community, He has an ex-
cellent herd of twenty odd shorthorns,
three animate—one cow and two calves—.
going to a etoekmao in Ohio. Hie 000801
stook bail Royal Wry, No. =23630.—. wan
Bold to August Eiokemeier, of Brohdagen,
Ont, He has at present three yonog
thoroughbreds whioh he is willing to part
with. Anyone wanting superior .took
will do well to pay a vieit to hie farm, lots
67 and 68, first concession Grey, about a
mile weal of Trowbridge.
Word 1200 )net been received Cron J h
11,1'.1'"'i•''• merly of thin plan •, from th
uen9 a' h ,.natal in oelgery, to the 911 u
that hi' 1,. net with a ranter unp"0usah
aooide,t ll fell with a borne whioh h
woo riding, and bad hie leg broken Jost
below the knee, sod will be laid up for
Boma time, This. ie the seortnd misfortune
, be has experienced daring the past year,
'having had hiM personal belongings dee.
troyod by Are io the Spring,
ice o,.
r9w �t
the A eery pretty wedding took place atth4
About 200 09w books have been added
to the Pubiio Library.
M. Young, of Saginaw, Michigan, was
visiting with hie relative, Mre. F. G.
Sperling. They had not met ;for many
At the closing of the school in Lower
Wingbam, the pupils showed their ap•
preoiation of (R. H. Ansley) their teaob•
er'e efforts to instruct them, by making
him a preee0tation of handkerchief case
accompanied by an addreee.
The Reoeplioo on New Year'e day for
yonng men of town and v)oinily was a
happy thought and s000esafaily carried
ont, under the 0a0picee of Royal Temp -
Mrs, W, C. T. II., and the Young People's
Soofetiee of the oh0rchee.
A 'meeting ofthe creditors of the
Natiobal Iron Works wart held on Deo. 26,
J. P. Langley, of Toronto, was appointed
assignee. Mews. Kerr, of Hamilton,
Homestead, of Toronto, and Sheppard, of
the Aikenhead Hardware Oo., were ap.
pointed inepeotore. The aeeignee was
directed to wind op the business as speedi-
ly as possible.
Oonrt' Maitland, No. 25, Oanadian
Foreetere, met for the election of officers.
The officers elect were :—Chief Ranger,
N. Brandon ; Vioe, W. Wookomitb ;
Reo.-Seo., E. O. Clark ; Fin, -Sea., R. A.
Dougikes ; Chap., F. G. Sperling ; Treas.,
J. Button ; S. W., W. Guest ; J. W., R.
13. Gordon ; S. B., W. N9f1; J. B., F.
Roderae ; Auditor, R. Vanatone ; Rep.
reaen tativee- to High Oourt, D. M. Gordon,
W. Neil ; alternates, F. l3perliog, H. B.
The undersigned are prepar-
ed to pay cash for all kinds of
Cordwood, both dry and green,
delivered at the Salt Works.
Apply to GORDON lll'OONEY
Foreman Brussels Salt. Works. '
OLIN 7011. P. 0. Pa0PR1EToits.
Clearing Sale
Will begin January 2nd and continue for the
Next 30 Days only. . This is the best offer•that has
been given to the buying public for some time as the stock
is new and up-to-date, consisting of :-
-Furs for Ladle's and Gentlemen.
Jackets and Tailor-made Suits.
—Dress Goods, Feints, Tweeds, Hosiery, Blankets,
• and all kinds ofDry Goods.
—Men's and Boys' .Ready-made Suits, Overcoats
and Pants.
--Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Trunks.
Millinery 'tit less than hall price.
Remember these tremendous Bargains will be given in all de-
partments during January only. Come early and get a share of
the good things while they are going.
reeidonao of Edward Cooper, of Howlak,
o ri
p ph t0 man Day, the vontraotinr parties
being hie amiayledeughter Mies Ella and
Oban. E. L•pp ird, towhee of Molesworth,
The bride wore a beautiful dress of white
organdy and a bridal veil, also carried a
pretty baguet of white obryeaptbernnme,
She was attended by her sister, Mies
Vlotoria, while the groom was waisted by
W. E, (3ryan9 and .Master Armstrong
ao'ed as page, The nuptials knot was
eacnrely tied by Rev, 12. Rogers, of Ford.
Mob, Atter the usual 0ocgratuletionethe
dining room r90eived the bridal party
where' ample juolioe was dope by ail.
The remainder of the evening woe ep00t
in 'Nadal chat, games and an f10prnmp'u
'program to whioh inetramentale were
contributed by Mies Bloke and Mise Sow.
and-; Duet by Mrs. McKee and Mrs,
Reibm ; Solon by Mr. Reiobart and Mr.
Bryaoe ; and epeeohes by all the male
members of the company. Altogether a
very happy evening was spent by all.
Mr. and Mr. Leppard will reside in Moles.
worth sad continence married life ander
auspicious oiroumetanoe9 and with the
best wishes of a large oirole of relatives
and friends.
The following particulars are taken
from the annual report of Brussels Cheese
factory and will be of interest to both
patrons and the pablio generally ;—
Cash from Iaet Audit , $ 8 39
May ohee.e, 7826911m. at 89o675 86
Jane " 8527a " 99o820 78
" 8604 " 99o796 85
July " 8576 " 99o..., 847 10.
} " 14595 " {9c..,, 1308 36
Aug. " 78529 <, 99o871 16
Sept. " 14478 " 99o1857 57
Oct. " 11596} " {9 a 1050 76
Total 97531 68
May, paid; patrons..... $ 519 21
" making
Jane ' patrons
" patrons
" " making
July " patrons
" staking
Aug.July } „ patrons 1015 51
649 60
170 55
825 24
172 08
672 44
171 52
making....,...,.,. 291 90
Aug. ' patrons 524 18
Sept. • patrons
Oct.' " patrons 817 68
malting 23192
Auditor 3 00
Cash on band. 6 90
Total $7531 63
Lbs. milk received, 897,489 ; lbs. cheese
made, 81,5559 ; average lbs. Milk per ib.
cheese, 11 ; average price per lb. cheese,
9.23o; received per 100 lbs. milk, 83 9/100;
paid patrons per 100 lbs. milk, 65 8/10o ;
coat making per 100 lbs. milk, 18 1/10o ;
cash on hand, 96.90.
41 u
41 It
147 05
1086 77
289 56
James Straohan
John Strachan
D. Richardson
D. Taylor
J. Tarnbnll
A. McDonald.
A. R. McDonald
Mrs. Wm. Hogg
Robt. Carr
Ino. Smith
Jos. Baynard
T. Savage
J. B. MoLauchlin
A. 13. Smith
0. Smith.... ........ ......
T. Smith
Ino. Smith
Ino. Lowe
B. Laing
P. MoArthur
Wm. Bateman
Joe. Shaw
Robt. Blair
P. J. Bishop
M. Hutchison
Wm. Hall
A. Turnbull
Wm. Brewer
H. Lament
Jae. Elliott
J. Clarke
N. Richardson ................ 80 99
Eli Smith 64 26
J. Cunningham
Jno. Cardiff
G. Mororlane
J. McKinnon
D. Orerar
J, Orerar
R. McCallum
Mrs. Livingstone
Jae. Armstrong
Jas. Ferguson
Wm. Armstrong
Jae. Bnrgese
Fill Sellars
D. Agar
Wm. lYlosea
H. Dookett
A. Forsythe
W. Yaiil.
W. Fraltok
Wm. Bowman
R. Armstrong
J. Mason
Mrs. Bollington
R. Ynill
J. Little
R. Mol1hirray
L. Wheeler....... .,.,......,
J. Kerney
R. Cardiff
S. 33err
A. Bradshaw
J. Donnell
Wm. Bryan.
Mrs. Cameron .:. , .
J. Mooney
J. Sharpe
Mrs. ' Keys
S. Berke
M. M. Cardiff
Jno, 13toadfoot
0 196 93
104 18
20 28
131 69
181 13
107 96
109 68
125 46
48 71
82 24
93 01
71 10
82 02
137 28
147 90
71 61
23 51
27 55
81, 44
199 85
58 62
70 11
69 76.
60 0.0
65 62
83 05
58 11
108 22
139 41
114 55
104 78
91 06
73 17
82 54
13 28
107 46
46 82
157 63
77 32
18 86
65 04
61 10
48 63
36 82
21 66
113 95
49 34
252 08
162 06
74 44
70 76
46 72
19 08
27 82'
48 82
184 31
61 67
48 07
22 26
54 92
62 32
55 48
6l 51
69 09
117 13
56 12
87 02
70 75
61 60
in' ' CASH
. . STORE,
Winter Goods Must Go. ,
'oar 01oot Clearing Saleis granttn'9u"tea
among o
k 0lQe home,
alwbo know big pargbn9 when they ea them. Tbiaweek we offer spatial in every department thr0ugh0ptthe store. Our satoe wil
allow us t0 quote all the rodnotione,in priers. We will be le
Yoe nail and have you look through our immense eto k pleated have
o as is intend maty
ince net seine record breaker. Below we quote a few prises that may.
interoet you ;
Heavy Wool Tweede,.good value at -Thu, axlerioe 50o. Me 'e
Wool Pante, regular prion' $1,25, tale pride 79o, winter Drees Goode,, • i
worth 500, sale price 26o, GreylPlennel, plain or twilled, worth 150,.
for 1290. Men's Wool.lined Kid Glover, regular 75o, sale price' 50o,'
Girle' Grey Lamb Mitts, kid faded, worth, 60o, for 89u. Wotit '
Heavy Winter Hose, worth 209, 2 pair for 250. Linen '1'ow011ing,e 17
inobea wide, worth 8o, for 5o. AAA Tio4 11 Grey cotton, $7 induce wide,.
worth 8a, for 5o, Wool Blankets, full size, regular $2.50, for $1.95.
Homespun Dress Goode, 56 hushes wide,: worth 650, for 460. Eider-
down Flannel, regalia 500, sale prise 399. Men's Wallaby Fur Coate,
regular 617, for $18 50; Man's Slack Dog 0:,ate, good value at 625,
for $19. Ladies' Astraoban Coate away down in price,
The remainder of our Millinery Goods in Trimmed
med Hate, Feathere, Wings, Flowers, Ribbons, Etc., willhe n Iogd t
during the next two weeks. In some oases they will be sold at lase than
half prioe to clear.
X Cut Saws
and Axes.
ALL Saws Fitted zoo Ready
for Use.
Prices Right g t and Quality god.
& Turnbull
In our Opening Sale we have met with gratifying
success, and we have decided that until
JANUARY 11, 1902,
We will continue to offer goods. at Slaughter Prices
to give all a chance of sectoring some of the bar.
gains we have to .bow. The following are a few
of our Special Bargains in
DINNER SETS—Regular $7 00 to $9.00 for $5.50 to $7.25.
TEA SETS—Regular $2.75 to $8.00 for $2 35 to 96.50.
BED ROOM SETS—Reg. $1.85 to $6 00 for $1.35 to $5,00.
FANO' DISHES of all kinds.
We are enlarging and improving oar stook by the'
beat and most ap•to-data goodie we clan procure,
and are prepared to satisfy our customers in all
Ready 1
eatller for
Is ready for Fall and Winter weather
qp with a splendid stock of tpp
Robes, Rugs and
Horp,e Blankets
Which have only to be seen • to be admired. Sold at
very reasonable prices. Also keep,. in stook, Halters,'
Bells, Curry . Combs, Brush
os and ftlI other articles in
our line. '
Trunks, Valises and Satchels.
Our Single and Double Harness are A 1 and take
the Red Ticket wherever shown.
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