HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-1-9, Page 4t ht taltwis ragt, '! UTy,SDAY, JfJ4.3i 1992. Pelham Township lnstruc;tl.'ons To C'ommission'ers Atter Staling, Leber /Ma ,lbollahed. The written inetruotiona referred to in. eubeeetion 10, section 4, of the Pelham by-law ate illustrated; in the following, whioh has been issued to oath of the two otmrniesionere,..It' will beobaerved that these inetruotiona may bo very oompre• beneive, and as they are subjeot'te con, Stant revision, .will become perfeoted by experience. ''Tlle council trusts that you fully realize your responsibility in eesealing the obarge of .the seventy five miles or thereabouts of public roads in your dials ion, whichhave heretofore been divided among half a hundred pathmaaters. At the ontaeb, it is quite apparent that the commutation system has at least one decided advantage over the system it supersedes, namely, that instead of dis- tributing or scattering the labor annually as heretofore over all the roads of the municipality regardless of their condition or needs, with the result that none of them gob enough labor to put them in really good condition, it will now be pot sible to concentrate the labor and apply it where moat needed, thus bringing the roads up to a more uniform standard of exoellenoe. At the eame time it will be your duty neither to neglect any road nor to give any road more than its due share of attention. A good deal will depend up• on your judgment in these partioulars. In addition to the general directions to you, contained in the commutation by- law, you will.also observe and carry out the instructions below, whioh are issued to govern you for the year 1900, as pro- vided by said bylaw : 1 While the by law regnires all in. etruotione to you from the Road and Bridge Committee to be in writing, that regulation ie not intended to prevent yon from consulting and advising with any member of the committee whenever you may desire to do so, The R. &B Com. mittees, as now reorganized for 1900 are as follows : North Division, Reeve Johns- ton and Councillors Norris and Beckett ; South Division, Reeve Johnston and Councillors Ward and Brown. It will be your duty in letting any job or con - treat, the probable cost of whioh will ex- ceed $10, to confer with the member of the committee living nearest to the job to be done. 2 In employing labor and letting con- tracts, you will divide the work as much es possible among those residents of the township who desire employment upon the roads, and who are in a position to do the work to your satisfaction, giving the preference to those living in the vioinity of the work to be done. 8 Let out all work by tender or job or day's work, as you think most prudent, contracts of 910 and upwards to be in writing, if required by the committee. Regulate the size of loads, the number of tripe, the length of hauls, &0., as desired, and have gravel hauled by contract to be by the yard. 4 Keep the same operators and teams es far as possible upon the road maohine throughout the season, In your absence leave the machine operator in charge of 'the work. 5 Appoint any foreman you may re- . quire in any locality to keep roads open in Winter or supervise any work or take charge of any duty whioh you may think it wise or in the interests of the mnuioi- pality for them to perform ; report the names of any such to your Iti. & B. Com- mittee, and include their time in your statements to the Reeve under section 6 of the by law. 6 Keep enough commutation money baok to repair roads, bridges and sluices, whenever signs of wear appear and to keep roads open in Winter, and be Latino- teal unatual in repairing sudden breaches canted by freshets or floods. 7 Diepoee of surface water in small quantities and by its natural outlet, and underdrain quicksand and soggy spots. Strike out all ditches - or watercourses with a plow or other implement, so as to diene the.. edges straight and in line, and. so,iie,,e.to secure the standard • width of rhedway.fixed .by section 7 of the .bylaw, 8 Don't work roads when they have, heep...rander8d" {tufit by, -'protracted wet weati'ier, 9 Do not gravel any. roads until they` have been properly graded and crowned, and tide ditches made with sufficient fall and outlet to oarry water off and keep the roadbed dry and firm. Use gravel of good, clean quality only, stripping, blast• ing and screening when necessary to ob- tain such. Be aarefui that the crown of the roads you gravel does not exceed the limit fixed by the by law (1 inch in 12), when the gravelling is completed and rolled down. Make a 'depression in the crown for the gravel, if necessary, so that when spread out ft will be of uniform width of 8 feet, and so that the brown of the road will be even and uniform. 'Get gravel from snob places as committee may direct. 10 Be oaretnl in planning the work to be done this year in your divisions, not to exceed following estimate of oommuted. labor moneys to go to eaoh division t viz : Total commutation moneys revealable estimated ab $1,600, 43 per cent of whioh, or $730, goes, under the by-law, to North Division,. and 64 per sent, or 9364, to South Division, oat of whioh keep baok 905 in eaoh division to repair sudden breeches and keep road open in Winter. Do not omit to take into account the salaries or wages of the commissioners and operators and testae whioh are to be paid from those amounts under the by. law. 11 Report to your R. & B. Committee what shovels, picks and other tools and implements you may require, and take Proper oarq.of all implaments, tools and machinery 1a your obarge and have same bbueed when not in use., 12 Require from your employees ten hours a day's work, but pay all at a rate per day. 13 Get road' plank at the most con- venient places. Gins vouchers or receipts for same in all cases. Do nob pay more than $18 per thousand for good, sound, White (Lek' plank, without, permission of your committee. 14 Post up in ooaspiouous places in your division, copies of the commutation bylaw in snail printed form as they may, be supplied to you. 16 Pay 25 cents per hour for towns. to plow, , sArap0 OtO. , 10 Give the *Milne reads` proper at• tsntion Stud divide the territory with over. seers of the other tewnahips if yon tbiuk. desirable.' 17 Give people wbo pave ,outwork 10 arrear the privilege of working ennui out ab the old seals ander your dlreottous Report to the clerk in Atlgaet all who have not complied. 18 At least Onee each month furnish to the reeve, upon forma to be eupplied, the certified statements required by swarm d of the commutation by law, • COu11ty POUItry Show. Excellent Exhibit of I0h 1s But Small Attendance. The Huron Poultry and Pet Stook Aesouiation ushered in the year 1902 with erewipg.and cackling. It was well on to midnight before the pens were placed in the sixth:anuse! show, and the. o3oere aud directors worked long and bard to have everything put in sbipabape. The official judge, Sharp Butterfield, of London, was on hand at 8 o'clock Wed• needay morning, and after glanoing, over the various varieties, deolared there were alms of the best birds he bad every 'Beth. Later he claimed a white Wyandette'cook, the property of James Hardy, of Gode rich, and when the judging was over Mr. Buttrtfield stated to the President that some of the birds were quite good enough to go to the Boetou show, which will be w held eho•tly, This year the oho was oonfiued to the county of Huron, and the judging was by comparison, It is generally admitted that mode of judging Witt satisfactory bot the expression of opinion is that exhibitors should be al lowed from outside paints. Thursday afternoon the Board of Direotors had a meeting and deoided that they would be enabled to pay 76 per cent. of the prize mouey. Following is a fall list of prize winners : Andainsians - Male, Carling Bree, •,cockerel, J 6 Rewrite, 0 Knight •, ben, 0. Knight, J 5 Howrie; pullet, J S Howrie. Brahma., light -Male, Carling Bros L Lawson, Alf Beaker . aoakerel, H Videau, H Videan, 0 Koigbt ; ben, Carl. ing Bros, It Lawson, H Videan ; pullet, H Videan, Alf Baeker, H Videan ; breed. ing pen, Carling Bros, H Videan, Bantams, Pekin Buff -Male, A Mo Gaughan, W Doak ; 000kerel, 0. Camp bail ; ben, J Postlethwaite, W Doak, A McCaughan ; pullet, 0 Campbell. Bantam, Biaok Airioan-Male, J Postlethwaite, A McCaughan, W Carter ; 000kerel, W Garter ; ben, A McCaughan, W Garter, J Poatiethwaite ; pullet, Ed Belcher, Ed Belcher, W Carter. Coobios Buff -Male, F Turnbull ; cockerel, P Turnbull ; ben, Wm Lam• phrey, F Tarobull. Doikiog, Silver-Cdakerel, Soott & Sou,. Scott & Soo' ' Wm Lamphrey ; het, 0 Campbell, Scott & Bon, 0 Campbell ; pallet, Soott & Son, 80000 & Son, Wm. Lamphrey. Dunks, Aylesbury -Drake of 1901, W Garter ; dank of 1901, W Garter. Game, Brown Breasted Red-Oookerel, D Lowry ; .pullet, D Lowry. Game, Black Breasted Red -Male, D Lowry, 3 Belcher ; cockerel, A3 Grigg ; ben, E Belober, A3 Grigg, D Lowry ; pui;et, D Lowry. Game -Male, Jae Munroe, A J Grigg ; ooekerel, A J Grigg ; 000kerel, A.3 Grigg, J A King ; hen, A 3 Grigg, Jas Munroe, Jas Munroe ; pullet, A J Grigg, A J Grigg, Jas Munroe; pen, J A King, . Jas Moroe. Game, Pile -Cockerel, AV Grigg, A J Grigg ; ben, A J Grigg ; pullet, A 3 Grigg ; pen, A J Grigg, Ed Belcher. Gams, Dackwiog-Hen, A 3 Grigg. Game, Malay or Indian -Male, A Baeker, 3 A Ring ; cockerel, A Rae.ker, J A Kiog ; ben, J A King, Alf Basket ; pullet, A Seeker, J A Sing. Hoadans-Male, W Garter ; cockerel, W Carter ; hen, W Garter. Hamburg, Golden Spangled-Oookerel, W Outer ; hen, W Garter, W Carter ; pullet, W Oarber. Hamburg, Silver Spangled -Male, W Carter ; 000kerel, W Carter, Ed Belcher ; ben, W Oarter, Wm MoLean ; pullet, Ed Belober, Ed Belabor, W Carter. Hamburg, Golden Penoilled-Male, W Garter, 0 Campbell ; 000kerel, W Carter ; jhen, W Garter, 0 Campbell ; pullet, W 08.rter. •'Hamburg, Silver Penoilled-Ooakerel, W :tartar ; ben, W Carter ; pullet, W Garter. Homburg, black and white -Male, W McLean, W McLean ; 000kerel, Ed Bel - ober, W Carter, W McLean ; ben, Ed Belcher, W McLean, Ed Munroe ; pullet, Ed Belcher 1 & 2, McLean ; pen, Ed Belober, W MoLean. Javae, black -Hen, Ed Munroe. lymphoma bleok-Male, W Taylor ; aoakerel, 0 Oampbell, W. Taylor ; hen, J S Howrie 0 Knight, W Taylor ; pal let, 0 Campbell, J 8 Howrie, 0 Knight.; pen, J 0 Knight, 0 Oempbell. Leghorn, brown rose comb -Male, 0 Campbell, J 6 Howrie ; 000kerel, 0 Oompbell, J S Howrie ; ben, 0 Campbell, J $ Howrie, O Campbell ; pullet, 0 Oamp- bell 1 & 2, J 5 Howrie ; pen, 0 Campbell, J 5 Howrie, Leghorns, brown single comb -Male, J H Howson, J Postlethwaite ; aoakerel, J H Howson 1& 2, J S Howrie ; hen, W McLean, J H Howson, J13 Howrie ; pal. let, 0 Knight, J 8 Ilowcie, J H Howson ; pen, W McLean. Leghorn, white single comb -Male, D A Lowry • cockerel D A Lowry • hen W Taylor, D A Lowry, 2& 9; pallet, J) A Lowry 1.& 2 ; pen, D A Lowry. Leghorn, while rose oomb-Male, W Garter ; cockerel, W Garter ; hen, W Carter ; pullet, W Garter. Leghorn, buff --Male, ; .0 Campbell 000kerel, 0 Campbell 1 & 2 ; hen, 0 Campbell 1 & 2 ; pullet, 0 Campbell 1 & 2 ; pen, 0 Campbell. Minoroas, white-Oookerel, F E Bing- ham. Minorca, black -Male, 3 S Howrie ; aoakerel, J S Howrie, W Aoeley 2 & 8.1 hen, J 5 Howrie 1 & 2 ; pullet, -0 Camp. bell, J S Eowrid 2& 8; pen, J 8 Elowrie, W Ansley; Orpingtona, buff and black-000kerel, 0 Knight; hen, 0 Knight ; pallet, 0 Knight, W Taylor, 0 Knight ; pullet, 0 Knight. Orpington Block-Oookeret, 0 Knight ; pullet, 0 Knight. Plymouth Book, Barred -Male, J Mc- Oreath, Alt Seeker ; cockerel, A Booker, Carling Term 31; Daly ; hen, A Backer 3 & 2, Carling Bros; pullet, A Allan, A ,Basker,. J E Daly ; pen, A Seeker, A Allan, o _ Ply month Book, White-Ttiale, A 13aetr- rt h u .an t• p Akeral 0 JLn 7,'1>l B b A. 3 A ,R , , t, Backer 1 hen, 0 Pennington, A Backer, F 331. Bingham ; spoof, 0 llnlght, 0 Pen. pingtop, 4:llaeker ; pen, 0 Pennington Plymelitb. l3,ok„'Buff-..Oootterel, .'Beek, si�er. &2;heat JFDaly1 012;pullet, J t `Daly 1 & 5, A.Haeker, 1 Pigsona-'amblers, •,P A Lowgy•. Jib. behins, D 4 Lowry, 0 Haight ; fan, arils, Ed 13q'oher, W L,mphrey, ; t'Be'eber o*ls,'D A Lowry 1& 2; tarbits, D A 1,owry 1 et 2. Bed Oape-Male 0Ompbell ; oaken), J hardy ; lion, 0 Campbell. 1 & 2 ; cul. let, J Ilardy ;'pen, 3 Hardy, Guinea Fowl- W MoLean, W.Carter.., Canary-Dr.800t1 & Son, 1 &'2. Bltnntlp, Game -Male, Calling Bros, 3 000kerel, J Moots ; ben, Carling Bros, W Carter ; pullet, 3 Moore Bantam Game, Black Breasted Red "lisle, Ed Belabor, D Lowry ; oaolrerel, A J Grigg ; hen, D A Lowry, A J Grigg, E Be'oher ; pu'let, A J Grigg, Game Seabright Golden- Mal., W Carter, W Doak; J S Howrie ; 000kerel,. D Lowry, 0 Campbell, W Doak ; hen, J S Howrie, O Campbell, J S Howrie i pal let, D A Lowry, W Doak, D A Lowry. Gums, Seabright Silver Male, J Poetlethwaite, .0 Campbell ; 000lterel, 0 Campbell ; hen, J Postlethwaite, 0 Camp bell 2 & 8; pallet, 0 Campbell 1 & 2, Game Bantam Pile -Male, 0 Campbell 1 & 2; cookerel,•A. J Grigg ,• ben, 0 Campbell ; pullet, 0 Campbell 1 and 2. Spanish, Bleak - Male, J Moore ; cockerel, J Moore 1 & 2, L Lawson; hen, J Moore, 0 Campbell, 3 Moore ; pullet, J Moore 1 end 2, L Lawson ; pen, L' Law. 90u. Polanle, White Crested Black-C.oker- el, ben and pullet; W Outer. Poland, Go.den-Male and 000kerel, W Garter ; hen, W garter, W Lamphrey ; pullet, W Garter. Polsud, Silver -Mals and ben, W Car- ter. Poland, Any Other Variety -Hen, W Oar tar, Turkey, Any Variety -Mate, cockerel, ben and pttiliet, W Garter. Geese, Too'onoe-Gander 1900, gander 1901, goose 1900 and goose 1901, W Lamphrey. Geese, Bremen -Gander 1901 and goose 1901, tV Carter. Wyandotte, Golden- Male, J Pottle. waite, J Hardy,'W Doak ; 000kerel, W Doak, J Hardy ;'hen, Ed Robinson 1 & 2, W Doak ; pullet, W Doak, J Hardy J Postlethwaite ; pen, J Poetiath wake. Wyandotte, Silver -Male, W McLean, 7 Poetlebhwaite ; 000kerel, H Videan 1 & 2, W MoLean; hen, W McLean, W Car- ter ; pullet, H Videan, W MoLean, W Oarter ; pen, W McLean. Wyandotte, Buff -Cockerel and pullet, J Postlethwaite. Wyandotte, White -Male, 3 Hardy ; 000kerel, J Hardy, R Brydgea`; hen,' J Postlethwaite, Wm Larnplirey, J Hardy ; 13 Li U t5 1.1 S. 17UtiT pullet, J 1lardy, R Brydges ; pen, J Hardy, R Brydgee. Wyandotte, B'Mk--Male, 144 Munro 1 and h, J hardy ; 000kerel, 501 atone°, J poet! Bd•Maim I ben,' ld Man-, to 1 and `J ; pulirt, Ed 'Milers/ 1 & 2 3 ,Postlethwaite ; Dog, Ed 'genre, A• Ain, (Baughan,, A, largely attended meetingwas held in the evening, when it wee deeldedwithout q dissenting volae •to hold the ssventli an.` anal whom iu Goderiok, oump titipu to be open to the world. Officers were. elected ae follows l • • • , President, A 111 Todd i vine. president, Colin Campbell ; 2nd vine president, 0 Knight ; 3rd vloe president, J 17owrie ; Oolfn Uempbell, jr., seorobary ; P Tl Bing. ham, treasurer, Directors -Wm Carter, Oonetanoe;.D A Lowry, Alf ,Beaker, Bruesels; W Tay. lor, WIngbam ; Dr Soott, J Daly, Sea- forth ; A J Grigg, 7 A King, James How. son, Clinton ;. Wm Catling, John Moore, Exeter. Local Directors -W Warnock, Jamn,9 Pooilettlwaibe, W M MoLpan,- E Munro, •E Belcher, J Hardy, 3 Mucro,, A MoD Allan jr, R Postlethwaite, W McCreath, A Mo0aughan, 0 Pennington, E Robin., eon, J Right, The members met in the Grand Jnry room in the mart house on Tuesday ever. Ws, to receive the reports trent the accts• tory and Creamer, when their'etatemente Were handed over to W MoOreath and 1j Avibineotl, audttpre, -REAi, ESTATE, 11:4IARMS FOR SALR:-.•'1'3F; UL ennenninn haaseveral gogI Taxnletpr isle and to 000t, easy terms, in 1'ownehipe 0f Morris and tic, y. lr S. SO WP11. Jlrusaala gv?,,111 bay FOR Se, 2S0 in tite lath torsos• cion of t135'1'ownship of Grey, contafnlug 04 pores. There to about 16 acres oloar of tin• her, The root in bush,. For further Infor- mation apply to G. 2',.Biairr SOliebtor, Bruo- �7OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE 1 in Srusspla, Eligibly situated, 1 acre of land, etable, wen, cellar aud -other con- venienoea, For pries awl tome apply to 100861 DAIO3, oranbrook P. q., or Tun, Pear P• ublishing Bouss, Bruaeels• ' 19.01 A SACRIFICE IN REAL ES- morn. -68000.00 will buy the mo0au. ghey Bloelt in the Village of Brussels, Those two Blue stores most be Bold to close out the hteOaughey'10state, intending purchasers should mveetigate at onto. Apply to F. 8. SCOTT or G. F. BL@Ili, Brussels, (Mt, immearnanimmeezzusiniimmams TyrE thank our many friends • and Vilf ciis'tomer for their kindP atr ou- age extended to us during the year 1901 and at the salve time ` solicit a continu- 0 ante of your confidence for the coming year. You may depend on getting good value for your money at all times. No fancy prices. Everything Cheap Beginning the new year we are pre- pared to supply you with all lines of Cold Weather Goods such as Suits and Over- coats, Felt Boots, Overshoes, Under- clothing, Blankets, Men's li'ur Coats, Ladies' Fur Jackets and, Caperines, Svc. A. STRACHAN. O D.A.:14177 lea?r,ing 5 1 E will offer for the next 30 Days our ENTIRE STOOK OF WINTER GOODS at Remark- ably Low Prices in order to make room for our Shipments of Spring Goods which arrive Next Month. Below is a Sample of the many Bargains to be found in our Stook. Men's and Touths' heady -made Clothing Regular $5.00 and $5.25 Suits, Sale price $4 00 Regular ' 5.75 it . ” 4 25 Regular 6.50, 6.75, 7.00 rr 5 00 Regular 7.50 8.00 " 6 00 Regular 8.50 9.00 " •7 00 Regular 10.00 • " 8 00 Regular 12.00 't 9 50 Regular 15.00 tr tr 12 00 Ordered Clothing Department $14 00 Tweed Suits made to order $12 00 15 00 " it 12 50 16 00 1800 2000 22 00 ti CC IC u if 13 75 (i 14 50 rI 16.00 " 1750 Underwear Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular $0 50 quality for $0 40 50 55 75 90 100 65 ti 75 11 100 iI 1 25 150 Cr 51 , Furs Persian 'Lamb Oaps,-regular $4, $5, $6.50, $7, $7.50 and $8 quality at '$8, $4, 5.25, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50. Manitoba Beaver Caps, regular $2.25,, $2,50, $2.75 and $8,00,' Sale Price $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25. Ouly`8 Fur Coats left which we will sell at a Bargain. TERMS STRICTLY GASB DURING SALE, E. C. RD <'- S.ON Tailors, Clothiers & Furnishers. Al, 9 1902 Children's Comfort. I y You. can ;feel easy • i:' r.. about the health of the youngster that wears a 3 pair of our overstock- • . • ings antl'rubbers. Protection from—the winter winds and wet snows " ' secured by apair of our overstockings and rubbers. .., • g They are closely knit of the strongest pure wool" yarn.—.•the best rubber that can be had. They are rough weather insurance policies for the • health of the children. They don't cost much, only;— Children's, 95e ; Misses', 91.16 ; Women's 91.25. - . Alcoa nine assortment of'Women'e Felt Shoes and Slippers at, lowest prices: - HARNESS' DEPARTMENT Team and Single Ramses at low prices. Robes, Wool and Plash Raga. Blankets andRobesrelined and repaired, aleo Robe. Lining for sale. A large aosortmeut of Trunks and 15atohels. ' Repaire in Harness, Shoes and Rubbers done promptly. . I. C. RI CHA RDS.: Ethel Saw Mills. I have a good supply of Hemlook loge on hand. Can out out to suit customers. Dressed Maple, suitable for granariee, at $10 per All kinds of =Dressed Lumber kept on band from $10 per M up. A large atonic of nulled. Ehn and Aeh at $7 per Al Shingles and Lath always on hand. t3A good farm on lath eon. of Grey for sale - A oontreat of 20 acres of dogging to let, __For particulars apply. to ^.S. COLE, PROPRIIITOR; • • RTESL. MoLEOD'S System, Itenovator' —OD axons— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND 'ANTIDOTE For. I'mpore,. Weak and Impoveriebed .. Blobd, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory,'.Erouohitis, Oon• snmption, Gall Stones, Janndioe, Kidney' and Urinary Diseases, 8t. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De bility. LABORATORY,•GODERICH, ONTO , J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manataoturer, Sold by Jul,, 0001, Drua¢I■t, Itruaoeti. Cutters Cutters A lot of new Cutters now ready for delivery. Another lot will be ready in a few days. If you want a Cutter call early and get a pick from our fine new stook. Sleighs are now being manufactured of all sizes. We can supply your wants no matter what they are in this line. Some good Second Hand Buggies and Carts will be sold out very cheap. Balance of new Buggies at Cost to clear out. Ewan Co. CLUBBING HATES Below are given very liberal rates for News papers --Select what you, want and send in your orders to Tin POST Publishing house, The Poat and the Weekly Globe, together with really good pictures' of the Duke and Duchess of York, and a line pic- ture of two farm horses "The Farm Pets," all for The Post and Montreal Weekly Witness The Post and Weekly..Mail and Empire The Post and.Lpudon Advertiser The Post and Montreal Weekly $tar The Post and Toronto Weekly Sun $1 60 1'65 1 75 1 55 1 80 ' ;1 80. Where Premiunieare given with any of these pipers they ;Will be included et above rates. We can also give you very close Clubbing Rates with Daily Paper°. The .. figures below include Tan Poet till Deo. 81, 1902, and the Daily for one year from date of subscription. The Post and Daily Globe $4 50• The Post and Toronto Daily Star 2 25 (star sent to Poet Office only at this rate. A eplendfd picture of Ring Edward VII is given with this combination and both 'papers 'free for balance of 1901.) . - 1fl1e Post and Montreal Daily Herald With a pistare of Ring Edward VII The Post and ,Toronto Daily News The Post and Toronto Daily World The Post and Toronto Daily Mail 1'80 2 25' •280' 4 50„.' If you want any other combination let as know and we will give you oloee club- bing rates. Do not delay taking advantage of thrse very liberal Offers. AddreeTHE •POST, Brussels. v 5 04. • mime rios