HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-1-9, Page 1Vol, 3O. No, 26 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1902 W. H. XERR, Prop, New Advertisements. Puree lost—'Tun Poem, T400a1—Misses Habkiric, Local—jam o �e Donaldson, on, Mitten found -=run PonT, Cattle for sale—D. Milne. Bulls for sale—Jag. Speir. Laborer wanted—Tim Pon. Stook taking—J. Ferguson & 00. Oeed of thanks—John 0ober & Son. Winter geode meat go—MoKinnon &.0o. i,C Jrot1tbrook. 0, 0, F.—Court Woodbine No. 100, 0. 0. F„ elected the following of800rs at their Leet regular meeting :—A, Lamont, C. B, ; A. Cameron, V. 0. R. ;. W. Hem ther, Ohap • J. Cameron, Treas. ; A. Reymann, V. 8, ; A. McDonald, R. S. ; W. Gordon, 8. W. ; Thos. Brown, J, W. W. Woods, S. B. ; M. McNair, J, B. ; W. McNair, 0. D. ; J. A. MoNaughtoo, Caere Phyeioian. At the first regular meeting in January Court Woodbine had three new applications for membership which wereplaoed on file to be balloted for at next meeting, At the close of the meet' log refreshments were served in their Hull, whioh consisted of oysters raw and 000keil, sardines, cheese and bieonite.• Quite number of ladies were present which added greatly to the enjoyment of the eventing. A. Reymann then proposed .the toast of the evening, "The Ladies;' with a abort address on. "Forestry," ite rapid etridee financially and in insmber. ship. Rev, John F. Kuight responded to the toaet for the ladies when be gave a kery.able address on Forestry and the grand work which le being done by this Order in relieving the sick and efllioted and the widows and orphans, Blnevaleo. W. J. Duff and Wm. Robertson were in Teeewater on Friday. Fred. Johnston, of Brantford, spent tbe holidays at his home here. Peter Robertson, of Boieeevain, Mani- toba, is visiting in Bluevsle, Mre. Helm, of Wingham, visited her sister, Mre. Rutherford last weak. Watch night services were held in the Methodist church 'on New Year's Eve. We are sorry to state that Ira. Bailey is suffering from an attackof bronchitis.. Macau:cm IMeseer, druggist, of De- troit, spent New Years at his home in the village. Mrs. Biokle, of Hamilton, spent the holidays with her mother, Mre. Ruther- ford. Arthur Halm, of Wicgham, visited hie aunt, Mre. Rutherford, on New "Year's Day. Pa. H. and Mre. Elliott and family, of Winoham, spent New Year's at R. N. Duff's. A 'branoh or the Wingham Pnblio Library hae bean opened at the reaidenoe of R. N. Duff. At the meeting of the Board of Mane,. gere of the Presbyterian Church on:Thnre- day eight, Walter Paterson wee appoint. ed caretaker for the comingyear. t� liappy New Tear Thanking All for n Very Liberal Patronage.' Everything you want ie always kept' in my tine and down at rook bottom price. • Aur Watches, Rings, Chains are the talk of the oonntry. Always' a large stook to choose from. We are. sole agents for .the Daeber HamptonWatch. Eyes Tested Free. (mold Filled Framee. from.$1.00 up," ..but- we don't . advise; you to try these cheap Frames—the' beet are ion too good when your• eyes are properly tested. •Mre..I'letoher is a.Graduaate Optician and an'expert in tedting your eyea:.Don't. 'fool with your eyes which are your, beat friends. " Frames; are no nee if, • properly*"teeted glceees` are •notin them. T. FLETCHER,. JmWEraart. issuer of Marriage Licenses. L. B. Duff, city editor of the Galt Re. porter, agent New Year at hie borne here. Mise Ethel King, of Winghum, was visiting her aunt, Mre, Geo. McDonald, last week, Rey Thornton, of Winghum, was visit. ing hie geandparente, Joy. and Mrs, Gardiner, last week. Mre, Baum, of Bead, Mioh„ wag the gneetof her aunt, Mre. McKinney, dor. lug the holiday season. Mre. Thomas Oorueli and ohildren, of Maniatique, Midi, returned home on Tbureday after a few weeks visit- with refativee here. Rev, W. J. Weak, M. A„ officiated at the wedding of Miss Mary Hutton and Wm Campbell, junior, which took place at the residence of Joint Hutton, op Christmas. Woolton. Tiptop sleighing. Anneal oheeee faotory meeting, on Thursday of this week. The annual meeting of Duro ohnrch Will be held next 'Iaeeday, . Mise MoDonald and F. Neal have re. turned to Toronto after holidaying here. Mise Qomper, of Bewiail, was a visitor at Dr. Armstrong's during the peat week. We aro sorry to hear that Eli Mo. Laugblin's little daughter is ill with diphtheric and the family ie quarantined. Inspector Miller and OonstaBlee Soott and Long were here on a regent evening looking up contraventions to the license Art, Quite a number from this locality at tended the Nolan -Ryan weddingat the R C. rhumb, Brussels, on Wedneeday forenoon. Those who beard Miee Maoleoblan and Mr. Bennett at the ooncett in Brussels on wedneeday evening say they were Brat Maas. We are sorry to hear that S. J. Roy, who was oheeee maker here laat season, died at Belgrave last week, He moved from Walton last October. L. 0.. L.—At the last regular meeting ofL, 0. L., No. 252, Walton, the follow. ing officers were elected for 1902 :—W. M., Duncan Jobneton ; D. M., Joseph Hamilton ; Chaplain, M. Morrison ; Reo,• Seo., John W. Morrison ; Fin: -Seo., Joe. Love ; Treas.,Tboe, Oakley; 16. ,of 0.,' Henry Hamiton ; Leeturere, D. Holmes, Wm. H. Sholdioe ; Committee, W. M. Smith, R. H. Ferguson, John -Dougherty, John R. Williamson, Frauds Wood. The lodge meets Friday night on or be. fore the full moon in each monthr Visit- ing brethren always welcome. Wiennrne BRLLs.—On. New Year's Day a merry company numbering 60 gueste assembled at the residence of Thomas MoFadzean to witness the tying of the matrimonial bow between hie onlyldaugh- ter, Mies Jeanet, and W. J. Shortreed, a well-known young gentleman of the 9tb. line, Morrie. Rev. Mr. Jarrow perform. ed tits ceremony se 8 o'olook. The., bride looked charming in a becoming ooetame or pale blue Henrietta and wore roeee. After hearty congratulations a pleasant time wan enjoyed until eopper was an. nounoed and ample justice was done to good cookery by all. The wedding pree. ante were useful, valuable and numerous. The evening went joyously by, with reci- tations, songs,. stories, &o. -Mr. and Mre. Shortreed went to their own home in Morrie that evening with the good wishes of a large oirole of relatives and friends, Tum Poem in the number, for a prosper• oue voyage over life's ocean. It is hinted that some other matrimonial alliances were furthered by the gathering at. Mr. MuFadzeen's on New Yeare Day. Belgrave. - Cheese faotory meeting here Friday afternoon of next week. - East Wawenoeh Agricultural Booiety annual meeting,wae held on Wednesday of this week. The School. Arbitration went against Belgrave but it is thought to be more tbrongh ignoranoe of the law by the orb'. tratore than anything else. Wm. Miller, eon of Miles Milier, Srd. line, was taken to.Goderibh jail. on Mon'. day 'as isle` mind ie slightly unbalanced and it was feared .be might do some damage. It ie to be hoped he -will soon` be better.. Weregretto report the sudden demise sof S. - 3, Rey, cheese maker,, whioh took place here on Thursday of last Week, He was only ill for 12. days, pnenmonis being !the oauee of death. A wife and two child. ren survive. The remains were taken to Stirling, Hastings Co., by • Mr. Roy's lather, Deoeaeed was cheese maker here in 1899 and 1900 and last year wag at '—. CARD OF THANKS. • TW HILE thanking the publieltor the liberal support during • r M the past 30 years in Ethel wa would say. the Cober (.4 Sons' Carriage Works are now being moved toBrussels, 'in the Ronald,Fire Engine Works, where\they will be ready for busi- ness in a month or so, The firm will be able to supply the 'wants of eustomers better than eve ; either in finished, heavy - kinds of w •� [ k. ' All 1 woodWork rk orlight ht wox�e in the white supplied to gpP blacksmiths.: - Repairing of all ki as done as in the past and promptly attended to. ' Trusting th t all our old customers and • ten times as many new ones will en, i. on "us to have . their wants.. supplied ip our line. AUC -TION SALE n sold our farm thorn wit Having be an immense auction o g „ sale. on THURSDAY, CAN. 23rd, :±jt • 12 o'clock, composed of ]arm Stock, Implements, and new dud 'second hand work in the. Wagon and Carriage lino, t Yours n Th kfull � yr H - ryy� O 1Y V OB FR 64 SONS, CARR/AGES iUILDERS. Walton faotory. Ib was expected that he would probably have bought Be'grave faotory and run it for the coming season. Mr. Roy was a fine man, only 32 yeare and 5 menthe old and was a member of the Presbyterian ohu'ob, Great symptt• thy is felt for Mre, Roy and children in their time of sorrow• Among sick people during the past week were Mrs. Wm. Wiley and two ohildren of Wm Galileo. - We hope they will soon be o. k, Belgrave ohnrob of England people are thoroughly up-to•date in remembering their rector and last week drove to Blyth and preeepted him with two loads of oats,' While hie horse will likely say !'Neigh 1 Neigh 1 " Rev. MoQnillan would be more likely to say "Yee I Yea 1 " W roxec ter. Geo. Brown, of Ottawas ' (pent the holidays with friends in town, - Ed. Hazlewood, of Toronto, spent New Yeare under the parental roof. - Miss E 0. Lawrie returned this week from visiting friends in Toronto. " Misses Jennie and Margaret Miller, of Toronto, spent New Years at their home heMrise Nina Martin left this weelc tor a prolonged visit with friends in Bolesevain, Manitoba, Jas. Wilson, of Toronto, and Cheater McLaughlin, of Winnipeg,• spent New Years ab Robt. Miller's. The anniversary services in connection with the Preabyterian church will be held next Sunday. Rev. A, B. McDonald, of Toronto, will preach morning and evening. On Thursday evening of lata week an "At. Home" and oyster copper was given in their lodge room by Forest Lodge A. F. & A: M. A pleaeant time was spent in mneio, games and dancing. Jamestown • Rev. Mr. West, of Blnevale, will preach in Victoria Sail next Sabbath evening. 0ouoeeT — The oonoert in Victoria Hall, on -Tuesday evening, under the anspices of Jamestown Philanthropic 800iety, was a eucoeee in every partion. lar and all concerned are deserving of credit.' It was for a moat laudable ob. jeot viz. the Biok Children's' Hospital. All acquitted themselves in first olaee style. Program was as follows :—Inetru• meotal, Bluevale String Band ; Chair. man's address, T. Straohan; quartette, 'Misses Taylor and Straoban and Meeere. Rattan and Eokmier ; reoitation, Mies Peacock ;' iuetrameutal, Meeere. Scott & Wright ; solo, Miee Alioe Thomson'; in, strumental, Meeere. Taylor & Rattan ; addreee, G. F. Blair ; solo, Miee Taylor ; inetromental, Blnevale String Band ; reoitation, Mies Oalbiok ; Bolo, Geo. Thomson ; instrumental, Meeere. Boort & Wright • ; enlo, Mr. Gallagher ; solo, Miee Alice Thomson • instrumental, Messrs. Taylor & Rattan ; solo, Geo.- Eokmier ; quartette, MissesTaylor and Strachan, Meeere. Rotten and- Eokmier ; "God Save the King." Prooeode amount- ed to about 017,00, which is very good considering the small admission fee. • l'elort-ree. A number of farms are charming hands. Mrs. Wm. Little, 4th line, continues ill. It ie said the Thuell Bros. are about Belling out. Mre. Parker had a wood bee on Tuesday of this week. Will. Stewart and Jaok Haney spent Sunday at G. Peacook'e. Miee Bessie Moses hae been seriously indisposed for some days. The Statutory Cannoil meeting will be held at the township Hall on Monday. Will. Hood and wife, of Saginaw, Mich., were visiting relatives and friends in Morrie. Geo. Pratt le book from the West. It fa supposed that , be will nob go away again alone. A goodmany took in the Jeeeie Mao- laohlan oonoert at Brunets on Wednee. day evening. F. Martin has got all .the eand hauled for hie barn which he intends, to erect next Sommer. :v' : Thomas Breen. of Boieeevain; Man., baa bean'visiting his, sister, Mre. W. A. Alines, thio week: - :. Mre. J. Hamilton, of HAtnfoba, Man., ie at present visiting' her sister, Mre. Geo, Jobneton, let oon. The good sleighing continues and everybody ie taking advantage of it in healing wood, loge, &°. Mre. John Johoetoo, who has been eiok for some time, is not improving as fast ae her many friends would wish. Mre. Webb Baumb, of Michigan, who was visiting relatives on the boundary for the peat three weeke, returned home on Friday. H. and Mre. Gibson, of Alberta, N. W. T., were visiting at Nelson Tbornton'e this week. Mre. Gibson was formerly Mise Martha Thornton. David, eon of Samuel Walker, 6th line, has gone to Tnpperville, Kent 0o,, where be will take up the mercantile dine with his uncle, W. W. Logan. In S. 8' No. 6 Wm, Bryane:was re• elected school trustee for the next term. John Meson -got . the wood' contract et 01.45 per onrd and cedar at 01.10. A meeting- will beheld at Belgrave on 17th ,January in the interests, of the cheese faotory. here should be' good e oy T attendance. Meeting in the afternoon. Miee-Gertie Duncan, 4th 103p, hae been quite ill•with pneumonia but we hope the will soon be all right. ger brother, Will., it not fully recovered yetfrom his atr took. Lewis Jewitt was again chosen trustee of Browntown public school at the annual meeting. Meeere. Warwick & Davidson will supply the neceeeary wood at $2,25 per cord. Tom Johnston, of Hamiota, Man., is at present plaiting matinee and friends in Morrie. Rumor eaye that he is oombiu•, ing businese with pleaenre and that be will not go baok Weet alone, Suaoeee Tcim. John Nebhery, 6th line Wog, will move hie dwelling house next Summer acmes the lane and build a wall and also hate the building 'brink veneered and fitted up with all tate modern improve. mente. John and Archie Forrest, of Algoma, are renewing old aoqueintanoee in Morrie and (trey, , Mre, J, Martin and children, ofr Grand Rapids, is visiting her parents, Samuel load Mre. 0aldbiok. - - Don MoKenzie returned to Toronto University on Monday and Mies Marion to GOlionrtpan P0alog,atee, t oon,tlost a mare valued at 0150 this week, acute images. tion being the oanee of her death. D, Kelly, wife and daughter, are mov- ing to Blyth this week and will live retired, D. Kelly, jr., will work the farm. A meting wjll be held in the Button school hquee on Wednesday evening, of next week at 7,30 o'olook, to disowns the dispoeal of the library and balance of Londe in hand belonging to the Union Sabbath Scheel that met there for several years. All interested ere asked to ab. tend. Mre. Wm, Hogg is visiting at Toronto. Somebody says the weddings are not all over yet. Township Qonnoil will meet a week from Monday. Mre; Marsden Smith and Mise Martha visited al Seaforth this week. Reeve Turnbull is shoat all right once. more after hie reoent" !loess. D. L. Straohan returned to hie, attunes at Kinoardine High School hie week. lames Carr, 3rd line, left Saturday far Stratford where he will attend the Baal - nese College. We wish him success. Mre. John Bateman and Mise Laura were at Toronto Junotion enjoying a visit with Miss King, the former's sister. A working horse belonging to William Brewer, 7th eon„ • turned up its Noofe last week. Indigestion wae the oauee. Our aongratulatione are extended to Joe Shaw over the arrival of hie young "farmer." Joe oan now speak of my son. Miee Lizzie E. Straohan returned to her school last week after spending the Christmas holidays under the parental roof. Arobie Hislop, M. P. P., left for Toron. to on Wednesday morning to be present at the opening of the Provincial Parlia. meat.• James Elliott, wife and Miee Jean, 8th eon., have returned from a holiday visit with relatives at Saranac] and Cadillac, Michigan. In speaking of new residences to be erected next Summer TEE PoeT stated Fred. Oxtoby when it should have read Geo. Oxtoby. Last Saturday: Truman Smith was oalled to Oshawa to attend the funeral of hie eider who died there of typhoid fever. The funeral took place on Sunday. John T. Straohan ie attending"the Con- tinuation Claes in Brussels with the object of obtaining hie Seoond Claes next July May success be yours John. Robt. Pearson preached a splendid dis- course in. Viotoria Hall last Sunday even- ing. Rev. Mr. West, of Blnevale, will address the meeting. next Sunday night. A. and Mre. McLeod and obildren, of Calumet, Mich., and K. Oaekill, of Ripley, -were visitors at Mre. E. Dickson's,. 12th. eon., during thh" recent .holideye. Mre. McLeod is a neige and Mr. Oaekill a nephew to the hostess. George E. Sperain has disported' of his 50 acre farm, Weet half lot 38, oon. 15, to David Cunningham, who reoently Bold his 100 acres on the 10th con. The price paid wee $2,800. It is a good farm and bas comfortable bnildinge. The Albert Oakley 100 Gore farm, lot 1, con, 18, hae been purchased by Eneae Crich, who reoently sold hie farm in tbie township. Mr.Oriob paid 04,600 and will take poseeeaion shortly, We are pleased to know that he has deoided to remain in Grey. We have not learned where Mr. Oakley intends locating. MAmnitronitn.—Robert Brown and Miee Eva W Sanders were united in marrinee at the manse of Rev. Mr. Turnbull, 616 Bathurst street, Toronto, cm Deo. 31e1. and on New Yeare morning took the 8.16 train for the Weet, arriving at Ethel at 145 p. m.. where a party of young people met them at the station. They were escorted to the home of the bride's broth er-in.law:. and sister, Isaac and Mrs. Lake where a heartyreception wag. tendered them. In the evening about: 60 guests Resembled and at 7 o'olook ,sat down to an elaborate spread prepared by the hostess, after which the toast was very nioely proposed by Rev. D. B. Mo. Rae. The bouae was neatly decorated with' evergreens, bunting, ferns, roeee and carnations. The evening was spent in instrumental mania, games and socia! chat. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will make their home in Toronto. MATnnlonra .— Tuesday evening, Deo. 31et, Rev. In, B. MoRae prononnoed the magic words which joined Miee Ada K. Duke and John Kellner in the bonds of matrimony. The event took place at the residence of the bride's father, where very tasty arrangements bad been made for the oroeeion. A large, evergreen eroh adorned with 8owere occupied one corner of the room, immediately in front of which was the hymeneal altar and to the right a epaoe for lady witnesses and to the left a similar one for gentlemen, .Little Mimeo Maryapd Grace Walker, of Brugeele, were Maids of Honor and won the admiration of the guests which is only extended to youth and brillianoy. The guests: were largely composed, of !friends from the immediate vicinity who demonstrated their appreciation of snob events by the wealth of gifts preeented and by the joound and vigorous manner in which they exeonted the various amuse. mente of the evening. As goon ae Rev. Mr. McRae performed his aloe and given the newly atried couple some fatherly adviceae well as casting is few remarks which were intended to encourage any similar affections that might be budding in the hearth of Rey present, the bride and groom lad the, way to the enmptnone dining hall. Appetite, eatih5ed, all re. paired to the dancing room whore for bourn the gay donee emended their at. tertian. On Jan. 2nd Mr. and Mre. Kellner left for their home in Colorado Springs after reoeiving the heat wishes of their host of friende. `May their joys be maty, Mrs, 3. Rae epent Xmas among friends at Totooto. Andrew Sharpe and Mica Ella Dil• worth spent Ohrielmae holidays with friends et 8t. Thnmae and Lyndon, Mrs, :ernes Ly.nlberner and her two ohildren, Omar and Pena, are at preeent visiting the family of Wm.Brewer. !lire, Lymburner and Mre, Brewer are nietere. , Mre, W. J. -Douglas, of St. Panle, Downie township, who bee been vieiting her daughter, Mrs, R. Carr, 3rd line, for the past mouth, returned to her home last Saturday, The dredge is pow 48 rods . North of eon, road 4, on Alex. R. MoDooald'a farm and ie now working West, After traversing 60 rode tbat direction it turns North on R. MoAllieter's farm. At this point the ditch i9 5 feet wide at 413e bottom, 4 feet deep and 13 feet at the top. The oontraotere are doing good work. Course of ditch at oonoeeeion has been changed alittle with consent of engineer, now going straight North which wilt do away with crook in old ditch on the road side. PAeeeo Oven THE RIVaa--Mre. G. H. Cowan, 'daughter of the late Wm. Warner, formerly of Grey township, paeeed to the Glory Land on the afternoon of Saturday, Deo. 28th, 1901. She will be reinembered by many in and around Brussels ae Hattie Warner, She went to the North. west w,ilh her father's family in the Spring of 1884, where ehe_ joined Mr. Cowan, and they together have made for themselves a very beautiful prairie home, 16 miles North. of Mooee Mountain. In the same district reside four of her Brothers. During her last illneee of appendicitis, with all its: terrible suffer. ing, !Rating for eight days, her mother andallher brotbere and sisters, tvibh the exception of Mre. Kneohtel, of Stratford, and N. J. Warner, of St. Paul, U. S., were present. She will be greatly' missed in the horns by her husband, eon and daughter and many young people whom, by her ante of love and kindness, have. been drawn to her for oomfort, sympathy and advice. It ie hard to understand God's providential dealings in taking away, in the prime of life, one whose life was so fall of Christian sofa, in trying to do service for the Master,dn advancing Obriat's,Kingdom. Her life was snob, "Having known it Christ to live, knew it gain to die." ' The sande of time are sinking. The dawn of heaven breaks ; The Summer morn I've sighed for, The fair, sweet morn awakes. Dark 3 Dark; has been the midnight, But day -spring is at hand, And Glory, Glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land. Ethel. Council Monday, 20.h inet. Mtge Martha Osborn is home from At- wood. School re -opened last Monday with Principal Dobson and Mise Jennie Howe in charge. A 'mammoth auction Bale of farm stook, implemeute, baggies, sleighs, &o., is annonnoed by John Cober to be held on Thursday, 28rd inet. F. S. Soott will be the anotiooeer. At the Grey Branch Agricultural Society annual meeting, held at Brunets on Wednesday afternoon, D. Milne and Robt. MoDonald, of thie locality, were re-elected on the Directorate. The 95 acre farm of Dan. Eokmier, ad. joining this village, has been purchased by David Milne, an old resident of this locality, the price being $4,700. Mr. Milne and wife will move to the new fawn leaving the homestead to their eon, Noble, Alex. McAllister hae been the tenant of the Eokmier farm but will move to the Savage farm on the 4th oon. 11. 0. F.—At the last regular meeting of Court Ethel, No. 261, 0. 0. F., the following °ffioere were eleoted :—O. R., Robt. McDonald ; V. C. R., Geo. W. Pol. lard ; Chap., Geo. G. Imlay ;.R. 8., Geo. Dobson ; F.13., Wm, Spence ;-Treae., W. 13. Roubly; S. W„ John Ealimier; J. W. Geo. Gill ; S. B., Wm. E. Sanders ; J. B., Zeck. MoAllam ; ConrtDeputy, Wm. E. Sanders-; Rep. to High Court, Robt. Mo. Donald, Goon broox.—David Milne, who is a well known breeder of Bootoh Snort Hornebae recentlygold a bull to Jno. M. Bell, of Durham; a bull to Jae. Ma' Queen, of Arthur ; and 2 heifers to W. B. Watt, of Salem, reosived $200 and $125: for the heifers. He has added two fine "Golden Drop" cows to bis herd. Mr, Milne hae several yonngSootob Short Horn bulla, a cow and some heifers for sale. B. or T.—The following are the offioere of the Ethel Sone of .Temperaooe for the current quarter :--W. P. Geo. Dobson W. A.,Miee Mary A. S lniemon 1 F. 5 , Alex. Lamont ; Treas.' S. Chambers ; R. S., Miee L. Spenoe ; A. R. B., Miss. Ida Oole ; Coodt., J. 0. Lamont ; A. 0„ Mies E. 'Milne •,Ohap. Robt, MoKay ; J. S., Mise Eva Cole ; 0. 8., Jos. Welsh ; P. W. P„ Mise. B. Spenee ; Organist, Mise Laura Spence. The Crystal, Oity, (Man.) Courier gives the following a000ant of a wedding in whioh Miae Minnie, daughter of Andrew Sharp, of this locality, wae the bride:— On Wednesday, Deo. 18th, at Crystal City, an the home of Wm. Werry,Reoord. ing Steward of Crystal Oity cirouit, in the pre0enoe of a goodly number of friende and neighbors, was eolemnized the mar. riage 61 Itbiel P. Worry and Miee Min- nie Sharp, Rev. G. i'. Mo0allogh officiat. ing, The bride was beautifully attired in blue ladies' sloth trimmed with white satin and attended by Mise Mabel Jory dressed in blue and white. The groom was Restated by his brother, F. Werry,of Brandon, The ceremony being over and tendered, congratulations e dared all resent ea dowto a eumptnoue and taetefully eery el wedding dinner. After dinner the assembly resolved itself into delightful eonveraazione at which were happily blended the attains of sweet mneio, the merry laugh of tboee at games, Rod the joyous tones of those engaged in convey Cation. The guests withdrew ea an early hour tvellpleaeed and feeling everything had been done just as it should be on euoli en °ooasion. Numerous handsome and useful presents teetified to the good will and esteem entertained for the bride and groom by their many Meads. David Ounningbam will be removing from thie looalityto the 15th eon., where be has bought a 50 euro farm from Geo. 17 Sperain. The people who were at the fire on Tbureday evening of last week when Ieaao Gill's house was burned, worked hke beavere and saved Wm. Paweon'e house only 2 feet away from the burning struoturn, It is repprted that Mr. Gill had $600 insurance on his property. Vire ie acid tohave started at the °him. ney. Mr. and Mee, 'Gill may remove to Bruesels, The house was built the time the W. G, & B. railway was oonetrnoted and was run`ae a hotel for Yeare. It was fortunate that the snow was on the ad joining buildings or H. F. MoAllieter'e grain etorehogee might also have fallen a prey to the flamee._ Wing -hand . Alfred Dennison, formerly of McKil• lop, is now clerking in the Chisholm block for A. R. Smith, who hae started business with a brand new stook of Ready - to wear olothing, furnishings, hats and nape. A. R. Smith ie handling 13. Shor- ey'e make of olothing,Montreal. It's the beet that can be got. Municipal Rulers for 19c/2. Following are the results of Munioipal oontesta for 1902 in municipalities in this seobiou of the country .— M OKILLOe. Following is the result of the eleotion inMollillop townehip,:— Reeve— 1 2 3 ' 4 Daniel Manley.... 135 21 92 41-289 Michael Murdie .. 24 162 78 110-869 Mejority for Mardis, 70. Councillors— John S. Brown ., 93 139 82 102-416 Alen. Gardiner ,. 47 77 89 78-291 Charles Little.... 84 76 75 76-311 Aroh. McGregor„ 186' 109 100 65-400 Jas, O'Laughlin.. 132 48 111 48-334 Win. G. Smith.... 36 57 90 80-263 Total votes polled, 660. Counoillore elected were Masers. Brown, MoGregor, O'Laughlin and Little, Meeere. McGre- gor and O'Laughlin were members of the old Ooogcit, BLANSntwn. Reeve—J. Fotheringham, (acc ) Councillors—Boois, 368 ; McDonald, 810 ; Robinson, 868 ; Pearn, 225 ; Doupe, 215 ; Morrison, 158. The firstfour gentlemen were elected. MILPERTON. Reeve—W. Zimmerman, 99 ; F. Wie- derhold, 66. Councillors—J. Bundscho 100, C. S. Kertoher 95, R. Miller 105, D. Smith 128. ELtrA. Reeve—J. Donaldson 590, S. Rothwell 328. • Counoillore—E. W. Wherry 571, W. Coate 511, S. Ooifbis 488, S. Boyle 372, P. Smith 856, J. Holmes 127, First four elected. SMITH EASTHOFE. Reeve—Philip Herold, re-elected. Loots. Reeve—John Rudolph, 115maj. Counoillore—Jae. Moffatt 305, Pat. Bohan 270, Jno. Ritz 248, Fred. Woods 281. FULLAIIToN. Reeve—J. L. Russell (ago ) Councillors—Oliver Harris 289, L. Turner 278, Conrad Rata 266, Peter Seebaoh 212. Elmore. Reeve—Albert Sabenok elected over D. Smith. Counoillore—Meeere. Henry, Crowley, Kelly and Briokman, MITCHELL. Mayor—Hugh Campbell by 48 major. ity over Fred. Davis. Councillors elected — Stewart 248, Blower; 244, Hord 242, Ford 242, Dutton 223, Ryan 219. BEAFonmH. Mayor—J. H. Broadfoot, (ace.) Councillors—M. Y. MoLean 250, B. B. Gunn 242, Ed. Hamilton 238, John Weir 229, J. M. Best 170, John A. Stewart 163, Jas. Archibald 156, Al. Broderiok 139, Jae. Gillespie' 104, Wm. Smith 72, J. P. Henderson 53, G. Malin 32. The highest six are elected. LlerowzL. Mayor—John Watson eleoted by 48 over F. W. Hay. • Counoillore—C. Anderson 487, W. Pel- ton 409, 0. Prueter 968, R. Woods 352, 3. Sebnrger 316, H. Maloney 247, S. M. Smith 231, H. Martinson 171, J. H. Gunther 163. The first six elected. Uanowwz. The reeve and oounoillors elected by =demotion as follows :—Reeve, William, Delbridge. Counoillore, R. Comm, Joe. eph Hawkins, John Moir, Joseph Bedlam tyue... ASHFIDLD. All the councillors eleoted by aoalama• tion . ae follows Reeve, M. ' Dalton. Councillors, J. Molntyre, J. Barkley, W. Hunter, Thos. Stobhere. Gammon. Mayor, M. G. Cameron (aoc,) ' Ooun- ofllore, G. M. Elliott, W. A. McKim, J. Knox, 0. A. Humber, Robb.' Thompson and W. T. Marney. Weer Witve.nosn. All elected by acclamation as follows : Reeve, Wm. McQuillan. • Councillors, P. O'Connor, Chas. Taylor, Wm, Cameron, J. A. Mallongh. EAST WAWANQSH.: All cleated by aoolaination as follows Reeve, John T, Currie. Coonoillora, A. B, Gerr, John E. Ellie, Wm. Dobie, Wm. Beeoroft, TBBNB1BRRY. The reeve and councillors of last year all re eleoted by aoolamation. BLYTio. ' Tho old Qonnoil all re-elected by aoola,, nation as follows Reeve, Wm. Sims. Coancillore, A, McNally, Dr, Milne, A,. W. Sloan. and Joseph Stothara, Wooxerno, . All eleoted by aoolamatinn ae follown : -Reeve, A. Munro, 0ounoillors, John Davidson, William Wilson, 0. Smith and James Paulin, BAstmer u, All the oounoillore elected by aooiaina.' r tion as follows ;—Reeve, Dr. Stanbnry. Oonaoiliore, Richard Bailey, George Rr• win, Thomas Elliott, James Thompson. Hnr,LETT,, ., All the 018 oounoitlore_eleoted . by acclamation as follows ;—Reeve, Alex. Leibcb. Oognoillore, Robt, Ferris, Wil. , Liam Moon, William Patterson, Henry Warner. GonnRrmm 'Township. All the oounoil elected byacclamation se followo :—Reeve, Thtmae Churchill. Councillors, James Johnston, John diatom J. J., 0. woods, James Oox, HAY. Reeve, P. Lamont.. Councillors, Wm. Coosa, Wm. Stolok, Alex. Thomson, A. Goetz, Exemnn. Reeve, W. H. Levett. Counoillore, 3'. Muir, John Wood, Jos. Davie and W. Harding. CLINTON. A.11 sleeted by aoolan ation. Mayor, Thos. Jaokson, sen. Councillors, A. Mo. Kenzie, Thos. MoKenzie, -J,' Ford, H. combs, 0. Overbury, 0. Stevenson. LnoxNow. Reeve, Wm. Allan. Counoillore, Geo. Lawrence, Wm, Treleaven, D. Sherrill, John Brown, all by acclamation. OOLnonne. Reeve, Wnr, Young. Ooonoillore, Ed. , 0. Atterill, W. Hill, R. Jewel, A. Robert. son. Henna!-. Reeve, J. J, Gregg. Councillors, J. 3, Strong, Thos. McKee and John Spence. Mamma 00 ONTATuo CITrds. Toronto -0. A. Howland, Ottawa—Fred. Cook. Hamilton—Major Hendrie. London—Adam Beek. Kingston—J. M. Shaw. Brantford—D. B. Wood. Belleville—R. J. Graham. Guelph— John Kennedy, St. Thomas -5, Chant. St. Oatherinee—J. B. McIntyre.. Stratford— Stamp. Ohatham— Sulman. Windsor—J. F. Smyth. Woodstook—Dr. Hearne. CHURCH CHLMEN. Maitland Presbytery will meet in Winghum on Tuesday, 21st inet. "The discontent of worldliness" will be next Sabbath evening's topio at tbe Epworth League. A series of evangelistic meetings will be held in Brussels Methodist church - oommenoing next week. Last Sabbath morning Rev. J. Holmes preached from the topic "The great and the email" and at',the evening service the subject was "Untrodden Patha," a very suitable theme for the first Sabbath of the new year. Rev. Joo. Roes, B. A„ took for hie morning theme at Melville ohnrob last Sabbath "A promise for the New Year," Phil. 4.18, It was divided ae follows (1) The eonroe of the supply ; (2) The sufficiency of the enppiy ; (3) The,med- ium of the supply. The evening enbjeot was "Some of the resplendent qualities of Ohriet," which will be continued next Sabbath evening. ANNrvnosanr,,—On Sabbath, 26th inet., Rev. Wm. McDonagh, of Stratford, will preach anniversary sermons in the Meth- odist church, Brussels. On the following Monday evening he will deliver hie flue leotnre in the same church on "Ireland and the Irish," A musical program will also be rendered. Mr. McDenogb is one of the veterans of the Methodist chards and is known far and near for hie elo•. . quenoe, practical dirooureea and hie wit and wisdom in hie lectures, Ray. Dn. Rowonmoox DEAD.—The death took plane at hie reaidenoe, •62 Admiral • Road, Toronto, Saturday evening, of one of the great men , of the Presbyterian °bnroh, 15.ev. James Roberteon, D. D., Secretary of Home Missions and Super. intendent of Missions in the. West. Dr. Roberteon bad been ill for a week of diabetes and on Saturday became no• ooneoioue and passed away at 6 o'clock. Mre. Robertson and one daughter were present. 'The other members of the family—two sone and one daughter— were absent, ae it was not till Friday that n fatal termination was antioipated. The life work of Dr. Robertson was done on the plains of the Went, and it was in a large measure due to his efforts that the Presbyterian church is the leading one in numbers and influence in the West. Dr. Robertson waeborn 10 Appio, iu. the West Highlands of Scotland, in 1830. Hie Parents came t0 Canada wben he was quite young, and he wee ednoated at Toronto University and Prinoetown. He weelordained in 1869, and alter short pastorates in Ontario, went to Winnipeg in 1874 as neater of Enos ohnrob. For over 20 years he has been Superintendent of Missions. He was Moderator of the General Assembly in 1895 and hae been also prominent in ednoational work. Dr. Robertson was absolutely left a free hand id hie work in the Weab and hie untimely death will be mourned throughout the church ae that of few men would be, Parliament is not expeoted to meet un- til lfsbruary 13. Wm. Duncan, of Bothwell,aooidentally shot himself while out hunting and died in a few hours. A little girl named Benard was fetidly eoalded at Montreal by a pot of boiling water falling upon her, A thousand dollar package 0101901 from Elliott's More at Crandall station, Mao„ was found ina suowbank near the store. George Massey, of Montreal, was left a legooy of $5,000 by the late Edward Kemp, of New York, his former employ- er,