HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-1-2, Page 5JAN ;2, I9Q2
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0ii�jpipb6oAa3xus0o a0G1ooqyTt6o 0
`i.> N, BARRETT---
G Toneorlal Artist, $hop—NeArt door
Nortli of Oho Standard'B ask. Iiadi00' and.
Chitdree's hair cutting,a specialty,-
p��lI p�f�ty rI_
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
—TEA0f1101l OF—
p3RVSPBMS +' F3,
Wellington. Mutual
FIre Insurance Co,,
naeAnWetlap' 1840
fosurane° taken on the wok and'premium
note eystemat current rates, Before insur-
ing elsewha+} ecall on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
G11•HGE ROGEEIRS,.Brussels.
L. O. M,.
Aendemic graduate of Loudon Conserve-
' tory or Mnelc, also Member of the Associated
• MuBioians of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of pupils for instruction
on the piahno, Qualified to prepare pupils for
the PrinoipaPs Form in the Conservatory of
Brussels, ^ Ontario,
ti Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
• Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Lena dud Iueura nee Agent ; Auction-
oar. Funds invested and to loan. Coiled-
tions made. Office 1n Graham's Blook,Bruo-
i' • ata, will sell for better prices, to
better men in lees time and lees charges
than any� other Auctioneer In Dant Huron or
be wcn'••charge anything. Dates and orders
can always he arranged at this office or by
personal application.
J- .
• Honor- GI ndnnce of the Ontario' Vet-
. winery College, is proparedto treat all Ols-
00r00 p8 olOmeetieotod subtitle in a compet-
ent manner. Porti^,ular attention ,paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at-
-tended to, Cosec and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, lernberry et., Brussels.:
1' o Barrleter, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Ofitoe—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel
Solfeitor for the Standard Bank.
\X• - Solicitor, &o. Of1,00over 8tand-
aid Bank, $olloitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates, •
111. L., O. M., "..
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Oolb
lege of Physicians and Licentiate. of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. Is'Telopboue No.14,
Residence—Mill etreet, Bruaeele.
Gieduate of ithe Royal College of Dental
•Bargeoueot Ontario and Firet.olase Honor
Graduate of Toronto 'University. Ofltoe
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
is- 'moving forward. 'Winter term - begins
Jan. 0,1002. Our rates are 1 reasonable—our
Courses of Study thorough and praotioal.
Send for our Journal to see what wo 1111101).
Students may enter at any time. Two
Courses of Study—Oommoroial and Short
Preaideot • .Beurotauy,
Owen Sound. Listowel,
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore.
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Els
Mao Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
tot Short Notice,.
Eetinlatoe' Furnished' ,for all
kinde of Buildings. Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed,
V 8 .$
Wiptar TOM 0101 Moida Jan16th
i j"1 l ,
/Stroll' ./ .PQ t...
Wo hays r0000tly re00lyed night appllplt-
tloue frons other Bus uoa6 0qol1lrem who
wish to get oar gradpatee as Emotion, 'but
we have not 000 to send, Ottr, graduates
are oho0eu by business arm and 110einees
Oollogee as teat aewo eau tura them out
Write for catalogue,
W, dr ESLL102'r, I'rineilrul•
istriLi ttetn%;
11, and lklre, Dennie are visitin friends
in Stratford. g
Mies Willis, of Goderioh, is Welting:
her cousin, false Alice Dundee,
E. Dennis, who Is a moulder in the
Gurney Mfg. Go., Toronto, is hums for
the Xmas holidays.
B, Hsokweil was spending 'Christmas'
holitk y I under the parental rout, Mr.
1-1aewe 1 began a *oedipal c011rse in De-
troit teat Fall.
Rev. P. Musgrave will not preeoh at
Bethel appointment this Winter.._ It is
too fatiguing a drive in his present poor
state of health.
Arch, Clark has purchased 60 aores.
Of James Oampbeli'e farm for $2,600,
This is the part with the fencing on.
Mr, Campbell has yet 100 acresto Bell,
' Atwooq.
J. W. and Mre. Ward, of Mi'dmay,
spent tbeir,Xtnas;holideyo in town,
The annual meetiug of the Elmo Agri•
cultural Booiety will be held in the Hall,
Atwood, on Jan. 8 at 1 p, no.
The annual meeting of the Elmo Re.
form Association was held in the Elms
House Hall, ou Saturday, Deo. 28, at 2 p.
There wae a break down al Forrest's
mill. • Several doge in one of the large
whee;s in tbe,big planer weiebroken, `dia.
Moline the mnohine entirely. Mr. For.
rest wae in Gait for repairs.
There wae a large turn out at the en•:
anal meeting of the Elm. Conservative
Association, The nominee of the party,
John A. Monteith, was present, and ad
dressed the meeting. The old o8ioers
were re•eleoted, viz : Pres,, Wm. Bell ;
1st Vioe Pres., H. Riohmond ; 2c0 Vise.
Pres., Lake Lucas ; Seo..Treao., Wm.
Graham. •
The following item has been Bent to
the Bee for publication :-"Mr.. Editor,
Dear Sir, -The public opinion is that it
would pay the busioeea men of Atwood
to allow the retired men of the village
something to stay at home instead of
lounging in the stores and shops as they
are a hindrance to the pablio who want
t0do bueines8. ', Sonscaman."
Goa -ries.
Mies Josie Doupe, of Oreekbank, fe
[pending the holidays under the parental
Wm, Doig, C. 0. F. organizer, came
home from the Welt to speed X nos with
11, family in town.
John and Alex, and Mise Annie Ross,
of Oypreee River, Man., are at present in
Town vieiting their mother.
The Methodist Sabbath School enter-
tainment was a grand success' in every
respect.. The proceeds amounted to 916.
There died at the residence of her eon,
1, A. Strong,- on Tuesday of last week,
Catherine Carson Strong, wife of the late
Jae. Strong at the advanced age of 74
yeare and 5 monthe. Her romaine were
interred in the Gerrie cemetery There.
day afternoon at 2 80 o'olook. Deoeaeed
leaves behind her to mourn her lose two
daaahtere and two sone wbo are :-Mrs.
W. H. Clegg, Sault Ste. Marie, Mioh. ;
Mrs. Alex Laird, 12th sou; and W. G.
and J. A. Strong, ofthis town, who were
all present at the death bed.
A meeting of the Royal Biaok Preoep-
tory was held on Tuesday night of last
week. After inleinees and election of.
offioere the, Sir Iioighte adjourned to the
Albionhots', where mine boat, Ales.
Orr, bad a sumptuoue repast prepared in
hie best style. Twenty five members and
ladies eat down and did ample justice to
the good tillage provided. Ail retired to
their homes well pleased with the re.
union. The following are the officers
elected ;-W. P., A. A. Graham ; D. P.,.
A. MoOurdy ; Chaplain, : J. Donaghy
Registrar, W. McKee ; Trees., Dr. Speen ;
Censors, M: Dane, R. Bride ; Pureuivant,
Lecturer, W, R. Graham ; Oom., Mo.
'Milian, Barney, Clyde, _Boyd, Nash,
Greer, Dr. Henry.
131 v tie.
Blyth public school will re open • on
Monday; Jaunary 6th.
Mrs. W. W. Sloan and eon, of Toronto,
are the guests 01 N. H. and Mrs. Young.
Mies Lena Livingston has taken a poli•
tion as saleslady iu S. Herringtou's
J..hn Shasv, principal of Blyth public
sohool, and Mrs. Shaw spent the vasa,
tion at Port Elgin.
The number of 01111008u of all ages on
the register of Blyth pablio school to 206.
The average attendance for the past year
was 180.
John R. Hvbkirk, of Exeter, was in
Blyth on Christmas eve. He spent
Xmas at the home of hie . mother is
Mies Mabel McElroy left ou Tuesday
of lad week, for Chicago where she will
visit for some time with her eieter,'Mrt.
Wm. MacKenzie.
Master Roy Sime met with a bad aooi.
dent on Monday of last week. Ile wae
aeing`on axe when he aooidently hit the'
thumb of hie left hand. The tail was
tort oft and the thumb badly bruieod and
W. I. McLean, B. A., of Vankleelt Hill ;
Aliee Millie McLean, of Culloden, and
Mise Rate MuLean, of Montreal, spent
Ohristmae and New Yoar'e at the home
of their parents, Rev, and Mre. A. Mo
Lean, -
The members of Blyth L, 0..1,. No.
968, have elected the following o6ieere
for the ensuing year ,:-W. M., John
Wilford ; D. M., A. McNally ; chaplain,:
John McGill ; R, 8,, W, Hunter ; F. S,,
It, MoCommine ;'trees, W. 11. McElroy ;
D. of 0., James Gibeou ; leoturere, G.
Maine and Joseph Bunter ; 0001„ J. E.
Taman, R. Vint, J, H. Chellew, J, Mains
and G, Eenderson, The lodge meets on
Monday on or before the full moon.
Blyth wae vleited br an0thee'fire on
Tuesday forenoon of haat moose, 1,'bi4
Limo it was the .twittery of Galatea Brea
;rico are was discovered in 1110 tlllpee part
of the building about 11 ,2Q and it did not
take long for the taut to beootnu envelop.
0d in flame, The lire alarm wee sound,
ed ae coon ae the lire wise dieooverod and
in a very few minutes afterwards the ilre
men were lit the scene of lleetreetfon and
hY gooworkouooeeded in caving the
lower ball of the building, the upper bait
of the building, the upper half being cont-
plelely destroyed. I3uintou Broe, lose
about 91000 by the burning of a large
quantity of wool and leather, Tboy tar.
ried on hneuranoe. The buiidlug wagm.owned by Adam Wettlaufer and watt •.
iueured, Row the lire originated ie a
myetery but It is euppoeed it oaught from
the stove pipe or`0hhm00y,
Two or three members of John 6tubbe
family are down witb fever,
The Listowel llookey Club has entered
a junior team iq"the 0. H. A.
Meyer Watson presented each of hie
emp'oyeee with a fine Xmae turkey,
The Furniture factory lute closed down
'until after New Rear's, to give 1110 0811
ployoee a holiday and take stook,'
It R. Hay, horse dealer, shipped a oar
of heavy horses to Massey Station on the
0,'P, R,, intended for work in the lumber
' The first league Hookey match will be
played on the rink hate on Friday even-
ing, led, January, between Listowel and
J. W. Soott.la taking his eon, D. L.
Stott, into partne ship with him in the.
Winking business, whish will atter the let
January be oonduoted under the name of
J. W. &tett et Son.
Anniversary services int oonneotion
with the Baptist ohurob will be held as
uraal on theseoond Sunday fn January.
Rev, S. B. Bates, D. D., Toronto, has
been secured for the occasion.
School assembled at the home of G. W.
pupils of the Public
The entre
Slaughter, aid in a praotioal manner,ex•
pressed tbeiryfaetiug toward him by the
preeentation oil beautiful parlor lamp,
k xeter.
Dr. Rollins 8000 confined to his bed
through illness.
N. D Hurdnn.wae in Clinton ae dale•
gate to a oonveriion of the Sone of Eng
•.Ohae." and Mrit Harrison, Waterloo
street, celebrated he anniversary of their
golden wedding,'Wbduesday of last week.
John Bawkehavtl has purchased the
farmin town owied by James Taylor
and also John Mitdleh'e farm property
adjoining enure. t
Prior & Armetron1$of this plane from
January 10,.h, 1901,lto Deoember 19.h,
1901, have ehipped 1,866 boge, with.an
aggregate weight of 1,08,125 poonde and
for which the farrnereof the immediate
vicinity have received $9,898,83,
Owing to the fwevalenoe of smallpox in
the townebip of litepbeu, and in order to
prevent spread of the fiia•ome, the •own
3Onn0i1 has deemed it expedient 80 en,
PreisPreisMile law made and provided fur anoh
04600, and s000rdingly have issued a
proolamation, making it oampnleory for
ever)per5QP t0 be ya001nated et Once.
'She London . L'ree Press sate :-"A
needier accident happened to little Mina
Latta, daughter at Principal Ssm, J.
Latta, She wae sitting by a coal stove
in wbi011 there woe a hot lire, when a
celluloid omit iu her hair euddenly
blazed up, The ,comb was burned to a
crisp before the girl wae aware of it, and
her hair wee badly singed, but fortunately
there were no worse /sculls.
(Mages FAoJonr,-At the annual meet,
log of the Zllacvale Oheeee Co. held et
Bittevale on the 28r0 ult, it wae decided
PO run the factory next Hummer ae a
groamery and not go into cheese at all,
The factory will he run ou the joint stook
p an and the patrons will receive the fall
proceeds lege cost of handling and making.
The following. board was elected; -J. H.
Ritter, President ; James Elliott, William
J. Johnston, T. K. Powell and George
Turvey, direotore, The armee! statement
was oleo considered from wbioh the fol.
lowing pattipalare are g'eaned;-Number
of pounds of milk received 1,081,600 ;
Number of pagoda of geese made 145,815;
Average pounds milk to pound obeeee,
10 84/100 ; Average prise Bald at 9 24/1001
Average coat drawing milk 8 82/100;.
Total coat of drawing milk 91,997,28.
Acting Registrar. O'Connell hes Bold pie
handsome driving boree to Thos. Gundry.
Fishing through the toe hae been al.
ready praotioed, though not with mush
1'ha Goderioh Organ Co. chipped a oar
load of organa to Liverpool, England,
last week.
Captain John McDonald returned from
Ohatbam, rata placing hie schooner, the
Kolfage, in aWinter berth in that city.
Howard W. Shannon, of The Roohester.
Evening Times, was spending the holiday
with his parents, J. and Mrs. Shannon.
G. Holt, of ' Trinity. Uuivereity, took
2nd olaee bonore in modern languages at
the sewed year examination, and L. J.
R. Naftel, of Goderioh township, samosas.
fully passed hie examination in Divinity:
Robb. McLean, the well known stook.
mon, has returned from Montreal, where
he bad been with a shipment of horeee..
During the 'past year be has handled'
stock for shipment and exportaggregat
inti as follows :-500 head of cattle, value
$25,000 ; 400 horeee, $45,000 ; sheep and
hogs to the value of 521,000, a total of
9100.000 worth.
The Huron Poultry and Pet Stook
Ae'ociation' is holding the sixth annual.
ehow io the town hall, Goderioh, this
week.. The exhibition opened to the gen-
eral public' on Wednesday, let, closing at
Chi'l d rdn's
You can feel busy
about -the health of the
youngster that wears a
pair of our overstock-
ings and rubbers.
Protection fron the winter winds and wet snows
secured by a pair ()lour overstockings and rubbers.
They are closely knit of the strongest pure wool
yarn—the best rubber that can be had.
• They are rough weather insurance policies for the
health of the children.
They don't cost much, .only:—'
• • 1 Children's, 95e ; Miesee'„51.15; .Women's $1.25.
Alsola nice aeeortment of Women's Felt Shoes and Slippers at lowest prices..
Team and Single Hennas at low prises. Robes, Wool and Plush Rugs.
Blankets and Robes relined and repaired, also Robe Liningfor sale.
A large aeeortmeut of Trunks and Satchels.
Repairs in Harneee, Shoes and Rubbers done promptly.
Clearing Sale !
'Will begin January 2nd and continue for the
Next 30 Days only. This is the best offer that has
been given to the buying public for some time as the stook
is new and,up-to-date, consisting of :-
-Furs for Ladies and Gentlemen.
-Ladies' Jackets and Tailor-made Suits.'
-Dress Goods, Prints, Tweeds, Hosiery, Blankets,,
and kinds of Dry'Goods.
—Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits, Overcoats
and Pants.
—.Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Trunks.
-Millinery at less than half price.
Remember these tree emdous Bargains will be given in all de-
partments during January only. Come early and get a share of
the good things while they are going.
Luilal s
Two o'Clock Edition,
cli® 9 sOAM
This week we oommenoe e. Great Clearing Sale,wbioh will be
continued till January 15th next, when we will make a oleau sweep of all
Winter goods, at prioee that will be a saving to you of from 10 to 40 per
oeht. The coldest weather is yet to Dome, and this is a great ohonee to
prepare for 11, Our space will only allow us to quote a few prioee whish
will give you an idea of the bargains you may expect,
This edition Is publlsbed
espeolally for towns, vlhages
and rut'al districts In western
It gives all the news up to
ONE O'CLOCK each day.
inpluding Foreign, Canadian,
American, District,• Local and
It contains eight to twelve
pages live days a week, and
sixteen Pages On Saturday,
half -tone and, other Mastro -
tions of important doings and
prominent people appear every'
daThe Saturday edition .alone is
worth the prlce.
Subsoi'iptions received at any
time, Address -
The London Free Press Ptg. Co
Mention tills,
8 o'clock on the afternoon of Friday Jan,
8rd, Entries have been large and it is
expected the show will Ion one of the beet
yet held. The offioiel judge is Sharp.
Butterfield of London.
The Star is two years old and is a
eturdy youngster.
Rev. I. A. McKelvey and wife spent
Surae witb friends at Stratford.
Mice Maggie Stewart, of Brussels, visit-
ed at 0. Smith's and with other friends
in town last week.
MelvinYouug, of Saginaw, Mioh„ vieit.
ed his sister Mrs. Thos. Gibson, sr., and
other friends in,towa.
Forest Lodge A. F. and A. M, will hold
an "At Home" in their lodge rooms o0
Friday eveuiog,Jan. 3rd. An oyster.
supper will be provided and other suitable
entertainment given.
The Anniversary services in the Presby
terian Churchhere will be held on Jen.
12th when Rev. J. A. Maodonald, of Tor.
onto, will preach. The teameeting and a
Ieotnre will come' off the following evening
Jan. 18th.
Wm. Smith, a eon of Alex Smith, of
town, wbo is now fighting the Nation's
battles In South Afrioa, was recently
wounded in the ribs but atter two weeks
in the ,hoeipal was on duty again.
In a recent letter he gives partioulare of
being one of a imputing party who sur-
rounded a Boer house and killed 12 out
14 of the armed occupants,
til COM.
Mise galla MoKibbon, of Toronto,
formerly ,. nion, wrie T
onto Mail 09p'ea, "der the notingm dethplomor• e
of 'Sally Brass - n ar Flaneurf0 ,-We
noticed s 801101 n yt�a olmm�s Iatei
commenting o0 the bat{ Y
some of onr etudente. We Moor of
correspondent was just a trifle eeverev°nr
the boys. Io these gay rollicking lad's
are the coming statesman, judges, and
doctors of our conotry. Bat wbo would
think so to look at and assooiate with the
raw material from whioh with the help
of alma mater these great men are to be
evolved 7 What a ebaggyhaired, sun.
burnt yet withal wholesome lot of fellows
they are when they arrive: (asmostof
them do) from the farm. Whether it 1s
that oonntry life is more oondnoive to the
development of brain power or that the
boys grow tired of a lite of aeclneio0 and
wish to see more of the world, pertain it
is that from the country most of them
come. But how Boon does the dull cater-
pillar develop into the oharming (if sot
beautiful) butterfly! He, who erstwhile
washed his hpgds and face in the tin faro•
ily basin, on the book verandah or per.
chanceintbe rain barrel, at the corner of
the house and combed hiehair regularly
every Sunday, now swaggers around with
the bravest. He smokes cigarettes which
sicken his very soul, patronizes the barber
(by the way we think Ootober most be
Toronto barbers' harvest) and would as
soon think of doing without his dinner as
appearing in public without his mane.
In taut he does one hundred and•one fool.
ieh things, to make everyone believe him
city born, and bred when anyone with half
an eye mea sem Reuben written all over
him, blase his heart! And yeb, somehow,
we like these tnaouth fellows, for etre not
the Targe majority of them diamonds in
the rough? Beneath all their little van.
Hies and 0000eite, yes, and behind all the
boieteroua conduct and hilarionsnese there 1
ie the sterling worth, the ambition to be
anddo, and the warm loving heart,
whish thinks often of the old home, end
ae often resolves to repay all the eaorifioee
whish father and mother have made that
they may be educated. And moat of them
will do so. They wbo idle away their
nights in oaroneal are in the minority,
The great majority of students work and
work,and if when they are freshmen their
heads are [flightily enlarged, by the time
they have finished their tetme of one,
three or five yeare, as the oche may be,
their b:•ade are generally reducer] to nor•
mal size. So lot us not be hard on the boys
but give them tt good Rah I Rah I Rah I
The Belleville Sun hae suspended pub.
lication, .
Alfred Boultbee, K. 0. Inepeotor of
Customs for Ontario, died at Toronto.
A T. H. & 13.' train struok and killed
John Maybee, half a mile from Fenwick.
Mise aemmerly, of Berlin, Ont., tools
oarbolio Bold to pare a sore throaty and
died froirt its effeote.
W. L. Ooniter, a Creamers merchant,
was found dead in bia stable at Avenicg,
with a gun lying under him,
Heavy Homespun Drees Goode, 50 fnohes wide, in grey and
mixtures, worth 000 per yd., sale prise 45o, Navy blue in
Goode, 50 iuobes wide, good vette) et 850, ease price 22o. Farley Dreee
Goods in Cemel'e hair effects 42 inobes wide, regular prise 50o, sale
price 25o. Meq's heavy Frieze 7llsIera, tweed ham, high storm ' col..
010, sleep pockets, worth $0.00, eats price $8 05. Boy's Frieze 'Waters,
high storm collar, tweed lining, a'seh or straight pockets, worth $4.00,.
sate' price, $2 95, Men's Wallaby Fur Coats, worth, $17 00, este price,
918.00, Men's Black Dug Coate, gond value at 925.00, for 920 00,
Mone Coon Coats, heavy oioee fur, 'dark color, worth $45.00, for
$40 00. Men's fine Beaver Overonate; got up in the latest style, well
wade and trimmed, at $6.50, 97.50 and $10.00, we will allow 20 per
Gent. off during this sale. Ladies' Oldtb floats, the new semi.fibting
garments, at greatly reduoed priose. Lediee' Sloth Jaoltete, not strict,
ly up bo date, were 54.50, $6.00 and 56.00, Bale pries $1 50. Ladiee'
Astraohan Jaokete, at $20.00, $25.00, $30.011, $86.00 and $40.00, You
can cave fro 558 000 00 $6.04 by buyiioga far to00 now.
="'c-.L""^.0>g �'v�rG.y K„Gc•�!dP:Gr-�,...�C.?`G' �[ e.
Selecting Holiday Presents is a difficult task. Nothing
will prove more satisfactory or serviceable and at the same time
bring more comfort to the home than a nice of piece
1 furniture.
Our selection for the Holiday Trade this season surpasses anything
we have yet offered and in addition to regular lines comprises the
following :—
It will do you good tosee the beautiful line of Fancy Rockers, Morris Chairs
and Odd Parlor Pieties we are offering. Special value in Pianos and Organs in wbioh
you save the travelling agent's profit. Window Shades in large variety. :Beautiful
range of Pictures that have only to be seen to insure buyers. Special attention given
to. Mattresses and Upholstering.
We will consider it s: pleasure to show you through our warerooms even if you
do not want to purchase.
R. Leather e ale®
Night and Sunday salla tor Undertaker answered at residence.
In our Opening Sale we have met with gratifying
success, and we have decided that until
JANUARY 11, 1902
We will continue to older goods at Slaughter Prices
to give all a chance of securing some of the bar•
gains we have to show. The following are a few
of our Special Bargains in
TEA SETS-MjRegular $7.00 to $9.00 for $5.60 to $7,25.
BED ROOM SETS'.9&75 to $5.00 for $2 36 to 55.50.
FANCY DISHE8 of on Itihu45 to $6 00 for 91,35 to 55.10.
GLASS WARE, Etc., Eta.
We are enlarging and improving our atoms
best and most np•to•date goods we Dao proodte
and are prepared to satisfy our customers in all
Ready Clllil �1 U��llUI�
Is ready for Fall and 'Pinter weather
with.a splendid stock of
obes, Rugs and
•t ry1
Horse lam.. eta
Which have only to be seen to be admired. Sold at
very reasonable prices. Also keep in stock, Halters,
Bells, Curry Combs, Brushes and all other articles in
our line.
Trunks, Valises and Satchels. ;
Our Single and Double Harness are A 1 and take
the Red Ticket wherever shown.
xxoqpdaccx WWx