HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-1-2, Page 4(rbe T ueers Vost
2'iatURS.A41"; JAN, 2, 1902,
Anent IYewsp#pertis,
It is quite natural that a See is a
neigbber'e bougie ehouid interest ue more
than the burning of a whole village in
some other country oR the geography and
people of which we know little or nett.
'ng. We is why the local paper hag
each a firm hold on its enheorlb ere, One
Must take it because one le so immediate.
ly interested in the news it gives.
Bat most people take several publioa•
Mons to meet the varied needs and Metes:
of an intelligent family. Probably along
with their loom paper one of the big me.
tropolitan daily or weekly newepapere
oomee next' in consideration. Large
Metropolitan papers pooh as the Montreal
'hoses, Daily edition at $8 and Weekly
at $1, for example, lay out to enpply
every interest of a family, the news and
editorial being booked up by many inter.
eating features ages as storlee, fancy
work, boy's, chttdren's, home .deport•
menta, agricultural, legal, medtoal, numle•
matin, obese and many other epeeist de.
There are wants however which even
these big pepere do not enpply, as illus-
trated by the experienoe of the publishers
of the Witness. The Dougalle Zoog ago
ttializarl the importance of a young
people's Paper, suitable for Sunday read.
ing. The Northern Messenger, at soots
Per annum, like the Witnees, has been a
household word all over Canada as long
as anyone can remember. It eeame to
meet its own sort of need well, as it
claim a etanding eironlation of over fifty
thousand oopies a week.
Bat what has interested us of late ie a
new departure in journalism on the part
of the same house. About a year ago
they bit, as resalte have prbved, on
another need in special journalism, `It
wasthe need of a good eleotio which, for
a dollar a year, and within the oompass
of the business men's time for reading,
would supply the beet artioles that ap-
ppear during a week in the great pablimo.
Gone of the world in general. The new -
eat publication is appropriately nailed
World Wide. It has surprised a great
many people to find how mnob of the
• interesting and informing current
rethey oan get in such small oom•
paea and so small a prioe. There is
probably no other eleotio published that
give the ordinary reader whose
time for reading is limited the same
satisfaction. We see it stated that ever
' since it was started it has grown at the
astonishing rate of nearly a thousand
new subscribers a month. The prioe is
;i only 75 cents to January let, 1903, if
Paid before the end of Jannary. It is 16
pages and is issued every Friday.
Though of coarse, we do not agree with
everything iu them, we take a certain
pleasure in referring to the pablicatione
of the Witness office, as we oannot but
acknowledge that they deserve the esteem
in which they. are held throughout the
Dominion. The pnbliehers have had
their ways and they have held to them
through thick and thin. Their publioa•
tions are perhops as clean and dignified
as is possible to make them.
S. W. Cady has rented his jboose and
will return to Windeor where he ie in-
terested in basineee.
The annual meeting of the Tooker.
emithAgrionitarel Society will be held
Wednesday, January 81b, at the Oom
meroial hotel.
Wm. Paterson had the misfortune to
gee the end taken off one of hie fingers
with a ebap'r in the furniture faotory,
and is still disabled for work.
Mies Isabel Wilson, daughter of 0.
Wilson, was the reoipient of a present in
the shape of a very handsome new piano,
,:.boat her uncle, Robert Pringle, of Chica-
L. L. Mona!, who has been Principal
ofthe pablio school herefor the past 80
ears,was presented with a well tilled
puree on the conoln'ion of the term. He
has been a teacher for 42 years.
Mies Kate Cowan, who has been an
r efficient and reepeoted teacher in the
Seaforth eohool, and who ie now retiring,
was made the reoipient of a handsome
present by her pupfe before the close of
the school
Rer. Father McKeon is endeavoring to
get the Grand Trunk to make Qt. Oolnm•
ban a .flag station. This would be a
source of convenience for the 'people of
khat h ,Inlet. As ft is now paseeogere
e to go to Dahlin and get to St.
1 urban the best way they can.
Scottish ooaoert on Jannary 9th.
The furniture factories were shot down
for the holidays.
The butchers of town made a display
of Xmas. meats.
Watob Night service was held in the
:h en New Ytem'a eve.
,,J Amos Tipling sae parohreed the lies-
mill in town, whioh had been offered for
sale lately.
Thos. Field bought of Thos. MaLuuch-
lin, near Teeswater, a beet twenty months
old, whiob dressed 624 ibs,
A, R. Smith is preparing to open a
stook of clothing in the Chisholm block,
:coenbly000npied by the Aliases Page.
John Aldridge, one of the oontraotore
for the buildings of the iron Works, has
applied at Oegoode Hall to have a liquid.
ator appointed in the estate. 1`bis step,
it is said, este aside the assignment.
The motion will be segued early in Jan•
nary. The process will probably prove
-The following is the list of offioers of
the A. 0.U. W. for the ensuing year ;—
W, M., A.. Mnegrpve ; Foreman,
Robett Allan ; Overseer, R, Vanstone ;
Receiver, 0.' 13. Griffin ; Finenoier, E.
H. Clarke • Recorder, R. Vanstone;
Guide, W. Fixture ; Inside Guard, R.
Irvin ; Outside .Watch, T. Bell ; Medi.
cal Examiner, Dr. Tamlyn ; Itep, to
Grand Lodge, J. E. Tamlyn ; Alternate
Rep., D. M. Gordon ; Auditor, A, S. Arm•
At the last meting of Camp Caledonia,
Sons of Scotland, the following ofdoere
were Wooled for the ensuing year t (Thief,
Wm, Nioboleon ; Chieftain, F. Anderson ;
Chap„:D, 111, Gordon; Phyoioiaoe, Drs.
P, Maodonald,.T. Agnew, 3.8. ChiabolmI;
Reo,•See-, H. B. Elliott ; Fin. -Seo., W.
Taylor ; Treas., Wm. Holmes ; Marshall,
L, A, Bali ; Standard Bearer, D. Carrie;
8, Guard, W. J. MoKereie ; J. Guard,
Geo. Baena ; Trueteee, John Murray,
Alex. Rove, Chas. Elliott ; Audiles,
Stewart and D, M, Gordon,
IG4tQUTA0 vw.
Our met'obante did a big OGrietmae
Mise Sara Burgeee, of the public, eohool
was presented with 0 beautiful silver nail
brush, paper knife and letter real,
Mies Dpnalda McLeod, of the Prepby
torten Ladiee' College, is upendingthe
vacation with her parents in town,
Miee Anpie 11, Yule is epending her
holidays at her borne in Luoknpw, She
Sae been attending the Buelneee College
in Detroit,
Mr, Jamieson, of Hintail, gold to W, 13,
Flatt, of Hamilton, hie shorthorn cow
"Mieoie," and "'a bull calf for thesnug
sum of $426.
The pupils of the senior department of
our eohool palled their'teaeher, P. D.
Yule, to order, read to his an address
and presented bim with a beautifpl up'
holeioredchair, and ti gold pin bearing
the lettere0, O. F.
Toe members of the Xonng Ladies'
class in the Methodist abureb presented
their leader, Mrs. James Bryan, with an
Irish linen table cover and a calendar, as
a Qbristmaa gift, accompanied by a kind-
ly worded address.
011x1 toll.
01 behalf of the trusteee,the, .property
hoown as the Rattenbury St. Methodist
oharob, ie offered for sale,
Rev. W. G. Howson was confined to.
the hoose, and ncab:e to fill bis pulpit at
Rettenbury street church on Sunday.
Ike llattenbury sustained an.injury to
hie rightleg by a bad fall, and Hods it
aepessary to go about with the use of a
The firm of ;Macpherson & Hovey did
not forget their travellers, for Boob of
them reoeived for a gift a pretty wallet
with their name on tbe Dover.
As Mester Walter Holmes was coming
down street a dog ran and caught Sim in
the salt of the leg, tearing the flesh and
Inflicting a wound that will keep him in
the house for several days.
Ed. Cantelon had an unpleasant ex
patience and what might easilyhave been
seriune, at Auburn hotel. He had bean
in to supper, and while coining out of the.
dieing room, stepped into an open trap
door and fell into the cellar.
The Canadian Manufaolorere' Aerooi-
ation has decided to establish a local
branch at Montreal, and baa fitted up a
handsome suite of offices there with E.
H. Cooper, B. A„ the newly•appointed,
Si o retery of the branob, in obarge. Mr.
Cooper, who is a brother of A. T. Cooper,
has resigned hie position as Montreal
editor of MacLean trade jloenale, to
order to give the whole of his time to the
work of tbe association.
Too wbri d4r e.
Meroxaroxxaz.— A beautiful wedding
took place in Trowbridge on Wednesday,
Deo. 25th, when Miee Minnie Viotoria,
second daughter of J. R. and Mrs. Oode,
was united in the bends of holy mabri.
mony to Abraham Kersey, youngest son
of A. and Mee. Jackeon, of Binevale.
The ceremony was performed in the
Methodistoburoh, Rev: F. J. Oaten, of
Lacknow, eonaia of the bride, ofiioiatiog.
MIss Minnie Oonoene presided at the or-
gan and played the Wedding Marob,
while the bridegroom was conducted to
the altar by R. Oode and the bride by
her father. The bride wae dressed in
blue ladies' cloth with cream Bilk bodice
trimmed with applique to matoh, and
carried a b' quer of cream rosea. Annie
Lonnebary, of Eastwood, was flower -
maid and performed her part with re.
markable precision. A reception was
afterwards held at the residence of the
bride's parents, white!? was beautifully
decorated with evergreens, holly and
smilax, and then more than forty guests
sat down to an elaborately prepared din•
nor. Immediately after dinner the bride
and groom took their departure amidst
showers of rice and expreeeions of beet
wishes for future happiness and pros•
parity. They look the 2 o'clock train at
Listowel for Toronto, Eastwood and
other points. The bride was the reoipi•
ent of many very beautiful and useful
gifts, among whioh were a number from
friends in Waehiogton, Edmonton, Cal-
gary, Detroit, Iroquois, Toronto and
Galt, who were unable to be present.
The happy couple will reside on the let
concession of Morrie, end the lose to
Elms of one of her fairest daughters will
be an equivalent gain to Morrie. The
gift from the groom ware a fieur•de•lie pin
set with pearle, and a set of furs.
'Ford w•i ell.
J. Haictook was elected trustee at the.
annual eohool meeting.
Joseph Wade shipped acarload of pota•
toss from this station to Toronto.
Miss Regent, of Oahawa,bas been visit-
ing at the parsonage during the past two
G. K. Cranston, V. 8 , of Clifford, hse
sold out hie practice there and intends to
locate in Fordwiob.
T. Ballston has been engaged as elms -
maker by 0. Wade, and bas moved his
family to the village.
T entente), is busy making pp 80015 for,
Manitoba at" wniioh plane he spent four
menthe this Summer and Fall..
Rev. D. Rogers is spending a day at
Dungannon where he will speak at their
anneal meeting: on New Year's night.
The Directors of the Fordwiob Obeeee
and Butter Oo. are asking for tenders for
the erection of a briok aheeee factory.
A Vestry meeting to appoint a nom.
mittee to eeoure a now rector wae held
in Trinity church, Adam Spence, of New.
bridge, and Wm. Watters being appoint.
By the list published of the acorea made
by those who sent cheese in the Ootober
oompetition'at the Nan-Amerioan Expel.
tion at Buffalo, that A. W. Darroohs'
some was well up, he having 07 pointe
out of a possible 100 pointe, the high-
est points snored being 98.75 and the low-
est 04 pounds.
At the regular semi•ennual meeting of
the Presbyterian Y. P. S. 0. E. the fol.
lowing officers bearers were ap•
pointed:—Pres,, D. H. Littlejohn ; vioe
pree„ A. 0, Hntohieon ; nor.-eeo'y., Hies
L. Brown ; reo,-sae„ Mise B. Castell ;
treas., Stewart A. Littlejohn.
At the regular meeting of L, 0. L. the
following ofiioere were elected for theen.
euing term : Pe 111„ Thomas Groggin
W. M. W. H. Newton ; D. M., W. A.
Edwards ; Chaplain, A. H. Spence ; R.
S•, Thomas Goggin ; F. 8., W. Goggin:;
Treas., Orlando Wade ; D. of 0., J. H.
Jolinebon ; Leotorer, W. Watters ;
J. Halnstook, A. Spotton, J. Corbett, J.
Campbell and J. Sanderson.
Nev. A, B, Forney ie. likely to be sent
by the Biehop to the charge at elands•
boys, Hie removal will be regretted by
Fordwiob was favored with visile from
the following, duriug the teoblve daye ;
from Tomato, Wm, and Louie Mahood,
Ohne. and John Wallssy and Wan, R•
.Rogers, from Jiarriaton. Mr, and Sire,
Oopplattd, Mrs, A.inllty,: and Mre, Ward
from Bullwood.
Bey, J. W. Mahood;,evnngellet of Iowa
Conference, is ependingXmae under the
Parental roof. He lieu secured the
eerviose of Newton Large, of Listowel,
who will a000mpaay frim en the evangel.
ietic work, They leave oil Thursday of
Witt week for Qalorndo, We with
"Mahood & Large" much eaooeoa.
Twelve cases of smallpox are reported
iu Dashwood, ,
D, Urquhart' ie shipping six oar loads
Of oatmeal to Liverpool and Glasgow
180,000 ibe.
Ilobert Buubanan, who is ab present
attending a Thsoiogioal College near
Auburn, N. X., is home ou a' visit,
Ab, Ltelcliart, who went with the boye
to the Soo and was laid up for a time with
appendicitis, has fully recovered and ie
now at work in the pulp' mill theta.
The gonna' meeting for election of
sobcol trustees was held in the echo())
house on Then:day goon, Tbpe, Neelaod,
returning , ffioer. The retiring trusteed
J. Ellis, 407. Stoneman, mud L. Harold
were rs•stsoted without opposition.
Perth County.
Geo, Hoeetou, a St, Marys man, has
enlisted in Loudon for the third oontin
Robe,t 6'Ic01oy, of Milverton, has boon
appointed G. T. R. tiokeb agent at Wing.
0, H. Creighton, formerly of the St..
Marys Journal, is buaiaess manager of
the Seatorth Sun.
The annual- meeting of the It,rktou
Milling Co. will be held on the third
Thursday in January.
Engelhardt. Stueok, one of the oldest
and best known residents of North Bast.
hope, died on Sunday morning.
At a sparrow bunt in Hibbert the other
day tome 4,000 dead birds were produced
by the captains of the contending aides.
It is rumored that Ohm. 0 ben, a' St..
Marys boy, who has been living in the
West, has enlisted with the Seoodd Mauut.
ed Rifles. - -
The name of Henry D. Spearin, of St.
Marys, appears in the list of those who
passed the junior teat examinations at
the Ontario College of Pharmaoy.
tion 1 I h :
()apt, I7 It w r .sd the attack
against the Borers in South Africa, wee
lolled, Flo was a nephew of Airs, Gee.
Rennie, Stratford,
lobo Money, of the sitleroad, Herring'
ton, died very suddenly' iron paralysis of
the brain. Ile had been attending the
funeral of the late kir, Mrirray, and was
Whitten spun the road, . • .
Nobe Johnston who) it Will be Matey
bored, wee sbipwteolted on the "Islander,
is home from the West, Ile appears to
be in the beet of health and none the
wore() for hie thrilling experience.
The Winter assizes and Spring sittings
of the Higb Court are announced, .Ube
jury sittings will open in Stratford on
Marob 17, before Justine Britton, and
J'Af't. 2 19O2.
A et to petition e e ei1 b itu p t trop' will be nos pt d lt1
the'J,'we Mountains election trial, tie the
l original was 10af 10 transfer from Mon.
Alex, Gibson, junior (Liberal), wee
elected to the Commons in York, N, 8
by nearly 900 majority over Rev, Dr, Mu.
floury A, Anderson, while working at
ltle engine le the 145. 0. E. yards et St.
Thorned, wile Supe* by a ehnnting engine
and killed,
HaIf•breeds North of, Edmonton. have
been attacked by a peculiarly fatal,
disease, p111cia luta (merle(' tall a number
of them, .
the non -jury sittings before Jnetioe Mere, 1
diol on May 27th.
The hockey matolree at Stratford due.
ing January will be ae follows : Jan, 6,
Listowel and Stratford juniors ; Jan, 10,
Listowel end Stratford intermedbttee ;
•dan,28, Wondetook and Stratford jet'',
lore; Jan. 27, Seatorth .and Stratford
W, K. and Mre, Macleod' and family
have removed from St, Marys to London
South,: 'Mr. -Macleod waeformarly pub.
Iiaber and proprietor of the St, Marys
Argue but baa given up journalism and
entered the dairy bueinese, hftving pup.
ohnsed the Vannek Creamery near Lon-
don and wbioh be has. rmr:sucoseofnlly.
since last seaeoo, and, ae London is a
nearer bueinese centre to bee oreamery
than 50, Marys he found it necessary to.
remove there
Caviladlaln 1V o t+
Seven children broke through the ice
while ekating at Merritton. William
Darling reamed six of them, but one,
Flossie McDona'd, aged nine years, was
Stauielas Lacroix was •sentenced to
death at Hull for the murder of his wife.
The prisoner made a long and violent
,speech in acerb. He deo'ared he would
notdie on.the gallows,
The citizens of Hanover gave a dinner
Friday night of lost week to Daniel
Koeobtel and the other manufaaturera in
that town.. The fnuotien is to mark the
completion of the newfurniture factory,
which has been ern' ed on the pulpa of
that deetroyed by lire just a year ago.
The new building is four stories in height,
and occupies a whole block. It is eon
struoted of cement, and is one of the
first of the kind in Canada. The rnaihin
F1?M8 FOR SALT -1—>' M.) UN,
nnneroxan nae neves' good Perms Ocr
"01'1113°aad to cont, easy terms, lc, Townobipe
orrie and 11roy, li' 6, e04TT,Brusoele
1ARkt FUR SALT],—$ 000.00
' pill buy Lob No, gem the 18th c0pcee-
efon of the Township of Grey, (outdoing 01
aot'es, Time is about 16 Soros clear 01 Min,
The rest in bash. Inc further intor-
Daeinetiou apply to G. F. Ji1air, Solicitor, Rrus.
to Bruseels, Eli� RIbl alt. abed se
0f land, stable, well, cellar undo other
Venleooee. For price and terms apply to
MISS DARR,'Oragbreok P. 0„oe Ton Posr
Publishing House, Mineola. leaf
B 1 w are given veryliberal rates for News
e o ` l 1 yea u want and sena in,
papers--��el�at what ya. , .
your ,orders to T4E Pon' Pub1is111ng,IIouso,
e in each e t e� .
19 u t
for a 2 0 p u 11.
e' to b year 0, I n �•
' byu o bn
IP tile, following het p b r i 6 Y Y g l
balnnoe of ibis year free,
Post and theeekly Globe together with really good
The Fos a w
topictures of the Duke and Duchess of York, and a fine pier
re of two farm horses "The Farm Pets,” all for P $1 60•
The Post and Montreal Weekly Witness 1.6G
The Poet and Weekly Mail and Empire
The Post and London Advertiser
The Post and Montreal weekly Star
The Post and Toronto Weekly..Sun
1 55
80, ,
Where Premiums are given with any of these papers they will be included at
-above rates. ,
e Clubbing Rates with Daily Pa ane. 'Tlni"s''
We pap also give you vary ;plea 0 g Pap
below inalnde THE Poet till Deo, 81, 1902, and the Daily for•one yea( •from
' dale of eubeoription, ,
The Post and Daily Globe
The Post and Toronto Daily Star
A SACRIFICE 1N REAL 11)8- (Star sent to Poet Offioe,only at this rate. A.eplendid picture of King
tame. -98000.00 will buy the Maoou. r I isgiven with this oombivation and both papers free for
lttdwa d VI go [� N
I anes of 190
Riley B1ook in the Village of Bruksele.. Those
two floe stores. must be sold to close out the
klc0augbey Estate, lntendfng-purchasers
should Investigate at once. Apply to F. 0,
800TT or G. P. BL&I0, Bruseels.Dnt,
WSJ ted.
The undersigned are prepar-
ed to pay cash for all kinds of
Cordwood, both dry and green,
delivered at the Balt Works.
Foreman Brussels Salt Works.
ery'with which It hue been equipped is up Tip... Q} _srford
to date io every particular. In the rear ■ %AI V ■ taisots
of the new building is another structure
almost se large. - OLINTOI P. 0. PROPRIETORS,
Ross. 1Yly Hatter.
The Up-to-date
HE Holiday Season is at hand and we are, one and all, at our wit's end to know what to purchase
for a Christmas Gift. One's tlioughts wander in -many directions but the trend of wisdom is
fast drifting into the channels of usefulness, therefore iu selecting your presents be wise and purchase
things which will be most serviceable. Atthis season of the year what is more desirable for a gentle-
man or a boy than wearing apparel. In this particular line we are well prepared to meet your re-
quirements. We have been preparing for several months in order that we may show by the stock we
carry that we not only equal but greatly excel in Christmas Goods that will -be offered to our patrons
this season. We handle the most up-to-date goods from the leading manufacturers. The following
is a partial list of some of our lines :
Suitable for o1ic.ay Presents.
Ties are one of our leading lines
and we have a large etook including all
the leading Canadian and American
makes. We have also received a oonsign•
ment from Paris whioh will give delight
to neat dressers. In buying your Ties
from ne you may be sure you are getting
the beat and most fashionable goods. We
have low priced Tier: and others which
ooet more but are worth more. In our
range of from 26o to 76o we can please
Scarfs and
Way's Mufflers
We have a Moe Hoe of Scarfs at
prices from 26o to $1:50. They are good
goods. Wbat•wonld be more appropriate
for a Ohristmaa present than one of oar
To persona who drive much or are
exposed to the weather there is no Muff
I t d W' thet throat
eat protector, price 500, 75o end $1.
bave a big sale of. Under-
wear this season but our stook is now
larger and better assorted than ever. We
have Underwear direct .from the mills
which enables us to offer it to our ousto•
mere at low figures. We have theUnion,
Wnol and.Fieepe Lined at prioee ranging,
from 50o to $450 per snit.
Out Leader is a Wool Flesoe at "$1,
ler foe so goo as aye, grea roe per suit, sold in the regular way at $1.60.
sod h
7313.v OUT I-Lats and. Caps at Boss'.
White and
Colored Shirts
We have a large stook of Shirts
aha .we bougl'b f ci the laadlnr iters
and ars noted for their fit, etyle and
wearing goalitiee,— Io buying a shirt get
one with these good qualities and you
will be beet pleased. That's the kind we
keep. We have them at different prioee,
from 50o up. We have an unlaundered
White Shirt at 50c which is a good seller.
Collars and Cuffs
Our etcre- !,'„ tisnowledged to lead
for 0e'b,,a and Cuffs of which we have a
well•aesorted and up to -date stook.
On<onr shelves we have all the leading
makes, among others' the Celebrated Aue•
Mimi Collar, the beat dollar made. The
button nolee are hand •made eo that 113
wears longer thou any other collar. What
would 'make a more suitable present for a
gentleman friend than a dozen of these
collars. Any shape, $2 per box.
Gloves and Mitts
We oarry a fall stook of Gloves
including unlined, sllk lined, wool lined
and unarmed kid. Our sale of Gloves
this Beeson has been the Iargeet in our
history which goes to show the Batietan.
tion which the quality of our goods and
our prioes have given. Our gloves range'
in prioee tram 50o to; $2.-
Calfskin Mitts .
Regular price 750 for. 500.
Leads for Shirts, Collars and Cuffs.
Umbrellas and
Rain Coats
An Umbrella le a imitable article
et any time of the year. We have them
at 000, special lines at 31 and . 31.50 and
others still mote expensive.
Our oheapeet Rain Coat sells for
$2.25, but the prioe ranges as hiab as
twenty. Oar beet seller goes at $5 and
le the beet value in the trade, A Rain.
Hats and Caps
Hate and Oaps are one epeoiality
and we carry the biggest stook in the
trade, We sell all the beet makes, Cana.
diau, English and American, inoluding
the.oelelirated Wakefield and English hat
which ie.guaranteed. "Where is no more
popolur hat than the Wakefield. Io
americium stiff and soft hate we have the
latest etyise for the Obriefmae trade,
Io Suspendere we handle the D. &
A., noted for their wearing qualities.
Tbb prices range from 26o to 81. We
also have a special D. & A. done : up in
neat boxes especially for :Ise Christmas
trade. Ask to eee them. We also tarry
cheaper lines for boyo, from 10o up,
Coat not only protects ngainet rain but %Ve %Vish Yon the Compliments of the Season.
mud and cold as well.
Boss Invites You to Inspect his Goods.
The Post and Montreal Daily Herald
With a picture of King Edward VII
The Post and Toronto Daily News. ,
The Post and Toronto Daily World
The Post and Toronto Daily Mail
$4 50'
1 80
2 25:
2 80
4 50
If you want any other combination let ne know and ws will give you oloee club.
bing rates. Do not delay taking advantage of thesevery liberal offers.
TI-lB POST - Brussels.
Saw_ M
I have a good enpply of Flemlook- loge on
band. Can out out to suit costomere.
Dreseed Maple, -suitable for granaries,
at $10 per M.
All kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on
hand from $10 per -M.up.
A large stook of Dolled Elm and Ash at
$7 per M. •
Shingles and Lath always on hand.
I3A good farm on. 180: con. of Grey for
A oontraot of 20 aoree, of logging to let.
For particulars apply to
System Renovator.,
—0111) oTHEa— -;
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished._
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeeneee, Palpita.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur
algia, Loss of Memory,-Bronahitie,. Con. ,.
gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney,
and Urinary Dieeaeee, 8t. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and .General De.
Prop. and Manufaa tnrer,
Bold by Jas, Fax, Druggist.. Brussels
Cutters !
A lot of new Cutters now ready for delivery.
Another lot will be ready in a few days. If,
you want a Cutter call early and get a pick
from our fine new stock, - , - -
Sleighs are now being manufactured of all
sizes. We can supply your wants no matter -
what they are in this line.
Some good Second Hand Buggies and Carts
will be sold out very cheap. Balance of new.
. Buggies- at Cost to clear out.
Ewan I& Co.
i,1 o
t n,
X Cut Saws
and A.XeS,
411 Saws Fitted up Ready
for Use, .
Prices Right uGood.
� � and Quality
Wilton & Turnbull