HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-1-2, Page 1Vol. 80., No. 2€ ,
W. H. KERR, Prop.
New Advertisements.
Grand Concert,
Looal-G..E, Ring,
Thanks -A, Straoban,
Strayed --M. MoNiobol,
Blanket lost --Tun Pose.
Annual meetipge-W H. Kerr,
Colt for Bale-Ale>t. Buchanan,
Clearing Bale -D. M.-MoBeath,
Clearing eale-McKinnon & 00.
New You Greetings -Jae. Fax,
Atomizers. -F, B. Horsley to Oo.
Cbilaree's comfort -L 0. Richards..
Clearing Bale -E, 0, Danford & Son.
x 2 c Jth s.
On Christmas night a very enooeeefnl
Tea,meeting, under the auspices of the
Methodist oharob, wae held here; 653.00
being realized. .The remittal part of the
program was fnrniehed by the Presbyter.
Ian oboir of Bolgrave and Mise Reid, of
Wingham. Addressee were given by Rev.
R. Hobbs, of Wingham, Rev. H. E.
Currie, of Ethel, end the pastor Rev. A.
H. Brown ; J. Brownridge, of, Brampton,
also spoke. Jno. Wilford, of Blyth ably
filled the chair. The edibles provided by
the ladies proved to be excellent and such
an abundance remained that a oobialwee
held on the following evening., After tea
bad been nerved on Tb medal evening the
Concert !
Town Hall, Brussels,
The 'Celebrated
Jessie N. Maclachlan
' 'The Scottish Prilfia Donna
Harry M. Bennett
Toronto's well known Colnic
Vocalist and Hmnorist, and
Robt. Buchanan, jr.,
An Expert Pianist, will sup-
ply the program.
Doii't Miss This Musical Treat,
lender the Ansplcee' of
the Brussels Bowling Club.
New rear I
Thauktng All for a Very
'Liberal Patronage
Everything yeti want is always kept
in bay line and down at rook bottom
price.. Our Watahee, Ringo, Chains
are the talk of the country. Always'
a,large Stook to choose from. We
are soleagents for the Dneber
Hampton Witteh. - a.
Eject Tested Free. Gold Filled Frames
item $1.00 np, but we don't advise
you to try these cheap Frames -the
beat are none too good when your
eyes are properly tested.
Mrs. I''letober ie a Graduate Optician and
an expert in testing your eyes. Don't
fool with your eyes whiob are' your
beet friends. Frames are no use if
properly tested glasses aro not in
ewer of marriage Licenses.
pastor in behalf of the ladies of the
congregation presented Mies Ella Owens,
who bite' offoiated os organist for some
time, with a sum of money ae a token of
their appreoiatione of her efforts, Mies
Owens, who was taken by surprise, brief-
1y thanked them in e neat epeeoh whiob
was fpllowed by one from Wm, Wray
Recording Steward, who briefly referred
to the eervioee whiob Miee Owens bad
rendered to the oaagregation,
Edward Leech ie vielting friende in
Luoknow tbie week.
Turnberry Council wan :elected by ac-
clamation on Monday.
Will. end Bert, Bailey are spending
their holidays at home.
Robert Stewart, of Goderiob, who ie
visiting in town had the misfortune to
.fail on Monday end injured his knee.
The Methodist Sunday Sobool enter.
tainment given on Christmas night was
largely attended and those wbo trained
the children are to be oongratnlat.
ed on the earlobes of the rendering of the
program, which ooneieted of choruses by
the echool, recitations, dialoguee, and
music by the String Band and Harmonic
oroheetre. .The prooeede' amounted to
623 00,
Duncan Melones wae ohoneo trustee as
suooeeeor to John Rann.
Conrad Michel will build an addition
to hie barn next season.
School re opens on Monday with the
Mieeee Calder in command.
Miee Maud Wilteie, of Clinton, was
holidaying with Mies Ritchie.
Tom MacRae is spending a few days
in PoolaaPerth Co., this week.
Miee Treesa Switzer, 10th con., is home
from Viotoria --Harbor, where elle has
been teaching sobool.
A number of oar young people enjoyed
a sleigh ride to Molesworth on the 16th.
Miee M. Ooghlin, formerly teacher in
this village, entertained the boyo and
girls. All were delighted with the opting.
W. W. Aitobeeon, of Knox College.
Toronto, addreeeed the 0. E. Society of
Knox Ohoroh in the interest of the K. 0.
Missionary Booiety. Hie address was
most interesting, describing- work on
Western mieeion fields. -
A very ppraotioat Christmas gift oame
from Jacob Schnook, of Hoquian, Wash-
ington Territory, formerly of thin looali.
ty, in the shape of 620 to A. McNair,
with a list of Christmas groaeriee, &o , to
be put np and Bent to the varioae relatives
of Mr. Sohnook in this motion. Mr.
Sohnook is a proper Santa Clans.
Services were held for amoral evenings
this week by the Brethren in the Hall
Next Sabbath evening Rebt, Pearson,
an undergraduate of Viotoria University,
Toronto, will 000deot the service in
Viotoria Hall.,
The Jessie Meolaohlan-Bennett oon•
Dort in Brussels next Wedoeeday evening
will catch a good many from this eeotion
of the eoontry.
W. E. Bryan's wae praotieing a little in
the matrimonial line last week by being
groomsman at the Lappard-Cooper
wedding in Howiok township.
Tuesday evening of next week the
entertainment for the Sick Chlldrene'
Hospital will be held in Viotoria •Hall.
A gond programwill be presented and a
big crowd is expected.
Speaking of wedding anniversaries
there are a few couple around here who
will soon be able to celebrate their golden
wedding and their are also a few wbo will
e hortly set out on the first year. •
Reeve Turnbull wae taken ill on Mon -
deg and was unable to attend the town-
ship nomination at Ethel much to his
own regret. He wae" eleoted to the
Reeve's chair for 1902,,, however, by
aoolemetion ae R. Dilworth, whowae
nomitteted for the position, withdrew.
SILVER ANNrvroeeRY.-Thureday oven
ing of last week a jolly: companyof
relatives and friende to the number of 60
or. 70 aeeembled at the oomtortable
reeidenoe of William McKelvey,- East of
here, to enjoy the eilver wedding anniver•
eery of the host and" hostess. A most
eomptnone sapper wae spread to-whiob
ample juetioe wae done after which a
short.. program of complimentary and
congratulatory speeches were palled for
from Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A., of Brussels ;
Thos. and John Straoban and Walter
Innes'. A fitting response wee made by
Mr. McKelvey in whiob he thanked "the
guests for their kind words and deede.
Many tributes were made iu the shape of
beautiful and useful silverware, metol.
E thank our many friends and
_.0 tomers for their kind patron-
ageW P
age extended to us during the -year 1901
and at the same time solicit' a continu-
ante of your confidence for the coming
year. You may depend on getting good
value for your money at all times. No
fancy prices. Everything Cheap,
Beginning the new year we are pre-
- pared to supply you with all lines of Oold
Weather Goods such as Suits andJ Over-dcoats, Felt Boots, Overshoes, nder.
clothing, Blankets, Men's Fur -Coats,,
Ladies' Fur Jackets and-Caperines, &c.
- HAN.
A. ST R -A �_-.C
lows :-John Hillier and wife, Rebt, Outt
and wife and Wm, Rutledge and wife, of
Goderich, a gold linedeilver tea set; Rev.
and Mre, Jahn Rose, silver better knife 1
John Walker and wife, combined eager
bowl and spoon bolder; Walter Innen'
and wife, silver tea pot; A. MoDonald
and wife, salver biscuit jar; A. Bryanp
and wife, diver bell ; T. Fletober and
wife, silver jewel case; Jaa, Strsoben apd
wife, silver ink stand; Jno. Straoban and
wife, scenery ; Thoe. Siraoltan and wife,
glare tea get ; Daman Taylor and wife
Over butter knife ; Dr. MoKelvey Bbd
wife, set of silver napkin rings ; Joseph
Ooombee and wife and Jae, Oatt, eilver
bound tea set ; Mr. Lowe and Miee Eok-
mier, eilver piokle,ornet ; Geo. Coombee
and wife, silver fruit spoon ; Jno, Dunbar
and wife, silver pie knife ; Jae. Simpson
and wife, silver fruit spoon ; Andrew
Simpson and wife, silver pie'ltnifc ; 0.
Stokes and wife, card plate'; Mr, and
Mise Wheeler, halt dozen eiiver epoone ;
Mr. and Mies Stokes, card plate ; R.
McKelvey and wife, set silver dessert
moons. To mark the eventful 000aeion
Mr. MoKelvey preeented Mre. IbIoKelvey
and family with a tiptop 'upright Dela
Wonpiano. After putting In a No. 1
time the oompany separated for tbeir
reeffe0tive homes, after, wishing the. 00.
eapante of the home many happy, pros
peroue years, Tan Poen wiehee to add
1te congratulation's and express the hope
that the priooipale may live to oelebrate,
the golden anniversary.
G r e .
Peter, Sam. and Mies Eva Caution
were holidaying at Petrol ea.
The ratepayers did wisely in re-diecting
the old Council for another year.
Misses Jaokeon and Scott were visitors
at Joseph Raynard'e during the past
Robt. Oliver le hook from etended an s
stay et High Bluff, Manitoba. He may
return next Spring.
Jae. Calder is home from the. School of
Science, Toronto, and John from Seaforth
Collegiate for their holidays.
Jobn Blake has. been spending' hie
Christmas holidays .athome but returns
this week to his duties ae teaoher
Kent 00.
Arch. MaLaan has parobaeed lot 28,
eon, 16, from the Matheson estate paying
62,450 for it. 'rhe saw mill ie located on
The dredge has crossed the 8rd com
line and work is being paahed along by
Meagre. Guile & Fogel. They have some
distance to travel yet.
Among holiday vwitore at Tboe. Dav-
ideon'e, 11th non., were John Scott, of
Soarboro'; Wm. Soott, of Piokering ;
and Robert French, of 'Unionville.
Wm. Davidson, 211th oon., in bank from
e pleasant stay of a few months in
Manitoba. The climate evidently agreed
with him judging by -hie appearance.
Among the many who will take a short
term at the Ontario' Agricultural College,
Guelph, is Oliver, eon of John Smith, 6th
oon. No young man should mine aohanoe
of thie kind if be oan possibly get away.
7n S. S. No. 1 James Armstrong wae
eleated Trustee ae encoeesor to James
Ferguson who declined re election: T.
Al000k got the wood contract at 61.80 per
cord and Tboe. Davidson will look atter
the echool whioh will re•openon Tuesday
morningof next week.
Among the visitors at the Patterson
homestead are Geo. Patterson, of Medina,
Man., William and.Biahard Patterson
and Mre. Faulkner and daughter, of
Minnesota. A family photo. droop was
taken on .Thursday at Brussels. Mre.
Patterson, mother of the homeoomere, is
somewhat better bnt ie still in bed.
Miee Kate Bozell, who hae been visit.
ing at Detroit, Paw Paw and other Miobi•
gen pointe, arrived home last Saturday
with her father. Mr. Remit reports Jae.
Engel, hie son in-law, who met with a
gunning accident, getting along oioely
and willsoon be able to get about onoe.
W, L. McQaarrie, writing TEE Poem
from Prince Albert, N. W. T., on Deo.
20, says :-"Iloolosed find 61.00 for Taa
POST, I am well ; weather delightful:
Little snow and wheels still running.
Horses and some cattle out yet in fields.
Very few of the latter stabled esoept cows.
Am still in the same school and like it
well Wiebingyou the compliments of
the season, tee."
030T. -There wae a large gathering, of
old neighbors and friende, to the number'
of probably 80, at the residenoe of Thoe.
Savage, 8rd o00., last Friday evening ow-
ing to the fent that Mr. Savage and hie
family were removing from hie old home
to a plaoe nearTeeswater. Robt. Strachan
read the following address and Joseph
Ames, John Smith and L. Frain pra-
eeuted the Foresters' emblem, chairs,
centre table and framed piotare of the
King :-
Thos. Savnye
DEAR PstEND,-Your old neighbors have
assembled herethis evening to express our
regret over the proposed removal of yourself
and family to your new • home near Tees -
water. We have known you intimately from
your boyhood andas the years have so rapid-
ly down you have proven yourself worthy of
our highest esteem by your neighborliness
sterlingintegrity and willingness to uphold
the best interests of the neighborhood. e
will miss you in the community but
pleased to know that your place of residence
will not be eo remote that we may not 00008•
ibnallyltave the pleasure of shaking hands
with you. As a mark of the respell and.
kindly regard we entertain for you we ask
you to accept this Foresters' emblem from.
N)Ebel Moloeworth and Bruooeels Courts, and
Mre. Savage and yourself these upholstered
chairs in the hope that while you wear the
C. 0. F. pin and enjoy the comfort of the
chairs, BED., they will often remind you of the
many true fadende in the townaltip,of Grey.
The best wishes of all accompany. you and
yours as you go from u0 and we trust that:
our lives may be eo spent that when our
pilgrim .days aro over we may meat in our
bboner'aliouse above where "(food -byes" are.
never spoken and tarantella are unkaolvn,.
L, FhAnt.
Mr. Savage made a imitable 'reply, Jos.
Eeynerd as ohairman called on the fol.
lowing persona to contribute to an enjoy-
able program :- Miaeee Pearson, Miller,
Bryant, Smith. and Mre, Frain, end
Menem. Streohem, Atwood, iibe, Feed's,
Brown, Lowe, Hogg and Bryant whb per-
formed their reepeotive parts firet•olet s,
Games of varione kinde were aieo played
and if anybody had a dull time it wae
their own fault. Refreshments were
served and the oompany separated
wiobing Mr. and Mre. Savage and family
many years of happinese and prosperity
in Bruoe county. The family expect to.
move to their new home on Friday of
Ohio week.
Thureday of last week John B.
Smith was the oboioe of the annual meet.
big so trustee of S. S. No, 6. A, Biebop
wae the retiring member and deolined
nomination, He made a good trustee.
51.60 per cord was the lowest tender for
wood and tbe oontreat went to Wm, Hall,
jr. Miee Bessie, the daughter of Conn-
oilier MoDonaid, will be the new teaober.
We wish her Memos.
At the annual sobool meeting in S. S.
No. 2 Jae. Honeton was re elected trustee
and Oliver.Harrie will seemed Wm. Tay.
for who has diepoeed of his farm and will
be removing from the motion. The wood
contract was let to Robert Douglas et
51 88 per oord. Miee Edna Guest, of
Goderich, will be the new teaoher, open.
ing tip echool on Tuesday. She is to re-
ceive 0265, The only thing we laok in
this oeotion•ie.mile 'of eohooi age.
Jamee Petoh ie baredrom Manitoba.
Miee 'Mister will again be the teacher
in S. B. No. 1, 8th line, for 1902.
The lire at Blyth on Sunday evening
wae plainly seen from Sunshine.
Alex. Clark, 5th line, Bold 6 steers to a
drover at 6o a pound, live weight.
Reeve Iebieter, we salute: you, and wish
yon the compliments of the season.
Geo. Proctor, 4th line, wae elected
trustee for S. S. No. 4 for the current
Mies Loa. Wright, of Miobigan, is
renewing old friendships on the 4th line
of Morrie.
Wm. and Mre. Robb, 6th line, returned
on Thursday from anenjoyable visit with
relatives at Tottenham.
A number of young people from Bel.
grave spent Monday evening at A. T.
Oole'e and bad a good time.,
Mr. and Hire. Kellam, from Toronto
lnaaI'ty, were vieiting at Phos. Bielb
8th line, daring the holidays.
Rev. Robb. Maunders made a brief -visit
with his relatives during tbe Ohrietmae.
tide. His oirenie is near Lindsay,
toria county.
Mise Rebecca Jaokeon made a short
visit with relatives and friende during
the holiday week. She beide a position
in the Mimioo Industrial School.,
At the annual echool meeting of B. B.
No. 4 John Robb wae re-eleoted trustee.
School will open on Monday of next week
with Samuei Lamont as teaoher.
Onr council all in again. Those ac-
clamation election's are a enap. Mr.
Bolger made a good obairman. Onr
Reeve is well posted on alt matters con-
cerning the township.
Mre. W. W. Logan, of Tapperville, wae
the guest of her sister,. Mre. S. Walker,
6th line, daring the pant week. Everett
Walker, who was attending the Chatham
Collegiate, oame bone with hie aunt.
At the echool meeting in 8. S. 9 John
Shortreed was elected trustee as 00oce0emr
to P. McArthur. Geo. McCall will sup.
ply the necessary wood at 61.70 per cord
and Neil McCallum will attend to the
Mre. Young, daughter and non, of
Portage la Prairie, Man., are vieitore at
S. Barre, 4th line. Mre. Young ie a
daughter of Itir. and Mre. Barr and has
resided in the West for 25 yeare. Tbie
is her firet visit to Morrie.
S. S. No. 3, known as Miller's echool,
poet 6850 including new cleats and a new
furnace. We mention this eo that the
ratepayers in 8. S. No. 5 oan compare
the cost with theirs. Borne have an idea
that No. 3 poet an enormous sum of
money. We would like to hear what the
coat of No. 5 was all complete.
We ere pieaeed to have in one midst
former Morriaitee in the persona of Adam
and John Smith and families from
Lauder, Man., who will spend a few
months with relatives and old friende.
The Smith Bros. will take hooka oar or
tem of good grade cattle with them if
they get what suite them. They have
done quite a baeineee in horses but will
give .cattle a trial this time. It is 18
years since Adam Smith went West.
The above" are eons of Joseph Smith, an
old and well known resident of the 6th
line.' -
A very enjoyable home gathering was
held on Cheietmae Day at the residence
of John Roe, 2nd line, made up of D.
MoOatoheon and wife, Thos. Soott and
family, Jae. Jaokeon, wife and family,
and a delightful time was spent. A
Christmas Tree was part of the program
and Mr, Roe proved himself to be a first -
alma genero0s Banta Clans, eo much so
that in addition to all the presents to the
grandobildren, &c., 3 beautiful gold
watch were presented to the three daugh-
ters whose thanks Santa Clang received
in a very hearty manner, These home
parties Should be kept going and as far
ae possible enjoy -these re unions as long
as we nen.
XMAS Tom ENTEnTAINttnNT.-The an.
nmal Sabbath echool entertainment in
connection with the Jettison ohnrob wae
e marked success, W. Jaolteon, onperin-
tendent, presided and introduced the
following well rendered program atter tbe
opening exeroisea :-Ohairman'a speech ;
recitation, Fannie Stubbs ; singing,
"Growing up," ohildren ; recitation, Car-
rie Jaokeon ; song, Carrie Shortreed ;
recitation, Mise Penhall ; eioging,Hunter
family ; selection, gramaphone ; singing,
Mr. and Mre. Jaokeon ; recitation, Gertie
Fear; singing, four girls ; inetrnmental,
Mins Florence Jaokeon ; singing, children ;
epeeoh, Rev. Mr. Hunter ;recitation, Mise
Biolby ; eong, Mies Mabel Jackson ; reoi-
tation, Mary Near ; singing, Hunter
family ; eeleotion, gramophone ; reading,
Ed. Wilford ; instrumental, .Rose Clark;
singing, Farmer's obiokene," obiidroo ;
singing, Mr. and Para. Jaokeon ; recite.
tion, Stella Stubbs ; epeeoh, Rev. Mr.
Eeeha111 reading, Geo. Die*i "God
save the King." A Ohrletmae Tree was
untended and all went home well pleased.
Prooeade 620.50 which will be devoted to
Sabbath echool purposes.
Mies Neilie Wilson, 5th line, le home
from en enjoyable' visit with relatives
and friende at London, Port Huron and
__James MoArter is home from Hartney,
anitoba, looking first-class. He will
return to the West and may take ahem.
keeper with biro,
Jae. Kennedy and wife, of iflmily
township, Viotoria Oo , were vielting at
Jno. Davie'. Miee MinnieEndtoott, who
had been here for the past three menthe,
returned with them.
On the closing day of sobool in 8.8.
No, 4 before the Ohrletmaa boiider' Miee
Lizzie lfioLeuotilin, who bad resigned
her poeitlou as teacher, intending to go to
Manitoba, wae presented with an elegant
gold ring. Miee Pearl Sharp read the
following addreee and Miss Minnie Walk-
er made the preoentatioo :-
Miss Lizzie MoLatohlitt :
DEAR TEAorEo, We have learned . with
no small small regret that you have tendered
your resignation ae teaoher in our sobool and
will soon be bidding adieu to this locality.
The two years you have been with us have
been marked b active, earnest work on your
part and oftentimes when we were not near-
lyinclined as we we should have been.
You have taught us by example as well
as by precept and encouraged us to lofy par•
poees and ambitions in our lives. As a small
memento of our love we ask your aooeptance
of this gold ring and hope as you wear it in
the time to come it will often:remindou of
unbroken friendships among your former
pupils and many friends in S. 13. No. 4. We
thank you for your patience and the great
interest you have always Manifested in our
well-being and we sincerely hope that your'
lot wilt be ooet in pleasant places and that
you will find as many warm friende" as you
are leaving behind you in this section. Wish-
ing you a Merry Xmas and a Emmy New
Year, we are your pupils and well withers.
Mies MoLaaoblin, although taken by
r'very appropriate made a a o
riate ra1
i d P
in thaakiug the pupil's an tends far x
their very mice gift and wished every
scholar amens in the time to Dome.
--The enter-
tainment in Button's sobool on the even-
ing of Deo. 2003, was a partioolerly bril-
liant emcees. The program wae lengthy,
interesting and entertaining and each
number wae almost perfectly rendered.
Mr. McLeod, of Seaforth, was the oomio
Binger and did hie part well. A pleasing
feature of the entertainment wee the
presentation of an address a000mponied
by a bandeome ladies' travelling oompan.
ion, Bible and hymn book to the teaoher,
Miee Kirkby, who has taught so 0130000e -
fully for three years and wbo is leaving
to take,obarge of a department in Blyth
school.. -.The address wae as foIlows :-
DEAR MISS EIRBRY,-After three years so
pleasantly and profitably passed with you as
the teacher of our eohooi, with the added in-
terest of enjoying your acquaintance prior
to that, it will not bea matter of wonder that
we have many regrets at your expected re•
moval to another sphere of lobaorr,, You have
made many friends by your faithfulness to
duty, oarefulness in doing your work and in
the genuine interest and ready help mani-
fested in all that concerned us. We are
pleased that your naw lonation will give us
opportunity of meeting with yon occasional-
lyand our sincere and most hearty wishes
will go with you. In addition to this expres-
sion of our feelings we ask you to accept this
Ladies' Companion and Bible as more tang-
ible evidences of our regard and we hope the
use of both will be not only of profit to you,
but will be souvenirs of your many friends.
both old and young in 8. S. No. 0. May all
the Christmas joys be yours is the with of
your pupils and the people of the motion.
Mise Kirkby made a Suitable reply in
tbanking the people for their gifts.
Councillor Jaokeon officiated as chair-
man and everybody had a good time.
The precede of the entertainment were
afternoon of Deo. 20th, Miee Mary Halli-
day, who has taught in S. S. No. 18 for
the past five years, was waited on by the
pupils and a number of friends in the
section, and presented with a seoretary
and five o'olook tea -table: cover. The ad.
dress was read by Louie. Bell and the
presentation made by Mary Taylor, Vera
MoDowell and Maitland Bell:-Mxea
MARY HALLIDAY : Dear Teachers It 10
with mingled feeling of pleasure and sad-
ness that we are gathered here to -day on
thisthe last day that we will ageooiate.
together as pupils and teaober. Sorely
the five years in which you have been our
teacher' bave'flowa like a dream. Oar
lessons, under your catmint teaohing you
have sought to mike interesting ea well
ea profitabie and now at the close of five
short years, we feel that yon have not
only been our teacher bat also our com-
panion and friend whom we have all
learned to love. Ia our sorrow yon have
Borrowed with us, the sick end seaport
have cheered and sympathized with, and
in our happy home you have been one of
thehappiest, end in doing so have parried
out the Divine command -"Rejoice with
them that do rejoice and weep with them
that weep." We are sad to -day booause
we will miss the bright smile and cheery
words that greeted ae every morning,
and because the time has come when this
pleasant page in oar lives must soon be
turned but we know our lose will be gain
to others. Ae a alight token of our love
and that of other friends who are here to-
day we ask you to accept this secretary
and table cover, and may they, ever remind
you of the love and esteem of your many
friends in this community. . May the
blessing of our Father in Heaven go with
you as you leavens. May the shield of
His love and power protect yon from all
evil and may we all eo live to His honor
and glory, that as we one by one crow
tbe river, we may enter the fairer land
beyond when we shall see Hie faoe and
part to more forever. Signed on behalf
of the oohool, LAORA BELL, MARY Tamen,
W Tal tont.
Look oat for another wedding.
P. and Mre. Dill, of Seaforth, spent
Xmas at L. McDonald's.
Rev. and Mre. Dever spent the baliday
with relatives in Brume 00,
Alexa and Urn. Smith, of Seaforth,
spent Xmas at Wm. Sholdioe'n.
,Miee Mend'Wiltee, of Clinton, le visit-
ing Frannie in Walton and, vicinity.
Dnff'e church anonel meeting will be
held on Tuesday evening 14th inet.
Annual ohdeee feotory meeting next
Thmreday at 1 o'clock at MoKien's• hotel,
Mine Maggie Martin, of Tuokeremith,
wae visiting friends in Walton last week,
Walton Public Library hae 800
volmmne iu eiroalation and the Outlook is
very favorable,
18. MaVittle, El. B. Moon and R. H.
Ferguson and their families event Xmas
at M, Mtrrieon'e.
W. T, and Mrs, Johnston and family
and Mr, nod Mies Oololough were visiting
friends in Gerrielaet wee.
A Dumber ofy oon folks from the
village spent anenjoyable evening at
Wm. MoAllieter'e on NewTear'e eve.
Mre. Campbell le here on a visit from.
Manitoba With herarents, Delman and.
Mre. Campbell, and other old friende.
Dr. and Mre. Armstrong attended the
marriage of Mies Cooper and Mr. Leppard
en X.mae. The bride ie Mra. Arm9trong'0
Geo. and Dirs.. Modell entertained a
number of Walton young people on,
Monday evening. .A11 report having a
good time.
Wm. M, Smith has purchased the vil-
lage lot No. 8 from R. O'ark, where he
will build a residence in the near future.
We are glad to see that Mr. Smith in-
tends to oontinne a resident of Walton.
The Committee appointed ab the recent
Sabbath Sobool Convention here to oon.
elder the advisability of oonduoting a
Normal close for teachers will meet at
Dun's Mardi manse on Monday afternoon
at 3 o'clock. -
Wm. Hoy, formerly of Trout Creek,
has parobaeed the shop and reaideuee of
Wm. M, Smith and will shortly open a
butobersbop. Mr. Hoy'e business will
fill a long felt want in this looaliby, and
we wish him moose in hie new venture.
A large oompany assembled at the
reeideaoe of 'Thos. MoFadzean on . New
Year's Day when his amiable daughter,
Miss Jeanet, and Wm. Shortreed, a well
known young gentleman, of Morrie town-
ship, were united in matrimony. Rev.
M. Jerrowperlormed the ceremony. y.
Missies Sboldioe were made the reoipients
of a kindly worded address from 81.
George's ehnreh congregation, a000m•
panied by a handsome clock and silver
cake dish. Address read ae followe :-
To Miss S7taldiee and Miss M. Sholdice :
We, the congregation of St. George's
oharob, Walton, have gathered together
this evening to express to you our deep
appreciation of the loving and faithful
eervioee you have rendered daring the
past five years as our organist and assist-
ant. We know that 1 was often under
great difficulties that yon had to make
your way to the church, and we have not
failed to recognise the fact that your
supreme desire has ever been to eerve
your Lord and Master, Jenne Christ, in
using the talents committed to your
trust. We ask you to aooept the aeoom-
pauying olook and Dake dish as small
tokens of our gratitude to you for Bo
efficiently leading the eervioee of oar
beloved church to the praise and glory of
God. Signed on behalf of the co0grega-
W. R. Belden was presented with a
fine "grip" on Xmas by the Palmerston
Pork Factory._ He's a hustler.
Robt. McAllister moved into hie new
residenoe on Friday last. May he long
continue to enjoy the comfort of it.
Wm. McMillan, who has been working
in Garafraxa township all Sommer, was
at Peter Patrick's during Xmas holidays.
Andrew Doig and Miss Jennie Cum-
mings were united in the holy bonds of
matrimony on Christmas Day and went
to Waterloo and other places on their
Mre. Lucy Bell, who hae spent the
past year in this vicinity, was married on
Christmee Day to Geo. Horton. Those
with former experience can do these
things spin a hurry.
Henry Grainger, Russell Grainger,
Rufus Jaaklin, Peter Patrick, Allan Ire-
land and W. McLennan have all purchas•
ed new cotters this Winter. This 1e a
sign of good times.
Merritt and Mrs. Winn, of Hawkes -
villa, and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, of Bal-
lard, Mioh., spent week visiting at John
MoTavieh'e and then drove to Waterloo,
last Friday. (
day evening last, about eighty of the old
friends and neighbors of John Grainger,
assembled at hie commodious reeidence,
it having been decided to have an oyster
supper there. After all had satisfied the
wants of the inner man, Henry Arm-
strong wae voted to the ohair and after a
short address he called on Tboe. McKee,
who read the following address :
Mr. arranger
i I mingled feelings of
DEAR FRrxsad so we m s 6
evening.re and Pleasure
in h assemble here meetet
ao neighbors i Pand
e the fact that we
as thande enjoy this glad seasoy
eo the year in the enjoyment of thinking
these very blessings, and sadness in is are to
tbr010 very the sant
asst yourself and to be
to Brussels.
.he removal mleg yon ver sisters
m this locality We 00 ur li yhu veto dfohr
Prom this kindnoe as your life ee stood and.
yhour ep000 0003hospworthy
and e piety and
our example was over freedom
from imitation.lar-
Yuu have well bored y freedom wishes
a stinted
and our hod -op good you
will not
be muni in our a ov01 as you lethe
of yo unife have
overn40 years the prime
measure urhoe uccess. n e ant d lhi no emgle
y000 of tangible
We would like to de
you a more tangible deservedly-
of thegolden
toacc p youhaveupholstered
ywon so chair,
Mieeeopthis 0hiS ups arm coati mrd
cooker wb100Grainger hers kindliest
plyds for
your with our very kinduest regards fat
l (anion happhiess. Our wish is that
whiles e will n your new friends, which we
occasionally sure will not eo few your to fraiend s may
femo be 0 hope
to the Wends of
pleasureer days 'with to often have the
svtlloforgetgwith you. Rent thered
0we will not forget kindness in the oma
so aenol ad i0 trouble, northeLifee of coun-
Belted seine's to tan Betterarand our
edond is that earthly tieso may be
may be so
n d caireed Por by the Good
Shepherd that in Rio own good time we may
meet bee and bye where we'll be ready to
crown Kim Lord of all.
After the presentation, which was made
by Geo. McDonald and Thos. Bennett,
Me. (Release made a suitable reply on
behalf of himself and sisters, thanking all
hie old friends and adding a word of
conned to all. Then followed abort
epoeohee by Geo. Gibson, John McTavish,
W. R. Belden, Alex, Robertson and
Thee, Bennett, interspersed with music
and songs by the married ladies proeenb,
else songs by Jae. Edgar and David
Thomson. The good wiehee of the mom,
muniby:e:o With Mr. and Misses Grainger
to their new home, Own -toned to Baia -
min en Saturday,
A:Itipfel, , ,
Miss Myrtle 'Dobson, of Mitobeli, le
visiting In this village,
The Oober Carriage feotory stook is be.
Ing removed to Bruesels.
0. Eokmier wee re•eleoted echool
trustee far the neat term,
vire, Funafuti and daughter, of Bruseele,:
were visiting et J. Wilbee's,
The Colvin family, of Brussels, epent
New Year'e Day et Geo, 111, Mitobell e. .
Thomson Laird, who recently had to
undergo an operation in Detroit Hospital
is reoovering, we are pleased to say.
Mi,e Ada Doke and Jno. Kellner, of
Colorado, were unitedin marliage:on
Tuesday of lbie week. Rov, D. B. Mo -
Rae tied the knot.
FIRE. -The building owned by Isaac
Gill, at Ethel station, and formerly need
for a hotel, wae burned down on Thurs.
day evening of this week.
LEO Bnoorne,-We are sorry to report
that our old friend Malcolm Lamont,
wbo lives West of here, had the misfor-
tune to fall while going home from the
nomination last Monday evening and
broke one of bis lege near the ankle. He
will likely be laid up for sometime._
The eligibly located Oober farm, oon•'
taining 140 mores, adjoining this vihage
hes been sold to Andrew DUKE', of the
North Boundary, and son-in-law to
David Milne, of Ethel, for the earn of
56,200, Mr, ()ober will have a sale of -
stook, implements, &o., shortly ae he ie
removing to Bruseele where he and hie
Bona parohaeed the Ronald feotory. Mr.
McKee disposed of his farm to J. Elliott
at 64,500.
MONiolrez Nosuxarxoo.-There was a
large ettendanoe of ratepayers at the
annual nomination for the township of
Grey livelymeeting
last Monde and a
was the reanit. F. B. Scott, Clerk, re:
oeived the following nominations during
the hone :-For Reeve -Jae. Turnbull,
propoeed by Jno. MoNanght and Jae.
Mann ; Robt. Dilworth, by P. Keller and
R. Lang. For Oonnoillore-Wm. Fraser,
by T. McDonald and M. McNichol
Malcolm Lamont, by J. W. Rose and
Chas. Seel • Jno. Mo
au ht byJae.
Lindsay and F. 001100; R Livigston,
by R. Robertson and Jno, MaNaaght
Adam Turnbull, by Juo. Bowen end Jno.
Lamont ; Jne. McDonald, by Jae. Mann
and J. Lamont ; Robt. Brown, by The.
Hislop and M. eloNicbol. The usual
platform meeting was instituted with A.
Hislop, M. P. P., in the chair, and speech
making became the order of the day, in
the following order :-R. Livingston, Jae,
McDonald, Adam Turnbull, W. Fraser,
R. Bowen, M. Lamont and J, MaNaogbb.
Neither of the candidates for Reeve were
present. - Mr. Turnbull was ill at home.
Phe mover and Seconder of Mr. Dilworth
spoke for a few minutes elating that they
beard their nominee might not ran.
This proved to be oorreot and on the re-
tirement of the three propoeed new Coun-
cillors the old Council was elected by
acclamation. A hot but friendly foeilade
was carried on over Council and drainage
business between Meseta. Bowen and
Livingston but it ended in good humor.
W. H. Kerr, one of the 00. Councillors
for the District, wae palled upon and
gave some notes of 0o. Connell affairs
during the past year, Before the meet-
ing was concluded a vote wae taken on
the question of abolishing Statute Labor,
resulting in a fairly even expression of
opinion with the majority asking for a
oontinua0oe of the old system. None of
the oandidatee wearied the audience with
speech making and there ie likely timber
for future councillors among those who
A LIST OE' TR0001 MT T1(E 801010».
BauaoaLo-Reeve, J. T. Rose. Coun-
cillors, S. Wilton, R. Henderson, N. F.
Gerry and Jno. Donaldson. School Trus-
tees, D. 0. Rose, J. Turnbull and R.
Leatherdale, all by aoclamation.
Gnus -Reeve, Jae. Turnbull. Conn-
cillors, Robt. Livingston, Jas. McDonald,
Mara Turnbull and Wm, Fraser, amola-
Monoue-Reeve, W. Iebieter, Coun-
cillors, Code, Jackson, Taylor and Shaw
by acclamation.
TOaesantx-Old Council eleoted by
MoKxrror.-Reeve, D. Manley and M.
Murdie. Councillors, W. G. Smith, J.
8' Brown, Alex. Gardiner, Arch. Ma -
Gregor, Jas. O'Laughlin, Ohae. Little.
Juo. Grieve, a member of 1901 Connell,
was nominated but declined to stand.
Babbeth morning next Rev, Jno•
Holmes will take "The great and the
smell" for his topic and in the evening a
New Year's Bannon on "Uulrodden
St. George's Church, Walton, very
thoughtfully played Santa Claus with
their inonmbent, Rev. G. J. Abey, of
Brussels, in the presentation of a load of
oats, I1 wee a kindly act and will da
more than the rotor and his driver good.
"God's dead letter office" was Rev. Jno.
Holmes' eubjeot last Sabbath morning
tram the text "Te ask and receive not
00000 ye oak amine." St. John 10 and. 10
was the evening text. The musket ore
gram ab the evening eorvioe ooneieted of
an suthem, a male quartette end two
At the Watel.night eerviae in the
Methodist ohurob on ,Tuesday even -
lug the pastor presided and gave a abort
addreee. The Pant, Present and Future
of Metboddem wae taken by W. H. Kerr,
H. Hem and Rev, R, Pan, After the
service New fear congratulations were
Last Sabbath Rev. Jno,bsa, B, A.,
took for hie morning, them " e
R mem-
branoes of the Past,' and for Ole evening
nervine "A Prayer for the dose of the
year," Psalm 89 and 18. The main
divisions were : (1) A Prayer nniVereelly-
offered ; (2) A. Prayer sometisles bat not