HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-12-26, Page 8Hola dayFtesextts Celluloid oases See our handsome dloplay of those gooda, Wu have everytblog yQt1 wept in thio line soma ao Toilet Casae, Abaving Sete, oto, Perfumes All the latest and best Odors to stook, If you with a fine bottle of Perfume, do not fail to oall op ua, Japanese Goods These are elegant geode and the very latest thing out. The priooe are very tow, Do not mina getting aomo, hooks vrer,*w!!a,- rnM All the beet prow aqd poetical worko to haodogme volamee. Witted and Hymn Rooks at all prioes.. Albums - Ali. the latent Albums iu 0ellulold with beantifot designs, These ore very pttraQtive goods, Christmas Cards We have on hand an ondlese Variety of Obrietmao Cards and ORlen- dare et all prides. See our bapdoome diopiay before you buy. F. B. llurs ey (Sc DRUGGISTS, AND SUCCESSORS TO L, It. IIABBEY, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 0o0TOERN EXTENSION W. a. & a. Trains leave Braeeole Station, North and South, as follows ; Gonia donna Gem, remora ar➢res& 7:18 e,m ( Mail2:10 p.m Mired - 0:46 a,r I Express - 8:17 p.m a z tbJS 0 tem• . A ohiel'e among ye taklie' nates, An' faith he'll prem it. DON'T trot over the iron bridge. Haws New Year to all oar readers. GET your New Years resolutions ready; GREEN wood is beginning to Dome to town. DfurnmPALEIeotion Day on Monday, Jan. 6th. Boreaaa interesting items came to hand too late for this week's ieene. A. BEATING party went to Wroxeter on Cbrietmas and had a good time• Penal Boboole reopen on Friday, Jan. 3, unlessotherwise arranged by trustees. L0CxarDOE Boos, are bere fitting up the woollen mill and will soon have it ready for operation. DAN. EWAN'S name is mentioned as a probable candidate for a Beat at the Oonnoil Board for next year. Lisa Saturday evenieg'etrain did not gat to Brussels until midnight owing to a break down in the engine at or near Elora. NExo Wedneeday will be New Year's Day and consequently a pablio holiday. The poetofhoe hours will be as usual on that day. DIPHTnERTA attaoked the family of John Long last Saturday and they are now quarantined. The patient, Miee -Mania ie getting along nioely. A. OMRRIE was awarded $50 by the in- euranoe company for the damage done to his ice house by the recent fire. The baildiag will be repaired 8o se to be ready for the ice bavest. JNo. LEQEIE and family have moved into their fine new oummodioae and modern residence. We wieb them many years of happiness and prosperity in their comfortable home. CLOD aP TaANxe.—We desire, through Tin Pon to express our :sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy ehowe 0e by friends during on time of sickness and trouble. GEO. AND MRS. LOTT. P. McQaARaxs'e little daughter, who took ill Iasi week with diphtheria, died on Obrietmae day we are sorry to say. No other members of tbe family have taken it fortunately. The funeral took place on the afternoon of Wednesday, Rev, J. Holmes 0andueting service at the cemetery. Deceased was a bright little girl 8 yesre of age. Tea sad intelligence was received this week that Mre. Argo, nee Mies Fannie Montgomery, formerly of Brussels', bad passed away at her home, Medicine at, N. W. T., a victim of that fell destroyer, 000enmption. • Deceased was a sister to Mrs. W. F, Venotone, of Wingbam, and had a wide oirole of friends in this locality. • CAMP BEN'LouoND S. O. B: The an. enol election of office bearers of Brussels Sone of Bootland Camp, No. 81, took plate last week resulting as follows :— Lowry 'e elate in the Methodist Sabbath Chief, J. 11, Cameron ; Chieftain, A. sobool palled at her home and read the Stewart ; Peet Chief, W. Martin ; Obep' following brief note :—"Dear Teacher,— lain, A. M. bleKey; Recording Beoretary, Aoiept tbie Biscuit Jar in token of tbe A. Strachan ; Financial Secretary and regard we bear toward you and also of 0., BOOKSELLERS, BBNSSELS, Ont, ram Bx.notate eleewbore it will be ebeervod Heat ell parties who bavo not Mien van Maned ere adyiped to attend 19 11 at ono as a proVention egaipat email -pox. W111943 bee made its appoaratloa in Heron Cot There are said to be eleven non in tote Ooquty, Jiteella DuotrAvoA.Qo i 008100, — The people 03 this tonality will be pleased to hear that a 081,00001 engagement bee been Made with Dies Janie, Allielattoblit , he Soottisb Prime Donna, and she will sing in Broesole Town Hall, on Wednesday, Jan,81 i. Harry M, Bennett, the hum- orist, and R. Buobanau, pie.uiet, will also• take part ie the program, No the 8liouid mina this Mullin! treat, NARROW Enema—Last Saturday morn. Mg A, Strao110.11'e atone bad a eloee oell from a seriects fire. After the Ohrietmae window droning had been done, 000aiet. lug largely of bandker0hiefs, &o., a large lamp lead been put in the window to melt the frost off the -plate glees, In some manner the goods caught fire and GOY by energetic efforts ware the flames kept in the omen oompaae of the window, The plete,glass, whioh was only pot in last Fall, was wreoiced as were the other penes and the whtteweer end other genie in the neat display were deetroyed• Mr. Btraohan'e Iota will be about $200, whioh will be covered by iueuran0e. Dr, Graham,.wbo owne the brook, had hie property insured also and the necessary repairs will be made an soon as poeeible, The fire alarm was rung bat the engine was not ueo0seary. A WonTuY YOUNG MAN PASSES AWAY,— The Master summoned the spirit of George S., eldest eon of Geo, and Mrs. Rogers, Frederick etreet, to the House of many memeione oa Batnrday morning of last week. Bis d8mi08 1008 not mle1• peoted as be bad been gradually failing for months past, He had heroically fotigbt for prolongation of life and hope was often rekindled as some programs was noted bat the improvement was only temporary and despite the beet medical skill and the earnest and eminent en• cleavers of friends the taper of this life was exbin,Iniabed ae above staled. George, or Joe as he was familiarly galled, was born at Deieware, Middlesex Go., but spent tbe moat of kis life in town. He was a bright, pleasant faced )ad and ae the years want by while he developed in body he displayed the gifts end graces seldom evidencedin young manbood to so marked a degree and it is not to be wondered at that be enjoyed the friend. ship of relatives and a very large oirole friends. Choosing the calling of a drug- gist be took n position in G, A. Dead. man's store where his affability, courtesy and etriot attention to businesswae reoog nized by hie employer and tbe pablio generally. longedto St. Jobe'eaobe relations and in ' the choir, Sept. or teacher in the Sabbath School and worker in the Young Peoples' Sooiety took a most lively and prominent part and bis place will be most dimonit to fill, The Saviour of his boyhood was bio example and in quiet repose and eon - Orient trust he pillowed hie head on His bosom and found blessed rest and nom• fort through an illness, sometimes very lryieg; covering 4 or 5 months. . Hie example might be profitably followed by the 70000 0180 f this or any locality in minden both at home.. and abroad and his memory will be green for many years to dome. The funeral service was ton. doted in St. Jobn'e Oburcb on Monday afternoon at 8.80 o'clock by Rev. Mr. Lowe, of Wingham, the incumbent, Bev. G. J. Abey, who with the deoeased enjoyed a David and Jonathan friendship, taking bia place with tbe mourners. A. 'number of beautiful floral tribateafromthe chards. and friends were placed on the casket. Interment was made io the family plot in Brussels cemetery. Pall bearers were Fred. Cardiff, Harry Bartliff, Ed. Bey - the, Geo. Manning, E. Bryant and W. • Campbell. Miee MaLaooblin organist, played the Dead March es the casket wee taken into and out of ,the oburob. The subject of tbie notioe wee 80 years of age. Heartfelt sympathy iea000rded the bereavd family who do not Borrow aa those without' hope but look forwasd to happy re nnionj when Faith shall be loot in eight. GAME WARDEN TINeo.EY nye there ie no alone eeaeon for mink. Hooker hae been on the program by the boyo on the mili dam ekatieg rink." Taos. 'NEweouo was foreman of the Grand Jury lest week. Alfred Lowry watt a juror too. Tan new, temporary etable at the Oeotrel Hotel will accommodate 26 horses. • It was rushed up in a hurry for a Winter job. Bent= laths. tannery at Blyth eaffer- ed by fire on Tuesday. Blyth has been very nnfortnnate far the past few years 1n the fire bueineee. Won contract for Brussels Public' Sohool woe let to Thos. Davideon at $1.70 per cord. Wood fa to be body beech and maple 2 feet long. LICENSE INSPECTOR MILLER waS in Bras- cele last Saturday evening (lasting ten eye about for non-compliance with the Crooke Act as to °losing of bare but found nothing to complain of. 1t1axnrr DeWitt Holmes had the fingers of hie left hand damaged in a machine while employed in F. Adam's shop, Mill street, validating in the manufaatare of batter prints. NatnNATIoN in Brunets next Monday evening, commencing at 7:80 o'alockr• Speech making will follow tbe norain0 tion hoar. Nomination will inatude Reeve, Oouneillora and 8 Sohool Trustees. OM well known townsman, a. Y. 8. Kirk, whileengaged splitting wood in his. yard received a hong from the axe in the faoe that might easily have done more damage than it did although that receiv• ed wee painful enough for a time. Done this rhyme bit anybody ? Dec. 29th the Sunday Sobool will be Jean full of gide and hope ; They love their pretty Obrietmae tree, Their candies and their tope, But 2 weeks later you won't see Enough to make a noise. CANED.—B. Gerry received a very nice Cbrietmas present Oe Monday is the ebape of an ebony walking cane with a gold head, with his initials thereon. Mre, J. 1'. Crocker, of Exeter, Mr. Gerry'e sister, waa Santa Clans. B. G. will now be in p08ition to pat on etyle. Choice MEAre.—At S. Walker's betel: er shop in oonneotion with his Xmas exhibit there was a 15 months old heifer fed by Mr. Walker, dressing 485 pounds ; 2 hogs raised by Allan Speir, Morrie township ; 2 lambs fed by S. Walker ; fowl, sausage, head cheese, &o., neatly dreseed and arranged. PAoeB Borm.—Jobn Beattie gold Mie pacing horee, "Puzzler,' with e. record of 2,29, to Kidd Bros., of Listowel, the pride said to be $200. The horee was delivered on Tuesday. Rein a true piece of horseflesh and will do his beet when it cornea to speeding. Richard Rothe will have "Puzzler" added to hie string. K. 0, T. M•—Following are the newly eleoted officers in oonneotion with Brus- sels Maccabees —Paet Commander, P. Hogg ; Commander, J. Wright ; Lieut. Commander,' R. Leatherdale ; Bergeaut, W. Baker ; Master at Arras, 0. Dodds ; Record Keeper, A. McGuire ; Finance Keeper, L. S. Danford ; Prelate, A. Somers l let Master of the Guard, W. Grives ; 2nd Master of the Guard, 0. Beam ; Sentinel, R. Anderson ; Picket, W. Stewart. PasesumTmN,— Taeeday evening last the young man constituting Mre. Alfred Treasurer, D. 0. Rose ; Marshal, A, Lamont ; Standard bearer, Jae. Speir ; Senior Guard, W. Robb ; Piper, Thos. Ballantyne. Installation on Tuesday evening, Jan. 711), under direction of Past Chief Martin. OHmeTIxoe 312408 —A. Carrie made a tiptop display of 0hriettnae meats this: week whioh °evoked many oompliment0. The list oompriaed ;-1 two year old heifer, fed by Robt. Miller, of Grey, dented 550 ponode ; 1 two year old heifer, fed by Peter Oaotelon, Morrie ; 2 lambs fed by Arthur Oantelon, Morris ; 0 hoge fed by A. Carrie. In addition to this, there was smoked and curedmeats of all kinds, ean0age, bologna, haggle, white and black puddings, fagite, tripe, lard, head oheeee, turkeye and geese. Mr. Currie bag made many commendable exhibits in past years but few if any ex - that of 1901 both in quality and quantity. GOLnEN W8DmNO.—A' very pleasant family gatbering, plug other friends, took plain et the residen08 of John Carter, Mill street, Tuesday evening, wbon the Golden Weddieg of the host and hostage was celebrated. The gifts were of a very heel til character in which wee inolnded $80 in gold. Among the relatives were John Carter and wife and Geo. Hendkr- eon and wife, of MoHillop i Jno. Tamin and wife, of Agbnrn; Joe, Curter and wife, Colborne ; David Carter and wife and W. A. Carter, tat Blytb • E. Poker and wife of Owen Bond ; Na". Riley and Wife, of Grey ; and S. Carter and wife of town. After a well prepared sapper was partaken of oongratulatory ep000bee wore Made by Rev. John'Holmee and Bev. R. Doul and he evening most enjoyably :meet. Mt, and Mee. Dotter gave all a good time and he company departed wihhine Glom many happy yawl. A. W. Jowitt andwife, of Cron:arty, aro'bolideying with roletivp0 in and near: Bruaeele, Afro, Ro14. Kerr woe vielting'ber tom. D. McDouald, formerly of Brueeelo, (n Strttttortl, Rev. R. and Mo'e, Peel apant Lime. with J. and .Mae. ??Ilgll and [Wily at Bluevale. Lorne fleeter le botne from .Arthur where bto.bother leengeged le the photo. bgoinees• T, 13, Stretton, wito has been laid up with a broken leg, wee able to take a. drive. en Monday. Mies Nina Rogers was called hone from Moent'f'breet to attend the funeral of her brother. Mile Kate Wilson, daughter of Kra, Jae. Wileoni'Brgseele, will teach eohool at DraytoU for 1902. WM.Ottmeron, oburpll street, keeps quite poorly but we hope a obange for the better will eo0n tome. Mies Dora Smith baa been re•engaged ao teacher in Platteville, promoting on the staff with increase in salary, A. N. Large, tenor soloist, well lteown bare, will go to Colorado, U, S„ with an Evangelist. He's a 'fine singer. T. Boss and family' of Obeeley, and le. Rose and family, of_IXinoardine, were 'Christmas visitors in Brussels, Miee Ritchie, of Fergus, and Mies Mnry Ritchie, of Beafortb, were visitors at P, Ritchie'a, William street, Brussels. M. R. Moore and :tn1,1311y of town, and A. Hewitt and family, of Rinoordine, spent Christmas at Trbwbtidge. Mre. F. Baines was on the eiok list with an attack of pneumonia but le fairly well over it now we are pleand loony, Mise Jean Walker is home from Glad. atone, wbere she has been ealee'ady in tier uncle's, store. Elbe is e. weloome visitor.. J. and Mee. Humphrey and daughter and Miee Clara Thompson, of Toronto, were holiday visitors with 3. G. and Mas. Joue9. Mien Annie McArthur, wbo hae a p081. tion in the factory of Mr, Wing, Berlin, in home for a holiday but will return next weak. Mies Jessie, daughter of Mrs. MoNiobol, game street, hae been seriously ill but we hope a °badge for thebetter may. soon oar appreciation of year efforts in our behalf doting the pan year. Signed for the olaoe by Harry Mercer and Herbert Mitchell." The gift was a nice one, silver plated. Mre. Lowry waa taken by surprise but thanked the boys in ap- propriate words and a very enjoyable evening was spent. EAST 00808 EARNERS' INSTITUTE: Meetings of the East Huron Farmers' Institute for the discussion of Agricul- tural and kindred subleote, will be held as nnderooted. At Gerrie on the 21st. January, 1002, the afternoon 88881001 at 1.80 p. m.:—Chairman's address ; G. 0. Oaeton, Oraigburot, "The importance of auooalentfood in the feeding of live stook'; J. E. Meyer, Koeath, "How I built my silo" ; Mre. Iampbell, Goderiob, "House. bold economies." Evening eeeeiou at 7.80 p m, ;—Obaieman'e addrase ; G. 0. Gaston, "The Agriottltural • Oollege and the education of the Farmer") J. E. Meyer, "Keeping poultry for profit no the farm" ; Mre. Campbell, "Home In. flatten." Muskat program, —At tarn:mele, on he 22nd of January, 1902, the afternoon session at 1.80 p. m,1 Chairman's address ; G. E. Oaetob, "Problems of the Boll" ; 3. E. Meyer, "How I built my silo" ; Mre. Campbell, "Aims and objente of Womand' Institutes," Evening session at 7 80 p. m. :—Chair, mane address ; G. C. Caston, The Land we live in" ; JS 2. "Keeping Poultry for profit 00 the farm" ; Mra.' Campbell, 'Bread" and Breadmaing." Mueioal program. A11 are cordially in- vited to attend heed rneetinge and take an intelligent part in the dieoneeione on the remarke made by the speakers, tbat the information imparted may be"clearly' understood end duly impressed forfatnre nee. Tkoe. McMillan be Preeident, and Geo,.l load, Soorttarp. Mre. Jno, Hewitt and Min Rhoda ere holidaying with relatives in Hamilton.. Mr. Hewitt ate his Cbrietmas dinner in the same city. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. R. H. Green, of Trowbridge, lute been ill with pneumonia but hope she will soon be fully restored to health. Thee, Kew, of Whiteohorob, formerly of Brussels, ,and. Mise .Ray Cottle, : of Whiteohuroh, were married on Christmas Day, Ooogratulatinns. We regret to state that Mre. (Rev ) Abey'e health ie not very vigorous at present but her many friends hope ebe wiil be speedily restored. Mies Franoe Loeoombe, of Kincardine, and Miee Isabelle Molenzie, of Owen' Sound, are holiday vieitore•' at J. J. Gilpin's, Church street. We are plaased to notioethat Dr. J. Al. Moore, formerly of Brussels, ^hae passed hie final exam. with fall authority to practice the heeling art. He was in town tbie we,k. W. Greenway, of Crystal dity, Man., was visiting his sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes during he past week. He is a brother.. of Hon. Thos, G"reenwey and a former limonite. Mies Maggie Bielby, Mico Hattie Downing and Sam. Lamont of his local- ity took 2nd. elan Honore at the Model Sohool Examinations, We aongratulnte them on their emcees. Tbos. and Mre. Ainlay, of Lietowel, were renewing old friendships in and a- round B assets this week. Mr. Afulay was laid off work from a bad oat on; hie left hand but is getting along nioely. Logo, lu 1901 XV4•,8,.1) 134,N OF Ce4X4. , , l " a.aa, x*74anazt HEAD Q91'10E, e TORONTO 0API`l'AL PAID 732 One Aliliton Dollars) ' 01,000,000 laE ST 0700,000 Apenefeu in all prirteipal points in Ontario, Queiiec, Manitgilai Un4ted S0400 c$ Englund,: VIZAPSWAS .til elf. A 08neral' Banking Bueiuoea Trensaot'ed, b'armerp' Notes Dle0000nted.. Drafts Issued and Go1,,,eotipne made 00 ail polnta. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. IMersin allowed on deposita of $1.00 and apwarde and compounded half yearly, Snow, hate :xlos 01008 To TIM OOLnaoTION Oe' FAntran8' BALENoTne. Every fealty afforded'Onetoneere living at a dietanoe, monoorb. payable at any bank tootled Under 010, .. $0, $20 to §80..',.1214 W'II at the following rates :— $10 to 020....10o. 30 to 40„ , .14o F. H. GRAS', Ammo AGENT. carriages be sent to theroyalhousehold in England. Hie regneet WAS complied with a few days ago. Fall Wheat 72 74 Barley ..,48 50 Peas '78 75 Oats.,..,... 40 40 Butter, tutee anis rolls „ 16 16 L'Iggs per dozen ......., 16 17 Flour per owt.4 00 6 00 •Betatoee (per bus.) „.... 26 26 Applee (per bbl.) 2 00 3 00 Hay per ton ....., 6 00 7 00 Sheep skins, eacl1, ,, ,:25. 25 Lamb skins each 26 80 Salt per bbl., retail...:1 00 70 Hides trimmed 0 63 Hideo Tough5 5 Hogs, Live.... 0 00 6 10 Wool 18 18 PERSONAL PARAGIt11'l1S. Dr. Fetid spent Ohristmae in Listawei. Alex. MoRelvey i0 holidaying in Brute eels, Inepeotor Robb wag in 0linton on Mon- day. Dr. McKelvey .0901 in town for Obrist• TORS. Alf. Lawry and family Ohristmesoed at Gorrie. P. and Mre. Ament are holidaying in Miohigan. Mies Livingeton, milliner, spent Xmas at Blyth. Thos. Bird is here from Detroit for Ohrietmae. Mise Jo. Rose was home from Toronto for Xmas. P. Hogg went 6o Wellesley- to spend Ida Obrietmae. W. W. Harris and family are visiting at Rothsay. Mies Alice Bone is home form London for a visit. Alex. Rome was home for a holiday visit from Ottawa. Lorne Pringle was home from Toronto for Obriekmas. W. A. Matthews, of Owen Sound, ie visiting in town. A. McDonald was in town on Friday from Kincardine, R. Rosa, son of Wm, Rose, has gone to Barrie, Simooe Oo, Mies May Doadman is home from Woodetook Oollege, Wendell Holmes was home from Tor- onto for Chrietmae. W, A• Oriob and family went to See, forth for Ohrietmae. Robt, McAlpine, of Toronto, hong up hie stocking in Brussels. Bev. Mr. Keine, of Bethel, was a caller at Trio POST on Tbnrsday. MESS aeon and Geo. MoLaoohlia are holidaying at Hamilton. Miee Mabel Hayoroft is home from Ripley for her attention. Mies Blare Mitchell, is borne from Tor. Onto on a ehort vacation. Barrister Blair was in Goderioh'on legal busines0.on Monday. Mies Downey le ependiog her 0hrist- mas holideye ab Chatham. Hilton Hunter, of Mt. Forest, was yhomo for Mie Christmas dinner, B, Garry and family ate their Ohelot. mat turkey with relatives at Beafortb. W. E. Beist and family, Mlneatdine, epeetXrnaswih relatives in Bruaeele.. Reeve Turnbull and family of Grey, ate their 0hrietmae turkey at Jim Teenbell'e town. Business Locals. Rms.—Rings all kinds and eine et T. Fletoher's. MONEY to loan ou farm security. Apply et THE POST. WANTED,—Dried npplee, 80. ; turkeys, undrawn, 9o. Oath for batter and raw furs. G. E. 'KIN. Wingham. Bu :inno Pone WORKS —Saw gemming a epeoialty. Satiafaotion guaranteed. F. ADAMS, Mill street. Hones blanket, bomemade, lost North of Brussels, Finder will oblige by leav- ing it at TEE POST. Woz. lummoxes. Saw Emma —The undersigned is pre. pared to attend to all saw filing in a workmanlike menner, after long exper- ience. Satisfaction guaranteed. BURR NI/meanie, Livery Barn, Bruaeele, NOTICE.—All parties indebted • to as are reepeolfnlly asked to call and settle the same on dr' before' January 1001), either by oaeh or prom1800ry note as we tactor tarry our open a000unte. We sell oar goods too olose to coat to 130 able to do that. 1. 0. Rroaenne. T. MoGnnooa hae a large quantity of first Glass Dross ant saws for sale and ready for work. Timber gutters should see them for tIsey are fast and 'easy oat. tere. Yours for sews, . T. MoGregor, Bruseele Saw and Tool Co., Brussels, Ontario, Taro DLL•—In Morris, On D, e. 19111, to Mr. and Mre, Wm. Thiel, a daughter._ X.a.ATIxLxaXO, MoCALL—I'ons0Tn.—At the Manse, Bros. eels, 013 Ohrietmaa Day, by Bev. Ino, Boas, B. A., Mr. Albert Henry Mo. Call, of Morrie, to Mies Hannah, daughter of Mr. Hugh y Forsyth, of Alameda, N. W. T., formerly of Menlo. R000ns.-Iu Brussels, on Deo. 21 George S , Ron of George and Mre, Rogers, aged 80 years. Canadian I.Voe'rtea George Neleoo, of London, Ont., hae lost four children by diphtheria lately. Joseph Camp, of Lyndon, wag thrown out of hie wagon and probably fatally in. jured, Jsmee Moody died at the Emergency Hoepital, Toronto, from laudauam poi- soning. • Hon, Wm. Ramey Mas been offered the Liberal nomination for the. Commone.in Kingston. John Allan, of Ooondega Townehlp, ie dead from wounds received in a shooting aooident. 0. W. Lundny, telegrapher, who re• aeived the first cable message by Atlantic oable, died. in Halifax, The American Canal Company has ob tamed a Controlling interest in the Peter. bore' Light and Power. Company, Joseph Camp, he young 'man whose snail was fractured in a driving accident near Mutilate, i0: not exeeoted to regent,.. Sir William Tari Horne hug. returned 18 Montreal from Cabe, ' nee reports a prwpe1one oondition o4 Muslims on tbe, Band. An order Hiattxoited a Great deal of interact has been filled at the Anderson fornitore faotoy, Woodetook, The com• pauy bat on the market a babyoarriage whioh it calla the Prince of Wates. when the Duke of York was in Canada he heard of tale fact, and shortly before Mie departure from the country tent en order to the Woodotook factory that one, of the ubI vQunnnru,—In Bruesele, on Deo.26tb. Ida Bell, young0et daughter of Mr, and Moe, P.1'4oQuarrie, Aged years,. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. .11,17eE'to rent. Apply to lints, 3. It, SMITE[, CaDAn fence posts for sale. Apply et THD POST Publishing House. Goo nntD servant wanted. Apply to MR8. W. XI, BINC0AIR,. Brussels. THE PEOPLE'S COUIPAN. G001) YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, gettable for roman. parpoees. Apply to 0E0. 8E8T, Bruseele. /`f OOA IIOtiS]] AND LOT ON ,Jr Turnberry street, Brussels, for sale at a bargain. Apply to THOS, 5ALLA0V1YNIO Bruaeele, LLAMBS FOR BALE. — ONE Lambebearliu and nine Bare Leicester for sale, Some eli,iihle for registra- tion. 13. MILNE, Ethel, NOTICE, r To the Patbiic of the Village of Brussels : As the small -mor ie found to be is various artk t 118 country ally (not in the village) itis persona who have net been vaeolnated should be without delay. RIOHARD: PAUL, Chairmanof the Board of Health. Dierlamm's Diphtheria and Croup rtemed3r Y To theme who+ baste used the above valuable remedy we are pleased fe say we have pow got a eepply of it, and to those with whom its vale. able qualitiae aro not knows we uanbighIy r000mmend it for he diseases mentioned. 5Oot per -ogle —AT— Fox's DRUG STORE. rfOhl.FOBTABLE, wlLlt 7 li btod and oonvealent rooms to let in Wia Lecloie biook 078T .0. A. Bondmanp's and tare, Rogers' etoree. Appty to P. e. SCOTT. WHITE SOW, 7.5 ,MONTHS ojd, -strayed from. Thos. Al000k'e, 14th eon. Only, on Bse.lObh, Auy informa' tion leading to bar recovery will be thank- fully received.- JAS, BIRD, OTaobrook. $15 00 to $18,00 a Week salary foran intelligentman or woman in each town. Permanent .position. 80 cents per hour for spare time. Mauufaetaror, BOX 78, Philadelphia, - 10 PAPER HANGING, DFEO0R- 4171180 and House Painting done 1y) Workmanlike manner and on short n0tiee. Bove bad throe years' experience in arty work. Terme reuse rabic,. Give me n. can. 20 W. J, JOHNSTON, Walton, Annual Meeting. The animal meeting of the ehareholdere of the Walton Union Oheose and Butter 0o, will be held at Mel0lm'e Hotel, Walton, on Thursday, Jan, 0111 , at 1 o'clock p. m. • All shareholdersshould be present as there is a possibility of the ohoeee factory being sold. R. H. PERGUSON, Secretary.; 91108. Me. 1'ABZI0AN, President. 24 2 Ross My Hatter, f1 The Up-to-date. Furnisher. C1111,ISTMA.S ANNOUNCEMENT. n is at hand and we one and all, at our ,wit's end to know what to purchase THE Holiday Seaso are, for a Christmas Gift. ' One's thoughts "Wander in many directions but the trend of wisdom is fast drifting into the channels of usefulness, therefore in selecting your presents be wise and purchase things 'Which will be moat. serviceable. tit this season of the year what is more desirable for a gentle- man ora boy than 'wearing apparel. In this particular line we are Well prepared to meet your re- quirements. We have been preparing for several months in order that we may show by the stook we carry that we not only equal but greatly excel in Christmas Goods that will be offered to.. our patrons this season. We handle the most up-to-date goods frons' the leading manufacturers. The following• is a partial list of some of our lines Suitable for Christmas Presents. Underwear Ties Tiee are one of 'our leading linea and we have a large stook including all the leading Canadian and Ante'ioau makes. We have also reoeived a consign- ment from Paris which will give delight to neat dreseerk. To baying your Ties from as you maybe sure you are getting the best and most fashionable goods. We have low priced Ties and others whioh coat more but are worth more. '•In our range of from 25o to 750 we can please everybody. Scarfs and rs Way's Mufflers We have a nice line of'Soarfe at prices, from 26e to $1,50. They are good gobde. What would be more appropriate for a Christmas present than one of oar aoarte. To persona who drive much or are exposed to the weather there is no Muff ler met so good ae Way's, the great throat and cheat protootor, prioe 500, 70a and $l. We bave had a blg sale' of Under. wear this eeaeon bat our stook isnow latger and better assorted than ever. We have Underwear.direot from the mills whioh enables lie to offer it to onr aasto• mere at low figures. We have the Delon, Wnol and Fleece Lined at priooe tangfng from 50e to $4 50 per gait. Our Leader is a Wool Fleece at 01 per suit,'soldin the regular way et $1.50. • Buy Your Ilats and Gaps 'at Ross' Collars and -Cuffs Gloves and Mitts White and Colored Shirts We have a large stook of Shiitn. that we bought from the leading makers and are noted for their Ila, style and wearing gaelitiee. In buying a shirt get the with these good gaalitiee and you will be beet pleased. 'That's the kind we keep. We have them at different priors, from 50o up, We have an unlaundered White Shirt at 60o which is a good seller. Our More ie aoknowledged to lead for Collars and Onffe 01 whioh we bave a Targe, well-asoorted and up to -date stock.. On our shelves we have all the leading makes, among others the Celebrated Atte. trfan Oollar, he beet Dollar made. The button boles are hand made so that it weave longer than any other dollar. What would make a more suitable present for a gentleman friend than a dozen of these collars. Any ebape, $2 per box. We parry a fall stook of Gloves iooluding penned, lined, wool lined and undressed kid. .Cdr sale of Gloves thin eeaeon Mae been the largest in our history which goes to show . the settefao. Mon whioh the quality of our goods . and our prices have given. Our giuvee rauge In prices from 60o to $2. Calfskin Mitts Regular price 75c for 50o. Ross Leaks for Shirts, Collars and. Cuffs. Umbrellas and Ram Coats An. Umbrella ie'.a.. gettable • article at any time of the year. Wo have them at 60o, special lithe at $1 and $1.60 and others stilt 01008 expensive. . Onr cheapest Rain float sent for $2.25, but the price ranges ae high as twonty. Our beet seller goes at $5 end ie the beet value in .the trade. A'' Rain Coat not only protects againeb rain but We Wish 'You the Coil1 liments of the Season. mud and Gold ae WO)).p Hats and. Caps Hate and Cape are our epeoiality Red we parry the biggest etoolt in the trade. We sell all tbe beet makee, Cana. din, Eaglioh Red &meatoap, including the celebrated Wakefield and English bat whioh is guaranteed. •There is no mord popular bat then the Wakefield, In Amerioan Stiff and Boit bate we have he Wen styles for the O1gistmae trade. Suspenders •In Buependere,tve handle the D..& A.,, noted,for their wearing gdalitiee. Tbe.priooe range from 25o to 51. We also bays a epeeiol D, ck"A, done up, in nest boxes eepeoially for the Chrietma0 trade, Aek to see hem. We aloo Darty 011009er lines for boys, from 10o up, tog You to Inspect -Tis'. Goods. Ross I , r 4