The Brussels Post, 1901-12-26, Page 64F3+,M,)FaODrsR
t77R)cirla Ileliorts an the Cext(illtra.
bran Pampa, ,
valume whit% is likely to be
frtuekl moted by flble]niste cot the cell.s,
eentrati4,1 stamps nae. been ]seed in
London, (t is a bluebook contain-
• 1r.,3 official (meetly mediettl) reports
On Beer refugee camas ]n South Af-
rica, forwarlied by Lord Xitelionel' at
the requ°et tt( Air. Brodrick, made in
Marcel tart.
Thele is much painful reading in
the 'ports. blit there le little or no.
thing; which can be read as a nation-
al reproach. They 1130W that the of-
ficials made loyal and herculean Of -
forte to cope With a gigantic ender -
taking In which almost inconceivable
difficulties faced 'idiom, The sordid
details of Boer life and the horrible
methods of medical treatment at the
Ill• -too disgusting for publication -
1 a to those en-
acc,uaint1d with eoutti Africa, The
general ignorance and superatitien
among the Boers, to whose baneful
i$diuence the report calls attention,
are better known, t
Etre aro a few instances culled a
foinrlore; tho first three aro reported
tram Krugersdorfl camp:
(1) A iocent remedy among the
�Ilaers, nd matter what the nature of
'the ailment,'. is to paint the part af-
flicted with green paint. Three chil-
dren named Smith were suffering
from some complaint which I \vas un-
able to aseertain, The children were
painted ail over with great paint
with the exception of the face, Two
of the children, a boy aged four and
a girl aged seven, were admitted on
July ?,1 to the hospital. The boy
died tho same day and the girl the
ioilowieg day, both of acute 'arseni-
cal poisoning; the third child, aged
four months, died before the others
were brought Inlettau nospltal.
(2) Dr. Aymard was scut for to
sea a child aged two in the camp,
who was unconscious. Ile found on
the table In the tent the following
Dutch remedies, all of wnncrt were. be-
ing administered at the salmi time
without any doctor's orders:
(1) IlofTuian's drops (containing
(el Essunz &Mets (containing op-
(3) fled powder. (containing tartar
(4) .1aenaica, ginger.
(5) Dutch drops, composition un-
The child continued unconscious.
(3) A baby named Schutte, aged
four months, was suffering from
bronchitis. The doctor ordered the
child to get nothing but milk; the
another refused to give the child milk
but gave it sardines instead; the in-
fant died in two days.
This is from Major-General Max-
"The epidemic of measles has very them satisfactory. If my little boy- of Geneva, with quicice.led interest
considerably abated. but the deutwo roars of age -is troubled with had he this story before him ? And
rate among the children is ]nigher cunstipntien indieest(of or dint.- it can be told so easily ; but 'tis not
than it should be owing to the crass
Stupidity and neglect 07 1110 mowersthemselves. One child suliering from
dysentery was given a large raw car-
rot by its mother at Irene camp; the
child died four hours atterwetrnt.
There were at first, it is true,
many inevitable shorteOntings, many
natura] defects in the camp -for in -
Mauve, in regaled to tents and food -
but it was war time. They were re-
mailed as quickly as po5szole, but, of
course, disease and privation did
their deadly work. bad it is that so
Much life -young life was lost, but
the reports show that so far as in
these lay it cannot be laid to any
carelessness or remissness on the part
of the officials.
As it is, the care of the 'British of-
ficials is Navin a beneficial effect.
Mutter feeling Is glwwmg, 1•;v011 the
following exercise In composition by
e, little Dutch refugee girl lining
taught English in a camp was well
"I will try to learn English that f from an Aulclican sailor who had
Dan say to the Iiakky, band8upt 1 ]ucided IA a port fn Chile.
am twelve years old. 1'A3s is my 1ho men had 3011( inshore awl be -
first Irnglil;b hrc3tinl ." come somewhat bilnt•ious, and one of Ceylon Tea Is the finest
Bo the, government will not lose the police officers, instead of warning
anything by the publication of 1' .r hint not to Make u noise in the Tea the world produces.
bluebook, siren), drew his sword and knocked acid 6S sold only in lead
WrilSKEY ENDS ITIS MELODY, and promptly knocked the policeman packets.
Will bo eimost ineradil l
Talo gnl;iish Posignt Wild Shsfw Aa
liner OWned King,
Seine of the new postage stardan
are to be lesued early in the New
Year, The Original idea was that
they should have been issued on the
I(,ing'$ birthday, title being found
impossible owing to the insufficient
nuulber of eheets avoflable.
Metiers. Pe le, Co, have
eharge of the printing which is being
carried out under the superr'ision of
Somerset House officials, sage the
London Daily Express.
The designs of the new etanlps have
been prepared by Mr, it1nile I'ucb5, a
The head only of the Ming le
shown on the new stamp, and he is
portrayed bareheaded and without
the crown. Xis is a departure from
the cuetoU1 that obtained under
queen Victoria, though it ie m un1-
son with the general practice of
reigning I(ings and Emperors, with
the exception of the young queen Wil-
helmina, who follows the example of Their Host Impressive L'eature
our late queen. Neglected byGuide Books.
In the penny stamp the mauve col- g
cbe- n
fir will 170 discontinued, Its place Myrdacis 4f British and Al
ing taken by a dull. crimson. This tourists are at' this moment delight
color will probably be used for fog themselves with the grandours of
stamps of a higher value, the price Alpine travel. Nothing in the world's
being plainly indicated so 0s to history is more impressive than the
avoid confusion. story of the Alps. Ten or twelve
The design of stamps, of high value million yen's ago, possibly far more,
has not yet been decided upon, u long 011000n lineof weakness, a
though it is probable that those crack or fissure in the earth's crust
most in general use will be first is stretched away from France east-
suedjward hundreds of miles. On this
As in the vaso of coins of the Vic- zine followed huge volcanic ou:t•-
(nrlen issue, itis intended to keep. bursts.. 'Next ensued a vast slow
the old ones in use until the reserve subsidence, whicli went on through
in hand Is exhausted. g001 •epoohm, until where Mont
Blanc now rears its summit 15,780
GROWING l3ABI 13. foot was a sea fringing an old eontin-
• ant, Large rivers emptied into it.
Need Watchful Care to Prevent Beeosits of mud, sand, gravel .Were
Overfeeding and the Evils laid one on another us the sinking
That Follow. went on, until the layers became
50,000 feet, nearly ten miles, tlliclt.
Then at last commenced n great up-
lifting ; the struggling subterranean
forces raised tt, huge load For ages
this went on until tiro rocks, cram-.
bled, crushed, contorted, rose above
the waters, and ccntinued to rise,
forming lines of mountain drains and
making Switzerland a tableland.
Every hour since then rain find snow,
river, glacier and avalanche have
been sculpturing into peaks and
carving into lakes and valleys that
lets, a purely vegetable medicine vast platform with its recent sedi-
guaratnteed to contain no opiate nor mentary covering and primeval gran -
tiny of the poisonous stuffs found in •ito core. - -
tho so-called soothing meuiciees. 1 The result is 0land of unequal
Mothers who once use Baby's Own grandeur. Find you this ht the guide
Tablets for their little 01105 never af- boolc0 ? Not a word of it. ' Yet
ter experinlent with other medicines, 1Professor Judd in his charming
and always speak of them in the"Volcanoes" (Began Paul) told the
highest terms. Mrs. Geo. it. John• -tale years ago .in half a dozen pages.
ston, Wall street, Brockville, says : t Would not the traveller look on the
"I have been using Baby's Own Tab- I Matterhorn, the ]ungfrau, the stn
lets for over a year, always keep 'peldeas Splugon, the massive Coth-
them in the house and always and mrd, the Mer de Glace, the deep Lake
Good for Bad Teeth
Not Bad flpr Good Teeth
sd]ais ant te " et .r . %Sc.
$oZQOI.O tat 'f "loth Powder « r 75c.
Large Ligwtrd Aural Foamier
Allsteres ar by nu>e fertile price, Sample for the postage, C.
HALL E RUCKEL, Montreal.
The " 10011300 Mllitalre", pupllshes
statistics showing that 04808 of sus*
aide are very flequcnt In the !'reach
arm? , more so, polllaps than in
ally other i'1urepoan for0e,. Among
every 1,000 deaths In the army front
ail 0411808, (10 1080 than an average of
fifty (in 1806 exactly fifty and in
18417! llfty-one) are caused by self-
destruction ; "while of every 100,004
mon on 1,310 1'0118 of the x01117 x10 100
than an average Of twenty -11070l(
commit 5uicldo every year. Among
the Colonial troops the slumber Is
even higher. In the navy the prac-
tice 500015 loss prevalent,
'111313 ONLY WAY.
7110 ]Healthy 13a.chelar - "Yoh),
daughter tolls 1310 oho is a good
The Mother --"Oh, yet, But one
has to live with her to appreciate
fully what she can do."
1+nrtlallgl llif0
All children at some period of their
infancy are subject to Indigestion,
diarrhoea, or constipation. While the
symptoms of these troubles greatly
differ, the origin of each Is duo to
the salve cause -improper food or
overfeeding. 'Ibis results sometimes
in diarrhoea, sometimes in constipa-
tion, In either the treatment is to
remove the cause, and this can only
be spec ally, safely and effectually
done by the use of Baby's Own Tab-
rltoea, 1 give him the tablets and he there.
is soon relieved. The tablets regu-
late the bowels and du not cause nf- TII79 OT73EI3 VXEIH.
ter constipation as many medicines 1
do. 1 hive also forme] them hent] -I "It seems to me," said the lady
chit in teething." with a severe glance, "that the news -
Baby's (awn T.1hlet0 ore a certtin papers print some dreadful things."
cure ter 1111 the minor ailments of lit ..yes,./ answered the reporter "it
tie ones 011011 ns 'okra sour stomach, often makes me sad to think Uiat
constipation, indigestion, diarrhoea, people insist on doing shocking
things and compelling us to wri to
about t110m."
Isfamma-"I have neon almost dis-
tracted since brother Frank gave
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. hobby that drum for a birthday pre-
re -sent.' Papa -"Why don't you make
PROTECTED. Bobby a present of a nice, sharp
Brave Act of the British Consul
at Chile.
In recalling incidents of internd-
Banta eourttby, when British and
Amyl 101111S hove supported each other,
a writer in the isoston Transcript
tells the following story which canto
etc. Children t1,`.e• Omen retmily, and
crushed or dissolved in water they
can he riven with good results to
the youngest. infant. Sold by drug-
gists or sent post pairs at 25 cents a
box by addressing the Ile Williams'
Win t::wh• The American got up,
The following story was related the
other day in the Liverpool (I'ingland)
Post. Seated in a third-class car-
riage of a south -bound express were
'eight people, Seven or the
number were quietly reading, when
suddenly the eighth broke into deep
anti blood-cei'dling groans. Horror -
down in return. Ile was au're.ted,
tried, 111,.11 ccn,lemnecl to be shut the,
next morning.
RIr. 1,4111:3. the American consul,
expostulated with the authorities,
saving utast it would be men: trolls
Black, Mixed and Green.
':.son tea drinkers trey "Salado" Green lea.
to put a 1ua11 to death for 01103 an - The Duke of Fife is the only man
offence ; but they paid no attention who has ever been known to change
stricken the rest grazed at him for a to Mini. On the day specitird the his rant: while he ate his brcakfnst.
montent and then one of thorn, with honor was brought out and pinta led, After the marring° ceremony had
in readiness for execution, been celebrated in the private chapel
great presence 01 ulhld, prOd((c d a The T,ngtieh consul, preparing to of iluekfngham Palace, on the morn -
brandy 1)1083, and, p000113 out a hoist the T'pion Jael(. saw a crowd ing of July 27(11, 1580, he led his
copious 110003ht. !orcerl it oft the su:- in the field opposite, and realized royal bride into the dlning-room,
ferer. It wits quietly dispnsd o%. that the execution 101131 about to take where the wrdding breakfast was
slow do you fuel new'!" dugn11(11 1 ,f11,". lie rushed aver to the Am- laid, as an Earl. When the meal
one or the company, 'Prime!" lens 1-1.10)1(1 (01111(1. and cried 1 was half over, the late (bleep, in
the reply. "What was the matter ••1 wring I You're tut going 10 let raising her glass to the toast of the
with you?" was rho 00x1 queryl therm shoot that roan "' young roup]e, armlet -red a dukedom
"IlLitter with me? Nothing!" was • ;Chat cell I (10 ?" was the unreel'. upon 111tu, and thus, as' he ate, he
the Indignant retort. "t'1,t11 in the 11
1 hove protested against it. 2 can passed through two ranks of the
imnmo of thunder did you gra0n like
that for, then'?" cried the owner of
the brandy. •'CIroan, sir -groan l"
said the astonished than. "\'shy, 1'
was singing."
1'1)IA-DI;.lNii1NG 111 ItLISS1A.
The Russians are the greatest tea -
drinkers In the world. They 0012- hack, acid faced the officers and mil -
Mune enormous quafltitics of the 1'e'- Ihcry.
freshing brew, but do not suttee frons ' Shnnl., 11 you dare," lie slsoutr•:',
any effects, simply because they 0011- "through the heart of i't,zi'unl and
coot the beverage differently from. America. 1"
do no inure."
C']ye ane your flag 1" cried the
I ngli01uhun.
IV% 111 the two flags in 3111 inatlrl, he
ran to the told, elbowed his way
throng'', the crowd 131311 soldiery, anti
reached ail prisoner. ITe folded the
American flag about 121211, anti laid
t1,1 Union Jock over f1.. Tie stepped
our idea. With the Russian it IN The man was not shot.
not a cup of tea, but a glass 01 tea.
A sprinkling of leaf is put into the '" - —
pot, boiling water is poured on, and hone knew thee but to love thee, none lamed thea but to l:ratse "
allowed to stand not inure then It 11 ((551(ar that:oma of rho most Weaned. poetry over written Is applicable to
thirtyseconds. A small quantify of
the brow about two tablospuonfulS-
1spow'ed into e. glass, which ie then
filled with boiling wafer. A slice of
lemon and sugar are added, and
here- we have one of the most res.
freshing and piquant drinks imagin-
able. The color of the tea no drunk
is o, Bale an04eL', and, of. course, 130
7ni1)0 is used,
11011. 11'UTIJIII. a F1'11U•:NWi'l,
no oniy thinl•n he thinks who thinks
The girl 110 l)ven to -day
Will not inset, when the'': his wife,
On bossing wet' awn way,
32 eroge-surely the quickest promo-
tion eve!" recorded, The only ex -
mimic believed to approach this is
the case of the present Prince Minis-
ter, who rose to speak in the House
of Commons as Lord Robert Cecil
and sat down Viscount Cranbourno
and heir to a marqui5ata. During
his speech the message conveying the
tidings of his older brother's death
was brought into the House, and
communicated ' to the young man
whoso whole prospects in life were
thus altered in tho course of 0.
All the Lancl Wonders at the
Remaricabre Cures Effect-
ed by Professor Akin.
Mutters, Enters nd PPr sesional
Man Tell How He Has Uured the
Blind, the Loge, the Paealy-
tic anis Manyoa the Very
Blink of Death,
Professor Adkin Offers to Help All
Sufferers From Any Disease
Absolutely Free of Charge.
Professional Bien Inves-
tigate His Powers.
rues'. Taos, F. ADKI7,
President of the Instituto et Physicians and
Surgge una,
In all parts of thi country men 'a -
women, doctors and surgeeee, clergymen en -
ad adore are wood" rear at the retnerke ,.o
curve in do 317 - Pref. 7'bo'nas P. Adkins
discoverer of too A,dkln Viteopathio treat.
Professor Adkin heals notby drue8, nor by
01tr10(30) stamina nor by 0,0opeth3', nor by
a3papti'm, nor by DI vine honing. but by e
phase 1. eyott fa furca of nature in oomb'n 1Won
with amain vital magnate role Ito, which
content th'very 5km MN Of lite tuna health .
. A reporter roan, y. talk -d with Professor
Adlnia and nits nuked so invite ad readers of
this ogle' wee are stek or who oro worrie(1•by
theinsof those dole to them 'Le write to Ida 1 ietnew the tenet symptom of catarrh, and
4%1313of prnlso this remedy to 1rghly.."
ring lnnf; '+iSI nh 0s5th'" neer
front a aetnul Cal 1011 of 11100,150", 1058 re Cured
to eerteat health and etroteah by !'lofts tr
vnunpeol anon net ono 0d Is dirt/ape
bot itcureet a 11110090' 0018)iused In Vombina.
tion wlttl E .1 proper rv1 )' eh: ]f l0)' ar0
nR f
says. , u m• mot what a ter l e o oar lv o
says you =mot be area, write to PI ofason•
Adk n ta•day t ted him the landing symptoms
of l our 0' mnlnlol, how long yen have been.
sesame,and 130 will of 5000 diagnose your
rase, te1. rots -the °sect disease front wldch
,Mae oro suffer( rp, and aver be the treatment
that will prsineety euro von, 'rhiaa00 3 Sen
ebenugly- no h as. Professor Atlkln Will
oho rend you a nopy of his- mem) out new
book untitled "Bow to Be Curets and Mow t,
Cure OtF tee' This book tolls you exnety
how l're O=,rr Adkin will mire yen, It fully
end ecaq,laoly describes the endure of (13
wonderful try taunt ]talso ex'lalns to you
how you 1•oirsllf may no, et, this great heal.
ing poi •ernnd.cure the s10a around you,
Professor Adkln deme not a k o o cent for
Ilia services 11n this 0anue02lan. They wilt be
gvon 10 you n11001l:ely'fro% ifs has 'Marie a
W0nderfal discovery, slid he wis' es to pig ea
11 is tato han118 01 every rick p01ao11 In thtp
country. Chat t'o may be restored to perfect
to nith oed strength, Mark 3anr letter per
send when you write, and n a one tut ,
1'r..flower Adkin 11 s •o it. Address Ar fewer
Thor. 1r. Adkin, alt.* 720 tab 1tocliesier, N Y.
Most housekeepers have wondered
what the white powder covering the
nutmeg is. An old spice dealer is
d tuthority that a5 soon as the nut-
imog is gathered it is rolled in a lime
made from burnt oyster shells in or -
1 der to prevent its destruction by the
veovil, and it is this dust that re-
mains upon it. Mace is one of rho
outer coverings of the nutmeg, and
's preferred by many cooks because
of its color.
Mioard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
The prison population of Cape Col-
ony is 18 per 10,000 of inhabitants.
There aro 10 colored convicts to ev-
ery white one.
A. Welk -Known
Beachviile Lady
Cured of Catarrh
in its Worst Form
After Years of
There era hundreds of so-oalled` catarrh
onus, int those who hem) tried thong n11 Pro*
hG,im Japan° a 4awrrh Cure the only real anti
permanent, curb
Mies A. Now, Soaehvtllo, Ont writes: -"1
feel .0o gratified tortato in1•alunhle benefit.
derived from Jnpan080 Cat em Ciro that 1
would 11k0 t0 make this wonderful nxd eine
k town to al, villa hum this mos rnn,oy-
iugnnd dis•greenbto. disease. 1 lead ran rrh
tar years. Tam was almost a 10.41002 drop -
piggin my throat and my breath wag very.
(,b)0011'1121111010.otlttre Nothing I (01(111 get
1031.0 oto any perm, uont relief until I used
d •' pny550 00200rh Curo. flume in en six boxes.
and itworked won cors 10 111V 0/50. 1 -have
foe nr11.tan00. "wane people have deal tied,
said Prof180or Adkin, "ih-.1 my powers are of
God •they call mea ulv no healer, a man of
my1110r1onnpnw.r8. This is not 20; 1 curs
because altnderllandmetere, boesesoI use a-
Fu elle tr. re 01 net 000 to 0011d tip 0)7 8211(51)1
warenoroheal h. But at the same tame 1
Is -novo that the CT for wool(1not have van
memo opportunity to make the discoveries I
Wive made, nor (ha ability to deve,op there if
Heiuod tint intendedthat l ohoul.I 11-0 them
for the i 041 of humanity. I therefore feel
t' at ft is m. duty to patio the benefit. of the
solace 3 5000de, to all who • re oull'ering, 1
want l0u to tell your 'faders that they can
write to ane in the etrlrtest contllonco if ihny
aro Oro !bled with any kind of disease and 1
Wal thoroughly diognoso their awes noel
p ascribe a smote home treatment which I
positively guarantee to effect it complete cure,
ableintolfree of chnrgo. I care not how
serious their cases, nor how hopch/se they
may 8001,1.1 wow- than to write to ma and loo
1nemalrothem well. I feel that this Is my
lire's work.
Soreat is the sensa'ionwrought in the
medical world by the wonderful cures par-
formed by Professor AdIUn that a voral
lretse(ional glint omen were yoked to invo(ti-
gata the e1l'00 Among these gentlemen wore
Pater L It, Ilawloy mad Dater 11,Dutton
Whitney. both famous 911701031os nod surg-
roar, After a they nen and painstaking
Itivo)tignt en those eminent physician -1 were
no the farroschtng powers of
Prof enter 1dkinfind the wane 0rfn1 anew of
✓ h 015111' that they volunteered to to sake
all other 110l in 31' 3 and an other kinds of
,treatment end devote themselves tc assisting
Professor Adkin In hlu great work for newest -
With tbo 0150010 , of the AdkinSteopathy treatment eminent physiolane aro
genornlly 85(80(1 Lent t ho treatment of 11)05020
has tot snit b5bf 00ducatl to na nxa03 8010na.
1)) 511 some $000 man and women have
been aired b the powers of ProfeR,oe Adkin,
hind tomo were tomo, sumo wore
Japanese Catarrh ( ore hi the only perninnent
enduaran teed aerobe,cotan•h, .en druggists
all Sit, 110 cents. or mailed; postpaid, by Tne
1 1(1616%0 8c "Macpherson Ce„ Limited, 1:1
Ginner, S Toronto
So ower d
dont Bebe wore their n, sont'otiy tblo to
lave, no 529lhnir
100 inf1r111ity, 0)0008
were afflicted with Bright's diseano, heart
dtsenso, con0umpt]'n tad other so-called
Llcurnb1e (11,080050, dome 1081)3 0011011510 tr0m
kidney trouble, dyepepsie, nervous dobillty,
Insomnia, nonrnlgla, constipation, 'teums-
tismn, tomreato mrr0uonbh000
1311(1 0A.° thor's
an nimi5tallard 1110.
Sumo wew
drunkenness, mo131111no and 01001 evil habit,.
I° all 00300 Professor Adkin treats be guavas
tetra a. euro. Mom there em the brink of the
heave with an bane 05 0550very-gyro end
desentr8(1 of by do gore and friends n ileo, have
been restored toner:cot beatth by the fere, of
Vitaopethy and Professor Adkin'0 m10rro ons
skill. And, remarknba es It 0183 08000,
d33Loltco baemmlenb d,d'oromm. Those 1101ng
tar away have boort cured in the pr!Yea of
their own 11011100, 88 well as those who have
been treated In pertain, Professor Adkin
asserts that he can care hay 01(0 at 8107
Malabo°aeWell a8 though- he stood before
Notbmgaaa0 john Adams, of Ill 01021, rya
Sown, who lad bcon lama for 20. roars, was.
'permanently cured by ProfessornAdin
without an operation of any kind, Abbot 1fhb
ammo time the city of Rochester, N, Y., was
Ms,,La, by Lite cure of one of its oldest restdente, Mr. P, A. Wright, W had Leon rutty
blind tor 8 30 tang period, 'hn 10, Nets of
from a.
who had suffered for years
from a ent0r00t over Itis loft 8y0, was ep0odil y
restored to perfect eikhtwltheut an operation,
Fromsg o' etry, Indiana' 1/amen oho ir.MK of
the reeerei-ryof Mrs, Mary Weber, who heti
been prttefle811y r, G. ora 1051,while In
Warren, Pa., Mr, (4. W, awake a noted
leboatere mite and, ariiiitr who .)van soli was',
(t; unsUrllaesed for Wellness of Flavor and Purity, Ono trial Will prove
it, Load pf(0100 ea, 25, 80, 40.870 and 60e,
A box ()Ismael gr",ora Oraegd
far 54,0'4, Spvcla! prii es in Iofy
of 3 or mora bones, Wo h.iVP
t 1260silo ,
(50,x sea b ad s
The Dawson Commission co., Limited, Toronto,
If Any Palstors to )011 blear 3010 quu]p 3)pr.4rrior0 d•O+Ua.--
Hostess --"My Atte count, you roust
pardon me, but T have such a pgor
me1na'y for names, it's a real ethic -
tion. 1 have forgotten yours,"
The Count -"You 530u13 gonzult a
specialist ou mental discuses, my
tear madam, you really shoult, D'iy
name is l(askowowekischniflingioski.
Ilaard's Liniment for saleeveruivhere
"When the lecturer made agram-
matical error it brought down the
house," said Miss Gurley,
"I don't think..the house had been
well brought up," eomm011t0(1 Mrs.
Gurley, gravely.
I' was cured or a bad case 01 Chip
Sydney, C.D. C. T. ,LA.GU3,
I w0.8 cured of loss of voice
122010 cured of Sciatica Tthownatism
Burnt, NIld, LEWIS S. ]IUTLf R,
Tho average Englishman of twenty
will live 39 to 40 years, The girl of
twenty may expect 2 1 -5th years
more than this,
For Over Fifty •Tears
tifint,Wrsatoses50013)x0 8rror hoe been used hr
pillions or mothers r0r (1olr ohltdron wbilo teething.
Itnotnhea the child, mite ns 1110 game, al. ors pale, cure)
collo. roguia00a lho vtol..h ,m1 1,050)0 and to tha
pert romody 101 01111'1111, 1-00,0 -5,0 von% *bottle
a� ior8"d0030 Wisstor ie flo0T01111world.
Br uero. euro Lo j
Mr. Fussy (rearranging the things
in the parlor) -"You have wretched-
ly poor taste, illy deaf," .'
Dirs. Fussy (resignedly)"That's
what everybudy sold when I married
you, Henry.". -
Fifteen tllouSend orimellais a 7(141)
140o sontonecd to be flogged in Ixiditle;l
me ('41)141 A 500(3 IX 058 PAP.
Take Lnxniivo Bromo Qninlne 1(1113t0 A
dreggitt0 mend the money if 1t falls to a trei
10, -W, Qrovo'n signature 10 on onelt box, 7001
IJ0r?4011'8 20 biggest hotels repro„
sant a capital of seven millions eater -
lin accommodate s
g, amu date 8,4001guests a
night during the 0eason, and Ontplt;y,
4,500 servants,
s LeeCu es BUreS1 de,
T110 world's yearly coal is worth
$750,000,040.; her gold 5125,000,,
000 only,
Stops tar Cougar
nod wnr,rs off Ute Cold.
opo day rNo Ler% No ay. Prloo 20 ft
Rosewood is not tho wood M ally
species of rose -tree, nor is it rod. Its
fragrance gives it its name. '
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that eo13ta111 Mercury
a0' mercury will threly d0•troy the erns° of
smell end ,•ompletely dvrane° rho whole Ay, tem
when entering *t through the mor ons aurfacot,
'Such a•teens should never be used oxeap' en
nrescrip' ion+ tram remnt•)118 physicians, AN 1 ho
d.mage they will do is ton L 11 to the, good you
possibly dal Pc,
Ou m031000(1 b10,J Cheny& re,. To-
ledo, 0., contains ne mercury. and la taken in-
ternally, noting dirattly upon the blood and
muceu. snrfnces of the system, In buying
Hales ChanelCure be sure yea got the gene
Mo. It is 1. ken Intnrnnty,end man) in Toledo
Ohio, by. F, J. Cheney- 8s 00. Testimonials
field by Druggists; price 700 per '
Hall's Family Pills aro the beet.
At A.uchmoro TIouse, in Scotland,
is a vino bigger than that at Hamp-
ton Court, It produced three years
ago 4,000 bunches` of grapes.
Miaard's Lialmoot Cures 0 andrfff1 I
women were first employed in the
British Post Office in 1870. Thorp
are now' about 105,000 Peet-teietr014
ses and clerks,
P C 111137
cc; AtRa.7a.243 T...a3`LC:9
Preserves the toroth. Sweetens the breath,
8trongtho0 the gums
Instrumento, Drums, Uniforms, Eta,
Lowest prices ever quoted. ]'Rep oatalo,Inn
00illdongin ieupl 3or lln•cterl Runtrententi uny.
WHALEY ROYCE & CO., Limited!
Tomato, OOG, and Winnipeg, Man
Gerrits'Stotts Cleaved
or Dyed; n1(0084ics"weur of all kinds,
001Uo1,111SUAL101- DYvclr110, tenon.
81111'1f38 ,&AISJItICAN DTPITIPGi• co'r,
' Montreal, To,oato, Ottawa & Quoboa
Dominion Lille Steamsrlipsi
Monueai to LivsrpooL Soaton to Livor.
pool. Portland to Llv0rpool. Via Quoins.
Lara and Fut Steamships, Superior aoosws.o4Atlgn
(or eti ol.15w•e oleo/vegan. enloom solg8t1ntereetg)
second Saloon o. 5auduial 'rbir Olaw, intion lne0mmalakUn, Pet
tato ofpaanegoand all partnlulare, only to toy ng'on1
at tbo 0#011.7., or
ltiehani1 Mien a W, D. rorraona t Ov
77 estate 5c, Sento. 00501,ea0 'wad 00liand
Soreness removed at onoe, No
Gtr left If•CILEADINE Is promptiy
applied. don't forget the flame
i"Giieadine," be. iletlm of (Mead.
large Poxes 2So. Thugx,ists, or
Cileadine Co., Toronto.
.. ...,.....,..-,.......,,.. _ , ..,„ _ ,.. ,., .., ......
0000000000000000000000100100800002)000o0a00m0001100060,8(100 Omt0a Om0a0a0aam000mm80140001
Cured FSt9,giih€378 1''5"gags,
Pd' s 1'ns or b6aaiiaryments
p �r ..4 ,, + `• ``'^� ""1 ars glad to say that Say rheametaio
a " i pains are gone and I have not had a
ia Belt boa
E lame back sines I put the
gar 1 Joseph Littlejohn, Marrlsdale, Ont,' 0.
.o . T a it was a new st;axat e
e "The best day's work; I aver done was to come to . oronto sea you, a r a
in life, I was nearly drawn double with pain, but there is not a trace of it left.' -El, Mich, 0
s arson, Niagara Falls South, Ont, m
e "I am pleased total you that 7 am well, !thud that after giving your Met a fair trial I .A/
am completely ourod of rhoulmatiam:"-Borley Halo, 205 Say street N., Hamilton.
O v.. i r ,m. i sl; y,•t 1.y
1t «„atria � it .0
',f,,IA , It
There is no need to suffer torturing,
pains and ruin your stomach with
drug s when you can be completely
cure% in from one clay to a few, weeks.
Read the evidence:— •
,(I was suffering from rheumatism
all over my body before I got your Belt
and In three months was entirely
Cured."-Vt7'illiani Aldous, 2141 Christie
street, Toronto.
,a Stops the pain, Traps the blood front Utile said and gives strength to the pain -worn miracles and nerves, Ib 15 6
Sclati0:t, a
a the oniy 13e1t thatdoes11't burn or blister. It also cures Nervous I)lsordars, Weak 13,141 Lumbago, 0,
• Liver, Kidney and Bowel Troubles, "Como -and -Ge" Pains and that fired ]reeling after every other treatment a
• has failed. 1 gMaraftee a cure W I say It will cure. I dont ask any ono to take chat co ,tith
,0 my invention. Its doesn't cost yOu anything if it Eallm. n
CALL I o-Cs2Y. Consultation
m . MEd�aaiic. if you can't 0411 sand for myii0• sago pool(, whicli tells of my method of tr�attanent and
'0 testimoniQs hem tho awed. Scut, tealacl, free. At dross, enclosing this act,. ' o
® DR. M. b. 31/46LAU HUN, 130 Vo ige fit., Toronto, Ont. °flAmsAal$an ova