HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-12-26, Page 5DEC 26,, 1901
County Court
'Phe county court opened on Tuoaday,
December 14th, before dodge DQyie with
a largo number of motes on the docket,
1 rand jury Wee n a foL
1; w aam and
H J Y .a s
,clue. --Thee, Newsome, Bruasele (tore,
man) ; Alexander CMS, Qoderich ; Richard
Delbriage,"TiebOrne; 1?ntriQlr Sulii6an,
Stephen ; lrly, Hamilton, 11fgKillop 1 A.
Lowry,: lirueeele ; Thu, Mille, Grey ;
Robb, Mcegrove, 13111evafo ; rhos; Robert.
eon, Cjolbertie ; W. A. Rose, Qoderioh
1Vendell Submidt, Hay 1 W. H, Willie,
Pusateri; f, Thos. H, Taylor, West Wawa,
There was no 'criminal beelines before
the Clout so the iabore of the gond jury
wore lihht.
There were twelve,oivil entree on ,the
deeliet, of whioh fuer were la be Irled be.
tare a jury. ren
r e.
The tl et of the ivy oases wag that of
BoberteQ0 Ve, Towle, in which M.re, ,filo,
o deme Lewis,
LL A an am:adult I h 0 t e.
lop oOoNnt R u old pt who boor
Coined owing', it wag alleged, to a defec-
tive e1a&rradii; in Bald block, etre.
Tiobertoort in June Leet visited Dr,
Whitley'd office and when elle wee coming
away a rung in the stairway to whioh rhe
woe bolding gave way and alio fell to the
bottom of the stepa, Her arm was
broken and gbe enetained Other injurioe,
J. T. Garrow, K. 0., woe 000neel for
p'ff; W.'Prondfoot for deft. The jury
returned for the defendant, and the aa•
tion was diemtesed with mete,
Dovan ve, Arohibald was en action. for
wages, • J. T, Garrow, K, 0,, fur plff ;
Upon getting the best goods.iu',th.e
market at Reasonable Prices, at the
Old Reliable
A full Assortment of the Choicest
Special Values .in—
Plain and Fancy China & Glassware:
Also a Full Line of General
Philip holt, K. C., for deft. Trial poet•
paned. .
bill et'!mete.Phllitjt,ttfin' , K. 0 , for
plff I Wm, Puoudfeot for deft.. 13Y eon.
eo t ooa aal file Honor direoted
Mont ho entered for pill Or 411nd
P amore vg, Andrews et el.—AMIGO
on a j,rotnleeory ;note, Philip kIolt, ?x,
0•, for plff Wm. Proadfoot: for deft.
Trial postponed till the neX.t. Joao citing
of tine court,
The remaining uses were ell on the
non jury Het.
Arent vs, Town of Seeturth ooenpied
Iwo dare and a half in the trial, twenty.
five witeeoeea being examined, The plff,
wae William Ament, of Seaforth, whose
horse tell and broke its leg while being
driven over a granolithia crossing in the
town of Seaforth, Tho plaintiff oouteed,
ed that tbe epproeoh to the oraaeing woe
not is a proper condition, and he sued
the oorporatioo for the lose of his borers,
Some gator wee lent to plaintiff's opnten.
tion by the action of the town eoneoil
itself in having the approaoh properly
graded ehortly after the accident our -
red, J. T. Gorrow, K. 0., and 11, S.
Haye (Seaforth) were oonneel for plff ;
Wm. Proudfoot and 3. L, Killoran (Sea
forth) for tke defendant oorporetien,
His Honor gave jgdgutent for the plff. for
$180, with full county Court coup. Pro
oeedfogs 'stayed for thirty days,°
Quebec Banti ve. 0antin et a1.—Action
on a promissory note. Phflip Heft, K.
0., for plffa ; E Campion, K, 0, for
deft. By oonaent of ooun•eI Hie Honor
directed that judgment be entered for the.
plffe, fur the cum of $870.16 with conte,
Rudeliffe ye. Town of Goderioh and. Mo
Donald ve. Town of Goderioh, two notions
ono t
a conn of aaofdente occurring on the.
streets of the town, .were postponed to the
25th of January. Speere ve, Dowering
was poe'tponed to the first week in Janu-
ary and Van Lgmoud ve.. Levy wae
settled out of Court.
Campbell et
p al, ye. Young was an loo•
tion for the price of sinking and easing
a well, the defendant being W. F. Young,
a well known farmer In the township of
Colborne, who claimed that the work bad
not been done according to oontraot, W,
Proudfoot for plffe. ; M. G. Cameron for
deft. There were a large number of
witness, 8 in this use, and a oonolueion.
not being reached on Setarday an ad-
journment wee made to Monday, when
the ease was further adjourned to Deo.
28rd, at 11 o'clock.
® •EP7 ear et=o
For Everybody
More and more every season people are searching out the useful for Holiday Gifts. A
Dry Goods Stock is pre-eminently a stock of useful articles and one like this is full to overflowing
with lines that make useful and appropriate gifts for the Greatest of all Holiday Seasons. What can
be better to give than something that will be of some practical use to the recipient. Our stock to -day
embraces hundreds of such lines and the searcher of thepracticaland useful as well as the beautiful
will find themselves well repaid by a visit here. We are ready for Holiday Business now. Prudent
shoppers will make their selections now while stocks are, at their best and
Before the rush that invariably comes with Christmas Week.
Many people prefer to make up their own Holiday Gifts. Those who do will find a splendid assort-
ment of popular materials, such lines as
Ribbons,. Fancy Sateens, Roman Satins,
Fancy Work Linea, Plain Satins, Plain Colored Silks,
This store! ie noted for the excellence of its Ribbon Stook.
'There's no eaob assortment of Ribbons' hereabouts as
you willfiud in obr`RibbodCaee. Values too are better
by far than-you,get. in most pleoee. A big ebipmeot of
new ehadea, partion'arly suitable for Fenoy Work, jest
paeeed iuto stook this week. All e•lk and double faced
Satin Ribbons i». Roes Pink, Coral • Pink, Buttercup,
Dream, Nile Green, Pale Blue, Bright Cardinal.
We have one epenial line in Linen for Fanoy Work that is
a great seller, 45 iaah extra fine and even thread, all
pure linen at 50o.
We carry the beet assortment of Plain and Taney Sateene
in town. Our range of Fancy Patterne, suitable for
ouebions, eta., is very large, and we etiow every wanted
Mode . in plain oolore, Our plain Sateene ar'e imported,
the cloth ie firm and the bright finish lasting, all the
shadesin stook, -Cream, Buttercup, Pole Blue, - Pink
Cerebra, Mauve, Nile Green, Cardinel, Garnet.
Our, great line of colored Japan Silk ie without an equal for
value in the trade. All pare Silk, 20 inebee wide, all
the fanny shades, 25o per yard.
A new material, better by far than Sateen's, all the appearance of Satin at one•halt or one third of the
out. Never losesits rich, glossy look, all Raney Wades, 30 inobee wide, at 200 and`26o per yd.
Those who have not time to make-up Christmas' Presents will find here a great collection of
useful articles that are most appropriate for Holiday Gifts such as ---
-•l EVERY Seaeon se roe to see them grotsdaintierand-prettier-.in.design.
AN DIST P C I�[T L r This Seaeon'e stock excels any we have ever shown both Rot 'down
right good valve in Plain Goode and for, neatness and beauty of
pattern in Fancy Lines, No person ever bee too many of them and being entity eent by mail they make an ideal gift for absent
!Hoods, If you are fond of the delicate and dainty in Handlterobiefe you'll enjoy looking over our Handkerchief etoek. Ont of
our dozens of different lines we draw particular attention to the following Ladies' Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, neat
patterns, epeoiai value at 50 and 100. Dozens of dainty deelgne in Fancy Embroidered and Laoe Edge, by far the beet value
we've yet shown at 12ao. Very fine Linen and Lawn, lane edge, at 16c, 18o,,20e, 25o, 35oand 50o,
LOVES ALWAYS useful, always acceptable, there are few artiolee more enitelote for Xmae Gifts to a lady
than a pair of line Kid Gloves. We have a particularly good stock of Fanoy Gloves in Sratwlate
LV� Ia suitable for the Holiday Beason, Guaranteed Kid Gloves with two and three Dome
qualities e t 9
Fasteners at $1 00 and $1;25.
Dry Goods and Groceries. BRUSSELS.
ClirisIMas Bnying 6
Now is the Gift -giving season and berg you will find
some of the very best values in the trade
Tine Furs at Small .Pi" ices
Our Sable Ruffs are .Beauties,
Our Ladies' acheTailor-made Saits in Oxford
Grey, at x`5.50, are the greatest snap
in the market,
FOR FINE LINENS of every kind see our selection of Table
Cloths, Table Napkins, Doylies, Tray Olotbe and Sideboard $oarfe,
Also Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Pillow Shame and Drapes
in some of the prettiest and Neweet Workmanship,
If you want to keep your feet warm and looking nice see our display
in Fanoy Slippere for Men, Women and Ohitdren.
tom" ALL MILLINERY at sweeping rednotione for the Xmae trade,
The grand jury brought in the follow-
ing preg0otment 3
The jurors of our lord the King beg
leave to preeentae follows :' They have
examined the jail and find five prisoners
therein and one lying dead, The rooms
are keptMean, The prisoners have no
oomplainte to make. The new residence
far the jail '
jailer a spaaioue, airy building
and a o,edlt to then
ooa ty,
They further beg leave to report that
they went to Clinton and examined the
House of Refuge, and found seventy seven_
persons therein and some of them poorly
glad. Mr. and Mre. French are: well
adapted for the work allotted to them.
All of which is respectfully 0ubmitted.
TRoe. NEweoMR, Foreman,
Grey Council Meeting.
The 121.11 meeting of Grey Council was
held in the Township Hall, on Deo. 16,.
1901. Present fall Connell. Minutes of
last meeting read and paeeed. Moved by
Turnbull, seconded by Livingston, that
By•lew, No. 177, koown e9' Gregg drain
By,law be provisionally paeeed this 16th
day of Deo, 1901, and that Court of Re-
vision for same be held at Townehip Hall,
Ethel, on Monday the 3rd of February,
1903, at 11 o'olook a. m.—Carried. Pett.
tion from Valentine Faereeter and others
for Municipal Drain called the Looking
Dram red. moved by Livingeton, sea•
onded by McDonald, that petition be ap
proved and that a Bylaw be prepared
appointing John Roger ae Engineer to
examine and report on same.—Carried.
Bylaw No. 178, appointing . John Roger
Engineer, re. Leaking Drain read let, and
and 8rd time and finally passed. Moved
by McDonald, seconded by Fraser, that
an order be granted Jaoob Kreuter, Col-
lector, for 95.92, for the following taxes
remitted :-Mrs. Steel, 91.45 ; Aire. Me.
Kay, 91.45 ; Mre. Siemon, 91:45, end
Mrs. MoIntoeh, 6L57.—Carried. Moved
by Tarnbull, eeeonded by Livingston,•
that the Contractor's time for completion
of Hall Drain be extended to. Deo. let,
1902, on coodition that they will push
the work along in the Spring ae Goon ae
the weather will allow and will continue
until. oompleted.—carried. Moved by
Fraser, seconded by McDonald, that the
Burn of95.00 be granted the Ethel, Wel.
ton and Molesworth Pablio. Libraries, to.
be paid as Boon se in operation.—Carried..
Moved by Livingston, geoouded by Mo.
Donald, that the By-law read -re the
Abolishing of Statute Labor be submitted
to the ratepayers by open vote at the
Eleotion for Connell, should any be held
this year, and that,00pies of theeame be
printed: and posted up at each polling
place.—Carried. Moved by Livingstone,
seconded by MoDoaald,that the clerk
-have printed on poet oarda the law in
reference to obetrnating of drains and
that be Bend one to -each party through
whose farm Beauchamp Drain paean.—
Carried. Moved by Livingston, eeeonded
by Turnbull, that the. Clerk notify James
A. Bell, the Engineer on Government
Drain No. 2, that they ooneider that he
ehould ant liberally towards the contrac-
tor in painting the contract ae to the fill.
ing of old °haunet as long ae consistent
within the rights of the Oonnoil.—Carried.
Moved by Fraser, eeeonded by McDonald,
that the following a000uote be paeeed and
orders Wetted for the same by the Treas.
arae,—carried.-=Peter Scott, repairing
Grader, 46o ; Corporation Brunie, Hall
rent. 912.00 1 John Roger, Engineer Hall
Drafo $8.00, 14th oon, drain 90.00, Mo.
TaBrown award dram,16 00, Perry award award 916.00,
$90,00 ; Geo. Dunlop, MoTaggart drain,
92.25 ; W. H, Kerr, printiog„ 92000 ;
Chris. Reynard, culvert lot 21, eon, 8,
91,60 ; W. H. Kerr, 910 00 ; F. Coate,
gravel, 91.62 ; Gnht & Fogel, Hall drain,
9167.00 ; L. McDonald, error in roll,
92 00 ; Chas, O'Oonnor, ditto, 91.00 ;
Andrew Johnston, ditto, 91.00; John
Davidson, Calder bridge, 91,60 ; Nichol-
son & Oannely, MoTaggart drain, 9346 00 ;
Albert Fox, error in roll, $9.98 ; Peter
Keffer, culvert, side line 3. loon. 7, 96 60 1
Hugh MoKienon, cleaning award drain
lot 10 oon. 8, 91.50 ; Robt, Bell, culvert lot'
3, oon. 6, 91.60 ; Tboe, Btraehan, gravel,
80o ; Robb, Bell, guard rail sideline 2, oon.
2,$8,00 ; Riohaed'Jaoklin, repair toad,
lot, 22, oon. 6, $4 90 ; H. Johnston, gravel,
11,60 ; Wm. Buyers, tile drain, lot 35,
On. 2, $2 60 ; Wm. Lucas, gravelling
Elora boundary, 760 ; John ]tiddley, ettl.
vert and grading, son. 8, 97,00;: Geo,
Carruthers, repairing road aide linee,00n.
1, 91.00 ; Wm. Fraser, to pay agreement
drain aide line, 4 con,, 910.00 ; Peter
Nioholeon, Clerk drain, 9220,00 ; H.
Smith, tile in drain, boundary Wallace,
920.29 ; Chas, Mitchell, error in roll,
91,00 ; John Meehan, gravel, $4.00 ; Wm,
Flood, oleening award drain Logan boon.
ditty, 9175 ; John MoTaggart, MoTag•
gart drain road oblvert, $10.00 ; John
MoTaggart, MoTaggart drain timber,
$2 00 ; James MoTaggart, removing
Mull out of drnib, 98,00' Jambe Mann,
timber and drain, 91.26 ; b, Querengeeeor,
timber, &o., 916.24 ; John McKay, tim•'
her, 96.16 ; Jae. Hanna, wire fence aide
line 5, oon, 12, 94,00 ; Job Dunbar,
ditch lot 28, oon. 7,91770; Semi, Wright,'
tile, 91.80 ; G. K. Matheson. MoTag-
gart drain, $10.00 ; 3. Keller, error to
roll, $1.00 ; b. S. Cole, lumber, $12.14 ;
John Rose, gravel, 80o'.;4. McDonald,
gravel, 913 80 ; Paul Doig, gravel, 92 56 ;.
Geo. AfoDonald, gravel, 82a; A. McNair,
expenses to Goderioh, $6.00; Municipal
World, Debenture Register, $4,21 ; Mrs.
E Fax charity, $60.00 00 ; A. McNair
postage, 92 60 , Jae. A.Ball, extension
Govt. drain, 970.00 Jae. A. B, ll, Govt.
drain No. 2, 916.00 ; Alf. Holienbeok,
gravel, 96 26 ; Dan. Cooper, gravel, 64.80;
T. Alcoak, gravel, $4 40 ; T. Al000k, drain
sideline 1, con. 14, $2.00 ; Thos. Chapman,
Salary caretaker, 916 00 ; Jae. Turnbull,
salary, 970.00 Wm. Fraser, salary,
$50 00 ; Jae. McDonald, salary, 952 00 ;
R. Livingston, salary, 958.00; A. Turn-
bull, salary, $56 00 1 Wm. Mitchell, 98.00,
John Oardiff, $6 00, Thee, MoFadzean,
86 00, salary Board of Health ; Jas.
Turnbull, salary Board of Health and
eeleoting jurors, 910.00; Jae. Turnbull,
Iuepeotor Hall drain, 96 00 ; R Living.
eton, . Iuepeotor MoTaggart dram 93 00
R. Livingston, Inspector Govt. drain
No. 2, 04.00 ; Jacob Kranter, taxes re.
witted, 95.92. F. S. Scorn, Clerk.
Gotie rich,
jury sittings at Woodetook on Deo. 21, he.
tore Justice Ferguson, the one of the
Town of Goderioh v. the Goderioh Eleva,
tor company was oontinued. The real
matter in dispute between the parties
was about $7,000 of interest, the greater
part of whioh had'aoofnod during the de-
lay in getting a deep channel to the eleva
tar, caused by the unexpeoted discovery
of rook during the sounding of dredging.
The 'iniereet ie praotiaally lost money.
Neither the town Dor the company wanted
to bear the lose, and they could not agree
on any basis upon which to share it. Hie
Lordshipstronglyurged settlement, and
finally it wae agreed that the oompany
would' aeenme 92,500 of it and the town
bear the rest. Accordingly a judgment
was consented to, by whioh the company
pays to the town $52,500 on February 1
next, that being the 960,000 of stook
whioh the tow» temporarily took in the
elevator oompany, together with the oom
pany'e share of the interest. Thereupon
the town will guarantee the bond° of the
company to the extent of $50,000, as
agreed. The company is to have ex-
emption of taxes for ten years, exoept
eoboottaxee, and ie to have free water for
fire protection. His Lordehip oongratn•
lated the counsel and their oliente on the
settlement of what promised to be a pro
longed and very ooetly litigation. This
concluded the baefneee of the court,
lfil a'Va.
Some of oar citizens talk of making
ohaogeein Blyth public school board at
the approaching municipal elections.
Mise Graham,' who was a member of
the Blyth public school staff for the past
year and a half, len for Dashwood, where
she has been engaged to teach during the
next year.
Howard Alexander, of Winnipeg, will
spendthe holidays at Jae. and Mrs. Bent.
ley's. Mre. Alexander and daughter
have been gueete at the Bentley home
for some months.
Mies Zella carder, who spent the last
six weeks visiting with friends at Rich-
field Springs, New York, has arrived
home. She also visited with Buffalo
friends for a few days ou the return
At the close of Council Matinees on
Monday evening, of last week, the mem.
here of Blyth Council and village ofte iale
adjourned to Stothers' reatanrant and
partook of oysters and other good things
at the expenee of the Reeve and editor.
At the last meeting of the Council
Conn. Sloan moved, eeeonded by Conn.
MoNally, that the thanks of this Council
be hereby tendered A. E. Bradwin for
hie regular attendance at the meetings of
thie' board and for hie correctand
eatiefaotory reports, of the proceedings of
the Oounoil for 1901.—carried.
Blyth'lodge, No. 140, Ancient Order of
United Workmen, elected the following
ofiioer l for the eneuing year : Past Mast.
ter, D. Nicol ; 'master, N. Coming ; fore.
man, 4. G. Emigb ; overseer, 0. John -
eon ; Treasurer, R. Milne ; financier, Dr.
Carder ; recorder, T. J. Huokatep ; guide,
A, E. Bradwin ;. inside watoh, J. M.
Hamilton ; outside watch, W. Potter.
Albert Sellars arrived home ttom De-
troit on Tueeday evening of last week.
For some past he has been employed
in the Detroit yards of the Pere Mar-
quette railway as a ewitohman. One even -
rug about three weeks ego he was riding
on the foot board in front of a yard on.
gine when one of the cylihdere of the en.
gine buret. A piece of the broken
cylinder bit Albert in the lefthaud, knock•
lug hie lantern out of hie hand and tak-
ing oft half of hie index finger. He is
now at home nursing the injured finger
nod feeling thankful that be wag not bit
in any other part of hie body, tot it oer.
tainly would have been instant death,
,r .. l i STOF'E,
G : "T BUYINGr.. t t
Cbrietmas comee.guiokly on—lege than ape week away 00w. Thoaghtfni•
buyers are looking ahead and buying their gifts for old and, young, the"aeaviaeable
and desirable Bind—Gloves, Hoelery, Hancikerobtefe, SOU, Opera Flannels, Men's
Kid Gloves, D Oyliee, centre Pines, Stamped Linen, Tray Clothe, Sideboard Drapes,
0o8181on Tope, Fur Naffs, 0aperioes, Jaokete, children's Fur Seta, Eta. Those apd
many other articles too nmeroue 10 mention are to be famed here in great profusion,
at very low prieee for such eXaellent quality of goods.
Everybody gives Handkeroblefe at Olmlatmae, and very good and node' preeepte
tney are. We have them ill all kinds and gnailties;—Pure Linen, hem•etitohed
lace !Ogee, at 15a, 200 and 25o. Fine Lines Lawn Handerohiefe, hemstitch, at
5c, 6 for 32o, Children's Fanoy H#edkerobiefe, from lo up, Yeti should visit.
our Handerohief department before the etoak ie broken, You will be earpriood
at the great variety you will see,
We show a large variety of Fanoy Japanese Silks in Taffetas, Wash alike,
Silk Mantle Drapes, Silk Pietro Drapes, Embroldered Satin, Onehion Tope, Silk
Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Chiffon Ties, Waist Silks, Golden Draperies, Silk Table
Coverer Japaneee bilk Searle, Art Denims and other goods'whisb are very suitable
for Christmas preeente;
The following also make very appropriate peasants ;—Men's Satin and Meraeriz•
,zed Scarfs, at 25o, 40o, 50a and 91, Ladies' and Misses' Gauutlete, in grey and
black, at 46o, 6Qo, 75o and 81, and in Persian Lamb Gauntlets, at $4 and 90,
Ladies' and Misses' Fur Ruffs, at 50o, 750, $1, 9L50, $2,50 'and 98.76. Men's
Lined Kid and Mocha Gloves, at 50o, 76u, 91 and 01.60 Our etook of Chrietmee
goods eurpaeeee anything we have shown.
for Ready UUI�
Is' ready for Fall and Winter weather.
with a splendid stook of
Robes, u.
171 Horse Blankets
Which have only to be seen to be admired: Sold at
very reasonable prices. Also keep in stock, Halters, rte;
' Bells, Curry Combs, Brushes and all other articles in
gour line.
g Trunks, Valises and Satchels.
Our Single and Double Harness are A 1 and take
the Red Ticket wherever shown.
Just arrived.a Fresh Stock of Goods
Suitable for the occasion
Such as Raisins, Currants, Figs, Lemons, Oranges, Lemon Peel,
Orange Peel, Citron Peel, Shelled Almonds, Whole Almonds, Wal-
nuts, Candies of all kinds. Everything you need for Xmas Baking.
4420 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00
22 lbs. BestSugar for 1.00 s Brown Su biv
Our TEAS cannot be surpassed in quality and price. People are
taking note of the quality and buying in large quantities.
DRY 00008
We do a large trade as our prices
are down lower than the aver-
age. We mark everything at
the lowest margin.
We have Fleece Lined iu Boys',
Girls' and Women's sizes, very
suitable for cold weather.
We have just in a new lot from
one of the leading houses in
the city, such as Johnston &
Sword, Toronto.
In this line we are selling a large
quantity as we have just the
thing for Winter weather, fleece
lined and others in all sizes.
Also Leggings and Sox.
We handle the heaviest and most
comfortable for the least
money. They seem to go well.
We are getting in a full line of
Chinaware for Xmas, suitable
for Presents.
The very low prices are making them go fast. We are going out of
Ready-made Clothing as we haven't enough room for a full
•, s ter^ e'' ' e;
Post Office Store,
Money Orders issued in con- JAMESTO A N.,
nection with Postoiiico.