HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-12-26, Page 4,[11 It It tl .€a is ray ina:44 StatementI, IOONTINUED FBQM PAGE 8,] 10 School Seotion No, 3, Grey e. 0, 11 44 11, Union. Sohool Section No 11, Walton and Grey Sohool Bostion No, 1, Grey DEBENTURE AND COUPONS. Nov, 12 Debenture No, 9, Silver Corners Drain 12 coupons of $6,25 Deo. 12 Debenture No. 8, Beauchamp Creek and extension AID TO WIRE FENCES. Mar. 23 Wilton & Turnbull on S. R. 1 June 17 John Hollinger, wire fence on 8. R. 2, oon. 10 July 15 Alex. McIntosh, " " " " 6," 1 Nov. 20 James Ferguson, " " " 1, ?' 9 SALARIES AND FEES. Jan. 25 Wm. Spence, registration of births, marriages and deaths 31 Peter Biabop, aalary aa collector 1900 Feb. 1 Jacob Kreuter, salary as oolleotor 1900 11 Duncan McDonald, eervioes as D. R. 0. A, McNair, making out Financial Statement John MoIntoeh, salary as auditor Wm. Work, ” May 27 A. Reymann, Assessor's salary 1901 " " equalizing U. S. S. No. 11 Oct. 2 " " fees re Voters' Lists 8 F. S. Scott, fees as constable and serving Voters' Liet notices 16 Chas. Merrifield, commissioner's fees re 14th con. drain ...., Wm. Spence, fees re Voters' List Oourt salary as Clerk for.1901 and D. & W. Aot " selecting jurors Nov, 20 A. Reymann, selecting jurore Deo. 16 Robert Livingston, salary as Councillor William Fraser, James Turnbull, " Reeve Jamea McDonald, " Councillor Adam Turnbull, ' A. McNair, " Treasurer 403 19 ., 503 51 050 30 74 47 .,•„. 328 95 $ 2703 89 $ 150 10 75 00 „ 1006 00 $ 1237 10 '7 00 16 00 7 50 ,,.. 10 00 LOANS AND INTEREST. Jan. 31 Standard Book, oommieeion on draft Feb. 8 Sept. 16 40 60 $ 21 00 40 00 40 00 4 00 7 50 10 00 10 00 90 00 4 00 2 00 14 00 2 00 12 80 190 00 4 00 4 00 58 00 50 00 70 00 52 00 55 00 80 00 $ 815 30 $ 1 25 50 Interest on note $840 for 2 months 3 00 Interest collateral note for Hall's drain 3 00 " •' " MoTaggart drain.. , 2 30 Oat. 15 Interest on note for 1 month 1 90 Nov. 16 for bills payable 600 00 Int. on do. 10 60 for bills payable 600 00 Int. on do. 8 20 20 for bills payable 400 00 Int. on do. 22 for bills payable 222 00 Int. on de. 1 10 Deo. 5 for bills payable 340 00 " Int. on do, 75 12 Oommieaion on draft to Treas. of Ontario 30 COUNTY RATES. Jan. 31 Wm. Holmes, balance of Co. rates for 1900 REFUND OF TAXES. Jan. 25 John K. Baker, over•oharge on Boyle drain S. 8. Cole, error in dog tax Dan. Meehan, 31 Dr. Niebol, David Milne, Statute Labor oolleoted Feb. 11 George MoOa11, refund of dog tax Deo. 4 John Gorsalitz, error in School tax 16 Albert Fox, error on roll Lewis McDonald, error in taxes Andrew Johnston, error on roll Chas. O'Connor, error in dog tax Jacob Soffery error in dor tax Charin 1.I.ItCa.1:1, error in dog lax P' ..,s iX EXPENSES. Jen. 14 A. Rosas e..van__ 'SE D. R. 0. 'UsecfEaaC_an::.-.ock Jar<n• TIF' hoteR,..ee_=R.'...es so D. R. 0. wait MUNair. YrilItarn. Spenor _Andrew Turnbull ll •' John Ridley, Trn3ieBa of School No. 1 for use ea school 44 No 9 " No.2 " No.5 No.4 MISCELLANEOUS. Jan. 25 H. F. McAllister, for coal nil Alex. McKay, fence -viewer's fees 28 John Rose Robertson, for Children's Hospital 31 Municipal World for declaration blanks Feb. 8 County Treasurer, unoolleoted Roll, 1900 11 Municipal World, 6 copies for Municipal Council H, F. McAllister, coal oil for Hall Mar. 2 G. F. Blair, amending Bylaw for paying surplus on Fraser dr.. May 18 Municipal World, 2 assessment rolls 27 G. F. Blair, preparing Bylaw No. 165 J. D. O'Connel, registering By-law No. 165 G A. Deadman, index books for Voters' List Jane 8 R. Livingston, serving MoTaggart By-law 17 John Oliver, breakage of plow on road Wm. Holmes, refund of non resident tax Hamilton & Toronto Pipe Co., car load of sewer pipe July 15 J. D. O'Connel, registering By-law No. 168. Mnnioipal World, 2 Collector's Rolla G. T. R., freight on oar of sewer pipe Chas. Ritohie, for plow broken on gravel road Ang. 12 John McDermott, damages to horse going through bridge Sept. 16 J. D. O'Oonnel, registering Bylaw 170, 14th oon. drain G. F. Blair, preparing MoTaggart Drain By.lew R. Livingston, serving Clark Drain By-law Deo. 12 Municipal World, Debenture Register Treas. of Ont., final payment of Gov. Drain Noe. 1 & 2 16 A. McNair, expenses to Goderioh to meet the Gov. Auditor Treas. of Brunets, ball rent $ 2195 12 $ 1000 00 $ 2 66 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 8 76 9 98 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 28 40 $ 4 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 8 42 00 9 44 1 50 5 00 1 00 2 16 5 00 50 25 00 3 85 20 00 2 00 1 40 2 00 3 00 2 75 240 00 2 00 3 10 23 19 2.00 5000 2 00 15 00 1 50 4 21 244 42 5 00 12 00 $ Account with Fraser Drain 1900 RECEIPTS. Jan. 1 Surplus of Deb. and Coupons 3 287 20 May 81 Standard Bank, int5 10 Nov. 30 1901 Nov. 80 " " .. 8 35 1900 Sep. 23 1901 Sep. 23 3 00 Deo. 12 $ 303 65 680 02 DISBURSEMENTS. Debenture No. 1 $ 61 21 20 Coupons amt'g to 61 00 Debenture No. 2 56 26 19 °empone amt'g to 58 95 Balance in Bank 79 23 $ 308 65 Account with Hall's Drain 1901 RECEIPTS. Apr. 8 James Turnbull $ 18 00 July 22 Stimson for debentures 4702 32 54720 32 1901 DISBURSEMENTS. July 16 Gubr & Fogel, pt. pay't 3 230 00 Ang.12 " 200 00 Sep. 16 " 200 00 Oct. 16 W. Spence, tees 16 00 Guhr & Foga', on cont417 56 460 00 Refunded for enrvey, .. printing, regist'n, &o. 319 66 Dsc. 12 Refund for culverts in W.. �� IL� oonst'n of drain 201 2b Balnoe in bank 268G 86;■ ^ t $4720 32 1 W A Lr.J.. O N t Nov. 20 Sep. 16 Account with Beattohamp Creek & Extension 1901 RECEIPTS, 1901 don. 1 Balance from .1900,,.,05005 48 Jan. 14 8 Error giving it ohegne 3700 for estimate $758 8 00 May 31 Standard Bank, int, ., 07 86 Nov. 80 1' " , , 03 20 A'Iay 3 Nov, 39 $5703 Account with 1901 RECEIPTS, Sep. 25 Cash for Debentures and Coupons 52900 DISBURSEMENTS. Geo, Qllver PP o nt't,.91000 00 Bask aero„on draft „ 3. 25 J A. 11211, 0. E., loop, 220 Q0 1111111 alulntselon ,... 85 A. Guhr, per order.,,, 200 00 Balance in bank ,,,,,, 428288. 98 McTaggart Drain 1901 DISBURSEMENTS, Sep, 15 Nicholson & Connolly, 72 32808 72 $ 6703 98 onoontraot $ 000 00 Oat. 1 Nioholeon & Connelly„ 500 00 10 Wm. Spenoe,feee ..,. 5 00 16 Int, on collateral note 2 00 28 Nioboleon &Connelly800 00 Refund. for Tlvp, outlay 58 18 Nov, 1 Nioholeon & Connelly 300 00 20 ” '" 900 00 J, Roger, C. E , $144, ' Bank commission 20o 144 20 Deo. 12 Balanoe in bank 699 89 52803 72 Account with 14th Con. Drain 1901 RECEIPTS. 1901 DISBURSEMENTS. Nov. 4 Cash for debentured ..$0719 05 Nov. 22 J. Roger, survey, &o,,$ 312 00 Oommiseion on draft.. 40 Deo. 12 Balanoe in batik 6406 65 36719 05 • 56719 05 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. ASSETS. J. Kreuter, unoolleoted roll. ..3 2242 47 P. J. Bishop, " .... 2422 11 Balanoe in Standard Bank.... 2052 87 Balanoe on hand .... 545 48 Township Hall .... 1000 00 Road Grader ..., 240 00 $ 8502 93 • LIABILITIES. County Rate ....6 2213 75 Balanoe due Sohoole 2956 25 Oolleetors' salaries .... 80 00 9 5250 00 Receipts and Expenditure from December 16 31, inclusive, 1900, RECEIPTS. Deo. 17 Jacob %ranter, collector, oash and orders $ 20 " 22 22 P. J. Bishop, 24 J. Kreuter, 25 F. Jacob, Clerk of Logan, work on boundary 28 Jaoob Kreuter, collector, oaeh and orders 31 CI I II P. J. Bishop, " " " EXPENDITURE. Deo. 31 Robert Ycill, gravel $ Robert, Blair, A. McNair, postage and stationery Wm. Holmes, account of oounty rates Standard Bank, oommieeion on draft Alex. Strachan, tile Ronald MaNaoghton, tile 9 16 $ 1293 30 We hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of Receipts and Expenditures from last Audit to this Date. JAS. TURNBULL, A. McNAIR, REEVE. TREASURER. ORANBROOK, December 171b, 1901. to December 200 00 190 00 290 00 263 00 140 00 26 10 285 00 236 02 DSO, 20 19C Cordwood Wanted, The undersigned are prepay» od to pay' ens]) for all kinds of Cordwood, both dry and green, delivered at the Stilt Works, Apply to GORDON MOONEY, Foreman Brussels Salt Works. Jp Maui fora, oravroN 1', 0, PROPRIETORS, 17.8 Spectacles 111AB9lr8 ESR solo and to ont,l0853 to•pttutl'lownskrlpa W Morrie and Grey, le 11. s0o'f"T,Urueaole VARIX Kit $AL] ,-,-4i000,00 will buy .hot No, 00 lu the 18th 000042. slog of the Townehyr ef. Grey, pentafning 04 sores, There le shoat 10 sores elem. or tint, bar, The coat bl bnab, Ibr farther infer. matfon apply to 0, IP. Blair, Solicitor, ferns, sale, IIOiJSE ANI? LOT FOR SALE taullrnesols. Nllgiblysituated, }gore 0514ur , stable,. well, cellar and other con. venieneeo. For prise and torols apply to• 1,1188 DA1810, firaubroalt 0, 0.,or 8n1, PosS Publiebiny Bouoe,Brucsele, .1841 VYinter Term Qpsns 1�6n ay, IA 6th cENTRAt 9 tr t' ori..Ort WB nave recently regoiyed eight applies. done from other floafaoer+ Colleges who wlsn 10000 our graluotoa go teachers, but we baye not one 60 send. Oar'gtuduatee aro eboosu by business Orme and Buelneo0 Ooneges es fp et 08 we. 00.0 turn -them out Write for catalogue, W. J. JLL1011"R, I'rknafDnl, –OF ALL KINDS– Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and yonr Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. REAL ESTATE. GOOD FARM OF 1421 ACRES for sale, being Lot 03 000.7, Grey. Hou3e suitable for two /amnion if required. sebool house, ehurob and part of the Village of Ethel on past of the lot. Apply to JOHN COBER, Ethel Carriage Works. 24- A few good steers for sale, rising 3 years, A SACRIFICE 1N REAL ES– TAoo.—$3000.00 will buy the 300000• ghey Block in the Village of Brussels. These two fine stores must be sold to close out the McCaughey Estate, Intending purchasers should investigate. at once, Apply to F, 3. SCOTT or G. E, BLAIR, Brussels, Ont. Sox and Rubbers. 0 fa is No matter how cold or slushy the weather is, your feet will be snug and warm in a pair of socks and rubbers. Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag - proof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat for out -door winter work. We have them in all styles and sizes. They are' priced down to rock bottom, too. This is how we sell them Men's Sox from $0 50 to $1 00 Repairs in Boys' Sox from 35 50 Rubbers and Shoes Men's heavy One Buckle Rubber1 00 upwards promptly attended to. Boys' " " 90 1 50 HARNESS DEPARTMENT —Nine Single Hama, doubled and etitobed all through, only —Solid Niokle Silver Single Harness, good artist e 16 00 ROBES—large assortment, prime very low. BLANKETS—oheaper than ever. Also RUGS of all kind,. TRUNKS and SATCHELS, $ 7 50 Repairs in' Harness and Collars. 1. C. Richards. 110512 $273614 New HolidEty Steck 2 80 1 92 a 18 1284 10 1 30 10 84 Xmas Furniture Selecting Holiday Presents is a difficult task. Nothing will prove more satisfactory or serviceable and at the same time bring more comfort to the house than a nice piece of furniture. Our selection for the Holiday Trade this season surpasses anything we have yet offered and in addition to regular lines comprises the following :— PARLOR CABINETS MUSIC CABINETS MUSIC RACKS SECRETARIES BOOK CA8E5 CHIFFONIERS DRESSING TABLES HALL RACKS LIBRARY TABLES FANCY TABLES JARDINERE STANDS EASELS PICTURES PAPER RACKS COUCHES It will do yon good to see the beautiful line of Fancy Bookers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering. Special value in Pianos and Organs in which you save the travelling agent's profit. Window Shades in large variety. Beautiful range of Pictures that have only to be Been to inanre buyers. Speaial attention given to Mattraaoes and Upholstering. We will consider it a pleasare to show you through oar warerooms even it you do not want to purchase. R. Leatherdale. Night and Sunday calls for Undertaker answered at residence. EXTENDED In our Opening Sale we have met with gratifying success, and we have decided that until JANUARY 11, 1902, We will continue to offer goods at Slaughter Prloea to give all a chance of securing some of the bar gains we have to show. The following are a few of oar Special Bargains in DISHES DINNER SETS—Regular $7.00 to $9 00 for 65.50 to $7 25. TEA SETS—Regnlar $2.75 to $8.00 for $2.35 to $6.50. BED ROOM BETS—Reg. $186 to $6 00 for $1.35 to 35.(0. FANCY DISHES of all kinds, GLASS WARE, Eto., Eto. We are enlarging and improving our stock by the beet and moot up•to-date goode we San procure, and are prepared to satisfy our eaotomere in all linea, Is Now CornplcteT gSIESSEMP 41111 Hu ndreds of Dollars worth of NEW GOODS have arrived in the past few weeks, consisting of the Winter necessities in CLOTHING and FURNISH- INGS as well as the Latest Novelties for the HOLIDAY TRADE. Now is the time to think of these thing's and prepare accord- ingly. .1?enzernber in seeing . V'eiv Things it gives you ,New Ideas to profit by, it helps you plan for. Xmas and New Years presents to advantage. Pretty New Swivel Back - Handkerchiefs Just received our new stock of Plain and Fancy Silk Hand- kerchiefs which consists of num- erous kinds so varied in style and pattern as to appeal to all as very suitable Xmas presents. —Plain White at 25c, 35c, 50e, 75c and $1.00. —With Fancy Borders at 50c, 750 and $1.00. Suspenders THE LATEST. If you .want to be up-to-date have a pair of our new Suspen- ders. They are pretty, neat, strong and unoxpenside. —We have them in four qualities at 25e, 35c, 50c and 76c. —We also carry a complete range of Dominion Suspenders at 15c, 20c, 25e, 35c, 50c & 75c. Ordered Clothing Department & SON, We can Sava You both Money and Trouble. Do you wish to save money 2 Do you wish first-class work 2 If so allow us to make your Garments. We employ none but first-class bands, therefore we can assure you of having the very best workmanship. —One of' our Tailor-made Suits would make a handsome Xmas or New Years present, prices $13 to $30. Neckwear Never before has our stock been so rich with the Newest Creations in Neckwear as it is at present. Our range consists of the following styles :—Strings, Derbys, Graduates, Imperials, Flowing Ends, Bows and Puffs. See our Minto Huffier at 75e and $1.00. Particular Dressers The enthusiasm of youth causes a man to bring the same intense interest to the subject of Clothes as to anything else. He becomes exces- sively particular what to wear and when to wear it. Latest colors and make-up must meet his ideas, for such dressers ordinary Beady -made Clothing is not always up to the marlf—that's where we come in with the 20th Century and Fit Beyond Question Brands of Ready-to-wear Clothing. Suits from $2.50 to $15.00, ./Lt this season of the year we take pleasure im thanking our many Customers for their Liberal Patronage in the past and wish all a Merry Xmas and CG Happy .New Year. E.C.DU-NFORD CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS.