HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-12-26, Page 3BUSINESS was. ONEX '1'0 LOAN AT 5 PEii vent, F,S, SCOTT, Nruseele, ti% iL McCRACl'f,EN- ` • f hsps., of Marriage Idepenaoe, 01. floe nt Gr000ry, Tarnbori'y street, Braseeie, LDL N. BAI REPT.._ North of he Stands d Banli opLadlos' nand Obildreu's hair cutting a specialty, M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, 'ONT, MiSS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, .-TEACHER OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, 15ifxvsE=2.,y oNm. ROBERT OUNNIliGHAM- IN601tANOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. Wellington Mutual Fire !Maumee Co., usniMr001n I840 Insurance taken' on the cash andpromtum note ei'etom at mutant rates, Before insur- ing e)aewhorp call on the undereigued-Agent of the Company. GEORGE ROGERS,Brussete, MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, 4. O. M., Academia graduate of London Conserva- tory of Muslo, also Member of the Associated Mueiclane of Ontario, is prepared to receive a /incited member of pupils forinstruction on the piano, Qualified to prepare pupils Inc the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Music. Brussels, Ontario. ALEX. HUNTER - Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Low and Insurance Agent ; Auction- eer. Fundsinvoeted and to' loan. Collec- tions made. Office in Grabnm'a'Bloak, Brus- sels. AUCTIONEERS. FS. SOOTT AS AN AUCTION- • son, will sell for better prices, to better men in less time and lees obargee than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or he won't abarge anything; Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application. ,VETERINARY. D. WARWICK- • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary Collage, is prepared to treat all die. meg of domeetloated an finale '10 a compet- ent manner, Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentletry Cells promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. w• M, SINCLAIR- Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, &e. Office -S thwart's Blook 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &a. Office over Ste nd- aid Bank. Solicitor for Village of Broeeele Money to Loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. O. AMBROSE TOOLE, RESIDENCE AND OFFIOE- hILL ST, EAST, BRUSSELS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, .iii. D., C. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Lieeutiate of the Royal .Col. lege of Physicians and Lloontfate of Mid- wifery Edinburgh. t:a-Telephone No.14, Roaidence-Mill street, Brussels. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of ithe Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Cirat•olase Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. is ,moving forward, Winter .term begins Jan, 0,1002. Our rates are i reasonable -our Courses of Study thorough. and practical. Send for our Journal to see what we teach. Students may enter at any time, Two Courses of Study-Commeroial and Short- hand. O. A, FLEMING. A. L, MoINTYIIE, President Secretary, Owen Sound, Listowel, SHINGLES British rColuinbia Red . Cedar Shingles SND -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOB SALE AT THE Brussels Planing bills Also noon and Saab of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P.AMENT. FINANCIAL STATEMENT --op u„, Tows• Glxof Grey /9004907. RECEIPTS, Jan, 1 Balanoa on hand 8 Wm, Spence, rent for Township Hall " " Watoreourees Qct T. 5. Branflon, engineer's expense re drain P, J. Bishop, balanoe of roll for 1900 J. Kreuter, " " " „ ," Balance'onFraaer drain Cash refunded from Beanohamp Creek Jae. Turnbull, for grader Mar. 23 11, Livingston, work on Elma boundary June 8 G. Fortune, on aoeount of Lmoenee Fond July 6 Co Treasurer for Public School grant 12 G, Fortune, and distribution of License Fund 10 Standard Bank, for bills payable oAuo: 10 " , it ", 11 S ept.' 16 "• 11 'l 11 Ont. 15 " "' "" 44 44 16 Wm, Spence, rebate on sewer pipe I7 Standard Bank for 1 month Cash paid for Fraser drain refunded " " Hall drain refunded 29 " " " MoTaggart drain refunded Nov. 19 Treas. Tp. of Elma, rent for Silver Corner drain 20 " " of Wallace for lumber for oulvert on boundary Joe, Turnbull, for use of grader Oliver Smith for Sewer tile 27 G. Fortune, 8rd distribution Lioonee Fund Deo, 16 Treas. of Elma, for work on Elma boundary Geo. Clark, refund of order Nov. 20 J. Krauter, Collector part taxes collected J, B, Bishop " " 30 81 Feb, 1 8 EXPENDITURE. ROADS AND. BRIDGES. Jan. 25 S. S. Cole, timber and lumber 31 John McCartney, repairing culvert at S. R. 3, con. 2 Mar, 18 Dan. Maohan, work at Lot 3p, Con. 11 22 Chris. Raynard, culvert on S. R. 5, Con. 7 May 27 James Brown, repairing road at lot 25,'oon. 14 Edward Colles, for culvert on Elma boundary lot 34 Wm. Granger, widening road at ,lot 14, con. 2 23 Wm. Millen, gravelling Henfryn road Robb. Coutts, gravelling' at lot 30, con. 12 27 Robert Bell, repairing culvert at lot 9, con. 4 Geo. Eokmier, repairing road scraper Sorel Snell, repairing culvert on Morrie boundary John Davidson, flooring Botz bridge Tress, of Bruesels for sewer pipes for onlverte Henry Alcock; repairing Mitchell's bridge, &o. oulvert on 8. R. 1, con. 15 and 'gravel • " trustle beam for Alcook'e bridge Robert Bell, working grader and repair Gideon Brown, for oulvert on Howick boundary John Molntoeh, 'Mr cutting brush on S. R. 3, con. 5 Robert Bell, for grading on 8. R. 2'& 3 done. 2, 1 &«4 Richard Armstrong, for oulvert on Howiok boundary John F. Biernes, gravelling at lot 34, con. 6 June 17 John F. Biernee, repairing oulvert, lot 34, von, 6 John Cober, oulvert at lot 2$, von. 8 Dan. Meehan, team on grader Joseph Long, repairing oulvert at lot 22, von. 12 Duff &'Stewart, lumber •- 22 John M. Hutchinson, gravelling on Elma boundary John Greig, gravelling and gravel on Elma boundary July 15 Wm. Milian, work on Eima boundary, Grey share Robert Laing, repairing Ethel bridge Ed. Coates, grading on Elms boundary Robert Bell, for grading on S. R. 1, oou. 3 • " working grader and repairs John Clark, for work on S. R. 1, con. 6 Geo. Kerr, gravelling on North gravel road Wm. Flood, team on grader Andrew Meehan, team on grader John McKay, lumber for culvert W. 3. Sharp, repairing bridge at lot 25, con, 8 John Fogal, gravelling on Elms boundary 'Alex. Lamont, gravelling on S. R. 1, con. 8 Chas. Rozeil, for repairing culvert on S. R.-1, con. 10 Thomas Fraser, for wolk•on Eliza boundary James Cummings, grading on Elma boundary • Wm. Riley, inspecting gravelling on gravel road " " gravelling at lot 15, con. 8 John W. Rose, gravelling and gravel on S. R. 5, oon 5 Aug, 12 Wm. Sharp, gravelling S. R. 6, con. 5 John Savage, outting hili on S. R. 5, con. 5 S. S. Cole, lumber for bridges John Mitchell, repairing bridge on Wallaoe boundary Richard Armstrong, repairing bridge S. R. 4, con.'2 Robert Laing, repairing bridge at lot 19, con. 10 Robert Bell, grading, on S. R. 1, von. 3 work on grader* John Greig, gravelling on Elms boundary Joseph Redmont, grading on S. R. 5, con. 11 John Hutchinson, inspecting gravelling on Eliza bound'y John Hansuld, repairs to grader and spikes Wellington Fogal, repairing Gill's bridge Enoch Clark, gravelling at lot 16, con. 1? Sept. 10 Thome Elliott, drawing lumber for culverts Richard Armstrong, flooring bridge, S. R. 5, con. 2 John S. Meiklejohn, bolts for bridge Andrew Pollook, gravelling on S. R. 1, con.1 A, McDonald, repairing oulvert at 101.0, con. 4 Wm. Riley, repairing oulvert at lot 6, eon. 4 ' " " gravelling on Morrie boundary. Robert Bell, culvert on S. R. 1, con. 3 Donald Lamont, 2 outvote on lote 11 & 12, von. 8 Henry Fogal, oulvert, tile and cedar lot 13, con. 8 W. J. Sharp, gravelling on S. R. 5, con. 9 Wm. Eokmier, drawing gravel to Gill's bridge 3. K.' Baker, culvert lot 80, con. 10 Thomas Fraser, gravelling at lot 35, con. 10 Charles Osborne, delivering timber for culvert 5, R. 6, •con. 16 Charles Pollard, culvert at lot 1, von, 14 Henry Alooek, culvert lot 10,'con. 10 ." 14 44 u 9 ,t 14 Henry Fogel, culvert on Hall's Dram Oot. 16 H. Crowell, gravelling on S. R. 6, con. 4 John Burne, grading on lot 33, con. 6 George Dunlop, 2 culverts on con. 15 S. S. Cble, lumber for oulverte, &c. John K. Brown, oulvert on S. R. 5, von. 9 .Henry Al000k„gravelling on lot 4, con. 16 John Davidson, repairing Mitchell's bridge James Pierson, clearing stomps on S. R. 4 James Thomson, grading on S, R. 4 Albert Oakley, gravelling ab lot 1, con. 6 David Miller, nutting brush on Turnberry boundary .. Robert Bell, filing broken oulvert on Morris bonndary Robert J, Hodge, repairing culvert et lot 6, con, 6 Robert Bell, half day on grader " grading on S. R. 1, con. 4 Doff & Stewart, lumber for Mitchell's bridge John S. Baker, oulyorbo and gravel lot 20, con. 9 16 George Hodge, gravelling and culvert con, 17 10 Moses Henry, culverts S, R. 5, con. 12 Jacob Hollinger, culverts S. R. 2, con. 10 William Riley, culverts lot 6, con. 8 Robt. Pierson, grading on S. R. 4 John W. Rose, drawing gravel lot 21, con. 5 John A. McNair, gravelling on S. R. 4, on. 12 John W. Roeo, grading at lot 23 con. 5, Willman Dunoanson, repairing culvert Ibt 14, owe, 17 Jambe Cololough,'gravelling on MoKmllop Bdy. Dun. Johnston, repairing oulvert lot 15,.00n, 15 John Chandler, work on S. R. 1, con. 17 Henry Alooek, gravelling at lot 9, con. 15 Louie MoDonald, lumber for lot 14, eon. 17 Ronald MoNaughton, tile John Weigh, repo4ring•oulverb lot 17,'oon, 6 William Riley, gravelling 8, R, 2,'oou. 7 •Bobt. Bell, work with glider Gillis & Martin, ropair to grader' • • '1, P. Anent, hluiber 5, R. con. 10 .,„„..5 '377 77 0 50 • 5 00 27 00 864 51 1006 92 155 00 100' 00 1 00 8 12 86 09 418 00 4444,4 322 600 00 600 00 ..•.4340 00 400 00 6 00 222 00 ▪ 112 21 819 65 55 13 99 81 10 50 1 25 7 82 28 63 64 71 7 92 5886 68 3368 82' 9 15129 57 $ 31 28 50 1 50 1 50 4 60 2 72 20 00 69 26 11 88 • •,. 605 5 6 00 5' 00 3 98 9 00 3 00 2 ,00 ▪ 19 86 7 75 250 23 25 2 96 3 50 4 60 9 00 8 00 225 65 63 15 76 84 63 4 50 3 50 16 30 • 14 75 25 55 8'00 40 00 3 00 3 00 15 00 2 00 11 10 28 20 1 50 10 25 56 00 ,0•,0,0,0. 1 87 14 20 9 07 28 50 ,e..,. 13 45 61 00 37 2 50 ,,..,. 45 00 7 87 2 00 78 80 35 20 1.87 3 00 8 00 7 50 1 50 5 00 1 00 30 00 75 75 110 00 2 50 10'00 9 60 4 06 1 50 3 00 36 50' 1 25 3 00 19 00 6 00 19 00 20 40 60 44 2 00 2560 7 00 5 00 12 65 22 50 4 15 2 00 1 00 75 6 87 72 57 19 00 3 00 3 00 16 00 6 53 19 20 16 00 20 0 400 8 00 21 00 3 80 6 26 2 25 10 53 225 8 00 16 16 10 10' Nov, 220 0 20 20 20 20 20. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Joaopll Slivogo, repairs to bridge 5. R, 5,. eon, 2 29 ,John MoNaul(ht, repairing road at lit 27, coli. 17 29 'k1, Coughlin, repairing rood on Wallace Bdy, 20 William MnrraY, .spikes 20 John Mo»onald, vulvert,nn S,11, d, non. 2 "20 David Oamppbell, gravelling on Wallace Bdy. 20 Samuel Klo neho , gravelling 5, R, 6, con. 2 20 John Caborno, gravelling on 5. R 0, eon, 11 20 H, Fugal, work 014 read of Eitna Bdy, 20 James Cummings, logging on Eliza Bdy. 20 John Howard, gravelling on 0, R. 5, eon, 14 29 R. Mims!, rag bolte, 20 John Robertson, oulvert lot 07, con. 17 20 John Robertson, oulvert on MoTaggart Drain 20 James6foliay, culvert lot 29, con. 16 20 Jobn'Idc'1'aggart, oulvert on MoTaggert'o Drain 20 G. K. Matheson, 20 John•Mal6ay,Spikee 20 'Jelin MoTaggart 20 Robt. Livingston, work on Logan Bdy. 20 James McKay, logging on lot 18, con, 17. A, Reymann, repairing Calder's Bridge 20 D. MoQuarrie, 1' Cranbroolc Deo, 16 Chrie. Baynard, culvert lot 21, con, 8 16 Peter Reffor, oulvert on S. R, 3, con, 10 16 Jimmie Hann% work on S. R. 5 16 John Davidson, repairing Calder Bridge 16 John McKay, timber'fdr culvert 16 Chao. Querrengeeoer,lumber, and timber 19 'John MoTaggart, timber for MoTaggart Dram 16 Jamas Mann, timber and drain 16 G. K. Matheson, timber for MoTaggart Dram 16 John MoTaggart, road bridge 16 Richard Ja"oklie,'repering road at lot 22, von, 6 10 S, S. Cole, lumber • 10 Geo, Carruthers, repairing S. R. 5, con. 4 19 Wm. Lucas, gravelling on Eliza Bdy. 16 T. Coates, " lot 33, con. 5 •10 Peter Scott, repairing grader 16 R. W. Pollard, repairing scraper 16 Thomas Alcock, work on S. It 1, con. 14 10 Robert Bell, ouivertiot 3'can. 6 16 "" gfiard hail on'S. R. 2, con, 2 •20 • EXPENDED ON GRAVEL. Jen, 4 Robert Coutts ..,.9 . 16 60 25 Thomas Stephenson 6 44 Robert Blair • .-,. 5 62 31 William McKelvey.. 04 May 21 Henry Granger 6 00 June 17 Reseal Porterfield .. ' 7 86 Andrew Bremner .. 1 60 John Greig .. 4 00 Russel Porterfield 7 44 John W. Rose .... 9 16 Henry Granger .. , , 6 64 July 15 Michael Mullin .... 7 52 Charles Cleaver , , , , 4 80 James Pierson .,. 8 00 Robert Coutts ... 8 96 Thomas Davidson .. 24 16 Russel Porterfield . , 32 32 John W. Rose .... 5 60 Samuel Dunn .... 28 70 Aug. 12 Charles Pollard .... 12 80 William Bateman .. 4 56 Robert Close .•.. 5 44 George Speiran .... 14 80 George Clark .... 18 48 Sept, 1G Alex. McKay . , . , 11 84 Frannie Miller .... 4 48 P. J. McDonald 4 00 James'Fergneon.... 35 20 William Oakley .... 4 08 Aot, 16 Thomas Strachan .. 4 00 6 00 7 60 45 1 60 '7 00 4 00 20 00 ,,,„• 6 00 ,00111 10,02,. 600.90 4 25 1 00 2 00 6 50 2 00 10 00 10 00 60 7 76 22 75 18 00 50 3 00 1 60 6 50 4 00 1 60 5 16 16 24 2 00 1 25 10 00 10 00 4 90 12 14 1 00 75 1 52 45 26 2 00 1 50 8 00 Michael Mullin , . . George McDonald ., John W. Rose Nov. 10 Russel Rutherford„ Charles Cleaver ,... Alfred Hollenbeok.. Ed. Armetrong Henry Duncan .... Thomas Straohan .. 20 John Clark „ James Cololongh Jacob Hollenbeck William Johnston James Hanna Deo, 7 William Mitchell ,. Robert Menzies ,. 12 William MaNab ,... 16 John W. Rase , • John Mahon •.,• Dan. Cooper .... H. Johnston .... Paul Doig John Macdonald..., A. McDonald Alf. Hollenbeck .... Thomas Aloock Time, Strachan 9 1918 16 72 4 88 3 28 8 80 8 64 15 04 3 04 6 76 4 00 7 92 14 40 5 92 5 40 4 40 23 92 4 80 4 80 80 4 00 4 80 1 60 2 56 82 13 60 5 26 4 40 80 DRAINS AND DITCHES. Feb. 8 Treasurer of Ontario, annual rental Gov. Drain May 27 George Dunlop, aesisting Engineer Gov. Drain No, 2 Marshall Harrison, " Chas. Osborne, August Gnhr, " +" " 14 June 17 Wm Spence, assisting Engineer on Peet'e Drain Joseph Raynard, underdrain on S. R. 3•:con.-4 July 15 David Robertson, tile drain on Wallace Bdy, David Taylor, ditobing on S. R. 3, von. 17 Aug. 12 Thomas. Williamson, underdrain on MoRillop Bdy,. James Kincaid, drawing tile for ditch on Wallace Bdy. J. R. Oliver, drawing tile for drains Sept 16 Robt. Pearson, -ditch at lot 22, con. 4 Geo. Eckmire, irons for traps on Hall's Drain Angne Smith, surveying Clark Drain Alex. Barron, assisting Engineer Clark Drain Thomas Oakley, digging award drain and tile Chas. Pollard, drain on Morris Bdy, Jamee McKnight, clearing out ditch lot 21, con. 12 William Millan, ditob on Elma Bdy., eon. 10 Oct. 16 Chas. Pollard, underdrain lot 1, con. 14 Robt. Bell, ditoh and oulvert S. R. 1, con. 4 Robt. Pierson, award ditch • D. 111. Roes, Treas. MoKillop, engineer's expenses Oakley award Wm. Spence, Clerk's fees 14th con, Drain Barron Dram Nov. 20 Mimes Cololough, award ditch William Riley, tile and ditching lot 14, von. 7 John Bateman, ditch and culvert lot 15, con. 5 Joseph Savage, cleaning award drain James Savage, ditch S. R. 4, con. 2 Joseph McKenny, clearing Fraser Drain DuncanMolnnea cleaning ditbb'S.R 2,'eon,12 George Maher, ditching James Turnbull, Inspector Hill drain Deo. 16 R, Livingston, Inspeotor MoTaggart Drain Barron Government " No. 2 Geo. Dunlop, asemeting Engineer MoTaggart Drain James MoTaggart, removing brush from drain John Dunbar, ditch lot 23, con. 4 Samuel Wright, tile Wm. Flood, clearing award Drain on Logan Bdy. Hugh McKinnon, cleaning award Drain, lot 10, con. 8 H, Smith, tile for drama on Wallace Bdy. Win. Fraser, to pay for ditch outlet per agreement, S.R. 4, con, 8 Wm. Bnyere, tile drain lot 25, con, 2 Nioholeon & Connelly, MoTaggart Drain Peter Nicholson, Clark Drain John Rogers, 0. L. S., award drains EXPENDED ON TOWNSHIP HALL. May 18 Thomae Vodden, 29 cords of wood Deo. 10 Thomas Chapman, caretaker EXPENSES OF BOARD OF HEALTH.. Oot. 16 Wm. Spence, attendance Deo. 16 Wm. Mitchell, " Thos. MoFedzean, " John Cardiff, James Turnbull, and seleoting jurors $ 154 88 $ 507 34 4 50 4 00 4 00 2 00 1 50 3 10 12 40 22 50 4 00 3 75 1'60 15 90 25 20 00 8 00 5 50 4 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 4 85 2 00 24 00 40 00 10 00 12 00 11 25 7 25 12 00 1 00 16 00 4 00 2001 6 00 3 00 1 00 4 00 2 25 8 00 17 70 1 80 1 75 1 50 20 29 10 00 2 50 346 00 220 00 46 50 9 1462 88 4 12 15 00 9 19 12 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 10 00 9 34 00 PRINTING, POSTAGE AND STATIONERY. Feb. 23 W. H. Kerr, extra printing $ 2 50 May 27 James Irwin, printing 100 copies of MoTaggart Drein'Bylaw 7 50 . W. H. Herr, printing 100 copies Hall's Drain Bylaw 166 18 00 "" 200 " Township Bylawe 17 00 • Stratford Beavon, advertising" 2 88 Win. Spence, wielding in teviotng township By lewe 4 00 July 15 W. H. Kerr, printing 120 copies Bylaw of von. 4 drain 18 00 " putt paymnt on printing contract 10 00 Sept. 10 W. M. O'Beirne, advertising for tenders for con. 14 drain 2 88 Oot. 16 Wm. Spence, postage and stationery 22 00 Deo. 12 A. McNair, " " " for 1901 2 60 10 W. H. Kerr, on oontraot 20 00 " " ditob and contract notices 10 00 EXPENDED ON CHARITY. Mrs. Ed, Fox for 12 months at 95 EXPENDED ON SCHOODS. July 6 Legislative Sohool grant Deo. 0 Union Sohool Seotion No. 16, Howiok and Grey " " " 4, Grey'and Wallace 3, Wallace and Grey [CONTINUED 01,8 PAGE 4.1 • Clubbing Rates Below are given very liberal rates for News papers ---Select what you want and send in your orders to THE PosT Publishing House, BALANCE OF 1901 FREE In the following list by enbeorlbing for the year 1902, you get in each case the balanoe of this year free, The Post and the Weekly Globe, together with really good pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Yor1f, and a line pie- turn of two farm horses "The Farm Pets," all for $1 60 The Post and Montreal Weekly Witness 1, 65 The Post and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 76 The Poet and London Advertiser 1 55 The Post And Montreal Weekly Star 1 80 The Post and Toronto Weekly Sun 1 80 Where Premiums are given with any of these papers they will be included at .bove.ratee, We can also give you very close Clubbing hates with D .ily Papers, The figures below inclgde Tun Poet till Deo, 31, 1902, and the Daily for one year from dale of subscription. The Post and Daily Globe The Post and Toronto Daily Star (Star sent to Poet OiSoe only at this rate. A splendid pioture of Sing Ebalanoedward VII ie given with this combination and both papers free for of 190" .1 The Post and Montreal Daily Herald With a. picture of King Edward VII . The Post and Toronto Daily News The Post and Toronto Daily World The Post and Toronto Daily Mail $4 50 225 1 80 2 25 2 80 4-50 If you want any other oombinatioo let us know and we will give yon oloee olnb• biog rates. Do not delay taking advantage of these very liberal offers. Address - THE POST, Brussels. Ethel Saw Mills. I have a good.supply of Hemlock loge on band. Can cot oat to suit ouotomere, Dressed Maple, suitable for granaries, at $10 per M. A11 kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on hand from 310 per M up. A large stook of nulled Elm and Asb at $7 per M. Shingles end Lath always on hand. fa -A good farm on 13th eon. of Grey for Bale. A contract of 20 sores of logging to let. For particulars apply to S. S. COLE, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL. 116 icLEOD'S System Renovator -AN0 0000a - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impare, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeecees, Palpita. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Lose of Memory, Brouchitia, Con. eomption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dieeaeee, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manuf4otnrer, Sold by Jas. Fox, Uragalat, Brussels 425.151$1111111111MosEmmgmli Ent / Cutters Cutters A lot of new Cutters now ready for delivery. Another lot will be ready in a few days. If you want a Cutter call early, and get a pick from our fine new stock. Sleighs are now being manufactured of all Sizes. We can supply your wants no matter what they are in this line. Some good Second Hand Buggies and Carta will be sold out very cheap. Balance of new Buggies at Cost to clear oat. Ewan & Co. ilton Turnbull HAVE NOW TO HAND THEIR SUPPLY OF -- X Cut Saws and Axes. a1,1 Saws Fitted up .Ready for Use. 140 36 Prises Right a' and Quality Good. 60 00 CALL AND„ SEE US ,BEFORE 60..00 BUYING. 41800' 146 97 • 12343 9600 i Wilton & Turnbull