HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-12-26, Page 1'Vol. 30. N o, 24' $R.USSELS, ONTAR;TO, THURSD4kY, DECEMBER 26, 1001 New Advertisements. Notice—Richard PaUh Local—L 0. Ripharde, . 13ow,atrayed—Jae. Bird, Local—Wm. Armstrong. Grey Financial Statement, happy New Year—T. Fletcher, ECUS° to rent—Mrs. J, R Smith, Annual nesting—R, H. Ferguson, l tl".f Gi � iiJb 'b'V rel Loa, . A wedding lean the" tapirs, H. Hamilton was at Goderioh lard week ae a juror. - Miss Ella Ainlay spent Chrletmas at her home iu Brugge's, The * . London _Dai6 . Two o'Clock' Edition, PER YEAR This edition Is published especially for - towns, villages and rural districts in Western Ontario. It gives all the news up to OND O'CLOCK each day, including Foreign, Canadian, American, District, Local and Sporting. -- It -contains eight to twelve Pages !lye days a week, and sixteen pages on Saturday, Half -tone and other illustra- tions of Important doings and prominent people appearevery day. The Saturday edition aloneis worth the price. Subscriptions received at any. I m .Address- k- '!:e London Free Press Pfg. Co '. Neale. N t. . 130 N, ONT. 'Mention Ibis nanor. Frank Neal and MiesMoDonald.are home from Toronto for their holidays, 'Phureday, Jan, 9th the•tinnttal meeting Of the Walton theses faoterywill be held at MaIitra'e $oteI. , A "most enjoyable time was pat in at. Duff's ohuroh anniversary, 11ev.. Mr. Sewers, of Bruoeneld, gave two most ex. oetlent eermone on Sabbath; • a7roe ea) rook. Tom. MoRae and WFII. Cameron are home^for the Cbrian-0as bondeye. Geo. and Joeeph Raymenn, of Detroit, are sojourning for a little while with A. Raymerau and tinnily in Cranbrook. Jno. Hunter has the oontraet for two fine brink reeideneee to be erected next year, one for Alex, Herron and the other for Fred. Oxtoby, both well known regi. delfts of Grey township. D. A. Lowry, of Bemmsele, has the brink work: Mr. Hunter has jest closed a May eeaeon with a good record. -, 131 elle vtu lit. Rev. 0. 0, Kalne • and wife, of Pine River, were guests at the Parsonage on Tuesday. Edward and Joseph Leech attended the wedding of the granddaughter of the former on Obristmae'Day, A load of Blaevale young people eaeh& ed the Brownbown Ohristmae Tree enter. tainment on Monday evening. The entertainment given by the Brown. town Sanctity School on the evening of Dee. 23rd, was a euaoees in 'every way. The program was mach enjoyed by all and Mise Sellers and Mho Rowe, who trained the children, are to be oongratn- la'rd. Over $20 wee taken in at the'dcor. Apleasant n p feature of the evening was the presentation of a puree to Mies Rowe, IIappy NOV Tear 3 Thanking All -for a Very Liberal Patronage. Everything you want isaiwaye kept in my line and down at rook bottom price. Our Watches, Ringo, Chains are the talk of the ooantry. Always a large stook to ohooee from. We are Bole ngeute " for the Dumber Hampton Watch. Eyee Tested Free. Gold Filled Frames from $1'00 up, bat we dou't •advise you to try these cheap Frames—the beat are none t00 goodwhen your eyes are properly tested. Mre. Fletcher is a Gradnete Optician and an expert in testing your eyes. Don't fool with your eyes whibb are your best friend-. Frames are no use if properly tested gleans are not in them, T. FLETCHER, • JEWELER. Sauer or Marriage Licenses Suitable Serviceable Sensible Presents for CVrisimas. This Holiday Season finds us better prepared: than ever to meet the demands of Holiday Shoppers. asmanneleximman LADIES' Initial, Oembrio and Linen, Fine Hem• stitched,'Fancy Embroidered, Soolloped, Lace Trimmed Borders, prettier than ever. All very dainty and extra Velum, . GENTS' Fine Hemetitobed Linen, Initial or Plain and a, large assortment of Silk infancy or Plain. OHILDREN'S Fairy Picture and Motto Hdkfe: Handkerchiefs Gloves Fancy Ties les GENTS' NECKWEAR outwear THE BEST DOLLAR GLOVE Without a doubt we have the beet valve in Dollar Kid Gloves shown th town. We have th'em.: in bleak and aloe the leading shades, Also eomething better in blank only $1.25. Ladies' SilkLined Undressed Kid, • warm end good' to wear. Men's' Mocha in Grey and Tan, oleo Lined Kid Gloves. A beautiful assortment of Ladles' Fenny Ties, . The most dainty in Dolor and designthat we have ever shown. Chi d i ren aio W chore in Stripes, Ohsoke and Dots, Puffs, Knots, Derbys, Flowing Ends and Bowe in all the latest milers and patterns. A$°tinMaffieCe, also the new "Way" Jersey Muffler— Verycosyand warm. I Fancy y Felt House S h oes a nd Patent Le ather EveningSlippers for Ladies. Men's Tan Reese and Childrenr0 Felt $Ijpptre. -FINE TABLE LINENS. ' —TABLEF u1 U r NAPKINSu Ca S Ua e 1 , _ neS p � , —CHENILLE TABLE COVERS T1 re- ' —OFTF iNILLE CURTAINS ..!Lull... s and Jackets. January- •�.•.• Designs, Fashion Sheets and Patterns now in stock: -NO FANCY PRICES. EVERYTHING CHEAP. Kindly., accet this as our invlitatonf or you to visit us early and often Woe the New Year, Wishing you all the Cofn lianents of the; Season. • STRACHAN. Who he's filled the poeition of organiet of the cherub for some time, Among the Ohrietmae visitors are Vioter Jornlyn, who bee been attending, Qlinter') Collegiate; Albert Denman, of Mt, Forest i Will, Stewart;, Pobiio, wheel teacher in Lnoah ; the • Misses' Dietnent, of Toronto, and Mee Kathleen Swann, who nae been attending Fergus High School. slam m melo Wee An evangelist will oondaot the eereiae in Victoria Balt next Sabbath evening, Keep the Entertainment for the Siok Ohildrene' Hospital in view. Date, Tuesday, Jan, 7th. ADDRESS AND PRttenieree o;7.—The pen pile and friends of W. E. Bryans, who has oompleted hie teem as teacher of S.8, No. 10, Morris, took advantage of the en- tertainment here on Thnredity evening of last week end read the following ad. dress to Mr. Bryans and presented bits with a very neat Secretary of modern type :— To W. B. Bryans : DEAR Tseeaan, Ib is with feelings of regret that the realize that the pleasant relations that have existed between us in the past three years ea teacher and pupils de about to be severed. Before parting we wish to acknwledge to what a large extent our emcees and progress have been your eepeoial ogre, and to assure you that wherever you gn our best wishes will go with you. As a slight token of our es. -teem we ask you to accept this writing deek and trust that it will sometimes re- mind yon that yourunselfieh labors among us were not unappreciated and will not Boon be :forgotten. Wishing you every suooees and h appi0eas in the in - tare, we sign on behalf of the eohool BESSIE Means, Ron FONDEST. 'The r"•oipient made an appropriatereply expressing WE thanks for the kind words and handsome gift, and wished all non. earned euooesS. Mr. Bryans will take a turn at life insurance in the meantime repreeentiug the Continental Oompaoy. SUCCESSFUL ENTEnTAINersrT.—Th nreday evening of let week a vary largeandienoe assembled at Victoria Hall expeoting to hear a very excellent program and truly they were not disappointed. When the °attain was drawn at 8 o'olook every available square foot had two people standing on it and under these oirour stances, James Irwin, of the Brothels Herald, proceeded, after a few humorous and spirited remarks, with what prdved to be ono of the best programa ever listened to in this vioiniby. One feature was a presentation to W. E, Bryans, who ie leaving S. S. No, 1, Morris, and notice of which appears elsewhere in this issue. The teaohere, Meagre. Ward and Bryans, deserve credit for the way the pupils did theirparte and oleo for the general man agement of the affair. Fronds $38 00. The following was the program:—Chorus, Union, S. B. No. 10 and S. 8. No. 4 ; chairman's address ; recitation, Tommy Smith ; instrumental, Mr. Brown ; dia- logue, 'Bones at a Pio-nix ;" reading, Aody Jaoklin ; thorns, "No Flag like the Red, White and Bine," S. B. No. 10 ; reoitntion, 'Miss Maggie °Miller; dialogue, "Riverhead School ;" recitation, Mies Mary Pea000k; instrumental, Mies Welsh ; dialogue, "Little Wise Heade ' reoitatioq, Mies 'Jennie McDonald ; oborne, "Land of the.Maple." 0. S. No. 4 ;'dialogue, "Bones at a Soiree;" recita- tion, Mies Jean Roes ; thorns, Mines Taylor and Straohan, Messrs. e. Straoha n. Frain and Brown ; t ehnmenEal ateliers.Wright and Scott ; dialogue, "Annie's Party-;" reading, Miss Lizzie Oarr; recitation, Avon McKelvey ; instrumental, Eibel Orchestra ; diafogne, "Anna Prue ;", reaitation, Mr. Meiklejohn ; reaitation, Jas. Outt; instrumental, Wm. Ed emise; dialogue, "Bobtown Sohoot ;" Bolo, Mien Welsh ; dialogue, "Aunt Bet. ey'e Ruse ;", recitation, Gladys MoQnar• ,ie ; chorus, "Men of the North ;" recite - tion, Miss May Johnston; dialogue, "Matrimonial Advertisement ;" recite, tion, Mre. W. A. Mines ; reading, Mr. Maiklejobn ; fnetramentel, Ethel Orehea. bra 1.`drill, Nationalities; "God Save the King." Mee Melissa Ames is home from Tor- onto. Christmas Tree Entertainment here on Taeeday evening in the Town•Hall, Nomination will be' held here next .Monday, from 12 to 1 o'olook. Speech making will follow.. Mies Ella Lamont, who has been teeth- ing at Hilleburg, is home for her vaoa- tlon. She returns to the same eohool for. next year, Zaoli. McKee is a Christmas visitor at Ethel and losnlity. He bee been in Manitoba for several years. Mr. MoKee is a eon -in-law of David Milne's of this plate. This le wllata correspondent to the Michigan Christian Advocate has to say of Rev. Mr. LeGear, formerly of tbie plane, who has been recently transferred to Michian Conference — . preaoherIg Well, judging from the ser• anon and from what I have learned, Michigan conference has a new a00eeeion of wbith it may well be proud, and First oburob has a pastor of which it (Menet; be ashamed, Rev, J. T. LeGear, ie a success. How do I ledge ? From splen• did personnel, flue oratory, wide intel- lectual grasp, exoellent'eoolai grip, a devout spiritual trend and a strong hold already attained, The sermon watt a good one and there were no sleepy o0ee in the dbugregation,"" Ethel cheese factory received 772,173 pnundo of milk daring last season out of which 70,720 pounds of cheese were man. ,nfantnred. The average price received waS 8 845 dente, Coat et making per cwt, was $1.19. Average the. of milk to podnde of obeeee 10,9. Stales amounted to $6,255.18. In the items of expenditure are the following :—Cheese making, $630.. 48 ; Secretary's eatery, $26 ; hauling mill, $884,65 ; obeeee boxes, $90.09 paid to patrons, $5,027.62, Robt. Bear was cheese maker, Gen. Dobson, Snore. Lary and John X. Baker, Treasurer and 1 Sx aeman. The aaooaute,wera audited by J, M; Davies and R, Barr. The fee. tory will have John K. Brown ae pro praetor at he nae purohaged it from Mr Barr. 3rer,s Soorgox,—Leet Sabbath evening the annual Bible Reidy meeting wa •held . in.tlle Methodist . oburob . when a large and attentive audience attended The pastor, Rev, Mr. Curry, ooudaoted the opening exereinoe and atter a, few preliminary, appropriate remarks galled uStenciler),pAM. eXeY, 01 Brueeels ; Time. Brans° e I e ; end Rev. R. Paul, of I., the a er pea ing on God's purpose In giving man the Bible." The oberob choir gave a good program of mueia and the.servioe altogether was a profitable 000. Oolleotion amocated to $400. Ethel and locality contributed $17 83 last year and for the past 13 yeare the average amount collected was $20 00. The oolieotore deserve thanks for their vigorous work. Simon REP IRT: The following le the report of the Senior Department of Ethel salmi for the month of December olase—Examined in Wet., Gram., Read., Arith ; total, 500—D. Davies, 618 ; G. Imlay, 315 ; G. leokmier, 219. 4th clave —Examined in Phys., Hist., Read. and Arith. ; total, 460—E. Remold, 328 ; M. MoAllieter, 278 ; E, Kerr, 248 ; L• Simp- eon, 243 ; E. MoAllieter, 237 ; G. Gill, 228 ; E. °ober, 213 ; L. Fogad, 200 ; E, Mason, 185 ; 0, Raynard, 161 ; S. Dun- bar, 106 Br. Ord olass—Examined in Lit., Gram., Read. and Arith. ; total, 350—W. MoAllieter, 320 ;' L. cLeod, 279 ; G. Wanner, 227 ; W. Badgley, 201 ; G. Dunbar, 180 ; A, McDonald. 171 ; *E. Davidson, 167 ; *R Dilworth, 13I t *0. Lindsay, 120 ; *M. Pearson, 52. Jr, 8rd Clare—Examined in Lit., Gram., Read,, and Arial; total, 350—L Chambers, 290 ; H. Wilbee,241• Dokmier, 237 ; E. Freeman, 25 ; 0 B. I', 1. Imlay, 220 ; N, Simp-. eon, 210 ; T. McAllister, 194; I. Hogartb, 182 ; L, Eokmier, 161 ; H. Ooates, 158 ; W. Brown, 153 ; Y. eloAllnm, 136 ; M. Thompson, 126. -Goo. Denson, Teacher, • Bowman ; diatogme, "Sabool .at River- , Mad ;" solo, NEW Crooks ; inetrumental, Mr. and Mims Davie ; . dialogue, The Sgrpriae Party , aoug by the oohool, s "Christmas Belle ;" National Anthem; Emigres ware nomeronp and prompt reeponsee gave everybody big value for the admission fee. Miss Jamieson and the pupils are to be oongratplated on the 0000000 of the eubertainmeet, Proceeds about $10. A vote of thanks would not be nndeeerved by Q. Anderson wbose stable and barn were well crowded with horse° daring the evening's propeedinge. The Annual Pinanoial etatemont MA by the Township Reeve and Treae• neer for 1901 ebowe tbe.total reoeipte to be $11874.05, Disbnreemenbe for roads and bridges, 51703.46 ; mieoellaneouo, $224 17 ; schools, $4267.04 ; eateries;. $724 ; printing, $34 70 ; Co. rate, $1992.. 10 ; drainage, $13,60 ; interest, $11,00, a total expenditure of $9669.97. Caeb on band is reported as $2204,08 and uneol. leoted taxes $2077 91 and than twoitems with road grader $210 and Town Hall and shed valued at $670, made a total asset of $5481.89 oat of which the Oo, rate of $1947 80 has to be paid and $888.57 to schools. Morris is evidently in good shape financially and will be able to go in for permanent improvements in roads without any trouble. Doagald A. Taylor, formerly of Morrie, writing from Boieeevain, .Man., on Dec. 16, speaks as follows :—"Please find enclosed $1 60, renewal for Post and Globe for 1902. Although- we have been 13 years in the Weet TEE POST is just as weloome a visitor as when we first settled here. Crops in Turtle Moaptain this year were good. Oar wheat averag. edbushels 3 2 per sore• oats 65 and Mtn ley 50. Shortage of oars has ennead a lot of dieeatisfaoiion. Although the eleva• tore of Boieoevain have a capacity of 225,000 bushels they have been fall for a month and do not yet, on an average, get more than 20 oars a week at this point, which only relieves the blockade for a day or two. Hada fine, open Winter up to the 100) but are experiencing a gold soap just at present. Wish you the oompli. manta of the season." WEDDING BELLS —At the Presbyterian Meath, Brsseele, on Ohrietmae Day a matrimonial alliance was aonenmmeted by Rev. Jno. Rose, 13. A., between 'H. Mc- Call, a well known young gentleman of the 7111 line of Morris, and Mise Hannah, eldest daughter of Hugh Forsyth, former- ly of the 6th line, now in the Northwest. The bride wore a most becoming costume of blue velvet, trimmed with cream Bilk applique. After the ceremony the happy couple drove to Frank MoOuteheon'e resideooe, where a most enjoyable time was spent with relatives and friends. Mr. MoCntobeon is an uncle to the bride. Mr. and. Mre. McCall will take op their residence on the 7th line on the MoOeli homestead, Mr. and Mrs. McCall, er., removing to Brussels. They commence married life with the beat wishes of a large oirole of friends. FortlwIeh. Xmas trade has been good and . the merchants duly appreciate. Mies L. Grille is visiting her parents in Listowel during the holidays. - Dr. A. M. Spence presided at the ono. easeful S. S. entertainment given in the Methodist church on Monday evening last. Mise Bessie McBee, the popular millin- er, returned to her borne at Harristou this week, having finished the season at Mr. Casten's. Among the visitors to our burg are the following :—John and Chas. Walker, W. R, -Rogers and W. Mahood, of Toronto ; Mrs. Ward, of Belwood ; Mies Rogan, of Bowmanviile ; and Rev. J. W. Mahood, of Iowa. Charles Leppard, teacher at Molas worth, and formerly of this place, was married on Christmas Day to Miss E. Cooper, 2ud non. of Howiok. Both are Sine young people and enthusiastic church workers. They will prove a desirable acquisition to Molesworth. Illor rIfit. George Bielby, of Tiverton, is a visitor under the parental root. See. Anderson', Ohealey, le enjoying a vieitwith hie brother, Q. Anderson, 8rd Bus. Rev. 0. 0. and Mre. Baine, of Bethel, were visitors with relatives here this week. Don. McKesiol e and Mise Pearson, P son of Hamilton, are e visitor6 Be zia at K. Mc n ' ' e 4th line. The Button farm, Morris, has been sold to Mr. Coombe, of Blytb, for the sum of $1,800. Will. Delman, 4th line, was laid up this week with pneumonia but is improv ing now we are pleased to state. The arbitrators declined to split up the eoboal eeotioos to give Belgrave a eohool so eohool matters will jog along in their usual comae. Frank Lambie i0 renewing old friend- ships in Morris. He has been attending the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, to which be will return next week. The item referring to barn building by Wm. Robb, 6th line, is inoorreat ae far ae doing it next eeaeon is oonaerned. W. H. MoOutoheon, of the same line, will build however, so we are informed. Nomination Day next Monday. Ever ratepayer oa d at th I t end if possible End hear ht bas to be said and ask those in authority any question they want an mower to. This is the plaoe to. seek information. A party exchanged a horse blanket for a $4 rag at Milton Wateon'a barn yard, Sunshine, on a recent evening and he wake that the rug be relarued forthwith or there will be trouble over it ae be knows who took if. MATaiMONIAL. — On. °llrintmae Day Cupid soared a viotoryla A medn P at Assinaboia,N. W. T. when Miss Rebeo= oa, only aughter of Simon Forsyth, formerly of the 6th bon., was united in marriage to .kngne MoMaeter. The bride and Mies Maggie Mo0atoheon, brides. maid, were tastefully attired in costumes of blue serge trimmed with white silk, John Forsyth was groomsman. The numerous relatives and friends of the bride in thie looality will be a unit in wiebing Mr. and Mre. McMaster many happy and prosperous years, BoodttseFOL ENTEnTAINSEINT.—Tile an- nual eohool entertainment was bald last Friday evening in the eohool hoose of S. S. No. 6 of which Mies Jamieson is teacher and was largely attended and thoroughly enjoyed. Following was the well rendered program 1—Welcome by oohool ; oh'airtnan'e address, W. H. Kerr;. song, "Maple Leaf," eohool ; dialogue, "Making Soap ;" Bolo, Minnie Endicott ; reoitatioa, Robb. Brytne ; 'inetettmental duet, .1. and Mies Bowman ;. dialogue, 't"Old Heade on Young Bbouldere ;' motion song by 5 little gide ; address, 3, T. Curtis; recitation, Mrs. 8. H. Jaakeon ; inetrumental dost, Mr. and raise Davie; dialogue, "Tbree Smart Girls;" Salo, Ida Bowman 1 recitation, "All We Know ;" addreae, R. Smiilie ; song, 'lied, White and -Blue;" dialogue, 'Going to the Dentist ;" reaitation, 'Bird's Notes," two littlgirls ; reeitntion, Mies Olive Ieekeon; inotruoneetal, 112x, end Mies, C.' rex.. Mrs. George Patterson, 14th eon., h been very ill this last week. We are sorry to bear that Mr. Forbe 16th:oon., is dangerously ill._, Master Nichol, of Manitoba, is a visite at D. Livingeton'e, 15th son. John S. Orerer is home for the Xma vacation fromStratford Collegiate. A beef ring is being organized on tb boundary betweenGrey and Logan. D. L. Strathan is enjoying a visit wit relatives and friends in this looality. „Frank Harrison, of North Bay, ie vie itiug relatives and friends on the 161 con. Mise Annie King, teaober in 8. 8. No 1, is away to Haidimand Co. for a visi at home. Mre. R. F. Oareoadden was called ber owing to the illness of her mother, Mrs George Patterson. Jas. and Joe. McKay have taken the contract of hauling loge to the mill for Chas. Qnerengeeser. Joe. McKinnon, jr., and Jno. Pepper, who have been working at Sault Ste. Marie, are home for a visit. B. R.Orerar, who is attending the School of 8ofeaoe, Toronto, is under the parental roof tor; the holiday season. Mies Bell Smith left last Monday for a visit to her brother, Rev. W. A. Smith, B. D., and wife at Oil City, Lembton 0o, Jas. Perri°, was chosen traeteeof S. S. No. 8. at Thursday's school meeting as snoneseor, to W m. Woods'who declined re - Jennie, daughter o1 Wm. Arm- strong, t 9 h non, was node r g, the clothier's oars during the past week bat ie improv- ing nicely now. Mre. Boyle has purchased the farm of A. Gormley, 18111 eon., paying $900 therefor, Farm °anteing 64 soros and lase no buildings upon it. Mies Beetle McNaught, of the South Boundary, has passed the Co. Model School and will teach next year in Logan township, 1,. miles from her borne. Mies Anna Mt Carrie has , who b e bees holidaying at Hinlose has returned home. On different 00500ione she Ilse pleased the people with her singing eepeoially'in $ootoh song. Next Monday will . be mnnioipal Nom. ination at the Township Hall, Ethel. With good roads there will no doubt be a large nitendanoe to hear a discussion on township affairs. The anneal school meeting was held Thnreday morning in S. 8,•No 3. Jno. Smith was elected trustee for the ensuing term, Wood obntreot went bo B. Lang at $1.50 per cord, a very reasonable pride, n this week's issue will be found the Anneal Fivaneial statement of municipal affairs for Grey for 1901. It should be carefully perused by the ratepayers and preserved for future reference. No doubt any point requiring explanation will re. 0Bive it next Monday at the Nomination at Ethel. - Thursday at the eobool meeting in 8, S. No. 4, Lorenzo Frain wan re•eteoted trnetee, and with M. Fraser and Edward Bryans will constitute the Board. The wood oontraot went to John Bryans at $2 per " oord; cedar will be °applied by Jno. McEwen at $1.50 ;end soft weed at $1,25. F, Ward is the beaoher, as 5, • 9 e h b e At the annual meeting of $, B. N Mersin' Hal'riepn wee ee eleoted trust nte ooand e fi will Gleanibe attegh ndeohed 10 byFcanklighting Harrlthaan An enjoyable and suopesetul nob entettainment . teas Field on Timed evening of last week in the Union soh Grey and MaKlltop. Miss Howe, t teacher, worsted bard in the arrangcm of the progrpm end enaoeded well, Lea Baoiisi.—Last Monday, Gar the aeopad daeghte.r of Geo. E. Spero 16th nasi., had the misfortune to bra one of her limbs at the ankle, by falli down stairs, One of the other: daugbte bad an experienne with a broken arm year or 0o ago, The Xmas Tree' in ooanection wi Bethel sabbath School last Friday SUB ing was a soothes in every respect. Re D. 13. Magee occupied the chair. T program was well rendered and the pr coeds amounted to $22.20. Those w had charge of arranging the progra deserve great credit for the way in whit it was done. SanooL REPORT.—Following is the port for December for S. B., No., 1. Or Fifth Claes—B. Armstrong, 80 ; L, Die son, 75. Fourth elaee—F. Davidson, 85 E. Blake, 80 • B, Davidson, 78 ; W. Ste en0on, 70 ; J. Randa, 66 ; W. Switzer, 59 N. Pollard, 57 ; J. Hoggard, G. Dark, 4 Third olase=L. Blake, 90; M. Hoggard 82 ; H. Bozell, 80 ; S. Armstrong, 74; L. Grant, 70 ; F. Lawson, 64 ; J. Stevenson, 62 ; A. Glassier, .60 ;' M. Donnan, 65 ; A. Glassier, 50. Beoond clean -J, Dickson, 74 ; B, Stevenson, 70 : J. Armstrong, 68 ; F. Butwell, 85 ; F. Alcock, 60, Part 11— F. Al000k, 90 ; M. Stevenson, 80 i 0. Armstrong, 74 1 A. Grant, 70 ; F. Orerar, 68 ; J. Mo Oallvm 65 • RGregg,, R. G 60 ; L. Switzer, 48., Part 1—T. Dickson, 88 ; A. Engle, 70 ; A. Lawson, 60. Mies Annie King, Teacher. GOOD Trim —A very pleasant time was spent last Friday evening at the annual entertainment in Shine's sahool'bonee. P. Ritchie, superintendent of the Sabbath school, .presided and called upon the following after he bad made a brief suitable epeeoh;-7netrnmental music by Meagre. Dark and Shaw ; march by the children ; recitation by Mae McGuire ; solo, W. Bitable ; recitations by Teenie Dickson, Wesley Armstrong and Athol MoQoarrie ; cantata, "Santa Glans' Dream ;" recitations by Jas, Perrie, Mabel II and Athol MoQoarrie; music by Messrs. Dark and Shaw ; recd. tatione by Fannie Aloock and Addie Grant ; solo by Miss Eva Denbow ; readinby D. Ritchie ; recitation by Flossie Botwell and Winnie McGuire ; instrumental by Masers, Dark and Shaw. Saucer, REPORT. The fo'lowing is the report of S. S. No. 4, for the mouth of December. The names are in order of ,nerit •—Clave V—F. Fraser, A. Mac- Donald, J. Gott. Sr. IV—J. Lynn, E. Bryans, B. MacQnarrie, M. Johnston, D, MaoDonald, M. Smith, L. King, T. Mal- lin, L. MoAllieter. Jr. IV—J. Frain, R. Jaoklin, T. McDonald, R. McDonald, H. Jaoklin. III—I. Frain. G. Fraser, H.. MaaDnnald, M. Lake, W. Mollie, G. Hemitton, R. McKelvey. Sr. II— T. Wilson, E MoAllieter and A. McDonald (egnal), Jean MacDonald, S. Johnston, 0. Hayden, M. Johnston, R. Carr. Jr. II -0. Lake, J. McAllister, N. MaaDon• ald, 5. Mallia, R. McKelvey, M. Carr, M. Smitb, M. Hayden, J. Hayden, J. Living. sten, T. Smith, G. Cott. F. WARn, Teaober. BaxeanAINEE T AND ND PRESE x NATION. —• On Wednesday e da avenin l6thin Met, alar Y g, e g orowd of ratepayers and pupils of S. B. No. 6, Grey, assembled at the sonnet house, to enjoy a pleasant evening together on the eve of the departure of Mies Mo- Tavish, who has taught the eohool for the past two years in a most satisfactory manner. All things being in readiness R. Malty was asked to take the chair, when the following program was present. ed :—Instrumental, Miss Welsh ; Oheir- mao's address ; instrumental, 3rd line Oreheetra ; reaitation, Mies S. Pearson ; instrumental, Misses Millar ; song, A. Lamont t instrumental, . McKay and Lamont • instrumental, 3rd line Orches- tra ; solo, Miss Welsh ; instrumental, Messrs. Lamont and Spence ; solo, Mies E. McIntosh, Lunch was then served after which the company mug "God save the King," and all repaired to their homes well pleased with evening's enter• tainment'whicb wee. A' 1. Theaddreee G. 9 as, COS eel ay eel be ant Gia in, ak ng re a th n. v.' be 0. ho h re- ek. v' 0 was all follows To Miss Bessie McTavish. DRAM TaAouER; Knowing that the ties that bave bound ne together as teaoher and pupils during the past two years are soon to be severed by your removal from our midst, we are desirous of expressing our heartfelt regret at the same, and would ask yon to accept this .address as an expression of our appreciation of your labors with tie ae our teacher. While our, conduct at florae may have shown w a meaenre of carelessness, your gentleness and patience always assured us that you had our welfare at heart, and your moral and pions example has been to ue an inspiration atton to nobler and holier things. We would alio ask you to moment this chain and Ladies' Companion as a tong• ible memento of hew you are endeared to our hearts and enshrined in our memor. lee. We einoerely hope that wherever a hind Providence may plaoe yon in the future that happiness and emcees may attend your every effort and that when life with 0t here shall close that we may all meet in that land of pore deliphtwhere events immortal reign. Signed in behalf of the pnpile of S. S. No. 6, Grey, WILLIAtd LAttowr, Dea.18th, 1901. Sewn./ RAMMMAED. Mies McTavish made a suitable, brief but feeling reply expressing her gratitude for the kindueae shown her. Miss Mo. Tavish, returned to her home in Tucker. emith on Saturday, the 21st, followed by the good will and beet wienee of a large oirole of friends. Robert Rogers, s Winnipeg printer, dropped dead. There is talk of an oatmeal mill being built at Newton. The Oanadien papermakers have inane an advance in prices. Gilbert Parked Will be bangneted at Belloetlle en January 11. W . I3 . KER•R., Prop,T The General Hospital at Mattawo was' - destroyed by nee. Perch Op. (Mallon mete la Stratford en the that Tuesday ie December, !t young man nrmed Ball, of Adams. villa wee killed by falling out of a tree, The "Royal Edward" will in -all, prob. ability be the name of the new Toronto bpetelry, Kersey Bros,' store at Edy'a'Mills wee . broken into, the sate blown open mud $1,660 stelae. - Brantford City Council hasearthedto sanction' the proposed sale of oily stook in the T. H. & 13. railway to Mr, J. N. Young. The total number of lithe lost on the Great Lakes daring the season of 1901 is reported at 182, ae compared with 110 last year, 119 in 1899.- F. H, Olergue Gaye -the reports ab ,sit a big shipbuilding plant at the Soo to be built by Sir 0. Furness are due to some reporter's imagination, The Grand Trunk is pushing work in commotion with the elevator to be °reo.ted at Point Edwavd. About 60 men are at work at the sand pits and around the docks, a steam ebovel ie also in operation in the pile, and two trams are engaged in battling gravel - COUNTY BOARD OF LX&MIN1'llh. SUCCESSFUL PIfl'ILS.' The County Board of Examiners met in Clinton on Tuesday, Deo. 24th, to finish the work of the Model School examinations. There were in attendance in all fifty- four oendidates—twentyfonr in Clinton and thirty in Goderion. The papers as a whole were considered fair. Of the fifty- fou° who wrote, ftftythree succeeded in seeming the pass mark, and were award- ed Third Oortifieetes accordingly. The pass mark required by the Education Department i0 00% of the total. The Board have also awarded those obtaining 75% of the total First Claes Honors, and those obtaining between 70 and 75% Second Glass Honors. Following ie the list :— Forex Guess Hexons—Beaton, K. 3. ; Dunlop, W. J. ; Gregory, Stella ; Mo. Ewan, Agnea E.; Watson, Vesta. SECOND CLASS HoNons — Ayleswortb, Mary ; Bielby, Margaret E. ; Blake, RicharJ.; Code, Mary ; Downing, Hattie M. ; Eberhart, Henry ; Govern look, Mabel ; Hartry, Howard F. ; Kih Qatriok, Nina ; Lamont, Samuel B. ; uarry, Mary ;'Robertson, Queenie May ; Russel, Margaret E.; Smillie, Emma E, ; Wiseman, Jessie. Peas—Bell, Wilfred H. ; Blatchford, Lilian; Brydges, Wm. Jae. V. R. ; Brown, J. P. ; Buchanan, Harvey ; Ohidley, Clara ; Cowan, Arnold ; Oourioe, Wm. ; Dalton, Hannah Evans, Hermon S. ; Farrel, Ethel ; Guest, Edna ; Hilden, Jas. A. ; Joynt, James ; Mair, W. J. ; Mc- Donald, Bessie M. ; McDonald, Glen ; McEwen, Edith E.; McEwen, Mary ; McFarlane, Tena ; Moltatll, Lottie L. ; McMichael, Eva J. ; Miller, Hubbart ; McLeod, Alex.; Hardie, Lizzie ; Newton, Chas. L. ; Passmore, Wilbert ; Pybue, Geo. G. ; Stirling, Jessie M, ; Sanders, Fred. ; Troy, Nellie ; Webster, George ; Yeo, Lanus E. Brussels Seim' Board. A special meeting of the Public School Board was held in the Board room on Dec. 20th. It was called by the Chair- man to transact general business. Mem- bers present, Jas. Turnbull, D. 0. Ross, J. G. Skene and - W. M. Sinclair. The following accounts were presented and on motion of W. M. Sinclair, second. ed by J. G. Skene, were ordered to be paid : G. A. Deadman, anppliee $ 2 95 Wilton en Turnbull " 11 43 R. Leataerdale, repairing seats for new room 25 90 The following tenders for wood were read :— Thos. Davidson at $1 70 per cord S. Burke, " 1' 75 W. Kreuter " 1 85 " Moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by D. 0. Rose, that the tender of Thos. David- son be accepted.—Carried. Moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by W. M. Sinclair, that Miss Ethel Scott be engaged to tenth for the year 1902 • at a salary of $850.00.—Carried. Board then adjourned, CHURCH 0111a31E8. - Speoial Ohrietmas sermons were preach- ed by Rev. Jno. Roes in Melville Mauch last Sabbath. Pubiio service was held in the R. 0. °hutsh in town on Ohrietmaso m ruin g and was oondnated byRev. Fr. o Corcoran. Last Sabbath evening Rev R. Paul and A. M. McKay, of Brussels, and Thos. Strachan, of Grey, addressed a largely attended1 1 ! b eSiet oo y meeting at Ethel Mies Campbell, gave a very 'interesting - address on Mission work in India in Melville ohurob on Thursday evening of last week, Miss Oampbell is home on furlengh. Chrietmae morning public seevi0ee were held in 51. John's and the Methodist chanties, Revds. Messrs. Abey and , Holmes offiaieting, respectively on sp. propriate themes to the 000asion. The collection in the Methodist Sabbath Scbool lest Sunday for the Siok Ohi15. rens' Hospital, Toronto, amounting to $11,20. Melville sabbath School will ' have their tolleotion next Sabbath. Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Holmes diecoursed on "Awake, Awake I put on thy strength", and "If any man will °erne after Me let him deny himeelf, take up his groes and follow Me", in the emitting. - Methodiet'Oligroh anniversary sermons will be pree0hed in Brussels Methodist aburoh en Sanday, Jan. 26th, by the veteran divine, Rev. Wm. 11loDonagh, 01 Stratford. Indeed of a Tea meeting oontribtibione will be asked on the Sabbath and on Monday ' eeening ben a Musical • and g Literary program will be Overt at which Rev. Mr, IUaDonegit and; °there will give addroseet,