HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-12-19, Page 8CHf�ISTMAS PRESENTS !
Celluloid Oases
Seo 0tir handsome display of these
geode, We have eeerytbing you want
in thio line such as Toilet Cagee,
Shaving Bete, eco,
All the latest and best (Wore in
stook, If you with a fine bottle of
Perfume, do not fail to 011 on 00.
Japanese Goods
These are elegant geode and the
very latest thing ont. The prides are
very tow. Do not iniac getting some.
Alt the beet prase and pootioal
avarice is handsome volumes. Bibles
apd Etyma Books at all prices.
All the latest Albums in oellnloid
with beautiful designs. Then are vety
attraotive goode.
Christmas Cards
We have on hand an endless
variety of Christmas Cards and Oaten'
dare et all priaee. Sea our handeoine
display before you bay,.
F. B. Hursley &
tlCEs SO tS TO L. It, UA tVEY. BRUSSEL% Out.
Trains leave Braesele Station, North
and Booth,"aetolowsf
Gomm Sours GoIN0 Noartr.
Express 7:18 a.m i OIail. 2I0 p.m
Mixed . 0:96 e.m I Exproee ...... 8.11 p.m
Patti tebo•s lean .
A ohiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith bell prent it.
Tom calendar fiend bas hie innings
just now.
VE3s little stir over Municipal election
affairs so far in town.
Sew loge are already making their ap.
pearanoe at the Ameot mill.
12 reoxAoE8 of batter were shipped
Eastward by Robt. Thomson daring the
past week..
Two care of nate and a oar of bay were
shipped by Alf. Bather. The bay went
to North Bay.
MEMOS, RANexonn shipped two ogre of
salt from Brussels this week, the first
einoe starting np.
THERE were 10 tiokete sold at Brussels
to people attending the Winter Fair at.
Guelph last week.
Tam next monthly.Horse Fair will be
held ie Brussels on Tbarsday, Jan. tad.
Keep the date marked down.
K. 0. T. M.—A meeting of the Ii. 0.
T. M. will be held on Friday evening of
this week for eleotion of officiate.
Tan elution of officers in Brussels L.
0. L. resulted in practically the re,
election of those who filled offieee for the.
peat year.
I °tor'
were e
Oyu $2,000 paid to Tax 0o
Halliday last Saturday, tbe teat day be-
h 5%.This i s
addition e
the addo 0t t
what folks oan do when they know they
bave to.
Tao PoeT congratulates Daman Stew.
art and Fred. Wilson on the soothes
attending their recent Pharmacy exame.
and hopes the (medale.may be theirs in
their finale.
W. KRanmrn and A. Hunter have par•
phased 8 acres of timber from L. Mc-
Neil, 14 h con.Grey, and have a ga0g of
men in the bosh cutting loge and wood.
They will Rod ready Bale for botb.
D. EwAN & Co. have been doing a, rash•
ing bneineee in the cutter line as they
sold no lees than 40 in three days. If
this is not beetling things along we
hardly know what else yon would oall it.
Rzazw.s and new 8abaoriptiona are
coming in to TEE Poar at a lively rate.
We highly appreoiate this kind of treat-
ment bet we give a big dollar'e worth in
the year. See our clubbing offer on page
Mane Obrietmae.
PINE Winter weather.
Taz Pose gives the news.
SEE local Oew5 on page 6.
Tan butchers wilt make a Xmas die -
play worth geeing.
R. Gneaatt forwarded this week a oar
each of wbeet, peas and oats.
Tau 080°' oar shipment of bogs was
made by Geo. Beet on Tuesday.
in the street or
your ashes ' t
Don'T Ginty yo
yon will ger into trouble, so says the
town Council.
THE Oober families have secured houses
fn tow0 and will remove their p'ont to
the factory here shortly.
Two oars of ooal Dame to band Ibis
week, one for Wilton & Tarabull and the
Other for Brneeele Salt Works.
Tan stores and ahope wear a holiday
appearance. See TEE Poor advertising
oolomos for the bargains being offered,
Tan store stook of A. R. Bmitb, Wing.
barn, was sold on Monday to an Owen
Sound merrbant at 64 outs on the dollar.
OaaIeTMeg Day the post offioe will be
open from 9 to 10 a. m., an hoar after
the arrival of the afternoon train and
from 6 to 6 30 o'clock.
M. H. MnosE, V. S., will continue the
horse buying bneineee carried on by A.
Hewitt, removed to Kincardine, and has
enured the same stables on John street.
A woos bee was held on Wednesday in
the interests of 1. B. Stratton, who bas
been laid up with a broken leg, and quite
s quantity hauled from MoNeil'a bush to
ONLY $844 49 in taxes were unpaid'
eaoording to Tax Collector Halliday's
report last Monday eveoiag. Tbie bal.
encs has had 6% added according to the
resolution wbioh will be oolleoted forth-
with along witb the taxes.
88ROz0NT MEADOWS was banding over
the ohegaee to the members of Brussels
Volunteer Company this week for tbe
four days occupied in their trip to Toron-
to io eoonecbion with the visit of the
Dake and Duabees of York.
WEDDING. —A quiet wedding wag eolem-
aized at St. John's Rectory, Brussels, on
Monday evening, 16th inst.,. when Aire.
Weatberill, a sister of Mrs. (Rev.) Abey,
was married to J. P. Jamison, both of
Wyoming. May their joys be many.
Horanea Blass.—Tee Grand Tomsk
will issue single fare tickets going Deo.
24 and 26 and returning on the 265h, and
for New To Br's, going on Deo. 31 and
and Jami and returning Jan 2nd. A
fare and dao -third rate, will be iseaed on
tbe2l.t to the 96117, and also the 28th to
Jan. 1, good to return until the 3rd.
Waal NEST 7—A rather nnigae affair
was given by Parte Congregationalists.
It was a left hand armlet. Each guest
bad the right hand put up in a sling, and
had to shake bands with the left, register
name, eat—in foot do everything with the
left hand. A provetb was pat on the
blackboard, and a prize wag given to the
one who could copy it the beet with the
left hand.
'L. 0. U. W.—Officers were elected in
Brueseie Workman's Lodge as follows
for She current term :—W. A. Orioh, M.
W.; Foreman, C. H. Bartliff ; Overeeer,
H. Mercer ; Recorder, W. H. Kerr ;
FinanOier, W. H. MoOraoken ; Trea.nrer,
G. A. Deadman ; Guide, Geo. Canning.
Karn ; Representative to Grand Lodge,
W. A. Orioh ; Altercate, W. E. MoOraok-
an intelligent port in the diepuestdue on
the remarks made by the epeakero, that
.the information imparted may be clearly
understood and duly loopreseed for future
pas, Thos. MoMillap is Preel4ant, and
Gee, Hood, Secretary,
The following is the report of Brueaele
Poblio tdobpol for the month of November
and December :--
30054 z.
So. Pt. I ;tinier Leaving --Exam ne
in Gram., Alg., Geo„ Arith,
Hist. ; total, 600 ;—
B 11fo7ielvey ,. 528 A Punttoto,.., 492
H Gooding.... 601 1 Ham 493
Allose 499 hiMoAtter ,. 201
K Telfer ,460 33 Howe 398
LRoee 436 M Wilson 814
11 Zimmer .,483 N 111o(a'uioe .,. 278
3e. Pm. I J3LEAVING.--Tota1700 :—
TT Irwin 606 73 Soett .,... 488
M Thompson., 620 306 hioArter,... 451
A McMillan 659 J Bryape 442
GRoee 663 B Henderson 489
0 112o0raeken,588 H Ainley 484
B Hingeton ., 683 A Lott .... 429
L MOArter ,520 0 Mooney .... 426
A Smith628 B Bone 398
E Wilton ... 522 M Scott , 369
R McKenzie... 608 P Richards302
V Dunford,.,. 504 11 Pugh ,. 292
W Zilliax .,.. 601 0 Hiogston 271
E Baeker .,.. 486 R Plum 175
J. H. 0 A0m506, Prinbipal.
SA(380,14144 POST
5T4XD, RD .J,7el Ar.,:A a. CAX4D4,
,TsW.41,,zia+xS EX3E,'D 7.e72.
CAPITAL PAID171,' (One Million Dollars)
4geneieo in alt pita+elpaI J0(t4ts in Ontario, gather', Manitoba, United S
F lrbeepfa
A General Banking I;ttsiness Transacted, Farmers' Notes
Crafts Issued and Collections made en all points.
tntereet allowed on deposits of 41,00 and upwards and eontpounded half yearly,
BMEOrAL 4T111172108 oWWHN so Tag QOLL1.OTYON e1 Famine, BALs Norrie.
Every facility afforded Onetomere living at dietanoe.
payable at any bank iosaed Under 310,, . , $o. $20'to 380, ...12o
IIOiieq Qr3Ori at the following rates ;— $l,0 50 $90....100. 80 to 49....14o
F. H. GRAY, Memo Mann,
Ito=M II.
Inion ill OLAee,—Examined in Gram.,
Spell., Geo., Oomp•, Aritb. ; total, 500 :—
W Turnbull .. 478 .A Thomson .. 270
L Straohan,...' 469 W Scott 336
W Btraoban .. 450 0 Scott 828
A MoMillan ., 420 k' Scott286
F Stretton .... 418 W Riohardeon281
SE. III CLASS.— Examined in Arith.,
Geo., Phy., Oomp„ Mem. ; total, 500 :—
E Adams 468 G Rose ... 839
MMoNiohol,462 0 Wilbee 827
N 73arbottle,...400 .J Wilton .. 820
T Zimmer ,...399 E Ament 806
L Leatherdale..594 J Bloomfield 281
L Sinclair 391 ,T Moore 276
H Brothers ....369 W MoQuarrie 270
E Oolvin ......367
Ja. IV .Cues.—Examined in Arith.,
Phy., Geo, Oomp., Spell. ; total, 500 :—
B Ross ........499 W Williomeon411
A Ross 497 G Zill1ex 376
L Turnbull .:..486 A. McQuarrie 374
L Danford .....456 S Thomson 372
J Armstrong ..455 5 $inolair 366
F Thomson ..449 W'Roche 368
0 Ham ...446 R Pugh 857
E Corrie 435 M Ament 328
A Scott ....433 H Richards 321
M Roes 432 R Lowry 806
3 Mooney 482 L Edwards 273
R Deadman....417 L. Colvin .,197
Mose M. L. Beam, Tea cher.
Own* to the crowded state of our
advertieing oolamns with holiday bar•
gates our regular reading space i8 some-
what abbreviated bat by reading the
advte. it may save you a good many
Tete Trustees have the repaired and
renewed seats ready in tbe new depart
meat to be opened in Braseeie Public
School after New Years with Mies Soott
as teaober. A number of pupils outside
of town have already expressed their
intention of attending here.
SoHEBons, with little thought of the
dangerous role they are playing, wrote
ao anonymous letter to O. Zilliax threat-
ing the burning of his hotel and J. Rose'
grocery, the building being owned by
Mr. Zilliax. The scribbler may find him-
self in a loot box if the proof can be
brought home to nim.
Ox Obrietmae eve John Carter and
wife, of Mill street, Brneeele, will cele-
brate an event not always the good far
tune of married people to see, viz the
Golden Wedding. They will bold a re-
nnio0 of relatives and friends on the oo-
05elon of the nolebration. THE POST
exteode oongratalations to Mr. and Mrs.
Garter. •
TEE POST had a very pleasant call last
Saturday from an old school mate of 85
years ago in the person of Soo. Jackson,
of Leamington, who is the representative
of Janeway & Carpenter, wall paper
manufaotnrere of New Brunewiok, New
Jersey. We bad not met Mr. Jaokson
einoe the old school days so there was a
recalling of many old time events.
0 Z&LLYax bas bad a oarpenter gang on
this week putting op a temporary frame
stable on the site of the one destroyed
last week by fire. Tbie will be =parsed
ed next Spring with a modern brick and
cement barn the size of which will be
42x150 feet. Mr. Zither effeoted a
eettlement with the insurance oompany
for the recent barn out, reoeieing $382,-
40, the full amount of hie olaim.
Ddq. 1 L90l
00 (6 Ditgiand,,
Ws yxm.—Pried apples, 80. ; turkeys,
undrawn, 80, Cash fee butter and :aw
fare. GAIL SYN°, Wingham.
Bzueezpe Pow Woaxa;—Ssw gumming
a epeoialty. Satiefa0tion guaranteed..
F. Amin, Mill street,'
Pons Wage= --A. Coulee ie desirous
of purohaeing a large quantity of 607
kind of fare. Highest aa,h price paid.
T. FLasonna has a very heavy and most
beautiful stook of watches at prioee that
all may have one for Xmas. We ace sole
agents for the Denber Hamptonwatoh.
Sow FILING —The undersigned is pre.
pared to attend to all saw filing in a
workmanlike manner, atter long exper-
ience. Satisfaction guaranteed.
- Livery Barn, Brussels,
Jos. III CEAs.—Examined in Mem ,
Lath., Gram., Diot., Comp., Geo. ; total,
600 :—
M Brothers .,..546 II Harbottle,...468
k Deadman....540 AI Jackson ....445
P Beaker 639 0 Holmes 440
F Mollenzie...,582 F Campbell 431
0 Bell 581 J Ament 410
L Mo&rter ....526 F McKay 394
L McCracken ..514 V AloKenzie370
G Armstrong ..497 0 Gerry 358
S Campbell ....494 W Henderson 338
A Jackson ....460 B Dark 221
Se. II CLASS: Examined in Mem
Arita., Geo., Spell., Oomp., Lit. ; total,,
S Walker ......486 S Ameot 899
M Birt 497 J Phillips 393
3 Wilbee 464 W Wilton......374
0 Simmons 460 P Speiran 372
W Bell 440 ODenbow 344
E Ewan 436 A Sutliff 829
T Friendship ..434 E Carrie 304
T Armstrong ..406 W McCracken 278
INT. SECOND CLASS.— Examined in
Mem., Arith., Geo., Spell., Comp., Lib
total, 600
ALOOMA Fnuxt.—Tits POST reoeived a
Obrletniae box last week from an old
time Brnssi•lite, in the person of William
Harvie, of Day Mills, Algoma, in the
shape of a flied sample of apples (Pewee
hes and Got'.len variotiee) grown in that
eeation. It will keep many of the On.
tario•oroharda hustling to outdo the
fruit teaeivnd. Mr. Harris has done a
great deal in the line of advertising that
section by practical exbibitiona of trope
oulbivated there and by interesting car
respondence of progreee being made ae
the years go by. Oar thanks are tender.
ad him for the apples.
ANOTHER GAGE.—WO ere' 60rry to report
that another 00150 of diphtheria bail trade
iia apparition) in Brneeele this time in
the borne of Peter McQuarrie, a little
daughter 8a years of ago being the saffee.
been aarantided and
b ase has e p
et. T9
n 0 revet
t n the
ever re0aation taken p
*readofthe disease. Petite Sobool'
was ordared to be closed at 'noon on
Wedaeeday and the town Board of Health
hoe Bent for o disinlooting machine so
that Worm' ih work will be done as tar as
Mayo -Mon to possible. We hops Mr.
MaQnarrie'a family wilt soon be dowel.
esdont, A nurse ie here from Stratford,
18leetings of the Baet Huron Farmers'
Inetitnte for the dieonasion of Ageioul•
tural and kindred enbjeote, will be held
as andernoted. At Gorrie on the 21st
January, 1902, the afternoon seeeion at
1.80 p.m. :—Ohairman's addreee 1 G. O.
Oa5t0a, Oraigburet, "The importance of
e000nlentfood in the feeding of live stook";
3. E. Meyer, Kossuth, "How. I built my
silo" ; Mrs. Campbell, Goderioh, "Hauge..
hold eeoaomiee." Evening suasion at.
7.30 p. m. :—Chairman's address ; G. 0.
Gaston, "The Agricaltnral College and
the ednoation of the Farmer" 4 J. E.
Meyer, "Keeping poultry for prat On
thefarm" • Mee. Campbell, "Home In.
fipenoe." Mdeiaal program.
—At Brussels, on the 22nd of January,
1902, the afternoon session at 1.80 p. m.
—Obairman'5 address G. E. Caston,
"Problema of the Soil" ; J. E. Meyer,
"How I built my 8110" ; Mee. Campbell,'
"Aims and objeote of Womans'Inetitntes."
Leaning session at 7 30 p. m. —Chair.
man's addreee ; G. 0.0aeton,'4TheLand
We live in" ; J. E. Meyer, "Beeping
Poriltry for profit on the farm" ; 51r8.
Campbell, "Bread and Breadmaking,"
Musical program. All are oordially' m.
'eited to attend these meetings and take
0 Wilton 434 H Barrett 410
F Mainprize ....480 3 Wilton 408
3 Leckie 422 E Colvin
E Good418 B Leckie
H Moore 412 P Ament
Jot. SECOND Claes.—Examined in Mem„
Arith., Geo., Spell., Comp., Lit. ; total,
600 :--
A Rose 476 B Ourrie 360
M Jonea ......468 X Ament 862
F Scott 446 E Wilbee 382
W Adams 398 0 Mol1'llllan ...382
V Walker 877 '0 Ament ......286
Moes M. T. Dow8zs, Teacher.
People We Know.
Fred. Gilpin le home from Chicago for
the Xmas holidays.
Mies Brook will epend her Xmas holi-
days with Exeter friends..
Druggist Fox was in the Queen City'
for a few days this week.
E. 0. Danford was in Toronto for a
few days on business trip.
Mrs. D. McCormack, of Hamilton,
visited Mrs. Jno. Wynn, last week.
Ivan Crooke has token a situation in a
't'arento drug hoose. We wish him no-
Mrs. Henry Wilbee is home from an
enj. amble holiday visit with relatives and
friends. -
G. N. MoLaren,' of Midland, formerly
of Braesele, was s visitor in town last
J. D. and Mrs, Ronald are h
With Rev. W. T. Oluff and family at
Mrs, J. Thompson bas been on the
siok list but we hope elm will soon be
Harvey Buchanan is home from the
Model Sobool. He will teaoh neat year
at Winthrop aobool.
Mise Hattie Downing is home from
Goderioh Model School. She will teach
next year near Walton.
Mr. Murphy, of Muskegon, Mich , is
holidaying at Walter Smith's. Mrs.
Murphy is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Smith and ie also here.
Miss Pearl, daughter of R. and Mrs.
Lsatherdale, has been in poor health for
some time, but her many young friends
nope she will soon be able to be about as
was her custom.
Sohn H. Patland, of the Royal Hotel,
Ripley, formerly of Brunie, has been
sufferingfor some time past with Amu.
n one of his feet. He is still
partially unable to attend to his business
0/11115011 C1tI31El$.
JA0.Ee,-ln Toronto, on Deo. 6th, to Mr.
and Mrs. J. Howell James a daughter.
Mo7nnzat.—In Grey, 17th con., on Deo.
18, to Mr, and hire. Damian Mcken-
zie, a daughter.
CLASS V.—Total 500 :
N Ewan 448 J Henderson ..820
A Robb . 440 O Jackson ......318
F Gerry407 Z Lindsay ....306
R Roche 368 W McKay ....296
I Barclay 360 ' 3 Cooper
R MoOraoken 360 W Ainley
GLASS IV.—Total, 600:—
E Deadman 488 E Plum
E Gilpin 478 0 Lowry
J Armstrong 468 L Davey
E MoFadzeaa 460 V Ainlay
W Miller 459 :E Somers
S Speiran 440 W Long .
S Fos 422 W Long
F Friendship ..410 M Walker
Mast st.........405
Ouse Ili.—Excellent—G Wilbee, B
Gerry, H Good, B Harris, W Ram, 0
Leckie, H Mooney, W Sporting. Good
P Dark, M Burgess, 18 Bingen, J Mo.
Niohol. Fair—•M Edwards.
xa A.MEES.xarD,
JASn0ON—WEATE0amL,—At Bt. John's
rectory, Brueseie, on Deo. 16117, by
Rev. G. J. Abey, brother•in.law to
the bride, Mr. J. P. Jamison -to Dirs.
Weatherill, both of Wyoming.
MoGnzaot.—In Waebington Co., Ohio,
61. S., on Deo. 9,. Margaret, relict of
itis late Andrew MoGregor, and`
sister to Geo. Hood, of Morrie town-
8R V'S w's�::C,:S 1•ice iV F.: T:'0' -,
Fall Wheat 78 78
Barley .... , . • 48 50
Peas 78
Oats 40
Batter, tuba and rolls .. 15
Legge per dozen 16
Flour per owl. ... 4 00 .
Potatoes (per bus.) 26
Apples (per bbl.) 2 00
Hay per ton 6 00
Hides trimmed 6
Hides rough 5
Hoge, Live 6 00
Wool 13
Obristmas sermons will be preached in
Melville ohnroh next Sabbath by the
Service will be held in St. John's
ohnroh on Chrietmaa Day, commencing
at 10.30 a. m.
Next Sabbath a oolleotion in aid of the
Sick Cbildreoe' Hospital, Toronto, will
be taken Op in the Metbodist Sabbath.
Obrietmas morning there will be service
held in the Methodist ohnroh, commenc-
ing at 10 30 o'olook. The pastor will
Melville ahurob choir gave a pleasing
Recital lest Monday evening in the
is •arae in r
ohnroh at which an t akin g p ogram
was presented.
Last Sabbath Rev. John Holmes
preached on the . subjeot of the "Holy
Spirit" at the morning service and
"Heaven" wee the theins in the evening.
Thursday evening of this week Mies
Kate Campbell, a missionary home from
India on furlough, will speak in Melville'
Obaroh in tbis place. The meeting will:
open at 7 45 o'clooh. No doubt Mie°
Oampbeil will bave many interesting
lute to relate concerning her work. Her
home is tit Meleewortb.
Rev. Jno. Bose, B. A„ oontinued the
subject of "Tee Model Congregation last
Sabbath morning, taking the 8th chapter
of Nehemiah as the Soripteral founds.
tion of hie 8ieo0008e. 'Tee Trumpets of
God," I Theos. 4:16, was the evening
subject. The seven divisions dealt with
were as follows:—Tee Trumpet of (1)
Warning ; (2) Invitation. ; (8) Rejoicing,;
(4) Command ; (5) Conflict ; (6) Service ;
7Judgment. —The Bicho
Huron has issued hie usual Ohrietmae
pastoral to the different oongregati0n0.
It reads : "Dear friooda,—Ae another
Obristinae is now advancing, I . write to
remind you of the offertory 'Which i5
usually given on ;that day to the clergy.
men of the parieb—a soatom witioll I
treat will not be omilted on the corning
occasion. 'Phe Tate abundant harvest,
bringing with it inoreaeed prosperity,
diotatee a liberal and geneto08 spirit on
the past of all our people. May I there-
fore ask of you this anon a very sub.
atantial evidence of your good will to.
wards those earnest end devoted men
who have labored with so =oh zeal and
self•deniat for the advenoemenb of yo05
beet and truest inteteete. Many of these
men are laboring with sorely inaui6ofent
mane, and aro greatly otippled for the
want of that winch you oan 80 liberally.
anpply, and at snob a time as this, when
God'e greet gift to ne le the theme of
every pulpit, may your onerous hearts
be filleted to remember those who are
over you in the Lord and who labor
stoning you ae those who must give an
amount. Whaling yon all the spiritual
and temporal joys Of the Christmas sea-
out I remain yours in Christ, . Maurice
5, Baldwin."
Ouse II.— Excellent—II Armstrong,
G Oonsley, G Kerr, W ISerr, I Strachan,
K Wilton, B Warwick, F Robb. Good—
H Amenb, E Cooper, Roy Davey, f4
Jamieson, H Lowry, H MoVadzean, M
Thompson, F Stratton, P Gnhr.
GLASS -L•-Excellent-- J Jackson,.0
Shaw, 13 Burgess, R Fox. Good -0
Doll, 13 Lowry, E Barkley, T Snider.
Mose JEAN ;toxemia, Teacher.
Business Locals.
Dierla ra'a
Diphtheria awl
Croup Remedy. I
5 00
3 00
7 00
6 00
To these who have need the above
valuable remedy we are pleased to
any we nave now got a supply of it,
andto those with whom its vain.
able qualities are not ' known we.
sen highly reoomrnend it for the
diaeasee mentioned,
50c. per Bottle
It's Less
than 2 week° now till. Xmas. Not
mpob time to put off your buying.
Tbie week finds u9 again all rosily
for tbe rush, We nave often enum'
erated the many Snag wo parry for
the Xmas enamel but tate year we
wguld like to have you some in and
see' for yourself. It will repay you
as we oertoinly have never had
finer or more varied line of goods
than we are 'Mowing Ude year,
We Want You to See them
' Drug, Store.
.a.`ercrrxoev snx,a, r`I, 0 M F O B T A B L E, WELL
kJ lighted Bpd convenient room to let in
Famsx, DHo 20TH,—Farm stook, im. Ise Leokle block over G. A. Deaden an's and
Clemente, &a, 015101 17, con; 6, Grey. Mre. Bogexs'storee. Apply to F. S, SCOTT.
Sale, unreserved at 1 o'clock Joe. Quer.
rip, Prop. ; F. 8. Scott,
aa• $15 00 to $18.00 a Week
Copan fence poste for sale. Apply at.
THE POET. PubliebingHouHs.
GENouan servant wanted. Apply to
AIRS. W. NI.' SINCLAIR, Brussels.
00D 'YEAR OLD STEERSG0Wanted, suitable for ranch parpotme
Apply to 0E0. BEST, Brussels.
Tarnberry street, Brussels,for sale at
a bargain. Ap PIs to
ear io and nine -Bar Leicester
Lambs #o
L tib r sale Some eligible for regietra'
tion. D.,paILNE, Ethel.
salary for an intelligent man or woman in
each town. Permanent position. 80 cents
per hour lot spare time. Mannfaott0urer.
Sox 78, Philadelphia._
in Brussels.. Eligibly situated, 3 eoro
of laud, stable, well, cellar and other con-
veniences. For price and berme apply to
MISS DARK, Oranbreok P. O., or THE PoeT
Publishing House,Bruesels. 19 -ti
Avmo and House Painting done is
Workmanlike: manner and on short notice.
Have had threeyears' experience in city
work. Terms reaeor able. Give me a call.
28 W.I. JOHtt WON. Walton.
Surd Wood. for Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale a quantity
of eitheroordwood or stove- wood. Will de-
liver it to parties in town. For further pay
Maniere as t0 price, &o , eerily to
J. B. 8T5ETT(3N,,
- - - Queen's Betel, .Brussels.
N-221 Holiday Stock
Rums.—Rings all kinds and alma et
T. Fletober'e.
Mollie to loan on farm seaarity,
Apply at Tao Poet.
Panama oOOkerale, thero' bred, for
nA isotl.
. M00 a
sale. W
Howe & Co. have reoeived a new stook
of yarns. Gall and sae them.
T. 'naval/Ws watobee will astonish
Vitt at the price be sella them, Ladies',
gents gold and gold filled watobes, in all
grades, very cheap. All the different
kinds of movem0nte.
Is Now ComplcteT
undred.s of Dollars worth of NEW GOODS have
of the
arrived -in the past few .weeksc
consisting g
Winter necessities
well as the Latest Novelties for the
Now is the time to think of these thins and prepare accord-
ingly. Remember in seeing ,New Things it gives you XNew
Ideas to profit by, it helps you plan for Xmas and New
Years presents to advantage.
Pretty New
Justreceived our new stock
of Plain and Fancy Silk Hand-
kerchiefs which consists of num-
erous kinds so varied in style
and pattern as to appeal to, all
as very suitable Xmas presents.
—Plain White at 25c, 350, 50e,
75e and $1.00.
—With Fancy Borders at 50e,
75e and. $1.00.
i Swivel Back
If you want to be up-to-date
have a pair of 'our new Suspen-
ders. They are pretty, neat,
strong and unexpensive.
--We have them in four qualities
at 25e, 35e, 500 and 75e.
-We also carry a complete range
of Dominion Suspenders 3343
15e, 20c, 25e, 35e, 50e & 75e.
Ordered Clothing
We oan Save You both Money
and Trouble.
Doou wish to save money ?. Do you wish
first-class work? If so allow us to make your
Garments. 'We employ none but first-class
hands, therefore We can assure you of having the
very best workmanship.. •
=—Orie of-
our Tailor-made Suits would
make a handsome Xmas or New Years
present, prices $13 to $30.
.Neckwear -
Never before has our stook
been so rich with the Newest
Creations in Neckwear as it is at
present. Our range consists of
the following styles :—Strings,
Derbys, Graduates, Imperials,
Flowing Enda, Bows and Puffs.
See our Minto blunter
at 75e and $1.00.
Particular Dressers
The enthusiasm, of youth causes a roan to
bring the same intense interest to the subject of
Clothes as to anything else. life becomes exces-
lively particular what to wear and when to wear
it. Latest colors and mase -up must meet bis
ideas, for such dressers ordinary Ready-made
Clothing is not always up to the mark --that's
Where we come in with the
20th Century and
Fit Beyond Question
Brands of Ready -to -Wear Clothing. Suits
from $2.50 to $15.00.
son o the year we tape pleasure in thank'in, our many
,�l t thus sea �' l Co
for their Liberal Patronage in the past and wish al Merry
• Xmas and ca JIMMY .New Yeas°.