HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-12-19, Page 5Dia 19 1901 Cal r, t tell , Nell, Wednesday will be Chriatmet. Mniiniineo Nomination on Monday,80tb Met, A, 0, U. W, Friday evening of this week, • 'Soiioen.oloees on Friday to resume en Jan�,Oth, Xeres x'eeen ottn be sent to. Jan, x.m t a absent friend then'i''ne Doer for 1902, an wee no meeting of the School Board last Friday evening owing 10 event of quorum, • peoene who drive over the County bridges faster bleu e went are to be •nab• bed and taught a leseotr for their trawl- gieeeion of a well known law.• Poonatts 13npw.-7:he dame for the an. nual ebow of the Huron Pet Stook and Ponllry.Aeeocia4ipnare Dee. 31, Jan.1 and 2, ' Voir will he held in Godericb. Brneoelspoultr, fenoiere will likely be. exhibitors. gerelr.a boom in 00 in tgwa over hogpae' to rent .and it Tooke !ger math ath e if ere we Penne foil a lee. opm11orIabte reeldengee that ecoid be leased at a teip rental, RuoontaI NDe,-.-A young Tee writing from Manitoba for Tina Peel says: -." el,e have not'seen',L'ns,Peee for a long time I em getting someet Ioneeometer home Pelee so I`have decided to subeortbe for your• ve'luablo paper and eoolooe 11 for it,"—,A onbooriber from North Dakota writer ,"You will find enoiored a poet oflioe- order for renewal to '1'Pe Peer which keeps us po;teii oi, ,whet ie goine. en at Sequels and 'eurroundiog, country. Long live Tun Pew• ' A rletter from Prorta, III„ ea,Y"H ;—"Enclosed find P, 0,' order for ,$1 to pay for POST, It to a 'wele¢me visitor at oar far away home,: and we feel ae though we ooutdn't keep ,boiae without it, Wishing yourself and 'Ton POT long Years of euceeee end pros, perity:" From Oalaery.:—'I ere always glad' to get Tne Poen' and see the, home news. We have bad a splendid Fall, eoaroely any rain since Sept, Times are My Stock is Complete In all lines'coneisting of Ladies' and. Gents'•Gold'and' Silver" Watches, Ladies' Long Chains and Chain Bracelets, Gents' Chains and Lockets: Large stock of Rings, Opal Goods, Pipes, Walnut and Iron Clocks, Silverware, in, fact every- g an ftp-to•date Jewelry thin • that is to be found' Store. A large stock of the famous B. Lawrence Spectacles in Gold and Gold Filled Frames. at 'about one-half the' price yon pay" elsewhere. ' • WATCH G SPEILIST ■ Jones g &opTAaf•Aly. geed ppd thje Jo the ec rdry to get along 111. Enclosed ;ltd $J. 00 tor. 7'335 Pose slid Glebe," :F01-ci ew;steels. Tho faruaoee for the dew Presbyterian are now set pp ie position. 0. Wade and tardily are now oomtert•' ably settled in their flee neve reeidenog, ' The'pe''r000 of the Fordwieh Oheeeel Co, were paid 00 Friday „afternoon, :for the balance of this seam's make, George Schwalm, of Mildmay, aonbrlio• for for the new Presbyterian ohuteb here, bed a serieue fire, hie dry ltiin being cone plelety derlr'oyed with about $175 worth of 'Ureter. William Mee, who has been •ranching in the Northwest Territory for the poet 87r years, returned to hie home on the 9.h'oonoeeeign, on Saturday, where he intende to remain fog a sew months. The annual meeting of the Fordwiob. Branoh of the W, A, M. A. met in Trinity Church on Thursday, Deo. 5th. The following officers were elected :-Preai dent, Mrs. "John' Wel lame, j r. ; vice.• Pres., Mae, ' Gamble ; Treaourer, Dire. " Hain. stook ; Secretary, Mrs, Bpinke. Pur ohaeing Committee—Mre. Henry, ]lire, 'Donagby and Mrs. Of, Dolt. r Cook's O,YX, B. Lodge, No. 4, met in their hall, for their annual election of pifioera, which resulted ae follows : W. M. M., .Robs, Spotton ; D. M„ 'Enos. Donaghy ; Chap, Percy Hatnetook ; Reo.•$eo , Ieaso Gamble ; Fin.,Sea,,' Wilb•rt Williamson • Tree", 'Pieter Footer ; D.of Q Riobard Armetreng. Committee J. 13, Rogers, W..Hainetook, J. Arinetroeg, F. Lynn and F. Gibson. Tylere-Inside, M. Gilkinson ; Outside, W. Newton. The officers were thea duly installed, after which an appetizing Inoob leas partaken' ot, lit, rte. Ica -to Brown is oonrmed to his falher'e honed with typhoid fever. Two oars ot flour mill machinery have arrived for the Blyth flour mill and a. staff of six mill wrighte are busy putting it in position in the milt Miss Grace Bawden returned home. from Toronto epfferieg from blood poison. ing. We are pleased to say that the young lady is now much improved. The 'annivereary'services in connection with St. Andrew's Presbyterian ,ohurah will be held on Sunday, January 12th. Rev. Dr. Warden, of Toronto, will be the preacher, 0. L. Laing the new manager of the Bank of Hamilton has arrived in town. C H. Bennett, accompanied by his wife and baby, left for Moose Jaw, N. W. T., where be will open out a new branoh,01 the Bank of Hamilton. Ross ley Ha'tterr. The Up-to-date Furnisher. , CJIIIISTIIAS. ANN011._NCRIIE . , mHE Holiday Season is at: hand andwe are, one and all, at our wit's end to know what'to purchase ' 1 for a Cb istmas Gift. ,' One's thoughts wander in many directions abut' the trend of wisdom is fast drifting into the' channels of usefulness, therefore in selecting your presents, be wise and purchase things which will be most serviceable. At this season of the year what is more'desirable for a gentle- man oa boy than 'Wearing apparel. In this a lcxar line weare well prepared to'meet your re- quirements. We have been preparing for several: months in order that we may show by the .stock we carry that we not only equal but greatly excel in Christmas Goods that will be offered to our patrons • this season. 'We -handle the moat up-to-date goods from the leading manufacturers. 'The following is a partial list of some : • . our lines • .. X BR U. til $A I ,.r J YS ture Selecting Holiday Presents is a difficult task, . Nothing will prove more sat sea "etor serviceable :laud- at the same •' time y o r I 'bring More comforttt e home than a nice piece• of. furniture. o h. ur election' for the Trade „hie season surpasses anything w . s y d lines comprises we have yet offered i1nd in addition' to regularrises the P following :— PARLOR CABINETS MUSIC QABINETS MosIo RAOIis SEORETAB1be ,Boon - CAsES OnIrportri Ra InainNEaM STANDS. DRIISSI n* TABLES EASELS HALT; B CES PICTURES LIBRARY TABLES PAPER RACES FANCY TABLES COUCHES It will do you good to see the beautiful line of Fancy Bookers, Morrie Chaise and Odd Farlor•Pieoee we are offering. Speoial value in Pianos end Organa in wbioh you save the travelling agent's profit. Window Bbadee in large variety, Beautifpl range of Pioturee.that •hate only to be Been to insure buyers, Serena' attention given to Mattraeses add-'1Tpboletering. We will consider it a pleaeure to show yon through our wareroome even It yon • donot went to purchase. . Suitable for 'Oh istmras Presents. Ties Scarfs and ., Tieeare one of our leading'lines ; 7 and we have elle stook'iuolnding all `w a Y S Mufflers • aid leading mg C .ian diem and A marioao - • i ' makes". • We have oleo received a Consign- • • We have a'niee 'lice' of Scarfs at ' meat from Paris which will give delight'' prices from 250 to $1.50.; They are' dried to neat dressers.' buying. -'your Ties goads. What would be niortrapprepriate ' from rie.yon may be sure you• are; getting .for a Obridtmae present than one of our the beet and most fashionable goods. We scares.'• have low prieed Plea and others whiob ooet,more bot are worth more. In : our range of from 26o to 750 we can please , everybody. • To persons whordrive mnoh'or' are exposed to the weather there as•no Muff let just eo good ee Way's, the great throat d chest protector, price 50o. 76c [mail. We have had a big eale of Under- wear thie Ileaeon. but onr 'stook is wow larger and .better assorted than•ever. We -have3luderwear•:direet • tom theetheeMillar which eneblee nu to offer' it to our.. mete.ete. mere etlow'figuree.r We have the Union, Waiol'aed Fleece: Lined at prices ranging ;