HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-12-19, Page 3BUSINESS CAROB. A/rONEY TO LOAN A'1' S 117B1 1vR cont, P.S. 60O'T"i'a ar4100e1e, , wH. bloOEA01EN— • 188081 of Marriage Llneaeoe, Of - tics MGro00ry,20rpberry btl'80t1 Blneeols, l N, BARRETT— ..I1 • 'i'oueollal Arti11'0 t, 811pp-1 o 4t door North 0f the Btao lard ank+ Lrtdlel 1001 Children's 11a11 gutting a speefa)ty, I. MORRISONI Issuer of Marrl,age Licenses 8 b t WALTON. ONT. MISS JEAN, M'LAUCHLIN, • - TEAORI R Q0'. PIANO - AND - ORGAN. ROBEhT CUNNINGHAM-. INBURANOH, FIRE AND, MARINE. GUELPH. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurinleo Co.,, ne7AnLI00100 1890 Insurance taken on the oash and premium ing elsewhere gall current the under81 gued A gent of the Company. 1 GEORGE ROGERS, Brussels. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M.. ' Academie graduate of London Coneerra tory of Mneie,nlso Member of the Associated Mnaiolane'of Ontario, is prepared to reeoiv0 a limited num101 of Pupll8 for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for the: Ptlnoipal'0 Farm in the Conservatory of Mesio. Brussels, Ontario. ALEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Divielon Court, Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loaand Insurance Agent; Auction- eer. Fantle invested and to,]oan.. 0oliee- ^ tions made. Offioa in GrahamisjB look, Brue- eels. AUCTIONEERS. • FS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • urn, will 6e11 for better prices, to better men in lees time and less abuses tban any other Auctioneer in East Huron or: he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application. VETERINARY. T D: WARWICK el Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, ie prepared to treat all dis- eases of domestloated animals tin a oomnet- entmanner. Particular attention palliyyd to Veterinary Ofiloe and Infirmary Four doort. s e North of bridge, Turnbetry et., Brussels. • LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -UT M. SINCLAIR— {' !' • Barrister, Solicitor, lOonveyan0er, Notary Public, &o. O1Hoe-Stewart's Block 1 door North of CentralHotel1 801101(yr for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &e. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. O. AMBROSE TOOLE, RESIDENCE AND OFFICE- NMLL ST., EAST, BRUSSELS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 30. D., 0.111., Trinity E ivereity,Fellow Trinity Medical Oollege,MemberuCollege of Physioiane and Surgeons. Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery Edlnburgb. t"Telephone No.14, Residence -Mill street, Brussels. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and Firet•olate Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewor's.i'hotograpk' Gallery, IQzatffItBRUBSELS. 1902. LI.FrOW,EL le Saving forward. Winter term begins Jan, 0, 1002. Our rates are 1 reasonable -our Courses of Study thorough and prim:Meal. Send for our Journal to see whet wo teaob• Students may enter at any time. Two Courses of .Study -Commercial, and Short- hand. 0. A. FUEMING, President Secretary, OWen Sound, Listowel, A. L. MOII4TYitl, SHINGLES ox►dwood Wanted,• British Columbia Red' Cedar. 'Shingles Azlin - North Shore Pine and 'Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing lilts Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order. at Short Notioe. Estimates kindo of Ifni dmge. Furnished for ship and Material G0100anteed. The undersigned are prepay- ed to pay cash for all kinds of Cordwood, both dry and greeul, delivered' at the Balt Works. Apply to GORDON MOONEY, Foreman. Brussels Salt Works. lif. 84 ,T. Ransford P. A]IXENT 07,1NTON V. 0, 'PROPRIETORS. 1.7:8 WEST HURON BYE -ELECTION GAttILOW'8: MAJORITY 200, Below we give the omoial igurea of the West Huron bye election held on Deo. 4th and the previous one held on Deo. 8611, 1898 MATH, 1898 1901 Book Garrow Beck Garrgw No. 1 • • 46 65 488 55 No.2 50 47 • 96 112 88 111 Maj for (farrow.... 16 28 00010010/0 TOWI 0,., 1 72 52 No.2 58 64 No. 3 55 68 No.4 48 66 No. 6 40 54 No 6 56 65' No 782 58 356 442 Maj. for Garrow.... 66 CLINTON. No. 1 85 83 No 2 28 36 No.8 34 57 No. 4...:44 42 No. 6 82 39 No 6 81 81 No. 728 23 No. 8.,..,41 34 278 295 Maj. for Garrow.... 22 W INOBAIS. No.1 59 43. No.2 50 47 No. 8 79' 48 No. 4..•.. 98 76 71 74 44 41 56. 25 307 61 77 71 78 91 55 497 180 51 75 58 '1.11 62 G2 69 $9 228 807 79 68 39 43' 51 '74 48 105 81 281 209 285 - 213 Maj. for Beck, 72 72 00DERI00 TOO/MM. No.1 94 88 91 86 No.2 70 24 59 88 No. 3. 68 45 67 45 282 102 217 119 Maj. for Beek, 130 98 MIDFIELD. No. 1....,... 79: 49 81 No. 2 106 64 83 No. 3 ' 65 59 69 No. 4 62 84 69 No. 5 28 93 27 No. 623 82 24 No. 888 83 32. 893 - 464 375 Maj. for Garrow.... 71 WEST. WAWANo8H, No, 1 71 60 67 No.2 63 43 70 No. 8 65 29 61 No. 4 ' 42 75 . 38 No. 5... ... 26 63 82 267 270 268 Maj, for Garrow...... 3 1A•T WAWAN001. No. 1 53 61 41 No. 2 73. 72 69 No. 3 41 70 40 No, 481 49 36 108 252 185' Maj. for Garrow.... 54 59 59 55 40 88 80 71 444 69 61 51 33 75 57 277 9 72 72 66 54 263 79 OOLDo0NN. No., 69 84 01 89 No, 2 58 80 42 50 No.3 98 65 90 66 No..4 40 47 84 58, Maj for Beck, 39 Garrow.. 86 ^HOLLETT. No, 588 82 84 80 No, 6 82 61 38 ,68 No.7 26 57 41 51 96 - 150 108 144 Maj. for Garrow.... 54 86. Total vote for Darrow in '98....2502 Total vote for Beek 'in'98 2457 Majority for Garrow in 'Olt,45 Total vote for Garrow in '012838 Total vote for Book in '01.,,2848 Majority for Garrow in '01290 door in the boaae had been left open and not no6ioing the opening Air, Ilawkdhaw Walked into the AO lar, sustaining several plza inful brollies and a lie""re shaking up, No limbo were broken but it it wonderful,,. oepeiderfng hie very heavy weight, that it had not resulted more ger query l ?`row7ax•id 'te. We are sorry to report t111(1 es 9010 Code's health is not pe vigorode 0e her', many !Honda would dee(rltt t.' Blaokenoith Clark and wale, wart Wary eo seriously i11 for ,soplg,, MOO, Bare riff gaining their usual vigor an"'will 0000 b8 convalescent we 10(10, Widdes Jaotteou and Whitfield Mc- Cormick have returned home from Mani- toba where they have been sojourning during the pest Bummer. They have ooneiderabld property in Scothern Mani- toba, and have been looking after their interests there, Hugh Griffin, who wagone of the early settlers 0t Elmo., is re visiting the 000n40 of his youth, after an absence of forty years, He left here for the Nellie ooaet in the sixties and hoe been residing there ever since. He is the gneot of hie broth. er•in.luw, Daniel Coliine. • • li meter: Mies Nina Kingman has left to attend' the Conservatory of Mneio in Toronto. Rev. C. W. Brown, B. D., preached Church Anniversary sermons fn Listowel last Sunday. It ie °spadded that the new 'Masonic Lodge room will be ready for ocoupanoy about the 27th of this month. Carling Bros. gent a number of fanny ohiokone last week to the Ontario Provin• Mal Winter Fair held at Gnelph. A number of Exeter doge made a raid oh Wm. Duneford'e . ebeep on the Lake Road, last week and killea Iwo or three, While setting one of the: -large plate glasses on the North gide of tate entrance to T. Fitton's new store it was crooked from one aide to the other, thug entailing quite' a loeo. Wm'. Greenway, of Oryetal City, Man., le vieiting Mende in and around Exeter, the guest of his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins, Mr. Greenway was a farmer reeldant of Centralia, having left .there in 1879. This 10 bie tint mit to Ontario since going Weet. J. N. Howard hag diepooed of his 125 wore farm in the townehip of Hay, being lot 4, Beet half of the Eaet half of lot 5, oon. 5, to Mona Gardiner, of Exeter, receiving therefor 32,500. Mr, Gardiner is now one of the largest land owners in the county. Wm. Hawkehaw, proprietor of the Commercial House, met with an acoideut on Sunday Ai last week' which might ctteily have riianned oerlonely, A trap toderiolt. D, Thompson is again the leasee of the west otreet'rink. County court was in programs last week before Judge Doyle. Barrister M. G, Cameron is mentioned as a probable candidate for the Mayor's ohair for 1902, Mrs, George Thomson is at Rodney, pt. tending her eon, Rev. A. E. M. Thomson, who was suffering from an attack of (piney. An inmate of the jail named John Weir, who was confined for insanity, died on Tuesday of last week. He was registered Prem the town of Walkerton. The school trustees whose term expires. this year, but who are, of coarse, eligible for re•eleotion are R. McLean, William Acheson, M. Nioholeon and H. W. Ball. It is nowa misdemeanor, punishable by fine, to spit upon or otherwise die- figure the granolithio walks of the town. The town council passed a By-law cover- ing the matter at their meeting, The eleotion of oMeers of Maitland Lodge, No, 83, A. F. & A. M., took plane with the following results : W. M.,' W. D. Tye; B. W., F. J. T. Naftol ; 3. W., John Galt ; treao.,R, G. Reynolds ; (Map lain, Wm. Green coo., H. W. ; tyler,, John Tanoott. tire. Clark, of Colborne township, mother of W. F. Clark, V. 8 , town, -sue-. tamed a severe accident at her home on Monday of last week. She Blipped on a pieoe of ioe and fell on her arm, putting the elbow out of joint and 00501 ring it near the ammo plane. Maple Leaf Lodge, No. 27, A. 0.17. W., elected officers as follows :-P. M. W. D. Ferguson ; M. W., A. Egener ;fore- man, John Story ; overseer, J. Sands; recorder,. Geo. Woods ; financier, W. Lane ; treasurer, E. R. Watson ; guide, W. Holland ; I. W., Jae. Postietwaite) 0. W. John Blair ; representative to GrandLodge, Geo. oods I alternate, E. R. Watson ; trustee, H. Morrie. A. Bldaall ; chaplain, Bey.- 0, B, P. REAL, ESTATE. Owen ; 00o., A. B. #loOolevio ; trees., R, , ... commlttee of JA5.0egsmeat, N. D. 000•' H• 'i'hompsou;ea.,ptain, 1Y, M1aoIn1oel1; Renzi?, R. Soollgrnve, J. 1,, U. p Alp Lel;, W. 11foInt0eh : manager, r, E. Lawrence, 71 'Was decided te'enter the loagne fortpad with .Listowel, klgderioh, eta„ and oveepthing points't0 a otrong team being entered, Luoknow. John Boyd has returned from a three months' trip to the Old Country. The Luoknow W. 0. T. U. ie preparing a box of fruit for the Girl's shelter in Toronto. The Zion Sunday sohool will hold a tea.meeting in the ahuroh on New Year's night. D. Alton, of Ashfield, had his collar bone broken by a tree falling on him while working in the bush.: Nominations for reeve, ooum:Allore and oobool traeteee in Luoknow will be bald on Monday, December 80811. A runaway horse belonging . to Mr. Worth made things lively for time on Maio street on Tuesday of lest week. The cutter was badly broken but fortuu• ately00 one Wad hart. The revival services being oonduoted in the Methodist oburob here by Pastor Evangelista Rev. Messrs. Turk and Ker. by, are the most interesting and 8000800. fur meetings of the kind ever held in the village. The personal aotors in ,those events which made the County of Bruoe to day are fast passing away, To preserve these events and promote an interest in the history of our oonntry and oar Dominion is the object of the society. Al the or. ganizabion meeting John .Murchison was appointed vioa.preeident for Luoknow, and P. Corrigan for Kinloss. The an- nual meeting for the elution of omoers will be held . on Jan. 4, 1902, and up, to. that date those who feel an interest in the objeote of the society may be enroll.. ed as charter members on payment of a nominal membership fed. A meeting of the "Bepoy" Hockey Club, Lnoknow, was held and the follow. ing officers elected 1 Honorary patron, John Tolmie, M. P.; honorary patroness, hire. Tolmie ; honorary Pres., Reeve A1110; honorary vioe•pres., John sprost ; prep., Dr. A. G. Ails ; vioe•pree., Geo. Lihtthvv817• 3. PL. Ray was in Elm yorlt last weals, Dina Ide. Brook, hie slater•iu-.aw• a000m-' panied him, F. Sallows, of the firm of Sallows & Dippel; hes returned to town atter taking a trip to 8rapiteba and the Northwest, J, C. Hay has purchased the store 0n Main street owned by Mrs. McKinney and occupied by McKenzie BroS. lie Intends fitting it up as an oilier, for his gee, coal and wood busineee. At the last meeting of the County Couloir last' week Thos. Male W08 lip, pointed High School trustee for Listowel, in the place of J. E. Carson, removed from the municipality. RR„ iWolbIiilan bac traded hie brink resi- dence on Main street West with Nelson Hay, taking the letter's brink residence on Bay street in exchange. We under- stand that Mr. McMillan meeker some. 'thing over 51,000 in cash, difference in the deal. At the regular meeting of Court Lie. towel, No. 519, 1, 0. F., the' following officers were eleoted ; Cogrt Deputy, R. 8taint'on'; Court Physioiano, Dre, Nichol and Dingman; P. 0. R., B. Witter; 0. R„ V. 0. Bamford ; V. 0. R., E, Jermyn ; Roo. Sao., H. MtIoney ; Ffn. Seo., A. Zilliax ; Treae„ Dr. Berger 1 Obsplain, A. Oiemenehaw ; 8. W., 8, Alberta ; J. W., Alonzo Tremain ; B. B., Fred. Oar- thew ; J. B., 8, Tremain ; Fin. Com., R. 1rioMinan and A. St. Geo. Hawkins. The young people of Chriet Church. have re organized their Literary Society. The following ofilooro were appointed at the meeting ' President, Rev. A. P. Moore ; vice President, V. C. Bamford ; Seoretary, Mies S. Wood ; Treasurer, Mise Lilitan Tabberner ; literary Com- mittee. Mime Amy Parcell, Lome Tab berner and Helen Hawkins, and P. S. Oonnolley and ' K. Willoughby ; mneioal committee, Misses Lillian Tabberoer and Emma Hawkins, and J. H. Atkinson ; organist, Mies Ada Grant, The society will meet on Wednesday evenings throughout the Winter. At the advanoed age of almost ninety years. Andrew Hermiston, sr., father of Andrew Hermiston, undertaker and furniture dealer, and of Mre.B.F.Brook, of this town, passed away on Deo. 7th. He had been in failing health, for some time and hie death was not unexpected. The late Mr. Hermiston was a native of Scotland, and came to this oonntry in 1893. He was married in 1840 to Chris. tine Laing, who died some years ago. Two o'Clock, Edition, 600 PER YEAR This edition is - published especially for towns, villages and rural districts in - Western. Ontarlo. It gives- all the news up' to ONE O'CLOCK. each day, including Foreign, Canadian, American, District, Local and Sporting. It contains eight to twelve pages five days a week, and sixteen, pages on Saturday..... "'Half -tone and other illustra- tions- of important doings and prominent people appear every. day. The Saturday edition alone Is worth the price: •.Subscriptions received at any time. Address - The London Free Press Ptg. Co LONDON, ONT. 'Mention alb, pn00r. ilton & Turnbull HAVE NOW TO BAND THEIR SUPPLY OF ----mor X Out , Saws and ,Axes.. 411 Saws Fitted up Ready for Use: Prides' Right and Quality Good. CALL AND SEE US ItEFORE BUYING. {l 1111' FOR SALL—TILE TIN 71f111h1, )10 One eovoral goo41 arms for earn and ,tu 1'e ut, 0007 terms, in Townships of Morris uud Grey, !r S. SO0TI',llruesele A1Z1T F0I1•. Sfplilt; ooa.00 w111 buy 4ot No, 2g1'0 -1-80c th oona80- 0f00 of the TOwnebou ocls a ofp8g 04 ber08, 'there ld about is For 81800 0f tiro, bol T1100001inbush. For further infer, mulioa apply to 8..1i'. Blair, Solicitor, drug• Pala, Wilton & Turnbull coy FARM of 1'123`'A01ES RN -4 o0 fsouabMO0twAfpatm2i0nesCofose, nuGirray, School house, ahuroh and parboil the Villagge of Ethel on pert of the lot. Apply to J01110 C 10 few gped steers for eaato rising 0 years. A SA;ORIP10111 IN REAL ES- TATE.-•85000.00 will buy the MaOeu- ahoy Brook Inthe village of Brussels. These two flue stores must be sold to close out the McCaughey Eetate, Intending pur011080 s should investigate at once. Apply to P', 5, 11007'1 or G. 1:, BL+AIR, Brussels, Ont. 'Spectacles -OF. ALIS, RINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyee tooted FREE by latest Optioel methods at. Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. • 01 a family of eleven children, one eon and five daughters are living. The fun- eral took plane from the eon's reeidenoe, Wallace street, Rev. Mr. Hardie, of Knox ohnroh, coodaoting the services. The interment took plaoe at Fairview Deme• tery. The proposition to establish a fine gymnasium, reading room, swimming baths, &o.;in nor town is meeting with enthneiaetio support. Already there have been subscribed about two hundred names of'pereons who are willing to pay an annual fee of three dollars towards the running expenses of the institution. Of those already approaobed vary' sew have refined to join the memberehiy, and in almost all these oases old age or some other good reason was given for their refusal. 'It ie thought that it will be possible to build ata cost of eight or ten thousand dollars, so as to include rooms for the Bteineee College on the second story, and two other large rooms on the erected floor, suitable for the town read• log room and a fine barber shop or some- thing else. 4G -or rift. Bowitk Council met on Monday. Poetmaster Perkins is very poorly. Julius Doupe is, we are sorry to hear, very sick. 18108,,v dames Strong; mother of Coun- cillor Stroug,:is very i11 at present. Mrs. W. H. Glegg,'of the Boo, has er• rived at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Strong, who is so very ill. A number of horses from this looality were shipped to Listowel for inspection bo be taken to Smith "Afrine. John Wright has purohasid the mei. dance and six lots from Mrs. Laree, who will soon be removing to Chicago, mach to the regret of a large circle of friends, The anniversary servioee of the Gerrie Methodist Sunday school will be held on Sunday Deo. 22, oonduoted by Rev. D. Rogers, chairman of the District. Their annual entertainment will be held on Christmas night. ' Mr. and Mrs. Manner, who have been residents of Gorrle fur a number of years left last week to join some of their family in Michigan. The two boyo have taken up land and one daughter is also there. We hope the old oonple will find their new.home as pleasant me they expect. At the regular monthly meeting of L. 0. L., No. 767, the following officers were eleoted for the ensuing term : W. ti., J, A. Strong ; D. M., J. J. Elliott ; chap., A. B. Farney:; R. S., E. L. Morren ; F. S., G. W. Walker ; treas., R. Rose ; D. of 0., John Ardeli ; lecturer, Henry Hard. ing t cone., Wm. Evans,' Thomas Naeb, W. H. Gregg, Joseph Wray, Robert Mntoh. A meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held in the Presbyterian church on Holiday evening of last week and was addressed by the agent, Rev. 0. W. Wutob. The following offioers were elected for the ensuing year ;-Pres, Jae. Leech ; vioe•pres., John Stewart ; eeo., J. Donaghy ; treas., R. Rose ; depoeitor, T. D. Edgar t nom., H. Townsend, Ohio. Irwin, R. MOGratb, Jas. McLaughlin, 3. R. Williams, Jae. T. Ed4ar, G. Gallaher, John Evans, Wm. McKee, Wm. Biose, Nelson MoLaughlin, W: H. Gregg and T. H. MoLaughlin. A Wise Man. l lubk a.ang , e Below are given very liberal nate$ fill' Pews papers—Select what you want and send in your orders to' THE P088 Publishing house. BALANCF, OF 1901 FRE In the followldg list by eabeoribing for the y13511902, you get in eaoh ease the balanoe of this year free, The Post and the Weekly Globe, together with really good pictures of the Duke and Duchess of York, and a Ane p c, tura of two farm parses "The Farm Pets," all for $1 00 The Post and Montreal Weekly Witness 1 G5 The. Post and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 75 The Poet and Loudon Advertiser 1 55 The Post and Montreal Weekly Star, 1 80 The Post and Toronto Weekly .Sun 1 80 Where Premiums are given with any of theed'papere they will be included et above rales. We otto also give you vary close , Clubbing Bates with Daily Papers. The figures below include Tun Post till Deo, 81, 1902, and the Daily for ouo year from date of sabegription. The Post and Daily Globo l4 50 The Post and Toronto Daily Star 2 25 (Star sent to Poet Office only at this rate. A. splendid Cloture of Ring Edward 1711 ie given with this oombivation and both mere free` for belanoe of 1901,) ,+' The Post and Montreal Daily;Herald With'a picture' of King Edward VII The Post and Toronto Daily News The Post and Toronto Daily World The Post and Toronto Daily Mail If you want any other oombioabion let ns know and we will give you close club. bing ratite. Du not delay taking advantage of th,_ee very liberal offers. Address-- THE ddress-THE POST, Brussels. J. M. MoLeod, Goderiob, ' ' For five years I suffered with dyspepsia. During that time I =malted several doe. tore and took all kinds of dyspepsia medi• eine but all to no purpose. I was always. tired, reatieso and nervous; and all am. bition was gone. I felt more like being in my bed than working. While on a visit to Goderiob Inst Sumrper I heard so mnoh about your remedies that I palled and parallelled one bottle of &our System Renovator Improved, and before I had taken half of it I was a great Ileal better. I have now taken nearly three bottleo and I feel ten years younger and as strong and lie well as lever wa8 in my life. I room. Mended your tnedioin8 to several dyepep- tice in our village, who have ''been and are taking lb with the very beet reunite. Wishing you mne11 saooese, Yours truly, D. Malta. Wardeville, Nov. 26, 1901. Bold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels, J. A, MoLaren, the well known 'distil. ler of Perth, id dead. Charles Mafeoovilie, a Sandwioh Y;aet farmer, dropped dead. lRev. Job Shenton Methodi01 minister, of 81, John, N. )3„ dropped dead. 3. 80 2 25 2 80 4 50_ Ethel Saw lylills. /have a good aupply of Hemlock loge on band. Can out out to suit customers. Dressed Maple, imitable for granaries, et 310 per M. A11 kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on hand from 510 per M up. A large stook of oulled Elm and Aeh at 57 per M. Shingles and Lath always on hand. II'A good farm on 13th oon. of Grey for sale. A centred of 20 scree of logging to let. For particulars apply 50 S. S. COLE, PROPRIETOR, ETIIEL. McLEOD'S SystemRenovator -ANO OTHER - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleeplessness, Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver'Oomplaint, Neur- algia, Lose of Memory, Bronobitie, Con- sumption, Gall, Stones, Jaundice, Iidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. T. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. 001,1 by Jae, Fos, Druggist, Brussels Cutters Cutters e••••••=0011••• A lot of new Cutters now ready for delivery. Another lot will be ready in a few days. If you want a Cutter call early and get a pick from our fine new stock. Sleighs are now being manufactured of all sizes. We can supply your wants no matter what they are in this line. Some good Second Hand Buggies and Carts will be sold out very cheap. Balance of new Buggies at Oast to clear out. wa Co. SANTA CLAUS POST BDU'I(STO3E New Stook of Toys Christmas Novelties. CALL AND SEE THEM— sem..... POST" OOKSTIRE1