HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-12-12, Page 8CHRISTMAS Celluloid Cases Bo ourllandeente dieplay of these goods. We have everything you want in this line sooh tie Teilet Owe, Blaming Sete, eto. Perfumes All the latest and beet .Odors in anti. If you wish a fine brittle of Pertains!, do not fail to oall'on 00. Japanese Goods These are elegant goods and the very latent thing out. The prices tyre very low. Do not mise getting some. Rooks All the beet prose and ppeliaal works in handsome volumes. Bibles and $yrnn Boake et alt prieea, Albums All the latest Alitame in celluloid With beautiful (leafgue, These are very attractive geode. Christmas Cards We bave on band an endless variety of Chrietmee Oarde and Oaten. dere at ell prices. See our; handsome dieplay before you buy. B F. :E�uxs1�© E8J%. Co r.CV . . DRUGGISTS, AND BOOSBELLEBS, SUCCE880118 TO E. ]t, HARVEY, B18USenae, ant. STRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN SxwonsiON W. 6.. &B. Train leave Brueeele Station, North and South, as follow]: Gonna Botta GomNa Nonni, 0 xpreeD 7:18 a.m I Moil- ,. 2:10 pm Mixed ..... A 45 a.m Expr000 �� 8:17 p.m rare 11635 tehns, A ahiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prentit. CHBIBTtf&e in two weeks. Son page 6 of this issue. Fox hunting ie all the go. Bosom Board Friday evening of this week. Tana snow plow was out Wedoeaday morning. DlsTealrER is bothering a good many equines in this locality. Sekturono meeting of Municipal Open - ails will be held next Monday. BRussane Salt Works got to work last week. Tbe block is greatly improved. READ all the advte. The Christmas announoements should be epeoiaily inter - eating. snow fall of Monday o night set cutters and sleighs going at a lively rate on Tneeday. to e closed owing 013001 Wa BASOBELB g the dipbtberia in connection with the Lott family until Wednesday, A mos assortment of stylish cutters is to be found et E. Sprain's oarriage shop, John Wynn's former stand. Intending purchasers ehoald see them. In speaking of the Scotch Concert on Thanksgiving Day TDB Poen said 1. H. Cameron was Ohief. This is not oorreot as Wm. Martin has been 000apying that position for the past term. A serecteDID address delivered at a St. Andrew's Bennet at London by Rev. Dr. MoOrae, eon of oar well known townsman, J. MoOrae, may he found on page 6 of this issue. Don't neglect to reed as it le well worthy of parent. CARD os THANxe.-1 wieh to tender my best thanks to the many kind friends who rendered enoh efficient help in guarding and saving my property on Taeedday even- ing in 000neotion with the fire. The kindness is very highly appreciated. A. Oneara. JAOtEO CUTEML ie making quite a change in the appearance of the sur- roundings of his reeidenae, formerly own- ed by Daniel Stewart, by the nutting down of a number of the large trees. He has also improved the stable on the premises, Ix the timber limit, owned by P. Anent and hie partner, Mr. Smith, of Coldwater, in the Parry Sound Dietriot, there are no less than 12,000 acres, with timber enough to keep a mill eawiog for 20 years. Tbe firm intend putting up o mill. They are only 6 or 7 miles from the railway. Already they have been off -red 35,000 for the hemlock bark alone bat will not likely sell as they think they can Handle it themselves. Toe edvertigement of the Central Burdens College, Stratford, Ont., may be eeeu in our aolumne. We are inform- ed by the Principal, W. J. Elliott, that many Canadian and American Bneineee Colleges emp v greduatee of hie college as teachers. During the past three years the demand for oommeroiel and short. hand teaobere bee been five times the supply. This certainly shows that the college is doing goad work. Tbe Winter term opens on Monday, Jan, 610. ANotnan Deaxn.—Last Friday evening another member of Geo. Lott's family, Mill street, died, in the person of Ellett Irene, the second daughter. She wee a bright little girl 8 yours old last October, The funeral was private. Three of the children, viz the oldest daughter, a eon and thesix months oldbaby were aleo down, bob favorable progress is being made toward recovery we are pleased to state end we hope the family who have been sorely afflicted will soon be out of Quarantine. Mies Boowioa, a trained nurse from Stratford, came on Saturday evening and is now in charge with sable - !notary rosette, "Came IT."—Tbe Kirriemuir °beery. DO.(Sootland) of November Id, contains the following wbioh ehowe that Canadian cheese makers are modern in their style of0oartebip:--Some time ago a grocer in town gave an order for a big lot of Canadian cheese, a ooneignment of which Dame bo hand the other day. On the first oheeee being opened tbere was found em. bedded in the heart a ,small bottle con- taining a sheet of note paper on which the following was pencilled; -"Anyone fladlag thio bottle and slip of paper in thie cheese would do a favour to the nn, dereigned by oomnunioeting or kerns. ponding and toll him about how they liked the chime (a aide young lady pre. leered) abd I will send a pbotograph, end —" oblige"— (here the address iven P b e g g ) B. --I will give fall pnrtioalare where the cheeks wee made, &o," s have just a ouepinion that thin may be the beginning of a nice little romance, and I will look forward with pieatare to reoeiving a piece of Wedding cake some day itt future. PA6e10e1011 tramo has been livelyon the rail way, Qom a gaaatlty of wood and grain wae hauled to tpwn this week. W. H. MoOntextt ships a oar of potatoes "to Toronto from Atwood on Friday. ELECTION of offiaere in the Sane of Scotland ()amp, Bruseets, next Tuesday evening. NotaNAniox Day two weeks from next Monday, Dee, 30. In Brussels the meet iug will be bald at 7.30 p. m. this year. JoeEiu BnBTON eaye he ie in the field for Oouuoitlor and is meeting with good nooses in his eanv00. He eaye there Will be no dirty yards if he le elected. Misses Romeo, who intend removing to London, bave rented their residence on William street to Mr. Grainger, of the Boundary of Howiolt and Grey, who will move to town as soon as the home is vacated. Scaoor. Mnntrxoe.—Owing to tbe last Wednesday of December being Ohrieimae Day tbie year the annual aohool meetioge. in rural eeotiono will be held on Thum day of the 00.1a0 week. Blank bills for. calling these meetings may be had at Tam Poet as well as Teaoher'e agree- ments. A JOLLY X1xAa Box —An old aubeoriber in the Northwest writes as follows :— DaAn BM—Enclosed please find a V fold offices towel of a which few rube of the hem will deface the dote of label On TDs Page coming to my addreee. Deduct the amountfmm the aggregate due on your books, pay up your hired help and have a good time thie Winter. Merry Xmas .to all. We are all well with beat regards to all. Yours, &a., Y. WOOLLEN FACTORY Lriett —We are pleased to abate that B. Gerry has leased the Brussels Woollen factory to Look. ridge Broe., of Wingham, who will take possession early in January. Masers. Lookridge are practical men, industrious and anxious for business end will do well bore. Without any doubt there ie a bet- ter chance fora good trade now than for many years and we expeot the new firm will not be disappointed in the financial returns. Fneiowo Sasu0NT0.—Ameng the ehip- meate outward this week were a oar of household effects, horses, &a., by A. Hewitt to Kincardine ; oar of lambs and oar of cattle by A. C. Dames ; oar of bogs and ear of cattle by Wm. Jewitt ; oar of dressed turkeys and 23 packages of butter by Robt. Thomson ; oar of ahemby W. W. Harris ; oar owheat by R. Graham ; and 2 oars of wheat by Alf. Beaker. Inward were 3 oars of opal for Wilton & Turnbull, Salt Works and N. F. Gerry, respectively. Hi0wetna.—Monday evening the En. deavor Soofety of Melville obarah gave an entertainment which was fairly well attended. Rev. John Rose, B. A., no. copied the chair. J. H. Cameron gave an interesting address on the legendary • Us moetbly heating of t(30 Bowiek Tutt, Oo. watt bald to Gerrie en Saturday, 30111 alt„ with a fall board in attendea00, A large number of epplieetletle, snipe 72 were topsldered entatltng a total annu It of i0Onran00 of 0000 $100,000, 4.oaw atilt is threatened by d loran. named Wiieoa,ot Howiok, now in the 0o, Roues of Refuge, againat 00, ,°ono• oilier Ferguson and I.teeve Gregg, both el the above meutioued township, toe cord, ing Wilson t0 that institution ageteet hie will. T, 0. 0. T.—Tlte following era the elan live adore In 00nneOtton with Western Star, I, 0, 0, k'., Brueeele, for the current term ;.-Nubia Grand, Jae, Joaae 1 Viae Grand, lIobt,, Hondoraon 1 Recording Secretary, W. L MoOraeken; Permanent 5ooretary, 0. Wilton ; Treasurer, F. 8, Soptt. They, with the appointed oflioere, will be installed on 'Thursday, January 2nd.. Hannan Toa Tun Heeloeyo.--The beet of everything for Ohrietmas. Right 10: the front of all gompetitipn we place our elegant new holiday stook, the best ever ehewn in this looelity. Pppuier Wee - tions at populvr priaee are features of this magnificent stook wbioh partioular ly recommend it to handily buyers, Fall is line ail you people who wish to see a bright and beautiful dewlap' of charming Ohrietmae noveltiee for the season of 1901 et D. 0. Rose'. Thorne IN Misr/emu 0noaaB,—A re, offal of snored song will be given in Mel. villa °hush of Monday even- ing of next week, . aommenoing at 6 o'olook when the following program Will be presented : Doxology ; organ solo anthem, "I will praise Thee" ; colo, "One sweetly solemn thought"; guar. tette, "Nearer my God to Thee" ; solo, "The Heavenly song" ; anthem, "I will lift pp mine eyes" ; : duet, "Abide with me" ; solo, "The Ransomed of the Bring"; anthem,."01 Zion, sleet Oity" ; quartette, "I will lay me down in peace"; solo, ,,Lite's Lullaby" ; anthem, "The Lord 10 risen indeed" ; National Anthem. rms.—About 7 o'clock Tuesday even• ing our residents were startled by the fire alarm and the bright light soot made plain the danger spot which proved to be 0. Ztllias'e large hotel barn. The Are started iueide and spread eo rapidly That tee poseibility of 'saving it was soon n foregone oonoluaion and attention was directed to adjacent buildinge the ivied blowing the sparks North Easterly. As speedily se possible the Fire Engine wae taken to the Maitland but there woo a long and tedious delay, for au Occasion of that kind, before water wee thrown on the devouring elemeut. The trouble was secertained to have arisen in the neglect to close a gate in the water pipe eo that the engine was pumping the water book into the river instead of to the hydrant and hose. Farbnnately there was a good supply of snow oo the roofs and by dill• gent work with It and pails of water the biggest danger was beaded off and when the nozzles were turned on the flame it soon put the fire out when it wee burning in A. Ou rriea ori b ' i once end making way to his ',table. Had it not been gits for, the eugiae Jae. Ma0raokeu'e boaee, Sample Broe' paint shop and A. Straahan'sstore bowie would bave aoevi• tably burned too. As. 11 was the losses were to Mr. Zilliax, whose barn and part of the horse ehed were oonenmed and Mr, Currie's ice house. The former had 3300 on his premises and kir. Otirrie had a like sum on hie building: The live stook were removed from the otableo in time bat Mr. Currie had a good pig die over the handling and exposure. Con- siderable household effects were taken out of J. Simmons' and A. Carrie'e reel- deooeo as it looked at one time tie if both houses were likely' to go up in 'smoke owing to flying shingles, cinders and the greet heat for a ehort time. How the fire originated ie not known but an en quiry should be made. It wee moet.lor. Innate that the wind was tie it was or the Zillion botel would have fallen a prey. Mr. Zilliax will rebuild and 0e' the Fire limit bylaw is the new strua• tare will have to be briok or atone. At tbie season of the year little San be dune outside of getting material reedy for operations in the early Spring. In the hotel stable at the time of the fire were 25 bushels of oats and about 2 . tons of hay, one load only being delivered on Tuesday afternoon. part of Hiawatha I the pastor called at- tention to its religious teachings, affirm- ing that before a poem can be truly great it must have a religiose aspect. Mies Winnie McGuire gave a Scotch reoita• Mon in a pleasing manner and tbe duet by Misses Crooke and Habkirk was nice- ly rendered, Refreehmente were served and a pleasant time was enjoyed. The fioonoiel proceeds will be applied to Endeavor objects. Monet ScuOat Exw000eiwxoNo. — The Model 803001 examinations for Ontario began on Wednesday, Deo. 11 and will continue to the 13th. Daring the first 2 days theoaudidatee write. The questions are printed and prepared in Toronto. The next two days are occupied in exam- ining the candidate in practical teaching, each candidate teaching two lessons. After examining the papers the Board of Examinere meet on Saturday, Dem 2101 to consider the marks and to decide on who are to pass. Tbe examiners are Mame. Boyd, Tiggert, Tom and Robb. Inspector Robb presided at Clinton and Inepeator Tom at Goderieb. Owing to illness in hie family. Mr. Boyd's place was taken by Mr. Beird, the Secretary of the Board. As Goon As Evan.—The Jolly Pulls were here Monday, Tuesday and Weti needay and played to good boons. In mind reading and hypaotio operations, Theo. Pall is bard to beat and he is very guarded in the way he does We work eo ea not to offend themost fastidious, Ed. Raymond as comedian, gets off a lot of bamor and J. N. Palle bundling of the baton sed trapeze work chow him to be master of these arts. A moat interest. ing attraotion to thie excellent perform. anoe are tbe illustrated songs by Messrs. Rice and Raymond. Tbe format bee a fine baritone voice and the lime light diseolving views illustrating the solos are clear, well handled and very impressive, "Obriet the New born King," and "The Bridge of Sighs" were worth the adenie. sion fee. Mise Carrie Rielly to pianist and nagompeniat. H. L. Jaokeon and W. Grower aeeieted in the Oreheetra. The Jolly Palle went Froin here to All a t0. in t Stnoard, Some of the a e S anga ament a "cab entB in the hypnotigm display Y showed themselves tuba net Only orators bob demonetrated their ability tie fire Pgbtere, bnntere, &a. Their manoeuvres afforded a targe share of Inn for the and. fence; !f3 Ula i :N U ;l' 4 t T DEQ, '12 001 821.4X))4 .10) ,124X7a q„wp,=t,OUT+?,192474m, 4.D7Z, MEAD QFFIQE, TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) 31,000,000 REST 3700,000 40ncbes 1,8 ail principal points tie Ontario, Quebop,diattttoba, pnited StatceibEuplaud. tili4kIiJ MggsNM7 .'r 7, R 4 General ,Banking 13116inese Treneaotod. Farmers' Notes Dieaonnted,. Drafte Ieened and Oolleotione made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, l:ptereet allowed on depoeite Of 31.00 and npwardo and oompo°nded half yearly.. Senoren ATTENTION arm en erre Connection or FAntl1C144' BA/IN -NOTaa, Every facility afforded Cuetoreere liviug at a diebanoe, People We Talk About. Ernest Plant bee been on the eiok list this week. Mies Welsh, of Ethel, is visiting Mre. H. L. Jackson. Dr. Graham, of Clinton, was in Brae. sale on Tuesday. Damian Stewart is home from Toronto for a holiday visit. Mies Aline Davies, of Ethel, is visiting friends in Braesele. P. Ament has been bothered for a few days with a lame knee. A. R. Smith, of Wingham, is in town for a few days this week. Mies Lizzie Roes wag visiting the Misses Btraoban at Jamestown. Will. Robertson, of Ottawa, wae visit. iag at R. Maiaprize'e last week. Inspector Robb is attending the Model School examioatione at Clinton. Mies Eva Mo0raaken was visiting old friends at Atwood for a few dive, Mrs. Wetheratd, of Wyoming, to visit. ing her sister et St: Johne rectory. Will. Leatherdale end Gerry W illis , of Beaforth, epeat Sunday in town. Mise Lottie Sperling, of McKillop, was visiting irieude in Brussels :last week. Mee Annie Budd, of Morrie, ig visiting the ltliseee Hblmee, Alexenderetreot, Fred, Wilson is home from the College of Pbarmaoy, Toronto, for his Obrietmee vacation. Mrs. Pradenae Mooney, Frederiok street, has been quite ill but we hope ehe' will soon be aonvaleseent. D, A. Lowry is at Guelph this week attending the Winter Fair. Mies Pearl and Barbie aoaompenied him. W. J. and Mies Goodwin, of Brueeele obeoee fluttery, bave gone to Palmerston where they will spend the Winter. Arabia Diokena and Ed. Tilt travelled all the way from Montreal to Goderieb, to vote in the bye election last week, Reeve Ross eprained hie right ankle the evening of the fire by falling from the roof of a abed owiog t0 the ladder slipping. The many 010 Mende of Dan and Mrs. Mcdormick, formerly of Brueeele,, but now of Hamilton, will be intoreeted in the foot that their little daugbter,d'Tot," has been ill in the City Hospital there for over 3 weeks. At one time there wag little hope of her recovery, but goo le now en the mend, wills good proepeote for complete health. payable at any bank loaned Money Orden ei the following rates ;— Under $10..., 80. a%) to $30....120 310 to 820.,..100.. 80 to 40.,.,14', F. H. GRAY, Aerxtio A0/0N0, Ed, BMus, in IIS B. Hureley & Oo'a. drug store, applied to go to South Atria% with the 3rd contingent but teas dissuaded. by his relatives, Be is a conk shot and belonged to the Cadet oorpe et Goderioh. Mine Nina Rogers, of THE Poet staff, will go to Mount Forest op Saturday 10 take a position on the "Confederate" of that town, She is a good aompoeitor and will oarry with bar the beet wishes of a large oi0ele of friends for a pleasant stay in Mount Forest. Business Locals. 111668.—Binge all kinds and sizes at T. Flebober'e, MONEY to loan on farm security. Apply et THS, Poer. PLYMOUTH ooakerele, -thorn' bred, for Dale. W. H. MoO tecnceg. Howls & Oa, have received anew stook of yarns. Call and see them, WAuran.—Dried apples,' 80. ; turkeys, undrawn, 90. Cash for butter and raw fare, G. E. SINo, Wingham. BRaeeELn Fatly WORns•—Saw gumming a specialty, Satisfaction gaarenledd: F. ADAMS, Mill street, Fong WeNTEn.—A, Coueley le desirous of porphasing a large quantity of any kind of fare. Highest oa-b price paid. T. 8rn100ann has every heavy and most beautiful stook of watches at prices that all may have one for Xmas. We are sole agents for the Denber Hampton watch. Sew Fituto —The undersigned is pre. pared to attend to all caw filing in a workmanlike manner, after long exper• lance. Satisfaction guaranteed. HOOD WILLIAtre, Livery Barn, .Brueaels. T, FLntdaea'e watahee will astonish you at the prioe he sella them, ' Ladies', gents' gold and gold filled watches, in ail geodes, very cheap. All the different kinds of movements. T. MoGnzeoa has a large quantity of e- t Dawe for a la roe ca le and ea le class o ready for work. Timber onttere should see them for they are feet and easy out. tern. Yours for saws, T. McGregor, Brussels Saw and Tool '0q„ Brueeele,. Ontario. Tbe Cornwall Manufacturing Company have decided to close their woollen milia. An inmate of the Hones of Industry at Athena, Ont„ named Tryon, wandered' away end wae,frozen to death. Major Merritt, of Toronto, ham accept- ed the appointment of Second in nam• mend of the new South African contin- gent. MELSON.-In Brantford, on Oot. Oth, to Mr. and Mrs. E.` W. Meleon, former- ly of Brussels, a eon, ST0lse,-In Grey, on Deo. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Stein, a sou. stxuna- BowtrpN.—In Morrie, on Deo. 8, Jno. Bowman, aged 84 years, 8 months and 25 days, MDR V" SeE1M7-,a 35.CCA,12=331'2973 Fall Wheat 70 73 Burley .,,... ......, 48 50 Peas 70 75 Oats 40 43 Butter, tube and rolls .. 15 18 Eggs por dozen 14 15 Flour per -cwt. 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per b,00g) 2 00 3 45 Apples (per bbl.) Sheep ,skine,eaok ..,, 25 25 Lamb skins each..:, 25 ' '30 Salt per bbl., retail,,1 00 '70 Ray per ton 6 00 . 7 00 Hides trirnmed ... 6 6i. Hides rough,.. 5 5 Hoge, Live 6 00 6 00 Wool 13 - 18 FemAX, Deo. 18TH —Farm, farm Stook, implements, &o. Lot 17, Con. 9, Grey, Sale, unreeerved, at 1 o'clock, Russell Porterfield, Prop, ; P.13. $dolt, Ano. FRIDAY, EEO. BOTH,—Farm Stook, im- plements, iia„ at lot 17, non. 8, Grey. Bale, unreeerved at >, o'olook. JOB, Quer. ria, Prop.; b', S. Scott, Ano.. Dior iamr's Diphtheria and, Croup Reny x To time woe have need the above vpluable remedy we are pleased to say we nava now got a supply of it, and to then with whet° Ile, Yalu - able qualities are nob known we. can highly recommend 10 for the dieeages mentioned, SCa., , per Bottle ,-�T- than 2 weeks new till Xnaae. Not men time lo put ail your buying. Th10 week finds tie again alt ready for the rush. We have often enum erated the many linea we oarry for the Xmas Beene but this year We would like to have you come lit and cep for yourself. It will repay you tie we oortainly bpve never, had a finer or more , varied line of geode than we are ehowing title yew. We Want You to Seo them Fox's Drug Store. ti LAMBS FOB BALE. — ONE Bhearling and nine Raul Leicester Lambsfor pale. Spino eligible for registra- tion. D. 911LNE, Ethel, ONE GENT A WORD' COLUMN. pAPER RANGING,. D.000R- L 013380 and Hence Painting done in Workmanlike manner and on short notice, Have had throe years' 3xporienee in city work. Terme reasorabie. Give me a call. 2e - W. T.. JOHNSTON, Walton. Cantu fence poste for sale. Apply at THE P08T Publishing House. GENeftw servant wanted. Apply to 01108. - W. 88..8IN OLAiit, Brussels. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN U't.00D HOUSE AND LOT ON Tprnberry street, Brussels, for Bale at a bargain. Apply to THOS,BALLANTYNE, Brueeele, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in Brussels. Eli iblyattuated, no of land, stable, well, cellar and other .con- veniences. Per pries and terms apply to 88088 DABI0, Oraubrook P. 0„ or TED Poet Publishing House, Brussels, 10.1f Hard Wood for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale n quantity. of eithercordwood or stove wood. ;Will de- liver it to parties in town. Por further par- tioulare as to prioe, &e apply to 7, !n. STtiETTON, Queen's Rotel, Brussels, Teacher Wanted. Teacher wanted for 8. 8, N'e. 0, Grey, Duties to oommenoo at the first of the year, State salary and referenoea. AppIl- ealtenn wilt he received by the anderaign• ed up to P000muer 36th, 0OBT. PIRIE, 21.2 - Trowbridge P, 0. COMPORTABLE, WELL ligghted and convenient rooms to tet in the Loki:, block over G. A, Doadmuaa and 101ra- Rogers' stores, Apply to F, $, 800TT, $15.01) to $18.00 a Week salary for an intelligent man orwoman In oath 'town. Permanent position, 30 cents per hour, for spare time. Manufacturer, Iiox 78, Philadelphia. 10 Timber Land for Sale. Por sale the South Half of Lot 20, Con. 7, in the Township: of Morrie, or the timber will be sold without the land. Will a1Oe Dell the South Bali of Lot CMG, Morrie, all cleared, Por further pparticulars apply to 10.4 JAMES 'MUM, Peloralne, Man. PROPERTY FOR SALE IN Bnuesnte.-The upderetgned offers for sale Lots 78 and 74, Ann street, and Lott 75 and 70, on Mary street, in the village of Brussels, oontaining one aore, very deetrob. lylooated, On the promisee le a house, stableand well. Will bo sold at a bargain, Por further particulars as to prtoe and terms apply to JOHN. 1004)01010, 14-tf . - Brneeelo. r alto 40o. STRICTLY ONE PRICE ALWAYS THE LOWEST, HOLIDAY For Everybody PRESENTS More and more every season people are searching out the useful for Holiday Gifts. A. Dry Goods Stock is pre-eminently a stock of useful articles and one like this is full to overflowingm with lines that make useful and appropriate gifts for the Greatest of all Holiday Seasons. What can be better to give, than something that will be of some practical nee to the recipient. Our stock to -day embraces hundreds of such lines and the searcher of the practical and useful as well as the beautiful will find themselves well repaid by a visit here. We are ready for Holiday Business norw. Prudent shoppers will make their selections now while stocks are at their best and Before the rush that invariably. comes with Christmas Week. Many people prefer to make up their own Holiday Gifts. Those who do will find a aplendid assort- ment of popular materials, such lines as Executor's Sate _0E— REAL ESTATE lln the Town of 1111toltell, County of Perth, and in the ToWneldLi of OrCy, County of /Huron. The Executors of the estate of the late Thomas Matheson, Neg., in order to wind 119 the estate, will offer tor sale by Public Auc- tion at the ROYAL Bo'PEL, amalgELL, on FRIDAY. BEC. 271h. 1901, at 2 -o'clock p. m„ the following real estate : Town Property—Block 1—Tho Royal Hotel, Mitchell: 8 -story white Wok, including store, oaoas, lodge room and frame stable. About 00 toot frontage on Main street opens• tte market. B1001, 2—Part of Town Lot No, 50,1n tbe Town of Mitohetl; bovine a front- age of about 83 feet on Quobee street,. Block 1—Sole 1, 3 and 8, in D1lyott'e eurvey of Park Lot 80, containing 8.5 of an oath, - Peri Property --An In the Township of Grey, Huron, Block 1—Lot 23, Con, 10, 100 aoreei three frame 'houses, etabla, large sawmill building, a wells, about 30 wee oloared.Block 2—Dot 22, Con. 17, 100 three of timber lana, Bloolr 8-00128; 0on.17, 106 acres of blither land, Block 4 -Lot 24, Con.17, 100 aeras of Bother land. Block 5— Lot 25, Ocn. 17. 100 cores el limbar laud. 13 look 0 -Lot 28, 0011.17, 150 Mares of timber land, partly burnt over. Wools 7—Lot 23, Can.18, 04 acres tlmhar land, . Block 8—Lot 24, con. 18, 04 acres thither land. All the above lands are well Butted for Settlement allrecently drained, together with other l lands and are situated about 10 miles Prem Brnoseleand about 8miloa from Mon1IOO, TOMB of Sale --10 par tient. of Purohaoe money en clay of. sale ; balance in OD days in oast, Or a eitidamente eau be Malta ler 'a portion of the purchase mousy to romale on mon8llFoofaaA- teaeinay bhdroma,fMT a- lums, Executor ei the Estate,. or D. A. DUNBA1i, Barrister, Mitchell. JAttnt Ton5E0, Auotloneor. Mitchell, Deo,0th, 1'001, Ribbons, Fancy Sateens, Roman Satins, Fancy ''ork.Linen Plain Satins Plain Colored Silks, RIBBONS This store is noted for the excellence of its Ribbon Stook. There's no such aaeortment of Ribbons hereabouts as you, will andin our Ribbon Case. Velma •too are better by far then you get in most places. A' big ehipmeot of new gimlets, partioa'aitly suitable for Ferny Work, just paeeed into stook this week. All e'lk and doable fined Satin Ribbons in Rose Pink, Covell Pink, Buttercup, Cream, Nilo Green, Pale Blue, Bright Cardinal. • LINENS We have one special line in Linen for Fancy Work that is a great seller, 45 inch extra Bile end even thread, all pure linen at 60e. SATEEN S We carry the best assortment of Plain and Fanny Sateen's in town. Our range of Fanny Patterns, Imitable for. cushions, oto., ie'very Targe, and we'show every wanted shade in plain colors. Our plain Sidearm are imported, the cloth is firm and the bright finish lasting, all ,the shades in stook, Cream, Buttercup, Pale Blue, Pink Oereise, Mauve, Nile Green, Cardinel, Garnet. JAPAN SILKS One great line of Colored Japan Silk is without on equal lot value in the trade. All pure Silk, 20 inohee wide, all the fancy ehadee,25a per yard. - ROMAN SATINS A new material, better by far then Sateene,.ell the appearance of Satin at one.half or one third ofrbhe oast., Never loses its rich, glossy look, ail fanoy ebades, 30 inches wide, at 200 and 250 per yd. THINGS READY TO GIVE� Those who have not time to make up Christmas Presents will find here a great collection of useful articles that are most appropriate for Holiday Gifts such as— —RAND73EROHIEF,B, —TABLE CLOTHS, -CHENILLE COVERS, —GENTS' NECKWEAR, —GLOVES,. NAPKINS, TAPESTRY. COVERS, —GENTS' GLOVES, ` -FA808 LINENS, :--CHENILLE CURTAINS, --RUGS. —GENTBt SU.SPENISERS. ETI0RY Season eeems to see them grow daintiek and prettier in dei[ a. �. ' iThis Beacon a clock exoele au. we have ever ahown both for do n rIANDIJRCIIEI S • w right good valve in Plain Goode and for neataeeo and beauty of , pattern In Fanny Lines. No person ever hes too many of. them and being easily sent by mail tbey make an ideal gift for absent i you are fond or the delicate and dainty in Handlterobiefe you'll enjoy lookingover our Handkerchief stook, Out of •frteude, IfY y ] Y our dozens of diifereht linen we draw particular attention to the following Ladies' -Farley Embroidered Haodketebiefs, neat patterns, epaoird value at 5o mid 100. Dozene of dainty`deeigno in Fancy Embroidered and Lace Edge, by for the beet thine we've yetahown et 1211',. Very fine Linen and Lawn, lace edge, at 1500.8o, 20e, 280, 95o and 500. ALWAYS neefal, always ao0e table, there ate few articles more euibable for Xmas` Giftg to a lady �• '. y p y G 1 10 -VES S than a parr of fine Kid Gloves. We have a partiaularly good stook of rano Gloves in itret.olaee qualities suitable fir the Holiday Beason. " 'Guaranteed Kid Gloves with two and three Donn h'aet:eers at $1 00 and 31.25, J. FERGUSON & Co. Dry Goods and Groceries. BRUSSELS.. t',.