HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-12-12, Page 5DEO, 12, 1901., ,K P 10$c Pat T HON, O. W. IDS$ Ar WJN9t41Ah, The L horeIs a West Heron" on Mom aay night of We week heard u epeeoh by Hon, George W, Rae that roeued theM1. to enthueittam and sent themforth more than ever determined to retain Hop, G. i W,Roav government. The Premier, although he had travelled since early morning, wee in splendid form, witty, logioat and eloquent. T'be their was templed by James A, Cline, whq MitOtlnovd Dr, Mnodoneld, deputy a 7 aka of the u ns a Ao se of G rot who i h ons , b m [de a brief apeeen and was followed by A I'iislo P P e Huron, p, M, „ faEast t Ila p, ONTAIttQ'6 1,11E0I1I1%. • Bon., George W. Rosa was accorded 8 very w rm weltometanti o p ene d hie address in a aotnevhaoorltt vela ak. ing hie hearers to believe ootbiug that any speaker said upleee the proote bore it out, The oppoaitiou leaders complain that the government had been in power for loug t'me, but the Quean had reign- ed le tong time without oomplaint being tnade. The longer she reigned the better she was liked. He Hoped the longer the government remained in power the more popular it would be. He told the etery of the pink Highlander whom the hospital nutboritiee hoped to cure by bagpipe meeie, The Highlander got well, bat everyotherpairat in the hospital died. So if they adopted a similar Sootoh remedy by °looting Mr. Whitney for tbe take of change, probably Mr, Whitney would feel better, but the great industries of the country would ,pine and deoay, He briefly reviewed the .financial history of the coentry ander Liberal government, warranting its flonriehing position from aflnauoiel standpoint with the heavy. indebtedoese of the Birder provinces, the great oily of Toronto, uud even the great Dominion itself, and outlined tbefindinge of the financial commission. Tbe oppo aitiou tpeekere Beek to dieored it`tlte sem mission ; they would say that Mr, Waik. er wee a Liberal rind that Mr. Eakin held a certain position under thegovern mane, but if there was anything wrong with the finances of wingham, or of any largo financial oprporatiou, and these gentlemen made a r, port on it, there was not a matin the riding who would oast a doubt on their report. These' men were too large to risk their tinanoial reputation to ower anytbieg wrong with the linemen of any province or.f the whole Dominion. WORE OA' TIM ADMINISTRATI•N, ' Mr. Ross also pointed to the adminie• trution, economical and ttiioieut, of lbe. great public institutions for the care of the uofortanate in the province. They should not be parried away by avoiding and noise; they ehoold come down' to what they wanted him to do as premier. These, to him, appeared to be essentially things for a government to do, and homes were brighter and hearts were gladder beoanee the government of Ontario dis. tribated charity on 00 munificent and generous a sale, Even if the work was doge quietly. To reminded the farmers of the work the government had done h regard to the encouragement of agricul- ture. The eetahfielrment of the Agrioui- teral Oollege at Guelph, the inauguration of farmere' institOtee, the travelling dairy, dairy eohoole,.eta., and there things grew oat of the careful study and thoughtful. nese of tbe agricultural department, and he asked who in the, farming industry in 7902. L/STOWEL to 'nerving forward. Winter term begins Jan. 6, MM. Our rates aro l reasonable -our Courses o2 Study thorough and practical. Send for. our Journal to leo what weteaeb, Students may enter' at any time: Two 0ourees of Study-Oommorctal uud Short- hand. 0, A. ELED,fING, A. L. OfoINTY1RE, Presiden8t Seoretary, Oweu Sound. - fLietowel. Xmas Season Again we fled ourselves face to fate with the Christmas Beaton and everybody is after the nicest gifts for their friends. Now you can get one dozen 13hotoe. for 75o. and up. We have a nice assortment of Photo. Mounts and in Photo• graphing we pride ourselves in being eeoond to none.,. The Jaye are short eo oome in the fore part of the tiny. The advantage in getting Photos. taken now is that we cub have them ready before the Xmas rush Wishing you one Rod all the compliments of the Beason, BREWER Brussels Cordwood Wanted. The Undersigned are prepar. ecl to pay cash for all kinds of Cordwood; both dry and green, delivered at the Salt Works. Apply to GORDON MOONEY, Foreman Brussels' Salt Works. B. & J. Bamford. OLIWBO4 t7 r, 0, i'ROP111I0TOitS, 17 flaron had Ought Mt temp'ele of against thegevernment He °eked-11.Mr. Whitney 1100 prepneed en lhing totbem as farmers to improve on what the Liberal gevere. Ment bud done, Ile quaked trete the journals of the house Sig Oliver Mowat'o V0001191011 favoring the eetubliehmeut et a separate ministry of agrioulbnre, and the eonmants of Sir Williem Meredith, Mr. Whitney, and other Coneervativpa, to the etfeot theft the deparlmeet of egti oultero should be attached to one of the" exieting depertmeute, n!n• W1I1TNEY'S oorO0J000e. When Mr, Whitney denied that be bad. opposed t ea creation, r he o t tot a e rn a and a a t diinct ministry of aerioultutre he war ;limplyiota e mistake!!! t,, anduntil he repented end realized the importance of this in. dnatry in Canada they moOt keep him in the cold sundae of opposition. Mr. Rase Wee pointed to Mr. Whitney's a t d , W4 l e u oetti n p o Y. PP to the Western 'hairy School to the appointment of agood roads commtealoner the establishment of epraying inetrpotion, a grant to tbe poultry aseoolation, and other-matte10 of iptereet to the farmer. lie abed Mr. bi t e toexplain ni there things thenexnight. Healso pointrd to the .marvellous aao08ae of Ontario exhibitore in the agricultural" elate at the PairAmeriaan Exhibition, To achieve these rotate somebody must have done good work. The farmers must have done good work themeelveo ; per. haps 90 per tent. of it was doe to them, butbe asked Cham togive the government credit for the little 10 per Dent; TII$ eOnO¢L BOOK goosTloN• He dealt in some detail with therohoo' book que,"tioo, showing .the absurdity of the obarge that there ie a eobool book oombine, nod- in answer to the obarge that the prices of school hooka are ex 0086180, quoted the experience of the Toronto school board, that the cost of booksper pupil Is 7,a a year. The total coat of a set of books wee $6. Oa these a pupil would go through his entire school worse,aooupying about ten years; so that the very outeide Coat for a pupil would be 60a s year. Ae a teat of the workingof the eaUool system, he asked them tlook at the works read in the publio libraries of the Province, the achievements at our workehope, the im proved comforts of our homes, the aohieve• merle of Canadians in American ani. vereitiee, end the prizes taken by our system in competition with the world. But Mr. Whitney said that because the government bad been in power so Tong the whole country was, ae Mr. Mantellinf would say, "going to the demnition bow• wows." Pat Mr, Whitney in and you will undo the work of 80 years. In. oidentally Mr. Rose quoted Sydney Smith's remark when he heard that Na; p,keon and Wellington were encamped opposite cue another; "Napoleon will have to get out of there, beoauee I know Wellington will not," Mr. 'Whitney would have to move out, for the govern. meat would not. 011118I0'8 DEVELOPMENT. Mr. Rosa' described with great lire and elcgnence the policy of his government for the development of New and 0 d On tario, giving an inepirieg amount of the (Bargee induetries, the settlement of New Ottnrio, the oare of the timber re sources and the revenue to be derived from turns. He also discussed good roads, beet root sugar, cold storage, and remounts for the British army. Mr. Whitney's polioy wee to paralyze railwey enterprise, to paralyze agricultural effort, to prevent the development of this 00881• try. A tree wee known by ibe fruits, and the fruit was oribioiem and- opposition where it should be boneet and faithful rapport, He reminded the audience of the Conservative record in regard to eleo. tore! oorruptioo, and while deploring the foot that some Liberals had been guilty of improper practices, and admitting the weakness of the tognoque argument, be read the notorioaa otrauler of directions to Ooneervative workers and commented on the ease of William Smith, who, after confessing: in the box that be bad. spent $1,200 for purposes] of corruption to South Ontario, and being told by the judges that he was the most brazen wit nese they bad ever heard, was given a uomivation by the Conservative party. He appealed to them not to permit the attention to be diverted from the great principles of government by petty and carpingoriticianl6 and abuse. REPERENOE TO. PEOEIBITI00.. In oonolnsion, Mr. Rose made the fol- lowing reference to prohibition : "Some gentleman has asked me a question about prohibition. This tan be very easily answered at this stage. You know that the at of the Manitoba Legislature went. before the judicial committee of the Privy Coueoit, and we had a telegraphia mreeage that the at was maintained. The decision of the .Privy Council has ben gabled for, and when we Bee the fall purport of that deoision thegovernment will decide what wane to take, We tun. pot go upon a telegraphic report, wbiob 1 suppose le probably oorreot in the main, but there are hints, I see in the papers, that that report does not indicate the tree faote. So it ke too early -1 speak per. eonally, in the most interested sense --for um to announce just what we are going to do, at all events until we have bad the full text of the deoieion. ,Had I the text' of the decision I would be able, perhaps, to state what we would do. You may rest assured of tbie, that the Government of Ontario will, in all its legislation, bear is mind the interests of the whole people of thin proviooe, no matter what iutereat is affected, no matter what moral prin- ciple is involved, no matter bow that in- terest may be beet Bayed." After pluming a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. BOSS, the meeting adjourned with tremendous oheere for the King, the seamier, end Hon, J. T. Garrow, the Lib- etal candidate. G -orris. W. D. William anti Harry Toting left for New Orleans where, they intend to spend the Winter. Mies Emma Oareoh, who is visiting her uncle, Jae. Cason, 0lnoinnati, 0., sent word home that she oobld not re. torn owing tothe very 801100e illness of her uncle. The Ieotem given in the Town Han here by A.. W, Campbell, Oem. of Bleb., wage, was fairly well attended. Those who were present speak highly of the speaker and his good advice in regard to the improvement of our rade. At the regular violably meeting of L. 0. L, No, 767 held in their hall on Mon. day evening of laet week the following officers were eleoted toe the enening term :-W. 1f., J. A. Strong ; D. 111„ J, J. Elliott ; Cbaplale, ., It, lraraoy ; R.13.; YOU' AN., ALWA Y t�, 'PEND Upon getting the 'best goods in the market at Reasenable Prices, at the Old Reliable` QROCERY AND BAKERY A full Assortment of the Choicest NEW SEASON'S FRUITS. Special Values in - Plain and Fancy China & Glassware. Also a Full Line of - General Groceries.��ev+►- GEO. THOMSON. ,�y,,�g�} gam- g��y�•�p. ,�•� per• �.,.+":L.ilt'bl zil 1e"' •t�F'C.J"C✓'�'t::J'S✓'e/su etnl zi E. L. Morten ; Ie. S G. E. Walker ; Trees , R Ross D. of 0., John Ardell Leot,, Henry Harding.; Com„ W. Evans, Thos. Nash, W. H. Gregg, Jas. Wray, R. 1Vletch. ' Division Court was beld here o8 Toes day of last week. Two or three oases of minor importenoe 000upied moat of the aftern ion. The n torioue ease of Match a b o ve. Jaekeen, over a pig was tried and judgment reserved, A drainoese, Bharp. in vs. Taylor broa hti out a point worthy of note. Mr. Bharpin dug a piece of ditch for S Taylor, which was not ao• oordiog to plane and epeoifioetions. He claimed that he dug it as Taylor told him, bat the Judge held that where a written oontraot existed that over -ruled all verbal arrangements and decided in favor of Taylor, allowing him to retain come $9 from oontraot prioe. 990II003 REPORT. -The following 10 the about report for the Senior department of S. 6. No. 11, Grey, for the month of November ;-6th alaee.-F+xamined in Arith., Comp. and'Enolid-Total 400.- D. Clavier, 309 ; G. Imlay, 242 ; G. Eck. mier, 203. 4th olass.-Examined in Arith., comp., Spell. end Writing -Total 400,-E. Hanenid, 302 ; M. MoAllister, 240 ; E. Kerr, 280 ;' M. Osborne, 207 ; L. Simpson, 184; E. Mason, 172; O.Ray- nard, 167 ; B- McAllister, 184 ; D' . Oober, 162 ; L. Fogal, 183 ; G. Gill, 132 ; S. Dunbar,32. SrBrd.-Examined in Aritb., Oomp., Spell, and Writ -Total 300.-L,. Badgley, 168 ; G. Wanner, 141 ; B. Davidson, 184 ; G. Dunbar, 103 ; A. Mo. Donald, 99 ; 0. Lindsey, 63 ; R, Dil. worth, 40 ; M. Pearson, 88. Jr. 8rd.- Examined in Arilb., Comp., Spell. and writ. Total 800.-L. Chambers, 269'; *N. Simpson, 198 ; B. Bokmier, 192 ; M. Imlay, 181 ; E Freemeo,173 ; H. Wilbee 160 ; W. Brows,, 156 ; L. Balmier, 147 t I. Hogarth, 129; 1t1. Moallum, 122 ; T. MoAliiater, 120 ; ECotoe, 108. Geo. Dessau, Teacher. Junior department.- Jr. a artm nt.-Jr. I. -A. McAllister, W. Balmier, E. Thompson, R. Gill, E. Gardener, R. Thompson. Sr. -A, Fletober, R. Wil. bee, J. Cooper, J. Heath. Part IL -R. Eokmier, J. Pearson, G. Badgley, C. Davidson, R. Love. Jr. IL -F. Imlay, N. McAllister, A. Cooper, L. Cooper, G. McAllister, J. McCallum, V. McLeod, W. Barr, E. Dunbar, P. BremnerE. ()ober, B. Bateman, Sr. TL -M. Siem. mon, D. Wanner, J. Sharpe, W. Pearson. E. Bokmier, T. Cober, Dd. Cameron, Chas. Cameron, X. McLeod. - Mies M. 0. °ALEER, Teeoher. CI rant) ro011:. 80E100f, REPORT. -Following is the report of the Junior Department of Oranbrook eobool for the month of November :- Sr. II -H. McDonald, M. McDonald, E. Hunter, T. Smalldon. Jr. II -R. Alder- son, E. Love, G. Baker, V. Sperling, M. MoNiobol, S. Alderson, E. McDonald, J. Fisoher, M. Fox. Sr. Pt. II -0. Sohnook, A. Dark, D. Paris, L. Lamont,' ... Fax, 0. Fischer. Jr. Pt. II -M. Love, J. Sox and Rubbers. ••• No matter how cold or slushy the weather is, your feet will be snug and warm in a pair of socks and rubbers. Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag - proof rubbers -that's a combination that can't be beat For out -door winter work. We have them in all styles and sizes. They are priced down to rock bottom, too. This is how we sell them ;--- Men's Sox from $0 60 to $1 00 Repairs in Boye' Sox from $6 50 Rubbers and Share Men's heavy One Buckle Rubber1 00 upwards promptly attended to, Boys' " " 90 1 50 HARNESS DEPARTMENT -Nine Single Harness, doubled and etitobed all through, only .....$ 7 50 -Solid Niokle Silver Single Harness, good artiol a 18 00 R013BS-large assortment, prices very low. BLANKETS -cheaper than ever. Also RUGS of, all kinds. TRUNKS and SATCHELS. Repairs in Harness I. C. Richards. and Collars. THE GREAT WHAT. ABOUT YOUR CASH STORE ClirisiMas Buying? Now is the Gift -giving season and here you will find 80121e of the very best values in the trade Tine .furs at Small Prises, Our ,Sable Ruffs are Beauties, Our ladies' Tailor-made Suits in Oxford Grey, at $6.50, are the greatest snap in the market, FOR FINE LINENS of every kind see our selection of Table cloths, Table Napkins, Doylies; Trey Clothe and Sideboard Bade. Also Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Pillow Shams and Drapes In acme of the prettiest and Newest Workmanship. If you want to keep your feet warm and looking vice see our display in. Fancy Slippers for Mon, Women end Ohildren. atrALL MILLINERY at sweeping reductions for the Xmas trade. ■ . CCfCH / 11, PRETORIA BLOCK ' 1 L Y T E 14,140i, 381; W, MpAllieler, 155 ; W. Bake'', G Hrnplldop, Sr, 1-Y. Tung, B. Lapront, (1, Moeller, N, Reymann; W, Maker. J ', f -.-T1, Sepalllon, S. Love, 11. Stna'idon, Mtn ColleellN, T'esehpr, I31.vt b. $20 Was graated lo tbe P811110 Library, The Wee of Blam Livingston, 84,0851' 184 to $96 90. have been remitted, Communion service wan field in St, Andrew's obproh en Sunday, On Friday afternoon at 2 *Walt 1tev, J, S, Header, eon, of Hensel!, preathed and on Sunday evening Rev,. Mr. Jerrow, el Walton, officiated, The annual enterteihment of St, And ase ohuroh Sabbath anb o I, will be held en Wednesday evening, December 18, Miee Bays, of Chicago, a talented entertainer, wilt furnish the prinolpal Part of program. ANNFAD MEETING AND Px0a0NTAyION,• The animal congregational meeting of 81. Andrew's church, Blyth, was bele in the ohuroh on the afternoon of Thanksgiving day, From 2. to 8 o'clock Rev. A. Mo. Leanndu to 00 o d a t hank=giving sprvipe, from 8 to 5 the annual baldness mooing woe held, and Irons 6 to 7 an ex0elrent supper was provided by tbe ladies of the aopgregatiou in the basement of the ohuroh, After sapper all present ad- journed to the body of the ohurob, where a very pleaaut and happy time was spent for a couple n of hours. R liar P Riohard Somers Wacv votedt h ' Wail ore to he o airw n ad f a J a e well Chosen words reviewed the history of Presbyterianism is Blytb. He told bow in the early Jaye church service was con. ducted in private dwellings and after. wards in a saw mill where the loge were brought into service as pews 804 pulpit. An iotereetieg part of the evening ser- vice was the presentation of a fur•lined overcoat to Rev. A. MoLean, the highly esteemed peeler, and a well-filled purse to Mrs. MoLean, both presentations being accompanied by beuntifally worded ad dreeees whish were read by Alexa Elder. Ea h Mc uarrla Mr scented the coat to Mr. MoLean and re. J. M. Hamilton the pnese to hire. MaLs an. Addlesaee were ss follows To REV. A. MOLEAN, PASTOR OF ST. ANDREW'S Cndaon, BLSTII : b DEAR PABTOE,-We ave met here this afternoon to offer special thanksgiving to God for His manifold blessings bestowed upon us during the past year. We have. enjoyed nob only bhe necessities of life, but very many of ire luxuries ; end if cath have been our temporal blessings,. math greater have been oar epiritnal. Tbe unseen Presence bas indeed been In our midst, and His power telt, and differ!. ed throughout the whole congregation. One of our greatest reasons for thankful. age is that the Master has permitted you, the shepherd, for so many years to watch over Hie Hook here. For over 85 years tbe Hook tae been watched and tared for by you. To nearly all present here to•dayyou have been our only pastor in Blyth, sharing with as oar joy(' and sorrows, our hopes and fears, working zealonely and faithfully for the spiritual upbraiding of this congregation. Ia the pulpit, Sabbath school, Bible class and young people's meetings, your faithful admonition and wise oouueets have borne meth trait for the Master, Bat perhaps no other phase of your character has more endeared you to your people than your ready aympetby. Iuto our homes of siokuess and death you have entered, giving atriug words of hope and oomfort. Bah consolations are not easily forgotten and snob kindnesses are not easily effac- ed from our memories. Has all this labor been without reunite ? We em- phetioellyoay no. Both in numbers and in Christian grates we claim a ebare of advancement, and although at times we do not all Bee eye to eye, yet if we have the right spirit these little differenoee are soon forgiven and forgotten. As a eon- aregation we have tease for great theuk- ftlnese that you have been planed over us in spiritual matters. We now ask yon to accept this far -lined overcoat as a alight expreosioa of the appreoiatiou of your people. This token of good -will to yourself, and also cue to Mee. MoLean, the presentation of which will immediate- ly follow, bas tome freely from our con- gregation and is thoroughly represents, rive. May God grant that yon may be long spared to go in and out among as. Signed on behalf of the congregation, A. Elder, A, McNally, D. B. McKinnon, J. Brigham, Hugh MoQtarrie, R. Somers, R. B. McGowan, J. A, Anderson, J. M. Smith. Mee. McLean reoeived the fol• lowing addreee : DeAR Mag. MOLEAN,- The congregation of St.Acdrew'sthurab, Blyth, take this opportunity of expres.- ing to you their esteem in a tangible manner. We wish to convey to yo0 oar high estimation of the numerous services rendered to tut in the many pears we have been oo•workeretogether. In every good work you have been willing to assist by your ready tact and clear judgment. We therefore beg of you to accept tbie purse of money as a alight expression of our appreciation of your labors of love we have endeavored eo feebly to express. And may the God of all ooneolation and comfort sustain you and your family, and give you an abundant entrance into the heavenly maneiooe above. Signed on behalf of the congregation, Mrs. J. B. Taylor, Mrs. G. MoGowan, Mrs. R, Laid. law, Mrs. Buie, Mrs, Somers, Mrs, Dodds. Mr. MoLean replied to the addreeeee, and on behalf of himself and Mrs. Mo• Lean expressed bis heartfelt thanks to the congregation for the prseentabioee and the kind and encouraging words eon - Mined in the addresses. Rev. Mr. Hat- tie, o1 Belgrave, who wee present, deliver. ed a short, witty and interesting epeeoh. • A Wise Man. 3.115. MoLeod, Goderioh, For five yeses I suffered with dyepepsia. Daring that time I oonealtod eeversi doe - tors and took ell kind's of dyspepsia medi- oine bat ell to no purpose. I wee always tired, restless and nervous, and all am - Wien was gone, I felt more like being in my bed than working. While on a visit to Goderiah last Summer I heard so much aboub your remedies that I oalled and porohosed one bottle of your System Renovator Improved, and before I had Won half of it I was a great deal better, I have now taken nearly three.battlee and I feel ten years younger and es eating and as well ae 3 ever wee in my life. Imam - mended your medioine to several dyepep. tics in our village, who have been and are taking it with the very beet results. Wiehing you muob access, - Yours truly, D. Magee. WardsVIlle, Nov. 20, 1901 Sold by James PDX, Drnggiet, Braesele, -r l *e er . ,, 1 NicRinlatort's A76.11,,E, BLrT„. ___ 8TANFIELD UNDERWEAR. 1.i�1.9WEARt Saute we iutrodueed the oelebretedStanfield IinshrinkableUnder• w.arthree years ago, the demand for these goods ie'inoreaein ver raid, lY, acrd drip year will be a repo • b g y P td ranker. The o U more vada are known g e the larger our solos, Stan$aldrs Underwear ie' made of the beet Nova Bootle, wool and pat tbroagh a patent praises which makes them uushrink• able. Wash them as you like and if they shrine fetal them back end get your money,. Beware of tmiea 'ons, noneare gsuuine exoapt branded"Stanfield: We are lootel agents for them, you cannot get them in Blyth except from tie, We also carry a huge stook other lines 9f UnderwearRt Prses like thee :- a' Men's Plain Shirks and Drawers, all aloes, 26o. Alen's Fano Striped Shirt Fancy p s and Drawers 86o, el Men's Satoh Knit Wool Shirts and Draw3ers, 600r Men's Fleeted Stine and Drawers, double breast .and batik, very special, in all alma, 700. Stanfield's Unebrinkabla Shirts and Dratvere, In flee rib, all wool,r 1 medium weight, $1. el fhtaufield's Upehrinkab,e, ribbed, heavy weight, ;all pure woolry�{�� 8hirte and Dr P It n avers; in all sires, $1,26, r i, in fine + Ityou want nt an thio 1 yfurs of should see our Ur im'e e Y n e it stook. of Caper}neB, Ruffs, Aetraohao Jaakete, Furalned gapes, . Men's Fur Coate in Racoon, Wallaby, Siberian Dog, Galloway end Cub Bear. Sa $,3c.. 9�. C* a* a.1.,- e. a „ cru _.. .. .. _>������'�e:• ,;\ Ready U� wolthop for U 6'S weather 1 - JOHN DONALDSON Is ready for Fall and Winter yy with a splendid stock of �-h tath� Robes, and Horse Blankets Which have only to be seen to be admired. Sold at very reasonable prices. Also keep in stock, Halters, Bells, Curry Combs, Brushes and all other articles in our line. Trunks, Valises and Satchels. Our Single and Double Harness are A 1 and take the Red Ticket wherever shown. ��Via?a a LINO. rDmaONAs LD�SON�. r,j `••;o+�L.oi o e-�-"'�m JJoXX.t�'neJ+�oo d�+bo�+ba a rx Vd xJ"-'mN-'�ls✓ Season. ble togs ®ei;7S� ...We nave Them... Boots & Shoes, Rubbers & Overshoes, Suits & Overcoats, LADIES' FUR JACKETS, GENTS' FUR COATS. Newest Styles in Cary� erines .C` f December Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand. All Sizes All Ages Ail Prices Everything Cheap. No Fancy Prices. VERY CHEAP. ALEX. ST:A AN. ilton & Turnbull HAVE NOW TO HAND THEIR SUPPLY OF X Cut Saws and Axes, 411 Saws Fitted up Ready for Use. Prices Right and Quality Good. CALL AND SEE ?JS BEFORE BUYING. Walton & Turnbull